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Bovine tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium bovis, is a pathogen of growing concern in free-ranging wildlife in Africa, but little is known about the disease in Tanzanian wildlife. Here, we report the infection status of Mycobacterium bovis in a range of wildlife species sampled from protected areas in northern Tanzania. M. bovis was isolated from 11.1% (2/18) migratory wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) and 11.1% (1/9) topi (Damaliscus lunatus) sampled systematically in 2000 during a meat cropping program in the Serengeti ecosystem, and from one wildebeest and one lesser kudu (Tragelaphus imberbis) killed by sport hunters adjacent to Tarangire National Park. A tuberculosis antibody enzyme immunoassay (EIA) was used to screen serum samples collected from 184 Serengeti lions (Panthera leo) and 19 lions from Ngorongoro Crater sampled between 1985 and 2000. Samples from 212 ungulates collected throughout the protected area network between 1998 and 2001 also were tested by EIA. Serological assays detected antibodies to M. bovis in 4% of Serengeti lions; one positive lion was sampled in 1984. Antibodies were detected in one of 17 (6%) buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in Tarangire and one of 41 (2%) wildebeest in the Serengeti. This study confirms for the first time the presence of bovine tuberculosis in wildlife of northern Tanzania, but further investigation is required to assess the impact on wildlife populations and the role of different wildlife species in maintenance and transmission.  相似文献   

Over the last century, changing public attitudes about the value of wildlife have triggered substantial changes in species management that have both benefited and hindered conservation efforts. Understanding and integrating contemporary public values is therefore critical for effective conservation outcomes. Using historic and contemporary examples, we highlight how public attitudes—expressed through the media and campaigns—are shaping the management of introduced and native species, as values shift towards animal welfare and mutualism. We focus on the issue of deliberate human-caused killing of wildlife, because protests against such management have disrupted traditional political and management structures that favoured eradication of wildlife across many jurisdictions and ecological contexts. In doing so, we show that it is essential to work with multiple stakeholder interest groups to ensure that wildlife management is informed by science, while also supported by public values. Achieving this hinges on appropriate science communication to build a better-informed public because management decisions are becoming increasingly democratised.  相似文献   

Attitudinal studies are increasingly being adopted as tools for evaluating public understanding, acceptance and the impact of conservation interventions. The findings of these studies have been useful in guiding the policy interventions. Many factors affect conservation attitudes positively or negatively. The factors inspiring positive attitudes are likely to enhance the conservation objectives while those inducing negative attitudes may detrimentally undermine these objectives. The magnitude of the resultant effects of each particular factor is determined by the historical, political, ecological, socio-cultural and economic conditions and this may call for different management interventions. In this study we examined how conservation attitudes in western Serengeti are shaped by the following factors: level of conflicts with protected areas; wildlife imposed constraints (inadequate pasture, water, diseases, loss of livestock during migration, theft and depredation); participation in the community based project; and socio-demographic factors (age, education level, wealth, immigration, gender and household size). The results indicated that the level of conflicts, participation in the community based project, inadequate pasture, lack of water, diseases, wealth and education were important in shaping peoples’ attitudes. However, in a stepwise linear regression analysis, 59% of the variation in peoples’ attitudes was explained by three variables i.e., conflict level with protected areas, lack of water and participation in the community based project. In addition to these variables, level of education also contributed in explaining 51% of the variation in people’s attitude regarding the status of the game reserves. Five variables (lack of water, level of education, inadequate pasture, participation in the community based project and diseases) explained 12% of the variation in people’s attitude towards Serengeti National Park. The paper discusses the implications for conservation of these results and recommends some measures to realise effective conservation of wildlife resources.  相似文献   

Human–wildlife conflicts have drastically increased around conservation areas in Africa over the last decades. Underlying causes are similar across regions and can most often be attributed to land-use changes and increasing human populations. However, wildlife species composition involved in conflicts can vary tremendously across sites. Conflict assessment often focuses on prominent species such as elephants or other large mammals, and information on smaller wildlife species involved in conflicts is often lacking. We conducted 100 interviews in 10 communities around the Bia Conservation Area (BCA), Ghana, to address the type and extent of damage as well as possible factors influencing the risk of crop-raids. We assessed wildlife presence and relative densities through indirect observations on transects and spoor-plots in the transition zone between BCA and agricultural land. Crop-raiding was present across all communities interviewed but was more than twice as high in the north compared to the south. Squirrels (Sciuridae spp.) were the most frequent crop-raiding species (92% of farmers experienced damage), but elephants (Loxodonta africana cyclotis [Matschie, 1900]) were nevertheless the major conflict generating species (84% of farmers experienced damage). Squirrel signs were 75 times as frequent as any other species recorded in the farmland. Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) was most frequently raided (99%), followed by cassava (Manihot esculenta) and yam (Dioscorea spp.). Raiding might have been promoted through inappropriate agricultural practices while only few current mitigation strategies have been successful so far. Promising strategies include chili fences and buffer zones, in which less susceptible crops such as chili pepper are planted. Further education of farmers on mitigation measures is needed, including training on improved farming practices.  相似文献   

马奔  雷硕 《生态学报》2024,44(3):885-892
人类和野生动物生存空间高度重叠,冲突不可避免,如何从冲突走向共存是学术研究的热点和难点。研究评述了人与野生动物共存的概念解析、量化评估、影响因素以及实现机制四方面的进展,发现人与野生动物共存的概念定义和量化评估还存在争议。大多研究认为共存并不意味着没有冲突,而是不可避免的冲突被控制在可容忍范围内。研究多采用容忍度、接受度、保护态度和行为等变量对人与野生动物共存状态进行量化。野生动物相关的成本效益是影响人与野生动物共存的关键因素。经济和教育手段是实现共存的重要路径。经济手段包括补偿、保险、生态旅游、保护投资等措施,通过增加野生动物保护效益、减少保护成本可以实现共存。教育手段通过提升社区保护意识和野生动物保护效益感知、增强冲突应对能力实现人与野生动物共存。未来研究可以从生态和生计视角构建主客观相结合的指标体系对人与野生动物共存进行量化;基于社会生态系统框架识别影响人与野生动物共存的关键因素,总结实现共存的成功经验;采用实验经济学方法探索适用于本土的多样化共存干预措施组合。  相似文献   

Sustainable use of wildlife: The view from archaeozoology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concept of “sustainable use” is a polemic, especially when referring to wildlife and other “natural resources.” Claims vary from persistent overuse to traditional practices of sustaining the resource base. Arguments for either side routinely draw from contemporary situations, relying on relatively short time periods. But, if the notion “sustainable” is to be consequential, the period under consideration must be meaningful – claims that trends over a few years or even decades are representative of long-term phenomena are questionable, for they depend on numerous untested, if not untestable, assumptions. Research in anthropology, biology, biological conservation, ecology, policy, restoration ecology, social development, and wildlife management is routinely constrained to relatively short time periods, and such results are of limited value for evaluating sustainable use. Archaeozoology provides unique tools for investigating trends in human-resource relations over periods of centuries and millennia; it is one of the few disciplines explicitly dedicated to the study of material evidence over significant time periods that bears directly on the question of sustainable use. Hence, objective, scientific evaluation of sustainable use must contemplate archaeozoological evidence.Yet, archaeozoology often does not provide definitive answers: it is wrought with fundamental problems in sampling, data gathering, analysis, and interpretation (e.g., varying screen sizes; meta-sampling procedures; comparisons across diverse spatial, temporal, and environmental continua; etc.). Typically data must be evaluated through inference, rather than through direct observations and experiments. Moreover, environmental variation (e.g., climate change, sea level change, tectonic movement, etc.), as well as changes in societies, confounds the interpretation of long-term human–environmental trends. But, those challenges are not unique to archaeozoology, for biological and ecological phenomena are no less subject to multiple sources of environmental and social variation. The difference is that archaeologists are patently cognizant of these sources of variability, and they openly debate them when interpreting data, while in other disciplines these sources of change are routinely ignored. Nonetheless, despite the unique relevance of their work, few archaeozoologists have ventured outside their discipline to engage natural scientists and policy makers in issues of biological conservation and wildlife biology, and particularly the root questions of sustainable use. In addition to considering data and hypotheses regarding long-term prehistoric human–wildlife interactions, it is essential to view this information within broader perspectives, linked to other disciplines as well as to contemporary social and policy issues. Because sustainable use is mandated in international instruments and national policies, the notion has relevance in arenas far beyond academia, where archaeozoologists must be integrated into interdisciplinary teams.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is under threat worldwide. Over the past decade, the field of population genomics has developed across nonmodel organisms, and the results of this research have begun to be applied in conservation and management of wildlife species. Genomics tools can provide precise estimates of basic features of wildlife populations, such as effective population size, inbreeding, demographic history and population structure, that are critical for conservation efforts. Moreover, population genomics studies can identify particular genetic loci and variants responsible for inbreeding depression or adaptation to changing environments, allowing for conservation efforts to estimate the capacity of populations to evolve and adapt in response to environmental change and to manage for adaptive variation. While connections from basic research to applied wildlife conservation have been slow to develop, these connections are increasingly strengthening. Here we review the primary areas in which population genomics approaches can be applied to wildlife conservation and management, highlight examples of how they have been used, and provide recommendations for building on the progress that has been made in this field.  相似文献   

Wildlife occurring at aquacultural sites can ignite conflicts over resources managed by humans. A telephone survey concerning nuisance wildlife occurrence, perceptions of inflicted damage, and use of preventive measures at pond fisheries was conducted in 2003–2004 in eastern Poland. Significant economic losses to wildlife were reported by 80% of the respondents, with 41% claiming severe losses to more than one species. Serious damage was attributed primarily to otters Lutra lutra (56% of farms), cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo (26%), grey herons Ardea cinerea (23%), and beavers Castor fiber (21%). Two alien species, mink Neovison vison and muskrat Ondatra zibethicus, were widespread, but rarely blamed for causing substantial harm. Lethal controls were the most popular means of damage reduction and were more likely to be deployed at fish farms reporting significant losses. Cormorants, shot at half of the farms visited, were the most widely persecuted. Both otters and beavers were culled, notwithstanding their protection status and compensation payments available for beaver damage to ponds. The survey indicated poor cooperation between conservation authorities and fish farmers in managing wildlife concerns. Monitoring conflict interactions, i.e., wildlife occurrence and alleged damage at fish farms vs damage management processes, is an essential step toward conflict alleviation. Considering the wide range of species interacting with fisheries, adoption of more flexible policies to address the conflicts than a single-species conservation approach is recommended.  相似文献   

Mediterranean ecosystems are rich in wildlife species and habitats. In the last decades human pressure is increasing in lowland and coastal areas, while mountainous and island areas are being abandoned. These changes have substantial impacts on biodiversity protected by EU Directives. Recently agri-environmental schemes and wildlife habitat improvement measures have been taken to prevent biodiversity loss, although only a small proportion of their total budget is targeted directly at biodiversity conservation. Measures for wildlife are generally limited to restricted areas for a short-term period and in most cases have not been evaluated or properly applied. This review examines the influence of farming systems, agri-environmental and wildlife management measures on birds and mammals in Mediterranean agroecosystems. The conclusions are that in Mediterranean agroecosystems the most cost efficient and beneficial conservation measures for bird and mammal species are rotation, intercropping, and the selection of appropriate crops and farming practices. The increased biodiversity in the Mediterranean basin requires special management practices at local levels.  相似文献   

Research on wildlife use is strongly associated with conservation and environmental debates. Yet, popular beliefs about wildlife consumption also offer many opportunities for discussing identity and social change. To demonstrate this, I examine ideas about eating common types of wildlife in Laos in light of the dialectical contrast between civilised settlements (muang) and the wild forest (pa). The exclusion of wildlife from the widely practised baci ritual and the popularity of wildlife consumption indicate the potency of these animals as social objects. In a contemporary context of widespread social and environmental change across Laos, the practice of eating wildlife is being constructed as an assertion of Lao identity that blends an idealised tradition with a status‐conscious modernity. Ambivalent desires for social transformation draw upon ambiguous symbols to find expression in beliefs as well as in popular social practice.  相似文献   

The current species extinction crisis is being exacerbated by an increased rate of emergence of epizootic disease. Human‐induced factors including habitat degradation, loss of biodiversity and wildlife population reductions resulting in reduced genetic variation are accelerating disease emergence. Novel, efficient and effective approaches are required to combat these epizootic events. Here, we present the case for the application of human precision medicine approaches to wildlife medicine in order to enhance species conservation efforts. We consider how the precision medicine revolution, coupled with the advances made in genomics, may provide a powerful and feasible approach to identifying and treating wildlife diseases in a targeted, effective and streamlined manner. A number of case studies of threatened species are presented which demonstrate the applicability of precision medicine to wildlife conservation, including sea turtles, amphibians and Tasmanian devils. These examples show how species conservation could be improved by using precision medicine techniques to determine novel treatments and management strategies for the specific medical conditions hampering efforts to restore population levels. Additionally, a precision medicine approach to wildlife health has in turn the potential to provide deeper insights into human health and the possibility of stemming and alleviating the impacts of zoonotic diseases. The integration of the currently emerging Precision Medicine Initiative with the concepts of EcoHealth (aiming for sustainable health of people, animals and ecosystems through transdisciplinary action research) and One Health (recognizing the intimate connection of humans, animal and ecosystem health and addressing a wide range of risks at the animal–human–ecosystem interface through a coordinated, collaborative, interdisciplinary approach) has great potential to deliver a deeper and broader interdisciplinary‐based understanding of both wildlife and human diseases.  相似文献   

Serengeti lions frequently experience viral outbreaks. In 1994, one-third of Serengeti lions died from canine distemper virus (CDV). Based on the limited epidemiological data available from this period, it has been unclear whether the 1994 outbreak was propagated by lion-to-lion transmission alone or involved multiple introductions from other sympatric carnivore species. More broadly, we do not know whether contacts between lions allow any pathogen with a relatively short infectious period to percolate through the population (i.e. reach epidemic proportions). We built one of the most realistic contact network models for a wildlife population to date, based on detailed behavioural and movement data from a long-term lion study population. The model allowed us to identify previously unrecognized biases in the sparse data from the 1994 outbreak and develop methods for judiciously inferring disease dynamics from typical wildlife samples. Our analysis of the model in light of the 1994 outbreak data strongly suggest that, although lions are sufficiently well connected to sustain epidemics of CDV-like diseases, the 1994 epidemic was fuelled by multiple spillovers from other carnivore species, such as jackals and hyenas.  相似文献   

人与大型兽类的冲突: 野生动物保护所面临的新挑战   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蔡静  蒋志刚 《兽类学报》2006,26(2):183-190
人和大型兽类的冲突已经成为人们日益关注的问题。野生动物损害庄稼,捕食家畜,甚至危及到人身安全。人兽冲突增加了野生兽类保护工作的困难。目前,导致人兽冲突比较典型的物种包括野生非洲象和野生亚洲象、绝大多数食肉动物和鹿类等等。引发人和大型兽类冲突的具体原因包括人口增长、野生动物栖息地丧失、土地利用方式的改变以及实施保护后野生动物种群的恢复,多数情况是多种因素共同作用的结果。减少人和大型兽类的冲突应从两方面着手:加强野生兽类管理,利用各种方法减缓损失;另一方面,关注当地社区,在提高当地人的保护意识的同时也要提高当地的经济水平。  相似文献   

Conflicts involving wildlife are, in essence, often conflicts between human parties with differing wildlife management objectives. However, the study and management of wildlife conflicts often focuses on the ecological context without addressing disagreements between people over these objectives. This research uses quantitative approaches to examine actors’ views on a complex wildlife-related conflict: a raptor of conservation concern that impacts on game-bird management. Four dominant elements of the debate emerged from initial semi-structured interviews: perceptions of conflict related issues; perceptions of each other; perceived barriers to consensus within the debate; and assessment of proposed practical management solutions. A quantitative survey that built on these elements demonstrates the degree to which perceptions differ between groups and how local variation in these elements may be obscured in a regional or national level debate. The findings emphasise the importance of understanding the social issues involved in wildlife related conflicts if management aims are to be agreed and achieved.  相似文献   

Remote sensing and geographic information system technologies provide useful data to analyze and map potential wildlife habitats based on physical parameters collected from the field. HADCHA was established with a total area of 20,000 ha, while many more comparable potential wildlife habitats were left outside the area. This study aims to identify and map potential wildlife habitats around HADCHA. Data were collected using Landsat 5 thematic mapper and Sentinel‐2A satellite image, a digital elevation model with 30 m pixels downloaded from ASTER data, and existing GIS Shapefile layers. Thematic Mapper data were downloaded from USGS and processed with Erdas Imagine 2015 software. To evaluate potential wildlife habitat around HADCHA, habitat suitability parameters such as settlement, slope, water, and road buffer zones were used for habitat evaluation and mapping. Accordingly, 16,795 ha of potential wildlife habitats were identified and mapped on westwards of HADCHA. In the new PPWH, about 476.68 ha (2.84%) were moderately suitable, 14,119.17 ha (84.04%) suitable and 2,200.08 ha (13.10%) highly suitable but only 4.2 ha (0.02%) identified as unsuitable. Legal protection of the PPWH around HADCHA could increase the conservation of African buffalo, other mammals, and their habitats. While the mapped potential wildlife habitats had the potential to be parts of HADCHA, it was neglected and has not yet obtained conservation attention. The finding appeals for legal protection of the PPWH and expansion of HADCHA, which could maximize the conservation efforts taken to wild animals of the area. Neglecting this potential wildlife habitat for a long period of time exposed African buffalo and other large‐sized mammals to illegal hunting practices. Policymakers and conservationists shall revise and design the future action plan of HADCHA on how to expand the current‐controlled hunting area and maximize revenue generation from African buffalo and other potential trophy species of the area.  相似文献   

Research to understand human responses to wildlife and wildlife issues has predominantly focused on cognitions. Yet, as emotions are basic human responses to wildlife, emotions are important too. Integrating cognition and emotion concepts could foster the overall understanding of human-wildlife relationships. This study tested the relationships between valence (the pleasant-unpleasant dimension of emotion) regarding wildlife and wildlife value orientations (patterns of basic cognitions in the context of wildlife). Also, this study estimated the additional predictive potential of emotion next to cognition for the acceptability of lethal control and support for wildlife conservation. Analyses showed that valence was associated with wildlife value orientations. Valence had additional explanatory value next to cognition for conservation support. Valence, however, did not have additional predictive potential for acceptability of lethal control. Based on these findings, we recommend integrating cognition and emotion measurements in future research to understand human responses to wildlife issues. Also, wildlife managers could take the emotion of stakeholders into account in their communication and decision-making processes.  相似文献   

Wildlife crime enforcement is increasingly relying on genetic techniques to deliver forensic evidence to investigators. Forensic DNA applications require robust molecular markers, informative at the level of the species, population and individual, in a wide range of taxa. Within species, single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have long been recognized as offering many potential advantages over traditional microsatellite markers; however, the best methods for their discovery, validation and genotyping in non-model species remain an area of novel research and much discussion. The potential availability to wildlife geneticists of deep sequencing platforms and high-density genotyping arrays appears to promise an almost infinite source of variable markers for determining the geographic or individual origin of a sample. This study examines the drivers for developing SNP genotyping panels in wildlife forensics and their potential as applied tools, before examining a range of strategies that are being employed to try to unlock this potential and address current questions in wildlife conservation and enforcement.  相似文献   

McCallum H  Hocking BA 《Bioethics》2005,19(4):336-347
Disease in wildlife raises a number of issues that have not been widely considered in the bioethical literature. However, wildlife disease has major implications for human welfare. The majority of emerging human infectious diseases are zoonotic: that is, they occur in humans by cross‐species transmission from animal hosts. Managing these diseases often involves balancing concerns with human health against animal welfare and conservation concerns. Many infectious diseases of domestic animals are shared with wild animals, although it is often unclear whether the infection spills over from wild animals to domestic animals or vice versa. Culling is the standard means of managing such diseases, bringing economic considerations, animal welfare and conservation into conflict. Infectious diseases are also major threatening processes in conservation biology and their appropriate management by culling, vaccination or treatment raises substantial animal ethics issues. One particular issue of great significance in Australia is an ongoing research program to develop genetically modified pathogens to control vertebrate pests including rabbits, foxes and house mice. Release of any self‐replicating GMO vertebrate pathogen gives rise to a whole series of ethical questions. We briefly review current Australian legal responses to these problems. Finally, we present two unresolved problems of general importance that are exemplified by wildlife disease. First, to what extent can or should ‘bioethics’ be broadened beyond direct concerns with human welfare to animal welfare and environmental welfare? Second, how should the irreducible uncertainty of ecological systems be accounted for in ethical decision making?  相似文献   

Protection of forests and wildlife outside protected areas (PAs) is necessary for the conservation of wildlife. Extension of conservation efforts outside the existing PA may result in restrictions on local forest resource use. Such situations arise due to differences in understanding of forest as a resource for communities and as a conservation space for endangered species. A clearer focus is needed on the functionality and socio-ecological outcomes of different forest management institutions to address such issues. We conducted a study in a forest landscape connecting Pench and Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserves (TRs) in Central India. The two main forest management institutions were the Forest Department (FD) and local communities managing forest resources. We conducted vegetation surveys and focus group discussions in 15 villages selected based on presence or absence of active protection and monitoring of forest resources by either FD or local people. We found that forests with monitoring had significantly higher tree density and vegetation species richness compared to forests without monitoring. Tree density was observed to be higher in sites monitored by villagers rather than those monitored by FD. Self-regulation and resource sharing in locally monitored forests were more acceptable to local communities. In forests monitored by the FD, local communities indicated a feeling of alienation from the forest that weakened their motivation to protect the forest and wildlife. Recognition of local community rights is essential to achieve conservation goals and reduce social conflicts outside PAs, requiring collaboration between state and local institutions.  相似文献   

Among the crucial problems that affect conservation in less developed countries are the high human pressure on natural habitats, poverty, low conservation education and lack of integration of local population. However, political and ethnic conflicts, which occur around the world and particularly in African countries, significantly affect all sectors of human society, the environment and wildlife. In this paper, we discuss the consequences of the Rwandan civil war of 1990–1994, recognized as one of the major tragedies of the 20th century, with a particular focus on protected areas and conservation bodies in the country.  相似文献   

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