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We report the successful cultivation and partial characterization of novel members of epsilon-Proteobacteria, which have long been recognized solely as genetic signatures of small subunit ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) from a variety of habitats occurring in deep-sea hydrothermal fields. A newly designed microhabitat designated 'in situ colonization system' was used for enrichment. Based on phylogenetic analysis of the rDNA of the isolates, most of these represent the first cultivated members harboring previously uncultivated phylotypes classified into the Uncultivated epsilon-Proteobacteria Groups A, B, F and G, as well as some novel members of Group D. Preliminary characterization of the isolates indicates that all are mesophilic or thermophilic chemolithoautotrophs using H(2) or reduced sulfur compounds (elemental sulfur or thiosulfate) as an electron donor and O(2), nitrate or elemental sulfur as an electron acceptor. The successful cultivation will enable the subsequent characterization of physiological properties and ecological impacts of a diversity of epsilon-Proteobacteria in the deep-sea hydrothermal environments.  相似文献   

To investigate the phylogenetic diversity of putative chemolithoautotrophs possessing the RubisCO form II gene (cbbM) in various environments, we designed a new PCR primer set targeting this gene. The primer set was designed to cover more diverse and longer sequences of cbbM genes than those reported previously. We analyzed various samples (i.e., benthic sands, basement rocks, sulfide chimneys, vent fluids and overlying bottom seawater) collected in a deep-sea hydrothermal field of the Suiyo Seamount, Izu-Bonin Arc, Western Pacific, by PCR-based analysis using the designed primer set. Most of the cbbM phylotypes recovered from the liquid samples were related to those of the SUP05 group that belongs to the Gammaproteobacteria and includes putative sulfide-oxidizing chemolithoautotrophs. In contrast, the cbbM phylotypes recovered from the solid samples were related to environmental clones with low similarity (74–90%) and not closely related to the SUP05 group (69–74%). The cbbM phylotypes recovered from the liquid samples were different from those of the solid samples. Furthermore, the cbbM phylotypes recovered from the solid samples were different from each other. Our results expand knowledge of the phylogenetic diversity and distribution of putative chemolithoautotrophs possessing RubisCO form II cbbM genes in deep-sea hydrothermal fields.  相似文献   

Over the past 35 years, researchers have explored deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments around the globe and studied a number of archaea, their unique metabolic and physiological properties, and their vast phylogenetic diversity. Although the pace of discovery of new archaeal taxa, phylotypes and phenotypes in deep-sea hydrothermal vents has slowed recently, bioinformatics and interdisciplinary geochemistry-microbiology approaches are providing new information on the diversity and community composition of archaea living in deep-sea vents. Recent investigations have revealed that archaea could have originated and dispersed from ancestral communities endemic to hydrothermal vents into other biomes on Earth, and the community structure and productivity of chemolithotrophic archaea are controlled primarily by variations in the geochemical composition of hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

任菲  郗丽君  宋磊  朱雅新  董志扬  黄英  黄力  戴欣 《微生物学报》2012,52(11):1318-1325
[目的]分析西南印度洋深海热液羽流细菌的多样性特点,为认识该特殊环境微生物对大洋生态系统的影响,以及获得特殊的微生物资源奠定基础.[方法]将西南印度洋深海热液羽流海水进行原位浓缩,对获得的1000倍浓缩海水样品进行富集培养和微生物纯培养 ;通过构建原始海水浓缩样品和富集培养物的16S rRNA基因克隆文库,结合纯培养获得的微生物菌株的16S rRNA基因,分析该样品的细菌多样性结构和特点.[结果]共获得104个16S rRNA基因,其中50个来自原始热液羽流浓缩海水样品,40个来自富集培养物,14个来自分离获得的纯培养,它们分属于γ-变形菌群(γ-Proteobacteria)(74个),α-变形菌群(α-Proteobacteria)(14个),β-变形菌群(β-Proteobacteria)(5个),拟杆菌群(Bacteroidetes)(4个),厚壁菌群(Firmicutes)(2个),浮霉状菌(Planctomycetes)(2个),疣微菌(Verrucomicrobia)(2个)以及放线菌(Actinobacteria)(1个),共29个不同的操作分类单元(Operational Taxonomic Units,OTUs).26个序列与已知微生物16S rRNA基因相似性低于97%,最低的只有86%.[结论]西南印度洋热液羽流存在较丰富的微生物多样性,以γ-Proteobacteria为优势类群,其次为α-Proteobacteria ;该环境中存在较多尚未获得分离培养的微生物新属种.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of archaea in deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments.   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
K Takai  K Horikoshi 《Genetics》1999,152(4):1285-1297
Molecular phylogenetic analysis of naturally occurring archaeal communities in deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments was carried out by PCR-mediated small subunit rRNA gene (SSU rDNA) sequencing. As determined through partial sequencing of rDNA clones amplified with archaea-specific primers, the archaeal populations in deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments showed a great genetic diversity, and most members of these populations appeared to be uncultivated and unidentified organisms. In the phylogenetic analysis, a number of rDNA sequences obtained from deep-sea hydrothermal vents were placed in deep lineages of the crenarchaeotic phylum prior to the divergence of cultivated thermophilic members of the crenarchaeota or between thermophilic members of the euryarchaeota and members of the methanogen-halophile clade. Whole cell in situ hybridization analysis suggested that some microorganisms of novel phylotypes predicted by molecular phylogenetic analysis were likely present in deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments. These findings expand our view of the genetic diversity of archaea in deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments and of the phylogenetic organization of archaea.  相似文献   

A culture‐independent molecular phylogenetic survey was carried out for a bacterial and archaeal community of a mineralized crust coating a sulphide spire, which was collected from the Edmond vent field (23° S, 69° E, 3300 m depth) on the Central Indian Ridge. Small‐subunit rRNA genes (16S rDNA) were amplified from environmental DNA by PCR utilizing Bacteria‐specific, and Archaea‐specific 16S rDNA primers. PCR products were cloned and 26 bacterial and nine archaeal unique sequence types (phylotypes) were identified from 150 clones analysed by restriction fragment length polymorphism, representing eight and four distinct lineages, respectively. The majority (>90%) of the bacterial phylotypes group with the ?‐Proteobacteria and confirms the global prevalence of ?‐Proteobacteria in deep‐sea hydrothermal environments. Among the ?‐Proteobacteria, >40% of the phylotypes were closely related to the recently isolated deep‐sea vent thermophilic chemolithoautotrophic sulphur‐reducer, Nautilia lithotrophica. A single bacterial sequence was nearly identical (99% similarity) to the thermophilic hydrogen‐oxidizing Hydrogenobacter thermolithotrophum, and is the first report of Hydrogenobacter at deep‐sea hydrothermal vents. A majority (97%) of the archaeal phylotypes grouped with the ‘Deep‐sea Hydrothermal Vent Euryarchaeotal Group’, a phylogenetic lineage of uncultured Archaea that have only been reported from other deep‐sea hydrothermal vents on the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge, East Pacific Rise, Juan de Fuca Ridge, Isu–Ogasawara Arc, Okinawa Trough and the Manus Basin. A single sequence was closely related to the hyperthermophilic sulphur‐reducing Thermococcales frequently found in diverse deep‐sea vent environments. Scanning electron micrographs of the mineralized crust reveal abundant filamentous, rod and coccoidal forms encased in sulphur and sulphide mineral precipitate, suggesting that the thermophilic chemolithoautorophs and sulphide‐producing heterotrophs may influence the architecture and sulphur cycling of the sulphide spire.  相似文献   

Two novel, thermophilic piezophiles, capable of chemolithoautotrophic growth, are successfully cultivated and isolated from a black smoker chimney at the TAG field (Mid Atlantic Ridge: MAR) by using a piezophilic cultivation technique. Both strains (strains 106 and 108) represent dominant cultivated populations of the microbial communities in the chimney surface habitat. Strain 106 represents typically thin, long spiral cells under the piezophilic growth condition but short bent cells under the non-piezophilic condition. It is a strictly chemolithoautotrophic gammaproteobacterium using reduced sulfur compounds as the electron donors, and nitrate and O2 as the electron acceptors. Based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence, strain 106 would represent a novel genus of the previously uncultivated group (Symbiont Group I; a potentially novel family) within the Gammaproteobacteria , and ' Thioprofundum lithotrophica ' gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. Strain 108 is a short, oval rod at any of the growth pressures. It is a facultative chemoautotroph, capable of both chemolithoautotrophic growth with H2 and S oxidations and organotrophic growth with complex organics or organic acids using nitrate and O2 as the electron acceptors. The chemolithoautotrophic growth is strictly piezophilic and under the organotrophic growth condition, it grows at conventional pressures (0.1 MPa). Strain 108 is phylogenetically distinctive from any of the previously described genera of the family Rhodobacteraceae within the Alphaproteobacteria , and ' Piezobacter thermophilus ' gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The piezophilic cultivation technique can be a powerful tool to isolate and characterize the previously uncultivated phylotypes in the deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments.  相似文献   

Specific and genetic diversity at deep-sea hydrothermal vents: an overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hydrothermal vent communities are ancient (i.e. early Mesozoic) and characterized by high biomasses, low number of species and high levels of endemism. However, little is known about the ecology and behaviour of the vent macro-and megafauna. Data on the biology and the life-history of hydrothermal-vent organisms are scarce and lead us to hypothesize various ways in which such species disperse and colonize their habitat. Such biological and ecological patterns are important for assessing both the spatial and temporal distribution of the vent fauna and the evolution of such peculiar species with geological times and, therefore need to be reviewed. Scattered information referring to vent-site distribution, bottom currents, temporal evolution of the vent emissions and their implication on the related fauna have been accumulated over the last decade. To date, several ecological and genetic studies have attempted to analyse vent fauna structures to understand how populations and communities evolve with time in such a patchy and unstable environment. They also provide faunistic comparisons across the vent communities discovered so far on well-separated oceanic ridges. This article provides a synthetic overview on biodiversity in deep-sea hydrothermal vents, genetic diversity of hydrothermal-vent species and factors responsible for similarities or differences among the vent fauna within and between well-separated venting areas of the Atlantic and Pacific ridges.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic diversity of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes occurring in active deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimney structures was characterized based on the deduced amino acid sequence analysis of the polymerase chain reaction-amplified dissimilatory sulfite reductase (DSR) gene. The DSR genes were successfully amplified from microbial assemblages of the chimney structures, derived from three geographically and geologically distinct deep-sea hydrothermal systems in the Central Indian Ridge (CIR), in the Izu-Bonin Arc (IBA), and the Okinawa Trough (OT), respectively. Phylogenetic analysis revealed seven major phylogenetic groups. More than half of the clones from the CIR chimney structure were related to DSR amino acid sequences of the hyperthermophilic archaeal members of the genus Archaeoglobus, and those of environmental DSR clones within the class Thermodesulfobacteria. From the OT chimney structure, a different group was obtained, which comprised a novel, deep lineage associated with the DSRs of the thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium Thermodesulfovibrio. Most of the DSR clones from the IBA chimney structure were phylogenetically associated with the delta-proteobacterial sulfate-reducing bacteria represented by the genus Desulfobulbus. Sequence analysis of DSR clones demonstrated a diverse sulfate-reducing prokaryotic community in the active deep-sea hydrothermal chimney structures.  相似文献   

The prokaryotic phylogenetic diversity was determined for a sample associated with an in situ growth chamber deployed for 5 days on a Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vent (23 degrees 22'N, 44 degrees 57'W). The DNA was extracted from the sample and the 16S rDNA amplified by PCR. No Archaea were detected in the sample. Eighty-seven clones containing bacterial 16S rDNA inserts were selected. Based on restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, 47 clones were unique, however, based on comparative sequence analysis some of these were very similar, and thus only 22 clones were selected for full sequence and phylogenetic analysis. The phylotypes were dominated by epsilon-Proteobacteria (66%). The remainder formed a novel lineage within the Proteobacteria (33%). One clone formed a distinct deeply branching lineage, and was a distant relative of the Aquificales. This report further expands the growing evidence that epsilon-Proteobacteria are important members in biogeochemical cycling at deep-sea hydrothermal ecosystems, participating as epibionts and free living bacteria.  相似文献   

Ridgeia piscesae, living around the extremely harsh hydrothermal vent in deep sea, is an ideal model for studying the adaptative mechanism to extreme environment. For insights of its molecular characteristics, a cDNA library of R. piscesae was constructed. A total of 879 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were sequenced and 199 genes were identified for the first time. They were found to be involved in basal metabolism, adaptation and defense, or signal transduction. Among them, we found 23 various chitin-binding proteins, which are the major component of the chitinous tube that prevents the tubeworms from predators and surrounding extreme environment. Additionally, high polymorphism also exists in other genes, such as myohemerythrin, lysozyme. The gene-expression profile might help to further understand the molecular basis of tubeworm physiology. It will also lay a good foundation for functional studies on the adaptation to extreme environments.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic diversity is a measure for describing how much of an evolutionary tree is spanned by a subset of species. If one applies this to the unknown subset of current species that will still be present at some future time, then this ‘future phylogenetic diversity’ provides a measure of the impact of various extinction scenarios in biodiversity conservation. In this paper, we study the distribution of future phylogenetic diversity under a simple model of extinction (a generalized ‘field of bullets’ model). We show that the distribution of future phylogenetic diversity converges to a normal distribution as the number of species grows, under mild conditions, which are necessary. We also describe an algorithm to compute the distribution efficiently, provided the edge lengths are integral, and briefly outline the significance of our findings for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Iron-silica-rich low-temperature hydrothermal precipitates were collected from the CDE hydrothermal field located at the East Lau Spreading Center. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the precipitates were dominated by the members of α-proteobacteria and marine group I archaea. Ultrastructural analysis suggested the bacteriogenic origin of the iron-silica-rich deposits. Distinctive biosignatures detected included straight filaments, helical stalks and curved irregular filaments, which were similar in appearance to those structures excreted by the known iron-oxidizing genera Leptothrix spp., Gallionella spp. and Mariprofundus spp. 16S rRNA gene analysis confirmed the presence of neutrophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria with the detection of phylotypes clustering with Gallionella spp. and the proposed ζ-proteobacteria class. Mineralogy and bulk geochemical analyses showed that the precipitates were dominated by amorphous silica with low amounts of iron. Based on microbiological, geochemical and mineralogical analyses, we conclude that silicification was a common process and microbial cells and related ultrastructures likely acted as nucleation templates for silica precipitation in the CDE hydrothermal field.  相似文献   

Distribution and phylogenetic diversity of microbial communities in hot, deep underground environments in the Hishikari epithermal gold mine, southern part of Kyushu, Japan, were evaluated using molecular phylogenetic analyses. Samples included drilled cores such as andesitic volcanic rock (0.95-1.78 Ma) and the oceanic sedimentary basement rock of Shimanto-Supergroup (100 Ma), as well as geothermal hot aquifer waters directly collected from two different sites: AW-site (71.5 degrees C, pH 6.19) and XW-site (85.0 degrees C, pH 6.80) at a depth of 350 mbls (meters below land surface). Based on PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene clone analysis, the microbial communities in the drilled cores and the hot aquifer water from the XW-site consisted largely of the 16S rRNA gene sequences, closely related to the sequences often found in marine environments, while the aquifer water from the AW-site contained 16S rRNA gene sequences representing members of Aquificales, thermophilic methanotrophs within the gamma-subdivision of the Proteobacteria and uncultivated strains within the beta-subdivision of Proteobacteria. The cultivable microbial community detected by enrichment cultivation analysis largely matched that detected by the culture-independent molecular analysis.  相似文献   

Group II introns are catalytic RNAs and mobile retrotransposable elements known to be present in the genomes of some nonmarine bacteria and eukaryotic organelles. Here we report the discovery of group II introns in a bacterial mat sample collected from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent near 9 degrees N on the East Pacific Rise. One of the introns was shown to self-splice in vitro. This is the first example of marine bacterial introns from molecular population structure studies of microorganisms that live in the proximity of hydrothermal vents. These types of mobile genetic elements may prove useful in improving our understanding of bacterial genome evolution and may serve as valuable markers in comparative studies of bacterial communities.  相似文献   

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