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Ecological conditions are likely to change with increasing urbanization, influencing the demography and size of animal populations. Although one of the most tightly linked species to humans, the house sparrow has been suffering a significant decline worldwide, especially in European cities. Several factors have been proposed to explain this conspicuous loss of urban sparrows, but studies evaluating these factors are usually restricted to Britain where the decline was very drastic, and it is unclear whether similar or different processes are affecting urban populations of the species elsewhere. In this study we investigated the reproductive success of urban and rural sparrows in a central European country, Hungary where our census data indicate a moderate decline during the last decade. We found that rural pairs produced more and larger fledglings than suburban pairs, and the difference remained consistent in two years with very contrasting meteorological conditions during breeding. This difference is likely explained by habitat differences in nestling diet, because we found that 1) rural parents provided large prey items more often than suburban parents, 2) birds from differently urbanized habitats produced fledglings of similar number and size in captivity under identical rearing conditions with ample food for nestlings, and 3) in a cross‐fostering experiment, nestlings tended to grow larger in rural than in suburban nests irrespective of their hatching environment. These results agree with those found in a recent British study, indicating that poor nestling development and survival due to inadequate diet may be widespread phenomena in urbanized habitats.  相似文献   

Social mating system and reproductive success in house wrens   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Current models explaining the establishment and maintenanceof social monogamy and polygyny within avian populations typicallyassume that the reproductive success of polygynous males exceedsthat of monogamous males. This assumption is almost always supportedwhen the number of fledglings or recruits to future breedingpopulations is used to measure adult reproductive success. However,recent studies using DNA markers indicate that simple countsof fledglings or recruits may be a poor estimator of the numberof nestlings sired by the social father. In this paper, we comparethe number of genetic offspring produced by socially monogamousand polygynous house wren (TrogiodyUs atdon) males in nestsat which they were the social father. Polygynous males did,in fact, sire more nestlings in their own nests than did monogamousmales. Moreover, although we have not identified the sires ofextrapair nestlings, we document that even when all extrapairnestlings in this population are hypotheticaOy assigned to monogamousmales, die total reproductive success of polygynous males exceedsthat of monogamous males. These results and those of severalother recent studies are consistent with the assumption thatpolygynous males produce more offspring than monogamous males.  相似文献   

A common life history pattern in many organisms is that reproductive success increases with age. We report a similar pattern in house sparrows Passer domesticus , older individuals performed better than yearlings for most measures of reproductive success. Older males and females began breeding earlier in a given season and fledged more young than their yearling counterparts. Individual males also fledged more young in their second breeding season than they did in their first, but individual females did not show consistent improvement in reproductive success from year one to two. A path analysis indicated that age in both sexes acted primarily through the timing of breeding; earlier nesters laid more eggs and hence fledged more young but did not have more nesting attempts. We tested whether the increased reproductive success with age arose from high quality individuals surviving to be older (selection hypothesis). In contrast to the main prediction of this hypothesis that reproductive success and survival should be positively related, we found that survival from one year of age to two years of age was negatively related to reproductive success in the first year for males and females combined. Additionally, individuals that survived to breed as two-year-olds did not differ in total young fledged in their first year from those that did not survive to their second season of breeding. Our results indicate that fledgling production increases with age due to improvements in timing of breeding, particularly in females, and not because of the loss of poor breeders or increased output. Mechanisms producing age-related differences in timing of breeding warrant further study.  相似文献   

Afro‐Palearctic migrant species are exposed to parasites at both breeding and over‐wintering grounds. The house martin Delichon urbicum is one such migratory species facing high instances of blood parasite infection. In an attempt to determine whether breeding European house martins harbour similar blood parasite communities to populations breeding in North Africa, birds were sampled at their breeding grounds in Switzerland and Algeria. Moreover, haemosporidian prevalence and parasite communities were compared to published data sets on Spanish and Dutch breeding populations. This study furthermore wanted to establish whether co‐infection with multiple genera or lineages of parasites had negative e?ects on host body condition. Breeding house martins caught in Algeria showed a higher prevalence of avian haemosporidian parasites than did European populations. Swiss house martins showed a prevalence comparable to that of Spanish and Dutch populations. There were slight differences in the haemosporidian community between European and North‐African populations in terms of composition and abundance of each lineage. Similar to the Dutch house martins, but in contrast to the Spanish population, infection status and number of genera of parasites infecting single hosts did not in?uence Swiss house martin body condition.  相似文献   

Parasites often exert strong selection pressures on their hosts that have evolved anti-parasite defences to counter the negative effects of parasites. We studied the relationship between intensity of parasitism, one aspect of host immune response, and host reproductive success, using the house martin bug Oeciacushirundinis and its house martin Delichonurbica host as a model system. Experimental manipulation of parasite load of nests during laying of the first clutch altered the intensity of parasitism. Parasites reduced the reproductive success of their hosts measured in terms of body condition and survival of nestlings. Host immune response, measured as the concentration of gammaglobulins and total plasma proteins, was positively associated with parasite reproduction, estimated as the number of juvenile parasites, but was only weakly related to the intensity of adult parasites. The concentration of gammaglobulins was negatively related to nestling body mass, implying a trade-off between immune function and body condition. Parasite reproduction thus exerts a cost on hosts by increasing the immune response. Received: 25 August 1997 / Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

Theories of sexual selection usually assume that female preferences for male ornamental traits are fixed and always likely to favour the largest or most extravagant sexual ornaments. This is not, however, always necessary or likely, particularly in resource-based monogamous systems. Here we show that in a closed population of house sparrows, small-badged males were preferred by females as both social and genetic mates and produced a higher number of viable offspring. Previous studies of other house sparrow populations have shown females to prefer large-badged males. Given the likely trade-offs operating between different male behavioural and morphological traits, we propose that female choice is a flexible adaptive strategy through which females can select those males likely to supply the male-acquired benefits that are locally most important.  相似文献   

During moult, stressors such as malaria and related haemosporidian parasites (e.g. Plasmodium and Haemoproteus) could affect the growth rate and quality of feathers, which in turn may compromise future reproduction and survival. Recent advances in molecular methods to study parasites have revealed that co‐infections with multiple parasites are frequent in bird–malaria parasite systems. However, there is no study of the consequences of co‐infections on the moult of birds. In house martins Delichon urbica captured and studied at a breeding site in Europe during 11 yr, we measured the quality and the growth rate of tail feathers moulted in the African winter quarters in parallel with the infection status of blood parasites that are also transmitted on the wintering ground. Here we tested if the infection with two haemosporidian parasite lineages has more negative effects than a single lineage infection. We found that birds with haemosporidian infection had lower body condition. We also found that birds co‐infected with two haemosporidian lineages had the lowest inferred growth rate of their tail feathers as compared with uninfected and single infected individuals, but co‐infections had no effect on feather quality. In addition, feather quality was negatively correlated with feather growth rate, suggesting that these two traits are traded‐off against each other. We encourage the study of haemosporidian parasite infection as potential mechanism driving this trade‐off in wild populations of birds.  相似文献   

The environment is currently undergoing changes at both global (e.g., climate change) and local (e.g., tourism, pollution, habitat modification) scales that have the capacity to affect the viability of animal and plant populations. Many of these changes, such as human disturbance, have an anthropogenic origin and therefore may be mitigated by management action. To do so requires an understanding of the impact of human activities and changing environmental conditions on population dynamics. We investigated the influence of human activity on important life history parameters (reproductive rate, and body condition, and growth rate of neonate pups) for California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Increased human presence was associated with lower reproductive rates, which translated into reduced long-term population growth rates and suggested that human activities are a disturbance that could lead to population declines. We also observed higher body growth rates in pups with increased exposure to humans. Increased growth rates in pups may reflect a density dependent response to declining reproductive rates (e.g., decreased competition for resources). Our results highlight the potentially complex changes in life history parameters that may result from human disturbance, and their implication for population dynamics. We recommend careful monitoring of human activities in the Gulf of California and emphasize the importance of management strategies that explicitly consider the potential impact of human activities such as ecotourism on vertebrate populations.  相似文献   

When social constraints on the expression of mate preferences are absent, variation in offspring viability is predicted to favour females and males that display mate preferences. Earlier studies showed that female and male house mice, Mus domesticus, tested individually and mated with preferred (P) partners had higher reproductive success and better progeny performance than individuals mated with nonpreferred (NP) partners. Here we tested the effects of mutual mate preferences on reproductive success, offspring viability and performance. We conducted mate preference tests and created four types of reproductive pairings. One involved females and males that preferred each other (P-P); the second type had females that preferred the male but the male did not prefer the female (P-NP); the third had females that did not prefer the male but the male did prefer the female (NP-P). The last set consisted of females and males that did not prefer each other (NP-NP). We measured components of fitness for breeders (reproductive success) and offspring viability (birth-to-weaning viability and weight variation) as well as measures of offspring performance. There were no statistical differences in reproductive success of breeders or offspring viability and quality (weight variation) among the four types of pairings. There were, however, consistent differences between P-P versus NP-NP matings. The number of pups weaned, time to first litter, birth-to-weaning viability, pup body weight at birth and weaning, and the growth rates for pups of both sexes were consistently greater for progeny from P-P matings than NP-NP matings. Significant differences occurred among the four mating types in dominance of sons during aggression trials, nest construction and predator avoidance. Progeny from P-P matings displayed behaviour associated with higher fitness more often than progeny from NP-NP matings. These data show that breeders produce more highly competent progeny, most likely to survive, when social constraints on the expression of mate preferences in both sexes are relaxed.Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Migratory birds have less time for moulting than sedentary birds, which may force them to produce their feathers faster at the expense of reducing feather quality. However, the effects of migration on the trade-off between moult speed and plumage quality remain to be studied in natural populations. We analysed the relationship between growth rate and quality of individual feathers, taking advantage of natural variation between migratory and sedentary populations of blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla . As predicted by life-history theory, individual blackcaps showed variable individual quality, which was revealed by positive correlations between feather growth rate and feather mass within populations. However, migrants grew up their feathers faster, producing lighter feathers than sedentary blackcaps. These results support the idea that feather growth rate and feather quality are traded against each other in blackcaps. Such a trade-off is apparently caused by different selection associated to migratory and sedentary life styles, which opens new insights into the diversification of moult patterns in birds.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 98–105.  相似文献   

Hormones mediate major physiological and behavioural components of the reproductive phenotype of individuals. To understand basic evolutionary processes in the hormonal regulation of reproductive traits, we need to know whether, and during which reproductive phases, individual variation in hormone concentrations relates to fitness in natural populations. We related circulating concentrations of prolactin and corticosterone to parental behaviour and reproductive success during both the pre-breeding and the chick-rearing stages in both individuals of pairs of free-living house sparrows, Passer domesticus. Prolactin and baseline corticosterone concentrations in pre-breeding females, and prolactin concentrations in pre-breeding males, predicted total number of fledglings. When the strong effect of lay date on total fledgling number was corrected for, only pre-breeding baseline corticosterone, but not prolactin, was negatively correlated with the reproductive success of females. During the breeding season, nestling provisioning rates of both sexes were negatively correlated with stress-induced corticosterone levels. Lastly, individuals of both sexes with low baseline corticosterone before and high baseline corticosterone during breeding raised the most offspring, suggesting that either the plasticity of this trait contributes to reproductive success or that high parental effort leads to increased hormone concentrations. Thus hormone concentrations both before and during breeding, as well as their seasonal dynamics, predict reproductive success, suggesting that individual variation in absolute concentrations and in plasticity is functionally significant, and, if heritable, may be a target of selection.  相似文献   

Attractive facial features in women are assumed to signal fertility, but whether facial attractiveness predicts reproductive success in women is still a matter of debate. We investigated the association between facial attractiveness at young adulthood and reproductive life history—number of children and pregnancies—in women of a rural community. For the analysis of reproductive success, we divided the sample into women who used contraceptives and women who did not. Introducing two-dimensional geometric morphometric methodology, we analysed which specific characteristics in facial shape drive the assessment of attractiveness and covary with lifetime reproductive success. A set of 93 (semi)landmarks was digitized as two-dimensional coordinates in postmenopausal faces. We calculated the degree of fluctuating asymmetry and regressed facial shape on facial attractiveness at youth and reproductive success. Among women who never used hormonal contraceptives, we found attractive women to have more biological offspring than less attractive women. These findings are not affected by sociodemographic variables. Postmenopausal faces corresponding to high reproductive success show more feminine features—facial characteristics previously assumed to be honest cues to fertility. Our findings support the notion that facial attractiveness at the age of mate choice predicts reproductive success and that facial attractiveness is based on facial characteristics, which seem to remain stable until postmenopausal age.  相似文献   

We tested a critical assumption of sexual dialectics theory (Gowaty 1997, Feminism and Evolutionary Biology, Chapman & Hall) using house mice, Mus musculus. We asked if female house mice accrue viability benefits for their offspring when they mate with males they prefer versus with males they do not prefer. Our experiment was designed to eliminate or control other mechanisms of reproductive competition besides female mate choice. After allowing females to discriminate behaviourally between two males, which were at random with respect to phenotypic variation discriminating females were paired with preferred (P) or nonpreferred (NP) males. We then tested whether females mating with males they preferred had offspring of higher viability than females mating with nonpreferred males. In pairwise comparisons, we tested for differences in offspring performance in dominance contests and in nest-building skill. At weaning, we exposed half of the pups to cold stress. We tested progeny performance and viability in the laboratory or in outdoor field enclosures. In comparison to P females, NP females produced significantly fewer litters. Sons from P matings were socially dominant to sons from NP matings. Adult offspring from P matings built better nests than those from NP matings. In field enclosures significantly fewer NP than P offspring survived to 60 days after introduction. Male and female progeny from P matings established larger home ranges and constructed better nests than progeny from NP matings. This is the first demonstration of progeny viability differences for females allowed to express mate preferences between males presented to them at random. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Evolutionary accounts of human traits are often based on proxies for genetic fitness (e.g., number of sex partners, facial attractiveness). Instead of using proxies, actual differences in reproductive success is a more direct measure of Darwinian fitness. Certain voice acoustics such as fundamental frequency and measures of health such as handgrip strength correlate with proxies of fitness, yet there are few studies showing the relation of these traits to reproduction. Here, we explore whether the fundamental frequency of the voice and handgrip strength account for differences in actual reproduction among a population of natural fertility humans. Our results show that both fundamental frequency and handgrip strength predict several measures of reproductive success among a group of indigenous Namibian females, particularly amongst the elderly, with weight also predicting reproductive outcomes among males. These findings demonstrate that both hormonally regulated and phenotypic quality markers can be used as measures of Darwinian fitness among humans living under conditions that resemble the evolutionary environment of Homo sapiens. We also argue that these findings provide support for the Grandmother Hypothesis.  相似文献   

Dominant females in social species have been hypothesized to reduce the reproductive success of their subordinates by inducing elevated circulating glucocorticoid (GC) concentrations. However, this ‘stress-related suppression'' hypothesis has received little support in cooperatively breeding species, despite evident reproductive skews among females. We tested this hypothesis in the banded mongoose (Mungos mungo), a cooperative mammal in which multiple females conceive and carry to term in each communal breeding attempt. As predicted, lower ranked females had lower reproductive success, even among females that carried to term. While there were no rank-related differences in faecal glucocorticoid (fGC) concentrations prior to gestation or in the first trimester, lower ranked females had significantly higher fGC concentrations than higher ranked females in the second and third trimesters. Finally, females with higher fGC concentrations during the third trimester lost a greater proportion of their gestated young prior to their emergence from the burrow. Together, our results are consistent with a role for rank-related maternal stress in generating reproductive skew among females in this cooperative breeder. While studies of reproductive skew frequently consider the possibility that rank-related stress reduces the conception rates of subordinates, our findings highlight the possibility of detrimental effects on reproductive outcomes even after pregnancies have become established.  相似文献   

In polygynous species, it is unclear whether extrapair matings provide a better reproductive payoff to males than additional social mates. Male house wrens, Troglodytes aedon, show three types of social mating behaviour: single-brooded monogamy, sequential monogamy (two broods) and polygyny. Thus, male reproductive success can vary depending on the number of mates, the number of broods and the number of extrapair fertilizations. We used microsatellite markers to determine the realized reproductive success (total number of young sired from both within-pair and extrapair fertilizations) of males in these three categories. We found that polygynous males were more likely to be cuckolded than monogamous males; however, half of the polygynous males had a third brood, which resulted in similar reproductive success for sequentially monogamous and polygynous males. Despite the paternity gained from extrapair fertilizations by single-brooded males, males were more successful when they produced multiple broods during a season, either sequentially (monogamy) or simultaneously (polygyny). In our population, multibrooded males were more likely to have prior breeding experience and arrived earlier in the season, which provided a better opportunity to obtain more than one brood and, thus, produce more young.  相似文献   

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