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On the way from the roots to the seeds during reproductive developmentin soybean (Glycine max), a large proportion of the mineralspass through the leaves rather than travelling directly viathe xylem. This direct and indirect movement of mineral nutrientshas important implications for mineral redistribution, seeddevelopment and leaf senescence. Therefore, we have studiedthe role of cytokinin and mineral flux from the roots in regulatingmineral redistribution from the leaves to the seeds using explants,i.e. a leaf, a pod and a subtending stem segment, with theirbases immersed in treatment solutions. Thus, defined solutionscontaining cytokinin and/or minerals can be substituted forthe roots. When explants (excised at early-mid podfill) aresupplied H2O only, leaf N, P, K, Mo, Mg, Zn, Fe, B, Cu, Ca,and Mn decline, ranging from 93% for Mo to 38% for Fe. In explantson H2O, N, P, K, Mo, Mg, Zn, and Fe appear to be redistributedfrom the leaves to the seeds, while the B, Cu, Ca, and Mn lostfrom the leaves do not seem to move to the seeds. Although amixture of minerals resembling xylem sap can delay net lossof these elements from the leaves, it does not prevent the decreases.The cytokinin zeatin (4.6 µM) inhibits the loss of N,IC, Mo, Mg, Zn, Fe, B, Cu, Ca, and Mn from the leaves, but notthat of P. When combined with minerals, zeatin not only preventsthe loss of the minerals from the leaves but may even greatlyincrease them with the possible exception of Zn, Fe, and Cu.Supplying the mineral nutrient mixture increases the quantitiesof N, P, K, Mg, Cu, and B in the seeds but not Zn, Fe, Mn, Ca,and Mo. For those minerals, especially N, where zeatin inhibitsefflux from the leaves, it may reduce the amounts in the seeds,but it does not change P, K, Mg, and Ca. The accumulation andredistribution patterns of the different mineral nutrients showmany dissimilarities thereby suggesting differences in the controlof their distribution. Key words: Cytokinin, mineral transport, seed development, senescence  相似文献   

We demonstrate by mathematical analysis and systematic computer simulations that redistribution can lead to sustainable growth in a society. In accordance with economic models of risky human capital, we assume that dynamics of human capital is modeled as a multiplicative stochastic process which, in the long run, leads to the destruction of individual human capital. When agents are linked by fully redistributive taxation the situation might turn to individual growth in the long run. We consider that a government collects a proportion of income and reduces it by a fraction as costs for administration (efficiency losses). The remaining public good is equally redistributed to all agents. Sustainable growth is induced by redistribution despite the losses from the random growth process and despite administrative costs. Growth results from a portfolio effect. The findings are verified for three different tax schemes: proportional tax, taking proportionally more from the rich, and proportionally more from the poor. We discuss which of these tax schemes performs better with respect to maximize growth under a fixed rate of administrative costs, and the governmental income. This leads us to general conclusions about governmental decisions, the relation to public good games with free riding, and the function of taxation in a risk-taking society.  相似文献   

目的探讨薄荷油对雄性小鼠的抗生育作用。方法将60只健康的雄性性成熟昆明小鼠随机分成3个试验组和1个对照组,各试验组小鼠灌胃0.135 g/(kg·d),0.27 g/(kg·d)和0.54 g/(kg·d)的薄荷油0.5%羧甲基纤维素钠(sodium carboxymethylcellulose,CMC)混悬液,对照组灌胃0.5%羧甲基纤维素钠溶液,灌胃1周后按雌雄比2∶1合笼,继续对雄鼠灌胃至19 d,采集雄性小鼠的血液并测定血液生化指标,剖检灌胃雌雄小鼠,统计雌性小鼠的怀孕率,测定雄性小鼠睾丸与附睾的脏器系数及附睾精子活力,并固定睾丸和附睾,研究其组织学变化。结果与对照组相比较,雄性小鼠灌胃薄荷油后,导致雌性小鼠的怀孕率降低,睾丸脏器系数和附睾精子活率极显著降低(P<0.01),精子畸形率极显著升高(P<0.01)。光学显微镜下,试验组小鼠睾丸和附睾均有一定程度的损伤,睾丸间质减少,睾丸各级生精细胞排列疏松,曲细精管内有多核巨噬细胞浸润。附睾具正常的管腔结构,但能明显观察到管腔内精子减少。结论薄荷油对雄性小鼠具有抗生育作用,且主要通过影响精子的生成及破坏生精组织而达到,具有实际应用价值,可进一步开发成环境友好型鼠类抗生育药剂。  相似文献   

为了解盐胁迫对植物的影响, 研究了根系NaCl 胁迫在温室条件下对盐生植物榄仁(Terminalia catappa)和甜土植物枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica)幼苗生长、矿质元素和灰分含量的影响。结果表明:在根系盐胁迫下, 两种植物幼苗的叶片病斑多分布于中心区, 灰分含量增加, 幼苗的Na+-Cl- 呈极显著的正相关关系, 盐胁迫对两种植物幼苗的5 种矿质元素(Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl-)含量影响不大, 但它们在植物中的分布发生了变化。可见, 盐生植物和甜土植物抗盐性的区别是量上的不同, 没有质的差别。  相似文献   

我国草地鼠害发生面积呈逐年扩增的趋势。布氏田鼠Lasiopodomys brandtii是内蒙古草原主要害鼠之一,为找到有效控制鼠类数量的方法,本文研究了薄荷油对布氏田鼠的抗生育效果。以性成熟的非越冬布氏田鼠为实验对象,将备用的雌、雄布氏田鼠按2∶1合笼,将妊娠布氏田鼠分为3个不同药物处理组和1个空白对照组,将薄荷油用0.5%羧甲基纤维素钠配置成不同浓度的溶液(750 mg·kg~(-1)、1 000 mg·kg~(-1)、1 500 mg·kg~(-1)),灌胃7 d后剖检,统计其子宫胚胎着床数,对子宫进行组织病理学分析。实验结果表明,薄荷油能有效降低布氏田鼠胚胎着床数(P0.01)。扫描电子显微镜结果表明,薄荷油使布氏田鼠子宫内膜表面容受性发生了改变;组织病理学结果表明,经薄荷油处理的布氏田鼠子宫形态发生了改变,产生病变;免疫组织化学实验结果显示,药物处理组子宫内的雌激素受体(ERα)、孕激素受体(PR)、基质金属蛋白水解酶(MMP2)及E-钙粘附蛋白(E-cadherin)等相关蛋白的表达水平都出现了异常。这些研究结果表明,薄荷油对布氏田鼠的抗生育作用主要是通过影响调节子宫内ERα、PR、MMP2及E-cadherin等相关蛋白的表达水平来影响其子宫内膜容受性及胚胎着床过程,进而导致胚胎着床失败。因此,薄荷油可作为一种潜在的植物源性不育剂应用于鼠类不育控制。  相似文献   

矿质元素对毛头鬼伞菌丝体生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李林辉 《菌物研究》2007,5(3):161-164
研究了4种矿质元素对栽培食用菌毛头鬼伞菌丝体生长的影响。4种矿质单元素添加试验结果表明,能使毛头鬼伞菌丝体旺盛生长的最佳浓度分别是CaCl20.1 mmol/L、MgSO48 mmol/L、KCl 1.22 mmol/L、NaH2PO413 mmol/L。4种元素协同作用试验结果表明,单元素浓度的最佳生长量与混合施用时的最佳生长量一致。以毛头鬼伞的主要栽培料之一的棉子壳估算,原料中的4种矿质元素浓度均偏低,必须补充矿质元素才能满足毛头鬼伞菌丝体的旺盛生长。  相似文献   

HOCKING  P. J. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(4):383-396
The distribution of dry matter and various mineral nutrientsbetween testa and embryo of seeds of Lupinus albus and L. angustifoliusis described It was found that lupin seeds at either end ofa pod contained less dry matter and minerals than seeds in themiddle of the fruit. The transport of dry matter, N, P, K, S,Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu from cotyledons of parent seedsof both species to the seedling axis was measured from germinationto the time of cotyledon death. N, P, K and S were retrievedfrom cotyledons with over 90 per cent efficiency, dry matter,Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn and with 59–90 per cent efficiency,and Ca with 26–31 per cent efficiency. There was littlechange in the efficiency of nutrient retrieval from cotyledonswhen seedlings were grown in different culture media. Both speciesshowed a linear relationship between the loss of each elementand dry matter throughout the experiment, and a similar proportioningbetween root and shoot of the amount of a specific nutrientmobilized from cotyledons of parent seeds. Lupinus albus L., Lupinus angustifolius L., lupin, transport, of dry matter and mineral nutrients  相似文献   

TROUGHTON  A. 《Annals of botany》1967,31(3):447-454
Ramets of Lolium perenne from the same genotypes were grownin nutrient solutions of two concentrations. Additional mineralnutrition increased the rate of production of new tillers, therate of increase in size of tillers and the rate of productionof new roots, but not the rate of growth of individual mainroots. The genotypes differed considerably from each other intheir rates of growth, especially of shoot growth. When thegrowth-rate of the same population of genotypes was alteredby changing the environmental conditions it was found that thelower the mean rate of shoot growth, the greater its coefficientof variation. Variation in the rate of shoot growth, due tomineral nutrition and genetic constitution of the plants growingin a dilute nutrient solution, was accompanied by a similarbut smaller variation in the number of roots.  相似文献   

The shoot growth and fresh weight of Mentha piperita grown in soil were stimulated at concentrations of 1.26 × 10?5M to 7.77 × 10?4M phosfon (2,4-dichlorobenzyl tributyl phosphonium chloride) while higher concentrations resulted in retardation of growth. Concentrations of 6.30 × 10?7M to 3.78 × 10?5M caused retardation of growth in mineral nutrient solution, and even death at the highest concentrations. However, when the M. piperita plants were grown in mineral nutrient solutions at concentrations of phosfon which had been sequentially lowered from 2.52 × 10?8M to 2.52 × 10?12M, the shoot growth and fresh weight were stimulated as in the case of plants grown in phosfon treated soil.  相似文献   

镉(100 mg/L)胁迫下,研究不同浓度硫素(硫离子)对深色有隔内生真菌(Dark septate endophyte,DSE)——嗜鱼外瓶霉(Exophiala pinsciphila)菌株生长、矿质元素(钙、镁、氮、磷、硫)与镉含量的影响.结果表明:在100 mg/L镉胁迫下,低浓度(0.06和0.30 mmol...  相似文献   

Amblyopia is a common cause of vision damage in children, and some aspects of its etiology are not clear. A number of mineral elements have important effects on the nerve and visual nerve systems. However, little is known about the relationship between amblyopia and nutritional mineral elements. In this study, hair samples were collected from 67 children with amblyopia and 57 age-matched control groups. The height and weight of each child was measured, and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Mineral elements were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. The calcium and magnesium levels in the hair of amblyopic children were higher (p?<?0.006), but the level of manganese were lower compared with those in the control groups (p?<?0.006). Other elements measured were found to have an insignificant difference between the two groups (p?>?0.006). The BMI of amblyopic children was higher (p?<?0.001). These results show that mineral elements may play an important role in the visual development of children. Therefore, studies should pay more attention to investigating the impact of mineral elements on child vision.  相似文献   

主要研究矿质元素对北虫草继代培养中形成的不同类型菌落子实体产量及菌丝生长速度的影响, 旨在探讨矿质元素与子实体产量以及菌丝生长速度的关系。采用正交试验, 将北虫草优良菌株L20在不同矿质元素培养基上进行12次继代培养。结果表明菌株L20在不同培养基中继代培养后形成7种菌落类型, 有子实体形成能力的菌落为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ型, 其中Ⅰ型菌落产量最高、Ⅲ型中等、Ⅱ型最低, Ⅴ型形成的子实体均为畸形; Ⅳ、Ⅵ、Ⅶ型无子实体形成能力。菌丝生长速度依次为Ⅴ型 > Ⅳ型 > Ⅶ型 > Ⅵ型 > Ⅲ型 > Ⅱ型 >Ⅰ型, 高产型菌落生长速度最慢, 而低产型菌落菌丝徒长, 表明菌落生长速度与子实体产量成负相关。优型菌落——Ⅰ型菌落子实体高产及高产保持代数最多的矿质元素配方为K3Mg2Ca4Mn3Zn2, 其中Mn和K促进子实体高产, K、Mg、Ca有利于高产保持多代。抑制Ⅰ型菌落菌丝徒长的最佳配方为K3Mg2Ca2Mn3Zn2, 其中Mn对其抑制作用最为显著。  相似文献   

The larger mammals, in spite of a wide diversity in diet, differcomparatively little in total mineral or ash content of thewhole body. Because of the quantity required, calcium and phosphorusare the most commonly deficient elements. Tetany caused by adeficiency of magnesium is a problem in many areas. Deficienciesin trace elements are frequently the most dramatic in termsof the problems presented and the rapid response to minute increasesin intake. The interrelationships, both direct and indirect,have caused nutritionists to realize that, in spite of manyadvances, there are many unanswered questions about the requirementsand functions of the mineral elements in the larger mammals.The bulk of research has been with domestic species, but thereis every reason to believe that wild herbivores are equallysusceptible to deficiencies in these important nutrients.  相似文献   

猪GH基因部分突变位点对生产性能的影响   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
本试验利用PCR-RFLPs技术,用MspⅠ,ApaⅠ两种限制酶,检测了猪生长激素基因+206-+711位共506bp片段中[ 295- 300, 563- 566]2处突变位点,分析各多态位点在姜曲海猪中的分布及其与生产性能的关系。发现:姜曲海猪中,MspⅠ酶切突变位点中的G1G2基因型和G2G2基因基因型个体的生产性能没有差异,不同日龄体重在两组间变化没有规律。ApaⅠ酶切突变位点G4G4基因型个体的20个日龄体重、45日龄体重高于G3G3/G3G4基因型个体,但差异不显。G4G4基因型个体的70日龄体重极显高于G3G3/G3G4基因型个体(P<0.01)。G4G4基因型个体的0-70日龄日增重也极显高于G3G3/G3G4基因型个体(P<0.01)。这些结果显示GH基因有可能作为数量性状基因座的侯选基因。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of aluminum (Al) exposure on bone mineral elements, trace elements, and bone mineral density (BMD) in rats. One hundred Wistar rats were divided randomly into two groups. Experimental rats were given drinking water containing aluminum chloride (AlCl3, 430 mg Al3+/L), whereas control rats were given distilled water for up to 150 days. Ten rats were sacrificed in each group every 30 days. The levels of Al, calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), selenium (Se), boron (B), and strontium (Sr) in bone and the BMD of femur were measured. Al-treated rats showed lower deposition of Ca, P, and Mg compared with control rats. Levels of trace elements (Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Se, B, and Sr) were significantly lower in the Al-treated group than in the control group from day 60, and the BMD of the femur metaphysis in the Al-treated group was significantly lower than in the control group on days 120 and 150. These findings indicate that long-term Al exposure reduces the levels of mineral and trace elements in bone. As a result, bone loss was induced (particularly in cancellous bone).  相似文献   

Arginine was inhibitory to many mycoplasmas and, at the commonly-used concentration of 10 g/l in broth, growth of 15 of the 41 species and subspecies tested was completely inhibited. The inhibitory effect of arginine was less pronounced in agar media. It is recommended that arginine broth for routine mycoplasma investigations should have a reduced arginine concentration of only 2 g/l.  相似文献   

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