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结合基因功能分类体系Gene Ontology筛选聚类特征基因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用两套基因表达谱数据,按各基因的表达值方差,选择表达变异基因对样本聚类,发现一般使用方差较大的前10%的基因作为特征基因,就可以较好地对疾病样本聚类。对不同的疾病,包含聚类信息的特征基因有不同的分布特点。在此基础上,结合基因功能分类体系(Gene Ontology,GO),进一步筛选聚类的特征基因。通过检验在Gene Ontology中的每个功能类中的表达变异基因是否非随机地聚集,寻找疾病相关功能类,再根据相关功能类中的表达变异基因进行聚类分析。实验结果显示:结合基因功能体系进一步筛选表达变异基因作为聚类特征基因,可以保持或提高聚类准确性,并使得聚类结果具有明确的生物学意义。另外,发现了一些可能和淋巴瘤和白血病相关的基因。  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - The osteoclast is a kind of bone cell that splits down the bone tissue. The osteoclast is responsible for bone disease. So, the...  相似文献   

基因表达谱聚类/分类技术研究及展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
随着人类及多种模式生物全基因组测序基本完成,人类基因组计划的研究进入后基因组时代.后基因组时代研究的焦点已经从测序转向功能研究。聚类/分类技术作为分析基因表达谱和识别基因功能的重要工具之一,近年来获得很大的发展。对目前基因表达谱聚类/分类技术及它们的发展,进行了综述性的研究,分析了它们的优缺点,结合我们的研究,提出了解决问题的思路和方法,为基因表达谱的进一步研究提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

朱嘉  吴晓  王晓 《生物信息学》2019,26(7):90-95
依托GIS技术平台,通过“开敞空间分级—指标体系建立—理想模型建构—理想模型修正—系统建构与分级导控”5个步骤,建立开敞空间适宜性布局的普适性思路框架,以理想模型建构和理想模型修正为核心环节。并以福建省武夷山市总体城市设计为例对此思路框架进行实际应用,以期对上位规划的城市开敞空间适宜性布局评估及优化提供思路和方法。  相似文献   

基于AnyBodyTM技术的人体运动建模方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人体运动的建模与仿真是当今运动生物力学研究的一个热点.利用数值模型研究人体的运动规律,是人体运动研究的一个重要手段和有效工具.其关键技术在于应用逆向运动学方法求解人体运动,并获取人体运动中各个肌肉力学上技术参数.文中主要探讨基于AnyBodyTM System软件人体运动仿真的建模方法来研究人体运动力学规律,结合The AnyBodyTM system对人体运动具体应用,说明The AnyBodyTM system技术在人体运动仿真领域的优势.  相似文献   

In a sensitive cochlea, the basilar membrane response to transient excitation of any kind–normal acoustic or artificial intracochlear excitation–consists of not only a primary impulse but also a coda of delayed secondary responses with varying amplitudes but similar spectral content around the characteristic frequency of the measurement location. The coda, sometimes referred to as echoes or ringing, has been described as a form of local, short term memory which may influence the ability of the auditory system to detect gaps in an acoustic stimulus such as speech. Depending on the individual cochlea, the temporal gap between the primary impulse and the following coda ranges from once to thrice the group delay of the primary impulse (the group delay of the primary impulse is on the order of a few hundred microseconds). The coda is physiologically vulnerable, disappearing when the cochlea is compromised even slightly. The multicomponent sensitive response is not yet completely understood. We use a physiologically-based, mathematical model to investigate (i) the generation of the primary impulse response and the dependence of the group delay on the various stimulation methods, (ii) the effect of spatial perturbations in the properties of mechanically sensitive ion channels on the generation and separation of delayed secondary responses. The model suggests that the presence of the secondary responses depends on the wavenumber content of a perturbation and the activity level of the cochlea. In addition, the model shows that the varying temporal gaps between adjacent coda seen in experiments depend on the individual profiles of perturbations. Implications for non-invasive cochlear diagnosis are also discussed.  相似文献   

Many scientific problems can be formulated as classification tasks. Data that harbor relevant information are usually described by a large number of features. Frequently, many of these features are irrelevant for the class prediction. The efficient implementation of classification models requires identification of suitable combinations of features. The smaller number of features reduces the problem’s dimensionality and may result in higher classification performance. We developed DWFS, a web-based tool that allows for efficient selection of features for a variety of problems. DWFS follows the wrapper paradigm and applies a search strategy based on Genetic Algorithms (GAs). A parallel GA implementation examines and evaluates simultaneously large number of candidate collections of features. DWFS also integrates various filtering methods that may be applied as a pre-processing step in the feature selection process. Furthermore, weights and parameters in the fitness function of GA can be adjusted according to the application requirements. Experiments using heterogeneous datasets from different biomedical applications demonstrate that DWFS is fast and leads to a significant reduction of the number of features without sacrificing performance as compared to several widely used existing methods. DWFS can be accessed online at www.cbrc.kaust.edu.sa/dwfs.  相似文献   

A new 2-thioquinazolinones series was designed and synthesized as HSP90 inhibitors based on the structure of hit compound VII obtained by virtual screening approach. Their in vitro anti-proliferative activity was evaluated against three human cancer cell lines rich in HSP90 namely; colorectal carcinoma (HCT-116), and cervical carcinoma (Hela), breast carcinoma (MCF-7). Compounds 5a, 5d, 5e and 9h showed a significant broad spectrum anti-proliferative activity against all tested cell lines. They were characterized by potent effect against breast cancer in particular with IC50 of 11.73, 8.56, 7.35 and 9.48 μM, respectively against Doxorubicin (IC50 4.17 μM). HSP90 ATPase activity inhibition assay were conducted where compound 5d exhibited the best IC50 with 1.58 μM compared to Tanespimycin (IC50 = 2.17 μM). Compounds 5a and 9h showed higher IC50 values of 3.21 and 3.41 μM, respectively. The effects of 5a, 5d and 9h on Her2 (a client proteins of HSP90) and HSP70 were evaluated in MCF-7 cells. All tested compounds were found to reduce Her2 protein expression levels and induce Hsp70 protein expression levels significantly, emphasizing that antibreast cancer effect is a consequence of HSP90 chaperone inhibition. Cell cycle analysis of MCF-7 cells treated with 5d showed cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase 38.89% and pro-apoptotic activity as indicated by annexin V-FITC staining by 22.42%. Molecular docking studies suggested mode of interaction to HSP90 via hydrogen bonding. ADME properties prediction of the active compounds suggested that they could be used as orally absorbed anticancer drug candidates.  相似文献   

Since the publication of our first paper on the microwave-accelerated metal-enhanced fluorescence (MAMEF) bioassay platform technology in 2005 (Aslan and Geddes, Anal Chem 77:8057–8067, 2005), we have been repeatedly asked to comment on the advantages of “microwave heating” with plasmonic nanostructures over conventional heating for bioassays by many of our colleagues in the community. We note that one can find a couple of review articles, one by Mingos (Gabriel et al., Chem Soc Rev 27:213–223, 1998) and another by Thostenson and Chou (Manufacturing 30:1055–1071, 1999), summarizing the fundamentals and several applications of microwave processing of chemical compounds and composite materials, respectively. These review articles also present a direct comparison of microwave heating with conventional heating with respect to the processing of materials and microwave-assisted synthesis of chemical compounds. In this review article, we seek to remind the reader of the fundamentals of microwave heating and the interactions of microwaves with chemical and biological materials relevant to our recent work on bioassays, rather than repeating the information provided in the above-mentioned very informative reviews. We also summarize our work on MAMEF-based bioassays where we use plasmonic nanostructures to additionally plasmon-enhance fluorescence signatures.  相似文献   

Watching a speaker''s facial movements can dramatically enhance our ability to comprehend words, especially in noisy environments. From a general doctrine of combining information from different sensory modalities (the principle of inverse effectiveness), one would expect that the visual signals would be most effective at the highest levels of auditory noise. In contrast, we find, in accord with a recent paper, that visual information improves performance more at intermediate levels of auditory noise than at the highest levels, and we show that a novel visual stimulus containing only temporal information does the same. We present a Bayesian model of optimal cue integration that can explain these conflicts. In this model, words are regarded as points in a multidimensional space and word recognition is a probabilistic inference process. When the dimensionality of the feature space is low, the Bayesian model predicts inverse effectiveness; when the dimensionality is high, the enhancement is maximal at intermediate auditory noise levels. When the auditory and visual stimuli differ slightly in high noise, the model makes a counterintuitive prediction: as sound quality increases, the proportion of reported words corresponding to the visual stimulus should first increase and then decrease. We confirm this prediction in a behavioral experiment. We conclude that auditory-visual speech perception obeys the same notion of optimality previously observed only for simple multisensory stimuli.  相似文献   

Genes of the vertebrate major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are of great interest to biologists because of their important role in immunity and disease, and their extremely high levels of genetic diversity. Next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are quickly becoming the method of choice for high-throughput genotyping of multi-locus templates like MHC in non-model organisms.Previous approaches to genotyping MHC genes using NGS technologies suffer from two problems:1) a “gray zone” where low frequency alleles and high frequency artifacts can be difficult to disentangle and 2) a similar sequence problem, where very similar alleles can be difficult to distinguish as two distinct alleles. Here were present a new method for genotyping MHC loci – Stepwise Threshold Clustering (STC) – that addresses these problems by taking full advantage of the increase in sequence data provided by NGS technologies. Unlike previous approaches for genotyping MHC with NGS data that attempt to classify individual sequences as alleles or artifacts, STC uses a quasi-Dirichlet clustering algorithm to cluster similar sequences at increasing levels of sequence similarity. By applying frequency and similarity based criteria to clusters rather than individual sequences, STC is able to successfully identify clusters of sequences that correspond to individual or similar alleles present in the genomes of individual samples. Furthermore, STC does not require duplicate runs of all samples, increasing the number of samples that can be genotyped in a given project. We show how the STC method works using a single sample library. We then apply STC to 295 threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) samples from four populations and show that neighboring populations differ significantly in MHC allele pools. We show that STC is a reliable, accurate, efficient, and flexible method for genotyping MHC that will be of use to biologists interested in a variety of downstream applications.  相似文献   

使用图像特征构建快速有效的蛋白质折叠识别方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蛋白质结构自动分类是探索蛋白质结构- 功能关系的一种重要研究手段。首先将蛋白质折叠子三维空间结构映射成为二维距离矩阵,并将距离矩阵视作灰度图像。然后基于灰度直方图和灰度共生矩阵提出了一种计算简单的折叠子结构特征提取方法,得到了低维且能够反映折叠结构特点的特征,并进一步阐明了直方图中零灰度孤峰形成原因,深入分析了共生矩阵特征中灰度分布、不同角度和像素距离对应的结构意义。最后应用于27类折叠子分类,对独立集测试的精度达到了71.95 %,对所有数据进行10 交叉验证的精度为78.94 %。与多个基于序列和结构的折叠识别方法的对比结果表明,此方法不仅具有低维和简洁的特征,而且无需复杂的分类系统,能够有效和高效地实现多类折叠子识别。  相似文献   

启动子识别是研究基因转录调控的重要环节,但目前方法的识别正确率偏低。在深入分析原核启动子特征的基础上,提出了一种基于特征筛选的原核启动子判别分析方法,首先在启动子序列的组成特征、信号特征和结构特征中选取备选特征,为每个特征建立适当的描述模型,并对主要的保守模式采用复合模式模型;再通过模型计算对备选特征进行逐步筛选,优化特征集,将序列表示为组合特征向量;最终利用二次判别分析实现识别。对大肠杆菌和枯草杆菌实际启动子数据进行的刀切法测试验证了方法的有效性和通用性。对于大肠杆菌非编码区(70启动子,识别的平均正确率达到了85.8%,优于其它几种典型识别方法;对于大肠杆菌编码区内部)70启动子和其它几种原核启动子,平均正确率也都超过了80%。方法框架还具有良好的可扩展性,能够方便地容纳新特征,使识别性能不断提高。  相似文献   

Genomic Islands (GIs) are regions of bacterial genomes that are acquired from other organisms by the phenomenon of horizontal transfer. These regions are often responsible for many important acquired adaptations of the bacteria, with great impact on their evolution and behavior. Nevertheless, these adaptations are usually associated with pathogenicity, antibiotic resistance, degradation and metabolism. Identification of such regions is of medical and industrial interest. For this reason, different approaches for genomic islands prediction have been proposed. However, none of them are capable of predicting precisely the complete repertory of GIs in a genome. The difficulties arise due to the changes in performance of different algorithms in the face of the variety of nucleotide distribution in different species. In this paper, we present a novel method to predict GIs that is built upon mean shift clustering algorithm. It does not require any information regarding the number of clusters, and the bandwidth parameter is automatically calculated based on a heuristic approach. The method was implemented in a new user-friendly tool named MSGIP—Mean Shift Genomic Island Predictor. Genomes of bacteria with GIs discussed in other papers were used to evaluate the proposed method. The application of this tool revealed the same GIs predicted by other methods and also different novel unpredicted islands. A detailed investigation of the different features related to typical GI elements inserted in these new regions confirmed its effectiveness. Stand-alone and user-friendly versions for this new methodology are available at http://msgip.integrativebioinformatics.me.  相似文献   

Cell migration in the absence of external cues is well described by a correlated random walk. Most single cells move by extending protrusions called pseudopodia. To deduce how cells walk, we have analyzed the formation of pseudopodia by Dictyostelium cells. We have observed that the formation of pseudopodia is highly ordered with two types of pseudopodia: First, de novo formation of pseudopodia at random positions on the cell body, and therefore in random directions. Second, pseudopod splitting near the tip of the current pseudopod in alternating right/left directions, leading to a persistent zig-zag trajectory. Here we analyzed the probability frequency distributions of the angles between pseudopodia and used this information to design a stochastic model for cell movement. Monte Carlo simulations show that the critical elements are the ratio of persistent splitting pseudopodia relative to random de novo pseudopodia, the Left/Right alternation, the angle between pseudopodia and the variance of this angle. Experiments confirm predictions of the model, showing reduced persistence in mutants that are defective in pseudopod splitting and in mutants with an irregular cell surface.  相似文献   

ObjectiveClustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) is a powerful genome editing technology. Guide RNA (gRNA) plays an essential guiding role in the CRISPR system by complementary base pairing with target DNA. Since the CRISPR targeting mechanism problem has not yet been fully resolved, it remains a challenge to predict gRNA on-target efficiency. Current gRNA design tools often lack efficient information extraction and cannot learn the target efficiency patterns thoroughly.Material and methodsIn this study, CRISPR-OTE is proposed to consider both multi-dimensional sequence information and important complementary prior knowledge based on a simple but effective framework. CRISPR-OTE consists of the local-contextual information branch and the prior knowledge branch. The local-contextual information branch extracts multi-dimensional sequence features from the DNA primary sequence by a parallel framework of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory networks (biLSTM). The prior knowledge branch selects the optimal subset of physicochemical features to provide the neural network with complementary knowledge, such as complex secondary structures. A simple feature fusion strategy is also adopted to fully utilize multi-modal data from the two branches.ResultsThe experimental results show that the optimal subset of physicochemical features (RNA secondary structure and melting temperature of 34nt target) can effectively improve the prediction performance. Additionally, combining multi-dimensional sequence features and multi-modal features can extract information more comprehensively. Through transfer learning, CRISPR-OTE trained on the CRISPR-Cpf1 system can also be successfully applied to the CRISPR-Cas9 system.ConclusionThe performance of CRISPR-OTE is superior to other methods in different CRISPR systems and species. Therefore, CRISPR-OTE is a simple on-target efficiency prediction framework with better accuracy and generalization performance.  相似文献   

Presumptive identification of different Enterobacteriaceae species is routinely achieved based on biochemical properties. Traditional practice includes manual comparison of each biochemical property of the unknown sample with known reference samples and inference of its identity based on the maximum similarity pattern with the known samples. This process is laborintensive, time-consuming, error-prone, and subjective. Therefore, automation of sorting and similarity in calculation would be advantageous. Here we present a MATLAB-based graphical user interface(GUI) tool named Bio Cluster. This tool was designed for automated clustering and identification of Enterobacteriaceae based on biochemical test results. In this tool, we used two types of algorithms, i.e., traditional hierarchical clustering(HC) and the Improved Hierarchical Clustering(IHC), a modified algorithm that was developed specifically for the clustering and identification of Enterobacteriaceae species. IHC takes into account the variability in result of 1–47 biochemical tests within this Enterobacteriaceae family. This tool also provides different options to optimize the clustering in a user-friendly way. Using computer-generated synthetic data and some real data, we have demonstrated that Bio Cluster has high accuracy in clustering and identifying enterobacterial species based on biochemical test data. This tool can be freely downloaded at http://microbialgen.du.ac.bd/biocluster/.  相似文献   

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