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《Journal of Asia》2005,8(2):133-141
The genus Thubana Walker, 1864 of the Malaysian Borneo is revised. Nine species are recognized including seven new species. The new species are: T. kumatai sp. nov., T. kubahensis sp. nov., T. kinabaluensis sp. nov., T. ochracea sp. nov., T. quadrata sp. nov., T. prolata sp. nov., and T. spinata sp. nov. With regard to the previously known species, photos of adults and the male or female genitalia are given, with some taxonomie notes. A key to the Thubana species of the Malaysian Borneo is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2006,9(4):313-316
As the 3rd part of the taxonomic studies on the genus Lecithocera Herrich-Schäffer in Thailand, following after the previous two reports (Park, 2005a; Park, 2006), five species of the genus; Lecithocera aulias Meyrick, L. mylitacha Wu et Liu, L. metacausta Meyrick, L. pelomorpha Meyrick, and L. indigens (Meyrick), are reported for the first time from Thailand. In addition, the specific name squalida Gozmány, 1978, rev. stat. is resurrected from the synonym of L. aulias Meyrick.  相似文献   

记述采自贵州梵净山国家级自然保护区的祝蛾科2新种:黄褐顶祝蛾Carodista flavicana Wu(祝蛾亚科Lecithocerinae)与刺茎俪祝蛾Philharmonia spinula Wu(瘤祝蛾亚科Torodorinae)。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

Six new species are described from Vietnam, Apia simplexsp. n., Bisma angulatasp. n., Pitambara trypetoidessp. n., Sarmatoca cathemerinagen. et sp. n., Maracota soulieraegen. et sp. n., and Serida castaneasp. n., and Zeleja thoracalissp. n. from Malaysia. Two new genera, Maracotagen. n. (type species M. soulierae sp. n.) and Sarmatocagen. n. (type species S. cathemerina sp. n.), and a new subgenus Zelomachasubgen. n. (type species Zeleja thoracalis sp. n.) in the genus Zeleja are erected. The genus Binaluana Soulier-Perkins et Stroiński is downgraded to a subgenus of Zeleja Melichar. The genus Silvispina Wang et Soulier-Perkins with an uncertain systematic position is attributed to the subfamily Lophopinae and the tribe Lophopini. The placement of the genus Elasmoscelis Spinola (and, correspondingly, the tribe Elasmoscelini) in the subfamily Menoscinae, the genus Epiptyxis Gerstaecker in the tribe Menoscini, and the genus Jivatma Melichar in the tribe Lophopini is substantiated. New records of 11 species are given from Vietnam, some being first records for this country.  相似文献   

Yang L  Zhu Y  Li H 《ZooKeys》2010,(53):33-44
The genus Thubana Walker is reviewed for China. Nine species are recognized, of which Thubana felinaurita Li, sp. n. is described as new; Thubana dialeukos Park, 2003 and Thubana xanthoteles (Meyrick, 1923) are newly recorded for this country; Thubana stenosis (Park, 2003), syn. n. is synonymised with Thubana xanthoteles, and Thubana microcera (Gozmány, 1978), syn. n. with Thubana leucosphena Meyrick, 1931. Images of adults and genitalia are provided. A checklist of Thubana species in China is included, along with a key to these species.  相似文献   

马立名 《蛛形学报》2010,19(1):14-19
对短毛寄螨Parasitus brachychaetus Ma,1986;王氏寄螨Parasitus wangdunqingi Ma,1995;二刺寄螨Parasitus bispinatus Ma,1996;北方糙革螨Trachygamasus borealis Ma et Wang,1996;三尖常革螨Vulgarogamasus trifidus Ma,1987和甘肃常革螨Vulgarogamasus gansuensis Ma,1987进行了补充描述。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A unique group of entodiniomorph protozoa was found in forestomach contents from quokka ( Setonix brachyurus ), western grey kangaroo ( Macropus fuliginosus ), red kangaroo ( Macropus rufus ) and euro ( Macropus robustus erubescens ). A new genus, Macropodinium n.g., containing five new species, is described. Three species are described from forestomach contents of the quokka: Macropodinium baldense n. sp., Macropodinium moiri n. sp. and Macropodinium setonixum n. sp. A single species, Macropodinium ennuensis n. sp., is described from the red kangaroo and euro. The last species, Macropodinium yalanbense n. sp., is described in forestomach contents from the western grey kangaroo. At least three distinct features in the new genus are incompatible with any of the described families in the order Entodiniomorphida. On this basis, the new family Macropodiniidae has been created.  相似文献   

Kyu-Tek Park 《Journal of Asia》2018,21(3):1085-1093
Based on the material collected from Cameroon in 1913–1918 and Congo in 1993 which are preserved in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, USA, a new genus Thubdora Park, gen. nov. and seven new species of the subfamily Torodorinae (Lecithoceridae) are described. They are Torodora efulenensis sp. nov., Dragmatucha hispidula sp. nov.; and five species of Thubdora: T. acutalis sp. nov., T. bilobella sp. nov., T. aciphalla sp. nov., T. ambliodes sp. nov., and T. cameroona sp. nov. In addition, six species of Lecithocera Herrich-Shäffer described by Viette, 1955, Viette, 1986 and Meyrick, 1931, Meyrick, 1933 are newly transferred to Torodora and its related genera, due to the male genital characters: Idiopteryx adella (Viette, 1955), comb. nov.; Thubdora decavella (Viette, 1955), comb. nov.; Thubdora mocquerysella (Viette, 1955), comb. nov.; Torodora kambanella (Viette, 1986), comb. nov.; Torodora masoalella (Viette, 1955), comb. nov.; Torodora monobyrsa (Meyrick, 1931), comb. nov.; and T. ochrometra (Meyrick, 1933), comb. nov. For the new species, images of adults with their labels and genitalia are provided.  相似文献   

Omelko  M. M.  Omelko  N. V. 《Entomological Review》2021,101(2):247-255
Entomological Review - A new genus, Anicula gen. n. (Gelechiidae) with the type species A. tristificula sp. n., and four new species of the genus Gelechia Hubner (G. festa sp. n., G. exigua sp. n.,...  相似文献   

广头叶蝉亚科一新属一新种(同翅目:叶蝉科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述广头叶蝉亚科1新属-指突叶蝉属Digitalis,并记述1新种。横纹指突叶蝉Digitalis striolatus,sp.nov,模式标本分别保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆(NWSUAF)和中国科学院动物研究所(IZAS)。  相似文献   

记述中国叉木蛾属3新种:银叉木蛾Metathrinca argentea,sp.nov.,佛坪叉木蛾Metathrinca fopingensis,sp.nov.和梅花山叉木蛾Metathrinca meihuashana,sp.nov.,绘出了雌雄外生殖器特征图,并提供了中国已知种检索素。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(1):53-58
Three new species of Neopectinimura Park: N. walmakensis Park, N. trichodes Park and N. devosi Park, are described from Papua New Guinea, Indonesia. The genus Neopectinimura is a derivative of Pectinimura Park, distinguished from the latter by long specialized hairs on the flagellum of the antenna, and is known in Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

This is the sixth part in a series on the family Lecithoceridae (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea) of New Guinea. The complex of five sibling species of Lecithocera sublunata Diakonoff is defined, describing further three new species: L. pseudolunata sp. nov., L. fascitiala sp. nov. and L. niptanensis sp. nov., and comparing them to another related species, L. tenella (Turner), comb. nov. from Australia. Images of adults, labial palpi, and male and female genitalia are given. A key to species related to L. sublunata is provided.  相似文献   

在韩国己记述的斑蛾科昆虫有17种,这些斑蛾的幼虫主要食叶或卷叶,多数为害果树和林木等。幼虫身体短粗,头缩于前胸内,体上常有毛瘤或毛簇,腹足趾钩为单序中带。本文详细地记述了韩国斑蛾科Illiberis tenuis(Butler),Chalcosia remota(Walker)和Pryeria sinica Moore老熟幼虫的形态特征,并提供了形态特征图。  相似文献   

卷蛾科幼虫的前胸L毛3根,腹部L1与L2接近,第8腹节SD1一般位于气门上方,第9腹节两D毛常在同一或邻近毛片上,趾钩为单序或双序。幼虫隐蔽生活,生境多异,可卷叶、潜叶、蛀茎、造瘿等,有许多种类为农林重要害虫。本文详细地记述了韩国卷蛾科的重要害虫Ancylis partitana(Christoph),Ancylis hylaea Meyrick和Hoshinoa longicellana(Walsingham)老熟幼虫的形态特征,并提供了形态特征图。所有标本均保存在韩国江原国立大学山林科学学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Malmgrenia furcosetosa sp.n. Harmothoe viridis sp.n. , Bylgides acutisetis sp.n. Neopolynoe paradoxa (Storm) comb.n. and Diplaconotum paucidentatum (Eliason) comb.n. are described. Neopolynoe is a new name for the genus Eupolynoe Bidenkap, preoccupied by M c Intosh. The genus Diplaconotum is erected for Macellicephala paucidentata Eliason and is included in the subfamily Polaruschakovinae Pettibone.  相似文献   

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