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The main pathogenic properties of 73 C. diphtheriae strains (their adhesive, invasive and cytotoxic activity) were characterized in the cultures of cells HEp-2 and Vero. The quantitative determination of the toxigenicity of 381 strains in the indirect hemagglutination test was made, and the strains were distributed by the degree of their toxigenicity. The characteristics of C. diphtheriae obtained with the use of in vitro experimental models, coincided with the severity of clinical manifestations of the diphtheria in humans, which made it possible to regard the models used in this study as adequate. On the basis of the chosen criteria the characterized strains could be subdivided into highly, moderately and low virulent and the degree of their potential epidemic danger could be determined.  相似文献   

The complete genome sequence of strain NCTC 13129 C. diphtheriae were investigated in order to identify tandem repeats (VNTR). From 75 VNTR loci identified in the genome 14 were selected. Primers were designed and PCR conditions were optimized for amplification of the selected VNTR markers. Preliminary studies of usefulness of selected VNTR markers were conducted using a group of 28 C. diphtheriae strains. From 14 markers 8 were regarded as potentially useful. The diversity of individual markers ranged from 1 to 6 alleles (Simpson index from 0 to 0,746). No diversity were observed for 3 VNTR markers but it could be a results of too small group of strains analyzed in the tests. Simpson diversity index calculated for all the markers tested on 28 strains was 0,87. Results of the preliminary studies showed usefulness of MLVA for C. diphtheriae genotyping. Nevertheless, confirmation of reliability of the method should be done using a large group of strains. Moreover, the method should be compared with other genotyping methods.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium diphtheriae is a Gram-positive, non-spore forming, non-motile, pleomorphic rod belonging to the genus Corynebacterium and the actinomycete group of organisms. The organism produces a potent bacteriophage-encoded protein exotoxin, diphtheria toxin (DT), which causes the symptoms of diphtheria. This potentially fatal infectious disease is controlled in many developed countries by an effective immunisation programme. However, the disease has made a dramatic return in recent years, in particular within the Eastern European region. The largest, and still on-going, outbreak since the advent of mass immunisation started within Russia and the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union in the 1990s. We have sequenced the genome of a UK clinical isolate (biotype gravis strain NCTC13129), representative of the clone responsible for this outbreak. The genome consists of a single circular chromosome of 2 488 635 bp, with no plasmids. It provides evidence that recent acquisition of pathogenicity factors goes beyond the toxin itself, and includes iron-uptake systems, adhesins and fimbrial proteins. This is in contrast to Corynebacterium’s nearest sequenced pathogenic relative, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, where there is little evidence of recent horizontal DNA acquisition. The genome itself shows an unusually extreme large-scale compositional bias, being noticeably higher in G+C near the origin than at the terminus.  相似文献   

A DNA fragment located on the 3' side of the Coxiella burnetii htpAB operon was determined by Southern blotting to exist in approximately 19 copies in the Nine Mile I genome. The DNA sequences of this htpAB-associated repetitive element and two other independent copies were analyzed to determine the size and nature of the element. The three copies of the element were 1,450, 1,452, and 1,458 bp long, with less than 2% divergence among the three sequences. Several features characteristic of bacterial insertion sequences were discovered. These included a single significant open reading frame that would encode a 367-amino-acid polypeptide which was predicted to be highly basic, to have a DNA-binding helix-turn-helix motif, to have a leucine zipper motif, and to have homology to polypeptides found in several other bacterial insertion sequences. Identical 7-bp inverted repeats were found at the ends of all three copies of the element. However, duplications generated by many bacterial mobile elements in the recipient DNA during insertion events did not flank the inverted repeats of any of the three C. burnetii elements examined. A second pair of inverted repeats that flanked the open reading frame was also found in all three copies of the element. Most of the divergence among the three copies of the element occurred in the region between the two inverted repeat sequences in the 3' end of the element. Despite the sequence changes, all three copies of the element have retained significant dyad symmetry in this region.  相似文献   

A repeating element of DNA has been isolated and sequenced from the genome of Bordetella pertussis. Restriction map analysis of this element shows single internal ClaI, SphI, BstEII and SalI sites. Over 40 DNA fragments are seen in ClaI digests of B. pertussis genomic DNA to which the repetitive DNA sequence hybridizes. Sequence analysis of the repeat reveals that it has properties consistent with bacterial insertion sequence (IS) elements. These properties include its length of 1053 bp, multiple copy number and presence of 28 bp of near-perfect inverted repeats at its termini. Unlike most IS elements, the presence of this element in the B. pertussis genome is not associated with a short duplication in the target DNA sequence. This repeating element is not found in the genomes of B. parapertussis or B. bronchiseptica. Analysis of a DNA fragment adjacent to one copy of the repetitive DNA sequence has identified a different repeating element which is found in nine copies in B. parapertussis and four copies in B. pertussis, suggesting that there may be other repeating DNA elements in the different Bordetella species. Computer analysis of the B. pertussis repetitive DNA element has revealed no significant nucleotide homology between it and any other bacterial transposable elements, suggesting that this repetitive sequence is specific for B. pertussis.  相似文献   

Chromosomal restriction fragments of Corynebacterium ulcerans and C. diphtheriae, containing an integration site for corynephages of the beta family, show homology on Southern blots. Homologous DNA in also found in the soil isolate C. glutamicum, although this strain is not susceptible to beta-corynephages. Three of these DNA fragments, one for each bacterial strain, and a fragment of gamma-corynephage DNA previously shown to contain the phage integration site, were cloned and sequenced. Alignment of the 3 bacterial sequences shows a very high degree of homology in a stretch of ca 120 nucleotides, whereas the rest of the sequences is generally non-homologous. Within this common bacterial portion, a segment of ca. 96 nucleotides (core sequence) is also highly homologous to the phage sequence. The first half (ca. 50 bp) of the core sequence is identical in all aligned sequences whereas the second half, which is largely occupied by a stem-and-loop structure, contains point mutations peculiar to each clone. The described sequences are likely to be involved in phage integration/excision processes.  相似文献   

DNA sequence at the integration sites of the insertion element IS1.   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
M P Calos  L Johnsrud  J H Miller 《Cell》1978,13(3):411-418
We have detected two independent occurrences of insertion mutations in the lacl gene of E. Coli, and have used small plasmids carrying the l gene to purify large amounts of DNA containing these insertions. Analyses with restriction endonucleases and DNA sequencing techniques establish that both insertions involve the previously characterized element IS1. In each case, the integration of IS1 into the l gene DNA is associated with a directly repeated sequence of 9 nucleotides appearing at each end of the insertion element. Since one of these sequences was present in the wild-type gene, the second sequence either preexisted in the IS1 before integration, or else was generated by the process of insertion itself. The 9 base repeat is different in both cases. We discuss the relevance of these findings to the mechanism of integration of transposable elements.  相似文献   

By analysis of repetitive DNA in Bordetella parapertussis, an insertion sequence element, designated IS1001, was identified. Sequence analysis revealed that IS1001 comprised 1,306 bp and contained inverted repeats at its termini. Furthermore, several open reading frames that may code for transposition functions were identified. The largest open reading frame coded for a protein comprising 406 amino acid residues and showed homology to TnpA, which is encoded by an insertion sequence element (IS1096) found in Mycobacterium smegmatis. Examination of flanking sequences revealed that insertion of IS1001 occurs preferentially in stretches of T's or A's and results in a duplication of target sequences of 6 to 8 bases. IS1001 was found in about 20 copies in 10 B. parapertussis strains analyzed. No restriction fragment length polymorphism was observed in B. parapertussis when IS1001 was used as a probe. An insertion sequence element similar or identical to IS1001 was found in B. bronchiseptica strains isolated from pigs and a rabbit. In these strains, about five copies of the IS1001-like element were present at different positions in the bacterial chromosome. Neither B. pertussis nor B. bronchiseptica strains isolated from humans and dogs contained an IS1001-like element. Therefore, IS1001 may be used as a specific probe for the detection of B. parapertussis in human clinical samples.  相似文献   

The isolation of a 'palmitone lipid' from Corynebacterium diphtheriae is described. The use of a temporary hydrophobic protecting group allows the obtaining of the lipid in free and pure form. Structural studies by chemical degradation and mass spectrometry allow one to propose structure Ic for this compound, namely 6-(2-tetradecyl 3-keto octadecanoyl)-alpha-D-trehalose. This structure was confirmed by chemical synthesis.  相似文献   

The homology of genomes within Krylova 's groups I, II and III of C. diphtheriae, including toxigenic C. diphtheriae and their nontoxigenic precursors within the same group, was confirmed by the method of DNA/DNA molecular hybridization; the homology of DNA within the groups was 89-103%, the thermostability of heteroduplexes being high (on the level of homoduplexes ). The heterogeneity of genomes within these 3 groups of cultivar gravis was confirmed, which made it possible to consider C. diphtheriae, groups I, II and III, to belong to different, though closely related species; in intergroup hybridization the homology of DNA varied, as a rule, between 66% and 73%, while the thermostability of heteroduplexes was low: delta T50 was -3 degrees C to -6 degrees C. The differences in genomes (on the level of different species) between 3 groups of C. diptheriae v. gravis on one hand and C. diphtheriae v. mitis C7 (-) tox- and its convertant C7 (beta) tox+ of phage tox+ on the other hand (DNA homology being 56-62%), as well as between C. diphtheriae v. intermedius No. 328 tox+ on one hand and the representatives of 3 groups of C. diphtheriae v. gravis and C. diphtheriae v. mitis, strain C7 (beta) tox+, on the other hand (DNA homology being 42-43%) were revealed. The heterogeneity of genomes (on the level of different genera) was revealed between C. diphtheriae strains, cultivars gravis (groups I, II and III), mitis (C7(-) tox- and C7 (beta) tox+) and intermedius (No. 328 tox+) on one hand and C. ulcerans and C. pseudotuberculosis (ovis) strains on the other hand; DNA homology was 11-17% for C. ulcerans and 22-26% for C. pseudotuberculosis (ovis), the thermostability of heteroduplexes being at the lowest level (delta T50 was -11 degrees C to -13 degrees C). As a result, C. diphtheriae, classified by Bergey as a single species, was found to comprise 5 species detected by means of marking in accordance with their phenotypical features and genome structure, carried out by the method of DNA/DNA molecular hybridization; among these species were group I, II and III strains of cultivar gravis, strain C7 of cultivar mitis and strain No. 328 of cultivar intermedius. C. ulcerans and C. pseudotuberculosis (ovis) strains investigated in this study can possibly be placed outside the genus including 5 C. diphtheriae species.  相似文献   

PCR standardization was performed in order to detect a fragment and a whole tox gene which is presented in all toxigenic strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. PCR is one of the least time-consuming methods for detection toxigenicity of C. diphtheriae strains near EIA (enzyme immunoassay) and ICS (immunochromatographic strip) tests.  相似文献   

The work deals with the optimization of the cultivation of C. diphtheriae with a view to obtaining diphtheria toxin--toxoid on the basis of the study of the kinetics of microbial growth and toxin formation. The combined cultivation process consisting of 3 cycles has been experimentally developed and realized under industrial conditions. The use of this cultivation method has made it possible to obtain more balanced cultures and to standardize the biological properties of the biomass and toxin thus obtained. The characteristic features of the toxoid preparations obtained on the basis of this method are a high degree of purification, good immunogenic properties and constant fractional composition; their degree of homogeneity approximates the molecular homogeneous state.  相似文献   

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