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Trade‐offs between moult and fuelling in migrant birds vary with migration distance and the environmental conditions they encounter. We compared wing moult and fuelling at the northern and southern ends of migration in two populations of adult Common Whitethroats Sylvia communis. The western population moults most remiges at the breeding grounds in Europe (e.g. Poland) and migrates 4000–5000 km to western Africa (e.g. Nigeria). The eastern population moults all remiges at the non‐breeding grounds and migrates 7000–10 000 km from western Asia (e.g. southwestern Siberia) to eastern and southern Africa. We tested the hypotheses that: (1) Whitethroats moult their wing feathers slowly in South Africa, where they face fewer time constraints than in Poland, and (2) fuelling is slower when it coincides with moulting (Poland, South Africa) than when it occurs alone (Siberia, Nigeria). We estimated moult timing of primaries, secondaries and tertials from moult records of Polish and South African Whitethroats ringed in 1987–2017 and determined fuelling patterns from the body mass of Whitethroats ringed in all four regions. The western population moulted wing feathers in Poland over 55 days (2 July–26 August) at a varying rate, up to 13 feathers simultaneously, but fuelled slowly until departure in August–mid‐September. In Nigeria, during the drier period of mid‐February–March they fuelled slowly, but the fuelling rate increased three‐fold in April–May after the rains before mid‐April–May departure. The eastern population did not moult in Siberia but fuelled three times faster before mid‐July–early August departure than did the western birds moulting in Poland. In South Africa, the Whitethroats moulted over 57 days (2 January–28 February) at a constant rate of up to nine feathers simultaneously and fuelled slowly from mid‐December until mid‐April–May departure. These results suggest the two populations use contrasting strategies to capitalize on food supplies before departure from breeding and non‐breeding grounds.  相似文献   

Flight feather moult in small passerines is realized in several ways. Some species moult once after breeding or once on their wintering grounds; others even moult twice. The adaptive significance of this diversity is still largely unknown. We compared the resistance to mechanical fatigue of flight feathers from the chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita, a migratory species moulting once on its breeding grounds, with feathers from the willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus, a migratory species moulting in both its breeding and wintering grounds. We found that flight feathers of willow warblers, which have a shaft with a comparatively large diameter, become fatigued much faster than feathers of chiffchaffs under an artificial cyclic bending regime. We propose that willow warblers may strengthen their flight feathers by increasing the diameter of the shaft, which may lead to a more rapid accumulation of damage in willow warblers than in chiffchaffs.  相似文献   

Phenotypic flexibility of organs in migratory birds has been documented for a variety of species of different genera during the migratory period. However, very little is known about phenotypic mass changes of organs with respect to other events within the annual cycle. This seems particularly interesting when birds face different physiological challenges in quick succession. We investigated mass changes of 13 organs from garden warblers (Sylvia borin) during the transition from moult to migration. These long-distance migratory birds perform a complete moult within their wintering area just shortly before the onset of spring migration. Birds were sampled in three successive stages according to their moult status: group I consisted of birds with growing primary or secondary wing feathers, group II consisted of birds with completed wing moult but with still moulting body feathers, and group III consisted of birds that had completed wing moult and body moult. Size-corrected flight muscle, kidney mass, and pancreas mass differed significantly among the three groups. Flight muscle was heaviest in birds that were about to leave their wintering area (group III) compared with birds still in body moult (group II). Kidney and pancreas showed a pattern similar to each other, with the heaviest mass occurring in birds with moulting wing feathers (group I) and significantly reduced mass in birds that had completed wing moult (group II) or both wing and body moult (group III). Mass reductions of kidney and pancreas during the transition from moult to migration are considered to be related to the demands of moult, while increased flight muscle may be due to moult, migration, or both. Phenotypic mass changes of organs in birds occur during their migration, but they also occur during the transition between other phases of the annual cycle such as moult and migration and are not restricted to the flight muscle.  相似文献   

D. J. Pearson 《Ibis》1981,123(2):158-182
Some 5700 Ruffs were ringed in the southern Kenyan rift valley during 1967–79, mainly at Lakes Nakuru and Magadi. These have produced 15 recoveries outside East Africa, 14 in Siberia between 73° and 154°E and one in India. Adult males returned to Kenya mainly during August, and females during late August and early September. Females greatly outnumbered males at all times. Most wintering males departed late in March and early in April, but females not until about a month later. First-year birds appeared from the end of August, but remained in low numbers until late October or November. Most departed during April and May, but a few females oversummered. First-year birds typically accounted for about 25% of the wintering Nakuru females, but about 50% of those at Magadi. At both sites they accounted for a higher proportion of male birds than females. Most of the birds at Nakuru throughout late August to May appeared to be local winterers, and many individuals remained in the area for many months each year. Retrapping indicated that approximately 60% of each season's birds returned the following season. Adult males and most adult females commenced pre-winter wing moult before arrival, but completed most of it in Kenya. Males moulted 3–4 weeks ahead of females, and most had finished before December. Females typically finished during December and early January. Most second year birds timed their pre-winter moult similarly to older adults. Suspension was recorded in over 15% of all moulting birds examined. Adult pre-summer moult involved most or all of the tertials, some or all of the tail feathers, most of the inner wing coverts and the body and head plumage. It occurred mainly during January to March (males) or February to April (females), although tertial renewal commonly began a month earlier. Males showed no sign in Kenya of the supplementary prenuptial moult. First-year birds moulted from juvenile into first winter body plumage during late September to November. They underwent a pre-summer moult similar in extent and timing to that of adults, and again about a month earlier in males than females. Spring feathers acquired were often as brightly coloured as those of adults. About 15% of first-year birds renewed their outer 2–4 pairs of large primaries during January to April. Adult and first-year birds fattened before spring departure, commonly reaching weights 30–60% above winter mean. Weights of adult males peaked early in April, those of adult females early in May, and those of first-winter females later in May. Weights were relatively high also during August and September. This was due to the arrival of wintering birds carrying ‘spare’ reserves, and also apparently to the presence of a late moulting fattening passage contingent. The wing length of newly moulted adults was about 3 mm longer than that of newly arrived first-year birds, but there was no evidence of an increase in the wing kngth of adults with successive moults. Adult wing length decreased by 4–5 mm between the completion of one moult and the middle stages of the next. The migrations and annual timetable of Kenyan wintering Ruffs are discussed, and their moult strategy is compared with that of other Holarctic waders.  相似文献   

D. J. Pearson 《Ibis》1984,126(1):1-15
Moult data were collected during 1967–80 from some 6900 Little Stints in the southern Kenyan rift valley.
Adults typically moulted from summer to winter body and head plumage during September and early October, soon after arrival. The complete pre-winter wing and tail moult began in most adults between mid-September and early October. Some birds finished by December, but others continued until February and March. Individual duration was usually between 100 and 150 days. Adults which completed this moult early often remoulted outer primaries between January and early April.
Young birds acquired first-winter body plumage during October and early November. Some 90% had a complete pre-winter wing and tail moult. This usually began between December and early February, and finished during March or early April, taking about 70–100 days. In about 10% of young birds, flight feather moult was restricted to the outer primaries and inner secondaries. Birds adopting this strategy typically began moult late, during January or February. Short periods of suspension were common during pre-winter wing moult, particularly in adults. The difference in moult speed between adult arid first-winter birds was attributable in the primary, secondary and tail tracts to differences in numbers of growing feathers.
Practically all birds completed a pre-summer moult involving the entire body and head plumage, most of the tertials, some or all of the tail feathers and many wing coverts. Most birds began this moult between early February and late March, and finished between mid-April and early May. It was typically later and more rapid in first-year birds than adults. In late birds, the onset of pre-summer moult was linked to the final stages of pre-winter moult.
The wing moult of the Little Stint in different wintering areas is discussed. First-winter moult strategy is compared with that in other small Calidris species.  相似文献   

The moult of Barred Warblers Sylvia nisoria was studied during three winter seasons in southeastern Kenya at a southward passage site (Ngulia) and a wintering site (Mtito Andei). Most Barred Warblers migrating through Ngulia in November had yet to commence winter moult. These birds probably moulted subsequently in winter in northern Tanzania. In December, birds were found in heavy moult at Mtito Andei, and some of these birds were known to stay throughout the winter. By contrast, most birds reaching southeastern Kenya from late December onwards had already completed part or all of their winter moult, presumably at stopover sites in northern and eastern Kenya or in Ethiopia. Thus, winter moult in Barred Warblers takes place mainly in late November and December, either just before or soon after the final leg of autumn migration. In general, first-year birds renewed all tertials and tail feathers, about three to five secondaries per wing and commonly also the outer one to four large primaries per wing. Adults renewed all tertials and tail feathers, almost all secondaries and only occasionally an outer primary. The replacement of relatively fresh juvenile secondaries during the birds' first winter implies that the split moult pattern of this species (secondaries, tertials and tail moulted in winter; primaries and tertials in summer) is endogenously controlled.  相似文献   

Understanding the causes of variation in feather colour in free-living migratory birds has been challenging owing to our inability to track individuals during the moulting period when colours are acquired. Using stable-hydrogen isotopes to estimate moulting locality, we show that the carotenoid-based yellow-orange colour of American redstart (Setophaga ruticilla) tail feathers sampled on the wintering grounds in Central America and the Caribbean is related to the location where feathers were grown the previous season across North America. Males that moulted at southerly latitudes were more likely to grow yellowish feathers compared with males that moulted more orange-red feathers further north. Independent samples obtained on both the breeding and the wintering grounds showed that red chroma-an index of carotenoid content-was not related to the mean daily feather growth rate, suggesting that condition during moult did not influence feather colour. Thus, our results support the hypothesis that feather colour is influenced by ecological conditions at the locations where the birds moulted. We suggest that these colour signals may be influenced by geographical variation in diet related to the availability of carotenoids.  相似文献   

We investigated whether trace elements in tail feathers of an insectivorous and long-distance migratory bird species could be used to identify moulting areas and hence migratory pathways. We analysed tail feathers from birds of different age and sex collected from a range of different breeding sites across Europe. The site of moult had a large effect on elemental composition of feathers of birds, both at the European and African moulting sites. Analysis of feathers of nestlings with known origin suggested that the elemental composition of feathers depended largely upon the micro-geographical location of the colony. The distance between moulting areas could not explain the level of differences in trace elements. Analysis of feathers grown by the same individuals on the African wintering grounds and in the following breeding season in Europe showed a large difference in composition indicating that moulting site affects elemental composition. Tail feathers moulted in winter in Africa by adults breeding in different European regions differed markedly in elemental composition, indicating that they used different moulting areas. Analysis of tail feathers of the same adult individuals in two consecutive years showed that sand martins in their first and second wintering season grew feathers with largely similar elemental composition, although the amounts of several elements in tail feathers of the older birds was lower. There was no difference between the sexes in the elemental composition of their feathers grown in Africa. Investigation of the trace element composition of feathers could be a useful method for studying similarity among groups of individuals in their use of moulting areas.  相似文献   

For long‐distance migrants, such as many of the shorebirds, understanding the demographic implications of behavioural strategies adopted by individuals is key to understanding how environmental change will affect populations. Stable isotopes have been used in the terrestrial environment to infer migratory strategies of birds but rarely in marine or estuarine systems. Here, we show that the stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen in flight feathers can be used to identify at least three discrete wintering areas of the Red Knot Calidris canutus on the eastern seaboard of the Americas, ranging from southeastern USA to Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. In spring, birds migrate northwards via Delaware Bay, in the northeastern USA, the last stopping point before arrival in Arctic breeding areas, where they fatten up on eggs of spawning Horseshoe Crabs Limulus polyphemus. The isotope ratios of feather samples taken from birds caught in the Bay during May 2003 were compared with feathers obtained from known wintering areas in Florida (USA), Bahia Lomas (Chile) and Rio Grande (Argentina). In May 2003, 30% of birds passing through the Bay had Florida‐type ‘signatures’, 58% were Bahia Lomas‐type, 6% were Rio Grande‐type and 7% were unclassified. Some of the southern wintering birds had started moulting flight feathers in northern areas, suspended this, and then finished their moult in the wintering areas, whereas others flew straight to the wintering areas before commencing moult. This study shows that stable isotopes can be used to infer migratory strategies of coastal‐feeding shorebirds and provides the basis for identifying the moult strategy and wintering areas of birds passing through Delaware Bay. Coupled with banding and marking birds as individuals, stable isotopes provide a powerful tool for estimating population‐specific demographic parameters and, in this case, further our understanding of the migration systems of the declining Nearctic populations of Red Knot.  相似文献   

Trans‐equatorial avian migrants tend to breed, moult and migrate – the main energy‐requiring events in their lifecycle – at different times. Little is known about the relationship between wing moult and pre‐migratory fuelling in waders on their non‐breeding grounds, where time is less constrained than during their brief high‐latitude breeding season. We determined age‐related strategies of Wood Sandpipers Tringa glareola to balance the energetic demands of primary moult against pre‐migratory fuelling in southern Africa by analysing body mass and primary moult at first capture of 1721 birds mist‐netted in 1972–96 at waterbodies in Zimbabwe. Adults moulted all their primaries in August–December, but immatures underwent a supplemental moult of varying numbers of outer primaries in December–April, close to departure. We used locally weighted linear regression to estimate trends in Wood Sandpiper body mass from 1 July to 1 May. They maintained low mass from arrival in July–September to February–early March. Adults fuelled from 10 February to 1 May at a mean rate of 0.25 g/day (sd = 0.16). Most adults (98%) began fuelling 10–75 days after completing primary moult. Immatures fuelled from 4 March to 13 April at 0.24 g/day (sd = 0.14). They used varying strategies depending on their condition: a brief gap between moult and fuelling; an overlap of these processes near departure, leading to slower fuelling; or skipping fuelling altogether and staying in southern Africa for a ‘gap year’. Immatures moulting three or five outer primaries fuelled more slowly than post‐moult birds. Immatures moulting four outer primaries started fuelling 3 weeks later but at a higher rate than did post‐moult birds of this group. In post‐moult immatures, the later they ended moult, the later and faster they fuelled. The heaviest adults and immatures using all moult patterns accumulated fuel loads of c. 50% of lean body mass, and could potentially cross 2397–4490 km to reach the Great Rift Valley in one non‐stop flight. Immatures were more flexible in the timing and extent of moult and in the timing and rate of fuelling than adults. This flexibility enables inexperienced Wood Sandpipers to cope with inter‐annual differences in feeding conditions at Africa's ephemeral inland waterbodies.  相似文献   

Phenotypic flexibility during moult has never been explored in austral nomadic ducks. We investigated whether the body condition, organ (pectoral muscle, gizzard, liver and heart) mass and flight‐feather growth Egyptian geese Alopochen aegyptiaca in southern Africa show phenotypic flexibility over their 53‐day period of flightless moult. Changes in body mass and condition were examined in Egyptian geese caught at Barberspan and Strandfontein in South Africa. Mean daily change in primary feather length was calculated for moulting geese and birds were dissected for pectoral muscle and internal organ assessment. Mean body mass and condition varied significantly during moult. Body mass and condition started to decrease soon after flight feathers were dropped and continued to do so until the new feathers were at least two‐thirds grown, after which birds started to regain body mass and condition. Non‐moulting geese had large pectoral muscles, accounting for at least 26% of total body mass. Once moult started, pectoral muscle mass decreased and continued to do so until the flight feathers were at least one‐third grown, after which pectoral muscle mass started to increase. The regeneration of pectoral muscles during moult started before birds started to gain overall body mass. Gizzard mass started to increase soon after the onset of moult, reaching a maximum when the flight feathers were two‐thirds grown, after which gizzard mass again decreased. Liver mass increased significantly as moult progressed, but heart mass remained constant throughout moult. Flight feather growth was initially rapid, but slowed towards the completion of moult. Our results show that Egyptian geese exhibit a significant level of phenotypic flexibility when they moult. We interpret the phenotypic changes that we observed as an adaptive strategy to minimize the duration of the flightless period. Moulting Egyptian geese in South Africa undergo more substantial phenotypic changes than those reported for ducks in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

We studied the prebreeding moult and resulting plumage in a long-distance migrant sandpiper (Scolopacidae), the Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris , on the non-breeding grounds (northwest Australia), on arrival at the staging grounds after the first migratory flight (eastern China) and on or near the Russian breeding grounds (Russian data from museum specimens). We show that breeding plumage scores and breast blackness were affected not only by the increase in moulted feathers but also in the wearing down of overlaying pale tips of fresh feathers. Birds migrating from Australia and arriving in China had completed or suspended moult, but more moult must occur in Asia as Russian specimens had moulted more of their mantle and scapular feathers. Russian birds had significantly more red feathering on their upperparts than had birds in Australia or those arriving in China. The increase in reddish feathers cannot by accounted for simply by continuation of the prealternate moult. Instead, a third, presupplemental moult must occur, in which red-marked feathers replace some scapular and especially mantle feathers that were acquired in a prealternate moult only 1–3 months earlier. Great Knot sexes show little size and plumage dimorphism, whereas two other sandpipers that have supplemental plumages (Ruff Philomachus pugnax and Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica ) are thought to be highly sexually selected. Bidirectional sexual selection may therefore be involved in the evolution of a supplemental plumage in Great Knots.  相似文献   

Long-distance migrants have evolved complex strategies for the timing of their annual moult, fattening and migration cycles. These strategies are likely to vary at different stages of a bird's life. Ringing data on 6079 Grey Plovers Pluvialis squatarola , caught on the Wash, England, between 1959 and 1996, were analysed to relate migratory strategies to patterns of primary moult and body mass changes. Adults returning from breeding grounds had a shorter and delayed primary moult (duration 90 days, starting date 19 August) in comparison with over-summering birds (duration 109 days, starting date 5 June). Three categories of migrant adults were identified on the basis of primary moult and body mass: (1) birds which did not moult, but increased body mass and migrated further south; (2) birds which moulted 1–3 inner primaries, suspended moult, increased body mass and migrated; and (3) birds which completed or suspended moult and wintered locally. In birds of the second category, timing of primary moult and body mass increase overlapped. Among wintering birds, 38% were in suspended moult. Ninety-six per cent of birds that suspended moult at the beginning of winter were males and almost all completed moult in spring. Grey Plovers which left Britain in autumn had an average body mass of 280 g, enough to reach southern Morocco without refuelling. Both wintering adults and first-year birds showed a prewinter body mass increase, peaking in December. Adults had a synchronized premigratory body mass increase in May, which suggested a negligible presence of African migrants. The average departure mass for spring migration, estimated at 316 g, would allow birds to fly non-stop to the Siberian breeding grounds in western Taymyr.  相似文献   

Dunlin migration in northeast Italy is described. An attempt to identify the main routes and staging areas used by birds wintering in the central Mediterranean is presented. The results of monthly counts from 1990–1995 revealed that the bulk of the population occupied the wintering area in October and left for the breeding grounds in April and May. The analysis of 342 Italian recoveries of foreign ringed birds showed that 65% were ringed during post-breeding migration through the Baltic Sea, whereas just a few birds had been ringed in western Europe. First-year birds arrived in autumn with a single migratory wave, peaking in October. Two categories of adults were identified during post-breeding migration: birds which directly reached Italian wintering sites and birds which arrived after they had suspended their migration for moulting: the Azov/Black Sea wetlands are suggested as possible moulting areas. Out of 2444 adults and 1627 first-years ringed between 1989 and 1996 at our study area, we obtained a total of 42 recoveries abroad and evidence of direct links between Azov/Black Sea and N Adriatic wetlands, both during autumn and spring migrations. Primary moult was observed only in adults arriving early, the second migratory wave being composed of moulted birds. Locally moulting adults adopted a moult strategy characterized by high raggedness scores, typical of resident moulters. Body mass was not affected by primary moult stage or intensity, winter mass values being reached two weeks after the average date of primary moult completion.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis of feathers can be useful in the study of seasonal interactions and migratory connectivity in birds. For the Palaearctic–African migration system, however, the lack of isotope data from feathers of known origin in Africa renders the geographic assignment of birds captured on European breeding grounds to potential wintering areas problematic. Rectrices of the threatened aquatic warbler Acrocephalus paludicola grown in Africa were sampled across six European countries to assess whether birds in different breeding populations shared similar isotopic signatures and so were likely to have wintered in the same region in Africa. Freshly grown feathers of aquatic warblers collected at the only known wintering site in Senegal showed high variation in carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen isotope ratios. Due to similarly high variation in isotope ratios of African‐grown feathers within all breeding populations, it was not possible to determine whether different populations wintered in different regions. However, isotope signatures of 20% of birds captured on European breeding grounds fell outside the range of those captured in Senegal, suggesting a wider wintering distribution than is currently known. We therefore assessed whether the origin of these feathers could be estimated by trying to establish isotopic gradients across sub‐Saharan West Africa. Feathers of three ecologically similar surrogate species were sampled from wetlands across a 3000 km east‐west and a 2000 km north–south transect. Within‐site variation in feather isotope ratios was frequently larger than the difference predicted by gradients across West Africa. Thus, predicting the origin of individual feathers using single‐isotope gradients was not reliable. The large within‐site variability of feather isotope ratios of a habitat specialist species like the aquatic warbler indicates that using feather isotope ratios will require large sample sizes from many locations, and may thus not be an efficient tool in identifying wintering areas of Palaearctic–African migrants.  相似文献   

Seabird moult is poorly understood because most species undergo moult at sea during the non-breeding season. We scored moult of wings, tail and body feathers on 102 Mediterranean Cory's Shearwaters Calonectris diomedea diomedea accidentally caught by longliners throughout the year. Primary renewal was found to be simple and descendant from the most proximal (P1) to the most distal (P10) feather. Secondaries showed a more complex moulting pattern, with three different asynchronous foci: the first starting on the innermost secondaries (S21), the second on the middle secondaries (S5) and the latest on the outermost secondaries (S1). Rectrix moult started at a later stage and was simple and descendant from the most proximal feather (R1) expanding distally. Although a few body feathers can be moulted from prelaying to hatching, moult of ventral and dorsal feathers clearly intensified during chick rearing. Different moulting sequences and uncoupled phenology between primary and secondary renewal suggest that flight efficiency is a strong constraint factor in the evolution of moulting strategies. Moreover, moult of Cory's Shearwaters was synchronous between wings and largely asynchronous between tail halves, with no more than one rectrix moulted at once. This result is probably related to the differential sensitivity of wings and the tail on flight performance, ultimately derived from different aerodynamic functions. Finally, Cory's Shearwater females renewed feathers earlier and faster than males, which may be related to the lower chick attendance of females.  相似文献   

M. Herremans 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):332-343
Steppe Buzzards breed in Eurasia and spend the non-breeding season in Africa. Adults moult some flight feathers during the breeding season and some during the non-breeding season. Moult is arrested during migration. The extent of moult of flight feathers in adults is highly variable between individuals in southern Africa, with the renewal of two primaries, three secondaries and five rectrices as the most frequently encountered pattern. Time spent on the non-breeding grounds in South Africa is too short to allow for a sequential moult. Moult of flight feathers is restricted to the almost synchronous dropping of a number of feathers upon arrival, with few being replaced subsequently. Any of the flight feathers can be replaced in southern Africa, and the pattern of renewal in primaries and secondaries cannot be distinguished from random. Tail feathers are replaced in an alternating (transilient) pattern. Moult in the non-breeding areas may primarily be complementary to moult on the breeding grounds, but these two partial moults per year are insufficient to renew all flight feathers annually. Middle secondaries and central tail feathers are regularly carried over to a third moult, but this is rare for primaries.  相似文献   

Patterns of feather wear in birds captured in spring have traditionally been analysed to describe the extent of winter moult in long‐distance migrants. However, the interpretation of feather wear may be rendered extremely difficult due to long moult periods, by the progress of the season, and by the existence of complex moult patterns. Here, stable isotope analysis is used to determine the origin of the wing feather generations present in Savi's warblers Locustella luscinioides captured in Portugal. Carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen isotope ratios of feathers of known European origin differed significantly from those known to have grown in Africa. A discriminant analysis, in which 91.1% of the cross validated samples were correctly classified, was used to determine the origin of tail and wing feathers collected from birds caught when they returned to the breeding quarters. The interpretation of feather‐wear generally agreed with the stable isotope analysis, but some inconsistencies were identified. The extent of winter moult in Savi's warblers is described and its moult strategy discussed.  相似文献   

We analysed data on the arrival dates of four species of leaf warbler (genus Phylloscopus) collected in Tatarstan between 1957 and 2004. There was no evidence over the whole period that the warblers returned to their breeding sites significantly earlier, mainly because local temperatures for April and May, months when the majority of birds arrived from their wintering grounds, did not increase significantly. However, arrival dates of two species (Chiffchaff P. collybita and Willow warbler P.trochilus) were strongly related to local temperature in April, and that of Greenish warbler P. trochiloides to that in May. As expected, arrival dates for the three species wintering in Africa (Chiffchaff, Willow and Wood warblers P. sibilatrix) correlated positively with one another (P < 0.01 in all cases), but were not correlated with arrival dates of Greenish warbler (P > 0.5 in all cases), a species wintering in the Indian sub-continent.  相似文献   

Carry-over effects take place when events occurring in one season influence individual performance in a subsequent season. Blood parasites (e.g. Plasmodium and Haemoproteus) have strong negative effects on the body condition of their hosts and could slow the rate of feather growth on the wintering grounds. In turn, these winter moult costs could reduce reproductive success in the following breeding season. In house martins Delichon urbica captured and studied at a breeding site in Europe, we used ptilochronology to measure growth rate of tail feathers moulted on the winter range in Africa, and assessed infection status of blood parasites transmitted on the wintering grounds. We found a negative association between haemosporidian parasite infection status and inferred growth rate of tail feathers. A low feather growth rate and blood parasite infections were related to a delay in laying date in their European breeding quarters. In addition, clutch size and the number of fledglings were negatively related to a delayed laying date and blood parasite infection. These results stress the importance of blood parasites and feather growth rate as potentially mechanisms driving carry-over effects to explain fitness differences in wild populations of migratory birds.  相似文献   

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