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Bacterial spores are encased in a multilayered proteinaceous shell known as the coat. In Bacillus subtilis, over 50 proteins are involved in spore coat assembly but the locations of these proteins in the spore coat are poorly understood. Here, we describe methods to estimate the positions of protein fusions to fluorescent proteins in the spore coat by using fluorescence microscopy. Our investigation suggested that CotD, CotF, CotT, GerQ, YaaH, YeeK, YmaG, YsnD, and YxeE are present in the inner coat and that CotA, CotB, CotC, and YtxO reside in the outer coat. In addition, CotZ and CgeA appeared in the outermost layer of the spore coat and were more abundant at the mother cell proximal pole of the forespore, whereas CotA and CotC were more abundant at the mother cell distal pole of the forespore. These polar localizations were observed both in sporangia prior to the release of the forespore from the mother cell and in mature spores after release. Moreover, CotB was observed at the middle of the spore as a ring- or spiral-like structure. Formation of this structure required cotG expression. Thus, we conclude not only that the spore coat is a multilayered assembly but also that it exhibits uneven spatial distribution of particular proteins.Proper localization and assembly of proteins in cells and subcellular structures are essential features of living organisms. Complex protein assemblies, including ribosomes, flagella, and the cytokinetic machinery, play important roles in bacteria (26, 27, 40). Studying how these complex structures are formed is a fundamental theme in molecular biology. In this work, we developed a method to analyze one of the most complex bacterial protein assemblies: the spore coat of Bacillus subtilis.Sporulation of B. subtilis is initiated in response to nutrient limitation, and it involves a highly ordered program of gene expression and morphological change (33, 42). The first morphological change of sporulation is the appearance of an asymmetrically positioned septum that divides the cell into a larger mother cell and a smaller forespore. Next, the mother cell membrane migrates around the forespore membrane during a phagocytosis-like process called engulfment. The completion of engulfment involves fusion of the mother cell membrane to pinch off the forespore within the mother cell. Compartment-specific gene expression brings about maturation of the spore and its release upon lysis of the mother cell (reviewed in reference 19). Mature spores remain viable during long periods of starvation and are resistant to heat, toxic chemicals, lytic enzymes, and other factors capable of damaging vegetative cells (30). Spores germinate and resume growth when nutrients become available (32).The outer portions of Bacillus spores consist of a cortex, a spore coat layer, and in some cases, an exosporium. The cortex, a thick layer of peptidoglycan, is deposited between the inner and the outer membranes of the forespore, and it is responsible for maintaining the highly dehydrated state of the core, thereby contributing to the extreme dormancy and heat resistance of spores. Spore coat assembly involves the deposition of at least 50 protein species (12, 21, 24) into two major layers: an electron-dense outer layer, called the outer coat, and a less electron-dense inner layer with a lamellar appearance, called the inner coat (50). These layers provide a protective barrier against bactericidal enzymes and chemicals, such as lysozyme and organic solvents (30). Although disruption of any one gene encoding a spore coat protein typically has little or no effect on spore resistance, morphology, or germination, a few proteins, referred to as morphogenetic proteins, play central roles in the assembly of the spore coat (7, 10, 13). One of the morphogenetic proteins, CotE, is located between the inner and outer coats and directs the assembly of most or all of the outer coat proteins and also a few of the inner coat proteins (2, 9, 17, 25, 52). The locations of CotE, CotS, and SpoIVA in the spore coat were determined previously by immunoelectron microscopy (9, 43). CotA, CotB, CotC, and CotG were shown to be externally exposed on the surface of the spore by single-molecule recognition force spectroscopy or antibody accessibility (15, 18, 45, 28). However, the positions of most of the spore coat proteins in the coat have not been determined experimentally, although provisional assignments were made based largely on the control of assembly into the coat by CotE (17). In this study, we developed methods to estimate the positions of proteins in the spore coat layers by using fluorescence microscopy analysis of coat protein-fluorescent protein fusions, with resolution that allowed us to distinguish between the inner and outer coats. In addition, we discovered an asymmetric spatial distribution of four spore coat proteins and a ring- or spiral-like structure of CotB. These observations suggest that spore coat assembly is more intricate than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Bacillus cereus spores are assembled with a series of concentric layers that protect them from a wide range of environmental stresses. The outermost layer, or exosporium, is a bag-like structure that interacts with the environment and is composed of more than 20 proteins and glycoproteins. Here, we identified a new spore protein, ExsM, from a β-mercaptoethanol extract of B. cereus ATCC 4342 spores. Subcellular localization of an ExsM-green fluorescent protein (GFP) protein revealed a dynamic pattern of fluorescence that follows the site of formation of the exosporium around the forespore. Under scanning electron microscopy, exsM null mutant spores were smaller and rounder than wild-type spores, which had an extended exosporium (spore length for the wt, 2.40 ± 0.56 μm, versus that for the exsM mutant, 1.66 ± 0.38 μm [P < 0.001]). Thin-section electron microscopy revealed that exsM mutant spores were encased by a double-layer exosporium, both layers of which were composed of a basal layer and a hair-like nap. Mutant exsM spores were more resistant to lysozyme treatment and germinated with higher efficiency than wild-type spores, and they had a delay in outgrowth. Insertional mutagenesis of exsM in Bacillus anthracis ΔSterne resulted in a partial second exosporium and in smaller spores. In all, these findings suggest that ExsM plays a critical role in the formation of the exosporium.Bacillus cereus and Bacillus anthracis are closely related members of the Bacillus cereus group (47). Although B. cereus is mainly an apathogenic organism, certain isolates can cause two different types of food poisoning, emetic syndrome and diarrheal disease (18). The emetic syndrome is caused by ingestion of cereulide, a heat-resistant toxin produced by vegetative cells contaminating the food (30), while the diarrheal disease occurs when spores germinate in the intestinal tract. Spores are also the infective agent in anthrax, a disease caused by B. anthracis (64).B. cereus and B. anthracis differentiate into spores when faced with nutrient deprivation. The spore is a dormant cell type that can remain viable for decades until favorable conditions induce germination and the resumption of vegetative growth. The remarkable resistance properties of the spore result from its unique architecture, consisting of a series of concentric protective layers (51). The spore core contains the genetic material and is surrounded by the cortex, a thick layer of modified peptidoglycan that promotes a highly dehydrated state. Encasing the core and the cortex, the coat is a multilayer protein shell that provides mechanical and chemical resistance. In addition, both the cortex and coat contribute to spore germination (17). Separated from the coat by an interspace, the exosporium encloses the rest of the spore, and it is composed of an inner basal layer and an outer hair-like nap (25).Being the most external layer of the spore, the exosporium interacts directly with the environment and as such provides a semipermeable barrier that may exclude large molecules, like antibodies and hydrolytic enzymes (3, 23, 24, 54). However, the exosporium does not appear to contribute to the typical resistance properties of the spore (6, 35, 60). Also, the exosporium is not necessary in anthrax pathogenesis when tested under laboratory conditions (7, 27, 59), although it is able to down-modulate the innate immune response to spores and mediate adhesion to host tissues (4, 8, 43, 44). The exosporium may also help the spore avoid premature germination in unsustainable environments, since it contains two enzymes, alanine racemase (Alr) and inosine hydrolase (Iunh), that can inactivate low quantities of the germinants l-alanine and inosine, respectively (6, 48, 55, 61). However, regulation of germination by the exosporium is poorly understood. Mutation of exosporial proteins has resulted in only negligible and inconsistent germination phenotypes (2, 5, 27, 28, 52, 54).The exosporium is composed of at least 20 proteins and glycoproteins in tight or loose association (48, 53, 57, 61, 65). These proteins are synthesized in the mother cell and always start self-assembly at the forespore pole near the middle of the mother cell, concurrently with the cortex and coat formation (42). Exosporium assembly is discontinuous and starts with a synthesis of a substructure known as the cap, which likely contains only a subset of the proteins present in the exosporium (55). After cap formation, construction of the rest of the exosporium requires the expression of ExsY (6). BclA is the main component of the hair-like nap on the external side of the exosporium, and it is linked to the basal layer through interaction with ExsFA/BxpB (54, 58). In addition, CotE participates in the correct attachment of the exosporium to the spore (27).Despite these findings, exosporium assembly continues to be a poorly understood process, and many questions remain regarding its composition and the regulation of its synthesis. In this study, we characterized a new spore protein, ExsM, which plays a key role in assembly of the exosporium. In B. cereus, inactivation of exsM resulted in spores with an unusual double-layer exosporium, and a similar phenotype was also observed in B. anthracis exsM null mutant spores. Finally, double-layer exosporium spores allowed us to study the role of the exosporium in germination and outgrowth.  相似文献   

Bacillus sp. strain SG-1 is a marine bacterial species isolated from a near-shore manganese sediment sample. Its mature dormant spores promote the oxidation of Mn2+ to MnO2. By quantifying the amounts of immobilized and oxidized manganese, it was established that bound manganese was almost instantaneously oxidized. When the final oxidation of manganese by the spores was partly inhibited by NaN3 or anaerobiosis, an equivalent decrease in manganese immobilization was observed. After formation of a certain amount of MnO2 by the spores, the oxidation rate decreased. A maximal encrustment was observed after which no further oxidation occurred. The oxidizing activity could be recovered by reduction of the MnO2 with hydroxylamine. Once the spores were encrusted, they could bind significant amounts of manganese, even when no oxidation occurred. Purified spore coat preparations oxidized manganese at the same rate as intact spores. During the oxidation of manganese in spore coat preparations, molecular oxygen was consumed and protons were liberated. The data indicate that a spore coat component promoted the oxidation of Mn2+ in a biologically catalyzed process, after adsorption of the ion to incipiently formed MnO2. Eventually, when large amounts of MnO2 were allowed to accumulate, the active sites were masked and further oxidation was prevented.  相似文献   

Mapping the distribution of proteins is essential for understanding the function of proteins in a cell. Fluorescence microscopy is extensively used for protein localization, but subcellular context is often absent in fluorescence images. Immuno-electron microscopy, on the other hand, can localize proteins, but the technique is limited by a lack of compatible antibodies, poor preservation of morphology and because most antigens are not exposed to the specimen surface. Correlative approaches can acquire the fluorescence image from a whole cell first, either from immuno-fluorescence or genetically tagged proteins. The sample is then fixed and embedded for electron microscopy, and the images are correlated 1-3. However, the low-resolution fluorescence image and the lack of fiducial markers preclude the precise localization of proteins. Alternatively, fluorescence imaging can be done after preserving the specimen in plastic. In this approach, the block is sectioned, and fluorescence images and electron micrographs of the same section are correlated 4-7. However, the diffraction limit of light in the correlated image obscures the locations of individual molecules, and the fluorescence often extends beyond the boundary of the cell. Nano-resolution fluorescence electron microscopy (nano-fEM) is designed to localize proteins at nano-scale by imaging the same sections using photo-activated localization microscopy (PALM) and electron microscopy. PALM overcomes the diffraction limit by imaging individual fluorescent proteins and subsequently mapping the centroid of each fluorescent spot 8-10. We outline the nano-fEM technique in five steps. First, the sample is fixed and embedded using conditions that preserve the fluorescence of tagged proteins. Second, the resin blocks are sectioned into ultrathin segments (70-80 nm) that are mounted on a cover glass. Third, fluorescence is imaged in these sections using the Zeiss PALM microscope. Fourth, electron dense structures are imaged in these same sections using a scanning electron microscope. Fifth, the fluorescence and electron micrographs are aligned using gold particles as fiducial markers. In summary, the subcellular localization of fluorescently tagged proteins can be determined at nanometer resolution in approximately one week.  相似文献   

Spore suspensions containing about 0.3% crystals and crystal suspensions containing about 0.1% spores were obtained from cultures of Bacillus thuringiensis by extraction with a two-phase system. Both preparations were tested for the presence of contaminating material from vegetative cells and were judged to be clean. Solutions of spore protein were obtained by extracting broken spores with phosphate buffer followed by extraction with either alkali- or urea-mercaptoethanol. The alkali spore or urea spore extracts had the same isoelectric point as crystal protein solubilized with these reagents. An antiserum prepared against alkali crystal solution precipitated alkali or urea spore extracts and crystal solutions but not phosphate spore extracts or extracts of whole cells. Lines of identity between spore and crystal precipitates were observed by using the Ouchterlony double-diffusion technique. Absorption of the antiserum with an excess of urea spore extract caused a disappearance of the precipitin bands originating from the spore protein and the homologous bands from the crystal protein. The results suggest that the crystal and endospore contain one or more common proteins.  相似文献   

Germination of Bacillus subtilis spores is normally initiated when nutrients from the environment interact with germinant receptors (GRs) in the spores'' inner membrane (IM), in which most of the lipids are immobile. GRs and another germination protein, GerD, colocalize in the IM of dormant spores in a small focus termed the “germinosome,” and this colocalization or focus formation is dependent upon GerD, which is also essential for rapid GR-dependent spore germination. To determine the fate of the germinosome and germination proteins during spore germination and outgrowth, we employed differential interference microscopy and epifluorescence microscopy to track germinating spores with fluorescent fusions to germination proteins and used Western blot analyses to measure germination protein levels. We found that after initiation of spore germination, the germinosome foci ultimately changed into larger disperse patterns, with ≥75% of spore populations displaying this pattern in spores germinated for 1 h, although >80% of spores germinated for 30 min retained the germinosome foci. Western blot analysis revealed that levels of GR proteins and the SpoVA proteins essential for dipicolinic acid release changed minimally during this period, although GerD levels decreased ∼50% within 15 min in germinated spores. Since the dispersion of the germinosome during germination was slower than the decrease in GerD levels, either germinosome stability is not compromised by ∼2-fold decreases in GerD levels or other factors, such as restoration of rapid IM lipid mobility, are also significant in germinosome dispersion as spore germination proceeds.  相似文献   

The Bacillus anthracis spore is the causative agent of the disease anthrax. The outermost structure of the B. anthracis spore, the exosporium, is a shell composed of approximately 20 proteins. The function of the exosporium remains poorly understood and is an area of active investigation. In this study, we analyzed the previously identified but uncharacterized exosporium protein ExsK. We found that, in contrast to other exosporium proteins, ExsK is present in at least two distinct locations, i.e., the spore surface as well as a more interior location underneath the exosporium. In spores that lack the exosporium basal layer protein ExsFA/BxpB, ExsK fails to encircle the spore and instead is present at only one spore pole, indicating that ExsK assembly to the spore is partially dependent on ExsFA/BxpB. In spores lacking the exosporium surface protein BclA, ExsK fails to mature into high-molecular-mass species observed in wild-type spores. These data suggest that the assembly and maturation of ExsK within the exosporium are dependent on ExsFA/BxpB and BclA. We also found that ExsK is not required for virulence in murine and guinea pig models but that it does inhibit germination. Based on these data, we propose a revised model of exosporium maturation and assembly and suggest a novel role for the exosporium in germination.During starvation, bacteria of the genus Bacillus differentiate into dormant, highly robust cell types called spores, thereby preserving their genomes during stressful and nutrient-poor conditions (10). Spores can withstand extremely harsh environmental insults, including toxic chemicals, UV radiation, and heat (31). When conditions again become favorable for cell survival, spores can return to vegetative cell growth through a process called germination (17, 18, 31, 49). Spores are formed in an approximately 8-h process during which the developing spore first forms as a compartment (the forespore) contained within the surrounding cell (the mother cell) (34). Ultimately, the mother cell envelope lyses, releasing the mature spore into the environment.Spores from all Bacillus species have similar architectures. At the spore interior is the core, which houses the spore chromosome. Surrounding the core is an inner membrane encased in a specialized peptidoglycan called the cortex and finally a series of outer layers that vary significantly among species (10). In some species, including Bacillus subtilis, the outermost structure is a protective layer called the coat, which guards the spore against reactive small molecules, degradative enzymes, and predation by other microbes (11, 17, 20, 38). Spores of other species, including the pathogens Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus cereus, and Bacillus thuringiensis and the nonpathogenic bacteria Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus odysseyi, have an additional structure called the exosporium, which surrounds the coat (24, 32, 47). The exosporium is composed of two structural units: the basal layer, which is a shell of proteins forming a hexagonal array, and a nap of hairlike protrusions extending outward from the basal layer (2, 32). A major component of the nap (and of the spore surface) is the collagen-like protein BclA (40, 43). The proteins that comprise the outer structures (the coat and exosporium) are synthesized in the mother cell cytoplasm, from which location they assemble onto the spore surface to form their respective structures (11).The function of the exosporium is poorly understood. Previous studies have implicated its contribution to germination, resistance to host cells and other stresses, adhesion to inert surfaces, and interactions with epithelial cells and macrophages (1, 6, 7, 13, 33, 41, 48; G. Chen, A. Driks, K. Tawfiq, M. Mallozzi, and S. Patil, submitted for publication). In most cases, however, the roles of individual exosporium proteins in each of these functions remain unclear, in part because the location of each protein within the exosporium is largely unknown.Interestingly, it appears that the exosporium is not essential for virulence of B. anthracis in several animal models (5, 7, 12, 13). Nonetheless, it is possible that in natural infections the exosporium plays a significant role. Because it is involved in attachment, the exosporium is also likely to have a significant impact on the persistence of B. anthracis spores in the environment.To gain insight into the molecular basis of exosporium assembly and function, we studied a previously identified but otherwise uncharacterized exosporium protein, ExsK. Using immunofluorescence microscopy (IFM), we found that ExsK is asymmetrically distributed on the surfaces of mature spores and is also present beneath the exosporium. In the absence of ExsFA/BxpB, ExsK was restricted to one spore pole, suggesting that the encirclement of the spore by ExsK depends on ExsFA/BxpB. Western blot analysis indicated that in mature spores ExsK is present in high-molecular-mass complexes, the formation of which is BclA dependent. Although ExsK is not required for several spore resistance properties or virulence, we found that it is required for normal germination. Our results provide a deeper understanding of the composition, function, and assembly of the B. anthracis exosporium and show that proteins comprising outer-spore structures can have multiple locations.  相似文献   

Spores of Bacillus subtilis possess a thick protein coat that consists of an electron-dense outer coat layer and a lamellalike inner coat layer. The spore coat has been shown to confer resistance to lysozyme and other sporicidal substances. In this study, spore coat-defective mutants of B. subtilis (containing the gerE36 and/or cotE::cat mutation) were used to study the relative contributions of spore coat layers to spore resistance to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and various artificial and solar UV treatments. Spores of strains carrying mutations in gerE and/or cotE were very sensitive to lysozyme and to 5% H2O2, as were chemically decoated spores of the wild-type parental strain. Spores of all coat-defective strains were as resistant to 254-nm UV-C radiation as wild-type spores were. Spores possessing the gerE36 mutation were significantly more sensitive to artificial UV-B and solar UV radiation than wild-type spores were. In contrast, spores of strains possessing the cotE::cat mutation were significantly more resistant to all of the UV treatments used than wild-type spores were. Spores of strains carrying both the gerE36 and cotE::cat mutations behaved like gerE36 mutant spores. Our results indicate that the spore coat, particularly the inner coat layer, plays a role in spore resistance to environmentally relevant UV wavelengths.  相似文献   

Spores of Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, are known to persist in the host lungs for prolonged periods of time, however the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrated that BclA, a major surface protein of B. anthracis spores, mediated direct binding of complement factor H (CFH) to spores. The surface bound CFH retained its regulatory cofactor activity resulting in C3 degradation and inhibition of downstream complement activation. By comparing results from wild type C57BL/6 mice and complement deficient mice, we further showed that BclA significantly contributed to spore persistence in the mouse lungs and dampened antibody responses to spores in a complement C3-dependent manner. In addition, prior exposure to BclA deletion spores (ΔbclA) provided significant protection against lethal challenges by B. anthracis, whereas the isogenic parent spores did not, indicating that BclA may also impair protective immunity. These results describe for the first time an immune inhibition mechanism of B. anthracis mediated by BclA and CFH that promotes spore persistence in vivo. The findings also suggested an important role of complement in persistent infections and thus have broad implications.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy was used to analyze sporulating cells and spores of Bacillus subtilis mutants (Rif(r)) which are resistant to rifampin, an inhibitor of ribonucleic acid polymerase. The spores of Rif-18 are pleomorphic and frequently exhibit terminal knobs. These knobs first occur during late stage IV and early stage V of sporulation and are extensions of the inner and outer spore coats. Since the rifampin resistance and altered spore morphology of Rif-18 are 100% cotransformable, these data suggest that the altered spore morphology is the result of an alteration in ribonucleic acid polymerase genes. The morphology and physical dimensions are also reported for spores from Rif-11, Rif-15, and Rif-21. Significant differences in size from the wild type were observed for these mutants.  相似文献   

To determine possible functions of the calmodulinlike protein of Bacillus subtilis, the time course of its expression during sporulation and its cellular localization were studied. The protein was expressed in a constitutive manner from the end of logarithmic growth through 8 h of sporulation as determined by antibody cross-reactivity immunoblots and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). In partially purified extracts, the immunopositive protein comigrated upon electrophoresis with a protein which selectively bound [(45)Ca]CaCl(2), ruthenium red, and Stains-all. Previous studies showed increased extractability of the calmodulinlike protein from B. subtilis cells when urea and 2-mercaptoethanol were used in breakage buffers, implying that the protein might be partially associated with the membrane fraction. This was confirmed by demonstrating that isolated membrane vesicles of B. subtilis also gave positive immunological tests with Western blotting and ELISAs. To more precisely locate the protein in cells, thin sections of late-log-phase cells, sporulating cells, and free spores were reacted first with bovine brain anticalmodulin specific antibodies and then with gold-conjugated secondary antibodies; the thin sections were examined by transmission electron microscopy. The calmodulinlike protein was found almost exclusively associated with the cell envelope of these fixed, sectioned cells. A possible function of the calmodulinlike protein in sensing calcium ions or regulating calcium ion transport is suggested.  相似文献   

Isolated spore coats of a marine Bacillus species were incubated in 25 mM MnCl2 at pH 7.5. Manganese precipitates, formed on the coat surfaces, were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Initially, an amorphous manganese oxide was observed on the coats which recrystallized to hausmannite after prolonged incubation in the MnCl2 solution. The spore coats catalyze the oxidation of Mn(II) and have no structural influence on the final mineral phase precipitated.  相似文献   

The development of both the spore and parasporal protein crystal of Bacillus cereus var. alesti was followed using chemical and cytological techniques. The changes which led to the formation of the fore-spore were similar to those already described for Bacillus cereus. However, adjacent to the developing fore-spore a small inclusion became discernible in phase contrast. This protein inclusion during its growth was differentiated from the chromatin and lipid-containing inclusions by sequential staining techniques. During spore and crystal formation no net synthesis of either nucleic acid was detected. Tracer studies with radioactive phosphorus confirmed that the spore chromatin was derived from that in the vegetative cell. These same studies also indicated that a turnover of ribonucleic acid occurred during the sporulation process. During their formation both the spore and crystal incorporated methionine-35S from the medium and from cellular material into a bound form. Sequential extractions with alkali and with alkaline-thioglycollate reagent revealed that the solubility characteristics of the mature crystal were possibly related to the presence of intermolecular disulphide bonds which developed after the major synthesis of the crystal was complete. The synthetic nature of sporogenesis and crystal formation is discussed with reference to the concept of "endotrophic" sporulation.  相似文献   

Fine Structure of the Bacillus thuringiensis Spore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The thin-sectioned spore of Bacillus thuringiensis resembles that of Bacillus cereus in fine structure. Planar inclusions occur between the exosporium and spore coat and are structured differently from the parasporal crystal outside the exosporium.  相似文献   

The ellipsoidal dormant spores of Dictyostelium dicoideum prepared by freeze-drying had a uniform, compact appearance with fine wrinkles or ridges on the surface. Swollen spores were uneven in appearance, without fine wrinkles but with a seemingly expanded surface covering. The surfaces of the postgermination spore husks appeared unaltered except for a single straight exit slit along the longitudinal plane.  相似文献   

Zongze Shao  Ziduo Liu    Ziniu Yu 《Applied microbiology》2001,67(12):5362-5369
Bacillus thuringiensis produces large amounts of various pesticidal proteins during the stationary phase. In order to achieve a high yield and form crystals, some pesticidal proteins require the presence of other proteins. Helper protein P20 is required for efficient production of both the Cyt1A and Cry11A crystal proteins in B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis. Although full-length Cry1 protoxins are usually independent in terms of expression and crystallization in B. thuringiensis, in this study P20 significantly enhanced production of Cry1Ac protoxin (133 kDa) in an acrystalliferous and plasmid-negative strain. In the presence of P20, the yield of Cry1Ac protoxin increased 2.5-fold, and on average the resulting crystals were 1.85 μm long and 0.85 μm wide, three times the size of the crystals formed in the control lacking P20. Correspondingly, the recombinant strain that coexpressed P20 and Cry1Ac exhibited higher toxicity against Heliothis armigera larvae than the control. Furthermore, serious degradation of Cry1Ac in vivo was observed, which has seldom been reported previously. Actually, most protein was completely degraded during synthesis, and after synthesis about one-third of the expressed protoxins were degraded further before crystallization. In this process, P20 protected only nascent Cry1Ac from degradation, indicating that it acted as a molecular chaperon. In addition, spores were smaller and rounder and had a thinner exosporium layer when they were produced in the presence of P20. In summary, Cry1Ac was severely degraded during synthesis; this degradation was effectively relieved by P20, which resulted in enhanced production. Our results indicated that P20 is an effective tool for optimizing protein production in vivo.  相似文献   

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