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In the homozygous state, the splotch (Sp) gene causes spina bifida and exencephaly. Close to 25% of the embryos from Sp/ + X Sp/+ litters are affected. The frequency of these defects is significantly reduced by maternal treatment with 5 mg/kg retinoic acid on day 9 of gestation. There is no significant increase in the resorption frequency with this treatment, indicating that the fall in the frequency of neural tube defects is not due to differential mortality of the affected fetuses. The effects of retinoic acid are time specific, with treatment at different times on day 9 having the greatest influence on either the anterior or posterior neuropore. Treatment on day 8 with the same dose of retinoic acid causes an increase in both resorptions and neural tube defects, although only the increase in the former was significant.  相似文献   

N-CAM alterations in splotch neural tube defect mouse embryos.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The splotch (Sp) mouse is a model for both neurulation defects and defects in neural crest cell (NCC) derivatives. Since neurulation and NCC emigration from the neural tube occur at similar times in development, we suggest that these two events share a mechanism that, if disrupted, leads to malformations in both developmental pathways. Previous studies have shown that the underlying defect in these mutants may involve a mechanism that alters cellular organization and communication. Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) have been linked with such interactions and because some, including N-CAM, are involved in neural development, we were interested in their pattern of expression in the splotch mutant. Immunolocalization studies showed similar temporospatial distributions of N-CAM antibody in embryonic day 9 mutants and controls. However, mutant embryos had a much higher intensity of anti-N-CAM fluorescence compared to controls. Further characterization using immunoblot analysis revealed that Sp mutants have an altered N-CAM polypeptide profile. Two N-CAM isoforms (Mr 140K and 180K, K = 10(3] are normally present at this time of development. However, extracts from Sp embryos display a heavier N-CAM species (Mr 200K), as well as an altered 140K isoform. Heterozygotes also exhibit a different N-CAM profile, displaying a band between 180K and 200K in addition to the normal 180K and 140K species. Microheterogeneity was also observed in mutant and heterozygous embryos carrying Spd, an allele of Sp. However, these differences were less dramatic than that of Sp. The Sp locus may be involved in post-translational modification of N-CAM. An aberration in N-CAM processing could be the primary target of the mutation that leads to the development abnormalities observed in this mouse mutant.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The etiology of neural tube defects (NTDs) is multifactorial, with environmental and genetic determinants. Folate supplementation prevents the majority of NTDs, and a polymorphism in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) has become recognized as a genetic risk factor. The mechanisms by which folate affects NTD development are unclear. The Splotch (Sp) mouse is a well-characterized mouse model for studying spontaneous NTDs. To assess the potential interaction between folate metabolism and the Sp mutant in NTD development, we studied mice with both Sp and Mthfr mutations, as well as the interaction between Sp and low dietary folate. METHODS: Wild-type, single Mthfr+/-mutant, single Sp/+mutant, and double mutant (Mthfr+/-, Sp/+) female mice were mated with males of the same genotype. Embryos were examined for NTDs on gestational day (GD) 13.5. To investigate the effects of folate deficiency on Sp mice, Sp/+female mice were fed a control diet (CD), a moderately folic acid-deficient diet (MFADD), or a severely folic acid-deficient diet (SFADD). They were mated with Sp/+males and the embryos were examined. RESULTS: There were no differences in the incidence or severity of NTDs in embryos from double-mutant mating pairs compared to those from single Sp mutants. Embryos from Mthfr+/-dams did not exhibit NTDs. Diets deficient in folate did not influence the incidence or severity of NTDs in embryos from Sp/+mice. CONCLUSIONS: We did not observe an interaction between Sp and Mthfr mutations, or between the Sp mutation and low dietary folate, in NTD development in Splotch mice.  相似文献   

Neural crest cell lineage segregation in the mouse neural tube   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Neural crest (NC) cells arise in the dorsal neural tube (NT) and migrate into the embryo to develop into many different cell types. A major unresolved question is when and how the fate of NC cells is decided. There is widespread evidence for multipotential NC cells, whose fates are decided during or after migration. There is also some evidence that the NC is already divided into subpopulations of discrete precursors within the NT. We have investigated this question in the mouse embryo. We find that a subpopulation of cells on the most dorsomedial aspect of the NT express the receptor tyrosine kinase Kit (previously known as c-kit), emigrate exclusively into the developing dermis, and then express definitive markers of the melanocyte lineage. These are thus melanocyte progenitor cells. They are generated predominantly at the midbrain-hindbrain junction and cervical trunk, with significant numbers also in lower trunk. Other cells within the dorsal NT are Kit-, migrate ventrally, and, from embryonic day 9.5, express the neurotrophin receptor p75. These cells most likely only give rise to ventral NC derivatives such as neurons and glia. The p75+ cells are located ventrolateral to the Kit+ cells in areas of the NT where these two cell types are found. These data provide direct in vivo evidence for NC lineage segregation within the mouse neural tube.  相似文献   

The interaction between the splotch gene (Sp) and all-trans retinoic acid (RA) was investigated using cytogenetically marked Sp/+ and +/+ mouse embryos cultured in the presence of RA. Retinoic acid retarded the development of and had a teratogenic effect on mouse embryos in culture. In particular, RA had seemingly opposite effects on the posterior neural tube, inducing abnormally early fusion in some embryos and causing a dose-dependent delay in others. When the effects of RA on identified Sp/+ and +/+ embryos were compared, the only observed difference in their responses was in the degree of the delay in posterior neuropore (PNP) closure. At the end of the culture period, among the untreated control embryos, the Sp heterozygotes showed retardation of PNP closure compared to +/+ embryos. In addition, the RA treatment was found to have induced a greater delay in posterior neural tube closure in Sp/+ than in +/+ embryos. The basis for this difference in response to RA is presumed to be the retardation of PNP closure that is caused by the Sp gene in heterozygous form. The effects of the gene and the teratogen are additive and the gene carriers thus have greater mean PNP lengths at the end of culture. Since the length of the PNP is an indication of an embryo's likelihood of developing spina bifida, this provides an explanation for the observation that Sp/+ embryos are more sensitive to the spina bifida-causing effects of RA than are +/+ embryos.  相似文献   

Strain differences in heat-induced neural tube defects in mice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Neural tube defects are common congenital anomalies affecting approximately 0.1% of liveborn infants. It is widely accepted that these disorders are of a multifactorial origin, having both a genetic and an environmental component to their development. In a study designed to elucidate the genetic factors involved in a mouse model of hyperthermia-induced neural tube defects, it is apparent that a hierarchy of susceptibility exists among various inbred mouse strains. Female SWV mice were extremely sensitive to a 10-minute hyperthermic treatment on day 8.5 of gestation, with 44.3% of their offspring having exencephaly. The other strains used in these studies (LM/Bc, SWR/J, C57BL/6J, and DBA/2J) all had less than 14% affected offspring. In experimental situations where the environment is held constant and the only difference between the strains is their genotype, it is assumed that the difference in response to a teratogen is genetically mediated. To test the hypothesis that several genes are involved, reciprocal crosses were made between strains of high, moderate, and low sensitivity. When this was done, the high sensitivity of the SWV strain was lost in the F1 hybrid, implying not only that multiple genes are involved, but that it is the embryo's genotype and not the maternal genotype that is the major factor in determining susceptibility to heat-induced neural tube defects.  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental factors contribute to an individual's neural tube defect liability. In the mouse, the gene mutation Splotch (Sp) causes a pigmentation defect in heterozygotes while homozygotes have spina bifida +/- exencephaly. Splotch homozygotes, heterozygotes, and wild-type embryos were examined for somite number, anterior neuropore closure, and posterior neuropore length. The aim was to distinguish potentially affected homozygotes early in pathogenesis and find a morphological basis for increased teratogen susceptibility in heterozygotes. Posterior neuropore closure as well as anterior neuropore closure was significantly delayed in potentially affected Sp as compared to wild-type litter embryos exceeding the incidence found in day-10-diagnosed homozygotes. Part of this excess was attributed to a transient delay in heterozygotes which in turn might predispose to retinoic acid-induced neural tube defects. This idea was supported by an outcross of Sp heterozygote males by inbred SWV females and wild-type males by SWV where a significant increase in retinoic acid-induced neural tube defects was found in Sp carrier litters.  相似文献   

Zic family genes encode zinc finger proteins, which are homologues of the Drosophila pair-rule gene odd-paired. In the present study, we characterized the fifth member of the mouse Zic family gene, mouse Zic5. Zic5 is located near Zic2, which is responsible for human brain malformation syndrome (holoprosencephaly, or HPE). In embryonic stages, Zic5 was expressed in dorsal part of neural tissues and limbs. Expression of Zic5 overlapped with those of other Zic genes, most closely with Zic2, but was not identical. Targeted disruption of Zic5 resulted in insufficient neural tube closure at the rostral end, similar to that seen in Zic2 mutant mice. In addition, the Zic5-deficient mice exhibited malformation of neural-crest-derived facial bones, especially the mandible, which had not been observed in other Zic family mutants. During the embryonic stages, there were delays in the development of the first branchial arch and extension of the trigeminal and facial nerves. Neural crest marker staining revealed fewer neural crest cells in the dorsal cephalic region of the mutant embryos without significant changes in their migration. When mouse Zic5 was overexpressed in Xenopus embryos, expression of a neural crest marker was enhanced. These findings suggested that Zic5 is involved in the generation of neural crest tissue in mouse development. ZIC5 is also located close to ZIC2 in humans, and deletions of 13q32, where ZIC2 is located, lead to congenital brain and digit malformations known as the "13q32 deletion syndrome". Based on both their similar expression pattern in mouse embryos and the malformations observed in Zic5-deficient mutant mice, human ZIC5 might be involved in the deletion syndrome.  相似文献   

Pregnant mice congenic with C57BL/10 (B10.A, B10.BR, B10.D2, B10.A[2R], B10.A[5R], B10.A[15Rd, B10.A[1R], B10.A[18R], and B10.0L) were fed Purina Mouse Chow or the same diet plus 200 IU of vitamin A daily. The pregnant dams were sacrificed on the eighteenth day of gestation, and the fetuses were sexed and examined for defects in neural tube development. The frequency of neural tube defects was low (mean frequency of all strains, 0.36%) and was not affected by the addition of vitamin A (200 IU/day) to the diet. Twenty-seven of the 29 defects observed occurred in the anterior tube (exencephaly); fourteen were identified in female fetuses, but the sex could not be determined in the other 15 cases because of fetal death and early autolysis. Variations in frequency among the strains suggest that a locus between E beta and H-2D has a moderate influence on the occurrence of neural tube defects. Strains that had H-2d alleles in this segment of the H-2 complex had relatively high frequencies, and those with H-2b or H-2k alleles had significantly lower frequencies.  相似文献   

Genetic heterogeneity in neural tube defects.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1985-1987, the authors attempted to ascertain all cases of confirmed neural tube defects (NTD) in California and Illinois, not only among live-born infants (postnatal) but also cases ascertained during pregnancy (prenatal). Mothers of both prenatal and postnatal NTD cases were interviewed within 5 months. Among postnatal NTD cases, 14.9% (45/303) had anomalies not ordinarily associated with NTD. The frequency of non-NTD related anomalies was 9.4% (5/53) in anencephaly, 0/3 in craniorachischisis, 22.9% (8/35) in encephalocele, 14.5% (27/186) in spina bifida, 20% (1/5) in multiple NTD cases and 19% (4/21) in other NTDs. However, relatively few postnatal NTD cases had known multiple malformation patterns; Meckel-Gruber syndrome was the most common, with 2 postnatal cases, and 3 additional prenatal cases. Maternal age, paternal age and birth order in postnatal cases were 26.7 +/- 5.4 SD, 28.9 +/- 5.8 and 2.8 +/- 1.8, respectively. These characteristics were similar in prenatal NTD cases (27.9 +/- 6.0, 30.1 +/- 6.3, 2.5 +/- 1.5, respectively). We also found no differences in parental ages among different types of NTD. Frequency of prior spontaneous abortion differed neither between postnatal NTD (9.3%) and postnatal controls (8.1%), nor between prenatal NTD (10.7%) and prenatal control (8.7%). Loss rates in the pregnancy immediately prior to the index NTD cases were not significantly higher than in control subjects. The high frequency of non-NTD associated malformations (14.9%) indicates the caution must be exercised before assuming that a given NTD case is polygenic-multifactorial in etiology, especially cases of encephalocele.  相似文献   

Cardiac neural crest cells are multipotent migratory cells that contribute to the formation of the cardiac outflow tract and pharyngeal arch arteries. Neural crest-related developmental defects account for a large proportion of congenital heart disorders. Recently, the genetic bases for some of these disorders have been elucidated, and signaling pathways required for induction, migration and differentiation of cardiac neural crest have emerged. Bone morphogenetic proteins comprise a family of secreted ligands implicated in numerous aspects of organogenesis, including heart and neural crest development. However, it has remained generally unclear whether BMP ligands act directly on neural crest or cardiac myocytes during cardiac morphogenesis, or function indirectly by activating other cell types. Studies on BMP receptor signaling during organogenesis have been hampered by the fact that receptor knockouts often lead to early embryonic lethality. We have used a Cre/loxP system for neural crest-specific deletion of the type I receptor, ALK2, in mouse embryos. Mutant mice display cardiovascular defects, including persistent truncus arteriosus, and abnormal maturation of the aortic arch reminiscent of common forms of human congenital heart disease. Migration of mutant neural crest cells to the outflow tract is impaired, and differentiation to smooth muscle around aortic arch arteries is deficient. Moreover, in Alk2 mutants, the distal outflow tract fails to express Msx1, one of the major effectors of BMP signaling. Thus, the type I BMP receptor ALK2 plays an essential cell-autonomous role in the development of the cardiac outflow tract and aortic arch derivatives.  相似文献   

We review the data from studies of mouse mutants that lend insight to the mechanisms that lead to neural tube defects (NTDs). Most of the 50 single-gene mutations that cause neural tube defects (NTDs) in mice also cause severe embryonic-lethal syndromes, in which exencephaly is a nonspecific feature. In a few mutants (e.g., Trp53, Macs, Mlp or Sp), other defects may be present, but affected fetuses can survive to birth. Multifactorial genetic causes, as are present in the curly tail stock (15-20% spina bifida), or the SELH/Bc strain (15-20% exencephaly), lead to nonsyndromic NTDs. The mutations indicate that "spina bifida occulta," a dorsal gap in the vertebral arches over an intact neural tube, is usually genetically and developmentally unrelated to exencephaly or "spina bifida" (aperta). Almost all exencephaly or spina bifida aperta of genetic origin is caused by failure of neural fold elevation. The developmental mechanisms in genetic NTDs are considered in terms of distinct rostro-caudal zones along the neural folds that likely differ in mechanism of elevation. Failure of elevation leads to: split face (zone A), exencephaly (zone B), rachischisis (all of zone D), or spina bifida (caudal zone D). The developmental mechanisms leading to these genetic NTDs are heterogeneous, even within one zone. At the tissue level, the mutants show that the mechanism of failure of elevation can involve, e.g., (1) slow growth of adjacent tethered tissue (curly tail), (2) defective forebrain mesenchyme (Cart1 or twist), (3) defective basal lamina in surface ectoderm (Lama5), (4) excessive breadth of floorplate and notochord (Lp), (5) abnormal neuroepithelium (Apob, Sp, Tcfap2a), (6) morphological deformation of neural folds (jmj), (7) abnormal neuroepithelial and neural crest cell gap-junction communication (Gja1), or (8) incomplete compensation for a defective step in the elevation sequence (SELH/Bc). At the biochemical level, mutants suggest involvement of: (1) faulty regulation of apoptosis (Trp53 or p300), (2) premature differentiation (Hes1), (3) disruption of actin function (Macs or Mlp), (4) abnormal telomerase complex (Terc), or (5) faulty pyrimidine synthesis (Sp). The NTD preventative effect of maternal dietary supplementation is also heterogeneous, as demonstrated by: (1) methionine (Axd), (2) folic acid or thymidine (Sp), or (3) inositol (curly tail). The heterogeneity of mechanism of mouse NTDs suggests that human NTDs, including the common nonsyndromic anencephaly or spina bifida, may also reflect a variety of genetically caused defects in developmental mechanisms normally responsible for elevation of the neural folds.  相似文献   

D B Wilson  L A Finta 《Teratology》1979,19(3):337-340
The lumbosacral region of the neural tube was studied by means of transmission electron microscopy in retrospectively confirmed normal (+/+; Sp/+) and abnormal (Sp/Sp) embryos of the splotch mutant mouse early on the ninth day of gestation when the caudal neural groove is normally in the process of closing to form the neural tube. In abnormal embryos, a consistent feature is the presence of gap junctional vesicles, particularly in the region of the neural groove which subsequently fails to close, whereas these structures are rarely observed in similar areas of normal embryos. The possible significance of gap junctional vesicles is discussed in terms of cellular adhesion during early neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Neural tube defects among twin births.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
To obtain accurate, unbiased rates of neural tube defects (NTDs) in twins, we conducted a population-based study that included live births and fetal deaths in Los Angeles County, California, ascertaining cases by multiple methods. Twenty-eight twin cases yielded a prevalence-at-birth of 1.6/1,000 twin births, which is significantly higher than the singleton prevalence of 1.1/1,000 births. In twins compared with singletons, the prevalences of both encephalocele and anencephaly are increased, whereas spina bifida is decreased. The twin case male/female sex ratio (.55) is lower than the singleton case sex ratio (.77). Concordance is relatively low at 3.7%, but appears to be higher than recently reported recurrence risks in other low prevalence areas. Stillbirths were most common among female cases and like-sex twins. Our study tends to support proposed etiologic theories associating NTDs with females or monozygotic twins, or both. There is increasing evidence that the etiology of NTDs may differ in high and low prevalence areas. We suggest also that twins and singletons may differ in their response to etiologic factors. The variations among anencephaly, spina bifida, and encephalocele in their association with twinning suggest that there may be different factors that influence the development of each specific NTD. The noted differences among the malformations also indicate that some of the variation among results of other studies of NTDs and twinning may be due to case ascertainment. Including spina bifida cases would decrease the proportion of twins in a study population, while including anencephalics would increase the proportion. Importantly, ascertaining fetal deaths would increase the proportion of anencephalics and case females, so studies of NTDs that do not include fetal deaths will show fewer twins than expected. On the basis of our findings and those of Layde et al., excluding encephaloceles will also decrease the number of twins among NTD cases. When investigating etiologic hypotheses for NTDs, these potential biases must be recognized.  相似文献   

Childhood cancer and neural tube defects.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

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