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Sponges (phylum Porifera) are sessile marine filter feeders that have developed efficient defense mechanisms against foreign attackers such as viruses, bacteria, or eukaryotic organisms. Protected by a highly complex immune system, as well as by the capacity to produce efficient antiviral compounds (e.g., nucleoside analogues), antimicrobial compounds (e.g., polyketides), and cytostatic compounds (e.g., avarol), they have not become extinct during the last 600 million years. It can be assumed that during this long period of time, bacteria and microorganisms coevolved with sponges, and thus acquired a complex common metabolism. It is suggested that (at least) some of the bioactive secondary metabolites isolated from sponges are produced by functional enzyme clusters, which originated from the sponges and their associated microorganisms. As a consequence, both the host cells and the microorganisms lost the ability to grow independently from each other. Therefore, it was—until recently—impossible to culture sponge cells in vitro. Also the predominant number of symbiotic bacteria proved to be nonculturable. In order to exploit the bioactive potential of both the sponge and the symbionts, a 3D-aggregate primmorph culture system was established; also it was proved that one bioactive compound, avarol/avarone, is produced by the sponge Dysidea avara. Another promising way to utilize the bioactive potential of the microorganisms is the cloning and heterologous expression of enzymes involved in secondary metabolism, such as the polyketide synthases. From the consortium German Center of Excellence [BiotecMarin]. Dedicated to Dr. Paul J. Scheuer (University of Hawaii) who created the basis for the progress in the biomedical application of the bioactive potential of the marine environment.  相似文献   

The clustering of acetylcholine receptors (AChR) on skeletal muscle fibers is an early event in the formation of neuromuscular junctions. Recent studies show that laminin as well as agrin can induce AChR clustering. Since the α7β1 integrin is a major laminin receptor in skeletal muscle, we determined if this integrin participates in laminin and/or agrin-induced AChR clustering. The alternative cytoplasmic domain variants, α7A and α7B, and the extracellular spliced forms, α7X1 and α7X2, were studied for their ability to engage in AChR clustering. Immunofluorescence microscopy of C2C12 myofibers shows that the α7β1 integrin colocalizes with laminin-induced AChR clusters and to a much lesser extent with agrin-induced AChR clusters. However, together laminin and agrin promote a synergistic response and all AChR colocalize with the integrin. Laminin also induces the physical association of the integrin and AChR. High concentrations of anti-α7 antibodies inhibit colocalization of the integrin with AChR clusters as well as the enhanced response promoted by both laminin and agrin. Engaging the integrin with low concentrations of anti-α7 antibody initiates cluster formation in the absence of agrin or laminin. Whereas both the α7A and α7B cytoplasmic domain variants cluster with AChR, only those isoforms containing the α7X2 extracellular domain were active. These results demonstrate that the α7β1 integrin has a physiologic role in laminin-induced AChR clustering, that alternative splicing is integral to this function of the α7 chain, and that laminin, agrin, and the α7β1 integrin interact in a common or convergent pathway in the formation of neuromuscular junctions.  相似文献   

While the extraordinary life span of queens and division of labor in eusocial societies have been well studied, it is less clear which selective forces act on the short life span of workers. The disparity of life span between the queen and the workers is linked to a basic issue in sociobiology: How are the resources in a colony allocated between colony maintenance and reproduction? Resources for somatic maintenance of the colony can either be invested into quality or quantity of workers. Here, we present a theoretical optimization model that uses a hierarchical trade-off within insect colonies and extrinsic mortality to explain how different aging phenotypes could have evolved to keep resources secure in the colony. The model points to the significance of two factors. First, any investment that would generate a longer intrinsic life span for workers is lost if the individual dies from external causes while foraging. As a consequence, risky environments favor the evolution of workers with a shorter life span. Second, shorter-lived workers require less investment than long-lived ones, allowing the colony to allocate these resources to sexual reproduction or colony growth.  相似文献   


The synthesis of cycloSal-FdUMP 3a-d as a new prodrug approach for FdU 1 is described. Phosphotriesters 3 release the FdUMP 2 selectively by a controlled, chemically induced tandem reaction in hydrolysis studies. The biological activity (IC50) of cycloSal-phosphotriesters 3 was evaluated in FM3A/O cells and FM3A/TK? cells.  相似文献   

This study was designed to compare the levels of chromium (Cr) and manganese (Mn) in scalp hair, blood, and urine of night blindness in children age ranged (3–7) and (8–12) years of both genders, comparing them to sex- and age-matched controls. A microwave-assisted wet acid digestion procedure, was developed as a sample pretreatment, for the determination of Cr and Mn in biological samples of night blindness children. The proposed method was validated by using conventional wet digestion and certified reference samples of hair, blood and urine. The digests of all biological samples were analyzed for Cr and Mn by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The results indicated significantly higher levels of Cr, whilst low level of Mn in the biological samples (blood and scalp hair) of male and female night blindness children, compared with control subjects of both genders. These data present guidance to clinicians and other professional investigating deficiency of Mn and excessive level of Cr in biological samples (scalp hair and blood) of night blindness children.  相似文献   



Habitat fragmentation, associated with human population expansion, impedes dispersal, reduces gene flow and aggravates inbreeding in species on the brink of extinction. Both scientific and conservation communities increasingly realize that maintaining and restoring landscape connectivity is of vital importance in biodiversity conservation. Prior to any conservation initiatives, it is helpful to present conservation practitioners with a spatially explicit model of functional connectivity for the target species or landscape.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using Przewalski’s gazelle (Procapra przewalskii) as a model of endangered ungulate species in highly fragmented landscape, we present a model providing spatially explicit information to inform the long-term preservation of well-connected metapopulations. We employed a Geographic Information System (GIS) and expert-literature method to create a habitat suitability map, to identify potential habitats and to delineate a functional connectivity network (least-cost movement corridors and paths) for the gazelle. Results indicated that there were limited suitable habitats for the gazelle, mainly found to the north and northwest of the Qinghai Lake where four of five potential habitat patches were identified. Fifteen pairs of least-cost corridors and paths were mapped connecting eleven extant populations and two neighboring potential patches. The least-cost paths ranged from 0.2 km to 26.8 km in length (averaging 12.4 km) and were all longer than corresponding Euclidean distances.


The model outputs were validated and supported by the latest findings in landscape genetics of the species, and may provide impetus for connectivity conservation programs. Dispersal barriers were examined and appropriate mitigation strategies were suggested. This study provides conservation practitioners with thorough and visualized information to reserve the landscape connectivity for Przewalski’s gazelle. In a general sense, we proposed a heuristic framework for species with similar biological and ecological characteristics.  相似文献   


The probable modes of binding of Methyl—α (and β)-D-glucopyranosides and some of their derivatives to concanavalin A have been proposed from theoretical studies. Theory predicts that βMeGlcP can bind to ConA in three different modes whereas α-MeGlcP can bind only in one mode. βMeGlcP in its most favourable mode of binding differs from α-MeGlcP in its alignment in the active-site of the lectin where it binds in a flipped or inverted orientation. Methyl substitution at the C-2 atom of the α-MeGlcP does not significantly affect the possible orientations of the sugar in the active-site of the lectin. Methyl substitution at C-3 or C-4, however, affects the allowed orientations drastically leading to the poor inhibiting power of Methyl-3-O-methyl-α-D-glucopyranoside and the inactivity of Methyl-4-O-methyl-α-D-glucopyranoside. These studies suggest that the increased activity of the α-MeGlcP over β-MeGlcP may be due to the possibility of formation of better hydrogen bonds and to hydrophobic interactions rather than to steric factors as suggested by earlier workers. These models explain the available NMR and other binding studies.  相似文献   

In most vertebrates, hemoglobin (Hb) is a heterotetramer composed of two dissimilar globin chains, which change during development according to the patterns of expression of α- and β-globin family members. In placental mammals, the β-globin cluster includes three early-expressed genes, ε(HBE)-γ(HBG)-ψβ(HBBP1), and the late expressed genes, δ (HBD) and β (HBB). While HBB encodes the major adult β-globin chain, HBD is weakly expressed or totally silent. Paradoxically, in human populations HBD shows high levels of conservation typical of genes under strong evolutionary constraints, possibly due to a regulatory role in the fetal-to-adult switch unique of Anthropoid primates. In this study, we have performed a comprehensive phylogenetic and comparative analysis of the two adult β-like globin genes in a set of diverse mammalian taxa, focusing on the evolution and functional divergence of HBD in primates. Our analysis revealed that anthropoids are an exception to a general pattern of concerted evolution in placental mammals, showing a high level of sequence conservation at HBD, less frequent and shorter gene conversion events. Moreover, this lineage is unique in the retention of a functional GATA-1 motif, known to be involved in the control of the developmental expression of the β-like globin genes. We further show that not only the mode but also the rate of evolution of the δ-globin gene in higher primates are strictly associated with the fetal/adult β-cluster developmental switch. To gain further insight into the possible functional constraints that have been shaping the evolutionary history of HBD in primates, we calculated dN/dS (ω) ratios under alternative models of gene evolution. Although our results indicate that HBD might have experienced different selective pressures throughout primate evolution, as shown by different ω values between apes and Old World Monkeys + New World Monkeys (0.06 versus 0.43, respectively), these estimates corroborated a constrained evolution for HBD in Anthropoid lineages, which is unlikely to be related to protein function. Collectively, these findings suggest that sequence change at the δ-globin gene has been under strong selective constraints over 65 Myr of primate evolution, likely due to a regulatory role in ontogenic switches of gene expression.  相似文献   



Worse health outcomes including higher morbidity and mortality are most often observed among the poorest fractions of a population. In this paper we present and validate national, regional and state-level distributions of national wealth index scores, for urban and rural populations, derived from household asset data collected in six survey rounds in India between 1992–3 and 2007–8. These new indices and their sub-national distributions allow for comparative analyses of a standardized measure of wealth across time and at various levels of population aggregation in India.


Indices were derived through principal components analysis (PCA) performed using standardized variables from a correlation matrix to minimize differences in variance. Valid and simple indices were constructed with the minimum number of assets needed to produce scores with enough variability to allow definition of unique decile cut-off points in each urban and rural area of all states.


For all indices, the first PCA components explained between 36% and 43% of the variance in household assets. Using sub-national distributions of national wealth index scores, mean height-for-age z-scores increased from the poorest to the richest wealth quintiles for all surveys, and stunting prevalence was higher among the poorest and lower among the wealthiest. Urban and rural decile cut-off values for India, for the six regions and for the 24 major states revealed large variability in wealth by geographical area and level, and rural wealth score gaps exceeded those observed in urban areas.


The large variability in sub-national distributions of national wealth index scores indicates the importance of accounting for such variation when constructing wealth indices and deriving score distribution cut-off points. Such an approach allows for proper within-sample economic classification, resulting in scores that are valid indicators of wealth and correlate well with health outcomes, and enables wealth-related analyses at whichever geographical area and level may be most informative for policy-making processes.  相似文献   

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARA) is involved in fatty acid oxidation by upregulating the expression of acyl-coenzyme A oxidase and carnitine palmitoyltransferase. In this study, PPARA gene variations in four chicken breeds (Guyuan, Wenchang, Tibetan, and Hisex) were detected by PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing. The results indicated six genotypes (AA-EF). When compared with the PPARA reference sequence (GenBank accession no. AF163809), the nucleotide sequences of genotypes AA, BB, AB, and CC revealed silent mutations in the three Chinese breeds. The nucleotide sequences of genotypes DD and EF in Hisex showed several frame-shift mutations, implying variations involving five alleles of the PPARA gene in chicken breeds. In addition, the distribution of genotype frequency within the PPARA gene was significantly different in the four breeds studied, implying that this locus would probably be an effective marker in marker-assisted selection for layer, meat-and-egg, and broiler breeds.  相似文献   

Cui  Lijie  Chen  Yuhui  Shen  Guoan  Zhao  Lingxia  Tang  Kexuan 《Plant Molecular Biology Reporter》2011,29(2):466-472
Thymosin α1 (Tα1) was widely used for the treatment of hepatitis (B and C) and several cancers. However, current production of Tα1 is difficultly meeting clinical needs. To develop a novel and safety approach for Tα1 production, we synthesized a Tα1 gene (124 bp) based on the plant codon usage bias and constructed a four-copy Tα1 gene concatemer (408 bp) by using isocaudamer technique. This 4 × Tα1 structure was cloned into plant binary expression vector pCAMBIA2300 with twin transfer deoxyribonucleic acids (T-DNAs) and integrated into lettuce genome via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Thirteen positive plants were identified by polymerase chain reaction and confirmed by Southern blot analysis, and 11 marker-free lettuce plants were obtained in T2 generation. The content of recombined Tα1 (rTα1) protein reached 1798.317 ± 87.312 ng/g in fresh leaves of transgenic lettuce. 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay demonstrated that rTα1 protein stimulated mouse splenic lymphocyte proliferation in vitro. These data suggest that biologically active rTα1 was successfully expressed in marker-free transgenic lettuce, and this method could provide an alternative choice for large-scale production of Tα1 in the future.  相似文献   

The coding regions for the N-domain, and full length peridinin–chlorophyll a apoprotein (full length PCP), were expressed in Escherichia coli. The apoproteins formed inclusion bodies from which the peptides could be released by hot buffer. Both the above constructs were reconstituted by addition of a total pigment extract from native PCP. After purification by ion exchange chromatography, the absorbance, fluorescence excitation and CD spectra resembled those of the native PCP. Energy transfer from peridinin to Chl a was restored and a specific fluorescence activity calculated which was ~86% of that of native PCP. Size exclusion analysis and CD spectra showed that the N-domain PCP dimerized on reconstitution. Chl a could be replaced by Chl b, 3-acetyl Chl a, Chl d and Bchl using the N-domain apo protein. The specific fluorescence activity was the same for constructs with Chl a, 3-acetyl Chl a, and Chl d but significantly reduced for those made with Chl b. Reconstitutions with mixtures of chlorophylls were also made with eg Chl b and Chl d and energy transfer from the higher energy Qy band to the lower was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Avila  Marcela  Otaíza  Ricardo  Norambuena  Ricardo  Nuñez  Mario 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):245-252
The present paper describes growth dynamics in a natural bed of the resource luga negra (Sarcothalia crispata) in Guapilinao, southern Chile (41°57 S, 73°31 W). This resource is currently harvested and exported as raw material for the production of carrageenan. Seasonal variation in biomass, frond size, density and phenology was determined by periodic sampling. Natural recruitment was evaluated on different substrata added to the field; at the same time, substrata were inoculated under greenhouse conditions. Results showed that luga negra has seasonal growth: biomass increased from a minimum in spring to a maximum in mid to late summer. On the other hand, density was minimal in winter (200 ind. m–2) and increased to 2000 ind. m–2 in late spring. Peak abundance of mature tetrasporic fronds occurred in late summer, whereas that of cystocarpic fronds occurred in winter. Recruitment began in summer and extended into winter. Survival on different substrata were compared. Gametophytes had better survival rates on clam shells and 5 mm rope while tetrasporophytes had the best survival rate on clam shells and secondarily on boulders.  相似文献   

Alzheimer''s disease (AD, OMIM: 104300), a progressive neurodegenerative disorder with no cure to date, is caused by the generation of amyloid-beta-42 (Aβ42) aggregates that trigger neuronal cell death by unknown mechanism(s). We have developed a transgenic Drosophila eye model where misexpression of human Aβ42 results in AD-like neuropathology in the neural retina. We have identified an apical-basal polarity gene crumbs (crb) as a genetic modifier of Aβ42-mediated-neuropathology. Misexpression of Aβ42 caused upregulation of Crb expression, whereas downregulation of Crb either by RNAi or null allele approach rescued the Aβ42-mediated-neurodegeneration. Co-expression of full length Crb with Aβ42 increased severity of Aβ42-mediated-neurodegeneration, due to three fold induction of cell death in comparison to the wild type. Higher Crb levels affect axonal targeting from the retina to the brain. The structure function analysis identified intracellular domain of Crb to be required for Aβ42-mediated-neurodegeneration. We demonstrate a novel neuroprotective role of Crb in Aβ42-mediated-neurodegeneration.  相似文献   



The aim of the present study was to estimate the effectiveness of the MF59™-adjuvanted influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccine against medically attended influenza-like illness and RT-PCR confirmed influenza in the at-risk population and persons over 60 in the Netherlands.


We conducted a retrospective cohort study in a Dutch based GP medical record database between 30 November 2009 and 1 March 2010 to estimate the vaccine effectiveness against influenza-like illness. Within the cohort we nested a test negative case-control study to estimate the effectiveness against laboratory confirmed influenza.


The crude effectiveness in preventing diagnosed or possible influenza-like illness was 17.3% (95%CI: −8.5%–36.9%). Of the measured covariates, age, the severity of disease and health seeking behaviour through devised proxies confounded the association between vaccination and influenza-like illness. The adjusted vaccine effectiveness was 20.8% (95%CI: −5.4%, 40.5%) and varied significantly by age, being highest in adults up to 50 years (59%, 95%CI: 23%, 78%), and non-detectable in adults over 50 years. The number of cases in the nested case control study was too limited to validly estimate the VE against confirmed influenza.


With our study we demonstrated that the approach of combining a cohort study in a primary health care database with field sampling is a feasible and useful option to monitor VE of influenza vaccines in the future.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP) binds to negatively charged lipids on the cytosolic surface of oligodendrocyte membranes and is responsible for adhesion of these surfaces in the multilayered myelin sheath. The pattern of extensive post-translational modifications of MBP is dynamic during normal central nervous system (CNS) development and during myelin degeneration in multiple sclerosis (MS), affecting its interactions with the myelin membranes and with other molecules. In particular, the degree of deimination (or citrullination) of MBP is correlated with the severity of MS, and may represent a primary defect that precedes neurodegeneration due to autoimmune attack. That the degree of MBP deimination is also high in early CNS development indicates that this modification plays major physiological roles in myelin assembly. In this review, we describe the structural and functional consequences of MBP deimination in healthy and diseased myelin. Special issue dedicated to Drs. Anthony and Celia Campagnoni.  相似文献   

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