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An aerobiological study has been carried out in the region of Caxias do Sul in southern Brazil. Pollen monitoring was performed from January 1, 2001 through to December 31, 2002. A total of 30,469 pollen grains were collected during this period, and 40 pollen types were identified; of these, 23,389 pollen grains, representing 29 pollen types, originated from tree and shrub taxa. The maximum pollen concentration was registered in August 2001 and October 2002. In the study area, the pollen type Mimosa scabrella (18.8%) was much more abundant than all of the pollen types from tree and shrub taxa, such as: Urticaceae (18.4%), Myrtaceae (10.2%), Cupressaceae (7.7%), Myrsine (4.8%), Sorocea (3.9%), Pinaceae (2.9%), Asteraceae (2.2%) and Ricinus (2.1%). These nine pollen types accounted for the largest pollen concentrations of all the tree and shrub taxa. The pollen types Carya, Melastomataceae, Mimosa scabrella, Myrsine and Sorocea are reported for the first time in an aerobiological study in Brazil.  相似文献   

A primitive 'ictidosaur' from lower Norian beds of southern Brazil, Riograndia guaibensis gen. et sp. nov., represented by a fragmentary skull and a lower jaw bearing a complete dentition, shows a more generalized morphology than Chaliminia from the Upper Triassic of Argentina and Pachygenelus Diarthrognathus from the Lower Jurassic of South Africa, Canada and Greenland. The frontal bone borders the orbit, and ventrally contacts the dorsal process of the palatine. The secondary bony palate extends back to the last postcanine. I1 and i2 are reduced, whereas I2-3 and i1 are hypertrophied. Both PC 1–7 and pc 1–7 have blade-like crowns without cingula and with 5–9 small sharp cuspules. The upper postcanine crowns are semicircular in labial view with the cuspules around their margins. The lower postcanine crowns are asymmetrical with most of the cuspules dorsodistally distributed. The possible origin of this peculiar dentition is interpreted as the retention of the juvenile dentition of ancestors. The hypothesis that Riograndia guaibensis and the so-called 'ictidosaurs' might have been derived from gomphodont cynodonts is presented.  相似文献   

Cantinoa althaeifolia, C. heterodon, C. mutabilis, C. stricta and C. sylvularum were investigated for the essential oil and exudate composition. The essential oils of these species, previously placed in the genus Hyptis, demonstrated the presence of at least 46 compounds, being β-pinene, δ-3-carene, β-caryophyllene, bicyclogermacrene, caryophyllene oxide and globulol the compounds present in higher amounts. Besides monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, three species presented diterpenes. Kaurenoic acid was isolated from C. heterodon exudate and detected by gas chromatography in C. stricta and C. mutabilis. Although kaurane diterpenes are widely found in nature, their occurrence in Lamiaceae seems to be restricted to few genera.  相似文献   

This study presents data on behavioural acts performed by the Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus in southern Brazil, and compares these with the behaviours previously reported for other populations. Focal observations of individuals were conducted in the municipality of Santa Maria, in the central region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The sampling was done in 2-hour sessions, between January and March of 2007. A total of 20 behavioural acts, grouped in seven categories, were identified and described: locomotion (N = 5 acts), grooming (N = 4), intra-specific behaviour (N = 2), inter-specific behaviour (N = 3), foraging (N = 2), reproduction (N = 2) and rest (N = 2). Among the observed behaviours were acts that are not described in the literature such as greeting of offspring and some feeding acts. Regarding the use of habitat, we observed that this species has a preference for water or aquatic macrophytes, which is contrary to other reports. In the analysis of behavioural daily variation, overall behavioural categories did not vary significantly throughout the day, whereas we observed a significant difference in the use of categories during the periods 11:00 am–1:00 pm, 1:00–3:00 pm and 5:00–7:00 pm. The contrasting data between studies indicate that the variation between habitats and ecological interactions may generate different selective pressures on the behaviour of G. chloropus.  相似文献   

Petunia bajeensis and P. riograndensis, two new species from southern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil are described, and their morphological distinction from related species and features of their habitats are discussed.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution, ecological characteristics, flowering and fruiting times, and pollinating agents of Passiflora alata are considered and related to molecular genetic data gathered simultaneously. The first report on this species in Rio Grande do Sul was made in 1934, only in cultivated gardens. Approximately 20 years later, however, the species was already classified as efferata (wild) in Porto Alegre's suburbs. The data presented here, together with the DNA investigations, indicate that P. alata is actively colonizing previously unoccupied areas of this region.  相似文献   

Insects of the Simuliidae family have been the object of control in Rio Grande do Sul since the 70s. Their constant attacks became a social-economical problem as well as a problem of Public Health, with serious consequences to men and to the economy of the areas in which the insects develop. At first, the control was done with a chemical larvicide Themephos ABATE 500 E, but an imperfect measuring of outflow to determine the quantity of the product made Simulium spp. resistant to it. From 1983 on, following a study of a new method for the outflow measuring, we started to use a biological larvicide Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis based. The biological control uses the new method in 36.4% of the state area, assisting about 3,500,000 inhabitants.  相似文献   

Since 1942, when paracoccidioidomycosis was first identified in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, paracoccidioidal pulmonary lesions became a great concern to physicians. The present study focuses on 53 patients diagnosed over a seven-year period who presented paracoccidioidal lesions circumscribed to the lungs. These patients presented clinical and radiological features that simulated several pulmonary infectious and non-infectious conditions. Four unusual cases are briefly discussed. A sequence of laboratorial tests should be established for the diagnosis of pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Clevosaurus was a cosmopolitan Rhynchocephalia genus restricted to the Late Triassic and the Early Jurassic. In Brazil, C. brasiliensis is one of the most conspicuous species collected from the Candelária Sequence (Riograndia Assemblage Zone, Norian age) of the Santa Maria Supersequence. Several jaws of C. brasiliensis are housed in the Laboratório de Paleontologia de Vertebrados of the Instituto de Geociências-UFRGS. Some of these jaws bear a relatively small protuberant bony callus on the anterolateral margin of the dentary, evidenced by a different tissue pattern incorporating small pits and discrete grooves. This pattern closely resembles a common bone infection known in the mandible of the extant Sphenodon punctatus. Although this similarity, the infection may be the result of two possible processes: as consequence of orthal jaw shearing movements during feeding at the moments that the dentary impacts with the enlarged premaxillary tooth or due to injuries produced after fights between conspecific individuals (as is the case for S. punctatus). If the second hypothesis is correct, the same pathological processes probably occurred in the Late Triassic C. brasiliensis indicating that similar ethological conditions were already present at the beginning of the Mesozoic, during the initial radiation of the lepidosaurian clade.  相似文献   

Knowledge of species distribution is important for effective conservation measures. Considering that habitat features and abiotic factors can influence local community structure of butterflies, this study aimed to verify the existence of a pattern in the distribution of Satyrini in southern Brazil. For this objective, we updated the regional Satyrini species list based on field studies and literature, resulting in a total of 54 species. For those studies that presented clearly defined sampling sites, we analyzed the faunal similarity by site and by phytoecological region and verified the influences of environmental (altitude, average annual temperature and precipitation, and phytoecological region) and spatial variables (PCNM) in species distribution. We analyzed 156 records of 40 species at 14 sites and eight phytoecological regions. Environmental variables—namely, differences in temperature and phytoecological region—and spatial position proved to effect the distribution of Satyrini in southern Brazil. We thus urge that the future Conservation Units should be well spaced and properly distributed through environmentally distinct units in the landscape, representing different phytoecological regions. These conclusions shall provide subsidies to biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Cryptococcosis is a major opportunistic mycosis which has meningitis as its most frequent clinical presentation and can be fatal in the absence of antifungal therapy. The aetiological agents are Cryptococcus neoformans, which affects mainly immunocompromised subjects, and C. gattii, the aetiologic agent for cryptococcosis in healthy individuals. A recent outbreak of cryptococcosis on Vancouver Island, Canada, raised the level of concern about the epidemiology of this disease. In Brazil, between 1980 and 2002, six per cent of AIDS patients had cryptococcosis in course at the time of diagnosis. To identify the profile of cryptococcal meningitis patients in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, a retroactive study was realized using data from patients registered at Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública IPB-LACEN/RS from 2000 to 2005. Most of the patients were men (77.12%), Caucasian (83.5%), median age between thirty and thirty-nine years old (46.24%) and HIV positive (95%).  相似文献   

During the last growing seasons, high infestations of phytophagous mites were observed in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, becoming necessary to apply pesticides for their control. The objective of this study was to identify phytophagous and predatory mite species associated with soybean in ten counties of that state, during the 2002/03 and 2003/04 growing seasons, in five soybean cultivars (A 6001 RG, A 7001 RG, A 8000 RG, A 8100 RG, Anta 82), all genetically modified. In samples of soybean leaves four phytophagous mite species (Mononychellus planki (McGregor), Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), Tetranychus desertorum Banks and Tetranychus gigas Pritchard & Baker) and two predatory mite species (Phytoseiulus fragariae Denmark & Schicha and Typhlodromalus aripo De Leon) were found. T. desertorum was found for the first time associated with soybean in the country. Phytoseiulus fragariae and T. aripo are reported for the first time on soybean. The potential of phytoseid mites as biological control agents in soybean crop was discussed. Among the hypotheses to explain the increasing infestation of soybean fields with phytophagous mites area are the progressively larger cultivated area, the dry spells observed in the last few years in the growing season, changes in soybean cropping system that led to increased use of pesticides and utilization of new soybean cultivars with morphological or biochemicals characteristics that favour the development of these mite populations.  相似文献   

From 1986 to 2002, we examined the chromosomal composition of 916 patients attended by two genetic counseling services in the city of Pelotas, in the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul, to determine the genetic causes of their disturbances. Patterns of G-banding using trypsin and Giemsa (GTG) and C-banding using barium and Giemsa (CBG) were studied using phytohemagglutinin M-stimulated lymphocytes cultured from peripheral blood. Among the patients, 110 had Down's syndrome, 7 had Edward's syndrome, 4 had Patau's syndrome, 29 had Turner's syndrome, 5 had Klinefelter's syndrome, and 3 had "cri-du-chat" syndrome. Abnormal chromosomes were observed in 29.3% of the patients. Most of these (56.3%) were numerical abnormalities, with the remaining being structural variants.  相似文献   



According to official records, dengue was introduced in Brazil in the 80''s; since then several epidemics have occurred. Meanwhile, in Rio Grande do Sul (RS, Southern Brazil) the first autochthonous case occurred only in 2007.

Methodology and Principal Findings

In this study we report laboratory surveillance of dengue cases and seasonality of positive cases, describe serotypes and characterize the epidemiological pattern of dengue in RS from 2007 to 2013. A total of 9,779 serum samples from patients with suspected dengue fever were collected and submitted to molecular and/or serological analyses for dengue virus identification and serotyping, based on viral isolation, NS1 antigen detection and qRT-PCR, or Dengue IgM capture ELISA and MAC-ELISA. The first autochthonous dengue case in RS was confirmed in 2007 (DENV-3). While in 2008 and 2009 only imported cases were registered, autochthonous infection waves have been occurring since 2010. The highest number of dengue infections occurred in 2010, with DENV-1 and DENV-2 outbreaks in Northwestern RS. In 2011, another DENV-1 and DENV-2 outbreak occurred in the Northwestern region; moreover, DENV-4 was detected in travelers. In 2012, DENV-1 and DENV-4 co-circulated. DENV-2 circulation was only detected again in 2013, in high frequency (56.7%), co-circulating with DENV-4 (35%). Most infections occur in adults during summer. Differences in prevalence between genders were observed in 2007 (60% females), 2008 (60.8% males) and 2009 (77.5% males).


According to results of dengue surveillance, there was an increase in the number of dengue cases in RS and of cities infested with Aedes aegypti, possibly as a consequence of introduction of new serotypes and the difficulty of health programs to control the vector.  相似文献   

Genetic aspects of hemophilias A and B in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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