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The toxigenic marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum forms toxic blooms causing paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), primarily in coastal waters, throughout the world. We examined effects on physiology and gene expression patterns associated with growth and nutrient starvation in a toxic strain of A. minutum. Bloom-relevant factors, including growth rate, intracellular toxin content, allelochemical activity and nutrient status were investigated in A. minutum cultures grown under different environmental regimes. Allelochemical activity of A. minutum cultures, quantified with a cryptomonad Rhodomonas bioassay, increased with age but was independent of nutrient status.The phenotypic data were integrated and compared with gene expression in cell samples taken at selected points along the growth curve. We observed 489 genes consistently differentially expressed between exponentially growing and growth-limited cultures. The expression pattern of stationary-phase cultures was characterized by conspicuous down-regulation of translation-associated genes, up-regulation of sequences involved in intracellular signalling and some indications of increased activity of selfish genetic elements such as transposons. Treatment-specific patterns included five genes regulated in parallel in all nutrient-limited cultures. The conspicuous decrease in photosynthetic performance identified in N-starved cultures was paralleled by down-regulation of chloroplast-associated genes.The particular gene expression patterns we identified as specifically linked with exponential growth, cessation of growth or nutrient limitation may be suitable biomarkers for indicating the beginning of growth limitation in field- or mesocosm studies.  相似文献   

Blooms of the toxic red tide phytoplankton Heterosigma akashiwo(Raphidophyceae) are responsible for substantial losses withinthe aquaculture industry. The toxicological mechanisms of H.akashiwoblooms are complex and to date, heavily debated. One putativetype of ichthyotoxin includes the production of reactive oxygenspecies (ROS) that could alter gill structure and function,resulting in asphyxiation. In this study, we investigated thepotential of H.akashiwo to produce extracellular hydrogen peroxide,and have investigated which cellular processes are responsiblefor this production. Within all experiments, H.akashiwo producedsubstantial amounts of hydrogen peroxide (up to 7.6 pmol min–1104 cells–1), resulting in extracellular concentrationsof ~0.5 µmol l–1 H2O2. Measured rates of hydrogenperoxide production were directly proportional to cell density,but at higher cell densities, accuracy of H2O2 detection wasreduced. Whereas light intensity did not alter H2O2 production,rates of production were stimulated when temperature was elevated.Hydrogen peroxide production was not only dependent on growthphase, but also was regulated by the availability of iron inthe medium. Reduction of total iron to 1 nmol l–1 enhancedthe production of H2O2 relative to iron replete conditions (10µmol l–1 iron). From this, we collectively concludethat production of extracellular H2O2 by H.akashiwo occurs througha metabolic pathway that is not directly linked to photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Wada  Masato  Shono  Mariko  Urayama  Osamu  Satoh  Shinobu  Hara  Yukichi  Ikawa  Yoji  Fujii  Tadashi 《Plant molecular biology》1994,26(2):699-708
Two cDNA clones (HAA13 and HAA1) which include conserved regions of genes of P-type ATPases were isolated from the marine alga Heterosigma akashiwo by a method that included the polymerase chain reaction. The longer cDNA (3286 bp), HAA13, consisted of an open reading frame that encoded a 106 kDa polypeptide of 977 amino acids with several possible transmembrane domains and conserved regions of eukaryotic P-type ATPases. One transmembrane domain had a leucine zipper structure. HAA1 was not a full-length gene (2054 bp) and lacked the 5 region, but it also included the conserved regions and putative transmembrane domains. Antibodies against the polypeptides encoded by HAA13 and HAA1 that have been expressed in Escherichia coli reacted with 100 kDa and 95 kDa polypeptides, respectively, on intracellular membranes of H. akashiwo cells. Immunostaining of H. akashiwo cells revealed that the HAA13 antigen was distributed on membranes around chloroplasts and the HAA1 antigen was located on small vesicles.  相似文献   

Mortality in a netpen-reared population of 3-year-old chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha during an extensive 1997 bloom of the alga Heterosigma akashiwo in Puget Sound, Washington, was low (7·2%), and corresponded to a reduction in variance effective population size of 9·4%. Under a liability threshold model, the heritability of mortality (± S.E.), based on paternal half-sibs, was estimated at 0·15 ± 0·04. No significant genetic variation was detected for date of death. Despite the low overall mortality, the consequences for variation in family size underscore the importance of maximizing genetic variation in cultured fish populations later released to the wild as a precaution against mortality and losses of genetic variation over the life cycle. The pattern of family variation in response to this algal bloom provides evidence for potentially selective mortality of anadromous salmonids in the marine environment during natural perturbations.  相似文献   

Red tide phytoplankton, Chattonella marina and Heterosigma akashiwo, are known to generate superoxide anion (O2-). We found that galacturonic acid (GaLUA) stimulated C. marina and H. akashiwo to generate increased amounts of O2-. Since such effect was not observed in any other monosaccharides tested, our results suggest that the binding of GalUA to specific sites on the flagellate cell surface may induce the increase of 02- production.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the morphology, toxin composition, and ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences was performed on a suite of clonal cultures of the potentially toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum Halim. These were established from resting cysts or vegetative cells isolated from sediment and water samples taken from the south and west coasts of Ireland. Results revealed that strains were indistinguishable, both morphologically and through the sequencing of the D1-D2 domain of the large subunit and the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 regions of the rDNA. High-performance liquid chromatography fluorescence detection analysis, however, showed that only strains derived from retentive inlets on the southern Irish coast synthesized paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins (GTX2 and GTX3), whereas all strains of A. minutum isolated from the west coast were nontoxic. Toxin analysis of net hauls, taken when A. minutum vegetative cells were in the water column, revealed no PSP toxins in samples from Killary Harbor (western coast), whereas GTX2 and GTX3 were detected in samples from Cork Harbor (southern coast). These results confirm the identity of A. minutum as the most probable causative organism for historical occurrences of contamination of shellfish with PSP toxins in Cork Harbor. Finally, random amplification of polymorphic DNA was carried out to determine the degree of polymorphism among strains. The analysis showed that all toxic strains from Cork Harbor clustered together and that a separate cluster grouped all nontoxic strains from the western coast.  相似文献   

Heterosigma akashiwo, a red tide alga, was grown in Fe-deficient and Fe-replete batch cultures. Cell final yields and the growth rate were limited when Fe was below 10 nM and alleviated with 100 nM Fe. By comparison with the results under Fe-replete conditions, chlorophyll a-specific and cell-specific light saturated net photosynthetic capacity (Pm chl a and Pm cell), dark respiration rate (Rd chl a and Rd cell) and apparent photosynthetic efficiency (chl a and cell) decreased proportionately, whereas the cells became light saturated at higher irradiance under Fe stress (Fe-limited conditions).  相似文献   

Some physiological and biochemical changes in the marine eukaryotic red tide alga Heterosigma akashiwo (Hada) were investigated during the alleviation from iron limitation. Chlorophyll a/carotenoid ratio increases as a result of iron alleviation. In vivo absorption spectra of iron-limited cells showed a chlorophyll (Chl) absorption peak at 630 nm, 2 nm blue-shifted from the normal position. Low-temperature fluorescence emission spectra of the cells have one prominent Chl emission peak at 685 nm. The cells showed a decrease in fluorescence yield from 685 nm band during alleviation from iron limitation. Low-temperature fluorescence excitation spectra and room-temperature fluorescence spectra indicated an efficient excitation energy transfer in the cells alleviated from iron limitation. Photosynthetic efficiency and carbohydrate content per cell increased after alleviation from iron limitation. Total protein decreased in iron-limited cells, while iron deficiency induced the appearance of specific soluble proteins (17 and 55 kDa).  相似文献   

Cell division and chloroplast replication in Heterosigma akashiwo(Hada) Hada occurred as separate synchronous events during thecell cycle when cells were subjected to light-dark regimes.Under three different photoperiodic cycles of 10L/14D (10 hlight/14 h dark), 12L/12D or 16L/8D, cell division began athour 19–20 and finished at hour 23–26 after theonset of the light period, while chloroplast replication beganat hour 20–22 after the onset of the dark period. Almostall the cells divided only once in the 12L/12D cycle. The rateof increase in chloroplast number during one light-anddark cyclewas always equal to that in cell number in every photoperiodexamined. Light was essential for both cell division and chloroplast replication,but the minimum light period necessary for each event differed.When the light period was shorter than 6 h, no cell divisionoccurred; when it was shorter than 3 h, no chloroplast replicationoccurred. (Received February 26, 1987; Accepted June 17, 1987)  相似文献   

The cytotoxic effects of positively charged liposomes and theircomponents on Heterosigma akashiwo cells were investigated.Positively charged liposomes reduced cell motility and eventuallycaused cytolysis. Negatively charged and non-charged liposomeshad little effect on cell motility and/or cell viability. Damagewas also induced by a single application of some n-alkyl-amines.Among n-alkylamines tested, laurylamine (C12) was most effectivein reducing motility and causing cytolysis of cells. The extentof the deleterious effects increased with increasing concentrationsof laurylamine and with the duration of treatment. The extentof damage to cells by laurylamine changed periodically duringthe cell cycle. The effects of laurylamine began to increaseat the forth hour of the light period and began to decreaseat the first hour of the dark period, under condition of 12hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. Laurie and myristicacids, which each have a carboxyl group in place of the aminogroup of the corresponding alkylamines, laurylamine and myristylamine,had little effect on the cells. (Received December 21, 1988; Accepted March 29, 1989)  相似文献   

ATP-dependent transport of 22Na+ into liposomes reconstitutedfrom plasma membrane proteins of Heterosigma akashiwo was examined.The apparent Km values for transport of Na+ were 400 µMfor ATP and 7 mM for Na+. ATP-dependent transport of 22Na+ wasnot inhibited by a protonophore or a membrane-permeable cationbut was inhibited by an inhibitor of P-type ATPases. (Received October 2, 1995; Accepted February 1, 1996)  相似文献   

The growth and toxin content of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense ATHK was markedly affected by culture methods. In early growth phase at lower cell density static or mild agitation methods were beneficial to growth, but continuous agitation or aeration, to some extent, had an adverse effect on cell growth. Static culture in 2 L Erlenmeyer flasks had the highest growth rate (0.38 d−1) but smaller cell size compared with other culture conditions. Cells grown under aerated conditions possessed low nitrogen and phosphorus cell yields, namely high N and P cell-quota. At day 18, cells grown in continuous agitated and 1 h aerated culture entered the late stationary phase and their cellular toxin contents were higher (0.67 and 0.54 pg cell−1) compared with cells grown by other culture methods (0.27–0.49 pg cell−1). The highest cell density and cellular toxin content were 17190 cells mL−1 and 1.26 pg cell−1 respectively in an airlift photobioreactor with two-step culture. The results indicate that A. tamarense could be grown successfully in airlift photobioreactor by a two-step culture method, which involved cultivating the cells statically for 4 days and then aerating the medium. This provides an efficient way to enhance cell and toxin yield of A. tamarense.  相似文献   

During a bloom of Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae) in northernHiroshima Bay, Japan, in June 1993, the proportion of H.akashiwocells containing virus-like particles (VLPs) was monitored bytransmission electron microscopy. Until 3 days before the terminationof the red tide, no VLP-containing cells were detected, andthe proportion of VLP-containing cells was <1% on the last2 days of the red tide. However, the sample collected on thelast day, continuously incubated for 26 h at 22°C, revealeda high frequency (11.5%) of VLP-containing cells. These findingssuggest that viral mortality occurs in quite a short time andmay play an important role in regulating the disintegrationof H.akashiwo red tide.  相似文献   

A laboratory study using the fish‐killing raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo was conducted to examine its capability to grow at salinities below oceanic, and to test the perceived relationship between reduced salinities and increased cytotoxicity. A nonaxenic strain of H. akashiwo isolated from the U.S. Pacific Northwest was exposed to a combination of three salinity (32, 20, and 10) and five temperature (14.7°C, 18.4°C, 21.4°C, 24.4°C and 27.8°C) conditions. Our results demonstrate that cell permeability and cytotoxicity are strongly correlated in unialgal cultures of H. akashiwo, which both increased as salinity decreased from 32 to 10. Furthermore, over a broad median range of salinities (10 and 20), neither temperature nor specific growth rate was correlated with cytotoxicity. However, in cultures grown at the salinity of 32, both temperature and specific growth rate were inversely proportional to toxicity; this relationship was likely due to the effect of contamination by an unidentified species of Skeletonema in those cultures. The presence of Skeletonema sp. resulted in a cytotoxic response from H. akashiwo that was greater than the response caused by salinity alone. These laboratory results reveal the capability of H. akashiwo to become more toxic not only at reduced salinities but also in competition with another algal species. Changes in cell permeability in response to salinity may be an acclimation mechanism by which H. akashiwo is able to respond rapidly to different salinities. Furthermore, due to its strong positive correlation with cytotoxicity, cellular permeability is potentially associated with the ichthyotoxic pathway of this raphytophyte.  相似文献   

We examined the growth and interactions between the bloom-forming flagellates Prorocentrum minimum and Heterosigma akashiwo using bi-algal culture experiments. When both species were inoculated at high cell densities, growth of H. akashiwo was inhibited by P. minimum. In other combinations of inoculation densities, the species first reaching the stationary phase substantially suppressed maximum cell densities of the other species, but the growth inhibition effect of P. minimum was stronger than that of H. akashiwo. We used a mathematical model to simulate growth and interactions of P. minimum and H. akashiwo in bi-algal cultures. The model indicated that P. minimum always out-competed H. akashiwo over time. Additional experiments showed that crude extracts from P. minimum and H. akashiwo cultures did not affect the growth of either species, but both strongly inhibited the growth of the bloom-forming diatom Skeletonema costatum. Further experiments showed that it was unlikely that reactive oxygen species produced by H. akashiwo were responsible for the inhibition of P. minimum growth.  相似文献   

The microalgal genus Alexandrium includes species known to produce paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). Due to the importance of discriminating between HAB‐forming species, we compared the undescribed life‐cycle pattern of Alexandrium tamutum Montresor, Beran et U. John and of its toxic relative Alexandrium minutum Halim. Sexual stages, asexual and sexual division, mating type, and nuclear morphology were studied in both species. Sexual cysts are known to be morphologically identical. However, the relative size of the U‐shaped nucleus may be used to differentiate between the cysts of these species since DNA packaging in the resting cysts was lower in A. tamutum than in A. minutum, species in which the planozygote nucleus was reduced to half its volume prior to encystment. The dormancy period of the cysts was <20 d for A. tamutum, but longer than 1 month for A. minutum. In both species, cyst appearance needed to be explained by the existence of more than two sexual types (+/–), which indicates a complex heterothallic mating type. However, planozygotes of both species may divide instead of encysting. This characteristic was used for nutritional and heritage studies. Isolated planozygotes of both species encysted in larger percentages in medium deficient in both nitrates and phosphates (L/15) than in medium without phosphates added (L‐P), a medium in which most planozygotes neither divide nor encyst. Parental strains of A. minutum with and without the ventral pore formed planozygotes and, later, offspring with the ventral pore, although apparently smaller than usual. A synchronization–flow cytometry method for discriminating diploids formed by sexual fusion (planozygotes) from cells with 2C DNA content resulting from self‐duplication of DNA (dividing cells) was described. The results indicated that the maximum percentage of A. minutum planozygotes (20%) was achieved only 3 to 5 d after crossing the parental strains, and that light might not be needed for the sexual fusion and formation of planozygotes.  相似文献   

Recent observations that viruses are very abundant and biologically active components in marine ecosystems suggest that they probably influence various biogeochemical and ecological processes. In this study, the population dynamics of the harmful bloom-forming phytoplankton Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae) and the infectious H. akashiwo viruses (HaV) were monitored in Hiroshima Bay, Japan, from May to July 1998. Concurrently, a number of H. akashiwo and HaV clones were isolated, and their virus susceptibilities and host ranges were determined through laboratory cross-reactivity tests. A sudden decrease in cell density of H. akashiwo was accompanied by a drastic increase in the abundance of HaV, suggesting that viruses contributed greatly to the disintegration of the H. akashiwo bloom as mortality agents. Despite the large quantity of infectious HaV, however, a significant proportion of H. akashiwo cells survived after the bloom disintegration. The viral susceptibility of H. akashiwo isolates demonstrated that the majority of these surviving cells were resistant to most of the HaV clones, whereas resistant cells were a minor component during the bloom period. Moreover, these resistant cells were displaced by susceptible cells, presumably due to viral infection. These results demonstrated that the properties of dominant cells within the H. akashiwo population change during the period when a bloom is terminated by viral infection, suggesting that viruses also play an important role in determining the clonal composition and maintaining the clonal diversity of H. akashiwo populations. Therefore, our data indicate that viral infection influences the total abundance and the clonal composition of one host algal species, suggesting that viruses are an important component in quantitatively and qualitatively controlling phytoplankton populations in natural marine environments.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms represent a major threat to marine production, and particularly to shellfish farming. Alexandrium minutum, which causes paralytic shellfish poisoning, is occurring with increasing frequency along European coasts. Current regulatory methods to analyze environmental samples are tedious and time consuming because they require taxonomists and involve animal experiments. New rapid detection methods, such as immunoassays, are needed to ensure a fast alert system and for field studies of algal ecodynamics. Rat monoclonal antibodies were raised and selected for their ability to specifically recognize a surface antigen for the A. minutum strain AM89BM from the Bay of Morlaix, France. A whole-cell ELISA was designed, leading to the selection of one AMI6 mAb that was selected for its performance in a large set of immunochemical formats. Moreover, AMI6 mAb displayed no detectable cross-reactivity with most algae found in similar biotopes, particularly those which might be mistaken during a conventional light microscope counting Heterocapsa triquetra, Scrippsiella trochoidea, Karenia mikimotoi, and two strains of Alexandrium tamarense, either toxic or not. Using colloidal gold conjugates on immunodecorated cells, we used electron microscopy to show that AMI6 mAb targets an exposed antigen at the surface of A. minutum. It was noted that this antibody could work with many preparations of A. minutum cells, i.e. fresh, frozen or dried cells. The detection limit in the whole-cell ELISA was found to be 10 cells per well. This assay displayed sensitivity and specificity when used for the analysis of natural seawater samples. A large set of immunochemical formats, using either AMI6 mAb or related antibodies from this series, could be further envisaged for designing environmental biosensors.  相似文献   

Organisms with sexual and asexual reproductive systems benefit from both types of reproduction. Sexual recombination generates new combinations of alleles, whereas clonality favours the spread of the fittest genotype through the entire population. Therefore, the rate of sexual vs. clonal reproduction has a major influence on the demography and genetic structure of natural populations. We addressed the effect of reproductive system on populations of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum. More specifically, we monitored the spatiotemporal genetic diversity during and between bloom events in two estuaries separated by 150 km for two consecutive years. An analysis of population genetic patterns using microsatellite markers revealed surprisingly high genotypic and genetic diversity. Moreover, there was significant spatial and temporal genetic differentiation during and between bloom events. Our results demonstrate that (i) interannual genetic differentiation can be very high, (ii) estuaries are partially isolated during bloom events and (iii) genetic diversity can change rapidly during a bloom event. This rapid genetic change may reflect selective effects that are nevertheless not strong enough to reduce allelic diversity. Thus, sexual reproduction and/or migration may regularly erase any genetic structure produced within estuaries during a bloom event.  相似文献   

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