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河南省猛禽的调查   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
主要论述河南省猛禽的种类、数量、分布及迁徙规律,河南省的猛禽共计41种,其中隼形目鸟类2科29种,Hao形目鸟类2科12种。  相似文献   

主要论述河南省猛禽的种类、数量、分布及迁徙规律。河南省的猛禽共计41种,其中隼形目鸟类2科29种,鸮形目鸟类2科12种。  相似文献   

研究使用了从1997~2005年四川省58个生物资源综合科学考察的鸟类野外调查记录、国内外从1908年到2005年有关四川省鸡形目鸟类野外物种调查公开发表的60篇文献,以及四川大学、西华师范大学、四川农业大学标本馆共386号鸡形目标本,共1103条记录,对四川省鸡形目的资源及分布进行了研究。结果如下:①四川省鸡形目鸟类计2科18属25种,占全国鸡形目(63种)的39.68%,其中,国家I级保护鸡形目5种,国家II级保护鸡形目11种,分别占全国保护鸡形目总数(I级21种、II级21种)的23.81%、52.38%;特有种7种,占全国鸡形目特有种(14种)的50%,分布型以喜马拉雅-横断山区型居多,以东洋界成分占绝对优势。②物种丰富度最高的地区为平武县、松潘县、九寨沟县、绵竹县、冕宁县、康定县、青川县和宝兴县,保护物种丰富度最高的地区为平武县、九寨沟县、宝兴县、松潘县、青川县、冕宁县;③四川省159个县(市)中有鸡形目调查记录的有73个,没有记录的县86个,这86个空白区域有待进一步调查。  相似文献   

山西省猛禽资源调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了山西省猛禽的种类、数量、分布及迁徙规律。山西省猛禽共计33种,其中隼形目鸟类2科27种,鹗形目鸟类1科6种。  相似文献   

徐雨  冉江洪  岳碧松 《四川动物》2008,27(3):429-431
依据郑光美<中国鸟类分类与分布名录>的分类系统,在前人的研究基础之上,结合近年来发现的新分布记录,对四川的鸟类重新进行了统计.结果 表明,四川省鸟类有21目80科683种,分别占全国鸟类目的87.50%,科的79.21%,种的51.28%,其中非雀形目有20目42科273种,雀形目有38科410种.四川省有国家Ⅰ级重点保护鸟类17种,Ⅱ级保护鸟类80种;CITES(2007)附录Ⅰ有9种,附录Ⅱ有62种;IUCN(2007)红色名录有42种;中国鸟类特有种37种,占全国鸟类特有种的52.1%.  相似文献   

四川省鸟类种类记叙   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
按《世界鸟类分类及分布名录》的分类体系,结合四川省近年来发现的新记录,统讣四川省鸟类有20目78科647种,占全国鸟类目的83.3%,科的77.2%,种的50.0%。其中非雀形目有19H4l科264种,雀形目有37科383种。在目级水平上的变化是将原沙鸡科和戴胜科分别提升为目。在科级水平上的变化较大,新增了许多科。近年来四川省新发现增加的科是鹈鹕科和盔鹏科。四川省有国家Ⅰ级保护鸟类15种,Ⅱ级保护鸟类82种;列入CITES(2003)附录I的有9种,附录n的有57种;IUCN(2002)红色名录的物种有33种;有中国鸟类特有种37种,占全国鸟类特有种的53.6%。  相似文献   

为探讨鸟市贸易对野生鸟类的威胁与影响,给当地野生动物保护部门实施监管提供科学依据,于2016年11月—2017年11月对黑龙江省哈尔滨市最大鸟市——道外花鸟鱼市场进行调查。结果发现:(1)共记录6目34科83属117种18 729只鸟类,其中野生鸟类5目32科77属108种11 662只。有出售国家保护鸟种黄胸鹀 Emberiza aureola、猛禽及非法捕猎工具的现象。(2)所有被贩卖的野生鸟类中,在黑龙江省有分布的共69种,数量达9 707只。相关分析结果表明,黑龙江省有分布的野生鸟类是鸟市非法捕捉及贩卖的主要对象。(3)贩卖量为春、秋季多,夏、冬季少,7—10月鸟类迁徙季节时最多,占总贩卖量的45.2%,说明鸟类秋季迁徙是非法猎捕的高峰期。(4)调查中发现较多的南方鸟种(32.4%)也一定程度上说明野生鸟类非法运输的严重性。建议当地林业和草原局及时加强对道外花鸟鱼市场的监管,在鸟类迁徙季节从非法捕捉和运输环节实施严厉打击。  相似文献   

2018年7月—2019年5月,采用样线法和样点法对启东长江口(北支)自然保护区恒大海上威尼斯碧海银沙海水浴场内鸟类多样性进行了调查,共记录到鸟类9目23科51种,其中鸻形目、雁形目、鹳形目、鸊鷉目等水鸟为鸟类群落的构成主体.不同季节鸟类多样性指数(H)依次为秋季迁徙期>春季迁徙期>夏季繁殖期>越冬期,鸟种由多至少依次...  相似文献   

甘肃黑河内陆河湿地自然保护区候鸟多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘肃黑河为我国第二大内陆河,位于其中游的黑河湿地自然保护区为内陆河流湿地生态系统自然保护区。2008年分季节采用样线法和样点法调查该保护区湿地、农田村庄、人工林和荒漠4种生境的鸟类种类和数量。调查共记录保护区分布的鸟类17目35科116种,其中夏候鸟73种(占鸟类种类的62.93%),迁徙过路鸟20种(占17.24%),留鸟17种(占14.66%),冬候鸟6种(占5.17%)。其中,属于《湿地公约》的水禽56种。在湿地生境共记录鸟类70种,占保护区鸟类种数的60.34%,其中繁殖期在湿地生境栖息的鸟类有50种,绝大部分为夏候鸟(47种),留鸟只有3种;迁徙季节分布有44种鸟类,其中迁徙过路鸟(只在迁徙季节见到)有17种,占迁徙季节鸟类种类数的38.64%。村庄农田、人工林以及荒漠生境中,繁殖期和迁飞期共记录鸟类57种,夏候鸟有33种,留鸟有17种,迁徙过路鸟只有3种。甘肃张掖黑河湿地保护区是众多水禽在我国西北地区的重要繁殖地和迁徙停歇地,是我国候鸟迁徙西部路线上的关键区域。  相似文献   

红外相机技术目前已成为调查、记录陆生大中型兽类和地栖鸟类的最有效方法之一, 为自然保护地的生物多样性编目、野生动物本底调查提供了可靠的数据基础。老河沟保护地位于四川省平武县, 地处岷山山脉中段, 面积110 km2, 是大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)、川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)、红喉雉鹑(Tetraophasis obscurus)等珍稀濒危野生动物的自然栖息地。本文汇总、整理了老河沟保护地2011-2015年的红外相机监测记录, 提供了完整的红外相机监测数据集。数据集包括红外相机有效位点130个, 海拔跨度1,317-3,265 m, 总有效相机工作日10,185 d。红外相机拍摄记录159,694条, 其中兽类记录91,839条, 独立有效照片3,017张, 包括分属5目15科的野生兽类28种; 鸟类记录37,775条, 独立有效照片1,311张, 包括分属7目19科的野生鸟类60种; 两栖类记录8条, 独立有效照片2张, 包括1目1科1种; 家畜记录47条, 独立有效照片5张。  相似文献   

Alternative hypotheses propose the sister order of owls (Strigiformes) to be either day-active raptors (Falconiformes) or dark-active nightjars and allies (Caprimulgiformes). In an effort to identify molecular characters distinguishing between these hypotheses we examined a gene, arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (Aanat), potentially associated with the evolution of avian dark-activity. Partial Aanat coding sequences, and two introns, were obtained from the genomic DNA of 16 species: Strigiformes (four species), Falconiformes (four species), Caprimulgiformes (five species), with outgroups: Ciconiiformes (one species), Passeriformes (one species), and Apterygiformes (one species). Phylogenetic trees derived from aligned, evolutionarily conserved Aanat regions did not consistently recover clades corresponding to orders Strigiformes and Falconiformes but did place a caprimulgiform clade more distant from the strigiform and falconiform species than the latter two groups are to each other. This finding was supported by spectral analysis. The taxonomic distribution of seven intronic indels is consistent with the Aanat derived phylogenetic trees and supports conventional family-level groupings within both Strigiformes and Caprimulgiformes. The phylogenetic analyses also indicate that Caprimulgiformes is a polyphyletic grouping. In conclusion the data support, but do not conclusively prove, the proposal that Falconiformes is the sister order to Strigiformes and therefore, that the dark-activity characteristic of Strigiformes and Caprimulgiformes arose by convergent evolution.  相似文献   

河北沧州地区猛禽初步调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
依据2001年5月至2008年3月对沧州东部沿海湿地的野外考察和沧州市野生动物救护中心的鸟类救护记录,共收录沧州地区猛禽33种,隶属于2目5科16属.其中,隼形目3科10属26种,鹗形目2科6属7种.旅鸟16种,占48.5%;冬候鸟8种,占24.2%;夏候鸟3种,占9.1%;留鸟6种,占18.2%.古北界23种,占69.7%;东洋界和广布种各5种,分别占15.2%.  相似文献   

Migration detours, the spatial deviation from the shortest route, are a widespread phenomenon in migratory species, especially if barriers must be crossed. Moving longer distances causes additional efforts in energy and time, and to be adaptive, this should be counterbalanced by favorable condition en route. We compared migration patterns of nightingales that travelled along different flyways from their European breeding sites to the African nonbreeding sites. We tested for deviations from shortest routes and related the observed and expected routes to the habitat availability at ground during autumn and spring migration. All individuals flew detours of varying extent. Detours were largest and seasonally consistent in western flyway birds, whereas birds on the central and eastern flyways showed less detours during autumn migration, but large detours during spring migration (eastern flyway birds). Neither migration durations nor the time of arrival at destination were related to the lengths of detours. Arrival at the breeding site was nearly synchronous in birds flying different detours. Flying detours increased the potential availability of suitable broad‐scale habitats en route only along the western flyway. Habitat availability on observed routes remained similar or even decreased for individuals flying detours on the central or the eastern flyway as compared to shortest routes. Thus, broad‐scale habitat distribution may partially explain detour performance, but the weak detour‐habitat association along central and eastern flyways suggests that other factors shape detour extent regionally. Prime candidate factors are the distribution of small suitable habitat patches at local scale as well as winds specific for the region and altitude.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was conducted on 60 raptors representing 13 species treated at the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine during 1986-1987. Eight species (31 individuals) were Falconiformes and five species (29 individuals) were Strigiformes. Seventy-five percent of all injuries were due to trauma and 65% of these were injuries arising from human activity, including car collisions (28%), shooting (17%) and trapping (11%). Thirty-four percent of all raptors admitted were treated and released, 25% were permanently crippled and 41% died during treatment or were euthanized. Data from this study implicate trauma resulting from human activity as a major reason for injury in free-ranging raptors presented for treatment in Iowa.  相似文献   

The migration of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) from Canada and the United States to overwintering sites in Mexico is one of the world’s most amazing biological phenomena, although recent threats make it imperative that the resources needed by migrating monarchs be conserved. The most important first step in preserving migration resources—determining the migration flyways—is also the most challenging because of the large-scale nature of the migration. Prior attempts to determine the flyways using mark-recapture techniques with wing tags gave some clues, but this important information has never been fully obtainable until now. In 2005 the citizen-science program, Journey North, initiated a project that asked participants to record sightings of overnight roosts of monarchs during their fall migration, and this project now provides an ideal way to illustrate the flyways used by monarchs on their way to Mexico, with the assumption that roost locations indicate migration routes. We used 3 years of this data to elucidate the flyways on a continent-wide scale, that revealed two distinct flyways, but only one appears to lead directly to Mexico. This main, ‘central’ flyway begins in the American Midwest states and southern Ontario, then continues south-southwest through the states of Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas, and finally passes through Texas and northern Mexico. These data also highlighted a separate, smaller flyway along the eastern and coastal states, but there was a noticeable lack of roost sightings in this flyway at lower latitudes. Since there are few recoveries of marked monarchs in Mexico originating from coastal areas, we compared the timing of roost formation in this ‘eastern’ flyway with the main, central flyway. Roosts in the eastern flyway lagged behind the central roosts in timing, suggesting that monarchs traveling in this flyway have a reduced chance of making it to the Mexico wintering site. Combined, our evidence indicates that locations in the central flyway should be considered priority areas for conserving migration resources.  相似文献   

Migration is a common strategy used by birds that breed in seasonal environments. The patterns and determinants of migration routes, however, remain poorly understood. Recent empirical analyses have demonstrated that the locations of two North America migration flyways (eastern and western) shift seasonally, reflecting the influence of looped migration strategies. For the eastern but not western flyway, seasonal variation in atmospheric circulation has been identified as an explanation. Here, we test an alternative explanation based on the phenology of ecological productivity, which may be of greater relevance in western North America, where phenology is more broadly dictated by elevation. Migrants in the western flyway selected lower-elevation spring routes that were wetter, greener and more productive, and higher-elevation autumn routes that were less green and less productive, but probably more direct. Migrants in the eastern flyway showed little season variation but maintained associations with maximum regional greenness. Our findings suggest the annual phenology of ecological productivity is associated with en route timing in both flyways, and the spring phenology of ecological productivity contributes to the use of looped strategies in the western flyway. This fine-tuned spatial synchronization may be disrupted when changing climate induces a mismatch between food availability and needs.  相似文献   

The wing louse genus Lunaceps, is the most speciose chewing louse (Phthiraptera) genus inhabiting sandpipers (Charadriiformes: Calidrinae) and is known from almost all sandpiper species. The hosts follow specific flyways from the Arctic breeding grounds to wintering locations in the southern hemisphere, and often form large mixed-species flocks during migration and wintering. We estimated a phylogeny of Lunaceps based on three mitochondrial loci, supporting monophyly of the genus but revealing extensive paraphyly at the species level. We also evaluated the relative importance of flyway differentiation (same host species having different lice along different flyways) and flyway homogenisation (different host species having the same lice along the same flyway). We found that while the lice of smaller sandpipers and stints show some evidence of flyway homogenisation, those of larger sandpipers do not. No investigated host species migrating along more than one flyway showed any evidence of flyway differentiation. The host-parasite associations within Lunaceps are in no case monophyletic, rejecting strict cospeciation.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among raptors, especially various groups are rather complex and controversial. We determined the complete mtDNA of Japanese sparrowhawk, and estimated phylogenetic trees based on the complete mtDNA alignment of it and 36 other raptor species, to clarify raptor phylogenetics. Phylogenetic trees were also estimated using a multiple sequence alignment of 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA from 81 typical species in GenBank, to further clarify the phylogenetic relationships of several groups among the raptors. The new mtDNA is a circular molecule, 17 917 bp in length, containing the 37 typical genes, with a pseudo-control region. ATG is generally the start codon, TAA is the most frequent stop codon. All tRNAs can be folded into canonical cloverleaf secondary structures except for tRNASer (AGY) and tRNALeu (CUN), which are missing the “DHU” arm. Phylogenetic relationships demonstrate that raptors can be divided into four branches: Accipitriformes, Falconiformes, Strigiformes and Caprimulgiformes in this study. We suggest that Accipitriformes should to be an independent order, Accipitriformes. The results also indicate that Accipitriformes contains three clades: Accipitridae, Pandionidae and Sagittariidae. Strigiformes includes species from Tytonidae and Strigidae. Caprimulgiformes contains Aegothelidae and Caprimulgidae.  相似文献   

Blood films and sera samples from wild Oklahoma raptors (Strigiformes--36 birds, 3 species; Falconiformes--50 birds, 7 species) were examined for hematozoa and tested for serologic antibody response to Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV), encephalitis (EEE and WEE), ornithosis, and influenza. Twenty-nine of 36 (80.5) Strigiformes and 24 of 50 (48.0%) Falconiformes showed the presence of one or more hematozoa. Serologic testing revealed the serum of one adult male red-tailed hawk positive for antibody to NDV and one additional adult male red-tailed hawk positive for antibody to type-A influenza.  相似文献   

This is a retrospective study on wild raptors submitted to the Université de Montréal (Quebec, Canada) from 1989 to 1996. Cyathostoma spp. (Nematoda: Syngamidae) adults and/or eggs were found in air sacs, lungs, bronchi, and trachea of 12 raptors (Falconiformes and Strigiformes) from Quebec, Canada, belonging to eight different species, five of which are first host records for this parasite: barred owl (Strix varia), snowy owl (Nyctea scandiaca), northern harrier (Circus cyaneus), northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), and broad-winged hawk (Buteo platypterus). The infection was considered fatal in four birds, while no significant clinical signs were observed in the other cases. Major pathologic changes included diffuse pyogranulomatous air sacculitis, pneumonia, and bronchitis. A few unidentified larval nematodes embedded in a granuloma were found in the lungs of an additional Coopers' hawk (Accipiter cooperii); they were not considered clinically significant. A dead nematode, surrounded by necrotic inflammatory cells, was found in the air sac of a northern goshawk. The presence of nematodes in air sacs or lungs should be considered in wild raptors demonstrating respiratory problems.  相似文献   

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