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Abstract Two successive shrub invasions of a short tussock grassland induced by grazing and burning were examined in montane South Island, New Zealand. The first invasion was by a native shrub, matagouri (Discaria toumatou Raoul). The second invasion was by an exotic shrub, Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link), which invaded the matagouri shrubland that had developed over the grassland. The invasions were investigated using analysis of spatial patterns of both shrubs and tussocks, and age, growth rates and size structure of the shrubs. Competition between the two shrub species was examined using spatial patterns and comparing allometric relationships. After initial invasion by matagouri of the grasslands, stand density increased by consolidation about its initial colonization points. Current matagouri distribution is often negatively associated with tussocks. Scotch broom occurs most frequently in a dense sward of introduced grasses and occasionally in tussocks in interstices among matagouri shrubs. Despite the palatability of Scotch broom to sheep that graze the site, there was no evidence that the spiny matagouri facilitates invasion by protecting Scotch broom seedlings; rather there was negative association between the shrub species. The two species probably compete for above-ground space. However, diameter and height growth rates of Scotch broom far exceed those of matagouri so Scotch broom is likely to increase in biomass rapidly at the site. The autogenic organization and disturbance history of the resident plant communities have rendered each vulnerable to successive invasions.  相似文献   

Summary The annual replacement of tillers of Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Schult., a grazing-tolerant, Eurasian tussock grass, was examined in the field following cattle grazing. Heavy grazing before internode (culm) elongation seldom affected tiller replacement. Heavy grazing during or after internode elongation, which elevates apical meristems, increased overwinter mortality of fall-produced tillers and reduced the number and heights of these replacement tillers. Unexpectedly, tussocks grazed twice within the spring growing season tended to have lower overwinter tiller mortality, greater tiller replacement, and larger replacement tillers than tussocks grazed only once in late spring. These responses of twice-grazed tussocks, however, were still less than those of ungrazed tussocks or tussocks grazed moderately in early spring. The presence of ungrazed tillers on partially grazed tussoks did not increase the replacement of associated grazed tillers relative to tillers on uniformly grazed plants. This result indicates that resource sharing among tillers, if present, is short-lived or ecologically unimportant in this species. Although A. desertorum is considered grazing-tolerant, tiller replacement on heavily grazed tussocks, particularly those grazed during or after internode elongation when apical meristems were removed, was usually inadequate for tussock maintenance. These observations at the tiller (ramet) level of organization in individual tussocks (genet) may explain the often noted reduction in stand (population) longevity with consistent heavy grazing.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of sheep and insect grazing on the generation of natural gaps in turf and the establishment of seedlings therein. The site is on an old field on limestone. There were five sheep grazing treatments: ungrazed, and grazed briefly in spring, briefly in autumn, in autumn or in summer and autumn. The first three of these treatments also contained plots in which insecticide was applied regularly during the growing season. Pins of increasing size (1.6 mm–12.8 mm diameter) were lowered at grid intersections in permanent quadrats to record gap type and the occurrence of seedlings on seven dates over 15 months.Heavily-grazed plots had more bare ground in spring and more herb seedlings established in them. Seedlings of annual species of Bromus were able to establish in gaps (bare ground and litter) of smaller size than was required by herb seedlings (which had much smaller seeds). The use of an insecticide increased seedling establishment in October in ungrazed and in spring-grazed paddocks but decreased it in autumn-grazed paddocks. This may indicate the greater importance of insect herbivory in making gaps in the matted sward of autumn-grazed plots.Seedlings which established in October 1986 and March 1987 were more likely to die than those establishing earlier in 1986. This may be because of winter-kill and especially vigorous spring vegetation growth respectively. Seedling mortality was not affected by gap size or grazing treatment (unless such effects operated before we detected the seedlings).  相似文献   

Variability in timing of the reproductive stages of Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) may influence synchronization and establishment of the broom seed beetle (Bruchidius villosus), a biological control agent. A sampling scheme was devised to compare the phenologies of Scotch broom at different sites in the same season and in different seasons at the same site. The synchrony of the broom seed beetle's life stages with those of the host plant was also determined. The phenology of Scotch broom varied only slightly from season to season at Lincoln, but could vary considerably between sites in the same season. At both sites where it is established, the broom seed beetle was synchronized with its host; adult beetles were present throughout the flowering period. Eggs were found on suitable green pods. The broom seed beetle appears capable of adapting to the phenology of its host and has the potential to be an effective agent for Scotch broom. Variability in phenology of the reproductive stages of Scotch broom, even at nearby sites, must be taken into account by practitioners of biological control when releasing broom seed beetles and later when sampling beetles to determine establishment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Myoporum platycarpum R. Br. (Myoporaceae) is widely distributed through semi‐arid New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria, where it occurs as an upper‐storey dominant or co‐dominant tree over chenopod shrublands. Previous studies have concluded that the seedlings and juveniles of many shrubs and trees, including M. platycarpum, are selectively grazed by sheep and rabbits, which threatens their long‐term survival in rangelands. The aim of this study was to assess the survivorship of M. platycarpum seedlings grazed by sheep and rabbits in a rangeland setting. Seedlings of M. platycarpum were raised in the greenhouse and planted in the field and individually fenced to allow or prevent access by various herbivores. Over 1 year, the frequency of grazing and size of canopy was recorded. A flexible mixed model incorporating cubic smoothing splines was used to describe the relationship between change in canopy volume over time, fixed effects (exclosure type, time, rainfall and egesta weights) and random variability among plants, replicates and sites. The mixed models showed that there were no significant differences in canopy volume over time between sheep and rabbit‐proof exclosures, indicating that rabbits were not significantly affecting the seedlings, browsing only five of those available to them, of which three survived. Large herbivores (sheep and/or kangaroos) grazed un‐caged seedlings, resulting in significantly smaller canopy volumes, and higher death rates (80%). Although supplementary irrigation was applied, background losses due to desiccation in caged seedlings were up to 50%.  相似文献   

Parasitism is a serious challenge to herbivore health and fitness.To avoid parasites, herbivores avoid grazing near feces, creatinga mosaic of contaminated tall avoided areas (tussocks) and noncontaminatedshort grazed areas (gaps). The mosaic represents a nutritionversus parasitism trade-off in that feces-contaminated tussocksare localized concentrations of both forage resources and parasites.Here, we use a grazing experiment with a natural tussock–gapmosaic to determine how the nutritional environment and reproductiveeffort affect sheep grazing decisions when faced with this trade-off.There were 3 animal treatments (Barren ewes, ewes suckling asingle lamb, and ewes suckling twin lambs) and 2 environmenttreatments (low and high nitrogen). Sward selection and grazingbehavior were measured using focal observations on grazing ewes.Sheep showed an overall strong and significant avoidance oftussocks across all treatments. However, there was a reductionin the avoidance of tussocks by ewes on the low-nitrogen (low-N)plots. Ewes suckling twins showed a reduced avoidance of tussockscompared with barren ewes. Lactating ewes in low-N environmentsfurther reduced their avoidance of tussocks. Ewes with twins,which are at greatest risk from parasites, had the greatestcontact with feces and thus parasites, especially in low-N environments.We conclude that twin-bearing ewes accept the increased riskof parasitism in order to gain the nutrients required to supportincreased reproductive effort, thus increasing their investmentin current offspring at the cost of increased risk of parasitismand thus future potential reproductive attempts.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean dry grasslands, water availability and grazing strongly influence plant establishment. Although higher water availability and lower grazing pressure usually increase seedling recruitment in the beginning, higher competition may reduce seedling survival. In our study, we analysed this trade-off for the dominant species of Western Mediterranean steppes Brachypodium retusum which hardly recolonises restoration sites degraded by soil disturbance such as arable use.A split-plot experiment was set up on an ex-arable site in the “La Crau” steppe in order to test the effects of initial watering and sheep grazing on seedling recruitment, survival and early growth during two years. The watering treatment was applied in the first autumn and spring doubling the usual precipitation during this period and grazing was tested using exclosures. Survival and growth of seedlings established from field-sown seeds were compared to those of transplanted seedlings pre-grown in a growth chamber.Watering did not affect germination whereas the grazing effect was negative. Initial watering had a positive effect on survival only in grazed plots suggesting a compensatory effect under grazing disturbance. Significant main effects of watering on early growth disappeared in the second season. Grazing significantly reduced most measured growth traits whereas the effect on survival was only marginally significant. Planted seedlings (49%) survived better than seedlings emerged from field-sown seeds (36%). In conclusion, initial fencing increases establishment success of B. retusum in ecological restoration. Initial watering may help to mitigate negative grazing effects when fencing is not possible.  相似文献   

Many plant species grow inside tussocks of some graminoids, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We address whether some species occur and flower mainly inside tussocks so that species diversity and sexual reproduction are higher inside than outside tussocks, and whether relieving biological and physical stress is the mechanism associated with the facilitative process. In a heavily grazed grassland on the eastern Tibetan Plateau, where both physical (due to high altitude) and biological conditions (due to heavy grazing) are extremely harsh, we investigated vegetation in paired plots inside and outside 150 Kobresia tibetica tussocks and measured tussock basal area (=plot area). We also measured temperatures at soil surface, 5 and 10 cm depth and the number of animals (yaks, sheep and horses) grazing inside and outside tussocks. Sixty-seven percent of the species occurred and 42% flowered more frequently inside than outside tussocks, but none less frequently. Inside tussocks 78% species flowered, but outside tussocks only 31% did. Consequently, number of species, number of flowering species and number of inflorescences were all markedly larger inside than outside tussocks. Differences in number of species, number of flowering species and number of inflorescences inside and outside tussocks increased with increasing tussock basal area. Soil temperatures were lower inside than outside tussocks, but grazing intensity was much larger outside tussocks. Therefore, tussocks of K. tibetica facilitated the species inside them likely by grazing prevention, but not by increasing warmth. This study provides evidence that plant species colonizing tussocks of graminoids can be facilitated by the tussock species, and facilitation by grazing prevention may be one mechanism causing the coexistence of the species inside tussocks.  相似文献   

Seasonal diets of goats, sheep and European hares (Lepus europaeus) were examined using microhistological analysis of feces collected when these herbivores grazed together in a typical Mediterranean shrubland. Approximately half of the total diet content of goats was shrubs (mainly kermes oak, Quercus coccifera), while that of hares was grasses (mostly brush grass, Chrysopogon gryllus). Sheep had a more balanced diet consisting mainly of grasses, forbs, and shrubs. Dietary overlap between goats and sheep was high throughout the year. In contrast, there was very low dietary overlap between small ruminants and hares. Dietary diversity was high in spring and low in winter across all species, with sheep in general displaying higher dietary diversity across all seasons than goats and hares. Goats had intermediate and hares had low dietary diversity across all seasons. Communal grazing by small ruminants and hares ensures that there is a more uniform use of the available forage resources than if a single herbivore is left to graze an area.  相似文献   

Selective sheep grazing in arid rangelands induces a decrease in total cover and grass cover and an increase in the dominance of shrubs. Both life forms differ in aboveground and belowground traits. We hypothesized that grazing disturbance leads to the replacement of grass by shrub fine roots in the upper soil, and this is reflected in changes in the seasonal dynamics of shallow fine roots at the community level. In two sites representative of non-grazed and grazed vegetation states in the Patagonian Monte, we assessed the canopy structure, and the fine root biomass, N concentration, production, and turnover during two consecutive years. The non-grazed site exhibited higher total, grass, and shrub cover than the grazed site. The grazed site had larger or equal fine root biomass than the non-grazed site except for late spring of the second year. This could be associated with the ability of shrubs to develop dimorphic-root systems occupying the soil freed by grasses at the grazed site, and with the larger contribution of grass than shrub fine roots in relation to an extraordinary precipitation event at the non-grazed site. This was consistent with the N concentration in fine roots. Fine root production was positively correlated to temperature at the grazed site and with precipitation at the non-grazed site. Fine root turnover did not differ between sites. Our results indicate that grazing leads to a shifting in the seasonality and main climatic controls of fine root production, while fine root turnover is mostly affected by changes in soil water conditions.  相似文献   

Relationships between the height of grass swards and herbage intake have been established for a number of large herbivores and sward height plays a major role in determining the selection of herbivore diets. However, tall grass swards also represent a more stable damp microclimate for gastrointestinal parasite larvae and tall swards contain generally greater numbers of parasites than short swards. Herbivores may then trade-off the need to maximise nutrient intake through the selection of tall swards with the need to avoid parasite ingestion. Stratified sward sampling techniques were used to determine the distribution of nutrients and parasites in a heterogeneous sward structure on the island of Hirta, St Kilda, which is grazed by a population of feral Soay sheep. The disparity between the short gap vegetation and the tall tussock vegetation was greatest in spring, when gap vegetation was some three-fold shorter than tussock vegetation; this led to tussocks offering greater nutrient and energy intake rate when compared to gap vegetation in spring. Parasites were concentrated in tussocks in spring, thus creating trade-offs. Such trade-offs were not present in summer when parasites were more evenly distributed across the gap/tussock sward structure and the nutritional advantages associated with grazing tussocks were diminished. The diet selection of the resident population of sheep was determined by recording the number of bites taken from gap and tussock vegetation by randomly selected focal animals over repeated 5-min grazing periods. Overall, all animals avoided grazing tussocks, which were most strongly avoided in the spring, and older animals avoided grazing tussocks to a greater extent. Overall, females with lambs and males avoided tussocks to a similar degree and both avoided them less than barren females. Faecal egg counts (FEC) of female sheep were negatively correlated with tussock selectivity and vice versa for male sheep. The interaction between the grazing behaviour of each sex and FEC is discussed in relation to the immunocompetence and nutrient requirements of the different sexes. The maximum disparity between the costs and benefits of the trade-off studied occurred in late winter/early spring which also represents the time of greatest nutrient demand in the Soay sheep, since many are close to starvation and/or are in the advanced stages of pregnancy. Grazing decisions of individuals at this time, determining relative nutrient and parasite intake, may then be related to subsequent fitness and survival.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2007,68(2-3):216-221
Weed control in fallow management to conserve soil moisture and nutrients is the largest variable cost to dryland grain production. Our objective was to compare burning, grazing, tilling, trampling and clipping wheat stubble fields on changes in total aboveground biomass and weed density. Treatments were evaluated in three experiments using a randomized complete block design for each experiment with four replications at each site. Contrasts statements were used to make pre-planned comparisons. For experiment 1, treatments were fall tilled, fall grazed, spring grazed, fall and spring combined (Fall/Spr) grazed, and an untreated control. For grazing treatments, five mature ewes were confined with electric fence to 111 m2 plot for 24 h for fall and spring resulting in a stocking rate of 452 sheep day/ha. For Fall/Spr the stocking rate was 904 sheep day/ha. For experiment 2, treatments were fall grazed, fall burned, fall tilled, and an untreated control. In experiment 3, treatments were fall trampling by sheep, spring trampling by sheep, fall and spring combined (Fall/Spr) trampling by sheep, stubble hand clipped to a height of 4.5 cm, and an untreated control. Trampling treatments were applied at the same stocking rates as grazing treatments but sheep were muzzled to prevent intake. Data were collected in the fall, prior to treatment imposition, and spring, after treatments had been removed. Post treatment biomass and weed density were greater (P < 0.05) in either control or tilled plots when compared to grazed plots. Post treatment biomass and weed density were greater (P < 0.01) for control than burned plots. Post treatment biomass, weed density, and percent change in these variables, did not differ (P > 0.08) between burned and tilled, and burned and grazed treatments. These results indicate the potential for using grazing sheep as a component in fallow management to reduce biomass and control weeds.  相似文献   

In neotropical alpine grasslands (páramo), the natural tussock grass vegetation is extensively grazed and occasionally burned. The low productivity of the tussock grass seems to be the reason for the disappearance of this growth form in the most frequently intervened areas. The structure, microclimate and leaf elongation rates of new emerging leaves were studied for the dominant tussock grass species Calamagrostis effusa, at an undisturbed, a moderately grazed (7 year after fire) and a heavily grazed (3.5 years after fire) site. In absence of grazing and burning, the tussocks had a high standing crop (1.07±0.09 kg DW · m-2) and leaf area per projected tussock cover (LAI: 9.6±1.4). Two thirds of the total mass was dead and more than half of the leaves were in horizontal position. The tussock growth form protects the meristems from severe climatic conditions. At midday, the temperature was higher at meristem level than in the rest of the tussock. At this level, photosynthetic irradiance (PI) was almost extinct at 2.9±0.74% of PI above the vegetation. The red/far red ratio (R/FR) was strongly decreased. Initial leaf elongation of new born leaves was 2.3 mm · day-1, and constant during the year; estimated net annual production was 198±73.8 g m-2. At the moderately grazed and the heavily grazed study sites, the tussocks were smaller, greener and more erect than those at the undisturbed site. More PI reached the meristems and R/FR was higher at the base of grazed tussocks. Leaf elongation rates were lower. Most of the litter disappeared during the fires. The lower elongation rate of leaves in the grazed areas might be a response to defoliation, resulting in increased tillering and a lack growth associated with poor temperature insulation and more UV-B damage.  相似文献   

以围封保护和自由放牧油蒿草场为研究对象,通过野外调查与室内分析,研究了围封和放牧条件下沙地草场生物量和植被-土壤碳密度。结果表明:(1)自由放牧使油蒿群落中植物种类增加,但降低了植物群落盖度。自由放牧不仅导致油蒿草场地上、地下总生物量降低,也使得油蒿地上、地下生物量占群落地上、地下总生物量的比例减小。生长季自由放牧样地凋落物生物量显著大于围封保护样地(P0.05);(2)围封保护样地植被碳密度大于自由放牧样地,土壤碳密度却小于自由放牧样地,但两个样地间差异不显著(P0.05);(3)油蒿草场90%以上的碳储存于土壤中,围封保护样地和自由放牧样地油蒿草场土壤碳密度占植被-土壤系统碳密度的91%、93%;(4)围封保护油蒿草场碳密度为2.29 kg/m2,自由放牧油蒿草场碳密度为2.68 kg/m2,两个样地间差异不显著,自由放牧对油蒿草场碳密度影响不大。  相似文献   

Structural variations result in a marked heterogeneity of processes in arid environments. Disturbances have noticeable impacts on ecosystems, and a solid way of assessing their effect is to analyze how ecological processes operate. In deserts, granivory has been considered as a keystone process. The objective of our study was to determine the effect of domestic grazing on seed removal rates by birds, ants and rodents as an indirect measure of the process of granivory. This study was carried out in grazed and ungrazed habitats in the central Monte desert ecoregion in Argentina, during February and July 2002. We analyzed three major habitats: mesquite forest, creosotebush shrubland, and sand dunes under two different treatments (grazed, ungrazed). We found significant effects of grazing and non-grazing treatments on total seed removal rates, among granivorous taxa, as well as interactions with season and habitats. Ants and birds were the taxa that differed most under grazing pressure whereas seed removal by rodents showed no significant responses towards grazing. In conclusion, grazing affects plant structure and the assemblage of granivorous taxa, which in turn translates to the granivory process, adding another source of variation to the seed removal patterns reported for the temperate Monte desert.  相似文献   

Abstract A grazing experiment in mixed chenopod shrubland near Whyalla, South Australia, is reported, in which the survivorship probabilities of saltbush shoots were measured, contrasting isolated (small seedling) shoots with equivalent shoots in outermost adult plant foliage. Throughout the experiment, measurements showed that seedlings were spared relative to shoots of adult plants. This is in agreement with visual assessments from numerous earlier experiments. When the experiment was terminated, adult root survivorship was 0.035 whereas seedling survivorship was 0.49. This outcome is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The emergence and subsequent survival and growth of five opportunistic weeds were monitored after seed additions to long-term grazing treatments with or without current-year grazing, long-term ungrazed treatments, and removal treatments designed to eliminate plant competition from existing perennials while either leaving vegetation and soil structure unaltered or disturbed. The treatments were applied on both uplands and lowlands to assess the relative influence of macroabiotic environment versus plant competition. The long-term effects of large herbivores on the initial emergence of seedlings were greater than the effects of removing competition. Very few individuals emerged on the long-term grazed treatments that were either grazed or ungrazed during the experiment. Numbers of individuals emerging on the long-term ungrazed treatments were greater or equal to those emerging on the no-competition-undisturbed treatments, but numbers were greatest on no-competition-disturbed treatments. None of the seeded individuals on the long-term grazed, currently grazed treatments survived to the end of the growing season. There was a slightly greater end-of-season biomass of seeded species and percentage of the total population reaching reproductive status on the long-term ungrazed compared with grazed-nondefoliated treatments, and very high survival, biomass, and proportions of reproductives on both no-competition treatments. Cover types in the immediate vicinity of seedlings influenced both germination and survival, but the effects differed between species and treatments. Equal compensation to current-year herbivory occurred on long-term heavily grazed treatments even though above-ground production was much greater on long-term protected sites. Productivity varied with topography, but very few topographic main effects or interactions occurred with demographic variables of seeded species, suggesting that macroabiotic effects were of minor importance compared with grazing and plant competition.  相似文献   

In a study of natural populations of Senecio integrifolius in southern Sweden (1979–1983) seeds were found to disperse from mid-June to late July and most of them germinated in autumn. No soil seed bank was observed. On a heavily grazed site few seeds were produced but the percentage of estimated germination was high (c. 75%). In two moderately grazed habitats 8–10% of the estimated number of seeds produced in permanent plots germinated. In a lightly grazed habitat many seeds were produced but only a small percentage germinated (1.4%). In field experiments the average germination was 50–53% when newly harvested seeds were sown where the vegetation had been removed, and 20–33% when sown in undisturbed vegetation at a moderately grazed site. Germination was much lower in a lightly grazed habitat (3–12%). Survival of seedlings was much higher in heavily and moderately grazed habitats than in lightly grazed habitats. Mortality tended to be higher during the growing season (mid-April to early November) than during the winter, and increased markedly during a drought period in the summer of 1982. The half-life of plants established in 1980 varied from 39.3 years at the most intensively grazed site to 7.2 at the lightly grazed site. The number of flowering stems varied between years mainly according to weather. Few plants in the permanent plots flowered every year, the flowering being most frequent at heavily grazed sites. It is concluded that heavy grazing by cattle after seed dispersal is the appropriate management for maintaining S. integrifolius in Sweden.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2007,68(2-3):222-231
Changes in soil bulk density and soil nutrient profiles are a major concern of dryland grain producers considering grazing sheep on cereal stubble fields. Our objective was to compare burned, grazed, tilled, trampled and clipped wheat stubble fields on changes in soil bulk density and soil nutrient profiles. Treatments were evaluated in a series of three experiments using a randomized complete block design and four replications at each site. Contrast statements were used to make pre-planned comparisons among treatments. For Experiment 1, treatments were fall tilled, fall grazed, spring grazed, fall and spring combined (Fall/Spr) grazed, and an untreated control. Five mature ewes were confined with electric fence to a 111 m2 plot for 24 h for fall and spring grazed plots resulting in a stocking rate of 452 sheeps d/ha. For Fall/Spr, the stocking rate was 904 sheeps d/ha. For Experiment 2, treatments were fall grazed, fall burned, fall tilled, and an untreated control. In Experiment 3, treatments were fall trampling by sheep, spring trampling by sheep, fall and spring combined (Fall/Spr) trampling by sheep, hand clipping to a stubble height of 4.5 cm, and an untreated control. Trampling treatments were done at the same stocking rates as grazing treatments but sheep were muzzled to prevent intake. In Experiment 1, post-treatment organic matter tended to be greater (P = 0.09) in the mean of the grazed treatments than control plots. In all of the experiments, change in soil bulk density, and soil nutrient profiles did not consistently differ (P > 0.07) among treatments in any manner that would suggest a detrimental impact of grazing sheep on small grain residue. These results indicate a strong potential for grazing sheep on grain stubble without adversely impacting soil bulk density or nutrient profiles.  相似文献   

Summary The spatial arrangement of tiller replacement was assessed on grazed and ungrazed tussocks of Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Schult. for three annual cycles. Frequency distributions of the number of replacement tillers per single progenitor were also determined. Tiller replacement was usually greater on the perimeter of tussocks than within the core, with or without grazing. Replacement was inversely related to grazing intensity, both on the perimeter and within the core of tussocks. Heights of replacement tillers on the perimeter or within the core seldom differed. Furthermore, grazing seldom affected the number of replacement tillers per progenitor. Greater tillering on the perimeter than within the core indicates that the tussocks were expanding. Apparently, grazing neither enhances tussock expansion and subsequent disintegration, nor does it necessarily lead to patches of tillers (multiple tillering per progenitor) within tussocks of A. desertorum.  相似文献   

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