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We studied 42 species of saprophagous, Neotropical Copestylum (Diptera, Syrphidae) reared from decaying Cactaceae and Agavaceae. Thirty‐three species were reared during fieldwork in Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Trinidad from 1998–2007. Nine species came from museum and private collections. Seven were new species. We describe these new species and the third stage larva and/or puparium and breeding sites of 40 species. Not described are two apparent species related to Copestylum apicale (Loew, 1866) reared from Cactaceae. Resolution of their status was beyond the scope of this paper but reference is made to their distinctive larval morphology. Based on early stage characters all reared species can be placed in ten species groups, all but three of which have been recognized previously on the basis of adult characters. A high level of congruence was found between adult and larval characters in terms of these species groups. Eight of the groups appear to be related closely and may represent a monophyletic lineage within Copestylum that has diversified in xeric habitats. Early stage morphology varied within and amongst groups but two trends in functional morphology are recognizable. One trend is towards feeding in watery decay and the other towards feeding in firmer decay. The latter trend is characterized by species that scoop food and use grinding mills in their head skeletons to break it up. They also have armoured thoraces with varying arrangements of sclerotized spicules or stiffened setae for gripping and protection during tunnelling, a short anal segment, and a short posterior breathing tube for protecting the openings. The former trend is characterized by species with opposite and contrasting features. They filter food and have well‐developed pre‐oral setal filters but they lack grinding mills or only have poorly developed grinding mills. They have reduced thoracic armature, elongate anal segments, and posterior breathing tubes which facilitates simultaneous feeding and respiration. Comparison with 23 Copestylum species reared from bromeliads (Bromeliaceae) suggests a common pattern of diversification in that species groups with the largest body sizes are more specialized.  相似文献   

Loricifera is a phylum of minute animals that live exclusively in marine sediments. A total of 33 species have been described so far in this phylum; however, several more are already known from preliminary observations. Loriciferans are characterised by a complex life cycle, which involves a succession of several adult and larval stages. Here, we describe a new type of loriciferan larval stage: the Shira larva. The gross morphology of this larva is generally similar to that of the most prominent larval type of Loricifera, the so-called Higgins larva. However, the Shira larva possesses a number of unique features, namely (1) a single pair of anteroventral setae is present in the most anterior region of the abdomen, (2) the bases of the anteroventral setae are very large and swollen, (3) the thorax and abdomen are thinner than the introvert and (4) the abdominal region is divided into five sub-regions. Accordingly, we described the new species, Tenuiloricus shirayamai gen. nov. et sp. nov. (incertae sedis). The new findings are discussed from a comparative perspective with the Higgins larva as well as with the fossil of a putative loriciferan larval stage from the Middle Cambrian.  相似文献   

Mid‐water plankton collections commonly include bizarre and mysterious developmental stages that differ conspicuously from their adult counterparts in morphology and habitat. Unaware of the existence of planktonic larval stages, early zoologists often misidentified these unique morphologies as independent adult lineages. Many such mistakes have since been corrected by collecting larvae, raising them in the lab, and identifying the adult forms. However, challenges arise when the larva is remarkably rare in nature and relatively inaccessible due to its changing habitats over the course of ontogeny. The mid‐water marine species Cerataspis monstrosa (Gray 1828) is an armored crustacean larva whose adult identity has remained a mystery for over 180 years. Our phylogenetic analyses, based in part on recent collections from the Gulf of Mexico, provide definitive evidence that the rare, yet broadly distributed larva, C. monstrosa, is an early developmental stage of the globally distributed deepwater aristeid shrimp, Plesiopenaeus armatus. Divergence estimates and phylogenetic relationships across five genes confirm the larva and adult are the same species. Our work demonstrates the diagnostic power of molecular systematics in instances where larval rearing seldom succeeds and morphology and habitat are not indicative of identity. Larval–adult linkages not only aid in our understanding of biodiversity, they provide insights into the life history, distribution, and ecology of an organism.  相似文献   

In this paper, new data on larval and postlarval stages after newly collected and museum-deposited material of six Ammothea species is provided and compared with previously known information. Different developmental stages attached to the ovigerous legs of adult males for each species were found: four stages [protonymphon (Ptn), postlarval instar 1 (PL-1), postlarval instar 2 (PL-2), and postlarval instar 3 (PL-3)] for A. carolinensis; just one (Ptn) for A. clausi and A. minor; three stages (Ptn, PL-1, PL-2) for A. bicorniculata and A. spinosa; and other three (Ptn, PL-2, PL-3) for A. longispina. In the present contribution, the external morphology of each larval and postlarval instar is described, illustrated, and discussed. The larval and postlarval development of Ammothea bicorniculata, A. carolinensis, A. longispina, and A. spinosa is characterized by (1) the eggs hatch as a protonymphon larva; (2) the larvae and subsequent postlarval stages have yolk reserves and a relatively large size (0.5–0.85 mm in length for the protonymphon); (3) the postlarvae remain on the ovigerous legs of males during several moults; (4) the spinning spine is absent; and (5) the development of walking legs is sequential. The protonymphon larva of A. clausi and A. minor is the only stage on the ovigerous legs of males, and this stage is characterized by: (1) there is no yolk reserve and it has a relatively small size (0.22–0.3 mm in length); (2) the spinning spine is present; and (3) all larval appendages have a relatively large size.  相似文献   

The larval development ofPhoronis psammophila Cori is divided into 6 phases (on the basis of increasing pairs of larval tentacles); furthermore an initial and a ripe phase are distinguished. Specific aspects of the development are described: Formation and structure of larval tentacles; anlage of adult tentacles as a thickening in the larval tentacle base; late development of the metasome (larva with 4–6 tentacles); formation of the metasome pouch in the larva with 8 tentacles; enlargement of the apical plate; differentiation of the gut; differentiation of larval nephridia; formation of pigment particles in the larva with 6 tentacles (storage function of pigments and its significance for larval identification); different types of discoflagella in various regions of the body. The larval development shows the following tendencies: Improvement of locomotion; intensification of food filtration; anlage of adult organs in the larva leading to a shortening of metamorphosis duration. The larva ofP. psammophila is compared with those ofP. pallida, P. hippocrepia, andP. vancouverensis. Earlier larval determinations ofP. psammophila (e.g.Actinotrocha sabatieri, A. hatschekii) are shown to have been mistakes. Termination of the postembryonic phase (metamorphosis) can be induced experimentally by bacteria and also by cations. Pure or mixed bacteria cultures must be present at the beginning exponential growth phase. The bacteria density required is 20–94×106 bact.ml?1 for pure cultures and on the average 28×106 bact. ml?1 for mixed cultures. Metamorphosis initiation by cations can be induced with CsCl (0.06 M) and RbCl (0.035 M). Metamorphosis ofP. psammophila occurs in 6 phases: larva, ready for metamorphosis; larva, activated by bacteria or ions; evagination of the metasome diverticle, dislocation of gut; losing and swallowing of episphaere and larval tentacles; formation of the youngP. psammophila. All developmental phases are described and compared with those ofP. muelleri; imperfect metamorphosis is characterized and the youngP. psammophila compared with older stages and the adult Phoronis.  相似文献   


The larval development of the ophiocomid ophiuroid Ophiomastix venosais described using SEM. The gastrula transforms into a uniformly ciliated early larva which progressively changes into a lecithotrophic late premetamorphic larva with a continuous bilateral ciliated band. This stage is short-lived and equivalent to a highly reduced ophiopluteus. Comparisons between O. venosa and other ophiuroid species whose development has been investigated suggest that, whatever the developmental mode (lecithotrophic or planktotrophic), a pluteus stage always occurs in ophiuroids with planktonic development. Two metamorphic stages were identified, the late metamorphic larva differing from the early one by the closure of the larval mouth. The appearance of the permanent mouth marks the end of the metamorphosis. The postlarva still possesses remnants of larval features. The transformation of the reduced ophiopluteus into a barrel-shaped metamorphic larva with transverse ciliated bands, a vitellaria larva, is followed. The possible occurrence of a unique type of metamorphic larva in non-brooding ophiuroids is discussed. Verification of this, however, needs further SEM investigations on metamorphic larva from species having “regular” planktotrophic development.  相似文献   

Cycliophora is a recently described phylum of enigmatic metazoans with a very complex life cycle that includes several sexual and asexual stages. Symbion pandora and Symbion americanus are the only two cycliophoran species hitherto described, of which morphological and genetic knowledge is still deficient to clarify the phylogenetic position of the phylum. Aiming to increase the database on the cycliophoran neural architecture, we investigated serotonin immunoreactivity in the free swimming Pandora larva, the Prometheus larva, and the adult dwarf male of S. americanus. In the larval forms, serotonin is mainly expressed in a ring-shaped pattern at the periphery of the antero-dorsal cerebral ganglion. Additionally, several serotonergic perikarya emerge from both sides of the cerebral ganglion. Thin neurites project anteriorly from the cerebral ganglion, while a pair of ventral longitudinal neurites emerges laterally and runs along the anterior-posterior body axis. Posteriorly, the ventral neurites fuse and extend as a posterior projection. In the dwarf male, serotonin is found mainly in the commissural neuropil of the large anterior cerebral ganglion. In addition, serotonin immunoreactivity is present in the most anterior region of the ventral neurites. Comparative analysis of spiralian nervous systems demonstrates that the neuroanatomy of the cycliophoran larval stages resembles much more the situation of adult rather than larval spiralians, which may be explained by secondary loss of larval structures and heterochronic shift of adult components into the nervous system of the Pandora and the Prometheus larva, respectively.  相似文献   

1 The tri‐voltine moth Prays oleae Bern. spends its larval stages on the native olive tree (Olea europaea L. var. sylvestris Brot. and five cultivars, Oleaceae) mining the leaves, the flowers and the fruits in each generation; it seldom switches to other native or introduced confamilial plant species. 2 In this study the pattern of oviposition of the olive moth was examined in olive fields and natural vegetation, in relation to in situ recruitment as an outcome of processes such as density dependence or risk spreading. 3 Larval body size (width of epicranial sclerites) was also examined and compared between host substrates, years and morphological, physiological, ecological and nutritional attributes of the host. 4 The factors influencing the oviposition pattern of the olive moth such as the carbon/nitrogen ratio, number of flowers, branch length and previous leaf damage were ranked differently in different cultivars. 5 ‘Hot spots’, i.e. olive trees or parts of trees receiving a high egg load, were found to be the result of in situ recruitment. 6 Physiological mortality among first instar larvae was significantly negatively correlated with the number of oviposited upon leaves; suggesting that the adult selects for oviposition the best available substrate. 7 As adult moths selected leaves with minimal probability of abscission for oviposition, leaf abscission was not a major mortality factor, although first instar larvae reduced leaf longevity. 8 Host quality did not affect all larval stages in the same way. 9 The more nutritionally poor the substrate, the longer the duration of the larval stage feeding on it. The phenological timing of the insect life stages very closely tracks the phenological phases of its host plant, primarily focusing on the most nutritious host stage in terms of larval performance.  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance of Palpita nigropunctalis larvae was studied on five oleaceous tree species in Ibaraki, central Japan, for two years. The larval population peaked on some tree species in both spring and autumn while it peaked on other tree species only in autumn. In bimodal populations, the spring peaks consisted of larvae infesting leaves, while the autumn peaks consisted of larvae infesting various tree parts (flowers, fruits and leaves). Larval development was longer and pupal weights were lower on Ligustrum lucidum fruits than on Ligustrum japonicum fruits. Thus, L. japonicum fruits were suitable for larval development in autumn. First-instar larvae appeared to occur three times per year (in late April to early May, mid to late September and early to mid October). Adults were observed from late March to early April, mid May to early June, and early September to mid November at the census sites, showing that P. nigropunctalis had three generations a year. The percentage of females having premature ovaries were 64.3 and 12.5% at 15 °C under 14-h and 15-h photophases, respectively, and 28.6 and 25% at 20 °C under the respective photophases. These temperatures and photoperiods are typical of those in May and June in the census sites. The ovaries of females collected in the field between late May and mid July were premature, in agreement with the laboratory experiments. The pupal duration was prolonged under the short photoperiod, especially at reduced temperatures. We discuss a possible life cycle of P. nigropunctalis in Ibaraki.  相似文献   

The life cycle and developmental stages of Aylax hypecoi (Trotter, 1913, Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Aylacini) were studied in detail. Aylax hypecoi is known to induce galls in fruits of two Hypecoum species — H. imberbe and H. geslini (Papaveraceae) and the larva develops in host plant fruits. The morphology and development of egg, larva and pupa were investigated, which has previously not been done. The shape and size of terminal-instar larvae and associated galls are sex-specific. Overwintering stage, adult emergence and flying periods, and egg productivity were studied also.  相似文献   

Pedro Fiaschi 《Brittonia》2005,57(3):240-247
Three new species of BrazilianDendropanax from the rain forests of Bahia state are described and illustrated.Dendropanax amorimii, endemic to the rain forests near Boa Nova, in southern Bahia, is characterized by compound umbellate inflorescences with elongated primary branches each having a proximal whorl of bracts, and by leaves with well-developed tertiary venation.Dendropanax bahiensis, endemic to the Atlantic rain forests of southern Bahia, is distinguished by its large and membranous leaves with reddish schizogenous glands on the abaxial surface and by the reduced and branched inflorescences with short-pedicellate flowers and large fruits.Dendropanax geniculatus, an endemic species from the “matas de grotão” of Serra da Chapadinha, Chapada Diamantina, is characterized by simple and usually geniculate inflorescences bearing long-pedicellate flowers and fruits.  相似文献   

An unknown species of the genus Notocotylus (Digenea: Notocotylidae) was found as the larval stage from the lymnaeid snail, Radix auricularia, in a static water area of the Chubetsu River, Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan. A DNA barcoding identification system was applied to detect the adult stage. Through the inspection of anatid game birds in Hokkaido, Anas crecca, Anas platyrhynchos, Anas zonorhyncha, and Mareca penelope were demonstrated to serve as the definitive hosts. The detailed morphological features of the species were characterized using adults raised experimentally in immunosuppressed mice and naturally developed larvae in R. auricularia. Although the species is morphologically similar to Notocotylus attenuatus and Notocotylus magniovatus in both adult and larval stages, its taxonomic independence was confirmed by a comprehensive study based on molecular phylogeny, morphology, and ecology. Here we propose Notocotylus ikutai n. sp. for this species. The migratory behavior of the anatid hosts and the North-Eurasian distribution of R. auricularia suggest that the new species is widely distributed in the northern Far East.  相似文献   



The shipworm Lyrodus pedicellatus is a wood-boring bivalve with an unusual vermiform body. Although its larvae are brooded, they retain the general appearance of a typical bivalve veliger-type larva. Here, we describe myogenesis of L. pedicellatus revealed by filamentous actin labelling and discuss the data in a comparative framework in order to test for homologous structures that might be part of the bivalve (larval) muscular ground pattern.


Five major muscle systems were identified: a velum retractor, foot retractor, larval retractor, a distinct mantle musculature and an adductor system. For a short period of larval life, an additional ventral larval retractor is present. Early in development, a velum muscle ring and an oral velum musculature emerge. In late stages the lateral and dorsal mantle musculature, paired finger-shaped muscles, an accessory adductor and a pedal plexus are formed. Similar to other bivalve larvae, L. pedicellatus exhibits three velum retractor muscles, but in contrast to other species, one of them disappears in early stages of L. pedicellatus. The remaining two velum retractors are considerably remodelled during late larval development and are most likely incorporated into the elaborate mantle musculature of the adult.


To our knowledge, this is the first account of any larval retractor system that might contribute to the adult bodyplan of a (conchiferan) mollusk. A comparative analysis shows that a pedal plexus, adductors, a larval velum ring, velum retractors and a ventral larval retractor are commonly found among bivalve larvae, and thus most likely belong to the ground pattern of the bivalve larval musculature.

Mutualisms are interactions from which both partners benefit but may collapse if mutualists’ costs and benefits are not aligned. Host sanctions are one mechanism whereby hosts selectively allocate resources to the more cooperative partners and thereby reduce the fitness of overexploiters; however, many mutualisms lack apparent means of host sanctions. In mutualisms between plants and pollinating seed parasites, such as those between leafflowers and leafflower moths, pollinators consume subsets of the seeds as larval food in return for their pollination service. Plants may select against overexploiters by selectively aborting flowers with a heavy egg load, but in many leafflower species, seeds are fully eaten in some fruits, suggesting that such a mechanism is not present in all species. Instead, the fruits of Breynia vitis-idaea have stalk-like structures (gynophore) through which early-instar moth larvae must bore to reach seeds. Examination of moth mortality in fruits with different gynophore lengths suggested that fruits with longer gynophore had higher moth mortality and, therefore, less seed damage. Most moth mortality occurred at the egg stage or as early larval instar before moths reached the seeds, consistent with the view that gynophore functions to prevent moth access to seeds. Gynophore length was unaffected by plant size, extent of moth oviposition, or geography; thus, it is most likely genetically controlled. Because gynophores do not elongate in related species whose pollinators oviposit directly into the ovary, the gynophore in B. vitis-idaea may have evolved as a defense to limit the cost of the mutualism.  相似文献   

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