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杀虫剂抗性基因的突变对昆虫生理生化的影响体现为种群适合度的变化.种群抗性等位基因频率和生物学适合度可用来表征抗性昆虫相对适合度.抗性相关靶标和代谢酶的突变会改变昆虫正常的生理功能,抗性基因过量表达会引起昆虫体内生理能量分配失衡,两者均会造成抗性代价.但是,抗性等位基因置换和修饰基因可以抵消抗性代价.抗性昆虫相对适合度的表现型取决于抗药性形成的遗传背景和抗性水平.此外,其表现型还受到各种生态因素的影响.抗性昆虫相对适合度的研究结果可为预测抗药性发展趋势、开展抗药性治理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

花寿命的进化生态学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
花寿命 (Floral longevity) 是指一朵花保持开放并具有功能的持续时间, 它作为一种重要的繁殖策略影响着植物的繁殖, 在植物繁殖策略的进化生态学研究中具有非常重要的意义。近年来, 进化生态学家开始重视花寿命的研究, 在传粉与非传粉因素对花寿命的影响、花展示和繁殖成功与花寿命的关系等方面取得了长足的进展。生活史进化模型表明, 最优花寿命取决于开花成本和两性适合度实现速率之间的权衡。大量的实验研究支持此模型。实验研究表明:授粉可导致某些植物的花寿命显著缩短, 但是, 花粉移除对花寿命一般没有显著影响;部分植物的花具有最短花寿命, 这可能是一种保证植物雄性适合度的机制;温度和水分等非传粉因素的变化, 因改变开花成本而影响到花寿命;在花的群体水平上, 植物根据传粉状况和资源状况, 会调节花序上不同花的开放时间, 进而改变花展示的结构和功能;长的花寿命是保障植物繁殖成功的重要机制之一, 但可能要付出一定的适合度代价。该文概述了花寿命进化生态学的理论和实验研究进展, 最后指出:在理论研究上, 雌雄利益冲突为理解花寿命的进化提供了新的视角。在实验研究中, 需要重视植物通过优化花寿命而增强雄性适合度的研究思路。对花寿命的成本-收益分析, 需要考虑单花与花展示的功能关系。  相似文献   

动物生活史进化理论研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了生活史性状、生活史对策、权衡、适合度及进化种群统计学等动物生活史进化领域的进展。权衡是生活史性状之间相互联系的纽带,分为生理权衡与进化权衡。适合度是相对的,与个体所处的特定环境条件有关,性状进化与适合度之间关系紧密。适合度是生活史进化理论研究的焦点。探讨动物生活史对策的理论很多,影响最大的是MacArthur和Wilson提出的r对策及K对策理论。随年龄的增长,动物存活率及繁殖率逐步下降的过程,称为衰老;解释衰老的进化理论主要有突变-选择平衡假设和多效对抗假设。进化种群统计学将种群统计学应用于生活史进化研究,为探讨表型适合度的进化提供了有效的手段。将进化种群统计学、数量遗传学及特定种系效应理论进行整合,建立完整的动物生活史进化综合理论体系,是当代此领域的最大挑战。  相似文献   

负密度制约在维持森林群落物种多样性方面起重要作用。然而,在不同的非生物条件下密度制约效应的强度和方向有可能发生改变。理论预测密度制约效应随土壤可利用氮浓度上升而增强,但仍有待实验结果的验证。本研究基于黑石顶常绿阔叶林群落长达10年的幼苗动态调查数据,以18个常见树种的新生幼苗为研究对象,分析邻体密度制约作用如何在不同环境梯度下变化。通过收集上述目标种中的5个树种的野外幼苗进行根系损伤观察实验,研究在不同可利用氮环境中,土壤病原菌驱动的负密度制约效应是否存在差异。幼苗动态分析结果表明,负密度制约作用的强度随土壤可利用氮浓度的上升而增强。同种幼苗密度在土壤可利用氮浓度低的生境中表现为中性或正密度依赖效应,在土壤可利用氮浓度高的生境中则表现为负密度制约效应。根系损伤观察实验中,在土壤可利用氮浓度高的情况下,5个目标物种中有3个物种表现出更强的负密度制约作用,与幼苗动态分析的结果一致。此外,物种丰富度在土壤可利用氮浓度高的环境中比在浓度低的环境中更高。上述结果表明,在土壤可利用氮浓度高的环境中,更强的土壤病害加剧了负密度制约作用。我们的研究结果强调了负密度制约研究中考虑背景环境的重要性。  相似文献   

花柱多态型的型比通过选型交配形成的负频率依赖的选择来维持。种群空间格局对于频率依赖选择所维持的花柱多态型是至关重要的。该研究使用摆放实验构建不同型比的马来良姜(Alpinia mutica)人工种群, 以评价花柱卷曲性促进选型交配的功能。使用邻域模型调查了云南草蔻(Alpinia blepharaocalyx)种群中的目标植株的坐果数、结籽数及其邻域中花序的数量和型偏以探讨在局域尺度上目标植株的雌性适合度是否受负频率依赖的选择。通过比较云南草蔻上举型和下垂型各繁殖性状的差异以及两型的功能性别的计算以评估两型功能性别可能存在的特化趋势。摆放实验结果说明花柱卷曲性形成的二型种群可以促进型间花粉传递。在局域尺度上, 云南草蔻两型倾向于同型聚集分布, 这一分布特点反映出其克隆生长特性。统计结果说明: 邻域中异型花粉供体相对丰富度对两型目标植株都无影响; 目标植株雌性适合度在邻域中不受负频率依赖选择的影响。这一结果并不支持负频率依赖的选择在该研究尺度上是影响种群型比结构的主要机制。云南草蔻两型个体在花期和果期的繁殖指标上不存在显著差异; 功能性别计算结果显示选型交配是种群内唯一的交配模式时, 下垂型功能性别偏雌性而上举型功能性别偏雄性。这一功能性别特化的趋势可能是通过对上举型的雄性功能的选择而造成的, 并可能与种群型结构相关。当功能性别计算只考虑自交而忽略近交衰退时, 种群功能性别偏向雌性。  相似文献   

以九连山国家自然保护区毛红椿4个天然种群为研究对象,于2006—2016年调查毛红椿有性繁殖和自然更新的情况,分析其繁殖适合度系数和个体水平适合度.结果表明:九连山毛红椿各地理种群结实单株的初始数量较少(3~9株),经70余年的繁衍发育,现存结实单株的数量仅2~10株,且来源于原始单株或子1~2代.不同种群间有性繁殖差异显著,但结实能力呈逐年下降的趋势;随群落发育成熟,土壤种子库保存与种子萌发的失利,导致能正常生长发育成熟的林木数量近乎为0.毛红椿最佳性成熟年龄为40年,早期优势明显,适合度系数早期快速增长,为2.0~2.8,但急剧减少至0.3~0.5,之后较平稳减速至近乎于0;种群间个体有性繁殖适合度(0~14株·cm2)存在较显著差异,但均较低,甚至低至0;以现有繁殖率计算,有性繁殖与更新的适合度实测值均远低于预估值.总之,受有性繁殖遗传适合度低的影响,不同种群间有性繁殖与更新能力趋同衰退;个体有性繁殖适合度进一步降低且面临更高的投资风险,现有繁殖体系因此失衡并趋于恶化.建议开展繁殖交配、授粉结实及遗传多样性评价研究,同时人为干预林分环境,于结实期清理林地枯落物,在幼苗至幼树生长过渡期适当疏伐.  相似文献   

传粉者的选择作用是花表型性状进化的重要驱动力, 解析选择作用的强度是理解花进化的关键。通过表型操控实验和表型选择研究能够分析花性状与其适合度的关系, 探究花性状的表型选择作用。为揭示花性状变化对雌性适合度的影响, 本研究处理展毛翠雀(Delphinium kamaonense var. glabrescens)花萼片大小, 并进行表型选择分析。结果表明: 人为减小展毛翠雀花萼片显著降低了传粉者的访花频率, 但是并没有影响种子产量(种子数和结籽率), 说明展毛翠雀花萼片的大小不影响种子产量, 可能主要吸引传粉昆虫输出花粉。通过雌性适合度(种子数量)估计表型选择梯度, 发现花萼片大小(长和宽)没有受到显著的直接选择梯度。但是, 花距长受到显著的线性选差和选择梯度, 表明花距的延长能够增加种子产量。本研究表明展毛翠雀花性状受到选择的作用, 但萼片和花距有不同的功能, 分别影响传粉者访问频率和种子产量。  相似文献   

自然选择理论认为生物个体或者种群在进化的过程中, 其基因或者性状、行为策略的选择一定是能够提高其适合度或者达到某个可期的“目标”。然而, 随着某个突变基因或者性状特征、行为策略在种群中扩散, 其期望收益将随着其在种群中分布的密度变化或环境改变而发生改变, 这就是适合度景观的悖论, 即静态的、固定可期望的收益可能因此而不存在。基于动态而非静态适合度景观的概念, 我们提出路径依赖的自然选择概念。路径依赖的自然选择过程中, 一个突变的基因或表型在某种环境下随机产生, 但是该基因或表型在某些特定环境下会产生正反馈。尤其是在正反馈与随机漂变的共同作用下, 多条路径的演化就可能发生, 并且其路径的形成将同时受到其种群进化历史过程和空间特征分布等因素的强烈影响。而在不同路径下, 由于观测维度、角度和尺度的不同, 适合度意义将因此而存在不同。在此意义下, 自然选择更可能选择路径频率而不是适合度大小。基于上述概念, 我们借鉴现代物理学中复函数的方法, 来描述多重动力对物种形成或者生物特征、种群进化等路径依赖的演化过程, 以期为同域物种、隐存种形成以及生物多样性演化提供解释机制。  相似文献   

帮手及其行为的科学解释一个动物发育成熟以后留在出生群中当帮手和离开出生群去进行独立生殖,显然是两种完全不同的对策,为了给帮手及其利他行为的存在以科学的解释,我们必须对这两种对策加以比较研究。从进化和自然选择的角度看,一个个体当帮手时的适合度一定会大于进行独立生殖时的适合度,至少两者的适合度也要相等,否则就无法解释为什么一个个体成熟后不去繁殖自己的后代。  相似文献   

通过交配系统了解植物生殖生态学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
进行有性生殖的植物可以通过两个途径——花粉或者种子——来传递它们的基因 (即适合度 )。雌雄同体的植物不仅可以依靠种子生产获得雌性适合度 ,而且还可以依靠花粉途径获得雄性适合度。从种群角度看 ,这两个途径完全是均等的 ,在重要性上并没有什么差别。每个二倍体生物都只有一个父亲、一个母亲。对于一个繁育种群来说 ,通过种子途径传递的基因与通过花粉途径传递的基因在数量上必然是相等的 ,虽然不同个体之间可能存在着这样或那样的差别。早期的植物学家几乎把注意力全部集中在种子生产上 ,基本上忽略了植物个体的雄性适合度组分 ,似乎…  相似文献   

Fifteen populations of Escherichia coli were propagated for 150 freeze-thaw-growth (FTG) cycles in order to study the phenotypic and genetic changes that evolve under these stressful conditions. Here we present the phenotypic differences between the evolved lines and their progenitors as measured by competition experiments and growth curves. Three FTG lines evolved from an ancestral strain that was previously used to start a long-term evolution experiment, while the other 12 FTG lines are derived from clones that had previously evolved for 20,000 generations at constant 37 degrees C. Competition experiments indicate that the former FTG group improved their mean fitness under the FTG regime by about 90% relative to their progenitor, while the latter FTG group gained on average about 60% relative to their own progenitors. These increases in fitness result from both improved survival during freezing and thawing and more rapid recovery to initiate exponential growth after thawing. This shorter lag phase is specific to recovery after freezing and thawing. Future work will seek to identify the mutations responsible for evolutionary adaptation to the FTG environment and use them to explore the physiological mechanisms that allow increased survival and more rapid recovery.  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic basis of the seasonal fluctuations in resistance to three organophosphates, observed within a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen), we compared the intrinsic rate of increase, generation time and net reproduction rate among chromosome substitution lines derived from a resistant and a susceptible line, obtained from this natural population. There was significant variation among substituted lines; lines possessing the third chromosome from the resistant line, which confers resistance to the three organophosphates, generally showed lower mean values of these fitness measures. Chromosomal analyses also indicated significant negative contributions of the third chromosome from the resistant line. However, significant positive contributions of the interactions among chromosomes from the resistant line to these fitness measures were also detected. We further conducted a local stability analysis, in which each chromosome-substituted line was assumed to be introduced at a low frequency into the initial susceptible population. It was demonstrated that the resistance factor(s) on the third chromosome tend to decrease in their frequency under both density-independent and juvenile density-regulated conditions. Based on these results, a possible explanation for the seasonal fluctuations in resistance to the three organophosphates observed in the natural population was proposed.  相似文献   

Coexistence of two or more populations by frequency‐dependent selection is common in nature, and it often arises even in well‐mixed experiments with microbes. If ecology is to be incorporated into models of population genetics, then it is important to represent accurately the functional form of frequency‐dependent interactions. However, measuring this functional form is problematic for traditional fitness assays, which assume a constant fitness difference between competitors over the course of an assay. Here, we present a theoretical framework for measuring the functional form of frequency‐dependent fitness by accounting for changes in abundance and relative fitness during a competition assay. Using two examples of ecological coexistence that arose in a long‐term evolution experiment with Escherichia coli, we illustrate accurate quantification of the functional form of frequency‐dependent relative fitness. Using a Monod‐type model of growth dynamics, we show that two ecotypes in a typical cross‐feeding interaction—such as when one bacterial population uses a byproduct generated by another—yields relative fitness that is linear with relative frequency.  相似文献   

Whether evolution is erratic due to random historical details, or is repeatedly directed along similar paths by certain constraints, remains unclear. Epistasis (i.e. non-additive interaction between mutations that affect fitness) is a mechanism that can contribute to both scenarios. Epistasis can constrain the type and order of selected mutations, but it can also make adaptive trajectories contingent upon the first random substitution. This effect is particularly strong under sign epistasis, when the sign of the fitness effects of a mutation depends on its genetic background. In the current study, we examine how epistatic interactions between mutations determine alternative evolutionary pathways, using in vitro evolution of the antibiotic resistance enzyme TEM-1 β-lactamase. First, we describe the diversity of adaptive pathways among replicate lines during evolution for resistance to a novel antibiotic (cefotaxime). Consistent with the prediction of epistatic constraints, most lines increased resistance by acquiring three mutations in a fixed order. However, a few lines deviated from this pattern. Next, to test whether negative interactions between alternative initial substitutions drive this divergence, alleles containing initial substitutions from the deviating lines were evolved under identical conditions. Indeed, these alternative initial substitutions consistently led to lower adaptive peaks, involving more and other substitutions than those observed in the common pathway. We found that a combination of decreased enzymatic activity and lower folding cooperativity underlies negative sign epistasis in the clash between key mutations in the common and deviating lines (Gly238Ser and Arg164Ser, respectively). Our results demonstrate that epistasis contributes to contingency in protein evolution by amplifying the selective consequences of random mutations.  相似文献   

Nuclear-mitochondrial epistasis for fitness in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In addition to the familiar possibility of epistasis between nuclear loci, interactions may evolve between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes in eukaryotic cells. We looked for such interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae genotypes evolved independently and asexually in the laboratory for 2000 generations, and in an ecologically distinct pathogenic S. cerevisiae strain. From these strains we constructed derivatives entirely lacking mitochondrial DNA and then used crosses to construct matched and unmatched pairings of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. We detected fitness effects of such interactions in an evolved laboratory strain and in crosses between the laboratory and pathogen strains. In both cases, there were significant contributions to progeny fitness of both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes and of their interaction. A second evolved genotype showed incompatibility with the first evolved genotype, but the nuclear and mitochondrial contributions to this incompatibility could not be resolved. These results indicate that cytonuclear interactions analogous to those already known from plants and animals can evolve rapidly on an evolutionary timescale.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks have evolved independently in all three domains of life, and fitness benefits of a functional clock have been demonstrated in experimental genotypes in controlled conditions. Still, little is known about genetic variation in the clock and its fitness consequences in natural populations from heterogeneous environments. Using Wyoming populations of the Arabidopsis relative Boechera stricta as our study system, we demonstrate that genetic variation in the clock can occur at multiple levels: means of circadian period among populations sampled at different elevations differed by less than 1 h, but means among families sampled within populations varied by as much as 3.5 h. Growth traits also varied among and within populations. Within the population with the most circadian variation, we observed evidence for a positive correlation between period and growth and a negative correlation between period and root‐to‐shoot ratio. We then tested whether performance tradeoffs existed among families of this population across simulated seasonal settings. Growth rankings of families were similar across seasonal environments, but for root‐to‐shoot ratio, genotype × environment interactions contributed significantly to total variation. Therefore, further experiments are needed to identify evolutionary mechanisms that preserve substantial quantitative genetic diversity in the clock in this and other species.  相似文献   

What drives mating system variation is a major question in evolutionary biology. Female multiple mating (polyandry) has diverse evolutionary consequences, and there are many potential benefits and costs of polyandry. However, our understanding of its evolution is biased towards studies enforcing monandry in polyandrous species. What drives and maintains variation in polyandry between individuals, genotypes, populations and species remains poorly understood. Genetic variation in polyandry may be actively maintained by selection, or arise by chance if polyandry is selectively neutral. In Drosophila pseudoobscura, there is genetic variation in polyandry between and within populations. We used isofemale lines to found replicate populations with high or low initial levels of polyandry and tracked polyandry under experimental evolution over seven generations. Polyandry remained relatively stable, reflecting the starting frequencies of the experimental populations. There were no clear fitness differences between high versus low polyandry genotypes, and there was no signature of balancing selection. We confirmed these patterns in direct comparisons between evolved and ancestral females and found no consequences of polyandry for female fecundity. The absence of differential selection even when initiating populations with major differences in polyandry casts some doubt on the importance of polyandry for female fitness.  相似文献   

This study uses the enteric bacterium Escherichia coli as an experimental system to examine evolutionary responses of bacteria to an environmental acidic-alkaline range between pH 5.3 and 7.8 (15-5000 nM [H(+)]). Our goal was both to test general hypotheses about adaptation to abiotic variables and to provide insights into how coliform organisms might respond to changing conditions inside and outside of hosts. Six replicate lines of E. coli evolved for 2000 generations at one of four different constant pH conditions: pH 5.3, 6.3, 7.0, or 7.8. Direct adaptation to the evolutionary environment, as well as correlated changes in other environments, was measured as a change in fitness relative to the ancestor in direct competition experiments. The pH 5.3 group had the highest fitness gains, with a highly significant increase of 20%. The pH 7.8 group had far less significant gains and much higher variance among its lines. Analysis of individual lines within these two groups revealed complex patterns of adaptation: all of the pH 5.3 lines exhibited trade-offs (reduced fitness in another environment), but only 33% of the pH 7.8 lines showed such trade-offs and one of the pH 7.8 lines demonstrated exaptation by improving fitness in the pH 5.3 environment. Although there was also prevalent exaptation in other groups to the acidic environment, there were no such cases of exaptation to alkalinity. Comparison across the entire experimental pH range revealed that the most acidic lines, the pH 5.3 group, were all specialists, in contrast to the pH 6.3 lines, which were almost all generalists. That is, although none of the pH 5.3 lines showed any correlated fitness gains, all of the pH 6.3 lines did.  相似文献   

Sexual selection requires social interactions, particularly between the sexes. When trait expression is influenced by social interactions, such traits are called interacting phenotypes and only recently have the evolutionary consequences of interacting phenotypes been considered. Here we investigated how variation in relative fitness, or the opportunity for sexual selection, affected the evolutionary trajectories of interacting phenotypes. We used experimentally evolved populations of the naturally promiscuous Drosophila pseudoobscura , in which the numbers of potential interactions between the sexes, and therefore relative fitness, were manipulated by altering natural levels of female promiscuity. We considered two different mating interactions between the sexes: mating speed and copulation duration. We investigated the evolutionary trajectories of means and (co)variances ( P ) and also the influence of genetic drift on the evolutionary response of these interactions. Our sexual selection treatments did not affect the means of either mating speed or copulation duration, but they did affect P . We found that the means of both traits differed among replicates within each selection treatment whereas the P s did not. Changes as a consequence of genetic drift were excluded. Our results show that although variable potential strengths of sexual interactions influence the evolution of interacting phenotypes, the influence may be nonlinear.  相似文献   

The [PSI(+)] prion in yeast has been shown to improve short-term growth in some environments, but its effects on rates of adaptation have not been assessed before now. We adapted three yeast genotypes to three novel environments in the presence and the absence of the prion. There were significant differences in adaptation rates between lines with different combinations of genotype, environment, and prion status. We saw no consistent effect, however, of the prion on the rate of adaptation to new environments. A major factor affecting the rate of adaptation was initial fitness in the new environment: lines with low initial fitness evolved faster than lines with high initial fitness.  相似文献   

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