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A method of classifying mammalian central nervous system synaptic vesicles by means of controlled aldehyde fixation was utilized on the sixth abdominal ganglion of the cricket Acheta domestica. Bodian's Class 1 Type was the only type of agranular synaptic vesicle seen. Four types of neurosecretory droplets were observed. This is the first time that one of these, the Type II droplet, has been described. Findings are discussed in the light of current invertebrate and vertebrate knowledge of neurotransmitters and neurosecretions.  相似文献   

The fate of lectin labeled internalized plasma membrane in the ascites tumor form of the Chang rat hepatoma growing under in vivo and in vitro conditions was investigated cytochemically. Ascites cells were incubated in Convanavalin A (Con A) and horseradish peroxidase (PO), either with or without prior glutaraldehyde fixation and subsequently treated with 3',3-diaminobenzidine. In cells fixed before Con-A-PO labeling the reaction product was localized as a continuous and even layer upon the external surface of the plasma membrane. If unfixed cells were treated with Con A, coupled with PO at 4 degrees C and reincubated in phosphate buffered saline at 37 degrees C for varying periods of time, the Con-A-PO layer was of irregular thickness. In as little as 15 min of reincubation endocytotic vesicles containing PO positive material were closely associated with GERL components of the Golgi Apparatus. Localization of acid phosphatase (ACPase) within GERL vesicles, similar in size and location to those containing Con-A-PO reaction product, indicates that the Con-A-PO labeled vesicles may be a component of the Golgi apparatus in hepatoma cells.  相似文献   

Kupffer cells are the sinusoidal macrophages of the liver. Using ultrastructural phosphatase cytochemical methods, we examined the relationship between the Golgi apparatus, GERL, and lysosomes of Kupffer cells in fetal rat livers identified, in part, by their ability to phagocytize intravenously injected latex spheres. Thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) activity was localized to the inner Golgi saccules and some vesicles in the Golgi region but not to GERL. A TPPase-like activity, demonstrable in lysosomes, was abolished by sodium fluoride but not suppressed by the alkaline phosphatase inhibitors L-cysteine and L-p-bromotetramisole. Acid phosphatase (AcPase) was localized by GERL, some coated vesicles, and in lysosomes, but not to the Golgi stacks. Continuities between GERL and lysosomes were observed. Phagosomes containing internalized latex spheres received TPPase and AcPase sequentially. TPPase was localized in phagosomes immediately after latex administration. AcPase activity was not found here until at least 10 minutes following the injection of the particulates. Our findings indicate that Kupffer cell lysosomes are derived from GERL, but also suggest that phagosomes may receive material packaged by the Golgi apparatus as well as GERL.  相似文献   

The structure and cytochemistry of the Golgi apparatus and GERL of rat parotid acinar cells was studied after in vivo secretory stimulation with isoproterenol. Discharge of mature secretory granules was complete within 1 hr after isoproterenol injection, but immature granules in the Golgi region or near the lumen were not released. At early times (1-5 hr) after isoproterenol, acid phosphatase (AcPase) activity was markedly increased in GERL and immature secretory granules compared to uninjected controls. GERL appeared increased in extent and numerous continuities with immature granules were observed. Reaccumulation of mature secretory granules was first evident at 5 hr, and was almost complete by 16 hr after isoproterenol. Thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) activity, normally restricted to the trans Golgi saccules, was frequently present in immature granules during this time. Narrow cisternae resembling GERL, occasionally in continuity with immature granules, also contained TPPase reaction product. By 16-24 hr after stimulation, the activity and distribution of AcPase and TPPase were similar to control cells. These results demonstrate the dynamic nature of the Golgi apparatus and GERL in parotid acinar cells, and emphasize the close structural and functional relationship between these two structures.  相似文献   

Summary The fate of lectin labeled internalized plasma membrane in the ascites tumor form of the Chang rat hepatoma growing under in vivo and in vitro conditions was investigated cytochemically. Ascites cells were incubated in Concanavalin A (Con A) and horseradish peroxidase (PO), either with or without prior glutaraldehyde fixation and subsequently treated with 3,3-diaminobenzidine. In cells fixed before Con-A-PO labeling the reaction product was localized as a continuous and even layer upon the external surface of the plasma membrane. If unfixed cells were treated with Con A, coupled with PO at 4°C and reinbated in phosphate buffered saline at 37°C for varying periods of time, the Con-A-PO layer was of irregular thickness. In as little as 15 min of reincubation endocytotic vesicles containing PO positive material were closely associated with GERL components of the Golgi Apparatus. Localization of acid phosphatase (ACPase) within GERL vesicles, similar in size and location to those containing Con-A-PO reaction product, indicates that the Con-A-PO labeled vesicles may be a component of the Golgi apparatus in hepatoma cells.Supported by NIH Grant CA 16663.  相似文献   

Summary Routine electron microscopy and a zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide technique (ZIO), recently found to be specific for synaptic vesicles, were used to study the origin of synaptic vesicles during postnatal development in the lumbosacral enlargement of the albino rat. In immature nervous tissue, a large number of vesicles, indistinguishable from synaptic vesicles (S vesicles), were found in the Golgi apparatus and in different portions of the axon where they were often intermingled with elements of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). Ten to twenty percent of these S vesicles within the Golgi apparatus as well as the majority of these vesicles in all parts of the axon were positive to ZIO. Much of the SER in axons was also positive. The number of vesicles and elements of the SER showed some decrease in the non-terminal portion of axons on day 21 and even more of a decrease in adult neurons. These data suggest that synaptic vesicles are produced in the Golgi apparatus and SER in immature neurons. The decrease in S vesicles and SER in adult neurons suggests a drop in synaptic vesicle production after synaptogenesis has ended. In addition, the material that has been studied shows that ZIO staining is not limited to synaptic vesicles during development since oligodendroglia and endothelial cells are also stained during this period.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of nerve-muscle synapses on red and white fibres of locust (Schistocercagregaria) retractor unguis muscle fibres was examined before and after stimulation. At a stimulation frequency of 15Hz, the synapses on the white fibres fatigued completely; those on the red fibres also fatigued, but during prolonged stimulation they showed intermittent periods of recovery. Synaptic vesicles at both types of fatigued synapses were reduced in volume compared with controls and at fatigued synapses on white fibres the vesicles had irregular outlines. Aggregation of vesicles were observed at fatigued synapses on red fibres and the synaptic cleft width at these synapses was less than at control synapses on red fibres. These results are discussed in the light of the vesicle hypothesis for synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

The distribution of thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) and acid phosphatase (AcPase) has been examined in resting parotid acinar cells as well as during decreased and increased secretory granule production. In resting acinar cells, TPPase activity was restricted to the trans Golgi saccules and AcPase activity was localized in GERL and immature secretory granules. Although secretory granule production is diminished during ethionine intoxication, no significant alteration in the distribution of either TPPase or AcPase was noted. However, marked changes in enzyme localization, especially of TPPase, occurred during accelerated secretory granule production. The alterations were essentially the same for all of the conditions studied (recovery from ethionine treatment, recovery from a protein depletion diet, secretory stimulation with isoproterenol, and postnatal maturation of the parotid gland). During maximal secretory granule production, TPPase activity was localized not only in the trans Golgi saccules, but also in GERL-like cisternae and immature secretory granules. The immature secretory granules were often in continuity with the GERL-like cisternae. At the same time that the TPPase activity was increased, the AcPase activity was frequently diminished. These modulations in enzyme activity provide evidence that GERL is derived from the trans Golgi saccule.  相似文献   

W J Betz  G S Bewick  R M Ridge 《Neuron》1992,9(5):805-813
We stained synaptic vesicles in frog motor nerve terminals with FM1-43 and studied changes in the shape and position of vesicle clusters during nerve stimulation. Each stained vesicle cluster appeared as a fluorescent spot. During repetitive nerve stimulation the spots gradually dimmed, most without changing shape or position. Occasionally, however, a spot moved, appearing in some cases to stream toward and coalesce with a neighboring spot. This suggests the existence of translocation mechanisms that can actively move vesicles in a coordinated fashion between vesicle clusters. Within single clusters, we saw no signs of such directed vesicle movements. Fluorescent spots in terminals viewed from the side with a confocal microscope did not shrink toward the presynaptic membrane during nerve stimulation, but dimmed uniformly. This suggests that vesicles continuously mix within a cluster during destaining and provides no evidence of active vesicle translocators within single vesicle clusters for moving vesicles to the presynaptic membrane.  相似文献   

This study characterizes the cytochemical properties of the Golgi complex, the structure which corresponds to Golgi complex-endoplasmic reticulum-lysosomes (GERL), and the granule population in luteal cells of guinea pigs at the time of maximum progesterone secretion, in material fixed by vascular perfusion, a method particularly suited for preserving both fine structure and enzyme activity. The distribution of several marker enzymes was determined by electron microscope cytochemistry. Acid phosphatase (ACPase) and arylsulfatase were used to identify structures containing lysosomal proteins. To resolve specific problems, additional cytochemical markers were employed: localization of thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) (in the Golgi complex) and alkaline phosphatase (ALPase) (a plasma membrane marker), and prolonged osmication (a generally accepted method of marking the outer cisterna of the Golgi complex). The results demonstrate that at the time of peak steroid secretion the Golgi complex in luteal cells, in marked contrast to that of most other cell types, typically displays intense ACPase activity in all of its cisternae. Similarly, all Golgi cisternae stain after prolonged osmication and may show TPPase activity. On the other hand, GERL in luteal cells of this age, unlike that in most cells, commonly shows low levels of, or lacks, ACPase activity. However, GERL resembles that of other cell types in being TPPase-negative and in being unstained by treatment with aqueous OsO4. GERL and some Golgi cisternae are reactive for ALPase. The granule population in luteal cells of this stage consists of lysosomes, multivesicular bodies, electrontransparent vacuoles, and microperoxisome-like bodies. These results form a base line with which luteolytic changes described in the companion study (Paavola, L.G. 1978. The corpus luteum of the guinea pig. III. Cytochemical studies on the Golgi complex and GERL during normal postpartum regression of luteal cells, emphasizing the origin of lysosomes and autophagic vacuoles. J. Cell. Biol. 79:59--73.) can be compared.  相似文献   

Certain gymnotid fish (apteronotids) continuously emit a high-frequency electric-organ discharge and thus continuously drive their electroreceptor afferents at high rates. Electroreceptor afferents terminate in one lamina of the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL) and can be readily sampled. Normally these terminals have many small vesicles clustered adjacent to the presynaptic membrane. When afferent activity is blocked for 24 hr by an injection of tetrodotoxin (TTX) into the electroreceptor nerve, the density of vesicles adjacent to the synaptic membrane declines; the volume of the remaining vesicles increases. If the nerve of a TTX-treated fish is stimulated proximal to the injection site, these changes can be reversed. These results imply that the migration of vesicles toward the presynaptic membrane is influenced by the level of activity in the nerve.  相似文献   

New ultrastructural evidence supporting the vesicular theory of neurotransmitter release has been obtained using a tannic acid incubation technique. In tannic acid-treated muscles of the locust (Schistocerca gregaria), sites of arrested synaptic vesicle fusion are present at synapses of the fast excitatory neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Tannic acid treatment, prior to aldehyde fixation, permits a degree of normal cell function to be maintained so that exocytosis can continue. This results in large numbers of fused vesicles, found merging fully with the presynaptic membrane throughout the synapses. A possible mechanism of membrane retrieval has also been identified, involving large invaginations from the presynaptic membrane.  相似文献   

The present electron microscopic cytochemical investigation was undertaken to characterize the alterations in the golgi apparatus and GERL of rat parotid acinar cells during ethionine intoxication and recovery. Although the Golgi apparatus and GERL were reduced in size, and some broadening of the Golgi saccules occurred as the result of ethionine treatment, the relative localization of thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) activity in the Golgi saccules, and acid phosphatase activity (AcPase) in GERL, remained unchanged. Shortly after ethionine treatment was stopped, a dramatic redistribution of enzyme activities was noted. Within the first 24 hours of recovery, the Golgi apparatus began to enlarge, and the content of secretory granules increased. By day 3 of recovery, cisternae morphologically identifiable as GERL and forming secretory granules possessed TPPase activity, while AcPase activity was virtually undetectable. After seven days of recovery, the Golgi apparatus and GERL appeared both morphologically and cytochemically normal. The enzyme modulation observed during recovery may be correlated with increased secretory granule production. Furthermore, the presence of TPPase activity in GERL and forming secretory granules lends support to the suggestion that GERL may be derived from the trans Golgi saccule.  相似文献   

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