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Grapheme-color synesthesia is a condition where the perception of graphemes consistently and automatically evokes an experience of non-physical color. Many have studied how synesthesia affects the processing of achromatic graphemes, but less is known about the synesthetic processing of physically colored graphemes. Here, we investigated how the visual processing of colored letters is affected by the congruence or incongruence of synesthetic grapheme-color associations. We briefly presented graphemes (10–150 ms) to 9 grapheme-color synesthetes and to 9 control observers. Their task was to report as many letters (targets) as possible, while ignoring digit (distractors). Graphemes were either congruently or incongruently colored with the synesthetes’ reported grapheme-color association. A mathematical model, based on Bundesen’s (1990) Theory of Visual Attention (TVA), was fitted to each observer’s data, allowing us to estimate discrete components of visual attention. The models suggested that the synesthetes processed congruent letters faster than incongruent ones, and that they were able to retain more congruent letters in visual short-term memory, while the control group’s model parameters were not significantly affected by congruence. The increase in processing speed, when synesthetes process congruent letters, suggests that synesthesia affects the processing of letters at a perceptual level. To account for the benefit in processing speed, we propose that synesthetic associations become integrated into the categories of graphemes, and that letter colors are considered as evidence for making certain perceptual categorizations in the visual system. We also propose that enhanced visual short-term memory capacity for congruently colored graphemes can be explained by the synesthetes’ expertise regarding their specific grapheme-color associations.  相似文献   

Stuttering is a complex speech disorder. Previous studies indicate a tendency towards elevated motor threshold for the left hemisphere, as measured using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). This may reflect a monohemispheric motor system impairment. The purpose of the study was to investigate the relative side-to-side difference (asymmetry) and the absolute levels of motor threshold for the hand area, using TMS in adults who stutter (n = 15) and in controls (n = 15). In accordance with the hypothesis, the groups differed significantly regarding the relative side-to-side difference of finger motor threshold (p = 0.0026), with the stuttering group showing higher motor threshold of the left hemisphere in relation to the right. Also the absolute level of the finger motor threshold for the left hemisphere differed between the groups (p = 0.049). The obtained results, together with previous investigations, provide support for the hypothesis that stuttering tends to be related to left hemisphere motor impairment, and possibly to a dysfunctional state of bilateral speech motor control.  相似文献   

Synesthesia, the conscious, idiosyncratic, repeatable, and involuntary sensation of one sensory modality in response to another, is a condition that has puzzled both researchers and philosophers for centuries. Much time has been spent proving the condition’s existence as well as investigating its etiology, but what can be learned from synesthesia remains a poorly discussed topic. Here, synaesthesia is presented as a possible answer rather than a question to the current gaps in our understanding of sensory perception. By first appreciating the similarities between normal sensory perception and synesthesia, one can use what is known about synaesthesia, from behavioral and imaging studies, to inform our understanding of “normal” sensory perception. In particular, in considering synesthesia, one can better understand how and where the different sensory modalities interact in the brain, how different sensory modalities can interact without confusion ― the binding problem ― as well as how sensory perception develops.  相似文献   

In this article, Lindley and Novick criteria of screening usefulness is applied to the statistical assessment of jointly observed screening test. Posterior probabilities comparing screening sensitivities and specificities, and posterior probability bounds to comparing screening predictive values are obtained.  相似文献   

There are many unanswered questions about cerebral lateralization. In particular, it remains unclear which aspects of language and nonverbal ability are lateralized, whether there are any disadvantages associated with atypical patterns of cerebral lateralization, and whether cerebral lateralization develops with age. In the past, researchers interested in these questions tended to use handedness as a proxy measure for cerebral lateralization, but this is unsatisfactory because handedness is only a weak and indirect indicator of laterality of cognitive functions1. Other methods, such as fMRI, are expensive for large-scale studies, and not always feasible with children2.Here we will describe the use of functional transcranial Doppler ultrasound (fTCD) as a cost-effective, non-invasive and reliable method for assessing cerebral lateralization. The procedure involves measuring blood flow in the middle cerebral artery via an ultrasound probe placed just in front of the ear. Our work builds on work by Rune Aaslid, who co-introduced TCD in 1982, and Stefan Knecht, Michael Deppe and their colleagues at the University of Münster, who pioneered the use of simultaneous measurements of left- and right middle cerebral artery blood flow, and devised a method of correcting for heart beat activity. This made it possible to see a clear increase in left-sided blood flow during language generation, with lateralization agreeing well with that obtained using other methods3.The middle cerebral artery has a very wide vascular territory (see Figure 1) and the method does not provide useful information about localization within a hemisphere. Our experience suggests it is particularly sensitive to tasks that involve explicit or implicit speech production. The ''gold standard'' task is a word generation task (e.g. think of as many words as you can that begin with the letter ''B'') 4, but this is not suitable for young children and others with limited literacy skills. Compared with other brain imaging methods, fTCD is relatively unaffected by movement artefacts from speaking, and so we are able to get a reliable result from tasks that involve describing pictures aloud5,6. Accordingly, we have developed a child-friendly task that involves looking at video-clips that tell a story, and then describing what was seen.  相似文献   

Lateralization of olfactory processes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Over the last ten years, methods of cerebral imaging have revolutionized our knowledge of cognitive processes in humans. An impressive number of papers dealing with cerebral imaging for olfaction have been published to date. Whereas the early works revealed those structures participating in the processing of odours presented passively to subjects, researchers later recorded brain activity when subjects performed specific olfactory tasks based on memory, emotion and identification. From these results, we suggest that there is a dissociation of olfactory processes, with involvement of the right hemisphere in memory processes and the left hemisphere in emotional processes. The review concludes with a summary of how these lateralized processes are consistent with the gestalt-nature of our olfactory perception.  相似文献   

Handedness/footedness and side biases are a well-known phenomenon in many animals, including humans. However, these so-called biases have mostly been studied at the population level - individual biases have received less attention, especially with regard to consistency over different tasks. Here we investigate behavioral lateralization in 12 male Budgerigars, Melopsittacus undulatus, a social parrot inhabiting the Australian bushlands. We performed 5 types of experiments to investigate lateralization, in tasks that involved climbing onto a perch, or landing on perches arranged in various configurations. The birds displayed highly significant, individually varying biases. The bias displayed by any particular individual varied with the task, in strength as well as polarity. Analysis of the data revealed that the preferred foot used for climbing did not coincide with the foot that was used while landing. Thus, landing choices are probably not determined by foot bias. Furthermore, these individual preferences were overridden completely when a bird had to perform a task simultaneously with another bird.  相似文献   

Lateralization is a well-described phenomenon in humans and other vertebrates and there are interesting parallels across a variety of different vertebrate species. However, there are only a few studies of lateralization in invertebrates. In a recent report, we showed lateralization of olfactory learning in the honeybee (Apis mellifera). Here, we investigate lateralization of another sensory modality, vision. By training honeybees on a modified version of a visual proboscis extension reflex task, we find that bees learn a colour stimulus better with their right eye.  相似文献   

A biotest kit was used to assess the integral toxicity level of aquatic environment contamination with oil and oil products. The integral toxicity dynamics were also monitored during biodegradation of oil and oil products by an association of oil-degrading strains, including Acinetobacter sp., Mycobacterium flavescens, and Rhodococcussp. The following bacterial tests were used: the bioluminescence (BL) test based on Photobacterium leiognathi; electroorientation (EO), optoosmotic (OO), and growth tests; and the reducing activity (RA) test based on an Agrobacterium radiobacter culture. No significant increase in the integral toxicity level of the aquatic medium was observed when diesel fuel and kerosene contamination had been subjected to biodegradation. Although rapid biotests (EO, OO, RA, and BL) detected a pronounced increase in the integral toxicity of the aquatic environment, long-term growth biotests revealed no statistically significant increase in the toxicity level.  相似文献   

Lateralization of function is a well-known phenomenon in humans. The two hemispheres of the human brain are functionally specialized such that certain cognitive skills, such as language or musical ability, conspecific recognition, and even emotional responses, are mediated by one hemisphere more than the other [1, 2]. Studies over the past 30 years suggest that lateralization occurs in other vertebrate species as well [3-11]. In general, lateralization is observed in different sensory modalities in humans as well as vertebrates, and there are interesting parallels (reviewed in [12]). However, little is known about functional asymmetry in invertebrates [13, 14] and there is only one investigation in insects [15]. Here we show, for the first time, that the honeybee Apis mellifera displays a clear laterality in responding to learned odors. By training honeybees on two different versions of the well-known proboscis extension reflex (PER) paradigm [16, 17], we demonstrate that bees respond to odors better when they are trained through their right antenna. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of asymmetrical learning performance in an insect.  相似文献   

Are visual face processing mechanisms the same in the left and right cerebral hemispheres? The possibility of such ‘duplicated processing’ seems puzzling in terms of neural resource usage, and we currently lack a precise characterization of the lateral differences in face processing. To address this need, we have undertaken a three-pronged approach. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we assessed cortical sensitivity to facial semblance, the modulatory effects of context and temporal response dynamics. Results on all three fronts revealed systematic hemispheric differences. We found that: (i) activation patterns in the left fusiform gyrus correlate with image-level face-semblance, while those in the right correlate with categorical face/non-face judgements. (ii) Context exerts significant excitatory/inhibitory influence in the left, but has limited effect on the right. (iii) Face-selectivity persists in the right even after activity on the left has returned to baseline. These results provide important clues regarding the functional architecture of face processing, suggesting that the left hemisphere is involved in processing ‘low-level’ face semblance, and perhaps is a precursor to categorical ‘deep’ analyses on the right.  相似文献   

Studies in brain-damaged patients indicate that the left hemisphere in right-handers is specialized for controlling cognitive-motor tasks in both arms. Recent functional imaging data support this conclusion, with the finding that ipsilateral, as well as contralateral, movements activate the left, but not the right, motor cortex or associated areas of either hemisphere. Future studies must aspire to identify the mechanisms for this asymmetry.  相似文献   

A method for quantifying the visual distortion of the Poggendorff figure (Jastrow modification) was proposed. Complex relationships of the relative distortion with the gender and the type of hemispheric asymmetry were determined. Females had a more pronounced tendency to be under the illusion than males. However, when the total sample was divided with respect to the pattern of hemispheric asymmetry, this difference was found only in subjects with left-hemispheric dominance in the visuomotor asymmetry, i.e., in right-handers. No difference was found between males and females with right-hemispheric dominance.  相似文献   

The neural processing loop of language is complex but highly associated with Broca''s and Wernicke''s areas. The left dominance of these two areas was the earliest observation of brain asymmetry. It was demonstrated that the language network and its functional asymmetry during resting state were reproducible across institutions. However, the temporal reliability of resting-state language network and its functional asymmetry are still short of knowledge. In this study, we established a seed-based resting-state functional connectivity analysis of language network with seed regions located at Broca''s and Wernicke''s areas, and investigated temporal reliability of language network and its functional asymmetry. The language network was found to be temporally reliable in both short- and long-term. In the aspect of functional asymmetry, the Broca''s area was found to be left lateralized, while the Wernicke''s area is mainly right lateralized. Functional asymmetry of these two areas revealed high short- and long-term reliability as well. In addition, the impact of global signal regression (GSR) on reliability of the resting-state language network was investigated, and our results demonstrated that GSR had negligible effect on the temporal reliability of the resting-state language network. Our study provided methodology basis for future cross-culture and clinical researches of resting-state language network and suggested priority of adopting seed-based functional connectivity for its high reliability.  相似文献   

Ursolic acid (UA) is a plant derived compound which is also a component of the standard human diet. It possesses a wide range of pharmacological properties, i.e., antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antitumor, which have been used in folk medicine for centuries. Moreover, influence of UA on central nervous system-related processes, i.e., pain, anxiety and depression, was proved in experimental studies. UA also revealed anticonvulsant properties in animal models of epilepsy and seizures. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of UA on seizure thresholds in three acute seizure models in mice, i.e., the 6 Hz-induced psychomotor seizure threshold test, the maximal electroshock threshold (MEST) test and the timed intravenous pentylenetetrazole (iv PTZ) infusion test. We also examined its effect on the muscular strength (assessed in the grip strength test) and motor coordination (estimated in the chimney test) in mice. UA at doses of 50 and 100 mg/kg significantly increased the seizure thresholds in the 6 Hz and MEST tests. The studied compound did not influence the seizure thresholds in the iv PTZ test. Moreover, UA did not affect the motor coordination and muscular strength in mice. UA displays only a weak anticonvulsant potential which is dependent on the used seizure model.  相似文献   

We examine lateralization of lateral displays in convict cichlids, Amatitlania nigrofasciata, and show a population level preference for showing the right side. This enables contesting pairs of fish to align in a head-to-tail posture, facilitating other activities. We found individuals spent a shorter mean time in each left compared with each right lateral display. This lateralization could lead to contesting pairs using a convention to align in a predictable head-to-tail arrangement to facilitate the assessment of fighting ability. It has major implications for the common use of mirror images to study fish aggression, because the 'opponent' would never cooperate and would consistently show the incorrect side when the real fish shows the correct side. With the mirror, the 'normal' head-to-tail orientation cannot be achieved.  相似文献   

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