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In vitro absorption of nutrients like glucose, leucine, protein hydrolysate and Ca2+ by ligated loops of small intestine was significantly affected in presence of lectins from peas and lentils. Except for sucrose, all other nutrients showed significant decrease in their absorption in presence of lectins. Lentil lectins had a greater inhibitory effect than pea lectins.  相似文献   

Lentil lectin (LcH) and pea lectin (PSA) belong to the class of D-glucose/D-mannose binding lectins and resemble concanavalin A (Con A) closely in physicochemical, structural, and biological properties. LcH and PSA, like Con A, are Ca2+-Mn2+ metalloproteins that require the metal ions for their saccharide binding and biological activities. Studies of the relationship between the metal ions binding and saccharide binding activity in LcH and PSA have been difficult due to the problem of metal ion replacement in these proteins. We now report a method of metal ion replacement in both lectins that allows substitution of the Mn2+ in the native proteins with a variety of transition metal ions, as well as substitution of the Ca2+ with Cd2+ in a particular complex. The following metal ion derivatives of both LcH and PSA have been prepared: Ca2+-Zn2+, Ca2+-Co2+, Ca2+-Ni2+, and Cd2+-Cd2+. All of these derivatives are as active as the native lectins, as demonstrated by precipitation with specific polysaccharides, saccharide inhibition of precipitation, and hemagglutination assays. The yields of these derivatives are good (generally greater than 70%), and the degree of metal ion incorporation is high (generally greater than 90%). The method of preparation is quite different from that for metal ion substitution in Con A, which proceeds via the apoprotein. In contrast, the apoproteins of LcH and PSA are unstable, aggregate above pH 4.0, and cannot be remetallized once formed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of p-substitution on the behaviour of phenyl α-D-mannopyranosides as specific ligands for the lectins from Pisum sativum (pea) and Lens culinaris (lentil) is reported. The binding affinities are related to the electronic properties of the substituents, expressed as the Hammett substituent constant (p = ?0.4). Inductive and mesomeric contributions are best considered separately. Neither steric hindrance nor hydrophobic binding of the substituents is observed. For the binding of the corresponding α-D-glucopyranosides to the Pisum sativum lectin, the same effect is maintained (p = ?0.4). In a series of p-substituted-phenyl β-D-glucopyranosides, the nature of the substituent has almost no effect on the binding to the Pisum sativum lectin.  相似文献   

The proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of various metal substituted derivatives of horse cytochrome c have been studied and compared to the spectra of native cytochrome c. The proteins studied were the cobalt(III), copper(II), iron(II), iron(III), manganese(III), nickel(II), and zinc(II) derivatives. Spectra of the diamagnetic cobalt(III), iron(II), and zinc(II) proteins were well-resolved and specific resonance assignments were made. All three proteins possessed a methionine ligand to the metal. The spectrum of cobalt(III) cytochrome c was investigated in some detail as this protein was used as a diagmagnetic control for iron(III) cytochrome c. Comparison of the spectra of cobalt(III) and iron(II) cytochromes c revealed that their conformations were very similar but the following conclusion could be made; the oxidation of cytochrome c is accompanied by a small conformation change.  相似文献   

Lectins from peas and lentils when injected to rats apparently appeared to be non toxic but they caused growth depression. The organ weights were not affected except spleen enlargement. The lectins also caused increased osmotic fragility of erythrocytes without affecting other hematological parameters such as haemoglobin, packed cell volume, and RBC count.  相似文献   

Lectins are useful probes for studying cell surface glycoconjugates. Pea (PL) and lentil (LL) lectin each requires for binding a fucosyl- and two alpha-mannosyl residues in core regions of glycopeptides, but differences in outer chain carbohydrates may alter their relative binding affinities. We used binding studies with [125I]-PL and LL and flow cytometry with fluorescein-conjugated (FITC)-PL and -LL to study their interactions with peripheral lymphocytes. Binding of both lectins to lymphocytes was saturable, reversible, and inhibited by alpha-methyl mannose. Scatchard analyses were consistent with two classes of receptors for each lectin. Flow cytometric analyses demonstrated that cell to cell receptor densities varied. Sixty-five percent of lymphocytes bound PL (mean 2 X 10(6) receptors/cell) and 45% bound LL (mean 3 X 10(6) receptors/cell). Competition studies demonstrated mutual inhibition, but flow cytometry revealed persistent FITC-PL or -LL binding depsite 20-fold molar excess of the other lectin. Distributions of receptors for PL and LL on lymphocytes were as follows: 45% of lymphocytes bound both PL and LL; 20% of lymphocytes bound PL alone; 35% of lymphocytes bound neither PL nor LL. Despite similar binding requirements for PL and LL and overlap between their receptors on lymphocytes, there appear to be subsets of receptors specific for each lectin. These results may reflect abilities of PL and LL to discriminate subtle carbohydrate differences on lymphocyte surfaces.  相似文献   

Micro-imaging based on nuclear magnetic resonance offers the possibility to map metabolites in plant tissues non-invasively. Major metabolites such as sucrose and amino acids can be observed with high spatial resolution. Stable isotope tracers, such as (13)C-labelled metabolites can be used to measure the in vivo conversion rates in a metabolic network. This review summarizes the different nuclear magnetic resonance micro-imaging techniques that are available to obtain spatially resolved information on metabolites in plants. A short general introduction into NMR imaging techniques is provided. Particular emphasis is given to the difficulties encountered when NMR micro-imaging is applied to plant systems.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the apparent water diffusional exchange through erythrocyte membranes in cases of policitemia vera, chronic granulocytic leukemia and primary myelofibrosis was measured by using a nuclear magnetic resonance method in the presence of Mn2+. The thermal transition shifted to lower temperatures in all cases, regardless of the stage of the disease, suggesting a structural alteration of the membrane. The shift of transition indirectly suggests a lower penetration of the erythrocytes by Mn2+. The water exchange time at 37 degrees C also increased, mainly in the blast crisis; it seems to have a prognostic value of some clinical interest. No simple correlation of the water exchange and the following clinical investigations was observed: the white count, the percentage of promyelocites and myeloblasts, the sedimentation rate of blood, the osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, the total concentration of proteins, albumin and immunoglobulins, respectively, in plasma.  相似文献   

J. Clifford  B. Sheard 《Biopolymers》1966,4(10):1057-1065
Measurements have been made of the nuclear magnetic relaxation times T1 and T2 of the protons of water in hair. These are interpreted as showing that water molecules in hair exist in a continuous range of environments with a wide spread of rates of molecular rotation. Even at high water contents most of the water molecules are much less mobile than molecules in bulk water. The term “mobility” is given a quantitative meaning.  相似文献   

NMR provides a wealth of structural information about proteins in solution, but does not, by itself, permit an unambiguous determination of a unique structure. A rigorous interpretation of NMR data to obtain the entire family of structures compatible with a given data set requires extensive, systematic and unbiased sampling of the conformational space of the polypeptide chain. Methods of sampling based on the exclusion paradigm--i. e. those that generate structures, check constraints and accept or reject members of the family on that basis, avoid the problem of generating erroneous structures by converging on local minima, which is a common pitfall of methods based on the optimization paradigm. Their much higher computational cost can be reduced by solving the structure in stages, using abstract representations of partial structures, and guiding the computation by control heuristics. The heuristic refinement method developed at Stanford and encoded in the expert system PROTEAN yields more or less extensive families of structures, depending on the size of the NMR data set, and defines the "allowed volume" in which each atom (or other substructure) may lie, with all experimental constraints satisfied. The allowed volume is a measure of the uncertainty of our knowledge of the structure, to which both the limitations of the data and the uncertainty of position resulting from molecular motion may contribute. Prediction of the experimental NMR spectra by solving the generalized Bloch equations (or the Redfield density matrix) for the protein, using atomic coordinates that lie within the allowed atomic volume, provides the final test for the correctness of the proposed structure.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The line width of the NMR signal of water protons in solutions of native actomyosin and actomyosin denatured by heat, acetone or urea was measured over the temperature range from -10 degrees to below the freezing point. The line widths of the water band which increased exponentially with decreasing temperature were compared with each other and also with those of the corresponding control solution without actomyosin. The line broadening observed for native actomyosin solution on lowering the temperature was significantly smaller than that for heat-denatured actomyosin solution. This difference implies that this signal is sensitive to conformational perturbations of the protein. In addition, the temperature dependence of the line width for heat-, acetone-, or urea-denatured actomyosin solution was similar to that for the corresponding control solution. These phenomena can be interpreted in terms of the state of water associated with the hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues. Similar NMR studies of actomyosin solution containing dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or dimethylformamide (DMF) showed that DMSO and DMF prevent the formation of ice crystals until about -70 degrees, suggesting that the cryoprotective effects of DMSO and DMF are due to the change in the state of water described above. These differences in temperature dependence between the sample and control solutions are well-correlated with the viscosity of the solution. This correlation is useful for elucidation of the mechanism of the protein denaturation.  相似文献   

delta-Haemolysin in mixed micelles with perdeuterated dodecylphosphocholine was investigated with two-dimensional proton nuclear magnetic resonance experiments at 500 MHz. A single set of resonance lines was observed for the micelle-bound polypeptide, indicating that delta-haemolysin adopts a single conformation in this environment. Nearly complete, sequence-specific assignments were obtained for the segment 5-23 of this 26-residue polypeptide chain. From the sequential connectivities and numerous medium-range nuclear Overhauser effects this central portion of the molecule was found to form an extended helix with pronounced amphipathic distribution of polar and nonpolar amino acid side-chains.  相似文献   

The role of zinc in liver alcohol dehydrogenase has been studied by replacement of 1.3 and 3.5 of the four Zn(II) ions with Co(II) and measuring the effects of the paramagnetic Co(II) on the relaxation rates of the protons of water, ethanol, and isobutyramide. Water relaxation studies at 8, 24, 100, and 220 MHz indicate two classes of bound Co(II). The similar to 2 readily replaced Co(II) ions retain one fast exchanging water proton in their inner coordination spheres, while the similar to 2 slowly exchanging Co(II) ions coordinate no detectable water protons, indicating that the former replaced Zn(II) at the "catalytic sites" and the latter replaced Zn(II) at the "structural sites" detected crystallographically. Ethanol, acetaldehyde, and isobutyramide bind with appropriate affinities to the Co(II) substituted alcohol dehydrogenases decreasing the number of fast exchanging protons at the catalytic Co(II) site by greater than or equal to 54 percent. Coenzyme binding causes smaller changes in the water relaxation rate which may be due to local conformation changes. The paramagnetic effects of Co(II) at the catalytic site on the relaxation rates of the methyl protons of isobutyramide at 100 and 220 MHz indicate that this analog binds at a site 9.1 A from the catalytic Co(II). This distance decreases to 6.9 A when NADH is bound, and a Co(II) to methyne proton distance of 6.6 A is determined indicating a conformation change leading to the formation of a second sphere enzyme-Co(II)-isobutyramide complex in which a hydroxyl or water ligand intervenes between the metal and the substrate analog. Similar behavior is observed in the enzyme-ethanol complexes. The paramagnetic effects of Co(II), at the catalytic site, on the relaxation rates of the protons of ethanol at 100 and 220 MHz, indicate that this substrate bind at a site 12-14 A distant from the catalytic Co(II) but that this distancedecreases to 6.3 A in the abortive enzyme-NADH-ethanol complex. The role of the catalytic Co(II) thus appears to be the activation of a hydroxyl or water ligand which polarizes the aldehyde carbonyl group by hydrogen bonding. The role of the structural Co(II), which is more distant from isobutyramide (9-11 A), may be that of a template for protein conformation changes. By combining the present distances with those from previous magnetic resonance studies on the liver enzyme, the arrangement of coenzyme, metal, and substrate at the active site in solution can be constructed. This arrangement is consistent with that of ADP-ribose and zinc in the crystalline complex of liver alcohol dehydrogenase as determined by X-ray crystallography (Branden et al., (1973), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.70, 2439).  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of hemoglobins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The structure of ClO4 and NO3 adducts of cobalt(II) substituted bovine carbonic anhydrase have been investigated through 1D NOE and 2D 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. For the first time two-dimensional NMR techniques are applied to paramagnetic metalloproteins other than iron-containing proteins. Several active site signals have been assigned to specific protons on the grounds of their scalar and dipolar connectivities and T1 values. The experimental dipolar shifts for the protons belonging to noncoordinated residues have allowed the identification of a plausible orientation of the magnetic susceptibility tensor around the cobalt ion as well as of the magnitude and the anisotropy of the principal susceptibility values. In turn, a few more signals have been tentatively assigned on the grounds of their predicted dipolar shifts. The two inhibitor derivatives have a very similar orientation but a different magnitude of the chi tensor, and the protein structure around the active site is highly maintained. The results encourage a more extensive use of the two-dimensional techniques for obtaining selective structural information on the active site of metalloenzymes. With this information at hand, comparisons within homologous series of adducts with various inhibitors and/or mutants of the same enzyme of known structure should be possible using limited sets of NMR data.  相似文献   

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