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The Fibrobacteres phylum contains two described species, Fibrobacter succinogenes and Fibrobacter intestinalis, both of which are prolific degraders of cellulosic plant biomass in the herbivore gut. However, recent 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies have identified novel Fibrobacteres in landfill sites, freshwater lakes and the termite hindgut, suggesting that members of the Fibrobacteres occupy a broader ecological range than previously appreciated. In this study, the ecology and diversity of Fibrobacteres was evaluated in 64 samples from contrasting environments where cellulose degradation occurred. Fibrobacters were detected in 23 of the 64 samples using Fibrobacter genus-specific 16S rRNA gene PCR, which provided their first targeted detection in marine and estuarine sediments, cryoconite from Arctic glaciers, as well as a broader range of environmental samples. To determine the phylogenetic diversity of the Fibrobacteres phylum, Fibrobacter-specific 16S rRNA gene clone libraries derived from 17 samples were sequenced (384 clones) and compared with all available Fibrobacteres sequences in the Ribosomal Database Project repository. Phylogenetic analysis revealed 63 lineages of Fibrobacteres (95% OTUs), with many representing as yet unclassified species. Of these, 24 OTUs were exclusively comprised of fibrobacters derived from environmental (non-gut) samples, 17 were exclusive to the mammalian gut, 15 to the termite hindgut, and 7 comprised both environmental and mammalian strains, thus establishing Fibrobacter spp. as indigenous members of microbial communities beyond the gut ecosystem. The data highlighted significant taxonomic and ecological diversity within the Fibrobacteres, a phylum circumscribed by potent cellulolytic activity, suggesting considerable functional importance in the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass in the biosphere.  相似文献   

Glycoside hydrolases (GHs), the enzymes that breakdown complex carbohydrates, are a highly diversified class of key enzymes associated with the gut microbiota and its metabolic functions. To learn more about the diversity of GHs and their potential role in a variety of gut microbiomes, we used a combination of 16S, metagenomic and targeted amplicon sequencing data to study one of these enzyme families in detail. Specifically, we employed a functional gene-targeted metagenomic approach to the 1-4-α-glucan-branching enzyme (gBE) gene in the gut microbiomes of four host species (human, chicken, cow and pig). The characteristics of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and operational glucan-branching units (OGBUs) were distinctive in each of hosts. Human and pig were most similar in OTUs profiles while maintaining distinct OGBU profiles. Interestingly, the phylogenetic profiles identified from 16S and gBE gene sequences differed, suggesting the presence of different gBE genes in the same OTU across different vertebrate hosts. Our data suggest that gene-targeted metagenomic analysis is useful for an in-depth understanding of the diversity of a particular gene of interest. Specific carbohydrate metabolic genes appear to be carried by distinct OTUs in different individual hosts and among different vertebrate species'' microbiomes, the characteristics of which differ according to host genetic background and/or diet.  相似文献   

The Pacific iguanas of the Fijian and Tongan archipelagos are a biogeographic enigma in that their closest relatives are found only in the New World. They currently comprise two genera and four species of extinct and extant taxa. The two extant species, Brachylophus fasciatus from Fiji, Tonga, and Vanuatu and Brachylophus vitiensis from western Fiji, are of considerable conservation concern with B. vitiensis listed as critically endangered. A recent molecular study has shown that Brachylophus comprised three evolutionarily significant units. To test these conclusions and to reevaluate the phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships within Brachylophus, we generated an mtDNA dataset consisting of 1462 base pairs for 61 individuals from 13 islands, representing both Brachylophus species. Unweighted parsimony analyses and Bayesian analyses produced a well-resolved phylogenetic hypothesis supported by high bootstrap values and posterior probabilities within Brachylophus. Our data reject the monophyly of specimens previously believed to comprise B. fasciatus. Instead, our data demonstrate that living Brachylophus comprise three robust and well-supported clades that do not correspond to current taxonomy. One of these clades comprises B. fasciatus from the Lau group of Fiji and Tonga (type locality for B. fasciatus), while a second comprises putative B. fasciatus from the central regions of Fiji, which we refer to here as B. n. sp. Animals in this clade form the sister group to B. vitiensis rather than other B. fasciatus. We herein describe this clade as a new species of Brachylophus based on molecular and morphological data. With only one exception, every island is home to one or more unique haplotypes. We discuss alternative biogeographic hypotheses to explain their distribution in the Pacific and the difficulties of distinguishing these. Together, our molecular and taxonomic results have important implications for future conservation initiatives for the Pacific iguanas.  相似文献   

The human stomach is naturally colonized by Helicobacter pylori, which, when present, dominates the gastric bacterial community. In this study, we aimed to characterize the structure of the bacterial community in the stomach of patients of differing H. pylori status. We used a high-density 16S rRNA gene microarray (PhyloChip, Affymetrix, Inc.) to hybridize 16S rRNA gene amplicons from gastric biopsy DNA of 10 rural Amerindian patients from Amazonas, Venezuela, and of two immigrants to the United States (from South Asia and Africa, respectively). H. pylori status was determined by PCR amplification of H. pylori glmM from gastric biopsy samples. Of the 12 patients, 8 (6 of the 10 Amerindians and the 2 non-Amerindians) were H. pylori glmM positive. Regardless of H. pylori status, the PhyloChip detected Helicobacteriaceae DNA in all patients, although with lower relative abundance in patients who were glmM negative. The G2-chip taxonomy analysis of PhyloChip data indicated the presence of 44 bacterial phyla (of which 16 are unclassified by the Taxonomic Outline of the Bacteria and Archaea taxonomy) in a highly uneven community dominated by only four phyla: Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Positive H. pylori status was associated with increased relative abundance of non-Helicobacter bacteria from the Proteobacteria, Spirochetes and Acidobacteria, and with decreased abundance of Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. The PhyloChip detected richness of low abundance phyla, and showed marked differences in the structure of the gastric bacterial community according to H. pylori status.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleoside kinases (dNKs) catalyze the transfer of a phosphoryl group from ATP to a deoxyribonucleoside (dN), a key step in DNA precursor synthesis. Recently structural information concerning dNKs has been obtained, but no structure of a bacterial dCK/dGK enzyme is known. Here we report the structure of such an enzyme, represented by deoxyadenosine kinase from Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides small colony type (Mm-dAK). Superposition of Mm-dAK with its human counterpart's deoxyguanosine kinase (dGK) and deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) reveals that the overall structures are very similar with a few amino acid alterations in the proximity of the active site. To investigate the substrate specificity, Mm-dAK has been crystallized in complex with dATP and dCTP, as well as the products dCMP and dCDP. Both dATP and dCTP bind to the enzyme in a feedback-inhibitory manner with the dN part in the deoxyribonucleoside binding site and the triphosphates in the P-loop. Substrate specificity studies with clinically important nucleoside analogs as well as several phosphate donors were performed. Thus, in this study we combine structural and kinetic data to gain a better understanding of the substrate specificity of the dCK/dGK family of enzymes. The structure of Mm-dAK provides a starting point for making new anti bacterial agents against pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Human cytosolic beta-glucosidase (hCBG) is a xenobiotic-metabolizing enzyme that hydrolyses certain flavonoid glucosides, with specificity depending on the aglycone moiety, the type of sugar and the linkage between them. In this study, the substrate preference of this enzyme was investigated by mutational analysis, X-ray crystallography and homology modelling. The crystal structure of hCBG was solved by the molecular replacement method and refined at 2.7 A resolution. The main-chain fold of the enzyme belongs to the (beta/alpha)(8) barrel structure, which is common to family 1 glycoside hydrolases. The active site is located at the bottom of a pocket (about 16 A deep) formed by large surface loops, surrounding the C termini of the barrel of beta-strands. As for all the clan of GH-A enzymes, the two catalytic glutamate residues are located on strand 4 (the acid/base Glu165) and on strand 7 (the nucleophile Glu373). Although many features of hCBG were shown to be very similar to previously described enzymes from this family, crucial differences were observed in the surface loops surrounding the aglycone binding site, and these are likely to strongly influence the substrate specificity. The positioning of a substrate molecule (quercetin-4'-glucoside) by homology modelling revealed that hydrophobic interactions dominate the binding of the aglycone moiety. In particular, Val168, Trp345, Phe225, Phe179, Phe334 and Phe433 were identified as likely to be important in determining substrate specificity in hCBG, and site-directed mutagenesis supported a key role for some of these residues.  相似文献   

2-Hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2(')-aminophenyl)-hexa-2,4-dienoate hydrolases (CarC enzymes) from two carbazole-degrading bacteria were purified using recombinant Escherichia coli strains with the histidine (His)-tagged purification system. The His-tagged CarC (ht-CarC) enzymes from Pseudomonas resinovorans strain CA10 (ht-CarC(CA10)) and Janthinobacterium sp. strain J3 (ht-CarC(J3)) exhibited hydrolase activity toward 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-phenylhexa-2,4-dienoate as the purified native CarC(CA10) did. ht-CarC(J3) was crystallized in the space group I422 with cell dimensions of a=b=130.3A, c=84.5A in the hexagonal setting, and the crystal structure of ht-CarC(J3) was determined at 1.86A resolution. The final refined model of ht-CarC(J3) yields an R-factor of 21.6%, although the electron-density corresponding to Ile146 to Asn155 was ambiguous in the final model. We compared the known structures of BphD from Rhodococcus sp. strain RHA1 and CumD from Pseudomonas fluorescens strain IP01. The backbone conformation of ht-CarC(J3) was better superimposed with CumD than with BphD(RHA1). The side-chain directions of Arg185 and Trp262 residues in the substrate binding pockets of these enzymes were different among these proteins, suggesting that these residues may take a conformational change during the catalytic cycles.  相似文献   



The Bacillus genus of Firmicutes bacteria is ubiquitous in nature and includes one of the best characterized model organisms, B. subtilis, as well as medically significant human pathogens, the most notorious being B. anthracis and B. cereus. As the most abundant living entities on the planet, bacteriophages are known to heavily influence the ecology and evolution of their hosts, including providing virulence factors. Thus, the identification and analysis of Bacillus phages is critical to understanding the evolution of Bacillus species, including pathogenic strains.


Whole genome nucleotide and proteome comparison of the 83 extant, fully sequenced Bacillus phages revealed 10 distinct clusters, 24 subclusters and 15 singleton phages. Host analysis of these clusters supports host boundaries at the subcluster level and suggests phages as vectors for genetic transfer within the Bacillus cereus group, with B. anthracis as a distant member. Analysis of the proteins conserved among these phages reveals enormous diversity and the uncharacterized nature of these phages, with a total of 4,442 protein families (phams) of which only 894 (20%) had a predicted function. In addition, 2,583 (58%) of phams were orphams (phams containing a single member). The most populated phams were those encoding proteins involved in DNA metabolism, virion structure and assembly, cell lysis, or host function. These included several genes that may contribute to the pathogenicity of Bacillus strains.


This analysis provides a basis for understanding and characterizing Bacillus and other related phages as well as their contributions to the evolution and pathogenicity of Bacillus cereus group bacteria. The presence of sparsely populated clusters, the high ratio of singletons to clusters, and the large number of uncharacterized, conserved proteins confirms the need for more Bacillus phage isolation in order to understand the full extent of their diversity as well as their impact on host evolution.  相似文献   



Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is the stable transmission of genetic material between organisms by means other than vertical inheritance. HGT has an important role in the evolution of prokaryotes but is relatively rare in eukaryotes. HGT has been shown to contribute to virulence in eukaryotic pathogens. We studied the importance of HGT in plant pathogenic fungi by identifying horizontally transferred genes in the genomes of three members of the genus Colletotrichum.


We identified eleven HGT events from bacteria into members of the genus Colletotrichum or their ancestors. The HGT events include genes involved in amino acid, lipid and sugar metabolism as well as lytic enzymes. Additionally, the putative minimal dates of transference were calculated using a time calibrated phylogenetic tree. This analysis reveals a constant flux of genes from bacteria to fungi throughout the evolution of subphylum Pezizomycotina.


Genes that are typically transferred by HGT are those that are constantly subject to gene duplication and gene loss. The functions of some of these genes suggest roles in niche adaptation and virulence. We found no evidence of a burst of HGT events coinciding with major geological events. In contrast, HGT appears to be a constant, albeit rare phenomenon in the Pezizomycotina, occurring at a steady rate during their evolution.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-16-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

This study aimed to ascertain the functional and phylogenetic relationships within an m-xylene degrading sulfate-reducing enrichment culture, which had been maintained for several years in the laboratory with m-xylene as the sole source of carbon and energy. Previous studies indicated that a phylotype affiliated to the Desulfobacteraceae was the main m-xylene assimilating organism. In the present study, genes and gene products were identified by a metaproteogenomic approach using LC-MS/MS analysis of the microbial community, and 2426 peptides were identified from 576 proteins. In the metagenome of the community, gene clusters encoding enzymes involved in fumarate addition to a methyl moiety of m-xylene (nms, bss), as well as gene clusters coding for enzymes involved in modified beta-oxidation to (3-methyl)benzoyl-CoA (bns), were identified in two separate contigs. Additionally, gene clusters containing homologues to bam genes encoding benzoyl-CoA reductase (Bcr) class II, catalyzing the dearomatization of (3-methyl)benzoyl-CoA, were identified. Time-resolved protein stable isotope probing (protein-SIP) experiments using 13C-labeled m-xylene showed that the respective gene products were highly 13C-labeled. The present data suggested the identification of gene products that were similar to those involved in methylnaphthalene degradation even though the consortium was not capable of growing in the presence of naphthalene, methylnaphthalene or toluene as substrates. Thus, a novel branch of enzymes was found that was probably specific for anaerobic m-xylene degradation.  相似文献   

Proteins belonging to the glycoside hydrolase family 63 (GH63) are found in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. Eukaryotic GH63 proteins are processing α-glucosidase I enzymes that hydrolyze an oligosaccharide precursor of eukaryotic N-linked glycoproteins. In contrast, the functions of the bacterial and archaeal GH63 proteins are unclear. Here we determined the crystal structure of a bacterial GH63 enzyme, Escherichia coli K12 YgjK, at 1.78 Å resolution and investigated some properties of the enzyme. YgjK consists of the N-domain and the A-domain, joined by a linker region. The N-domain is composed of 18 antiparallel β-strands and is classified as a super-β-sandwich. The A-domain contains 16 α-helices, 12 of which form an (α/α)6-barrel; the remaining 4 α-helices are found in an extra structural unit that we designated as the A′-region. YgjK, a member of the glycoside hydrolase clan GH-G, shares structural similarity with glucoamylase (GH15) and chitobiose phosphorylase (GH65), both of which belong to clan GH-L. In crystal structures of YgjK in complex with glucose, mannose, and galactose, all of the glucose, mannose, and galactose units were located in the catalytic cleft. YgjK showed the highest activity for the α-1,3-glucosidic linkage of nigerose, but also hydrolyzed trehalose, kojibiose, and maltooligosaccharides from maltose to maltoheptaose, although the activities were low. These findings suggest that YgjK is a glucosidase with relaxed specificity for sugars.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Changes occurring in the macromolecular traits of cell wall components in elm wood following attack by Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, the causative agent of Dutch elm disease (DED), are poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to compare host responses and the metabolic profiles of wood components for two Dutch elm (Ulmus) hybrids, ‘Groeneveld’ (a susceptible clone) and ‘Dodoens’ (a tolerant clone), that have contrasting survival strategies upon infection with the current prevalent strain of DED.


Ten-year-old plants of the hybrid elms were inoculated with O. novo-ulmi ssp. americana × novo-ulmi. Measurements were made of the content of main cell wall components and extractives, lignin monomer composition, macromolecular traits of cellulose and neutral saccharide composition.

Key Results

Upon infection, medium molecular weight macromolecules of cellulose were degraded in both the susceptible and tolerant elm hybrids, resulting in the occurrence of secondary cell wall ruptures and cracks in the vessels, but rarely in the fibres. The 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra revealed that loss of crystalline and non-crystalline cellulose regions occurred in parallel. The rate of cellulose degradation was influenced by the syringyl:guaiacyl ratio in lignin. Both hybrids commonly responded to the medium molecular weight cellulose degradation with the biosynthesis of high molecular weight macromolecules of cellulose, resulting in a significant increase in values for the degree of polymerization and polydispersity. Other responses of the hybrids included an increase in lignin content, a decrease in relative proportions of d-glucose, and an increase in proportions of d-xylose. Differential responses between the hybrids were found in the syringyl:guaiacyl ratio in lignin.


In susceptible ‘Groeneveld’ plants, syringyl-rich lignin provided a far greater degree of protection from cellulose degradation than in ‘Dodoens’, but only guaiacyl-rich lignin in ‘Dodoens’ plants was involved in successful defence against the fungus. This finding was confirmed by the associations of vanillin and vanillic acid with the DED-tolerant ‘Dodoens’ plants in a multivariate analysis of wood traits.  相似文献   

YteR, a hypothetical protein with unknown functions, is derived from Bacillus subtilis strain 168 and has an overall structure similar to that of bacterial unsaturated glucuronyl hydrolase (UGL), although it exhibits little amino acid sequence identity with UGL. UGL releases unsaturated glucuronic acid from glycosaminoglycan treated with glycosaminoglycan lyases. The amino acid sequence of YteR shows a significant homology (26% identity) with the hypothetical protein YesR also from B. subtilis strain 168. To clarify the intrinsic functions of YteR and YesR, both proteins were overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and characterized. Based on their gene arrangements in genome and enzyme properties, YteR and YesR were found to constitute a novel enzyme activity, "unsaturated rhamnogalacturonyl hydrolase," classified as new glycoside hydrolase family 105. This enzyme acts specifically on unsaturated rhamnogalacturonan (RG) obtained from RG type-I treated with RG lyases and releases an unsaturated galacturonic acid. The crystal structure of YteR complexed with unsaturated chondroitin disaccharide (UGL substrate) was obtained and compared to the structure of UGL complexed with the same disaccharide. The UGL substrate is sterically hindered with the active pocket of YteR. The protruding loop of YteR prevents the UGL substrate from being bound effectively. The most likely candidate catalytic residues for general acid/base are Asp143 in YteR and Asp135 in YesR. This is supported by three-dimensional structural and site-directed mutagenesis studies. These findings provide molecular insights into novel enzyme catalysis and sequential reaction mechanisms involved in RG-I depolymerization by bacteria.  相似文献   



Brucellosis is an important zoonotic disease that affects both humans and animals. We sequenced the full genome and characterised the genetic diversity of two Brucella melitensis isolates from Malaysia and the Philippines. In addition, we performed a comparative whole-genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis of B. melitensis strains collected from around the world, to investigate the potential origin and the history of the global spread of B. melitensis.


Single sequencing runs of each genome resulted in draft genome sequences of MY1483/09 and Phil1136/12, which covered 99.85% and 99.92% of the complete genome sequences, respectively. The B. melitensis genome sequences, and two B. abortus strains used as the outgroup strains, yielded a total of 13,728 SNP sites. Phylogenetic analysis using whole-genome SNPs and geographical distribution of the isolates revealed spatial clustering of the B. melitensis isolates into five genotypes, I, II, III, IV and V. The Mediterranean strains, identified as genotype I, occupied the basal node of the phylogenetic tree, suggesting that B. melitensis may have originated from the Mediterranean regions. All of the Asian B. melitensis strains clustered into genotype II with the SEA strains, including the two isolates sequenced in this study, forming a distinct clade denoted here as genotype IId. Genotypes III, IV and V of B. melitensis demonstrated a restricted geographical distribution, with genotype III representing the African lineage, genotype IV representing the European lineage and genotype V representing the American lineage.


We showed that SNPs retrieved from the B. melitensis draft full genomes were sufficient to resolve the interspecies relationships between B. melitensis strains and to discriminate between the vaccine and endemic strains. Phylogeographic reconstruction of the history of B. melitensis global spread at a finer scale by using whole-genome SNP analyses supported the origin of all B. melitensis strains from the Mediterranean region. The possible global distribution of B. melitensis following the ancient trade routes was also consistent with whole-genome SNP phylogeny. The whole genome SNP phylogenetics analysis, hence is a powerful tool for intraspecies discrimination of closely related species.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1294-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Members of the thermophilic genus Geobacillus can grow at high temperatures and produce a battery of thermostable hemicellulose hydrolytic enzymes, making them ideal candidates for the bioconversion of biomass to value-added products. To date the molecular determinants for hemicellulose degradation and utilization have only been identified and partially characterized in one strain, namely Geobacillus stearothermophilus T-6, where they are clustered in a single genetic locus.


Using the G. stearothermophilus T-6 hemicellulose utilization locus as genetic marker, orthologous hemicellulose utilization (HUS) loci were identified in the complete and partial genomes of 17/24 Geobacillus strains. These HUS loci are localized on a common genomic island. Comparative analyses of these loci revealed extensive variability among the Geobacillus hemicellulose utilization systems, with only seven out of 41–68 proteins encoded on these loci conserved among the HUS+ strains. This translates into extensive differences in the hydrolytic enzymes, transport systems and metabolic pathways employed by Geobacillus spp. to degrade and utilize hemicellulose polymers.


The genetic variability among the Geobacillus HUS loci implies that they have variable capacities to degrade hemicellulose polymers, or that they may degrade distinct polymers, as are found in different plant species and tissues. The data from this study can serve as a basis for the genetic engineering of a Geobacillus strain(s) with an improved capacity to degrade and utilize hemicellulose.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-836) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Dissimilatory oxidation of thiosulfate in the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium limicola f. thiosulfatophilum is carried out by the ubiquitous sulfur-oxidizing (Sox) multi-enzyme system. In this system, SoxY plays a key role, functioning as the sulfur substrate-binding protein that offers its sulfur substrate, which is covalently bound to a conserved C-terminal cysteine, to another oxidizing Sox enzyme. Here, we report the crystal structures of a stand-alone SoxY protein of C. limicola f. thiosulfatophilum, solved at 2.15 A and 2.40 A resolution using X-ray diffraction data collected at 100 K and room temperature, respectively. The structure reveals a monomeric Ig-like protein, with an N-terminal alpha-helix, that oligomerizes into a tetramer via conserved contact regions between the monomers. The tetramer can be described as a dimer of dimers that exhibits one large hydrophobic contact region in each dimer and two small hydrophilic interface patches in the tetramer. At the tetramer interface patch, two conserved redox-active C-terminal cysteines form an intersubunit disulfide bridge. Intriguingly, SoxY exhibits a dimer/tetramer equilibrium that is dependent on the redox state of the cysteines and on the type of sulfur substrate component bound to them. Taken together, the dimer/tetramer equilibrium, the specific interactions between the subunits in the tetramer, and the significant conservation level of the interfaces strongly indicate that these SoxY oligomers are biologically relevant.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Shining a laser onto biological material produces light speckles termed biospeckles. Patterns of biospeckle activity reflect changes in cell biochemistry, developmental processes and responses to the environment. The aim of this work was to develop methods to investigate the biospeckle activity in roots and to characterize the distribution of its intensity and response to thigmostimuli.


Biospeckle activity in roots of Zea mays, and also Jatropha curcas and Citrus limonia, was imaged live and in situ using a portable laser and a digital microscope with a spatial resolution of 10 μm per pixel and the ability to capture images every 0·080 s. A procedure incorporating a Fujii algorithm, image restoration using median and Gaussian filters, image segmentation using maximum-entropy threshold methods and the extraction of features using a tracing algorithm followed by spline fitting were developed to obtain quantitative information from images of biospeckle activity. A wavelet transform algorithm was used for spectral decomposition of biospeckle activity and generalized additive models were used to attribute statistical significance to changes in patterns of biospeckle activity.

Key Results

The intensity of biospeckle activity was greatest close to the root apex. Higher frequencies (3–6 Hz) contributed most to the total intensity of biospeckle activity. When a root encountered an obstacle, the intensity of biospeckle activity decreased abruptly throughout the root system. The response became attenuated with repeated thigmostimuli.


The data suggest that at least one component of root biospeckle activity resulted from a biological process, which is located in the zone of cell division and responds to thigmostimuli. However, neither individual cell division events nor root elongation is likely to be responsible for the patterns of biospeckle activity.  相似文献   

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