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Sex pheromones of two noctuid moths   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

蛾类昆虫性信息素生物合成的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
赵成华 《昆虫学报》2000,43(4):429-439
综述了各种不同化学结构类型的蛾类雌性信息素生物合成途径。此外还叙述了特定比例的性信息素成分在雌蛾体内产生的机理以及某些蛾类中信息素生物合成酶类与物种进化间的关系。  相似文献   

蛾类性信息素研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
韦卫  赵莉蔺  孙江华 《昆虫学报》2006,49(5):850-858
蛾类是昆虫性信息素中研究较多的类群,已有565种的性信息素成份被鉴定,其相关研究在害虫监测和防治上得到实际应用的同时,已涉及到生态、生化、遗传等诸多方面,特别是在物种多样性的化学表达及物种的生殖隔离现象的分子水平的表达上,提供了研究的典范。本文将介绍蛾类性信息素的多样性、性信息素化学结构鉴定、微量成分的作用、合成性信息素的利用、性信息素生物合成酶、性信息素生产的调节机制及性信息素的感受机制等方面的研究现状和存在的问题。  相似文献   

Antennal responses of male Adoxophyes orana and Clepsis spectrana to their two pheromone components, cis-9- and cis-11-tetradecenyl acetate (tda) were studied. Responses to a dilution series of the components alone and in five mixture ratios were recorded. The main pheromone component for A. orana (cis-9-tda) and for C. spectrana (cis-11-tda) gave the highest electroantennogram (EAG) responses, respectively, but mixtures corresponding to the optimum field attracting ratios for each species elicited higher responses than the separate components.The geometrical isomers, trans-9- and trans-11-tda, which inhibit male A. orana response in the field, do not appear to give an additive EAG response when mixed with the pheromone components.  相似文献   

How animals adjust their foraging or mate finding behaviour according to the risk of predation has received much attention recently. However, few studies have focused on the behaviour of prey when stimuli representing different adaptive behaviours originate from different sensory modalities. Here we present data on how male moths trade off odour-mediated mate attraction and auditory-mediated predator avoidance depending on the relative quality of the mate signal. Males of Agrotis segetum (Noctuidae) and Plodia interpunctella (Pyralidae), orienting towards a sex pheromone source in a flight tunnel, were exposed to ultrasound mimicking the echolocation calls of a bat, i.e. high predation risk. Males of both species accepted the predation risk when attracted to pheromone sources of high quality (female gland extract or complete synthetic blend at high dose), manifested in similar percentages reaching the pheromone source in moths with and without ultrasound exposure. In contrast, a lower proportion of ultrasound-exposed males than unexposed ones located the pheromone source when moths were flying towards pheromone sources of low quality (incomplete synthetic blend or complete synthetic blend at low dose), due to more time invested in defence manoeuvres. Furthermore, the risk taking behaviours of these moth species seem to be similar in spite of the fact that their ultrasonic hearing systems have evolved independently.  相似文献   

Male urinary pheromones modulate behavioral and neuroendocrine function in mice after being detected by sensory neurons in the vomeronasal organ (VNO) neuroepithelium. We used nuclear Fos protein immunoreactivity (Fos-IR) as a marker of changes in neuronal activity to examine the processing of male pheromones throughout the VNO projection pathway to the hypothalamus. Sexually naive male and female Balb/c mice were gonadectomized and treated daily with estradiol benzoate (EB) or oil vehicle for 3 weeks. Subjects were then exposed to soiled bedding from gonadally intact Balb/c males or to clean bedding for 90 min prior to sacrifice and processing of their VNOs and forebrains for Fos-IR. Male pheromones induced similar numbers of Fos-IR cells in the VNO neuroepithelium of oil-treated male and female subjects; however, EB-treated females had significantly more Fos-IR neurons in the VNO than any other group. There was an equivalent neuronal Fos response to male odors in the mitral and granule cells of the anterior and posterior accessory olfactory bulb of males and females, regardless of hormone treatment. In central portions of the VNO projection pathway (i.e., bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial preoptic area) neuronal Fos responses to male pheromones were present in female but absent in male subjects, regardless of hormone treatment. In a separate experiment, mating induced neuronal Fos-IR in these brain regions at levels in gonadally intact male subjects which were equal to or greater than those seen in ovariectomized females primed with estrogen and progesterone. This suggests that neurons in the central portions of the male's VNO pathway are capable of expressing Fos. Our results suggest that sexually dimorphic central responses to pheromones exist in mice that may begin in the VNO neuroepithelium.  相似文献   

The sex pheromones produced by virgin females of three species of small ermine moths occurring sympatrically on the European spindle tree were analysed by gas chromatography and the synthetic compounds tested against male moths in the laboratory and field. Pheromone gland extracts of Yponomeuta cagnagellus were shown to contain tetradecyl acetate, (E)-11- and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate, tetradecanol, (E)-11- and (Z-11-tetradecenol and hexadecyl acetate in 30/3/100/6/0/7/42) ratio. Wind tunnel bioassays and field tests showed that (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate primary pheromone components, and that tetradecyl acetate synergised their attractiveness. The alcohols were unimportant in these tests. Analysis of the pheromone gland extracts from Y. irrorellus showed the above components in 68/56/100/9/6/8/17 ratio, and a mixture of these attracted male moths in laboratory and field. Omission of either unsaturated acetate gave unattractive mixtures, and the alcohols were also found to be important for attraction. Pheromone gland extracts from Y. plumbellus were shown to contain the seven components in 46/148/100/20/20/13/25 ratio. Field tests showed that the two monounsaturated acetates are primary pheromone components, and removal of the alcohols had no significant effect. The titre of (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate in Y. plumbellus pheromone gland extracts was approximately 0.5 ng per female, one tenth the titre in the other two species. It is concluded that mixtures of three or more pheromone components with specific E/Z ratio are essential for full attraction and contribute towards premating reproductive isolation of the three species. Other factors such as rate of pheromone emission, time of flight and height of flight may also contribute to reproductive isolation.
Résumé L'analyse a porté sur les phéromones sexuelles de 3 Yponomeutidae, trouvés en sympatrie sur le fusain. Des expériences sur le comportement de Y. cagnagellus ont montré que la fraction acétate de tétradécyl de la phéromone synergise les fractions connues antérieurement: (E)-11- et (Z)-11-acétates de tétradécényl, lorsque les proportions sont 37/2/100. L'analyse en chromatographie gazeuse d'extraits de glandes à phéromone de Y. irrorellus a mis en évidence, dans les proportions approximatives suivantes 68/56/100/9/6/8/7, de l'acétate de tétradécyl, des (E)-11 et (Z)-11 acétates de tétradécényl, du tétradécanol, des (E)-11 et (Z)-11-tétradécénols, et de l'acétate d'hexadécyl. Un mélange de ces composés a provoqué un vol intégral contre le vent des mâles dans un tunnel à vent et a attiré les mâles dans la nature.L'analyse des extrait de glandes à phéromone de Y. plumbellus a donné de l'acétate de tétradécyl, du (E)-11-acétate de tétradécényl et du (Z)-11-acétate de tétradécényl, dans les proportions: 50/150/100. Une étude par élimination dans la nature a montré que les acétates non saturés étaient les composés fondamentaux de la phéromone. La teneur en (Z)-11-acétate de tétradécényl de la glande à phéromone de Y. plumbellus était d'environ 0.5 ng par femelle, soit approximativement le dixième de celle observée chez les deux autres espèces.Une très faible attraction croisée a été trouvée avec des phéromones totalement synthétisées. Lorsque l'acétate de (E)-11-tétradécényl a été enlevé des phéromones de Y. irrorellus et Y. plumbellus, le reliquat a attiré des nombres significatifs de Y. cagnagellus. Nous en concluons que des mélanges de trois composés ou plus, avec des proportions spécifiques des isomères (E) et (Z), sont indispensables pour une activité complète et pour maintenir un isolement reproductif précopulatoire entre les espèces.

鳞翅目蛾类雄性昆虫的信息素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鳞翅目雄性昆虫信息素释放器官结构及分布复杂多样。释放的信息素化学成分及其功能也复杂多样 ,具有种的特异性。求偶、避免种间交配、驱避同种雄性个体和驱避捕食者可能是雄性昆虫信息素的主要功能。性选择、生殖隔离和感觉系统利用是雄性昆虫信息素起源的 3种主要假说 ,而寄主转移和建立者物种形成可能与雄性昆虫信息素消失有关。  相似文献   

何月秋  池树友  杜永均 《昆虫学报》2015,58(10):1081-1090
【目的】研究旨在深入探讨中国黄杨绢野Diaphania perspectalis 的雌蛾性信息素组成及诱蛾活性。【方法】利用气质联用仪(GC-MS)对黄杨绢野螟正常型性成熟雌蛾的性腺体提取物和合成标样比较分析,并用反-11-十六碳烯醛(E11-16:Ald) 、顺-11-十六碳烯醛(Z-11-16:Ald)、顺-9-十六碳烯醛(Z-9-16:Ald)、顺-11-十六碳烯醇(Z-11-16:OH)等物质进行触角的电生理测定,最后开展田间诱集比较试验以筛选出最佳性信息素混合物。【结果】Z-11-16:Ald为中国黄杨绢野螟正常型性信息素主要组分,E-11-16:Ald的含量极低,Z-11-16:OH未检测到。正常型雄性黄杨绢野螟触角对Z-11-16:Ald, E-11-16:Ald, Z-9-16:Ald和Z-11-16:OH产生强烈的EAG反应,并随着浓度的提高而显著增加;而对Z-11-16:Ac和E-11-16:Ac的嗅觉反应较弱,低于对植物绿叶气味顺3-己烯乙酸酯(Z-3-6:Ac)的反应。单一Z-1-16:Ald对正常型雄性黄杨绢野螟具有强烈的诱集效果,加入E-11-16:Ald有一定的增效作用,但在统计上则不显著。单一Z-11-16:Ald组分对黑化型雄性黄杨绢野螟无引诱活性,必需加入一定比例的E-11-16:Ald才显示诱蛾活性。Z-11-16:Ald:E-11-16:Ald的比例为250 μg:250 μg时诱集到的黑化型雄性黄杨绢野螟数量最多,而Z-11-16:Ald:E-11-16:Ald的比例为429 μg:71 μg时则诱集到的正常型雄性黄杨绢野螟数量最多。同时,单一Z-11-16:Ald也可引诱大量雄性粘虫Mythimna separata,但E-11-16:Ald抑制其活性。【结论】中国黄杨绢野螟的性信息素主成分是Z-11-16:Ald,单一组分即可在田间强烈引诱雄蛾,E-11-16:Ald的功能只起到微弱的增效作用,但也可能起种的专一性的作用。正常型与黑化型黄杨绢野螟对性信息素的嗅觉反应存在差异,黑化型黄杨绢野螟的性信息素接近日本种,即性信息素组成为Z-11-16:Ald和E-11-16:Ald 的混合物,其比例为1:1,且E-11-16:Ald为必需。  相似文献   

Habituation of sexual response in male Heliothis moths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been generally hypothesized that habituation mediates the effects of pheromone‐based disruption strategies used in the management of moth pests. The current study demonstrates that pheromone‐mediated sexual response in the tobacco budworm moth, Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), can in fact be modulated by conditions consistent with the production of habituation. An ethogram was used to measure response strength in a wind tunnel experiment where male moths were allowed to respond freely to one of two different blends of female pheromone in 16 trials over 4 days. Post‐test measures were collected to investigate stimulus specificity and long‐term effects. In conditions appropriate to the formation of habituation, habituation will develop and disrupt male sexual response to female sex pheromone. Males repeatedly exposed to plumes of synthetic pheromone blends display a habituated response lasting up to 96 h. Habituation rate and spontaneous recovery of response strength are greater with less intense stimuli. Additionally, males habituated to one blend express no habituation of sexual response when exposed to a different blend. This indicates a high degree of stimulus specificity, which could facilitate outbreeding, and that moths attend to the configuration of the pheromone blend, not simply to its elements.  相似文献   

Identification of puberty-accelerating pheromones in male mouse urine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was employed to identify the two volatile amines in male mouse urine. These amines were much less concentrated in urine of castrated males. The identified amines, isobutylamine and isoamylamine, were assayed for the potential of puberty acceleration in postweaning female mice. A total of 105 young female mice were exposed to one of the following five odors: distilled water (control), 0.1 M isobutylamine, 0.1 M isoamylamine, a mixture of 0.05 M isobutylamine and 0.05 M isoamylamine, or fresh male mouse urine. The mixture of these amines accelerated the vaginal opening of young females. Except for the control, all experimental odors accelerated the first vaginal estrus in ICR strain mice.  相似文献   

Each stereoisomeric mixture of 5,9-dimethylpentadecane and 5,9-dimethylhexadecane, the major and the minor sex pheromone components of Perileucoptera coffeella, respectively, was synthesized in about 25% overall yield through 6 steps from beta-citronellol. 5,9-Dimethylheptadecane, the major sex pheromone component of Leucoptera malifoliella, was also synthesized analogously as a stereoisomeric mixture in a 22% overall yield.  相似文献   

When the mature sperm of Saturniid moths are ejaculated during copulation, they are mixed in the male's common duct with a secretion which induces vigorous motility in the sperm. The active substance in this secretion is soluble in 7·5% trichloroacetic acid but not in organic solvents; it is stable in aqueous solution at 100°C, but is only partially dialysable. These properties plus the fact that activity is completely destroyed by proteolytic enzymes suggest that the substance is a polypeptide. When filtered through Sephadex columns, all of the activity can be resolved into a single peak corresponding to a molecular weight between 1600 and 4500, most probably about 3100. Even in highly active preparations this peak could not be detected with ninhydrin reagent. Calculations indicate that the lowest concentration of activator that will induce motility is not more than 10−8m. Most naturally occurring substances having properties similar to those of the activator have proved to be hormones.  相似文献   

The attractive properties of male urinary pheromones were tested on adult or prepubertal male and female mice. An androgen-dependent protein is present in adult male urine (major urinary protein, MUP) which has been suggested to be a pheromone-binding protein. We tested the pheromonal properties of the protein-bound volatiles in a test of attractiveness. These molecules, that co-purify with MUP, attract females and repel adult males. In prepubertal animals, females are repelled and males are attracted by the same stimuli. These results are similar to those obtained by others with adult male whole urine. Therefore MUP binds molecules with a pheromonal activity, and these molecules are sufficient to act as male signals.   相似文献   

周祖琳 《昆虫知识》2002,39(1):76-78
在室内饲养条件下观察了雄性麦蛾同性交尾行为和形成精包的过程 ,并分析了产生这种情况的原因和所需的条件。  相似文献   

Guidance of flying male moths by wind-borne sex pheromone   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
ABSTRACT. On passing from clean air into a homogeneous cloud of sex pheromone in a wind tunnel flying male Adoxophyes orana (F.v.R.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) turned more or less upwind and reduced the time and distance between their switchings of track from one side of the wind line to the other. These responses became adapted under the constant pheromone stimulation in the cloud, thereby arresting upwind progress; but the adapted moths would now 'lock-on' to an added pheromone plume and advance upwind along it. Moths also locked-on to the border of a pheromone cloud, not by turning back on losing the scent as previously supposed but by initiating the above programme of small-amplitude, crosswind movements (reversing anemomenotaxis). The onset and cessation of the pheromone stimulus produced anemotactic responses that differed quantitatively within a continuum, not two distinct kinds of response as previously supposed. The behavioural mechanism whereby uniform permeation of an area with synthetic sex pheromone can prevent males from finding females is reconsidered.  相似文献   

Pheromones act as attractants and sexual stimulants in most vertebrates. For example, in red-spotted newts, Notophthalmus viridescens, female pheromones attract males, and male pheromones increase female receptivity. However, no studies have determined whether male vertebrates produce a pheromone that repels competing males. Through a series of olfactory mate selection tests, we found that sexually motivated male red-spotted newts produce a pheromone that functions to repel other approaching males. Our finding is the first report of a repelling function for pheromones in male vertebrates. The pheromones may act to increase both the sender's and receiver's mating success when the operational sex ratio (OSR) is male biased.  相似文献   

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