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The genus Hypericum has received considerable interest from scientists, as it is a source of a variety of biologically active compounds including the hypericins. The present study was conducted to determine ontogenetic, morphogenetic and diurnal variation of the total hypericins content in some species of Hypericum growing in Turkey namely, Hypericum aviculariifolium subsp. depilatum var. depilatum (endemic), Hypericum perforatum and Hypericum pruinatum. The Hypericum plants were harvested from wild populations at vegetative, floral budding, full flowering, fresh fruiting and mature fruiting stages four times a day. Plants were dissected into stem, leaf and reproductive tissues, which were dried separately, and subsequently assayed for total hypericin content. The density of dark glands on leaves at full flowering plants was determined for each species. Floral parts had the highest hypericin content in all species tested. But diurnal fluctuation in the hypericin content of whole plant during the course of ontogenesis varied among the species. It reached the highest level at floral budding and tended to increase at night in H. aviculariifolium subsp. depilatum var. depilatum and H. pruinatum, whereas in H. perforatum hypericin content was the highest at full flowering and no diurnal fluctuation was observed. In general, hypericin content of leaves and whole plant was higher in H. aviculariifolium subsp. depilatum var. depilatum whose leaves had more numerous dark glands than those of the two other species.  相似文献   

Veronica fridericae spec. nova, described from the type locality in the S.E. Turkish province Van, is related toV. acrotheca andV. farinosa, both endemic to W. Iran. All 8 perennial species with pinnatifid leaves in S.W. Asia are presented in a key.  相似文献   

Diseased seedlings and roots of cabbage and mustard of Khurpatal (Nainital), were surveyed for zoosporic plant pathogens. Pythium aphanidermatum and P. debaryanum were isolated from cabbage and P. middletonii, P. spinosum and P. undulatum were isolated from mustard. Pathogenicity tests conducted in the glasshouse indicated that P. debaryanum and P. spinosum are the most virulent pathogens of cabbage and mustard respectively.  相似文献   

Three dipeptidases in Drosophila melanogaster are under independent genetic control and their structural genes have been localized, Dip-A to 2R and Dip-B and Dip-C to 3R (Voelker and Langley, 1978; Ohnishi and Voelker, 1981). These enzymes were characterized with respect to their substrate specificities, genetic variability (electrophoretic mobility and quantitative activity level), ontogeny (activity and isozyme pattern), and tissue localization. The dipeptide substrate specificities of DIP-A and DIP-B overlap each other considerably, but do not overlap with DIP-C. In natural populations, DIP-B and DIP-C are essentially monomorphic electrophoretically whereas DIP-A is polymorphic for three allozymes. Both DIP-A and DIP-B show quantitative genetic variation of activity level within an allozyme class. All three enzymes are expressed at all stages in the life cycle, but DIP-A and DIP-B activities vary considerably according to developmental stage and sex of adult. The tissue localizations of DIP-A and DIP-B activities show similar patterns and a nearly ubiquitous occurrence of both enzymes, but with particularly high values in larval and adult midguts and in the adult female reproductive system. These results suggest a general metabolic role for the enzymes, such as regulation of the concentrated pools of amino acids and oligopeptides found in Drosophila tissues.This work was supported by Public Health Service Grant GM 11546.Paper No. 7066 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh.  相似文献   

Cultural and physiological properties, serology, plasmid profiles and infective traits were determined for 23 strains of rhizobia isolated from various Hedysarum species: H. coronarium (common name: sulla) (16), H. carnosum (1), H. alpinum (3), H. mackenzii (2) and H. pallens (1) from Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, Alaska and Israel. Strains isolated from H. alpinum, H. mackenzii and H. pallens have slow growth rates on yeast-extract mannitol medium and were unable to nodulate H. coronarium plants, whereas the latter were effectively nodulated by all sixteen fast growing strains from sulla. Regardless of the country of origin all H. coronarium strains fell into one serogroup and were not serologically related with strains of other Hedysarum species. The RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) fingerprinting method which was carried out on five H. coronarium and three H. alpinum strains allowed distinction to be made among serologically related rhizobia. No particular plasmid profile pattern was observed in relation to the host or geographical origin of the strains.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether or not coexisting congeneric plant species have different defense strategies against herbivores, and the intensity of defense changes ontogenetically. We focused on nine myrmecophytic Macaranga species and estimated the intensity of non-biotic and biotic defense by the degree of leaf damage in ant-free and ant-occupied plants, respectively. Ant colonization of myrmecophytic Macaranga species occurred in the early stage of plant development (5–50 cm-tall seedlings). Following the colonization, damage by leaf eaters was minimized and stable during the ontogenetic development of the host plants due to protection by ants. In ant-free trees, however, herbivore damage was immense in seedlings and decreased as trees grew. Interspecific comparison of leaf damage and herbivore fauna supported that coexisting congeneric plants differ in their types of non-biotic (chemical/structural) defense: without ant protection, Macaranga beccariana, for example, was somewhat resistant to leaf eaters but susceptible to gall-makers, Macaranga trachyphylla was heavily infested by generalist leaf eaters, and Macaranga winkleri was exploited by ant-predatory birds. Despite these variations in chemical/structural defense, ant-colonized plants were generally well defended by ants against all kinds of herbivores. This suggests that the individual host-specific ant mutualists are well adapted to deter the chemically or structurally adapted herbivores. These results imply that in the history of diversification in the Macaranga–ant–herbivore system, a sequence of mutual counter adaptation took place not only between plants and herbivores but also between ants and herbivores.  相似文献   

Conservation of forested riparian ecosystems is of international concern. Relatively little is known of the structure, composition, diversity, and extent of riparian ecosystems in Mexico. We used high- and low-resolution satellite imagery from 2000 to 2006, and ground-based sampling in 2006, to assess the spatial pattern, extent, and woody plant composition of riparian forests across a range of spatial scales for the state of Sonora, Mexico. For all 3rd and higher order streams, river bottomlands with riparian forests occupied a total area of 2,301 km2. Where forested bottomlands remained, on average, 34% of the area had been converted to agriculture while 39% remained forested. We estimated that the total area of riparian forest along the principal streams was 897 km2. Including fencerow trees, the total forested riparian area was 944 km2, or 0.5% of the total land area of Sonora. Ground-based sampling of woody riparian vegetation consisted of 92, 50 m radius circular plots. About 79 woody plant species were noted. The most important tree species, based on cover and frequency, were willow species Salix spp. (primarily S. goodingii and S. bonplandiana), mesquite species Prosopis spp. (primarily P. velutina), and Fremont cottonwood Populus fremontii. Woody riparian taxa at the reach scale showed a trend of increasing diversity from north to south within Sonora. Species richness was greatest in the willow-bald cypress Taxodium distichum var. mexicanum—Mexican cottonwood P. mexicana subsp. dimorphia ecosystem. The non-native tamarisk Tamarix spp. was rare, occurring at just three study reaches. Relatively natural stream flow patterns and fluvial disturbance regimes likely limit its establishment and spread.  相似文献   

Gracilaria edulis, G. crassa, G. foliifera, and G. corticata are naturally occurring agarophytes of Indian waters. These agarophytes were evaluated for their agar contents using an improved process recently reported by us (US Patent 2005/0267296A1). The effect of different concentrations of NaOH in the alkali treatment was studied for optimizing the extraction conditions. These Gracilaria species of Indian waters produced agars, both native and alkali treated, with different properties confirming the heterogeneity of the agar polymers in this genera, as one would expect. Among these, G. edulis and G. crassa produced agar polymers having high gel strengths of 490 ± 8.16 and 800 ± 15.4 g cm−2, respectively, with 8% NaOH treatment as opposed the low gel strength agars that have been reported in the literature to date.  相似文献   

A study of species diversity of Stomoxys spp. and diurnal variations of activity of the most abundant was performed during a one year period at a local dairy cattle farm in Wang Nam Khiao District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand. Four species of stomoxyine flies were morphologically identified, including Stomoxys indicus Picard 1908, S. calcitrans (Linnaeus 1758), S. sitiens Rondani 1873 and S. uruma Shinonaga and Kanao 1966. The most common species were S. indicus (50.2%) and S. calcitrans (49.5%). S. sitiens and S. uruma were found in small proportions (< 1%). The number of flies captured was significantly different among the three seasons with the greatest number in the rainy season (mean = 66%; df = 2, P < 0.05). The variations of diurnal activity were observed during different period of times (06:00 to 18:00) during three seasons. Both sexes of S. indicus and males of S. calcitrans showed unimodal activity pattern in cool and summer seasons. But a bimodal activity pattern was recorded in rainy season. For females S. calcitrans, a unimodal peak of activity was observed in cool season and a constant variation of activity all along the day in summer and rainy seasons, with an increase from the morning to the evening. A better understanding of stomoxyine fly behavior, especially the daily flight activity, can assist in prioritization and design of appropriate vector prevention and control strategies.  相似文献   

Kishinevsky  B. D.  Nandasena  K. G.  Yates  R. J.  Nemas  C.  Howieson  J.G. 《Plant and Soil》2003,251(1):143-153
Cultural, physiological and biochemical properties of 18 strains of rhizobia isolated from root nodules of the forage legume H. spinosissimum were compared with those of rhizobia from the related species H. coronarium (15 strains) and H. flexuosum (four strains). On the basis of 43 characteristics the 37 strains of Hedysarum rhizobia could be divided into two groups by numerical analysis. The H. spinosissimum rhizobia formed the first group and the second group comprised the strains from H. coronarium and H. flexuosum. The reference Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae strain 250A was clustered with the rhizobia from H. coronarium and H. flexuosum. By contrast Bradyrhizobium sp. (Arachis) reference strain 280A was not clustered with any of the strains tested, indicating that the H. spinosissimum rhizobia differ from both Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium. Serological data also discriminate between H. spinosissimum and H. coronariumrhizobia but not between the latter and H. flexuosum strains. The strains tested exhibit a high degree of specificity for nodulation and nitrogen fixation. We also determined the16SrRNA gene sequence of H. spinosissimum rhizobia (four strains), H. coronarium (two strains) and H. flexuosum (two strains) and found that the four H. spinosissimum isolates share a 98% identity among each other in this region but they showed less than 92% identity to the H. coronarium and H. flexuosum isolates. The H. spinosissimum isolates were closely related to both Mesorhizobium loti and M. ciceri, sharing 97% identity with each species.  相似文献   

Lactobacilli have been barely studied in cows. We proposed isolate and characterize lactic acid bacteria from dairy cows as compared to those raised for meat production and elucidate the presence of strains with evident probiotic employment's potential. For this, isolation and quantification of LAB mainly lactobacilli were realized from vaginal cattle samples in MRS medium. Each selected microorganism was then briefly characterized. The MATH method was employed using hexadecane, xilene an toluene as solvent. According to the hydrophobic characteristics, strains were classified into three categories: high (71-100%), medium (36-70%) and low (0-35%). Hydrogen peroxide qualitative production was studies too, lactobacilli were streaked onto an MRS agar plate containing 5 mg of 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine and 0.20 mg of horseradish peroxidase. Twenty-one sampled cows (78%) were positive for lactic acid microflora, 12 belonging to the dairy group and 17 of the meat group. Total LAB counting including dairy and meat cows were log 2,41 CFU/ml. Of overall identified strains, an 83% corresponded to lactobacilli. Most strains belonged to the heterofermentative facultative group (75%), with L. plantarum as the most frequent specie. The highest proportion of isolated vaginal strains (69%) had low hydrophobicity, the LAB with highest hydrophobic characteristics (3 strains) were found only in meat cows. In the qualitative evaluation of H(2)O(2) production, a positive reaction was observed in 13 of 29 strains (45%). The role of lactobacilli in vaginal microbiota is limited, and therefore the present work is interesting in incorporate knowledge of normal microflora of progesteronic healthy cows, in this case in production animals. The isolation and characterization data obtained are consistent in consider the study of particular strains with great potential in the development of a probiotic for production cows.  相似文献   

Bakker  C. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):117-126
During the period of construction of a storm-surge barrier current velocities decreased strongly and the Eastern compartment of the basin obtained a lagoon-like character. The rotifer Synchaeta spp., already abundant in the neighbouring salt and brackish lakes, profited from this condition. Higher and less fluctuating salinities caused the estuarine character of this compartment to disappear in the post-barrier years. This was reflected in the obscured succession of some Acartia species: the estuarine A. tonsa dominated in pre-barrier- and barrier years during summer, while the marine A. clausi was abundant in the post-barrier Oosterschelde during that time. Also the changed food conditions (Bakker & Vink, 1993) may have played a role in this phenomenon.Further changes in species composition were hardly observed. The main changes were of a quantitative nature (Bakker & Van Rijswijk, 1993; Tackx et al., 1993). A list of the commonly occurring species is given.  相似文献   

Chrysosporium species were isolated from soil and keratinized material. Primary isolation was performed following the general method of hair baiting on modified Czapek-agar media with washed, defated and sterilized human hair fragments added. Strains were maintained in test tubes of potato dextrose agar at 29 °C and cultivated on phytone yeast extract agar at 28 °C for 14 days for identification. Isolates were characterized using Van Oorschot's key. Keratinolytic activity was expressed following a subjective scale representing degree/severity of attack upon hair surface and presence of fungal structures observed in substrate. Culture results and characterization methods were effective for soil Chrysosporium strain isolation. A new hair attack mode is described. Of 71 keratinolytic fungal isolates, eight (12%) Chrysosporium species were identified. One keratinolytic Chrysosporium sp. isolate is yet to be identified.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The whiteflies Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) are major crop pests throughout the world. Although extensive research about biological control of whitefly by parasitoids and predators has been conducted, also entomopathogenic fungi can be considered as potential biological control agents. Surveys for entomopathogenic fungi were carried out in organic and conventional horticultural crops in greenhouses and open fields in Buenos Aires and Corrientes provinces, Argentina. These surveys resulted in the recovery and isolation of the following fungi from whiteflies: Lecanicillium lecanii (Zimmerm.) Zare & W. Gams, L. muscarium (Petch) Zare & W. Gams, L. longisporum (Petch) Zare & W. Gams, Isaria fumosorosea Wize and I. javanica (Frieder. & Bally) Samson & Hywel-Jones. Pathogenicity tests were conducted against T. vaporariorum nymphs using a conidial suspension (1 × 107 conidia/ml) of the fungi. A mortality rate between 26.6% and 76.6% was obtained at 7 days post-infection. These are the first records of natural infections in the southernmost region of the South American continent of L. lecanii, L. muscarium, L. longisporum and Isaria javanica (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) on T. vaporariorum and also the first report of I. fumosorosea on B. tabaci.  相似文献   

A detailed 24 hour sampling program has been carried out at 26 depths of 6 stations located along the two main transects of lake La Caldera. The resultant data has allowed us to define for H. bulgarica a general daily trend of movement which couples a typical nocturnal vertical migration with an horizontal one that is particularly conspicuous at dawn and dusk when the population seemed to moved toward or away from the shore, respectively.These results confirm our previous data and suggest that light is responsible for these complex movements.Research supported by CAICYT Project No. 3069/83.  相似文献   

Two species of wood mouse, Apodemus argenteus and A. speciosus, were observed consuming and hoarding acorns of Quercus serrata and Castanopsis cuspidata. When each species of acorn was supplied individually, both species of mice used each species of acorn for eating and hoarding. When both species of acorn were supplied, A. argenteus consumed or hoarded only C. cuspidata, whereas A. speciosus tended to eat C. cuspidata acorns at the feeding site, and disperse or hoard Q. serrata acorns. Apodemus speciosus is unlikely to disperse C. cuspidata acorns (their utilization was biased towards consumption) when Q. serrata acorns are also available. Apodemus argenteus will make almost no contribution to the dispersal of Q. serrata when the two acorn species coexist.  相似文献   

Summary Two species of lepidopteran herbivores, Manduca sexta (Sphingidae) and Trichoplusia ni (Noctuidae), were reared on synthetic diet containing either the alkaloid nicotine or the flavonoid rutin. Survival and pupal weight of the specialist M. sexta did not differ when larvae were reared on diet containing nicotine or rutin. In contrast, the generalist T. ni did not survive on diet containing 0.125% nicotine or greater, whereas larvae survived on all concentrations of rutin. These data demonstrate that the alkaloid nicotine is inhibitory toward generalist, but not specialist herbivores, whereas the flavonoid rutin has no effect on specialist herbivores and limited effects on generalist herbivores. Five species of Pseudomonas bacterial pathogens: P. syringae, P. syringae pv. angulata, P. syringae pv. tabaci, P. fluorescens, and P. solanacearum were grown on nutrient agar containing nicotine or rutin at concentrations ranging from 0.0 to 1.0% wet weight in 0.1% intervals. No species of Pseudomonas grew at concentrations greater than 0.5% nicotine when 106 colony forming units (cfu) were used, but growth occurred at all concentrations of rutin when 102 cfu were used. These data indicate that nicotine was inhibitory to growth of both herbivores and pathogens, suggesting that certain plant secondary chemicals with high toxicity are of a generalized nature and affect multiple species. Differences in the sensitivity of organisms to allelochemicals such as generalist or specialist can make it appear that specific allelochemicals affect specific organisms, when in fact it is the tolerance of the organism to the plant chemical that is responsible. In four separate studies, the growth of M. sexta, T. ni and Helicoverpa zea was significantly lower on plants inoculated with P. solanacearum. Alteration in leaf quality by P. solanacearum was due to either reductions in leaf nutrients or increases in allelochemicals. We speculate that localized or systemic induction by both herbivores and pathogens can cause changes in leaf quality, effecting each other's subsequent colonization. The generalized nature of plant secondary compounds and potential reciprocal effects on induction by both species suggests that herbivores and pathogens may affect plant quality through induction and diffuse interactions of disparate species can alter the community of organisms colonizing a plant.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the biocontrol of Orobanche (broomrape) species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Parasitic broomrapes (Orobanche spp.) are majoruncontrolled weeds in the Mediterranean regions of Europe and the NearEast causing major losses to vegetable, grain legume, and sunflowercrops. Selective herbicides alone cannot provide persistent, season-longcontrol of these parasites, and much methyl bromide is used for theircontrol, where affordable. Thus they are excellent targets forbiocontrol. The recent progress by the COST 816 Orobancheworking group in this area is reviewed herein. Natural infestation bythe fly Phytomyza orobanchia of seed capsules of Orobanchecrenata parasitising faba bean halved Orobanche seedproduction while inundative releases of adults reduced it to 5%of viable seeds. The fungi Fusarium arthrosporioides E4a andF. oxysporum E1d, as well as strains of bacteria were isolatedfrom diseased, juvenile, Orobanche flower stalks. They arepathogenic to O. aegyptiaca, O. crenata and O. ramosaon most vegetable crops. A F. oxysporum f. sp.orthoceras was specifically pathogenic to O. cumana onsunflowers. All were used in various experiments with a modicum ofsuccess. Methods were developed to formulate isolated mycelia, whichcould eventually allow the use of transgenic hypervirulent pathogens inasporogenic (deletion) mutants (as a failsafe against spread).Mycotoxins were also isolated from different Fusarium and otherfungal species that kill Orobanche, and are being consideredfor direct use, or to augment other strategies. All threeFusarium spp. used have been transformed with gusand/or gfp genes allowing tracing their movement in theenvironment, and opening the way to future transformations tohypervirulence.  相似文献   

Nodulation of Alnus rubra seedlings after inoculation with soil from under A. rubra, Betula papyrifera. Rubus lacianutus, R. spectabilis, and R.ursinus on 2 recently harvested sites was compared. Nodulation capacity was low compared to other published reports, ranging from 0 to 18.9 infective units cm-3 of soil and was significantly affected by the site and plant species. Nodulation capacity of soil under alder was significantly higher than under all other species except R. spectabilis, regardless of site. The lowest nodulation capacity was found in soil under B. papyrifera.Joint appointment with Dept. of Soil Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences  相似文献   

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