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物种与物种多样性   总被引:37,自引:4,他引:37  
周红章 《生物多样性》2000,8(2):215-226
本文首先讨论生物物种的科学概念和生物学本质,分析物种客观存在的自然属性和物种概念的局限性,认为物种的生物学属性和物种多样性的科学属性之间有着本质联系。物种多样性研究的实质是研究生物物种的生物学多样性。度量物种多样性程度有多种方法,但物种数目是物种多样性程度最直接、也是最基本的表达,估计物种多样性数目是当前国际上物种多样性研究的核心与热点内容。物种多样性产生的根源是物种形成,物种绝灭速率是维持物种多样性的关键因素。本文简要总结了物种形成与绝灭的基本模式和机制,通过分析生物地理区系与物种多样性研究的密切关系,说明物种的区系成份分析是物种多样性大尺度格局研究的重要内容。  相似文献   

利用叶绿体基因(rbcL和trnS-G)及核糖体DNA内转录间隔区(ITS),对祁连山区狭域分布的特有物种黑虎耳草8个居群(115个个体)进行遗传多样性研究,旨在揭示黑虎耳草的居群遗传结构及其历史进化过程。结果表明:(1)所有取样个体共检测到4个cpDNA单倍型和9个ITS单倍型,其中祁连山东南部的居群固定较多的单倍型和特有单倍型,而西北部居群只固定少数几个广泛分布的单倍型,且遗传多样性普遍较低。(2)基于cpDNA数据和ITS数据的分子变异分析(AMOVA)显示,遗传变异主要来源于居群内。(3)基于cpDNA数据的中性检验表明,Tajima’s D(-1.012 30,P> 0.05)和Fu&Li’s D*(-2.066 77,P> 0.05)均为负值,均不显著;歧点分布分析结果显示,黑虎耳草居群经历过近期的扩张事件。根据物种现有遗传分布格局推测,黑虎耳草在第四纪冰期时退缩到祁连山东南部的边缘避难所,间冰期或冰期后回迁到祁连山西北部地区,在回迁过程中由于奠基者效应导致祁连山西北部的居群仅固定少数广泛分布的单倍型,并呈现出较低的遗传多样性;由于居群较小且相互隔离,该...  相似文献   

洪德元 《生物多样性》2016,24(9):979-662
物种概念(species concept)是生物学家们持续关注的中心问题。物种概念决定物种划分, 而物种划分的合理性关系到生物多样性的研究、保护和可持续利用。本文把现有较流行的物种概念分为6类, 并对它们予以述评后指出: 虽然生物学物种概念、遗传学物种概念、进化物种概念、系统发生物种概念等从不同方面认识了物种的客观真实性和物种的本质, 但在实践中都难以操作。绝大多数物种是由分类学家划分的, 但目前所有的分类学物种概念都包含有不同程度的主观因素, 从而造成物种划分的人为性, 对生物多样性研究造成负面影响。因此, 生物多样性事业需要科学、可操作的物种概念。本文在吸收了生物学物种概念、遗传学物种概念、进化物种概念以及系统发生物种概念等的长处, 也分析了它们的不足和问题的基础上提出一个新的物种概念, 即形态-生物学物种概念。最后, 以芍药属(Paeonia)几个物种的处理为例, 说明这一新的物种概念是可操作的, 划分的物种在形态上区别分明, 易于鉴别。更重要的是, 其结果得到基于25或26个单拷贝或寡拷贝核基因DNA序列所作的系统发生分析的强有力支持。各个物种在系统发生树上形成单系和独立的谱系, 表明其间各自形成独立的基因库, 没有基因交换, 它们独立进化, 有各自的生态位和独立的分布区。因此, 利用这一新的物种概念能够达到预期目标。  相似文献   

概述福建省永春县的物种资源特点及现状,并结合生物多样性的特点,提出相应的保护对策。  相似文献   

生物多样性对生态系统功能有重要的影响。作为生物多样性研究的重要方面,物种多样性和功能群多样性引起了生态学者的广泛关注。目前,有关松嫩草地的生物多样性一直缺乏全面而系统的研究。本研究通过对松嫩草地42种植物群落(涉及427个物种)的调查,全面探究了松嫩草地草本植物的生物多样性。从整体上看,松嫩草地主要以禾本科、菊科、豆科植物为主。松嫩草地优势种地上生物量在群落中占绝对优势,其地上生物量与群落地上生物量之间呈极显著正相关(R2=0.904)。不同群落之间物种多样性指数差异很大,其中最主要群落——羊草群落物种丰富度指数(2.6)最小。同时,松嫩草地不同功能群多样性指数之间差异明显,C4禾草为优势种的群落功能群多样性指数明显高于C3禾草为优势种的群落。松嫩草地功能群多样性与物种多样性之间呈极显著正相关(P0.01),功能群多样性在一定程度上能够指示松嫩草地生态系统的生物多样性。  相似文献   

物种分布、编目、系统发育与生活史性状等是生物多样性研究的数据基础,在物种起源与进化、生物多样性保护等研究中发挥着重要作用。近年来,大量数据共享平台的建设极大地促进了生物多样性信息学的蓬勃发展,但这些海量的、高异构性的数据资源也使得研究人员无从下手。如何高效选择和有效利用这些资源,成为生态学家和保护生物学家面临的一大挑战。针对现有的生物多样性数据零散分布的现状,本文将这些数据从物种分布、编目、系统发育与生活史性状4个方面进行整理,分别选取一些代表性的数据库如:全球生物多样性信息网络(GBIF)、世界植物种名录(The Plant List)、Open Tree of Life、植物性状数据库(TRY),对其数据类型、采集方式、范围、获取方式等进行描述,并对相关研究成果进行简要介绍。在各部分中,针对我国生物多样性数字平台的构建等方面的工作与成果,我们也进行了简要描述。通过这些数据资源的整理,希望为研究人员了解和使用这些数据库提供桥梁和纽带,能够进一步促进国内研究人员对这些数据库的有效利用,并通过科研人员与公众等的参与,促进数据共享平台的构建与完善,进一步推动生物多样性的研究和保护领域的发展。  相似文献   

鹅观草居群表型多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
应用居群生物学的原理和方法,对分布于中国7个地区、40个鹅观草(Roegneria kamojiOhwi)居群的表型多样性进行了分析。结果显示:鹅观草15个表型性状的总遗传多样性指数为1.825,表明鹅观草具有丰富的遗传多样性;居群内多样性指数为1.453,居群间为0.372,表型分化系数为28.38%,表明居群内的遗传变异是引起鹅观草变异的主要因素;在7个不同分布区,鹅观草的多样性存在较明显的差异,多样性指数从大到小的顺序为四川(1.583)>云南(1.392)>新疆(1.372)>甘肃(1.351)>内蒙古(1.284)>宁夏(1.235)>山西(0.890)。因此在进行鹅观草种质资源收集时,建议对四川和云南地区的鹅观草种质资源应给予较大关注。  相似文献   

基于物种的大尺度生物多样性热点研究方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
生物多样性热点是建立保护区、制定保护决策的依据,是生物保护研究的热点问题之一。基于物种的研究方法是大尺度陆地生物多样性热点的主要研究方法,但数据的缺乏限制了直接根据物种丰富度确定热点的方法,因此研究中经常采用其他方法间接的反映物种情况,介绍了4种主要的基于物种的替代方法:指示种、高级分类单元、环境模型和景观异质性,详细阐述了各种方法存在的利弊,并从数据的可获取性、操作的便捷性和对物种特征的反映3个方面对各种方法进行了评价。任何单一的方法都无法准确反映出生物多样性热点的真实分布。合适的研究方法是权衡研究目的、时间和资金的结果,建议选择优势互补的多种方法。  相似文献   

正物种概念也许是这个世界上最重要、最复杂的概念了。说它重要,是因为它是划分物种的依据,而物种划分的结果直接或者间接地影响到社会的方方面面;说它复杂,是因为人们对它的讨论在过去几百年中从来就没有停止过,而且至今尚未达成共识。近年来,随着学科的发展和社会的进步,人们对物种概念和物种划分标准的讨论进入了新的阶段。一方面,大家普遍认识到正确划分物种的必要  相似文献   

高程  郭良栋 《生物多样性》2022,30(10):22429-23168
微生物主要包括细菌、真菌、古菌、病毒等类群, 是地球上出现时间最早、分布最广泛、个体数量最多, 以及物种和基因多样性十分丰富的生物类群。为了适应各种生境, 微生物衍生出腐生、寄生、共生等多样的生存策略, 在生物地球化学循环、生态系统演替与稳定性、环境修复以及人类健康等方面发挥着重要作用。传统的微生物监测方法限制了我们对微生物多样性的认知; 但是, 近年来高通量测序技术和生物信息学的发展极大推动了微生物多样性的研究进展。本文概述了近年来在微生物多样性分布格局与维持、群落构建以及功能属性多样性的最新进展; 总结分析了细菌、古菌、真菌的多样性纬度分布格局及其驱动因子, 选择、扩散、成种、漂变等过程对细菌、古菌、真菌的群落构建的贡献, 以及细菌和真菌的形态、生理生化、生长繁殖、扩散、基因组等功能性状的多样性; 提出了未来微生物多样性研究的重要领域: 环境宏真菌组研究, 微生物多样性与生态系统多功能性的关系研究, 以及微生物互作网络的生态功能研究。  相似文献   

The trend for increasing biodiversity from the poles to the tropics is one of the best-known patterns in nature. This latitudinal biodiversity gradient has primarily been documented so far with extant species as the measure of biodiversity. Here, we evaluate the global pattern in biodiversity across latitudes based on the magnitude of genetic population divergence within plant species, using a robust spatial design to compare published allozyme datasets. Like the pattern of plant species richness across latitudes, we expected the divergence among populations of current plant species would have a similar pattern and direction. We found that lower latitudinal populations showed greater genetic differentiation within species after controlling for geographical distance. Our analyses are consistent with previous population-level studies in animals, suggesting a high possibility of tropical peaks in speciation rates associated with observed levels of species richness.  相似文献   

台湾海峡游泳动物种类组成及其多样性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据2006-2007年在台湾海峡进行的四个季度航次定点底拖网调查资料,分析了台湾海峡游泳动物的种类组成、数量分布、优势种和多样性等特征。结果表明,调查海域共鉴定出游泳动物373种,其中鱼类273种,甲壳类81种,头足类19种;渔获物组成以鱼类为主,占渔获物总重量的65.6%,其次为甲壳类和头足类,分别占21.1%和13.3%,所有调查站位游泳动物的年平均生物量密度指数为24.91kg/h,主要优势种类为带鱼(Trichiurus japoni-cus)、拥剑梭子蟹(Portunus haanii)、二长棘鲷(Parargyrops edita)、龙头鱼(Harpadon nehereus)、竹筴鱼(Trachurus japonicus)、火枪乌贼(Loligo beka)等。对多样性的分析显示,台湾海峡游泳动物物种多样性指数(H′)变化范围为1.45-3.21,平均为2.47,其中秋季最高,夏季最低,且呈现南高北低的特点。与历史资料相比,目前台湾海峡游泳动物种类数明显减少,尤其是闽东和闽南—台湾浅滩海域表现最为突出;优势种类个体呈现小型化和低龄化趋势,表明台湾海峡游泳动物资源衰退明显。  相似文献   

Aim Invasive alien species (IAS) pose a significant threat to biodiversity. The Convention on Biological Diversity’s 2010 Biodiversity Target, and the associated indicator for IAS, has stimulated globally coordinated efforts to quantify patterns in the extent of biological invasion, its impact on biodiversity and policy responses. Here, we report on the outcome of indicators of alien invasion at a global scale. Location Global. Methods We developed four indicators in a pressure‐state‐response framework, i.e. number of documented IAS (pressure), trends in the impact of IAS on biodiversity (state) and trends in international agreements and national policy adoption relevant to reducing IAS threats to biodiversity (response). These measures were considered best suited to providing globally representative, standardized and sustainable indicators by 2010. Results We show that the number of documented IAS is a significant underestimate, because its value is negatively affected by country development status and positively by research effort and information availability. The Red List Index demonstrates that IAS pressure is driving declines in species diversity, with the overall impact apparently increasing. The policy response trend has nonetheless been positive for the last several decades, although only half of countries that are signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have IAS‐relevant national legislation. Although IAS pressure has apparently driven the policy response, this has clearly not been sufficient and/or adequately implemented to reduce biodiversity impact. Main conclusions For this indicator of threat to biodiversity, the 2010 Biodiversity Target has thus not been achieved. The results nonetheless provide clear direction for bridging the current divide between information available on IAS and that needed for policy and management for the prevention and control of IAS. It further highlights the need for measures to ensure that policy is effectively implemented, such that it translates into reduced IAS pressure and impact on biodiversity beyond 2010.  相似文献   

Five native species of the flora of Egypt: Adonis dentata Delile, Ranunculaceae; Papaver dubium L., Papaveraceae; Matthiola longipetala (Vent.) DC., Brassicaceae; Malva parviflora L., Malvaceae; and Erodium laciniatum (Cav.) Willd., Geraniaceae have been investigated morphologically, palynologically and mycologically. The total counts of phyllosphere fungi fluctuated between 223 and 388 colonies/100 leaf segments giving maximum on Malva parviflora followed by Matthiola longipetala, Erodium laciniatum, Papaver dubium and Adonis dentata. The widest spectrum of genera (20) and species (39 and l variety) was recorded on Malva parviflora and the narrowest on Adonis dentata (9, 14). Sixty species and one variety belonging to 27 genera were collected from leaves (24 genera and 56 species and 1 variety) and anthers/pollen (16 genera and 27 species) of the five studied plants with the most frequently species were some members of Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fusarium and Mucor. Members of Aspergillus and Penicillium were prevalent only on leaves of Matthiola longipetala and Malva parviflora, while these members were infrequently recorded on leaf surfaces of Adonis dentata and Papaver dubium. Results revealed that density of hairs on the leaf surface and size of leaf blade, almost seem to be the most reliable factors of the biodiversity of the fungal spores on the studied taxa. On the other hand, reticulate or striate pollen surface had a wider spectrum of fungal biodiversity and higher densities of spores compared with echinate and scabrate surface.  相似文献   

Resilience is a general concept that aims to help understand how ecosystems respond to disturbances such as extinctions and invasions. Here, we propose a measure of one aspect of resilience, R X , which is one minus the expected change in functional diversity (X) caused by a species extinction or addition. We show how two components of biodiversity, species richness and functional diversity, and the structure of regional species pools affect this measure. Variation in species richness and in functional diversity have opposite effects on R X . Speciose assemblages generally have higher R X than depauperate ones, whereas functionally diverse assemblages have low R X relative to functionally depauperate ones. The effect of an extinction on R X reflects this tradeoff. In our analyses, extinctions usually cause only a small decrease in both functional diversity and R X . However, extinctions sometimes cause a large reduction in functional diversity and then tend to increase R X . Regional assemblages containing all rather unique species tend to result in speciose assemblages with relatively low R X and in low richness assemblages with relatively high R X . The opposite is true of regional assemblages containing functionally similar species. Information about the processes that structure regional assemblages will therefore increase understanding of ecosystem resilience. Generally, these results suggest that management for biodiversity may not always result in management for resilience.  相似文献   

Species are defined using a variety of different operational techniques. While discussion of the various methodologies has previously been restricted mostly to taxonomists, the demarcation of species is also crucial for conservation biology. Unfortunately, different methods of diagnosing species can arrive at different entities. Most prominently, it is widely thought that use of a phylogenetic species concept may lead to recognition of a far greater number of much less inclusive units. As a result, studies of the same group of organisms can produce not only different species identities but also different species range and number of individuals. To assess the impact of different definitions on conservation issues, we collected instances from the literature where a group of organisms was categorized both under phylogenetic and nonphylogenetic concepts. Our results show a marked difference, with surveys based on a phylogenetic species concept showing more species (48%) and an associated decrease in population size and range. We discuss the serious consequences of this trend for conservation, including an apparent change in the number of endangered species, potential political fallout, and the difficulty of deciding what should be conserved.  相似文献   

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