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Mycobacterium tuberculosis l-alanine dehydrogenase (MTB l-AlaDH) is one of the important drug targets for treating latent/persistent tuberculosis. In this study we used crystal structure of the MTB l-AlaDH bound with cofactor NAD+ as a structural framework for virtual screening of our in-house database to identified new classes of l-AlaDH inhibitor. We identified azetidine-2,4-dicarboxamide derivative as one of the potent inhibitor with IC50 of 9.22 ± 0.72 μM. Further lead optimization by synthesis leads to compound 1-(isonicotinamido)-N2,N4-bis(benzo[d]thiazol-2-yl)azetidine-2,4-dicarboxamide (18) with l-AlaDH IC50 of 3.83 ± 0.12 μM, 2.0 log reduction in nutrient starved dormant MTB model and MIC of 11.81 μM in actively replicative MTB.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis shikimate dehydrogenase (MtbSD) catalyzes the fourth reaction in the shikimate pathway, the NADPH-dependent reduction of 3-dehydroshikimate. To gather information on the kinetic mechanism, initial velocity patterns, product inhibition, and primary deuterium kinetic isotope effect studies were performed and the results suggested a steady-state ordered bi-bi kinetic mechanism. The magnitudes of both primary and solvent kinetic isotope effects indicated that the hydride transferred from NADPH and protons transferred from the solvent in the catalytic cycle are not significantly rate limiting in the overall reaction. Proton inventory analysis indicates that one proton gives rise to solvent isotope effects. Multiple isotope effect studies indicate that both hydride and proton transfers are concerted. The pH profiles revealed that acid/base chemistry takes place in catalysis and substrate binding. The MtbSD 3D model was obtained in silico by homology modeling. Kinetic and chemical mechanisms for MtbSD are proposed on the basis of experimental data.  相似文献   

Isopentenyl diphosphate is the precursor of various isoprenoids that are essential to all living organisms. It is produced by the mevalonate pathway in humans but by an alternate route in plants, protozoa, and many bacteria. 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase catalyzes the second step of this non-mevalonate pathway, which involves an NADPH-dependent rearrangement and reduction of 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate to form 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate. The use of different pathways, combined with the reported essentiality of the enzyme makes the reductoisomerase a highly promising target for drug design. Here we present several high resolution structures of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase, representing both wild type and mutant enzyme in various complexes with Mn(2+), NADPH, and the known inhibitor fosmidomycin. The asymmetric unit corresponds to the biological homodimer. Although crystal contacts stabilize an open active site in the B molecule, the A molecule displays a closed conformation, with some differences depending on the ligands bound. An inhibition study with fosmidomycin resulted in an estimated IC(50) value of 80 nm. The double mutant enzyme (D151N/E222Q) has lost its ability to bind the metal and, thereby, also its activity. Our structural information complemented with molecular dynamics simulations and free energy calculations provides the framework for the design of new inhibitors and gives new insights into the reaction mechanism. The conformation of fosmidomycin bound to the metal ion is different from that reported in a previously published structure and indicates that a rearrangement of the intermediate is not required during catalysis.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an extremely well adapted intracellular human pathogen that is exposed to multiple DNA damaging chemical assaults originating from the host defence mechanisms. As a consequence, this bacterium is thought to possess highly efficient DNA repair machineries, the nucleotide excision repair (NER) system amongst these. Although NER is of central importance to DNA repair in M. tuberculosis, our understanding of the processes in this species is limited. The conserved UvrABC endonuclease represents the multi-enzymatic core in bacterial NER, where the UvrA ATPase provides the DNA lesion-sensing function. The herein reported genetic analysis demonstrates that M. tuberculosis UvrA is important for the repair of nitrosative and oxidative DNA damage. Moreover, our biochemical and structural characterization of recombinant M. tuberculosis UvrA contributes new insights into its mechanism of action. In particular, the structural investigation reveals an unprecedented conformation of the UvrB-binding domain that we propose to be of functional relevance. Taken together, our data suggest UvrA as a potential target for the development of novel anti-tubercular agents and provide a biochemical framework for the identification of small-molecule inhibitors interfering with the NER activity in M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Inaoka DK  Sakamoto K  Shimizu H  Shiba T  Kurisu G  Nara T  Aoki T  Kita K  Harada S 《Biochemistry》2008,47(41):10881-10891
Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHOD) from Trypanosoma cruzi (TcDHOD) is a member of family 1A DHOD that catalyzes the oxidation of dihydroorotate to orotate (first half-reaction) and then the reduction of fumarate to succinate (second half-reaction) in the de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway. The oxidation of dihydroorotate is coupled with the reduction of FMN, and the reduced FMN converts fumarate to succinate in the second half-reaction. TcDHOD are known to be essential for survival and growth of T. cruzi and a validated drug target. The first-half reaction mechanism of the family 1A DHOD from Lactococcus lactis has been extensively investigated on the basis of kinetic isotope effects, mutagenesis and X-ray structures determined for ligand-free form and in complex with orotate, the product of the first half-reaction. In this report, we present crystal structures of TcDHOD in the ligand-free form and in complexes with an inhibitor, physiological substrates and products of the first and second half-reactions. These ligands bind to the same active site of TcDHOD, which is consistent with the one-site ping-pong Bi-Bi mechanism demonstrated by kinetic studies for family 1A DHODs. The binding of ligands to TcDHOD does not cause any significant structural changes to TcDHOD, and both reduced and oxidized FMN cofactors are in planar conformation, which indicates that the reduction of the FMN cofactor with dihydroorotate produces anionic reduced FMN. Therefore, they should be good models for the enzymatic reaction pathway of TcDHOD, although orotate and fumarate bind to TcDHOD with the oxidized FMN and dihydroorotate with the reduced FMN in the structures determined here. Cys130, which was identified as the active site base for family 1A DHOD (Fagan, R. L., Jensen, K. F., Bjornberg, O., and Palfey, B. A. (2007) Biochemistry 46, 4028-4036.), is well located for abstracting a proton from dihydroorotate C5 and transferring it to outside water molecules. The bound fumarate is in a twisted conformation, which induces partial charge separation represented as C 2 (delta-) and C 3 (delta+). Because of this partial charge separation, the thermodynamically favorable reduction of fumarate with reduced FMN seems to proceed in the way that C 2 (delta-) accepts a proton from Cys130 and C 3 (delta+) a hydride (or a hydride equivalent) from reduced FMN N 5 in TcDHOD.  相似文献   

DNA replication fidelity maintains low mutation rates in bacteria. The ε-subunit of a replisome generally acts as the main proofreader during replication, using its 3′–5′ exonuclease activity to excise misincorporated bases thereby maintaining faithful replication. In Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), however, the polymerase and histidinol phosphatase (PHP) domain of the DNA polymerase DnaE1 is the primary proofreader. This domain thus maintains low mutation rates during replication and is an attractive target for drug development. Even though the structures of DnaE polymerases are available from various organisms, including Mtb, the mechanism of exonuclease activity remains elusive. In this study, we sought to unravel the mechanism and also to identify scaffolds that can specifically inhibit the exonuclease activity. To gain insight into the mode of action, we also characterized the PHP domain of the Mtb error-prone polymerase DnaE2 which shares a nearly identical active site with DnaE1-PHP. Kinetic and mutational studies allowed us to identify the critical residue involved in catalysis. Combined inhibition and computational studies also revealed a specific mode of inhibition of DnaE1-PHP by nucleoside diphosphates. Thus, this study lays the foundation for the rational design of novel inhibitors which target the Mtb replicative proofreader.  相似文献   

Establishment or maintenance of a persistent infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis requires the glyoxylate pathway. This is a bypass of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in which isocitrate lyase and malate synthase (GlcB) catalyze the net incorporation of carbon during growth of microorganisms on acetate or fatty acids as the primary carbon source. The glcB gene from M. tuberculosis, which encodes malate synthase, was cloned, and GlcB was expressed in Escherichia coli. The influence of media conditions on expression in M. tuberculosis indicated that this enzyme is regulated differentially to isocitrate lyase. Purified GlcB had K(m) values of 57 and 30 microm for its substrates glyoxylate and acetyl coenzyme A, respectively, and was inhibited by bromopyruvate, oxalate, and phosphoenolpyruvate. The GlcB structure was solved to 2.1-A resolution in the presence of glyoxylate and magnesium. We also report the structure of GlcB in complex with the products of the reaction, coenzyme A and malate, solved to 2.7-A resolution. Coenzyme A binds in a bent conformation, and the details of its interactions are described, together with implications on the enzyme mechanism.  相似文献   

Nickel is a fundamental micronutrient for cellular life, but it is toxic in soluble form at nonphysiological concentrations. Such potentially contradictory features required living organisms to develop efficient systems for nickel utilization and homeostasis. This is the case for incorporation of nickel into the active site of urease, a multistep, tightly regulated process, requiring the interplay of various accessory proteins. The understanding of this activation mechanism may find medical applications against ureolytic bacteria, among which Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a deadly pathogen for humans. The topic of this study is UreG, an essential chaperone in the in vivo activation of urease upon insertion of Ni2+ into the active site. The protein was examined using both experimental and computational approaches. In particular, the soluble M. tuberculosis UreG (MtUreG) was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. The identity of the isolated protein was established by mass spectrometry. On-line size-exclusion chromatography and light scattering indicated that MtUreG exists as a dimeric form in solution. Determination of the free thiol concentration revealed that a disulfide bond is present in the dimer. The isolated MtUreG shows low GTPase activity under native conditions, with a kcat of 0.01 min-1. Circular dichroism spectroscopy demonstrated the presence of a well-defined secondary structure (8% alpha-helices, 29% beta-strands) in MtUreG, whereas NMR spectroscopy indicated that this protein does not behave as a rigid three-dimensional fold and thus can be assigned to the class of intrinsically unstructured polypeptides. The molecular model of MtUreG in the fully folded and functional form was built using fold recognition algorithms. An extensive similarity search was performed to determine conservation patterns in all known bacterial UreG sequences. The generation of a multiple-sequence alignment and the related phylogenetic tree allowed us to recognize key residues and motifs that are likely important for protein function. A structural database containing the homology-built models of the most representative UreG proteins was created, confirming the structural analogies among the UreG family. A flexible region, likely to be important for protein function, is identified. The structural conservation among this class of GTPases is discussed on the basis of their function in the urease assembly process.  相似文献   

The flavoenzymes dihydroorotate dehydrogenases (DHODs) catalyze the fourth and only redox step in the de novo biosynthesis of UMP. Enzymes belonging to class 2, according to their amino acid sequence, are characterized by having a serine residue as the catalytic base and a longer N terminus. The structure of class 2 E. coli DHOD, determined by MAD phasing, showed that the N-terminal extension forms a separate domain. The catalytic serine residue has an environment differing from the equivalent cysteine in class 1 DHODs. Significant differences between the two classes of DHODs were identified by comparison of the E. coli DHOD with the other known DHOD structures, and differences with the class 2 human DHOD explain the variation in their inhibitors.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the human A(2A) adenosine receptor, a member of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family, is used as a starting point for the structural characterization of the conformational equilibrium around the inactive conformation of the human A(2) (A(2A) and A(2B)) adenosine receptors (ARs). A homology model of the closely related A(2B)AR is reported, and the two receptors were simulated in their apo form through all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Different conditions were additionally explored in the A(2A)AR, including the protonation state of crucial histidines or the presence of the cocrystallized ligand. Our simulations reveal the role of several conserved residues in the ARs in the conformational equilibrium of the receptors. The "ionic lock" absent in the crystal structure of the inactive A(2A)AR is rapidly formed in the two simulated receptors, and a complex network of interacting residues is presented that further stabilizes this structural element. Notably, the observed rotameric transition of Trp6.48 ("toggle switch"), which is thought to initiate the activation process in GPCRs, is accompanied by a concerted rotation of the conserved residue of the A(2)ARs, His6.52. This new conformation is further stabilized in the two receptors under study by a novel interaction network involving residues in transmembrane (TM) helices TM5 (Asn5.42) and TM3 (Gln3.37), which resemble the conformational changes recently observed in the agonist-bound structure of β-adrenoreceptors. Finally, the interaction between Glu1.39 and His7.43, a pair of conserved residues in the family of ARs, is found to be weaker than previously thought, and the role of this interaction in the structure and dynamics of the receptor is thoroughly examined. All these findings suggest that, despite the commonalities with other GPCRs, the conformational equilibrium of ARs is also modulated by specific residues of the family.  相似文献   

F420-dependent glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (FGD) is involved in the committed step of the pentose phosphate pathway within mycobacteria, where it catalyzes the reaction between glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) and the F420 cofactor to yield 6-phosphogluconolactone and the reduced cofactor, F420H2. Here, we aim to probe the FGD reaction mechanism using dead-end inhibition experiments, as well as solvent and substrate deuterium isotope effects studies. The dead-end inhibition studies performed using citrate as the inhibitor revealed competitive and uncompetitive inhibition patterns for G6P and F420 respectively, thus suggesting a mechanism of ordered addition of substrates in which the F420 cofactor must first bind to FGD before G6P binding. The solvent deuterium isotope effects studies yielded normal solvent kinetic isotope effects (SKIE) on kcat and kcat/Km for both G6P and F420. The proton inventory data yielded a fractionation factor of 0.37, suggesting that the single proton responsible for the observed SKIE is likely donated by Glu109 and protonates the cofactor at position N1. The steady state substrate deuterium isotope effects studies using G6P and G6P-d1 yielded KIE of 1.1 for both kcat and kcat/Km, while the pre-steady state KIE on kobs was 1.4. Because the hydride transferred to C5 of F420 was the one targeted for isotopic substitution, these KIE values provide further evidence to support our previous findings that hydride transfer is likely not rate-limiting in the FGD reaction.  相似文献   

Shum KT  Lui EL  Wong SC  Yeung P  Sam L  Wang Y  Watt RM  Tanner JA 《Biochemistry》2011,50(15):3261-3271
Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) plays a number of critical roles in bacterial persistence, stress, and virulence. PolyP intracellular metabolism is regulated by the polyphosphate kinase (PPK) protein families, and inhibition of PPK activity is a potential approach to disrupting polyP-dependent processes in pathogenic organisms. Here, we biochemically characterized Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) PPK2 and developed DNA-based aptamers that inhibit the enzyme's catalytic activities. MTB PPK2 catalyzed polyP-dependent phosphorylation of ADP to ATP at a rate 838 times higher than the rate of polyP synthesis. Gel filtration chromatography suggested MTB PPK2 to be an octamer. DNA aptamers were isolated against MTB PPK2. Circular dichroism revealed that aptamers grouped into two distinct classes of secondary structure; G-quadruplex and non-G-quadruplex. A selected G-quadruplex aptamer was highly selective for binding to MTB PPK2 with a dissociation constant of 870 nM as determined by isothermal titration calorimetry. The binding between MTB PPK2 and the aptamer was exothermic yet primarily driven by entropy. This G-quadruplex aptamer inhibited MTB PPK2 with an IC(50) of 40 nM and exhibited noncompetitive inhibition kinetics. Mutational mechanistic analysis revealed an aptamer G-quadruplex motif is critical for enzyme inhibition. The aptamer was also tested against Vibrio cholerae PPK2, where it showed an IC(50) of 105 nM and insignificant inhibition against more distantly related Laribacter hongkongensis PPK2.  相似文献   

Introduction: This review aimed at providing an update on the application of proteomics-based approaches to gain recent insights of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) and its relevance to clinic. Proteomics and bioinformatics approaches helped in the identification and characterization of novel proteins. Studying M.tb, causative agent of tuberculosis (TB), at the proteomic level can contribute to the identification of proteins which can be considered as potential targets for developed drugs and can help us in better understanding the pathogen physiology.

Areas covered: In this review we have presented a comprehensive literature pertaining to role of proteomics in understanding M.tb. We have also focused on how the development and advancement in technology in the field of proteomics has augmented the research and played a pivotal role in answering many unexplored questions. Lastly, the application of proteomics to clinic has also been discussed.

Expert commentary: We envisage that proteomics has gained remarkable momentum over the years. Proteomics can play an important role in the discovery of biomarkers for TB and other diseases. Also, it can aid in development of effective vaccines and simple, rapid and cost-effective test for the diagnosis of TB which is crucial for the management and control of the disease.  相似文献   

Kinetic and structural studies of hydroxyproline 2-epimerase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The tenovins are a frequently studied class of compounds capable of inhibiting sirtuin activity, which is thought to result in increased acetylation and protection of the tumor suppressor p53 from degradation. However, as we and other laboratories have shown previously, certain tenovins are also capable of inhibiting autophagic flux, demonstrating the ability of these compounds to engage with more than one target. In this study, we present two additional mechanisms by which tenovins are able to activate p53 and kill tumor cells in culture. These mechanisms are the inhibition of a key enzyme of the de novo pyrimidine synthesis pathway, dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH), and the blockage of uridine transport into cells. These findings hold a 3-fold significance: first, we demonstrate that tenovins, and perhaps other compounds that activate p53, may activate p53 by more than one mechanism; second, that work previously conducted with certain tenovins as SirT1 inhibitors should additionally be viewed through the lens of DHODH inhibition as this is a major contributor to the mechanism of action of the most widely used tenovins; and finally, that small changes in the structure of a small molecule can lead to a dramatic change in the target profile of the molecule even when the phenotypic readout remains static.  相似文献   

l-Alanine dehydrogenase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis catalyzes the NADH-dependent reversible conversion of pyruvate and ammonia to l-alanine. Expression of the gene coding for this enzyme is up-regulated in the persistent phase of the organism, and alanine dehydrogenase is therefore a potential target for pathogen control by antibacterial compounds. We have determined the crystal structures of the apo- and holo-forms of the enzyme to 2.3 and 2.0 Å resolution, respectively. The enzyme forms a hexamer of identical subunits, with the NAD-binding domains building up the core of the molecule and the substrate-binding domains located at the apical positions of the hexamer. Coenzyme binding stabilizes a closed conformation where the substrate-binding domains are rotated by about 16° toward the dinucleotide-binding domains, compared to the open structure of the apo-enzyme. In the structure of the abortive ternary complex with NAD+ and pyruvate, the substrates are suitably positioned for hydride transfer between the nicotinamide ring and the C2 carbon atom of the substrate. The approach of the nucleophiles water and ammonia to pyruvate or the reaction intermediate iminopyruvate, respectively, is, however, only possible through conformational changes that make the substrate binding site more accessible. The crystal structures identified the conserved active-site residues His96 and Asp270 as potential acid/base catalysts in the reaction. Amino acid replacements of these residues by site-directed mutagenesis led to inactive mutants, further emphasizing their essential roles in the enzymatic reaction mechanism.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (pfDHODH) is a flavin-dependent mitochondrial enzyme that provides the only route to pyrimidine biosynthesis in the parasite. Clinically significant inhibitors of human DHODH (e.g., A77 1726) bind to a pocket on the opposite face of the flavin cofactor from dihydroorotate (DHO). This pocket demonstrates considerable sequence variability, which has allowed species-specific inhibitors of the malarial enzyme to be identified. Ubiquinone (CoQ), the physiological oxidant in the reaction, has been postulated to bind this site despite a lack of structural evidence. To more clearly define the residues involved in CoQ binding and catalysis, we undertook site-directed mutagenesis of seven residues in the structurally defined A77 1726 binding site, which we term the species-selective inhibitor site. Mutation of several of these residues (H185, F188, and F227) to Ala substantially decreased the affinity of pfDHODH-specific inhibitors (40-240-fold). In contrast, only a modest increase in the Kmapp for CoQ was observed, although mutation of Y528 in particular caused a substantial reduction in kcat (40-100-fold decrease). Pre-steady-state kinetic analysis by single wavelength stopped-flow spectroscopy showed that the mutations had no effect on the rate of the DHO-dependent reductive half-reaction, but most reduced the rate of the CoQ-dependent flavin oxidation step (3-20-fold decrease), while not significantly altering the Kdox for CoQ. As with the mutants, inhibitors that bind this site block the CoQ-dependent oxidative half-reaction without affecting the DHO-dependent step. These results identify residues involved in inhibitor binding and electron transfer to CoQ. Importantly, the data provide compelling evidence that the binding sites for CoQ and species-selective site inhibitors do not overlap, and they suggest instead that inhibitors act either by blocking the electron path between flavin and CoQ or by stabilizing a conformation that excludes CoQ binding.  相似文献   

The chemical synthesis of new compounds designed as inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis TMP kinase (TMPK) is reported. The synthesis concerns TMP analogues modified at the 5-position of the thymine ring as well as a novel compound with a six-membered sugar ring. The binding properties of the analogues are compared with the known inhibitor azido-TMP, which is postulated here to work by excluding the TMP-bound Mg(2+) ion. The crystallographic structure of the complex of one of the compounds, 5-CH(2)OH-dUMP, with TMPK has been determined at 2.0 A. It reveals a major conformation for the hydroxyl group in contact with a water molecule and a minor conformation pointing toward Ser(99). Looking for a role for Ser(99), we have identified an unusual catalytic triad, or a proton wire, made of strictly conserved residues (including Glu(6), Ser(99), Arg(95), and Asp(9)) that probably serves to protonate the transferred PO(3) group. The crystallographic structure of the commercially available bisubstrate analogue P(1)-(adenosine-5')-P(5)-(thymidine-5')-pentaphosphate bound to TMPK is also reported at 2.45 A and reveals an alternative binding pocket for the adenine moiety of the molecule compared with what is observed either in the Escherichia coli or in the yeast enzyme structures. This alternative binding pocket opens a way for the design of a new family of specific inhibitors.  相似文献   

Nucleotide biosynthesis pathways have been reported to be essential in some protozoan pathogens. Hence, we evaluated the essentiality of one enzyme in the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway, dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) from the eukaryotic parasite Trypanosoma brucei through gene knockdown studies. RNAi knockdown of DHODH expression in bloodstream form T. brucei did not inhibit growth in normal medium, but profoundly retarded growth in pyrimidine-depleted media or in the presence of the known pyrimidine uptake antagonist 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). These results have significant implications for the development of therapeutics to combat T. brucei infection. Specifically, a combination therapy including a T. brucei -specific DHODH inhibitor plus 5-FU may prove to be an effective therapeutic strategy. We also show that this trypanosomal enzyme is inhibited by known inhibitors of bacterial Class 1A DHODH, in distinction to the sensitivity of DHODH from human and other higher eukaryotes. This selectivity is supported by the crystal structure of the T. brucei enzyme, which is reported here at a resolution of 1.95 Å. Additional research, guided by the crystal structure described herein, is needed to identify potent inhibitors of T. brucei DHODH.  相似文献   

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