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In bats, the wing membrane is anchored not only to the body and forelimb, but also to the hindlimb. This attachment configuration gives bats the potential to modulate wing shape by moving the hindlimb, such as by joint movement at the hip or knee. Such movements could modulate lift, drag, or the pitching moment. In this study we address: 1) how the ankle translates through space during the wingbeat cycle; 2) whether amplitude of ankle motion is dependent upon flight speed; 3) how tension in the wing membrane pulls the ankle; and 4) whether wing membrane tension is responsible for driving ankle motion. We flew five individuals of the lesser dog-faced fruit bat, Cynopterus brachyotis (Family: Pteropodidae), in a wind tunnel and documented kinematics of the forelimb, hip, ankle, and trailing edge of the wing membrane. Based on kinematic analysis of hindlimb and forelimb movements, we found that: 1) during downstroke, the ankle moved ventrally and during upstroke the ankle moved dorsally; 2) there was considerable variation in amplitude of ankle motion, but amplitude did not correlate significantly with flight speed; 3) during downstroke, tension generated by the wing membrane acted to pull the ankle dorsally, and during upstroke, the wing membrane pulled laterally when taut and dorsally when relatively slack; and 4) wing membrane tension generally opposed dorsoventral ankle motion. We conclude that during forward flight in C. brachyotis, wing membrane tension does not power hindlimb motion; instead, we propose that hindlimb movements arise from muscle activity and/or inertial effects.  相似文献   

为了研究地标(landmarks)是否影响犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx)的空间记忆,我们通过室内模拟试验研究犬蝠和地标在觅食过程中空间记忆形成的关系。实验组按照每天地标数分别为0、2、4、8、0的数目连续进行5天实验,对照组不设地标进行相同条件的实验。结果显示,两组犬蝠第一次取食所用的时间与实验天数之间极显著相关(Pearson Correlations: 实验组r=-0.593, P<0.01;对照组r=-0.581, P<0.01);实验组取食成功率与实验天数之间无明显相关性(Pearson Correlations: r=0.177, P>0.05);对照组取食成功率与实验天数之间显著相关(Pearson Correlations: r=0.445, P<0.05)。实验组与对照组犬蝠第一次取食的时间差异不显著(GLM: F0.05,1=4.703, P>0.05),两组间取食的成功率差异也不显著(GLM: F0.05,1=0.849, P>0.05)。这些结果说明了随着时间增加,犬蝠对取食地的空间记忆逐渐形成,放置地标在犬蝠对取食地空间记忆形成的过程中无显著影响。  相似文献   

Effective population size (N e) quantifies the effects of micro-evolutionary processes and the rate of loss of genetic diversity in a population. Several demographic and mating parameters reduce N e. Theoretical studies elucidate the impacts of various demographic and mating system parameters on N e, while empirical studies illustrate realized N e for species with differing life histories and mating systems. However, effect of intra-specific variation in mating system on effective size remains largely unexplored. In this paper we investigated the effect of promiscuous and polygynous mating on N e in two wild populations of the short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx. N e/N (ratio of effective population size to census size) was lower than unity in both populations, and much lower for the polygynous population compared to promiscuous population. Elasticity analyses reveal that N e/N was sensitive to deviations in the sex ratio. Variance in female reproductive success had a higher impact on N e compared to variance in male reproductive success in the promiscuous population. However, for the polygynous population, impact of variance in male reproductive success on N e was higher than that of variance in female reproductive success. Our results suggest that depending on mating system, different populations of the same species could have alternate evolutionary trajectories. The rate of loss of genetic diversity would be lower for the promiscuous population compared to the polygynous population. Our study is the first to highlight which parameters would most significantly impact population specific N e under different mating systems.  相似文献   

The short-nosed fruit bat Cynopterus sphinx (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) constructs shelters by severing stems of the curtain creeper, Vernonia scandens, and stems and leaves of the mast tree, Polyalthia longifolia, creating partially enclosed cavities (stem tents) in which to roost. Our observations indicate that the construction and maintenance of stem tents are primarily, if not exclusively, the behaviour of single males. A stem tent is formed in V. scandens when a single male C. sphinx severs up to 300 small- to medium-sized stems creating a partially flattened, bell-shaped cavity, and in P. longifolia when a male severs a few medium- to small-sized branches and many leaf petioles, creating an entry/exit portal and space in which to roost. A tent constructed in V. scandens is completed in approximately 30 d, whereas one in P. longifolia is completed in about 50 d. Stem-tent construction takes place mostly at night, but some stem chewing occurs in late afternoon. At night a stem tent is occupied by a single male, whereas females are usually absent. During the day the number of bats occupying completed tents is highly variable, ranging from two to 19 females (and their pups) and a single adult male. Tent construction is annually bimodal, which corresponds to a biannual breeding season. A dominant male sometimes deposits saliva on branches inside his tent cavity and actively defends this space from intrusions by other males. Both behaviours suggest forms of scent marking and territorial display. Our observations indicate that dominant males construct tents, recruit females and then defend the tents (and their female occupants) for the purpose of gaining reproductive access. The variance in harem group size indicates that some tent-making males are more successful than others in recruiting females.  相似文献   

When both sexes mate with multiple partners, theory predicts that males should adjust their investment in ejaculates in response to the risk and/or intensity of sperm competition. Here, we demonstrate that, in the harlequin beetle riding pseudoscorpion, Cordylochernes scorpioides, males use cues deposited on females by previous males to distinguish between virgin, once‐mated, and multiply‐mated females and adjust sperm allocation accordingly. Sperm number declined in direct proportion to the number of previous males, with virgin females receiving nearly three times more sperm than females exposed to three previous males. Given the lack of first‐male sperm precedence in C. scorpioides, this pattern is not consistent with current sperm competition models and appears best explained by a significant risk of wasting ejaculates on deceitful, mated females. In C. scorpioides, males transfer sperm indirectly to females via a stalked spermatophore deposited on the substrate. Mated females often feign sexual receptivity and cooperate throughout mating, only to reject the sperm packet produced by the male. While indirect sperm transfer facilitates a high level of female deceit and control, females of many species are able to influence the number and fate of sperm transferred during copulation and are likely to conceal their sexual unreceptivity to minimize male retaliation. If males cannot accurately assess female receptivity, increased risk of sperm rejection by mated females could outweigh the risk of sperm competition and favor greater sperm allocation to virgin females.  相似文献   

Detection of zoonotic pathogens carried by bats is important both for understanding disease ecology and for developing preventive measures. Pteropus fruit bats have been identified as potential carriers of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi. A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of Salmonella Typhi and other Salmonella serotypes in Pteropus giganteus fruit bats in Bangladesh. Rectal swabs were collected from 302 bats and cultured for Salmonella species. The bats were trapped in three districts (Faridpur, Rajbari, and Cox’s Bazar). Salmonella Typhi was not found but one juvenile female bat from Faridpur district was positive for Salmonella Virchow. Close associations between frugivorous bats, humans, and livestock in rural Bangladesh make it likely that the bat was infected by consuming contaminated water.  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - Environmental enrichment induces behavioral and structural modifications in rodents and influences the capability of mice to cope with stress. However, little is understood...  相似文献   

Adult females of Meloidogyne incognita were excised from tomato roots and incubated in 0.04 M phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.4 for 18-72 hours to allow accumulation of stylet exudate. Twenty-four percent of the females produced exudate during the initial 18-hour incubation period; 70% of those females producing exudate initially produced additional exudate during the subsequent 54-hour incubation period. Analysis of exudate by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed the presence of at least nine major protein bands. Differential staining with silver and Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 stains indicated that three of the bands were glycoproteins. Upon acid hydrolysis, 14 amino acids were detected in the stylet exudate. The basic amino acids lysine, histidine, and arginine comprised 21.8% of the total amino acids detected. No peroxidase activity was detected in the stylet exudates. Data presented extend and generally confirm prior work on the chemical composition of stylet exudate.  相似文献   

The male bias in autism spectrum conditions (ASC) has led to females with ASC being under-researched. This lack of attention to females could hide variability due to sex that may explain some of the heterogeneity within ASC. In this study we investigate four key cognitive domains (mentalizing and emotion perception, executive function, perceptual attention to detail, and motor function) in ASC, to test for similarities and differences between males and females with and without ASC (n = 128 adults; n = 32 per group). In the mentalizing and facial emotion perception domain, males and females with ASC showed similar deficits compared to neurotypical controls. However, in attention to detail and dexterity involving executive function, although males with ASC showed poorer performance relative to neurotypical males, females with ASC performed comparably to neurotypical females. We conclude that performance in the social-cognitive domain is equally impaired in male and female adults with ASC. However, in specific non-social cognitive domains, performance within ASC depends on sex. This suggests that in specific domains, cognitive profiles in ASC are modulated by sex.  相似文献   

Sex steroids are well known for their reproductive actions, however, their roles are not confined to reproduction only and they have been shown to exert wide ranging effects on systemic physiology. Further, the effects of the so-called male and female sex steroids are not limited to their respective genders but they are present in both sexes where they have a significant impact upon systemic functions, reproductive as well as non-reproductive. This work reviews the existing knowledge base and recent reports on the effects of sex steroids on non-reproductive physiology.  相似文献   



To investigate whether there is a sex difference in exercise induced muscle damage.

Materials and Method

Vastus Lateralis and patella tendon properties were measured in males and females using ultrasonography. During maximal voluntary eccentric knee extensions (12 reps x 6 sets), Vastus Lateralis fascicle lengthening and maximal voluntary eccentric knee extensions torque were recorded every 10° of knee joint angle (20–90°). Isometric torque, Creatine Kinase and muscle soreness were measured pre, post, 48, 96 and 168 hours post damage as markers of exercise induced muscle damage.


Patella tendon stiffness and Vastus Lateralis fascicle lengthening were significantly higher in males compared to females (p<0.05). There was no sex difference in isometric torque loss and muscle soreness post exercise induced muscle damage (p>0.05). Creatine Kinase levels post exercise induced muscle damage were higher in males compared to females (p<0.05), and remained higher when maximal voluntary eccentric knee extension torque, relative to estimated quadriceps anatomical cross sectional area, was taken as a covariate (p<0.05).


Based on isometric torque loss, there is no sex difference in exercise induced muscle damage. The higher Creatine Kinase in males could not be explained by differences in maximal voluntary eccentric knee extension torque, Vastus Lateralis fascicle lengthening and patella tendon stiffness. Further research is required to understand the significant sex differences in Creatine Kinase levels following exercise induced muscle damage.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been proposed that through sexual imprinting on their parents, young birds learn to discriminate between males and females. Support for this suggestion was given by a study on zebra-finch males Taniopygia guttata, which showed that males of this species develop a strong sexual preference for mother-like females over father-like females. The present study investigates whether zebra-finch females also develop a sexual preference for mates resembling the opposite-sex parent. The females used had been raised either by normal pairs, by white pairs or by pairs of both morphs. The preferences were tested by confronting these females with normal and white males, both in simultaneous two-stimulus tests and successive one-stimulus tests. In contrast to males, females raised by a pair of mixed-morph parents did not show a preference for mating partners of the opposite-sex-parent's morph. Instead, they showed a preference for males of the mother's plumage type. It is suggested that the difference in which sexual imprinting proceeds in males and females may be related to the different role each sex plays in the pair formation.  相似文献   

Lower body eccentric exercise is well known to elicit high levels of muscular force with relatively low cardiovascular and metabolic strain. As a result, eccentric exercise has been successfully utilised as an adaptive stressor to improve lower body muscle function in populations ranging from the frail and debilitated, to highly-trained individuals. Here we investigate the metabolic, cardiorespiratory, and energy costs of upper body eccentric exercise in a healthy population. Seven men and seven women performed 4-min efforts of eccentric (ECC) or concentric (CON) arm cycling on a novel arm ergometer at workloads corresponding to 40, 60, and 80% of their peak workload as assessed in an incremental concentric trial. The heart rate, ventilation, cardiac output, respiratory exchange ratio, and blood lactate concentrations were all clearly greater in CON condition at all of the relative workloads (all p<0.003). Effect size calculations demonstrated that the magnitude of the differences in VO2 and work economy between the ECC and CON exercise ranged from very large to extremely large; however, in no case did mechanical efficiency (ηMECH) differ between the conditions (all p>0.05). In contrast, delta efficiency (ηΔ), as previously defined by Coyle and colleagues in 1992, demonstrated a sex difference (men>women; p<0.05). Sex differences were also apparent in arteriovenous oxygen difference and heart rate during CON. Here, we reinforce the high-force, low cost attributes of eccentric exercise which can be generalised to the muscles of the upper body. Upper body eccentric exercise is likely to form a useful adjunct in debilitative, rehabilitative, and adaptive clinical exercise programs; however, reports of a shift towards an oxidative phenotype should be taken into consideration by power athletes. We suggest delta efficiency as a sensitive measure of efficiency that allowed the identification of sex differences.  相似文献   

Transmission is a matter of life or death for pathogen lineages and can therefore be considered as the main motor of their evolution. Gammaherpesviruses are archetypal pathogenic persistent viruses which have evolved to be transmitted in presence of specific immune response. Identifying their mode of transmission and their mechanisms of immune evasion is therefore essential to develop prophylactic and therapeutic strategies against these infections. As the known human gammaherpesviruses, Epstein-Barr virus and Kaposi''s Sarcoma-associated Herpesvirus are host-specific and lack a convenient in vivo infection model; related animal gammaherpesviruses, such as murine gammaherpesvirus-68 (MHV-68), are commonly used as general models of gammaherpesvirus infections in vivo. To date, it has however never been possible to monitor viral excretion or virus transmission of MHV-68 in laboratory mice population. In this study, we have used MHV-68 associated with global luciferase imaging to investigate potential excretion sites of this virus in laboratory mice. This allowed us to identify a genital excretion site of MHV-68 following intranasal infection and latency establishment in female mice. This excretion occurred at the external border of the vagina and was dependent on the presence of estrogens. However, MHV-68 vaginal excretion was not associated with vertical transmission to the litter or with horizontal transmission to female mice. In contrast, we observed efficient virus transmission to naïve males after sexual contact. In vivo imaging allowed us to show that MHV-68 firstly replicated in penis epithelium and corpus cavernosum before spreading to draining lymph nodes and spleen. All together, those results revealed the first experimental transmission model for MHV-68 in laboratory mice. In the future, this model could help us to better understand the biology of gammaherpesviruses and could also allow the development of strategies that could prevent the spread of these viruses in natural populations.  相似文献   

In monogamous mammals it is often unclear why males do not defend larger territories to attract more than one female. I investigated the territoriality of the monogamous Kirk's dikdik, Madoqua kirki, a dwarf antelope, in which food resources increase with territory size and some males defend enough resources for more than one female. Yet, all males are paired monogamously. When males were removed from small territories, their female partners spent more time outside of their territories than females in large ones. When females were removed, their male partners almost never left. Pairs in small territories spent more time together than pairs in large ones. Paired males left mostly together with their females, apparently not on their own initiative. Presumably because females in small territories left more often, their males spent more time outside in the female's company than males in large territories. I argue that males in smaller territories can keep better track of their females and that they can effectively reduce their females' time outside. Male intrusion pressure was unrelated to territory size, but it increased in the presence of unguarded females. If large territories decrease the ability to mate guard, and if unguarded females attract competing males, then defending large territories may be uneconomical, even it they could attract more than one female. On the other hand, territories must be large enough to satisfy the requirements of a single female.  相似文献   

The psychostimulants d-amphetamine (AMPH) and methamphetamine (METH) release excess dopamine (DA) into the synaptic clefts of dopaminergic neurons. Abnormal DA release is thought to occur by reverse transport through the DA transporter (DAT), and it is believed to underlie the severe behavioral effects of these drugs. Here we compare structurally similar AMPH and METH on DAT function in a heterologous expression system and in an animal model. In the in vitro expression system, DAT-mediated whole-cell currents were greater for METH stimulation than for AMPH. At the same voltage and concentration, METH released five times more DA than AMPH and did so at physiological membrane potentials. At maximally effective concentrations, METH released twice as much [Ca2+]i from internal stores compared with AMPH. [Ca2+]i responses to both drugs were independent of membrane voltage but inhibited by DAT antagonists. Intact phosphorylation sites in the N-terminal domain of DAT were required for the AMPH- and METH-induced increase in [Ca2+]i and for the enhanced effects of METH on [Ca2+]i elevation. Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and protein kinase C inhibitors alone or in combination also blocked AMPH- or METH-induced Ca2+ responses. Finally, in the rat nucleus accumbens, in vivo voltammetry showed that systemic application of METH inhibited DAT-mediated DA clearance more efficiently than AMPH, resulting in excess external DA. Together these data demonstrate that METH has a stronger effect on DAT-mediated cell physiology than AMPH, which may contribute to the euphoric and addictive properties of METH compared with AMPH.The dopamine transporter (DAT)3 is a main target for psychostimulants, such as d-amphetamine (AMPH), methamphetamine (METH), cocaine (COC), and methylphenidate (Ritalin®). DAT is the major clearance mechanism for synaptic dopamine (DA) (1) and thereby regulates the strength and duration of dopaminergic signaling. AMPH and METH are substrates for DAT and competitively inhibit DA uptake (2, 3) and release DA through reverse transport (49). AMPH- and METH-induced elevations in extracellular DA result in complex neurochemical changes and profound psychiatric effects (2, 1016). Despite their structural and pharmacokinetic similarities, a recent National Institute on Drug Abuse report describes METH as a more potent stimulant than AMPH with longer lasting effects at comparable doses (17). Although the route of METH administration and its availability must contribute to the almost four times higher lifetime nonmedical use of METH compared with AMPH (18), there may also be differences in the mechanisms that underlie the actions of these two drugs on the dopamine transporter.Recent studies by Joyce et al. (19) have shown that compared with d-AMPH alone, the combination of d- and l-AMPH in Adderall® significantly prolonged the time course of extracellular DA in vivo. These experiments demonstrate that subtle structural features of AMPH, such as chirality, can affect its action on dopamine transporters. Here we investigate whether METH, a more lipophilic analog of AMPH, affects DAT differently than AMPH, particularly in regard to stimulated DA efflux.METH and AMPH have been reported as equally effective in increasing extracellular DA levels in rodent dorsal striatum (dSTR), nucleus accumbens (NAc) (10, 14, 20), striatal synaptosomes, and DAT-expressing cells in vitro (3, 6). John and Jones (21), however, have recently shown in mouse striatal and substantia nigra slices, that AMPH is a more potent inhibitor of DA uptake than METH. On the other hand, in synaptosomes METH inhibits DA uptake three times more effectively than AMPH (14), and in DAT-expressing COS-7 cells, METH releases DA more potently than AMPH (EC50 = 0.2 μm for METH versus EC50 = 1.7 μm for AMPH) (5). However, these differences do not hold up under all conditions. For example, in a study utilizing C6 cells, the disparity between AMPH and METH was not found (12).The variations in AMPH and METH data extend to animal models. AMPH- and METH-mediated behavior has been reported as similar (22), lower (20), or higher (23) for AMPH compared with METH. Furthermore, although the maximal locomotor activation response was less for METH than for AMPH at a lower dose (2 mg/kg, intraperitoneal), both drugs decreased locomotor activity at a higher dose (4 mg/kg) (20). In contrast, in the presence of a salient stimuli, METH is more potent in increasing the overall magnitude of locomotor activity in rats yet is equipotent with AMPH in the absence of these stimuli (23).The simultaneous regulation of DA uptake and efflux by DAT substrates such as AMPH and METH, as well as the voltage dependence of DAT (24), may confound the interpretation of existing data describing the action of these drugs. Our biophysical approaches allowed us to significantly decrease the contribution of DA uptake and more accurately determine DAT-mediated DA efflux with millisecond time resolution. We have thus exploited time-resolved, whole-cell voltage clamp in combination with in vitro and in vivo microamperometry and Ca2+ imaging to compare the impact of METH and AMPH on DAT function and determine the consequence of these interactions on cell physiology.We find that near the resting potential, METH is more effective than AMPH in stimulating DAT to release DA. In addition, at efficacious concentrations METH generates more current, greater DA efflux, and higher Ca2+ release from internal stores than AMPH. Both METH-induced or the lesser AMPH-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ are independent of membrane potential. The additional Ca2+ response induced by METH requires intact phosphorylation sites in the N-terminal domain of DAT. Finally, our in vivo voltammetry data indicate that METH inhibits clearance of locally applied DA more effectively than AMPH in the rat nucleus accumbens, which plays an important role in reward and addiction, but not in the dorsal striatum, which is involved in a variety of cognitive functions. Taken together these data imply that AMPH and METH have distinguishable effects on DAT that can be shown both at the molecular level and in vivo, and are likely to be implicated in the relative euphoric and addictive properties of these two psychostimulants.  相似文献   

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