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Six valid species of the nudibranch genus Dendrodons Ehrenberg,1831 inhabit the Atlantic Ocean, including the Mediterraneanand Caribbean Seas. Dendrodons lumbata (Cuvier, 1804), Dendrodonsgrandiflora (Rapp, 1827), Dendrodons nigra (Stimpson, 1855)(immigrant from the Red Sea), Dendrodons krebsu (Mörch,1863), Dendrodoru senegalensis Bouchet, 1975 and Dendrodonswarta Marcus & Gallagher, 1976. Additional data about thebiology and geographical distribution of these species are presented.New evidence suggests that other species assigned to the genusDendrodons, Dendrodons racemosa Pruvot-Fol, 1951 and Dendrodonsminima Pruvot-Fol, 1951, must be included in the genus DoriopsillaBergh, 1880. Three new species of Dendrodoris are describedfrom the Northeastern Atlantic and West Africa;Dendrodons angolensis,Dendrodoris guineana and Dendrodons herytra. The variable external morphology makes species recognition difficult.Instead, the diagnostic characters utilised to separate speciesare the shape of the male cirrus hooks, the structure of thereproductive system and features of the egg-mass. (Received 25 April 1995; accepted 1 August 1995)  相似文献   

The hydrobiid gastropod genus Potamopyrgus is shown to be representedin Australia by the New Zealand species P. antipodarum (Gray).It is widely distributed in south eastern Australia and Tasmaniafollowing its introduction about the middle of the last century.The Australian populations of Potamopyrgus were known, incorrectly,as P. niger, because of a misinterpretation of Paludina nigraQuoy & Gai-mard, 1835. Paludina nigra, here placed in thegenus Fluvidona, is redescribed and a neotype designated. Potamopyrgusantipodarum has also been introduced to Europe, where it isknown as P. jenkinsi (Smith) (Received 19 August 1987; accepted 16 December 1987)  相似文献   

Growth analysis and photosynthesis measurements were carriedout on first-year seedlings of Pinus radiata, P. contorta, andP. nigra. P. sylvestris was also included in two growth-analysisexperiments. There appeared to be no difference in relativegrowth-rate (RGR) between the species mentioned, except betweenP. radiata and P. nigra. It was found that when the level ofmineral nutrition was high, P. radiata had a higher RGR thanP. nigra and that the reverse was true at low mineral nutrientlevels. There was no difference in net assimilation rate (NAR)between the species, but NAR appeared to increase and decreasewith mineral nutrient supply. Net photosynthesis per unit of leaf was somewhat higher in P.radiata than in P. contorta; P. nigra had a lower photosyntheticrate than either P. radiata or P. contorta.  相似文献   

In 1995, a small planorbid snail new for the Northern Bolivian Altiplanowas discovered in several temporary ditches. Conchological andanatomical characteristics of this snail are similar to thoseof Drepanotrema nordestense (Lucena 1953), a tropical planorbid snailreported from the northeastern region of Brazil. A comparative studywas carried out with the closely related species D. aeruginosumfrom Puerto Rico and Guadeloupe using morphological (shell andanatomy of the reproductive system) and genetic (allozyme) markers.This study confirmed a clear distinction between the two species.Several malacological surveys have been carried out in the NorthernBolivian Altiplano since the first field trip by D'Orbigny in1835, the last one in 1975. That D. nordestense and relatedspecies were not reported in these earlier surveys may indicatea relatively recent introduction. (Received 6 March 2000; accepted 1 June 2000)  相似文献   

Colour vision in diurnal and nocturnal hawkmoths   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Diurnal and nocturnal hawkmoths (Sphingidae, Lepidoptera) havethree spectral types of receptor sensitive to ultraviolet, blueand green light. As avid flower visitors and pollinators, theyuse olfactory and visual cues to find and recognise flowers.Moths of the diurnal species Macroglossum stellatarum and thenocturnal species Deilephila elpenor, Hyles lineata and Hylesgallii use and learn the colour of flowers. Nocturnal speciescan discriminate flowers at starlight intensities when humansand honeybees are colour-blind. M. stellatarum can use achromatic,intensity-related cues if colour cues are absent, and this isprobably also true for D. elpenor. Both species can recognisecolours even under a changed illumination colour.  相似文献   

The occurrence of autotomy was investigated in five terrestrialslug species. Half of the Dcroceras reticulatum and 80 per centof the Limax tenellus slugs which were stimulated mechanicallyin the tail, autotomized the tail. Anon fasciatus, Anon subfuscusand Limax cinereoniger did not show any signs of being ableto autotomize. The autotomized tail of D. rcticulatum and L.tenellus was small compared to the total body weight and alsoto the weight of many predaceous beetles. D. reticulatum andL. tenellus escaped in a few seconds after the beginning ofmechanical stimulation; the reaction time was significantlyshorter than that used by species which did not autotomize theirtail. Comparison between A. fasciatus and D. reticulatum alsoshowed that D. reticulatum sought for refuges significantlymore effectively than A. fasciatus. The exposure of D. reticulatumto the beetle Ptero-stichus mger indicated that autotomy canstop a beetle long enough to let the slug escape. It seems thatautotomy has evolved more frequently in those species whichrely to a great extent on escaping and hiding when defendingthemselves, than in species whose physiology and/or environmentdo not enable them to hide quickly after an attack. (Received 18 February 1993; accepted 19 March 1993)  相似文献   

Shells of Calliostoma zizyphinum taken from Strangford Lough,N. Ireland are divisible into three distinct colour forms: white(=var lyonsi) intermediate (a pale variegated form) and purple(a dark variegated form). The predominance of white and paleshelled individuals within and the absence of white Calliostomaoutside the lough was confirmed. The proportions of animalswith white and variegated shells at selected sites were almostidentical with those previously documented, suggesting a temporalstability of colour form ratios. No differences in shell thicknessand pedal adhesion were demonstrated between these forms. Snails with white shells reflect radiant heat better, have lightercoloured feet, move more rapidly, show a greater incidence ofshell repair and are more frequently exposed on weed at lowtide, than those with either intermediate or purple shells.Increased proportions of white individuals may be associatedwith high population densities. Under such circumstances, itis suggested that increased mobility may, by increasing dispersion,reduce intraspecific competition. In the event of exposure atlow tide a white shell would help minimize thermal stress. (Received 9 February 1987;  相似文献   

The dry-matter production and nutrient uptake of forest-treeseedlings grown under controlled levels of nutrition in sub-irrigatedsand culture were investigated. Hardwood seedlings attainedgreater dry weight than conifer seedlings, and Pinus radiataa greater dry weight than P. contorta and P. nigra, but thesegreater dry weights were not related to greater leaf/weightratios, although seed size may have been an important influenceon final seedling dry weight. P. radiata was found to have alower requirement for P than P. contorta and P. nigra in oneexperiment. The demand (total nutrient uptake per unit of time) made bythree species for nutrients upon a site was shown to dependmore upon growth-rate per annum than on efficiency (quantityof nutrients required to produce a unit of dry matter). It isconcluded that the ability of tree species to grow satisfactorilyon soils of low nutrient status depends largely on their abilityfor relatively slow growth. On the other hand, species showinggood response to favourable sites may also make satisfactorygrowth on poor sites.  相似文献   

The genus Tambja previously included 24 described species. Fournew species, T. tentaculata n. sp., T. gabrielae n. sp., T.zulu n. sp. and Tambja victoriae n. sp., from the Indo-Pacificare described. Tambja tentaculata n. sp., from Guam, is theonly known species in the genus with well developed, dorsolaterallygrooved, oral tentacles. Its inner lateral teeth have a bifidinner cusp with two long, sharp denticles. The oral tentaclesof T. tentaculata are more typical of Roboastra species, whilethe shape of the inner lateral teeth is more typical of Tambja.Nevertheless, the arrangement of the two cusps of the innerlateral teeth and the presence of a rachidian tooth withoutdenticles and with a central notch at the anterior edge, typicalof the species of the genus Tambja, suggest the placement withinthis genus. Tambja gabrielae n. sp., from Indonesia and PapuaNew Guinea, has dark green to dark brown ground colour withbright yellow patches scattered on the body. Tambja zulu n.sp. from Durban, South Africa, is characterized by a black groundcolour with slender yellow longitudinal lines. Tambja victoriaen. sp. is a new species from Papua New Guinea and Australiathat has frequently been misidentified as Roboastra arika, characterizedby its blue body colour and yellow lines. The four species aredistinguishable based on differences in body coloration, ofcharacters of the radula and of the reproductive system. Anoverview on distinguishing features of all known Indo-PacificTambja species is presented. (Received 21 June 2004; accepted 20 January 2005)  相似文献   

A new species, based on two specimens from Guana Island, BritishVirgin Islands, is described. The new species agrees with thegenus Hypselodoris in having a high body profile, a large vestibulargland and mantle glands. It differs from other members of thegenus in the Atlantic Ocean by having a reddish background bodycolour. In addition, dorsal colour patterns such as a broadcentral white line with lateral extensions and the lack of yellowlines or spots further differentiate this species. The radularformula of 52x41.0.41 and a smaller seminal receptacle are alsodistinctive. The phylogenetic relationships of 34 species andsubspecies of Hypselodoris from the eastern Pacific and Atlanticare examined using morphological characters. With the exceptionof the new species, these are characterized by a dark blue backgroundbody colour. The phylogenetic analysis of the data matrix resultedin eight most-parsimonious trees. The resulting consensus treeshows that eastern Pacific and Atlantic species of Hypselodorisconstitute a monophyletic group that is basally split into twosister clades. One clade contains the eastern Pacific speciesand most of the Caribbean species, whereas the other clade containsthe eastern Atlantic species. The new species is the sisterto the rest of the Caribbean species, which also form a monophyleticgroup. This phylogenetic hypothesis suggests that two consecutivevicariant events have affected the biogeography of Hypselodoris:(1) the closure of communication between the tropical Indo-Pacificregion and the Atlantic and eastern Pacific, completed withthe formation of the East Pacific Barrier; and (2) the riseof the Panama isthmus. (Received 19 December 2003; accepted 12 October 2005)  相似文献   

We report measurements of the number of vessels ending withinthe nodes in comparison with that in the internodes Such measurementshave been carried out during autumn 1982 and 1983 in 1-year-oldtwigs of three species with diffuse-porous wood (Vitis vintferaL. Populus deitoides Bartr and Olea europaea L) and three ring-poroustrees (Juglans nigra L, Castanea sativa Mill, Sophora JaponicaL) In all three species with diffuse-porous wood, a significantlyhigher percentage of vessels ending in the nodes (at the leafgap) was recorded when compared with that in the internodesNo significant differences were found between nodes and internodesin this respect in ring-porous trees. Since vessel ends arecapable of screening out gaseous emboli and/or particles biggerthan 1 µm in diameter, we interpret the nodes of diffuse-poroustrees as stem zones providing safety for the water conductingsystem .The reason why ring-porous trees are likely not to needsuch ‘safety zones’ is also discussed Vitis vinifera L, grapevine, Populus deltoides Bartr, poplar, Olea europaea L, olive, Juglans nigra L, Eastern black walnut, Castanea sativa Mill, European chestnut, Sophora japonica L, Japanese pagoda tree, vessel ends, nodes, internodes  相似文献   

A new method is reported for the histochemical localizationof monoterpene phenols in essential oil secretory structures.The method was adapted from a spot test originally devised forin vitro detection of phenolic compounds in organic analyses.Plant subjects were the Lamiaceae species Thymus vulgaris L.,Oreganum vulgare L. and Mentha x piperita L., which accumulateessential oil in glandular trichomes. A reagent consisting of4-nitrosophenol in conc. H2SO4was applied to sample leaves ofeach species. A positive test for phenol was indicated by theproduction of coloured indophenols. Using this method, monoterpenephenols were identified in the trichomes of T. vulgaris(thymol)and O. vulgare(carvacrol), indicated by colour changes to redand green respectively. No phenol was detected in trichomesof M. x piperita. Results were confirmed by GC-MS analysis ofleaf volatile extracts from each species, and in vitro testswith thymol and carvacrol. The method could be used in fieldsurveys for rapid identification of potential medicinal plantsand bioactive compounds. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Histochemistry, secretory structures, glandular trichomes, Lamiaceae, Thymus vulgaris, Oreganum vulgare, Mentha x piperita, essential oil, aromatic monoterpenes  相似文献   

Paternal care has never been reported as absent in any canidspecies, and some form of care has been seen in 18 of the 36species in the family. Food provisioning, active defense ofthe young, and protecting young by remaining at the den as thefemale forages appear to be the commonest forms of male care.In addition males may groom, retrieve, play and rest with young.Male canids are rarely involved in den selection or construction.The effect on the fitness of the young of indirect forms ofmale care such as provisioning the female and territory defenseare hard to assess. Quantitative studies of male provisioningin seven species offer few generalizations. In two species (Canisaureus, C mesomelas) females provided more food to the youngthan males; in one species (Alopex lagopus) the pair contributedequally to feeding young, and in four species (Canis lupus,Vulpes vulpes, Chrysocyon brachyurus, and Lycaon pictus), malesprovided more food than females. Much more data are required,particularly from field studies, before patterns of variationcan be interpreted.  相似文献   

Decomposition dynamics in leaves and needles of two Mediterraneanshrubs and two pine species growing in the Sierra de Filabres(Almería, Spain) was investigated during 2 years usingthe litter bag technique. The species studied are representativeof the vegetation of the study area and differ greatly in theirfoliar traits. Results are discussed in relation to the initiallitter quality (C, N and P) and through the application of theexponential decay model. The mass lost at the end of study variedin the order: Pinus pinaster < Pinus nigra < Cistus laurifolius< Adenocarpus decorticans. Differences in annual rates ofdecomposition among species are consistent with the particularchemical and structural attributes of their leaves. The massof decomposing litter remaining after 2 years was positivelyassociated with the initial C:N ratio. Weight loss and nutrientrelease were fastest in the leguminous A. decorticans. The resultssuggest the importance of both structure and elemental concentrationof initial litter for decomposition dynamics in Mediterraneanspecies. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Adenocarpus decorticans Boiss., C:N ratio, Cistus laurifolius L., litter decomposition, litter quality, Mediterranean environments, nutrient dynamics, Pinus pinaster Aiton, Pinus nigra Arnold, single exponential model, Southern Spain  相似文献   

The Atlantic species of the marine bivalve genus Dacrydium arereviewed, with particular emphasis on their hinge and protoconchcharacters. The basic groundplan of a Dacrydium comprises afunctional primary ligament, a paired series of primary teeth,and a posterior row of secondary teeth separated from the latterby a secondary ligament; this can be transformed into a singleseries either by loss of the secondary ligament and mergingprimary and secondary teeth, or by loss of secondary teeth andligament through paedomorphosis. Twelve species are recognized, of which eleven are illustrated.One abyssal species is not separable morphologically from theIndian Ocean D. speculum Poutiers, 1989 and is new to the Atlantic;four new species (D. wareni, D. dauvini, D. filiferum and D.balgimi) are described; a Caribbean form which is hardly distinctfrom the Eastern Pacific D. elegantu-lum Soot-Ryen, 1955, isdescribed as a new subspecies D. e. hendersoni. The larvae are brooded in D. hyalinum (Mon-terosato, 1875),D. viviparum Ockelmann, 1983 and D. balgimi. The brooding specieshave larger larvae (protoconch 210 to 315 µm long) thanthe non-brooding (protoconch 120 to 150 µm long), andreach a smaller adult size (1.4 to 3 mm instead of 4.5–5mm). A phylogenetic reconstruction is attempted using parsimonyanalysis of hinge and shell characters as well as the brooding/nonbrooding character. (Received 22 October 1996; accepted 28 November 1996)  相似文献   

The nudibranch Discodoris indecora shows a perfect camouflageon its prey, the dictyoceratid sponge Ircinia variabilis. Shapeand colour of the nudibranch are remarkably similar to thatof the sponge which is widespread in the shallow waters of theMediterranean Sea. The metabolite pattern of I. variabilis isdominated by unusual molecules, the sesterter-penoids palinurinand variabilin, containing 25 carbons and displaying at theends a ß-substituted furan ring and a tetronic acid.However, a chemical polymorphism has been recently describedfor I. variabilis. Some specimens contain either palinurin orvariabilin whereas others possess a mixture of both sestertepenoids.During the study of Mediterranean sponges, a linear sesterterpenoidrelated to palinurin and variabilin was found in Ircinia fasciculata,that from a taxonomic point of view is closely relatedto Irciniavariabilis. Discodoris indecora shows a typical defence behaviourwhen it is disturbed, secreting a copious white slime that containslarge amounts of palinurin and variabilin. Most likely the animalis able to transfer the sponge metabolites from the digestiveglands to mantle glands. Electron micrographs of the nudibranchmantle showed the presence of unicellular glands characterizedby a cylindrical vacuole with a big nucleus on the basis. Theglands were concentrated in the most conspicuous tubercles ofthe dorsal mantle. Probably, the sponge metabolites are storedin these glands. Comparative chemical analysis of mucous secretions, dorsal tubercles,mantle, foot, digestive glands and hepatopancreas of D. indecoraconfirmed this hypothesis. Palinurin and fasciculation were,of course, present in the digestive glands but they were alsofound in the mucus and in the mantle sections enriched by theabove described unicellular glands. The defensive role of palinurinand variabilin, strongly suggested by their anatomical location,was supported by recording the induction of feeding-deterrencein the fresh-water fish Carassius auratus and in the marinefish Chromis chromis and Sparus auratus. (Received 15 March 1996; accepted 27 January 1997)  相似文献   

Genetic variation in allozymes of six species of Saco-glossa(Mollusca, Opisthobranchia) from Denmark was studied. Nine enzymesrepresenting 11 loci gave reactions that could be used to calculateallele frequencies. Elysia viridis, Limapontia capitata, L.de-pressa, Ercolania nigra, Alderia modesta and Calliopaea oophagaall showed very great variation both within and between species.Levels of polymorphism varied between 0.5 and 0.8, and levelsof observed heterozygosity were between 0.18 and 0.42. Interspecificidentity of alleles in polymorphic loci was only found betweenthe two species of Limapontia. Even in these two species geneticidentity (I) was very low (0.07) for congeneric species. Theresults are discussed in relation to habitat, fertility, developmenttype and geographic range of the species. (Received 28 February 1990; accepted 26 July 1990)  相似文献   

The mating behaviour of Deroceras rodnae Grossu & Lupu,1965 and D. praecox Wiktor, 1966 was observed under laboratoryconditions. Both species differ by the shape and functioningof the sarcobelum, the timing and duration of courtship andthe colour of the sperm mass. Particularly the different timingof the courtship behaviour seems to act as an effective prezygoticisolation mechanism preventing interspecific crosses. Usually,sperm masses are exchanged mutually. In three homospecific pairings,unilateral sperm transfer was observed followed by a characteristicbehaviour of the donor slug. This observation is discussed inlight of the hermaphrodite's dilemma and sperm trading models. (Received 23 May 1994; accepted 1 December 1994)  相似文献   

Helisoma duryi, a planorbid snail species, which is a potentialbiological control agent of the intermediate hosts of schistosomiasis,was introduced in an irrigation scheme (T.P.C.) in northernTanzania in 1972. The species has been present at T.P.C. since,and during a snail survey in January 1981, a great variationin the shell morphology of H. duryi, ranging from typical H.duryi forms to forms resembling Biomphalaria pfeifferi, theintermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni in the area, was observed.The Biomphalaria- Wkc forms of H. duryi could constitute anentire population but also occasionally occurred in populationsof typical H. duryi. This study was undertaken to determine whether simple shellmeasurements, or ratios between some of these could be usefulin discriminating between H. duryi and B. pfeifferi. Followingparameters were considered: shell height, shell diameter, diameterof the umbilicus, ratio between shell height and diameter ofthe umbilicus, and the number of whorls. (Received 29 July 1983;  相似文献   

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