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Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) encodes a single protein with tyrosine kinase activity that can transform fibroblast cell lines in vitro and lymphoid target cells in vitro and in vivo. Expression of kinase-active A-MuLV protein can result in a deleterious effect on transformed fibroblast populations, leading to cell death or selection for nonlethal mutants of the virus. These mutants retain expression of the kinase activity but have lost large portions of the carboxy terminus of the Abelson protein. To more precisely map the sequences involved in this lethal effect, we have isolated a series of site-directed deletions from a DNA clone of the P160 wild-type strain of A-MuLV. In addition, a number of unexpected, spontaneous deletions occurring during transfection of NIH 3T3 cells were isolated. These deletions result in expression of carboxy-terminal truncated forms of the A-MuLV protein ranging from 130,000 to 84,000 in molecular weight. Analysis of the transforming and lethal activities of each mutant recovered in its RNA viral form shows that the transformation-essential and lethal-essential sequences do not overlap. These data and our previous work suggest that a function carried by the carboxy-terminal region of the A-MuLV protein acts in cis with the kinase-essential region to mediate the lethal effect.  相似文献   

Flynn JA  An W  King SR  Telesnitsky A 《Journal of virology》2004,78(22):12129-12139
Retroviral genomes consist of two unspliced RNAs linked noncovalently in a dimer. Although these two RNAs are generally identical, two different RNAs can be copackaged when virions are produced by coinfected cells. It has been assumed, but not tested, that copackaging results from random RNA associations in the cytoplasm to yield encapsidated RNA homodimers and heterodimers in Hardy-Weinberg proportions. Here, virion RNA homo- and heterodimerization were examined for Moloney murine leukemia virus (MLV) using nondenaturing Northern blotting and a novel RNA dimer capture assay. The results demonstrated that coexpressed MLV RNAs preferentially self-associated, even when RNAs were identical in known packaging and dimerization sequences or when they differed overall by less than 0.1%. In contrast, HIV-1 RNAs formed homo- and heterodimers in random proportions. We speculate that these species-specific differences in RNA dimer partner selection may at least partially explain the higher frequency of genetic recombination observed for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 than for MLV.  相似文献   

Induction of apoptosis by different types of pathogenic retroviruses is an important step in disease development. We have observed that infection of thymic lymphocytes by the mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia virus (MCF MLV) during the preleukemic period resulted in an enhancement of apoptosis of these cells. To further study the ability of MCF MLVs to induce apoptosis and the role of this process in viral pathogenesis, we have developed an in vitro system of virus-induced apoptosis. MCF13 MLV infection of mink epithelial cells resulted in the production of cytopathic foci. In contrast, infection of mink cells with the 4070A amphotropic MLV did not produce any cytopathic effects. Staining of MCF13 MLV-infected cells with propidium iodide and annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate indicated that virus-induced cell death was due to apoptosis. At 6 days postinfection, the percentage of apoptotic MCF13 MLV-infected cells was 27% compared with 2 to 3% for mock- or amphotropic MLV-infected cells, representing a 9- to 14-fold difference. Assays for caspase-3 activation confirmed the detection by flow cytometry of apoptosis of MCF13 MLV-infected cells. Large amounts of unintegrated linear viral DNA were detectable by Southern blot analysis during the acute phase of infection, which indicated that MCF13 MLV is able to superinfect mink cells. Unintegrated viral DNA of only the linear form was detectable in thymic lymphocytes isolated from MCF13 MLV-inoculated mice during the preleukemic period. These results indicated that the ability of MCF13 MLV to induce apoptosis is correlated with its ability to superinfect cells and that this occurs as an early step in thymic lymphoma development.  相似文献   

We isolated a strain of normal goat fibroblasts which was uniquely selective in that it allowed the replication of xenotropic murine leukemia virus but not polytropic recombinant murine leukemia virus. In addition, feline leukemia virus type A replication was severely diminished in these goat cells, whereas feline leukemia virus type B and feline endogenous RD114-CCC viruses replicated efficiently. No other known cells exhibit this pattern of virus growth restriction. These goat cells allow the study of xenotropic murine leukemia virus in mixtures which also contain recombinant murine leukemia virus and may be helpful in eliminating feline leukemia virus type which often coexists in feline sarcoma or leukemia virus mixtures with other feline leukemia virus types.  相似文献   

TR1.3 is a Friend murine leukemia virus (MLV) that induces selective syncytium induction (SI) of brain capillary endothelial cells (BCEC), intracerebral hemorrhage, and death. Syncytium induction by TR1.3 has been mapped to a single tryptophan-to-glycine conversion at position 102 of the envelope glycoprotein (Env102). The mechanism of SI by TR1.3 was examined here in comparison to the non-syncytium-inducing, nonpathogenic MLV FB29, which displays an identical BCEC tropism. Envelope protein expression and stability on both infected cells and viral particles were not statistically different for TR1.3 and FB29. However, affinity measurements derived using purified envelope receptor binding domain (RBD) revealed a reduction of >1 log in the K(D) of TR1.3 RBD relative to FB29 RBD. Whole-virus particles pseudotyped with TR1.3 Env similarly displayed a markedly reduced binding avidity compared to FB29-pseudotyped viral particles. Lastly, decreased receptor affinity of TR1.3 Env correlated with the failure to block superinfection following acute and chronic infection by TR1.3. These results definitively show that acquisition of a SI phenotype can be directly linked to amino acid changes in retroviral Env that decrease receptor affinity, thereby emphasizing the importance of events downstream of receptor binding in the cell fusion process and pathology.  相似文献   

The limited efficiency of in vivo gene transfer by replication-deficient retroviral vectors remains an obstacle to achieving effective gene therapy for solid tumors. One approach to circumvent this problem is the use of replication-competent retroviral vectors. However, the application of such vectors is at a comparatively early stage and the effects which virus strain, transgene cassette position, and target cell can exert on vector spread kinetics, genomic stability, and transgene expression levels remain to be fully elucidated. Thus, in this study a panel of vectors allowing the investigation of different design features on an otherwise genetically identical background were analyzed with respect to these readout parameters in cultures of both murine and human cells and in preformed tumors in nude mice. The obtained data revealed that (i) Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MLV)-based vectors spread with faster kinetics, drive higher levels of transgene expression, and are more stable than equivalent Akv-MLV-based vectors; (ii) vectors containing the transgene cassette directly downstream of the envelope gene are genomically more stable than those containing it within the 3'-long terminal repeat U3 region; and (iii) the genomic stability of both strains seems to be cell line dependent.  相似文献   

Moloney murine leukemia virus (MLV) particles contain both viral genomic RNA and an assortment of host cell RNAs. Packaging of virus-encoded RNA is selective, with virions virtually devoid of spliced env mRNA and highly enriched for unspliced genome. Except for primer tRNA, it is unclear whether packaged host RNAs are randomly sampled from the cell or specifically encapsidated. To address possible biases in host RNA sampling, the relative abundances of several host RNAs in MLV particles and in producer cells were compared. Using 7SL RNA as a standard, some cellular RNAs, such as those of the Ro RNP, were found to be enriched in MLV particles in that their ratios relative to 7SL differed little, if at all, from their ratios in cells. Some RNAs were underrepresented, with ratios relative to 7SL several orders of magnitude lower in virions than in cells, while others displayed intermediate values. At least some enriched RNAs were encapsidated by genome-defective nucleocapsid mutants. Virion RNAs were not a random sample of the cytosol as a whole, since some cytoplasmic RNAs like tRNA(Met) were vastly underrepresented, while U6 spliceosomal RNA, which functions in the nucleus, was enriched. Real-time PCR demonstrated that env mRNA, although several orders of magnitude less abundant than unspliced viral RNA, was slightly enriched relative to actin mRNA in virions. These data demonstrate that certain host RNAs are nearly as enriched in virions as genomic RNA and suggest that Psi- mRNAs and some other host RNAs may be specifically excluded from assembly sites.  相似文献   

32P- and methyl-3H-labeled 70S Moloney murine leukemia virus RNA was purified from virions produced in Moloney murine leukemia virus-infected mouse embryo cells. Primer-free RNA subunits obtained by heat treatment and zonal centrifugation were digested with RNase T2, and methylated oligonucleotides were chromatographed on DEAE-Sephadex in 7 M urea. Approximately one molecule of RNase T2-stable oligonucleotide (-5 charge) was isolated per subunit. Structural analysis indicated that the sequence of the oligonucleotide is m7GpppGmpCp. Analysis of the mononucleotide fraction isolated by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography of the RNase T2 digest identified 15 to 23 internal N6-methyladenylic acid molecules per subunit.  相似文献   

Jung YT  Wu T  Kozak CA 《Journal of virology》2004,78(22):12189-12197
A variant ecotropic Friend murine leukemia virus, F-S MLV, is capable of inducing the formation of large multinucleated syncytia in Mus dunni cells. This cytopathicity resembles that of Spl574 MLV, a novel variant recently isolated from the spleen of a Mus spicilegus mouse neonatally inoculated with Moloney MLV. F-S MLV is an N-tropic Friend MLV that also has the unusual ability to infect hamster cells, which are normally resistant to mouse ecotropic MLVs. Syncytium induction by both F-S MLV and Spl574 is accompanied by the accumulation of large amounts of unintegrated viral DNA, a hallmark of pathogenic retroviruses, but not previously reported for mouse ecotropic gammaretroviruses. Sequencing and site-specific mutagenesis determined that the syncytium-inducing phenotype of F-S MLV can be attributed to a single amino acid substitution (S84A) in the VRA region of the viral env gene. This site corresponds to that of the single substitution previously shown to be responsible for the cytopathicity of Spl574, S82F. The S84A substitution in F-S MLV also contributes to the ability of this virus to infect hamster cells, but Spl574 MLV is unable to infect hamster cells. Because this serine residue is one of the critical amino acids that form the CAT-1 receptor binding site, and because M. dunni and hamster cells have variant CAT-1 receptors, these results suggest that syncytium formation as well as altered host range may be a consequence of altered interaction between virus and receptor.  相似文献   

Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV) is a replication-competent, ecotropic, NB-tropic retrovirus which produces a rapidly fatal erythroleukemia in susceptible strains of mice. We previously molecularly cloned the entire F-MuLV genome. Transfection of this cloned DNA into NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblasts produces a virus with the same leukemia-inducing characteristics as F-MuLV. To identify which portion of the F-MuLV genome is responsible for causing leukemia, we made recombinant viruses between subgenomic fragments of F-MuLV DNA and another retrovirus--Amphotroph clone 4070. Amphotroph clone 4070 is a replication-competent, amphotrophic, N-tropic virus which does not produce any detectable malignancy in mice. A 2.4-kilobase-pair fragment of F-MuLV DNA was isolated. This DNA fragment encompassed approximately 700 base pairs from the 3' end of the F-MuLV pol gene and 1.7 kilobase pairs of the env gene including all of gp70 and the N-terminal four-fifths of p15E. A molecularly cloned fragment of Amphotroph DNA was ligated to the 2.4-kilobase-pair F-MuLV DNA, and an 8.3-kilobase-pair hybrid F-MuLV-Amphotroph DNA was subcloned into a new plasmid (p5a25-H). Transfection of p5a25-H DNA into fibroblasts resulted in the production of a replication-competent, ecotropic, N-tropic retrovirus--5a25-H virus. Inoculation of this virus into newborn NIH Swiss mice caused leukemia within 4 to 6 months. The disease caused by 5a25-H was pathologically and histologically indistinguishable from the disease caused by F-MuLV. We conclude that the F-MuLV sequences needed to cause disease are contained in these 2.4 kilobase pairs of DNA.  相似文献   

We used mouse-Chinese hamster somatic cell hybrids which lose mouse chromosomes to examine the distribution of murine leukemia virus DNA sequences in the genome of A/HeJ mice. We analyzed total cellular DNA from various hybrid clones for the presence of viral sequences by molecular hybridization and used the Southern blot hybridization procedure to identify viral DNA in cellular restriction endonuclease fragments. Our results show that murine leukemia virus DNA sequences are distributed among many mouse chromosomes in this strain. Chromosome 4 was shown to contain murine leukemia virus DNA sequences.  相似文献   

D E Ott  J Keller  K Sill    A Rein 《Journal of virology》1992,66(10):6107-6116
Murine leukemia viruses (MuLVs) induce leukemias and lymphomas in mice. We have used fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis to determine the hematopoietic phenotypes of tumor cells induced by a number of MuLVs. Tumor cells induced by ecotropic Moloney, amphotropic 4070A, and 10A1 MuLVs and by two chimeric MuLVs, Mo(4070A) and Mo(10A1), were examined with antibodies to 13 lineage-specific cell surface markers found on myeloid cell, T-cell, and B-cell lineages. The chimeric Mo(4070A) and Mo(10A1) MuLVs, consisting of Moloney MuLV with the carboxy half of the Pol region and nearly all of the Env region of 4070A and 10A1, respectively, were constructed to examine the possible influence of these sequences on Moloney MuLV-induced tumor cell phenotypes. In some instances, these phenotypic analyses were supplemented by Southern blot analysis for lymphoid cell-specific genomic DNA rearrangements at the immunoglobulin heavy-chain, the T-cell receptor gamma, and the T-cell receptor beta loci. The results of our analysis showed that Moloney MuLV, 4070A, Mo(4070A), and Mo(10A1) induced mostly T-cell tumors. Moloney MuLV and Mo(4070A) induced a wide variety of T-cell phenotypes, ranging from immature to mature phenotypes, while 4070A induced mostly prothymocyte and double-negative (CD4- CD8-) T-cell tumors. The tumor phenotypes obtained with 10A1 and Mo(10A1) were each less variable than those obtained with the other MuLVs tested. 10A1 uniformly induced a tumor consisting of lineage marker-negative cells that lack lymphoid cell-specific DNA rearrangements and histologically appear to be early undifferentiated erythroid cell-like precursors. The Mo(10A1) chimera consistently induced an intermediate T-cell tumor. The chimeric constructions demonstrated that while 4070A 3' pol and env sequences apparently did not influence the observed tumor cell phenotypes, the 10A1 half of pol and env had a strong effect on the phenotypes induced by Mo(10A1) that resulted in a phenotypic consistency not seen with other viruses. This result implicates 10A1 env in an active role in the tumorigenic process.  相似文献   

The murine gene Fv-1 exerts a major control over the replication of Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV). An effect of the gene product has been determined to be at the level of accumulation and integration of viral DNA. Aphidicolin, an inhibitor of eucaryotic DNA polymerase alpha, was studied in murine cells infected either permissively or nonpermissively with regard to the Fv-1 genotype. Results indicated that inhibition of DNA polymerase alpha did not affect the accumulation of form III viral DNA in either permissive or nonpermissive cells. However, the normal accumulation of circular form I DNA in permissive cells was inhibited. The block in the accumulation of form I DNA resembled that occurring in some F-MuLV Fv-1-nonpermissive infections. Additionally, aphidicolin treatment resulted in the accumulation of novel low-molecular-weight viral DNA species, normally detectable in a nonpermissive infection of NIH cells with B-tropic F-MuLV. These data suggest that the Fv-1 gene product may interact with host DNA polymerase alpha to prevent viral replication.  相似文献   

Rasheed rat sarcoma virus (RaSV) has been shown to code for a protein of 29,000 Mr not present in replication-competent rat type C helper virus (RaLV)-infected cells. This protein is a fused gene product consisting of a portion of the RaLV p15 gag protein and the transformation-specific 21,000 Mr (p21) ras protein, which is also found in Harvey murine sarcoma virus. We now report the molecular cloning of both the SD-1 (Sprague-Dawley) strain of RaLV and the transforming ras sequences of RaSV. Heteroduplex analysis of these cloned DNAs demonstrated that the RaSV ras gene (v-Ra-ras) was inserted into the rat type C viral genome with a small deletion of RaLV genetic information in the 5' region of the gag gene and that the v-Ra-ras gene (0.72 kilobase pair) is homologous to and colinear with the p21 ras gene of Harvey murine sarcoma virus (v-Ha-ras). Restriction enzyme mapping confirmed the homology demonstrated by heteroduplex mapping, showing strong site conservation of restriction endonucleases known to cleave v-Ha-ras. Cloned v-Ra-ras DNA transformed NIH 3T3 cells, inducing the synthesis of the p29 RaSVgag-ras protein.  相似文献   

Neuraminidase treatment of mouse mammary tumor virus, Rauscher murine leukemia virus, and Mason-Pfizer monkey virus resulted in loss of their capacity to inhibit hemagglutination of influenza virus. Hemagglutination-inhibition activity of these RNA tumor viruses could be restored by in vitro resialylation catalyzed by sialyl transferase. The major glycoprotein in the intact envelope of desialylated and, to some extent, native virions could be specificallly labeled in vitro with CMP-(14C) sialic acid. These studies further characterize the individual glycoproteins of mouse mammary tumor virus, Rauscher murine leukemia virus, and Mason-Pfizer monkey virus.  相似文献   

Retrovirus plus-strand synthesis is primed by a cleavage remnant of the polypurine tract (PPT) region of viral RNA. In this study, we tested replication properties for Moloney murine leukemia viruses with targeted mutations in the PPT and in conserved sequences upstream, as well as for pools of mutants with randomized sequences in these regions. The importance of maintaining some purine residues within the PPT was indicated both by examining the evolution of random PPT pools and from the replication properties of targeted mutants. Although many different PPT sequences could support efficient replication and one mutant that contained two differences in the core PPT was found to replicate as well as the wild type, some sequences in the core PPT clearly conferred advantages over others. Contributions of sequences upstream of the core PPT were examined with deletion mutants. A conserved T-stretch within the upstream sequence was examined in detail and found to be unimportant to helper functions. Evolution of virus pools containing randomized T-stretch sequences demonstrated marked preference for the wild-type sequence in six of its eight positions. These findings demonstrate that maintenance of the T-rich element is more important to viral replication than is maintenance of the core PPT.  相似文献   

DNAs isolated from individual mice of four AKR sublines (AKR/J, AKR/N, AKR/Cum, and AKR/Boy) were examined by hybridization of electrophoretically separated restriction enzyme fragments to a 500-base pair, 32P-labeled probe specific for env sequences of ecotropic murine leukemia virus. Variation in the number of proviral DNA copies and in their genomic organization, as reflected by the location of restriction enzyme sites in flanking cellular sequences, was observed both between and within AKR sublines. Evidence is presented for the continual acquisition of new proviruses in the four sublines studied. The ecotropic proviral DNA copies present in the four AKR sublines can be related to their genealogy; each subline contains two or three copies of proviral DNA in common with other sublines and from one to six unique ecotropic proviruses. Overall, a new copy appears about every 12 generations of inbreeding. Some of the unique proviral DNA copies contain internal alterations, as reflected by restriction enzyme maps that differ from those of prototype ecotropic proviruses.  相似文献   

Recombinant bacteriophage lambda clones from a cat genomic library derived from placental DNA of a specific pathogen-free cat were screened to identify endogenous feline leukemia virus (FeLV) sequences. Restriction endonuclease mapping of four different clones indicates that there are a number of similarities among them, notably the presence of a 6.0- to 6.4-kilobase pair (kbp) EcoRI hybridizing fragment containing portions of sequences homologous to the gag, pol, env, and long terminal repeat-like elements of the infectious FeLV. The endogenous FeLV sequences isolated are approximately 4 kbp in length and are significantly shorter than the cloned infectious FeLV isolates, which are 8.5 to 8.7 kbp in length. The endogenous elements have 3.3- to 3.6-kbp deletions in the gag-pol region and approximately 0.7- to 1.0-kbp deletions in the env region. These deletions would render them incapable of encoding an infectious virus and may therefore be related to the non-inducibility of FeLV from uninfected cat cells and the subgenomic expression of these endogenous sequences in placental tissue. It appears that there is conservation in the ordering of restriction sites previously reported in the proviruses of the infectious FeLVs in sequences corresponding to the pol and env boundary as well as the region spanning the env gene of the endogenous clones, whereas a greater divergence occurs among restriction sites mapped to the gag and part of the pol regions of the infectious FeLV. Such deleted, FeLV-related subsets of DNA sequences could have originated either by germ-line integration of a complete ecotropic virus followed by deletion, or by integration of a preexisting, defective, deleted variant of the infectious virus.  相似文献   

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