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The action spectrum for changing the phase of the rhythm of luminescence in the marine dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra has been determined. Maxima in effectiveness were found at 475 and 650 mµ. The significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

The unicellular alga Gonyaulax polyedra reacts to short days and low temperatures by forming asexual cysts. Its photoperiodic response is elicited via the physiological mediation of melatonin. This indoleamine known as a dark signal in vertebrates is also synthetised by this dinophyt attaining concentrations as high as in the mammalian pineal gland. Its level varies in a circadian fashion, showing a steep increase after the onset of darkness, followed by a gradual decline towards the beginning of photophase. The critical photoperiod of the encystment response shows in Gonyaulax polyedra the remarkably high precision of about half an hour. Under otherwise non-inducing conditions, a single addition of 10 –4 M melatonin, given 1 h before the onset of darkness, elicits encystment as much, and with similar kinetics, as in short-days. The effect of melatonin action during long-day conditions (11:13) and low temperature (15°C) has been investigated. After addition of 10 –4 M or 7x10 –5 M melatonin each 3 h, the cyst-inducing capacity depends on the circadian phase of treatment. The differences in efficiency of melatonin observed are negatively correlated with the endogenous melatonin production of Gonyaulax polyedra which is higher at the begining of darkness. These results lead to novel consequences relating to the rapid catabolism of this substance and the dependence of its efficiency on light.  相似文献   

The unicellular alga Gonyaulax polyedra reacts to short days and low temperatures by forming asexual cysts. Its photoperiodic response is elicited via the physiological mediation of melatonin. This indoleamine known as a dark signal in vertebrates is also synthetised by this dinophyt attaining concentrations as high as in the mammalian pineal gland. Its level varies in a circadian fashion, showing a steep increase after the onset of darkness, followed by a gradual decline towards the beginning of photophase. The critical photoperiod of the encystment response shows in Gonyaulax polyedra the remarkably high precision of about half an hour. Under otherwise non-inducing conditions, a single addition of 10 -4 M melatonin, given 1 h before the onset of darkness, elicits encystment as much, and with similar kinetics, as in short-days. The effect of melatonin action during long-day conditions (11:13) and low temperature (15°C) has been investigated. After addition of 10 -4 M or 7x10 -5 M melatonin each 3 h, the cyst-inducing capacity depends on the circadian phase of treatment. The differences in efficiency of melatonin observed are negatively correlated with the endogenous melatonin production of Gonyaulax polyedra which is higher at the begining of darkness. These results lead to novel consequences relating to the rapid catabolism of this substance and the dependence of its efficiency on light.  相似文献   

At a temperature of 15oC, Gonyaulax polyedra responds to short days (light ≤ 10 h) by transition to the stage of a resting cyst. At 20oC, even an lightdark (LD) cycle of 6:18 is incapable of inducing this process. In otherwise cyst-inducing conditions (15oC; 10 h of light per day), an interruption of the scotophase by 2 h of light (LDLD 8:2:2:12 or 2:2:8:12) prevented encystment. Cyst induction is, therefore, initiated by a photoperiodic mechanism rather than by light deficiency. In Gonyaulax, photoperiodism may be mediated by the action of indoleamines. Melatonin, which exhibits a circadian rhythmicity in this organism, leads to encystment when given 1 h before lights-off in LD 11:13 at 15oC, i.e., under otherwise noninducing conditions. Again, at 20oC, melatonin is inefficient. Some analogues of melatonin, in particular, 5-methoxytryptamine and N,N-dimethyl-5-methoxytryptamine, and, at high concentrations, their respective precursors, serotonin and bufotenin, are capable of inducing cyst formation at 20oC and in LD 12:12, whereas A'-acetyl-serotonin does not show this effect.  相似文献   

At a temperature of 15oC, Gonyaulax polyedra responds to short days (light ≤ 10 h) by transition to the stage of a resting cyst. At 20oC, even an lightdark (LD) cycle of 6:18 is incapable of inducing this process. In otherwise cyst-inducing conditions (15oC; 10 h of light per day), an interruption of the scotophase by 2 h of light (LDLD 8:2:2:12 or 2:2:8:12) prevented encystment. Cyst induction is, therefore, initiated by a photoperiodic mechanism rather than by light deficiency. In Gonyaulax, photoperiodism may be mediated by the action of indoleamines. Melatonin, which exhibits a circadian rhythmicity in this organism, leads to encystment when given 1 h before lights-off in LD 11:13 at 15oC, i.e., under otherwise noninducing conditions. Again, at 20oC, melatonin is inefficient. Some analogues of melatonin, in particular, 5-methoxytryptamine and N,N-dimethyl-5-methoxytryptamine, and, at high concentrations, their respective precursors, serotonin and bufotenin, are capable of inducing cyst formation at 20oC and in LD 12:12, whereas A'-acetyl-serotonin does not show this effect.  相似文献   

Circadian oscillations are a fundamental biological property from bacteria to humans. The molecular mechanisms which produce a ca 24-h rhythmicity are still unknown but it has become clear that they are part of the biochemical machinery of the single cell. The cellular circadian system can be favorably studied in single-cell organisms such as the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra . The complexity of this circadian model system, which consists of at least two circadian oscillators, receives light via two input systems with different spectral sensitivities, and has several feed–back loops between the central oscillator(s) and the environment, is described here.  相似文献   

Like other flagellates, Gonyaulax polyedra exhibits diurnal vertical migration and pattern formation. Shape and size of the aggregations depend on container type, light intensity, and cell density. In Petri dishes, cells form oval "swarms"; within these, cells move downward in the highly dense center and rise up at the periphery. We have investigated the daily rhythm of this swarming activity in Petri dishes illuminated from the side, using time-lapse video recordings. At night, a "lawn" of cells forms at the bottom of the dish toward the light source (independent of light intensity). Before dawn, cells rise toward the surface and aggregate in swarms. The daily vertical migration occurs independent of light direction and intensity. The diurnal swarms, however, form every day at the same location within the dish, at a distance from the light that depends on light intensity, indicating a self-selection of light intensity. In constant light and temperature and with negligible vertical nutrient differences, all aspects of the rhythm continue to oscillate for up to 3 weeks, when the rhythm of the population becomes desynchronized. Under cycles of bright white-dim red light (WR), cell entrain to WR 10:10 but free run in WR 8:8 and shorter cycles, showing relative coordination (von Holst, 1939) to the driving light cycle. They also entrain to the 24-hr multiple of WR 6:6. Under nonentrained conditions, swarming activity is still influenced by light changes, and in spite of the apparent free run, the phasing of the averaged activity varies systematically with different T-cycle frequencies.  相似文献   

In growing cultures of the dinoflagellate, Gonyaulax polyedra, total protein synthesis showed a circadian rhythm with a maximum during the phase of the cycle which corresponded to the previous darktime. The maximum coincided with the maximal phase shift of the glow rhythm caused by lower concentrations of the antibiotic anisomycin (Taylor, W., et al., 1982). J. Comp. Physiol. 148 B, 11–25. The dose reponses of inhibition of protein synthesis correlated well with the phase shifting by anisomycin. The amplitude and level of the total-protein synthesis rhythm increased with the growth rate, indicating that the majority of proteins controlled by the circadian clock were cell cycle-dependent. The degradation rate showed the same circadian rhythm as the synthesis rate. Slight variations in uptake and pool size of amino acids were not responsible for the rhythm in the protein-synthesis rate.  相似文献   

A luciferin-binding protein (LBP), which binds and protects from autoxidation the substrate of the circadian bioluminescent reaction of Gonyaulax polyedra, has been purified to near homogeneity. The purified protein is a dimer with two identical 72-kDa subunits, and an isoelectric point of 6.7. LBP is a major component of the cells, comprising about 1% of the total protein during the night phase, but drops to only about 0.1% during the day. The luciferin is protected from autoxidation by binding to LBP, and one luciferin is bound per dimer at alkaline pH (Ka approximately 5 x 10(7) M-1). The protein undergoes a conformational change with release of luciferin at pH values below 7, concurrent with an activation of Gonyaulax luciferase. LBP thus has a dual role in the circadian bioluminescent system.  相似文献   

Circadian changes in protein synthesis and phosphorylation of ribosomal and cytoplasmic proteins in the marine dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra were analyzed by radioactive labeling and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Maximal rates of protein synthesis were found during the subjective night and minimal rates during the subjective day. Protein synthesis was inhibited by heat shock to a different extent at different circadian phases—maximally during the subjective night. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) having molecular weights of approximately 105, 89, 83, 66, 35, and 18 kDa were induced by these treatments. Induction of HSP89 and HSP35 showed circadian differences with maximal synthesis rates at CT 15, whereas most HSPs maintained a constant constitutive and induced synthesis. Recovery of normal protein synthesis after heat shock occurred faster during the subjective night than during the subjective day. Ribosomal proteins with molecular weights of 16 and 18 kDa were highly phosphorylated by [35S] thio gamma adenosine triphosphate during day phase in a light-dark cycle or at CT 6 in constant dim light and labeled only to a minor degree during night phase or at CT 18. A ribosome-associated protein (35 kDa) was labeled during the day and not during the night, but after heat shock during both day and night. In the 200,000 g cytosolic fraction, a 35-kDa protein was found to be more intensely labeled at night than during the day phase after heat shock. The results of this study show a correlation between circadian changes in the overall protein synthesis and ribosomal protein phosphorylation. The rhythm of protein synthesis and phosphorylation of a ribosome-associated protein are drastically altered by heat shock and dependent on the circadian phase.  相似文献   

Cell-free extracts that show activity in photosynthetic electron flow have been prepared from the unicellular dinoflagellate, Gonyaulax polyedra. Electron flow, as O2 uptake, was measured through both photo-system I and II from water to methyl viologen, through photosystem I alone from reduced 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol to methyl viologen which does not include the plastoquinone pool or from duroquinol to methyl viologen which includes the plastoquinone pool. Electron flow principally through photosystem II was measured from water to diaminodurene and ferricyanide, as O2 evolution. Cultures of Gonyaulax were grown on a 12-hour light:12 hour dark cycle to late log phase, then transferred to constant light at the beginning of a light period. After 3 days, measurements of electron flow were made at the maximum and minimum of the photosynthetic rhythm, as determined from measurements of the rhythm of bioluminescence. Photosynthesis was also measured in whole cells, either as 14C fixation or O2 evolution. Electron flow through both photosystems and through photosystem II alone were clearly rhythmic, while electron flow through photosystem I, including or excluding the plastoquinone pool, was constant with time in the circadian cycle. Thus, only changes in photosystem II account for the photosynthesis rhythm in Gonyaulax.  相似文献   

The circadian expression of several growth properties was examined in the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra under constant light and light-dark conditions. The cell concentration, mean cell volume and rate of DNA synthesis varied in a circadian rhythm, with the primary maximum of cytokinesis and DNA synthesis at about dawn. High rates of cell mortality also occurred during phases related to events of cytokinesis, and may be important in the expression of the other rhythms and in "red tide" generation. Flow-cytofluorimetric analysis indicated that cells of a population contain either a relatively high or a low amount of DNA, but the proportion of cells in each of these classes and the absolute amount of DNA in each cell varied rhythmically depending on the circadian time. This DNA-distribution pattern was unlike the usual G1-S-G2+M pattern typical of eukaryotic cell populations. Isotopically labelled thymidine, used as a marker of DNA synthesis, was continuously incorporated; but the incorporation rate fluctuated in a regular pattern that repeated each circadian period.  相似文献   

A size filtration method to synchronize cultures of the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra to the beginning of the G1 phase has been developed. This technique selects newly born cells by two sequential filtrations, based on the fact that cell division is restricted to the beginning of the day, so that a decrease in cell volume occurs at this time. The fraction of synchronized cells immediately after the second filtration is about 90%; the procedures do not alter the free-running period or phase of glow rhythm, and the selected cells divide again in a few days. Applying this method, we have found that the generation times of this species in a light-dark cycle (LD 12:12) are indeed quantized to multiples of 24 hr, but are variable from generation to generation.  相似文献   

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