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In bird migration systems, the question of coexistence and competitionof migrants with residents in the nonbreeding season and theirrole in shaping the evolution of present avian communities ismuch debated. However, conclusions are often drawn in a speculativeway. In the Palearctic-African bird migration system, many studieshave addressed the question of coexistence of Palearctic breedingbirds with Afrotropical species in the former's wintering grounds.These studies have led to some generalizations concerning habitatselection and foraging ecology about the traits that might enablemigrants to coexist with residents. Migrants were thereforeassumed to forage in more open habitats, in more peripheralparts of the vegetation and with a higher foraging speed thanresidents. Furthermore, they were also assumed to be more flexiblein foraging behavior by using a wider range of foraging tactics,but some studies revealed contradicting results. We studiedthe ecology of Palearctic migrants in Comoé NationalPark, Ivory Coast, West Africa, during three successive wintersto explore the factors of niche partitioning between migrantsand residents and to test the hypothesis of whether there arecommon behavioral traits in migrants. Therefore, we comparedthe ecology of two Palearctic breeding species: pied flycatcher,Ficedula hypoleuca, and willow warbler, Phylloscopus trochilus,with resident members of the respective guilds. With respectto use of microhabitat, foraging speed, and intake rates, wecould not confirm the above-mentioned generalizations, showingthat care has to be taken into account when drawing conclusionsfrom few studies for a whole migration system on a huge continent.However, both migrating species were more flexible in foragingbehavior than were their Afrotropical counterparts. As thereare hints that this is also the case when migrants are comparedwith residents on their breeding grounds, we suggest that thisflexibility enables migrants to partition resources with residentsand, therefore, coexist with Afrotropical species. We discuss,however, whether this flexibility is an adaptation to migratorybehavior or a prerequisite for the evolution of migration. Therole that competition plays in present communities cannot besolved with a few observational studies because of the followingproblems. First, it is difficult to detect competition in thefield. Second, there are constraints of performing field experimentsthat have not previously been performed in Africa, and third,there are several possible hypothetical scenarios about therole of competition in shaping present communities, includingfactors that might have been important in the past and are thereforeimpossible to detect at present.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that animal distribution and migration strategy might have co-evolved in relation to selection pressures exerted by parasites. Here, we first determined the prevalence and types of malaria blood parasites in a breeding population of great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus using PCR. Secondly, we tested for differences in individual feather stable isotope signatures (delta (13)C, delta (15)N, deltaD and delta (34)S) to investigate whether malaria infected and non-infected birds had occupied different areas in winter. We show that birds moulting in Afro-tropical habitats with significantly higher delta (13)C and delta (15)N but lower deltaD and delta(34)S values were more frequently infected with malaria parasites. Based on established patterns of isotopic distributions, our results indicate that moulting sites with higher incidence of malaria are generally drier and situated further to the north in West Africa than sites with lower incidence of malaria. Our findings are pertinent to the general hypothesis that animal distribution and particularly avian migration strategy might evolve in response to selection pressures exerted by parasites at different geographic scales. Tradeoffs between investment in energy demanding life history traits (e.g. migration and winter moult) and immune function are suggested to contribute to the particular choice of habitat during migration and at wintering sites.  相似文献   

Marcel Klaassen 《Oecologia》1995,104(4):424-432
The circannual patterns in resting metabolic rate (RMR) of males of two subspecies of stonechats, the European Saxicola torquata rubicula and the East African S. t. axillaris, are compared. As the birds from the two subspecies were raised and kept under comparable laboratory conditions, differences in metabolic rate between the two subspecies had to be genetically determined. RMR peaked during moult in both subspecies. During the rest of the year RMR was fairly constant in both subspecies and assumed to reflect basal metabolic rate (BMR). African stonechats had a 22% lower mass specific BMR than European stonechats, which is thought to reflect a genetical physiological adaptation to the differences in environmental circumstances they experience in the field. A low BMR makes an animal more susceptible to cold. Hence, the relatively high plumage mass in the African compared to the European stonechat may be functionally linked to its relatively low BMR. Moult costs, calculated from the plumage masses and the differences in RMR inside and outside the moult period, tended to be higher in the European compared to the African stonechats. These data and an interspecific comparison of moult costs over various species of birds support the earlier notion by Lindström et al. (1993) that moult costs are more closely linked with BMR than with body mass or rate of moult. The relation between moult costs and BMR and the fact that the efficiency of moult is extremely low (3.8 and 6.4% for European and African stonechats, respectively) suggest that the maintenance of specific tissues necessary for moult is a large cost factor. Alternatively, impaired insulation during moult may necessitate an increased metabolic capacity which may be associated with an increased RMR.  相似文献   

The mast depression hypothesis (MDH) proposes that cyclic population fluctuations of microtines and other herbivores are an effect of cyclic seed cropping of plants. This is because high seed crops, termed masts, are produced at the expense of chemical defence against herbivores. It has generally been assumed that bird-hunting raptors produce high numbers of offspring when microtine prey are abundant because of reduced competition from generalist predators. However, this may also be caused by higher production of herbivorous insects, and thus insectivorous bird prey, because of lower contents of chemical defence compounds in some plant species, such as bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus and cowberry V. vitis-idaea. In Aust-Agder county, southern Norway, the mean brood size of pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus and goshawk A. gentilis was higher in peak vole years than in other years. The effect was not due to variation in nest predation, as only successful nesting attempts were included in the analyses. For the pied flycatcher, the annual proportion of large broods (>6 fledglings) was positively correlated with the vole trapping index. No correlation was found between the offspring production of goshawks and the proportion of voles in their diet. During a 3-year light-trapping study of nocturnal moths prior to our study, four moth species whose larvae ate Vaccinium were commonest in the vole peak year. All these results are consistent with the MDH. Received: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 20 April 1998  相似文献   

Stature and weight of 418 men (age range 15 to 57.6 years) of Italian ancestry immigrated in Belgium are studied as a function of age, education, and of profession. Taking account of the variation observed for these factors, the results are analyzed in terms of the geographical origin and of the age at migration. Compared to a reference population, no significant differences are observed between migrants and sedentes: no evidence of selective migration could be demonstrated. Rather, the influences of environmental factors are seen in that the mean heights of Italians born in Belgium and of individuals who migrated before five years of age are significantly higher than the means of the individuals who migrated after five years.  相似文献   

Jaime Potti   《Acta Oecologica》2008,33(3):387-393
The predicted effects of recent climate warming on egg size in birds are controversial, as only two long-term studies have been reported, with contrasting results. Long-term data on egg size variation are analyzed in relation to ambient temperatures in a southern European population of pied flycatchers where breeding phenology has not matched the spring advancement in the last decades. Cross-sectional, population analyses indicated that egg breadth, but not egg length, has decreased significantly along the 16-year period, leading to marginally non-significant decreases in egg volume. Longitudinal, individual analyses revealed that despite females consistently laying larger eggs when they experienced warmer temperatures during the prelaying and laying periods, there was an overall negative response – i.e. decreasing egg volume and breadth with increasing spring (May) average temperatures – across individuals. This trend is hypothesised to be caused by the mismatched breeding phenology, in relation to climate warming, of this population. Except in the unlikely cases of populations capable of perfectly synchronising their phenology to changes in their environment, maladjustments are likely for traits such as egg size, which depend strongly on female condition. Slight changes or absence thereof in breeding dates may be followed by mismatched dates, in terms of food abundance, for optimal egg formation, which would be reflected in smaller average egg size, contrary to early predictions on the effects of climate warming on bird egg size.  相似文献   

Coinciding with increasing spring temperatures in Europe, many migrants have advanced their arrival or passage times over the last decades. However, some species, namely long-distance migrants, could be constrained in their arrival dates due to their largely inherited migratory behaviour and thus a likely inflexibility in their response to exogenous factors. To examine this hypothesis for pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca), we tested the effects of the temperature regimes along their migration routes north of the Sahara on their arrival times in central Europe. To do so, we developed a site-independent large-scale approach based on temperature data available on the Internet. Temperature regimes along the migration routes of pied flycatchers within Europe convincingly correlate with their first arrival times. It can be concluded that the progression of spring migration in this species is strongly influenced by temperature en route. Because of the recent inconsistent climatic changes in various parts of Europe, we hypothesize that individuals migrating along different routes will be unequally affected by further climatic changes.  相似文献   

Topography and historical range expansion has formed a so-called migratory divide between two subspecies of willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) in central Scandinavia. The autumn migratory directions of individuals assigned molecularly to both subspecies and possible hybrids were recorded using orientation cage experiments in southwest and southeast Sweden. We found pronounced differences in willow warblers’ orientation in respect to genotype. The mean directions registered in the control experiments were in accordance with the ringing recoveries and analyses of stable isotopes for Scandinavian willow warblers. With the same individuals we performed displacement experiments between both sites. They resulted in non-significant orientation, which could be explained by the intermediate distance of the displacement or reactions to housing, transportation and location. On a separate set of birds we tested whether stress following transportation could explain the disorientation and found that orientation before and after transport was unchanged. Experimental studies of effects of intermediate displacements across longitudes and studies of orientation of hybrid individuals in the zones of migratory divides are crucial for understanding the mechanisms underlying orientation behaviour. Our work further stresses the importance of knowing the migration genotype of a particular bird under study, in order to correctly evaluate expected migration routes.  相似文献   

The C and N isotopes of feathers from two subspecies of willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus trochilus and Phylloscopus trochilus acredula) are isotopically distinct. Our analysis of 138 adult males from 14 sites distributed across Sweden shows that the mean delta15N and delta13C values of subspecies acredula (from latitudes above 63 degrees N) were significantly higher than the mean delta15N and delta13C values of subspecies trochilus (from latitudes below 61 degrees N). The analysed willow warbler feathers had been moulted in the winter quarters and the observed isotopic signatures should thus reflect the isotopic pattern of food assimilated in Africa. The isotopic data observed in Sweden match the cline in morphology, both showing abrupt changes around 62 degrees N. This result agrees with data from ringing recoveries indicating that the two subspecies occupy geographically and isotopically distinct wintering grounds in Africa. Our isotopic data suggest that analysis of stable isotopes of C and N is a promising method to track wintering quarters of European birds that migrate to Africa.  相似文献   

This study outlines the reproduction periods of the African fruit bats Epomops buettikoferi, Epomophorus garnbianus , and Micropteropus pusillus at two West African savanna sites: a wet southern Guinea savanna and a drier southern Sudanese savanna. At both sites the two annual birth periods were timed such that both lactation by only one weaning period coincided with the rainy season peaks in fruit availability. On this basis we propose that lactation rather than weaning was the important determinant of the timing of reproduction. There was no evidence of cycling of testes size in males corresponding with the seasonal mating periods. E. buettikoferi and M. pusillus females mated at six months and gave birth at the age of 12 months. Males of the two species reached puberty by 11 months and seven months, respectively. Growth rates did not differ between cohorts growing through the wet and dry season and E. buettikoferi and M. pusillus grew at rates of 276 mg/day and 116 mg/day, respectively.  相似文献   

Populations of migratory songbirds in western Europe show considerable variation in population trends between species and regions. The demographic and environmental causes of these large‐scale patterns are poorly understood. Using data from Constant Effort mist‐netting studies, we investigated relationships between changes in abundance, adult survival and seasonal weather conditions among 35 western European populations of eight species of migratory warblers (Sylviidae). We used cross‐species and within‐species comparisons to assess whether annual variation in survival was correlated with weather conditions during passage or winter. We estimated survival using CJS mark‐recapture models accounting for variation in the proportion of transient individuals and recapture rates. Species wintering in the humid bioclimatic zone of western Africa had significantly higher annual survival probabilities than species wintering in the arid bioclimatic zone of Africa (the Sahel). Rainfall in the Sahel was positively correlated with survival in at least some populations of five species. We found substantially fewer significant relationships with indices of weather during the autumn and spring passage periods, which may be due to the use of broad‐scale indices. Annual population changes were correlated with adult survival in all of our study species, although species undergoing widespread declines showed the weakest relationships.  相似文献   

Volker Salewski 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):191-193
Salewski, V. 2000. Microhabitat use and feeding strategies of the Pied Flycatcher and the Willow Warbler in their West-African winter quarters compared with resident species. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 191–193.

Habitat choice, microhabitat and foraging behaviour of the palaearctic Pied Flycatcher and Willow Warbler are described in their West-African wintering areas and are compared with those of resident species. The migrants were more flexible in habitat choice and foraging techniques, but in general did not feed in more open habitat.  相似文献   

Moult data from 302 museum skins and 11 trapped birds from sub-Saharan Africa show the course of flight feather moult. Most birds seem to start flight-feather moult soon after arrival in their southern African non-breeding ranges. About 75% of the birds had started before mid-December, i.e., during the main arrival time of the species. The mode of moult scores 1 and 2 was reached on 7 December; the last birds with a score of zero occurred in the first days of January. The mode of moult scores 5 and 6 was reached on 27 February. Thus, the time elapsed between the days when 50% of the population had reached the first and last stages of recorded moult was about 82 days; nine days later 75% had reached this last stage before moult was completed. Thus, individual moult may be estimated to cover about 80–90 days. The main moulting period is between mid-November and mid-March, thus covering about four months. No temporal difference was detected between males and females. A tendency for an advancement of adults compared to young birds was not statistically significant. According to the progress of the moult, sexing of young birds in the field is possible for 50% of the birds towards the end of January and for most birds before mid-February.  相似文献   

We studied the comparative feeding ecology of three species of colobus (Procolobus badius, Procolobus verus, and Colobus polykomos) on Tiwai Island, Sierra Leone. We collected dietary data on each species by scan-sampling habituated groups. Because these groups were observed in the same study area during overlapping time periods, the confounding effects of temporal and spatial variability in food availability were reduced. Our results show that the annual diets of the two larger species (Procolobus badius and Colobus polykomos) include roughly equal proportions of fruits (including seeds), young leaf parts, and mature leaf parts, although P. badius had a greater intake of floral parts. Procolobus verus consumed almost no mature leaf parts, few fruits and seeds, and many young leaf parts. Colobus polykomos commonly fed from lianas. Seeds were the dominant fruit item eaten by all three colobus, and the fruits they selected were generally dull and non-fleshy, in contrast to the brightly-colored, pulpy fruits eaten by guenons. Leguminous plants contributed substantially to the diets of both the larger species, but comparisons with other African forest sites indicate that colobine biomass is not closely correlated with the abundance of leguminous trees in the forest. (Deceased)  相似文献   

Olfactometry showed that the response of spring migrants of the bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae), to the repellent winter host volatile methyl salicylate changes with age of the adult aphid. Between three and four days after becoming adult, and having left the winter host Prunus padus L., aphids lost their negative response to the chemical. The change in response was not associated with contact with a summer host, oats. In a settling choice bioassay, migrants avoided oats which had been exposed to volatile methyl salicylate. Aphids with removed antennal tips did not avoid the exposed plant, indicating that plant choice was influenced by cues from the plant surface. The results are discussed in relation to the use of methyl salicylate in integrated control.  相似文献   

The fruit morphology of 18 taxa representing seven genera of the family Polygonaceae in West Africa was investigated using scanning electron microscopy. The achenes are trigonous, lenticular, globose, subglobose,heart shaped, ovoid, or cone like. Sizes range from 0.12 × 0.10 cm2 in Polygonum plebeium to 7.87 × 0.58 cm2 in Afrobrunnichia erecta. Colors are brown to black. The cells are isodiametric in P. plebeium, irregular in A. erecta,Antigonon leptopus, and Harpagocarpus snowdenii, and polygonal in other species. The walls are straight, curved,or undulate and are either raised or depressed. Afrobrunnichia erecta is characterized by deeply sinuate lateral walls. The cell surface may be smooth or tuberculate or fibrillate in the family, usually covered with wax deposits.The combination of these characters is mainly taxonomically useful at the tribal level and rarely at the specific or inffaspecific level for the delimitation of the taxa.  相似文献   

Theory and empirical evidence for the impacts of fire and herbivory in savannahs is well established – they are top‐down disturbances that maintain savannahs in disequilibrium states away from potential tree cover. In African savannahs, the demand for fuelwood is extremely high, so tree harvest likely also has an impact, both directly and indirectly, on tree cover, density and biomass. Many savannah trees resprout vigorously from the base after harvest. However, harvested trees regenerate as saplings susceptible to fire and browsing, so harvest may have important demographic consequences. Here, we report the effects of tree harvest, and its interaction with fire and herbivory, on savannah dynamics by analysing woody regrowth following a harvest in arid Sahelian and mesic Guinean savannahs in Mali, West Africa. Tree harvest resulted in an overall reduction in wood production per tree compared to growth in nonharvested trees. Regrowth, either biomass or height, did not differ among fire and herbivory treatments. Our results suggest that the resprouting abilities that savannah trees have evolved to cope with frequent fire are essential for surviving tree harvest and subsequent disturbance. In these savannahs, regrowth is rapid enough in the first growing season to escape the impact of dry season fires.  相似文献   

同域分布3种啄木鸟冬季取食的生态位差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戎可  司雨蕙  潘麒嫣  王欢 《生态学报》2018,38(23):8314-8323
为了掌握黑啄木鸟、三趾啄木鸟和大斑啄木鸟的冬季取食行为特征,特别是三者之间取食生态位的差异,于2016年1月5-13日,在黑龙江省凉水国家级自然保护区以样线法结合样方法对3种啄木鸟的取食生境和取食行为进行了系统调查,收集了15个生境和行为特征变量数据。共布设45条样线,484个对照样方,收集312组啄木鸟取食数据,其中黑啄木鸟73组,三趾啄木鸟97组,大斑啄木鸟142组。多变量回归树和多分类逻辑斯谛分析结果显示,3种啄木鸟在所调查的15项特征上存在显著分异。采用基于利用-可利用方法的Bailey''s方法和双因子方差分析,分别对3种啄木鸟的生境选择和行为特征进行分析,结果显示:黑啄木鸟和三趾啄木鸟偏好在郁闭度较高的原始云、冷杉林中取食,而大斑啄木鸟则随机地在各种林型、生境中取食。黑啄木鸟、三趾啄木鸟多在树干取食,黑啄木鸟更常在倒木上取食,而大斑啄木鸟则多在树冠层取食。黑啄木鸟基本只在主干上凿洞,其他两种特别是大斑啄木鸟则可以在侧枝上取食。与黑啄木鸟和大斑啄木鸟凿洞取食昆虫不同,三趾啄木鸟多通过扒去树皮获得食物。黑啄木鸟的取食树基本为死树,单树取食时间最长,大斑啄木鸟多在活树上取食,单树取食时间最短,经常更换取食树,而三趾啄木鸟的取食树则死活参半,单树取食时间也较长。黑啄木鸟的冬季取食行为节律表现为双峰形,日出后和日落前各有一个活动高峰,其他两种则于白天持续取食。3种啄木鸟取食生境和行为生态位的差异,使它们能够更有效地利用有限的食物资源,共存于同一森林。  相似文献   

This study provides the first assessment of a heavily traded West African seahorse species, Hippocampus algiricus, and the first information on short‐snouted seahorse Hippocampus hippocampus biology in Africa. A total of 219 seahorses were sampled from fisher catch in Senegal and The Gambia, with estimated height at reproductive activity for H. algiricus (161 mm) larger than mean ± s.d . catch height (150 ± 31 mm). Catch composition, height at reproductive activity and potential biases in fishery retention are discussed with regard to the current Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) guidelines.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation in the vertical density profile of Lake Asejire waters was investigated from February 1974 to February 1976.The range of density was of the magnitude of 2.0 mg/cc, at the temperatures of Lake Asejire (21°C–32°C). Water densities were generally lower in the dry season when aquatic temperatures were high and generally higher in the rainy season when aquatic temperatures were low.During the dry season, the pycnocline was observed at 3m–7m in 1974 and 6 m–9 m in 1975. During periods of density stratification, the water body was clearly layered.Seasonal longitudinal differences in water density were such that during the floods of 1975 the inflow station waters had a higher density than the dam-site waters which however had a concomitantly higher conductivity. This suggests the insignificance of conductivity in water density changes in a lake with rather low conductivity values.  相似文献   

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