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We report on the first record of interstitial cnidarians in sea ice. Ice core samples were collected during eight field periods between February 2003 and June 2006 in the coastal fast ice off Barrow, Alaska (71°N, 156°W) at four locations. A total of 194 solitary, small (0.2–1.1 mm) elongated specimens of a previously unknown interstitial hydroid taxon were found. By cnidome composition and the occurrence of a highly retractable pedal disc formed by epidermal tissue only, the specimens are tentatively assigned to representatives of the family Protohydridae, subclass Anthomedusae. The hydroids were found almost exclusively in the bottom 10 cm-layer (at the ice–water interface) of 118 ice cores, with abundances ranging from 0 to 27 individuals per core section (0–4,244 ind m−2) and a grand mean of 269 ind m−2 in bottom 10 cm-layer sections. Abundances were lower in December and late May than in months in between with considerable site variability. A factor analysis using 12 variables showed that hydroid abundance correlated highest with abundances of copepod nauplii and polychaete juveniles suggesting a trophic relationship.  相似文献   

The consequences of global warming are particularly evident in high polar areas. Deglaciation phenomenon—negative mass balance of Svalbard glaciers and recession of tidal glaciers—results in landscape and shoreline change. These areas of very dynamic conditions are now open for primary colonists, among them hydroids, typical early colonists of the vacant substratum. This study aims to explore the patterns of Hydrozoan diversity and distribution in Hornsund (west Spitsbergen). Hydroids associated with shallow water kelp beds as well as those occurring on deeper subtidal soft bottom were collected at sites located along gradients of glacial disturbance (i.e., high mineral sedimentation, ice-berg scouring). Samples were collected by scuba diving (three sites of different distance to active tidal glaciers), van Veen grabs (two sites located in the inner and outer fjord basin), and dredges taken from along a fjord transect. Hydroid diversity differed significantly between sites located in the vicinity of glaciers fronts in glaciated bays and sites comparatively free from glacier disturbance. Glacial disturbance results in low frequencies of occurrence and high levels of rarity of hydroids at sites located close to glacier fronts. The species richness of hydroids colonizing the hard substrate elements present in deeper subtidal decreases along the fjord axis (i.e., along the glacial sedimentation gradient).  相似文献   

Cholinergic mechanism in Liriope tetraphylla (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crude whole body homogenates of Liriope tetraphylla exhibit a cholinesterase particularly active on acetylthiocholine but not on butyrylthiocholine. The acetylthiocholine hydrolysis is completely blocked by neostigmine. The Michaelis-Menten constant for acetylthiocholine is 0.14 mM. The pharmacological analysis of the responses to the choline esters nicotine and atropine suggests the involvement in Liriope tetraphylla of a cholinergic mechanism in the pointing reflex. Butyrylcholine, nicotine and atropine (but not muscarinic agonists) caused the contraction of the subumbrellar radial muscles. The effects of atropine were dose-dependent and were depressed in competition with muscarinic agonists. MgCl2 interfered with the action of atropine. The results were explained by suggesting the existence, at least at the neuromuscular junction, of excitatory (nicotinic) and inhibitory (muscarinic) pre-synaptic receptors modulating the release of the (unknown) transmitter acting post-synaptically.  相似文献   

The diversity of hydrozoan life cycles, as manifested in the wide range of polyp, colony, and medusa morphologies, has been appreciated for centuries. Unraveling the complex history of characters involved in this diversity is critical for understanding the processes driving hydrozoan evolution. In this study, we use a phylogenetic approach to investigate the evolution of morphological characters in Hydrozoa. A molecular phylogeny is reconstructed using ribosomal DNA sequence data. Several characters involving polyp, colony, and medusa morphology are coded in the terminal taxa. These characters are mapped onto the phylogeny and then the ancestral character states are reconstructed. This study confirms the complex evolutionary history of hydrozoan morphological characters. Many of the characters involving polyp, colony, and medusa morphology appear as synapomorphies for major hydrozoan clades, yet homoplasy is commonplace.  相似文献   

The Christmas tree hydroid Pennaria disticha is listed as one of the most common introduced species in Hawaii. Firstly reported in Kaneohe Bay (Oahu) in 1928, it is now established throughout the entire archipelago, including the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, a U.S. National Monument and World Heritage site. The Hawaiian population of P. disticha has also been reported as being the source of further introductions to Palmyra Atoll in the U.S. Line Islands. Using a phylogenetic hypothesis based on a 611 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial 16S barcoding gene, we demonstrate that P. disticha is a complex of cryptic species, rather than one species with cosmopolitan distribution. We also show that in Hawaii there are three species of Pennaria, rather than one introduced species. Two of these species share haplotypes with specimens from distant locations such as Florida and Panama and may have been introduced, possibly from the Atlantic Ocean. A third species could either represent a lineage with nearly cosmopolitan distribution, or another introduced species. Our dataset refutes the widely accepted idea that only one lineage of P. disticha is present in Hawaii. On the contrary, P. disticha in Hawaii may be the outcome of multiple independent introductions of several morphologically undistinguishable cryptic lineages. Our results uncover an unsuspected complexity within the very common hydroid P. disticha, and highlight the need for routine use of molecular tools, such as DNA barcoding, to improve the identification and recognition of non-indigenous species.  相似文献   

Microboring or euendolithic microorganisms, which colonize and penetrate various carbonate substrates, are abundant in coral reef ecosystems and play a major role in reef carbonate dissolution. A few studies reported the presence of euendoliths in stylasterid coral skeletons but the biological identity, distribution and abundance of these microorganisms remain largely unknown. Observations of over 100 stylasterid colonies, collected in the Indo-Pacific area, revealed for the first time that the association between these corals and euendolith organisms appears to be quite common in shallow tropical waters. The most abundant euendolith was identified as a cryptic stage in the development of the rhodophyte Porphyra (Conchocelis stage). The euendoliths were observed in the skeletons of seven species of three genera (four Stylaster, two Distichopora and one Lepidotheca). The presence of euendoliths inside skeletons conferred a particular colour to the studied stylasterid corals. Distribution and abundance of microborings varied significantly among stylasterid species and among branches of a single colony and so did the colour of their skeletons. Colonization of skeletons and the associated colour distribution were almost uniform in some stylasterids, forming an upward gradually diminishing or sharply limited gradient. This study shows that patterns of euendolith colonization and growth in stylasterid skeletons may depend on the stage of the euendolith development as well as on their environmental requirements such as light exposure.  相似文献   

Twenty-two species of benthic hydroids, belonging to ten families and 14 genera, were found in a hydroid collection obtained in the Balleny Islands during the BioRoss expedition with the NIWA research vessel Tangaroa in 2004. Twenty of those species constitute new records for the Balleny Islands, raising the total number of known species in the area to 25. Most are members of the subclass Leptothecata, although the subclass Anthoathecata is also relatively well represented. Kirchenpaueriidae and Sertulariidae constitute families with the greatest numbers of species in the collection, with five species (20%) each. Oswaldella with five species (20%) and Staurotheca with four (16%), were the most diverse genera. Twelve species (63%) are endemic to Antarctic waters, most of them with a circum-Antarctic distribution, and 17 (89%) are restricted to Antarctic or Antarctic/sub-Antarctic waters. Although the Balleny Islands hydroid fauna seems to be a typical Antarctic assemblage, it has some striking peculiarities, namely the absence or low representation of some typical and widespread Antarctic genera (Antarctoscyphus and Schizotricha/Symplectoscyphus, respectively).  相似文献   

A previously unknown association between a luminous bacterium, Vibrio harveyi, and a benthic hydrozoan, Aglaophenia octodonta, is described. Aglaophenia hydrocladia showed a clear fluorescence in the folds along the hydrocaulus and at the base of the hydrotheca, suggesting the presence of luminous bacteria. This hypothesis was confirmed by isolation of luminous bacteria from Aglaophenia homogenates. Phenotypic characterization of bacterial isolates was performed by several morphological, biochemical, and cultural tests, completed with 16S rDNA sequence analysis. All the isolates were referred to a single species: V. harveyi. The association between V. harveyi and A. octodonta has epidemiological as well as ecological significance. Therefore, A. octodonta may function as habitat “islands” providing a unique set of environmental conditions for luminous bacteria colonization, quite different from those already recorded from the plankton for other Vibrio species.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The structure and function of the locomotory system of the anthomedusanPolyorchis montereyensis Skogsberg were studied in detail. Anatomical investigations were carried out primarily on fresh or formalin fixed specimens; histology was done on specimens fixed in Bouin's fluid. Functional analyses were based largely on photography and cinematography.2. Swimming inP. montereyensis involves the alternating antagonistic action of the subumbrellar swimming muscles and the elastic mesoglea.3. The swimming muscle consists of striated contractile elements arranged circularly in four discontinuous subumbrellar sheets and a sheet on the subumbrellar side of the velum. There is also a sheet of radially arranged fibers on the exumbrellar side of the velum. The four subumbrellar sheets are anchored to the bell along the perand interradii.4. The mesogleal skeleton consists of five components: (a) the matrix of the bell mesoglea, (b) optically visible fibers that traverse the bell from gastrodermal lamella to exumbrella, (c) the basement membrane or supporting lamella, (d) a system of joints, and (e) the velar mesoglea.5. The morphology, orientation, and distribution of the mesogleal fibers suggest that their major role is maintaining the radial integrity of the bell during deformation. The amount of stretch in a region of the bell wall during contraction is inversely proportional to the number of fibers per unit area there. In regions of the bell which are not deformed during contraction fibers are sparse or absent.6. Mesogleal volume remains constant during swimming. Locally the mesoglea is subjected to forces of stretch and compression, but the critical element in narrowing the bell involves bending or folding the mesoglea around a series of structural joints. The fulcrum of these joints is anchored to the exumbrella by concentrations of mesogleal fibers. The joints consist of eight adradial regions of highly deformable mesoglea lacking visible fibers. The regions are triangular in cross section and are separated from the remainder of the mesoglea (98–99 % of the total) by the gastrodermal lamella. A circular apical joint is also present.7. Sequential changes in shape and position of the bell relative to a fixed grid during contraction and recovery were measured in order to determine such parameters of swimming as rate of contraction, rate of expulsion of water, change in bell velocity during contraction and recovery, momentum, etc.8. The function of the velum was determined by cinematographic analysis of swimming animals both before and after removal of the velum. In normal swimming the velum serves mainly to constrict the aperture of the bell, thus increasing the velocity of expelled water, and hence increasing the force driving the medusa foward. Medusae swam with a greatly decreased velocity after velum removal.9. Turning is accomplished primarily by asymmetrical contraction of the exumbrellar velar radial muscles, whereby the velar aperture is displaced to one side, water is expelled obliquely, and the bell turns toward that same side. The ability to turn was lost after velum removal.10. Studies of the relationship between individual size and the various parameters of swimming inP. montereyensis show that: (a) the duration of the contraction phase of the swimming beat is roughly proportional to the square root of the subumbrellar circumference (or bell height); (b) smaller individuals swim faster relative to their bell height than do larger ones; (c) the velum is relatively better developed in small animals and plays a proportionately more important role during swimming.
Struktur und Funktion des lokomotorischen Systems vonPolyorchis montereyensis (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa)
Kurzfassung Mit Hilfe histologischer und kinematographischer Methoden wurden Bau und Funktion des lokomotorischen Systems der AnthomedusePolyorchis montereyensis Skogsberg analysiert. Die Schwimmbewegungen resultieren aus der antagonistischen Wirkung der Muskulatur der Subumbrella und der elastischen Mesogloea. Struktur, Anordnung, Verteilung und Verankerung der Muskelzellen werden beschrieben. Die Körperschicht der Mesogloea besteht aus 5 Komponenten mit Skelettfunktion: der Matrix der Schirmmesogloea, einem System von Muskelfasern, der Stützlamelle, acht adradialen Verbindungssträngen von stark deformierbarer, fibrillenloser Mesogloea und der Mesogloea des Velums. Die Fribrillen und Verbindungsstränge der Mesogloea bewirken, daß die Schirmglocke während der Kontraktion deformiert werden kann. Die Funktion des Velums sowie die kontinuierlichen Veränderungen der Glocke in bezug auf Form und Lage während des Schwimmvorgangs, insbesondere die Geschwindigkeit der Kontraktion, des Wasserausstoßes und der Fortbewegung bei Individuen verschiedener Größe, wurden eingehend untersucht. Kleinere Medusen schwimmen relativ schneller als größere, was hauptsächlich auf stärkere Kontraktionen des Velums zurückzuführen ist.

The morphology and histology of the planula larva ofEudendrium racemosum (Cavolini) and its metamorphosis into the primary polyp are described from light microscopic observations. The planula hatches as a differentiated gastrula. During the lecithotrophic larval period, large ectodermal mucous cells, embedded between epitheliomuscular cells, secrete a sticky slime. Two granulated cell types occur in the ectoderm that are interpreted as secretory and sensorynervous cells, but might also be representatives of only one cell type with a multiple function. The entoderm consists of yolk-storing gastrodermal cells, digestive gland cells, interstitial cells, cnidoblasts, and premature cnidocytes. The larva starts metamorphosis by affixing its blunt aboral pole to a substratum. While the planula flattens down, the mucous cells penetrate the mesolamella and migrate through the entoderm into the gastral cavity where they are lysed. Subsequently, interstitial cells, cnidoblasts, and premature cnidocytes migrate in the opposite direction, i.e. from entoderm to ectoderm. Then, the polypoid body organization, comprising head (hydranth), stem and foot, all covered by peridermal secretion, becomes recognisable. An oral constriction divides the hypostomal portion of the gastral cavity from the stomachic portion. Within the hypostomal entoderm, cells containing secretory granules differentiate. Following growth and the multiplication of tentacles, the head periderm disappears. A ring of gland cells differentiates at the hydranth's base. The positioning of cnidae in the tentacle ectoderm, penetration of the mouth opening and the multiplication of digestive gland cells enable the polyp to change from lecithotrophic to planktotrophic nutrition.  相似文献   

Summary Blastomeres of two-cell, four-cell, and eight-cell embryos of Hydractinia echinata were injected with horseradish-peroxidase (HRP) or fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dextran. The fate of the descendants of the injected blastomeres was followed until the planula larva had developed. The results obtained after HRP or FITC-dextran injection were essentially the same. Blastomeres are equivalent up to the four-cell stage, i.e. half-blastomeres produce half of the ectoderm of the planula larva and quarter-blastomeres give rise to one quarter of the larval ectoderm. During normal embryogenesis, the larval anterior-posterior axis corresponds to the animal-vegetal axis of the zygote. Thus, the labelled areas of larvae consisting of the progeny of injected half or quarter blastomeres normally stretch along the larval anterior-posterior axis. Normally, material giving rise to anterior or posterior larval parts, respectively, is separated at the third cleavage. Irrespective of the type of experiment, the progeny of injected blastomeres always contributed to endoderm formation, i.e. in larvae resulting from injected embryos the endoderm was more or less uniformly labelled. Application of vital stains locally to the exterior of zygotes and following these markers through first and second cleavage, produced evidence that in the vast majority of cases, the second cleavage is meridional. Offprint requests to: A. Schlawny  相似文献   

Serotonin is a widespread neurotransmitter which is present in almost all animal phyla including lower metazoans such as Cnidaria. Serotonin detected in the polyps of several cnidarian species participates in the functioning of a neural system. It was suggested that serotonin coordinates polyp behavior. For example, serotonin may be involved in muscle contraction and/or cnidocyte discharge. However, the role of serotonin in cnidarians is not revealed completely yet. The aim of this study was to investigate the neural system of Cladonema radiatum polyps. We detected the net of serotonin-positive processes within the whole hydranth body using anti-serotonin antibodies. The hypostome and tentacles had denser neural net in comparison with the gastric region. Electron microscopy revealed muscle processes throughout the hydranth body. Neural processes with specific vesicles and neurotubules in their cytoplasm were also shown at an ultrastructural level. This work demonstrates the structure of serotonin-positive neural system and smooth muscle layer in C. radiatum hydranths.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial ribosomal gene sequences were used to investigate the status of several populations of hydromedusae belonging to the genus Turritopsis (family Oceaniidae). Several nominal species have been described for this genus, but most of them had been synonymized and attributed to one cosmopolitan species, Turritopsis nutricula . A recent revision based on morphological and reproductive characters, however, has shown that many different populations can be distinguished and that several of the nominal Turritopsis species are likely valid biological species. Our investigation using molecular sequence data of 16S mitochondrial gene confirms these results. The Mediterranean Turritopsis must be attributed to Turritopsis dohrnii and the Turritopsis of New Zealand must be referred to Turritopsis rubra . The situation of the Japanese Turritopsis is more complex, though all sampled populations are clearly distinct from T. nutricula , a species likely confined to the Western Atlantic. The Japanese Turritopsis fall into three widely separated lineages. One of them, corresponding likely to Turritopsis pacifica , is closely related to T. rubra . A second clade, which potentially represents an as yet undescribed species, produces smaller medusae than T. pacifica and is morphologically distinguishable from it. Finally, a third group was distinguished by a single haplotype sequence that is identical with a Mediterranean sample of T. dohrnii . It is postulated that the last group of Japanese Turritopsis is likely a recent introduction, most probably by human activity. A survey of all known and potentially valid Turritopsis species is given in table format to facilitate identifications and future revisory work.  相似文献   

Hydroids in the genus Zanclea are a recently discovered component of the fauna associated with reef‐building corals. The phylogenetic relationships among these species are not well known. The present work is based on field surveys in the Republic of Maldives, and for the first time, morphological and molecular analyses are integrated to distinguish a new hydroid species and provide new information on the ecology of this symbiosis. This new hydroid, Zanclea gallii sp. n., was associated with the scleractinian Acropora muricata; it was living sympatrically with its congener Zanclea sango, which was observed for the first time at this locality on the new scleractinian host Pavona varians. The relationships between these two hydroids and other available scleractinian‐associated Zanclea were investigated using two molecular markers, nuclear 28S rDNA and mitochondrial 16S rRNA. Zanclea gallii sp. n. and Z. sango were recovered as distinct lineages within a monophyletic group of scleractinian‐associated Zanclea based on both molecular and morphological data. All Zanclea species that were observed living in association with scleractinians belong to the ‘polymorpha group’ and share the morphological characteristic ‘polymorphic colony’. The genus Leptoseris is the 16th host coral identified for Zanclea. Compared with the frequency of the Z. gallii sp. n. association with A. muricata and Z. sango with the scleractinian P. varians, the latter is twice as common; however, the former exhibited higher Zanclea polyps concentrations over the colony surface. Overall, the Zanclea survey indicates that these diminutive hydroids are more commonly associated with coral than previously known.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven species of benthic hydroids have been found in a small collection from off Bouvet Island (Antarctic Ocean). The material was obtained during the XXI/2 German Antarctic expedition with R.V. Polarstern 2003–2004. Of the 27 species collected, 21 were unknown from those waters. Consequently, the number of known species of benthic hydroids from the area has risen to 32, representing a high diversity location for this group in the Southern Ocean considering the sampling effort made. All species, including those previously known from Bouvet waters, are considered with respect to geographical distribution.The present work is an addition to the special issue “Macrobenthic studies at Bouvet island”, presenting work carried out from on board RV Polarstern in 2003/2004 and published in Polar Biology 29 (2006)  相似文献   

Large, free-floating crystals of calcium carbonate occur in vacuoles of gastrodermal cells of the hydroid Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus. Here, morphological details about the process by which these cells accumulate and sequester calcium are provided by a cytochemical method designed to demonstrate calcium at the ultrastructural level. Electron-dense material presumably indicative of the presence of calcium was EGTA-sensitive and was shown by parallel electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy spectroscopic imaging (ESI) to contain calcium. Calcium occurred in only one cell type, the endodermally derived gastrodermal cell. In these cells, the electron-dense material appeared first as a fine precipitate in the cytosol and nucleus and later as larger deposits and aggregates in the vacuole. During the life cycle, gastrodermal cells of the uninduced planula and the planula during metamorphic induction sequestered calcium. In primary polyps and polyps from established colonies, gastrodermal cells sequestered calcium, but the endodermal secretory cells did not. Our observations support the hypothesis that gastrodermal cells function as a physiological sink for calcium that enters the organism in conjunction with calcium-requiring processes such as motility, secretion, and metamorphosis.  相似文献   

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