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Body-worn radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) personal exposure meters (PEMs) have been increasingly used for exposure assessment in epidemiological research. However, little research on the measurement accuracy of these devices is available. In this article a novel measurement setup and a measurement protocol are presented for characterizing and testing PEMs. The whole setup and procedure is tested using two EME SPY 120 devices. The performance of the PEM was analyzed for absolute measurements in an anechoic chamber. Modulated signals representing the different services as real signals generated by appropriate testers were used. Measurement results were evaluated with respect to a root mean square detector. We found that measurement accuracy depends strongly on the carrier frequency and also on the number of occupied time slots for Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)-based services. Thus, correction factors can only be derived if the distribution of the network configuration over the measurement time for all measurement points is available. As a result of the simplicity of the measurement setup and the straightforward measurement protocol, the possibility of fast validation leads to a higher accuracy in the characterization and testing of PEMs.  相似文献   

Human exposure to background radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF‐EMF) has been increasing with the introduction of new technologies. There is a definite need for the quantification of RF‐EMF exposure but a robust exposure assessment is not yet possible, mainly due to the lack of a fast and efficient measurement procedure. In this article, a new procedure is proposed for accurately mapping the exposure to base station radiation in an outdoor environment based on surrogate modeling and sequential design, an entirely new approach in the domain of dosimetry for human RF exposure. We tested our procedure in an urban area of about 0.04 km2 for Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) technology at 900 MHz (GSM900) using a personal exposimeter. Fifty measurement locations were sufficient to obtain a coarse street exposure map, locating regions of high and low exposure; 70 measurement locations were sufficient to characterize the electric field distribution in the area and build an accurate predictive interpolation model. Hence, accurate GSM900 downlink outdoor exposure maps (for use in, e.g., governmental risk communication and epidemiological studies) are developed by combining the proven efficiency of sequential design with the speed of exposimeter measurements and their ease of handling. Bioelectromagnetics 34:300–311, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Personal exposure meters (PEM) are routinely used for the exposure assessment to radio frequency electric or magnetic fields. However, their readings are subject to errors associated with perturbations of the fields caused by the presence of the human body. This paper presents a novel analysis method for the characterization of this effect. Using ray‐tracing techniques, PEM measurements have been emulated, with and without an approximation of this shadowing effect. In particular, the Global System for Mobile Communication mobile phone frequency band was chosen for its ubiquity and, specifically, we considered the case where the subject is walking outdoors in a relatively open area. These simulations have been contrasted with real PEM measurements in a 35‐min walk. Results show a good agreement in terms of root mean square error and E‐field cumulative distribution function (CDF), with a significant improvement when the shadowing effect is taken into account. In particular, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test provides a P‐value of 0.05 when considering the shadowing effect, versus a P‐value of 10−14 when this effect is ignored. In addition, although the E‐field levels in the absence of a human body have been found to follow a Nakagami distribution, a lognormal distribution fits the statistics of the PEM values better than the Nakagami distribution. As a conclusion, although the mean could be adjusted by using correction factors, there are also other changes in the CDF that require particular attention due to the shadowing effect because they might lead to a systematic error. Bioelectromagnetics 32:209–217, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Static magnetic fields (SMFs) and time-varying electromagnetic fields exposure is necessary to obtain the diagnostic information regarding the structure of patient's tissues, by the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners. A diagnostic procedure may also include the administration of pharmaceuticals called contrast, which are to be applied to a patient during the examination. The nurses involved in administering contrast into a patient during the pause in examination are approaching permanently active magnets of MRI scanners and are exposed to SMF. There were performed measurements of spatial distribution of SMF in the vicinity of MRI magnets and parameters of personal exposure of nurses (i.e. individual exposimetric profiles of variability in time of SMF affecting the nurse who is performing tasks in the vicinity of magnet, characterized by statistical parameters of recorded magnetic flux density affecting the nurse). The SMF exposure in the vicinity of various MRI magnets depends on both magnetic flux density of the main field B 0 (applicable to a patient) and the construction of the scanner, but the most important factor determining the workers' exposure is the work practice. In the course of a patient's routine examination in scanners of B 0 = 1.5 T, the nurses are present over ~0.4–2.9 min in SMF exceeding 0.03% of B 0 (i.e. 0.5 mT), but only sometimes they are present in SMF exceeding 5% of B 0 (i.e. 75 mT). When patients need more attention because of their health status/condition, the nurses' exposure may be significantly longer – it may even exceed 10 min and 30% of B 0 (i.e. 500 mT). We have found that the level of exposure of nurses to SMF may vary from < 5% of the main field (a median value: 0.5–1.5%; inter-quartile range: 0.04–8.8%; max value: 1.3–12% of B 0) when a patient is moved from the magnets bore before contrast administration, up to the main field level (B 0) when a patient stays in the magnets bore and nurse is crawling into the bore.  相似文献   

In this article, personal electromagnetic field measurements are converted into whole‐body specific absorption rates for exposure of the general public. Whole‐body SAR values calculated from personal exposure meter data are compared for different human spheroid phantoms: the highest SAR values (at 950 MHz) are obtained for the 1‐year‐old child (99th percentile of 17.9 µW/kg for electric field strength of 0.36 V/m), followed by the 5‐year‐old child, 10‐year‐old child, average woman, and average man. For the 1‐year‐old child, whole‐body SAR values due to 9 different radiofrequency sources (FM, DAB, TETRA, TV, GSM900 DL, GSM1800 DL, DECT, UMTS DL, WiFi) are determined for 15 different scenarios. An SAR matrix for 15 different exposure scenarios and 9 sources is provided with the personal field exposure matrix. Highest 95th percentiles of the whole‐body SAR are equal to 7.9 µW/kg (0.36 V/m, GSM900 DL), 5.8 µW/kg (0.26 V/m, DAB/TV), and 7.1 µW/kg (0.41 V/m, DECT) for the 1‐year‐old child, with a maximal total whole‐body SAR of 11.5 µW/kg (0.48 V/m) due to all 9 sources. All values are below the basic restriction of 0.08 W/kg for the general public. 95th percentiles of whole‐body SAR per V/m are equal to 60.1, 87.9, and 42.7 µW/kg for GSM900, DAB/TV, and DECT sources, respectively. Functions of the SAR versus measured electric fields are provided for the different phantoms and frequencies, enabling epidemiological and dosimetric studies to make an analysis in combination with both electric field and actual whole‐body SAR. Bioelectromagnetics 31:286–295, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A small, lightweight meter has been developed for magnetic-field measurements, particularly those needed for exposure-assessment purposes. This meter, known as the AMEX-3D, continuously measures all three axes of magnetic-flux density and electronically combines the data into a single estimate of cumulative exposure to the root-mean-square (rms) resultant flux density. The AMEX-3D weighs about 120 g, measures 2.7 cm x 5.1 cm x 10.2 cm, and is battery powered. Two panel-mounted jacks are provided for measuring battery voltage and for reading cumulative exposure data from the unit. The instrument has, within 3 dB, a flat response to magnetic flux densities at all frequencies in its 30-1,000 Hz bandwidth. A detailed analysis of error sources in the AMEX-3D leads to an estimate of +/- 20% as the accuracy of the instrument over its dynamic range, which extends from 0.02 to 15 microT. The AMEX-3D was tested in the field by asking electric-utility distribution linemen to wear AMEX-3D and EMDEX meters simultaneously while working. Agreement between the two measures of exposure was excellent.  相似文献   

The use of mobile phone telecommunication has increased in recent years. In parallel, there is growing concern about possible adverse health effects of cellular phone networks. We used personal dosimetry to investigate the association between exposure to mobile phone frequencies and well-being in adults. A random population-based sample of 329 adults living in four different Bavarian towns was assembled for the study. Using a dosimeter (ESM-140 Maschek Electronics), we obtained an exposure profile over 24 h for three mobile phone frequency ranges (measurement interval 1 s, limit of determination 0.05 V/m). Exposure levels over waking hours were totalled and expressed as mean percentage of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) reference level. Each participant reported acute symptoms in a day-long diary. Data on five groups of chronic symptoms and potential confounders were assessed during an interview. The overall exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic fields was markedly below the ICNIRP reference level. We did not find any statistically significant association between the exposure and chronic symptoms or between the exposure and acute symptoms. Larger studies using mobile phone dosimetry are warranted to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

Wolf C 《Bioelectromagnetics》2008,29(8):658-659
Whether exposure to electromagnetic fields well below accepted exposure limits has a cytogenetic effect on human cells has long been debated. It is widely published and generally accepted that the exposure unit invariably used in these experiments is capable of providing blinded exposure conditions. The following short report illustrates, however, that exposure conditions might not always be as effectively masked as is generally assumed.  相似文献   

Personal radio frequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure, or exposimetry, is gaining importance in the bioelectromagnetics community but only limited data on personal exposure is available in indoor areas, namely schools, crèches, homes, and offices. Most studies are focused on adult exposure, whereas indoor microenvironments, where children are exposed, are usually not considered. A method to assess spatial and temporal indoor exposure of children and adults is proposed without involving the subjects themselves. Moreover, maximal possible daily exposure is estimated by combining instantaneous spatial and temporal exposure. In Belgium and Greece, the exposure is measured at 153 positions spread over 55 indoor microenvironments with spectral equipment. In addition, personal exposimeters (measuring EMFs of people during their daily activities) captured the temporal exposure variations during several days up to one week at 98 positions. The data were analyzed using the robust regression on order statistics (ROS) method to account for data below the detection limit. All instantaneous and maximal exposures satisfied international exposure limits and were of the same order of magnitude in Greece and Belgium. Mobile telecommunications and radio broadcasting (FM) were most present. In Belgium, digital cordless phone (DECT) exposure was present for at least 75% in the indoor microenvironments except for schools. Temporal variations of the exposure were mainly due to variations of mobile telecommunication signals. The exposure was higher during daytime than at night due to the increased voice and data traffic on the networks. Total exposure varied the most in Belgian crèches (39.3%) and Greek homes (58.2%).  相似文献   

In this article, the general public daily exposure to broadcast signals and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) or Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) mobile telephone signals in indoor areas is investigated. Temporal variations and traffic distributions during a day at different indoor sites in urban and rural zones are presented. The goal is to analyze the real exposure compared to the maximum assessment imposed by radio protection standards and to characterize the ratio between daily and maximum theoretical values. Hence, a realistic maximum is proposed based on the statistical analysis performed using measurements. Broadcast signals remain constant over the day so they are best fitted with a Normal distribution while the mobile telephone signals depend on the traffic demand during the day so they fit a three‐Gaussian distribution model. A general mask is also constructed for underlining the maximum equivalent active traffic for different periods in the day. Also, relations between the mean values over 24 h, the realistic maximal values (at 99%) and the maximal theoretical values are presented. The realistic maximum is also presented with a sliding time average of 6 min applied to the measurements in accordance with international standards. An extrapolation factor is given for the different systems to easily assess the maximum values starting from an instantaneous measurement. The extrapolation factor is also given for a broadband measurement to estimate the maximum potential exposure during the day. Bioelectromagnetics 33:288–297, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In five countries (Belgium, Switzerland, Slovenia, Hungary, and the Netherlands), personal radio frequency electromagnetic field measurements were performed in different microenvironments such as homes, public transports, or outdoors using the same exposure meters. From the mean personal field exposure levels (excluding mobile phone exposure), whole‐body absorption values in a 1‐year‐old child and adult male model were calculated using a statistical multipath exposure method and compared for the five countries. All mean absorptions (maximal total absorption of 3.4 µW/kg for the child and 1.8 µW/kg for the adult) were well below the International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) basic restriction of 0.08 W/kg for the general public. Generally, incident field exposure levels were well correlated with whole‐body absorptions (SARwb), although the type of microenvironment, frequency of the signals, and dimensions of the considered phantom modify the relationship between these exposure measures. Exposure to the television and Digital Audio Broadcasting band caused relatively higher SARwb values (up to 65%) for the 1‐year‐old child than signals at higher frequencies due to the body size‐dependent absorption rates. Frequency Modulation (FM) caused relatively higher absorptions (up to 80%) in the adult male. Bioelectromagnetics 33:682–694, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We present a geospatial model to predict the radiofrequency electromagnetic field from fixed site transmitters for use in epidemiological exposure assessment. The proposed model extends an existing model toward the prediction of indoor exposure, that is, at the homes of potential study participants. The model is based on accurate operation parameters of all stationary transmitters of mobile communication base stations, and radio broadcast and television transmitters for an extended urban and suburban region in the Basel area (Switzerland). The model was evaluated by calculating Spearman rank correlations and weighted Cohen's kappa (κ) statistics between the model predictions and measurements obtained at street level, in the homes of volunteers, and in front of the windows of these homes. The correlation coefficients of the numerical predictions with street level measurements were 0.64, with indoor measurements 0.66, and with window measurements 0.67. The kappa coefficients were 0.48 (95%‐confidence interval: 0.35–0.61) for street level measurements, 0.44 (95%‐CI: 0.32–0.57) for indoor measurements, and 0.53 (95%‐CI: 0.42–0.65) for window measurements. Although the modeling of shielding effects by walls and roofs requires considerable simplifications of a complex environment, we found a comparable accuracy of the model for indoor and outdoor points. Bioelectromagnetics 31:226–236, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The three‐dimensional distribution of the specific absorption rate of energy (SAR) in phantom models was analysed to detect clusters of mobile phones producing similar spatial deposition of energy in the head. The clusters' characteristics were described from the phones external features, frequency band and communication protocol. Compliance measurements with phones in cheek and tilt positions, and on the left and right side of a physical phantom were used. Phones used the Personal Digital Cellular (PDC), Code division multiple access One (CdmaOne), Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and Nordic Mobile Telephony (NMT) communication systems, in the 800, 900, 1500 and 1800 MHz bands. Each phone's measurements were summarised by the half‐ellipsoid in which the SAR values were above half the maximum value. Cluster analysis used the Partitioning Around Medoids algorithm. The dissimilarity measure was based on the overlap of the ellipsoids, and the Manhattan distance was used for robustness analysis. Within the 800 MHz frequency band, and in part within the 900 MHz and the 1800 MHz frequency bands, weak clustering was obtained for the handset shape (bar phone, flip with top and flip with central antennas), but only in specific positions (tilt or cheek). On measurements of 120 phones, the three‐dimensional distribution of SAR in phantom models did not appear to be related to particular external phone characteristics or measurement characteristics, which could be used for refining the assessment of exposure to radiofrequency energy within the brain in epidemiological studies such as the Interphone. Bioelectromagnetics. Bioelectromagnetics 32:634–643, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Exposimeters are increasingly applied in bioelectromagnetic research to determine personal radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF‐EMF) exposure. The main advantages of exposimeter measurements are their convenient handling for study participants and the large amount of personal exposure data, which can be obtained for several RF‐EMF sources. However, the large proportion of measurements below the detection limit is a challenge for data analysis. With the robust ROS (regression on order statistics) method, summary statistics can be calculated by fitting an assumed distribution to the observed data. We used a preliminary sample of 109 weekly exposimeter measurements from the QUALIFEX study to compare summary statistics computed by robust ROS with a naïve approach, where values below the detection limit were replaced by the value of the detection limit. For the total RF‐EMF exposure, differences between the naïve approach and the robust ROS were moderate for the 90th percentile and the arithmetic mean. However, exposure contributions from minor RF‐EMF sources were considerably overestimated with the naïve approach. This results in an underestimation of the exposure range in the population, which may bias the evaluation of potential exposure‐response associations. We conclude from our analyses that summary statistics of exposimeter data calculated by robust ROS are more reliable and more informative than estimates based on a naïve approach. Nevertheless, estimates of source‐specific medians or even lower percentiles depend on the assumed data distribution and should be considered with caution. Bioelectromagnetics. Bioelectromagnetics 29:471–478, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In studies investigating adverse reproductive outcomes associated with video display terminal (VDT) usage, amounts of time spent in front of a VDT or magnetic field (MF) levels in front of the VDT are used as surrogate measures of subject's MF exposure. However, the relevance of such surrogates to actual exposures has not been demonstrated, and the validity of the use of such measures as a surrogate for the actual MF exposure is only speculative. This study examines 1) measurements of MFs at frequencies of approximately 30–1000 Hz at a fixed distance from the VDTs, 2) reported hours of VDT use, and 3) reported distance between the VDT and the subject's waist as surrogate measures for the average MF exposure level of a VDT user during one 8 h workday. The results showed a weak correlation between the average exposure level of a VDT user and the MF 46 cm from a VDT (R = 0.52, n = 67, P < 0.001). This study showed no association between self-reported hours of VDT usage, or self-reported distance between waist and VDT, and the average MF exposures. Moreover, individuals' average MF exposures did not seem to be affected by other variables, such as position of a VDT on the desk, hours of desk use, and the VDT type (color vs. monochrome). These findings indicate that VDT exposures within office settings are complex and cannot be easily predicted by surrogates. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have developed a carrousel irradiator for mice which delivers a head‐first and near‐field radiofrequency exposure that more closely simulates cellular telephone and radio use than conventional whole body exposure systems. Mouse cadavers were placed on the carrousel irradiator and exposed with their noses 5 mm from the feedpoint of a 1.6 GHz antenna. Local measured specific absorption rates (SAR) in brain regions corresponding to the frontal cortex, medial caudate putamen, and midhippocampal areas were 2.9, 2.4, and 2.2 W/kg per watt of irradiated power, respectively. In addition, average SAR was estimated to be 3.4 W/kg per watt along the sagittal plane of the brain, 2.0 W/kg per watt along the sagittal plane of the body, and between 6.8 and 8.1 W/kg per watt at peak locations along the sagittal plane at the body surface. This detailed SAR information in mice is critical to the interpretation of biological studies of IRIDIUM exposure, and similar analysis should be included for all studies of in vivo exposure of small animals to microwaves. Bioelectromagnetics 20:42–47, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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