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Drosophila melanogaster was reared under LD 12:12. Fat body was isolated in form of cells and cell groups from dissected larvae or prepupae by treatment with collagenase and hyaluronidase and subsequent centrifugation. Tyrosine aminotransferase of the fat body showed an extremely sharp pH dependence, with two narrow, well separable maxima at pH 5.6 and 6.0, possibly caused by different isoenzymes. Enzyme activity at pH 5.6 exhibited biphasic circadian rhythms in both wild‐type 3rd instar larvae and early prepupae. At pH 6.0, the rhythmicity was much weaker, perhaps even absent. In larvae from an ebony strain, at either pH the basal tyrosine aminotransferase activity was enhanced, and the rhythmicity was altered.  相似文献   

The effects of 20-hydroxyecdysone (5 μg/g body weight), cycloheximide (5 μg/g body weight), puromycin (30 μg/g body weight) and actinomycin D (30 μg/g body weight) were investigated on the larval fat body cells of 48–70-hours-old last instar larvae of Pieris brassicae.20-Hydroxyecdysone was found to induce the formation of autophagic vacuoles 3 hr after its administration, but this was, however, prevented by simultaneous cycloheximide treatment in a parallel experiment. On the contrary, puromycin proved to induce autophagocytosis. These diverse effects of the two translational inhibitors on hormone-induced autophagocytosis may be explained by differences in their modes of action.Actinomycin D, when administered 21 hr prior to the hormone, exerted a preventive effect on induced autophagocytosis, but was ineffective when applied 3 hr before the injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone.It was concluded that the presence of RNA synthesized several hours prior to the hormone treatment was a prerequisite for induction of autophagocytosis by 20-hydroxyecdysone.  相似文献   

In insects, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) limits systemic growth by triggering developmental transitions. Previous studies have shown that 20E-induced let-7 exhibits crosstalk with the cell cycle. Here, we examined the underlying molecular mechanisms and physiological functions of 20E-induced let-7 in the fat body, an organ for energy storage and nutrient mobilization which plays a critical role in the larval growth. First, the overexpression of let-7 decreased the body size and led to the reduction of both nucleolus and cell sizes in the larval fat body. In contrast, the overexpression of let-7-Sponge increased the nucleolus and cell sizes. Moreover, we found that cdc7, encoding a conserved protein kinase that controls the endocycle, is a target of let-7. Notably, the mutation of cdc7 in the fat body resulted in growth defects. Overall, our findings revealed a novel role of let-7 in the control of endoreduplication-related growth during larval-prepupal transition in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Progressive changes in the ultrastructure of the larval fat body of Drosophila melanogaster were studied during the third instar. In addition to electron microscopy, light microscopy and morphometric stereology were employed to evaluate the tissue at five 12-hr intervals: 48, 60, 72, 84, and 96 hr after hatching from the egg. Lipid and glycogen were found stored throughout the instar, whereas protein is stored in the form of cytoplasmic granules mainly during the final 24 hr. The cells increased in cross-sectional area, and there was a concomitant increase in the relative amounts of these substances. Based on morphological characteristics there were three types of protein granules which we called dense granules (D), heterogeneous granules (H), and autophagic vacuoles. The morphology, size range, time of appearance, and changes in frequency of these granules suggested that the H type arose from D granules, and that the autophagic vacuoles were derived from D and H types. Morphological evidence indicated D granules have the unusual characteristic of forming in the intercellular space before entering the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Understanding adaptive phenotypic variation is one of the most fundamental problems in evolutionary biology. Genes involved in adaptation are most likely those that affect traits most intimately connected to fitness: life-history traits. The genetics of quantitative trait variation (including life histories) is still poorly understood, but several studies suggest that (1) quantitative variation might be the result of variation in gene expression, rather than protein evolution, and (2) natural variation in gene expression underlies adaptation. The next step in studying the genetics of adaptive phenotypic variation is therefore an analysis of naturally occuring covariation of global gene expression and a life-history trait. Here, we report a microarray study addressing the covariation in larval gene expression and adult body weight, a life-history trait involved in adaptation. Natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster show adaptive geographic variation in adult body size, with larger animals at higher latitudes. Conditions during larval development also affect adult size with larger flies emerging at lower temperatures. We found statistically significant differences in normalized larval gene expression between geographic populations at one temperature (genetic variation) and within geographic populations between temperatures (developmental plasticity). Moreover, larval gene expression correlated highly with adult weight, explaining 81% of its natural variation. Of the genes that show a correlation of gene expression with adult weight, most are involved in cell growth or cell maintenance or are associated with growth pathways.  相似文献   

【目的】昆虫脂肪体是物质合成代谢、先天免疫的重要器官。ATG8蛋白的亚细胞定位是细胞自噬的主要指标之一,细胞核皱缩是细胞凋亡的形态标记之一,目前家蚕 Bombyx mori 中尚未在蜕皮和变态发育进程中对BmATG8蛋白的细胞生物学变化进行观察。本研究旨在同时检测家蚕脂肪体细胞中BmATG8蛋白亚细胞定位和细胞核皱缩的时空变化,研究蜕皮激素(20E)信号对两者的调控作用。【方法】利用免疫荧光和Hoechst染色方法,分别在家蚕幼虫4龄第2天至预蛹第2天、5龄第2天幼虫注射20E (10 μg/头)后以及对游走期幼虫脂肪体中20E受体基因 usp 进行RNAi后,检测家蚕脂肪体中BmATG8蛋白定位和细胞核形态变化。【结果】在家蚕幼虫蜕皮和幼虫-蛹变态发育时期,BmATG8蛋白高水平存在于脂肪体细胞中,同时细胞核发生皱缩。在正常摄食时期,20E处理(10 μg/头)能够诱导细胞中大量出现BmATG8蛋白且存在于细胞质中并诱导细胞核皱缩。对 usp 基因进行RNAi后,脂肪体细胞内的BmATG8蛋白显著减少,同时细胞核皱缩减弱。【结论】家蚕BmATG8蛋白不仅在幼虫-蛹变态时期细胞质中大量存在,而且在幼虫蜕皮时期也大量表达,与细胞核的皱缩同时出现,BmATG8蛋白在细胞质中的定位与细胞核皱缩两者均受到 20E信号通路的调控。本研究为BmATG8蛋白功能及其调控机制的深入研究提供了重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

Changes in the specific and total activity of the lysosomal marker enzyme acid phosphatase (Acph) and in the amount of enzyme protein were examined in the fat body and the hemolymph from the last larval molt to the larval-pupal apolysis. The specific activity showed minor changes during the last larval period. In contrast, the total activity of the enzyme was low during the feeding period and higher during the wandering stage and strikingly increased at the time of puparium formation. We purified a protein having para-nitrophenyl phosphate phosphatase (Acph) activity and raised antisera against it. The amount of Acph protein in the fat body and hemolymph was examined using an ELISA. The specific Acph content showed little variation, but the total amount of the enzyme protein showed a stepwise increase in both organs during last larval stage and was markedly elevated in the pupal stage in the fat body. In contrast, a considerable decrease in the amount of Acph protein was observed in the hemolymph during this period. These data were in agreement with immunohistochemical observations showing an accumulation of the enzyme protein in fat body cells during the prepupal stage with a concomitant disappearance of the enzyme from the hemolymph. Inhibition of ecdysteroid secretion by water stress prevented the changes both in total enzyme activity and in the amount of Acph protein. However, Acph protein content and enzyme activity could be restored when the water stress was followed by a 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) treatment. Taken together, our data show that Acph is secreted by fat body cells into the hemolymph during the larval stage, where it is stored in an inactive form. Increase in the 20-HE titer at the end of last larval stage reverses this process, and the enzyme is taken up by the fat body cells, where it becomes activated and appears in auto- and heterophagic vacuoles. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 34:369–390, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lipophorin (Lp) acts in the circulation of insects to selectively deliver lipids to target tissues. In the present study, we wanted to show that Lp is taken up into larval fat body cells and the adult ovary in Galleria mellonella. Larval fat body and adult ovary tissues were incubated at room temperature for 30 min with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)‐labeled Lp. Fluorescence microscopy and sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) revealed that fat body and ovary tissues internalize fluorescence‐labeled Lp. The results suggest that both lipids and proteins are taken up by fat body cells and the ovary and also that large amounts of proteins and lipids taken up can serve as building blocks and as a source of energy. Immunological relationships with other insects were investigated using western blotting. The data showed that the Lp of Galleria mellonella is related to that of Hyphantria cunea.  相似文献   

Regional gene expression within Drosophila gut epithelium is regulated by the homeotic genes expressed in the overlying visceral mesoderm. Here it is reported that Glutathione S-transferase-D1 (Gst-D1) had three distinctive expression domains in the gut epithelia: the inner epithelium of the proventriculus, the anterior border of the hindgut epithelium, and the midgut epithelium. Gst-D1 expression in the midgut epithelium became restricted to the region that later formed the third midgut constriction. This spatial restriction within the midgut epithelium required abdominal-A activity in the overlying visceral mesoderm, suggesting that Gst-D1 will be a useful marker to analyze the mechanism of gene regulation across the mesoderm and endoderm.  相似文献   

In the last-larval instar of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, a switch from excretion of uric acid to storage in the fat body occurs during transition from the feeding to the wandering stage. Neuroendocrine control of this change from excretion to storage was demonstrated by neck-ligation experiments with synchronously reared larvae. Results indicate that a neurohormone is released from the head 24–30 hr before the initiation of wandering and coincident with the first release of ecdysone that initiates metamorphosis. Direct involvement of the moulting hormone was shown by the effects of multiple injections of 20-hydroxyecdysone into the abdomen of larvae that had been ligated before the release of hormone. Urate levels in the fat body were 20- to 100-fold higher from hormone-injected larvae as from saline inject controls. Topically applied juvenile hormone or methoprene reversed the 20-hydroxyecdysone-induced storage of urate. Increased levels of uric acid in the haemolymph during pupal development result from the presence of juvenile hormone, and the abrupt decrease in uric acid concentration in the haemolymph just prior to pupal ecdysis results from a decreased titre of juvenile hormone. Applications of methoprene prevented the decrease in uric acid levels in the haemolymph.  相似文献   

The accumulation and utilization of storage proteins are prominent events linked to the metamorphosis of holometabolous insects. The female-specific storage protein 1 (SP1) is the major storage protein found in the hemolymph and fat body of female larvae of the groundnut pest, Amsacta albistriga. Here we show SP1 expression and localization in differentiated fat body tissues using biochemical and immunohistochemistry scrutiny. Comparison of A. albistriga SP1 with that of other species with respect to amino acid composition and N-terminal sequences show that SP1 is a methonine-rich protein and its identity was confirmed by means of immunoblot analysis. Northern blot studies revealed that the SP1 gene demonstrates stage- and tissue-specific expression in the peripheral fat body cells during the mid-larval period of fifth instar of A. albistriga. During the larval pupal transformation, SP1 are sequestered mainly by the perivisceral fat body tissues, until they serve the purpose of supplying amino acids for the production of egg yolk proteins. Further, electron microscopic studies using immunogold tracer techniques confirmed the localization of crystalline SP1 reserves, stored in the perivisceral fat body tissues. Hence, the peripheral fat body is responsible for biosynthesis of storage proteins, whereas the perivisceral fat body is a specialized storage organ.  相似文献   

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