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The organophosphate pesticide, dichlorvos (DDVP), is used commonly to control ectoparasites in laboratory rodents colonies. This compound is relatively nontoxic to Mus musculus at dosages several times the therapeutic level. However, usage of a similar therapeutic level in the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) resulted in substantial mortality. To determine whether P. leucopus is more susceptible than M. musculus to the toxic effects of DDVP, both species were exposed to 0, 3 and 6 g of pelleted DDVP per cage. In a subsequent experiment, P. leucopus were exposed to 0 and 1 g of DDVP per cage. Mortality was not observed in M. musculus at any dosage level. P. leucopus exposed to 1, 3 and 6 g of DDVP exhibited mortalities of 3%, 20% and 53%, respectively. Mean serum cholinesterase in P. leucopus exposed to 3 and 6 g of DDVP was 0.35 and 0.21 U/ml as compared to 3.13 U/ml in unexposed mice. The analogous values for M. musculus were 1.60 and 0.79 U/ml while the level in unexposed mice was 6.79 U/ml. In the second experiment, mean serum cholinesterase in P. leucopus exposed to 1 g of DDVP was 0.32 U/ml as compared to 2.33 U/ml in unexposed mice. Histopathology revealed no lesions in the brain, liver or kidneys. The increased susceptibility of P. leucopus to the toxic effects of DDVP was related to the lowered serum cholinesterase. This indicates that DDVP should not be used for control of ectoparasites in P. leucopus.  相似文献   

Wild populations of Peromyscus are often composed of individuals that vary greatly in their reproductive response to photoperiod. A population of white-footed mice (P. leucopus) from Michigan (43 degrees N) was subjected to mass selection in the laboratory both for and against reproductive photoresponsiveness for four generations. The first generation of selection yielded one line of mice in which about 80% of the individuals were classified as reproductively photoresponsive (i.e., with undeveloped reproductive tracts when reared in short days, 8L: 16D) and another in which only about 20% were reproductively photoresponsive. Some and perhaps most of this difference was accounted for by changes in degree of responsiveness to photoperiod rather than by alterations in the proportion of discrete responsive vs. unresponsive phenotypes. Alteration of critical day length was not a factor. Three more generations of selection failed to change the proportions noted above significantly. Although the genetic control of reproductive photoresponsiveness is undoubtedly complex, a single variable locus may be responsible for much of the heritable variation present in this population. These results also suggest that natural populations contain genetically determined phenotypes that are intermediate between absolutely photoresponsive and absolutely unresponsive. The factors that might promote maintenance of heterogeneity of reproductive photoresponsiveness in a wild population of rodents are considered.  相似文献   

Journal of Ethology - Costs of parental care can include increased physical, physiological, and behavioral demands and reduced prospects for future reproduction. Therefore, animals may benefit from...  相似文献   

Skin from 36 hairless deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) homozygous for the recessive hr-2 mutation were analyzed for structural defects in hair and hair loss. Comparison of mutant to wild-type hairs demonstrated characteristic abnormalities in cellular organization, hair shape, length, and fragility. Matings between mutants homozygous for the hr-2 gene and for a second mutation producing hairlessness in deer mice, hr-1, showed that these two genes were nonallelic. Structural abnormalities in hairs associated with the expression of this gene suggest that its primary effect may be on the epidermis.  相似文献   

A survey of the genetic variability in deer mouse populations was performed using specimens collected from six different islands on a lake covering approximately 50 km2. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to measure the extent of the genetic differences in this insular system. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that populations are clearly separated at this microgeographic scale (F st = 0.13863; P < 0.001). The homogeneity of molecular variance test (HOMOVA) indicated that within-population levels vary greatly (B p = 0.76831; P < 0.001). The within-population molecular variance was found to be mainly correlated with the accessibility of the islands, computed as the inverse of the geographic distance separating an island from the lakeshore (r = 0.916; P < 0.003). Received: March 5, 1999 / Accepted: July 16, 1999  相似文献   

Geyer [Am. Zool. 21 (1981) 117] hypothesized that infant rodents increased the number of ultrasonic vocalizations when they moved in and out of the nest in order to elicit extended care from parents. We tested these hypotheses by recording ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) and coordinated movements (locomotion and grooming) in California mouse and by recording USVs from pups before and after their parents retrieved them. In Experiment 1, USVs and coordinated movements were recorded from 2 to 30 days of age, in female and male Peromyscus californicus pups. USVs at 37, 42, 47, and 52kHz were digitized and recorded by computer and an event recorder program which was simultaneously used to record coordinated movement. Vocalizations persisted to 30 days of age. Vocalizations increased for both males and females after they spent more than 180s in coordinated movement and females vocalized more than males. Females also displayed more coordinated movement and earlier development of coordinated movement than males. There was no effect of litter size on USVs. In Experiment 2, the number of USVs emitted by pups and the latency of dams and sires to contact their pups and retrieve them was measured. There was no significant correlation between the number of USVs emitted by pups and the latency for a parent to contact or retrieve a pup. Results from Experiment 1 provided some support for Geyer's (1981) hypothesis and results from Experiment 2 did not support the hypothesis that the main function of USVs in California mouse pups was to elicit parental care.  相似文献   

To examine how developmental experiences alter neural pathways associated with adult social behavior, we cross-fostered pups between the more aggressive and monogamous California mouse (Peromyscus californicus) and the less aggressive and polygamous white-footed mouse (P. leucopus). Cross-fostered males became more like their foster parents when tested as adults. Male white-footed mice became more aggressive only in an aggression test in a neutral arena, whereas the territorial California mice became less aggressive in resident-intruder aggression test, as measured by attack latency. Only the species that displayed a change in resident-intruder aggression showed a change in arginine vasopressin (AVP) levels: cross-fostered California mice had significantly lower levels of AVP-immunoreactive (AVP-ir) staining than controls in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and the supraoptic nucleus (SON) and a nonsignificant trend toward lower levels in the medial amygdala (MA). Neither species showed changes in AVP-ir staining in a control area, the paraventricular nucleus (PVN). The changes in AVP-ir staining in the BNST and SON may not be caused by stress because cross-fostering was not associated with changes in adult plasma concentrations of two steroid hormones, corticosterone and testosterone, that have been associated with stress-related alterations in AVP pathways. These results suggest that manipulating the early parental environment can directly alter both a neurotransmitter system and species-typical patterns of social behavior, but that these effects may vary between species and under different social contexts.  相似文献   

When the thymidine analog BrdU was incorporated into the DNA of a fibroblast cell line derived from the cactus mouse Peromyscus eremicus, a chromosome region with an increased frequency of gaps and breaks was observed. Nearly a third of the chromatid aberrations found at this site were associated with a sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) although this chromosome region showed no increase in sister-chromatid exchange in the absence of a gap or break. SCEs were significantly decreased in the remainder of the chromosome arm when it contained an aberration at the unstable site. This BrdU-sensitive region, unlike others reported, was found not to be late-replicating. — In this chromosome complement, the frequency of sisterchromatid exchange in C-band positive regions was significantly lower than that in C-band negative regions.  相似文献   

The distinction between Burkitt lymphoma (BL) and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), two types of mature aggressive B-cell lymphomas that require distinct treatments, can be difficult because of forms showing features intermediate between DLBCL and BL (here called BL/DLBCL). They can be discriminated by the presence of c-myc translocations characteristic of BL. However, these are not exclusive of BL and when present in DLBCL are associated with lower survival. In this study, we show that Epstein-Barr virus-induced gene 3 (EBI3) is differentially expressed among BL and DLBCL. Analysis of gene expression data from 502 cases of aggressive mature B-cell lymphomas available on Gene Expression Omnibus and immunohistochemical analysis of 184 cases of BL, BL/DLBCL or DLBCL, showed that EBI3 was not expressed in EBV-positive or -negative BL cases, whereas it was expressed by over 30% of tumoral cells in nearly 80% of DLBCL cases, independently of their subtypes. In addition, we show that c-myc overexpression represses EBI3 expression, and that DLBCL or BL/DLBCL cases with c-myc translocations have lower expression of EBI3. Thus, EBI3 immunohistochemistry could be useful to discriminate BL from DLBCL, and to identify cases of BL/DLBCL or DLBCL with potential c-myc translocations.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) mediates a trade-off, or negative correlation, between paternal behavior and aggression in several seasonally breeding avian species. However, the presence or absence of a T-mediated trade-off in mammals has received less attention. We examined the relationship between paternal behavior and territorial aggression in the biparental California mouse, Peromyscus californicus. In contrast to seasonally breeding birds, T maintains paternal behavior in this year-round territorial species. Castration reduced paternal behavior, whereas T replacement maintained high levels of paternal behavior. We hypothesize that T is aromatized in the brain to estradiol, which in turn stimulates paternal behavior. In contrast to paternal behavior, aggressive behavior was not reduced by castration. Interestingly, only sham males showed an increase in aggression across three aggression tests, while no change was detected in castrated or T-replacement males. Overall, trade-offs between aggression and paternal behavior do not appear to occur in this species. Measures of paternal behavior and aggression in a correlational experiment were actually positively correlated. Our data suggest that it may be worth reexamining the role that T plays in regulating mammalian paternal behavior.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids are thought to mediate the disruption of parental behavior in response to acute and chronic stress. Previous research supports their role in chronic stress; however, no study has experimentally tested the effects of acute glucocorticoid elevation on paternal behavior. We tested the prediction that acute corticosterone (CORT) increases would decrease paternal behavior in California mouse fathers and would lead to longer-term effects on reproductive success, as even short-term increases in CORT have been shown to produce lasting effects on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. First-time fathers were injected with 30 mg/kg CORT, 60 mg/kg CORT or vehicle, or left unmanipulated. Interactions between the male and its pup(s) were recorded 1.5–2 h after injection and scored for paternal and non-paternal behavior. Treatment groups were combined into control (unmanipulated + vehicle, n = 15) and CORT (30 mg/kg + 60 mg/kg, n = 16) for analysis based on resulting plasma CORT concentrations. CORT treatment did not alter paternal or non-paternal behaviors or any long-term measures (male body mass or temperature, pup growth rate, pup survival, interbirth interval, number or mass of pups born in the second litter). Fathers showed a significant rise in body mass at day 30 postpartum, followed by a decrease in body mass after the birth of the second litter; however, this pattern did not differ between the CORT and control groups. In summary, acute elevation of plasma CORT did not alter direct paternal behavior, body mass, or reproductive outcomes, suggesting that acute CORT elevation alone does not overtly disrupt paternal care in this biparental mammal.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2012,61(5):666-675
Glucocorticoids are thought to mediate the disruption of parental behavior in response to acute and chronic stress. Previous research supports their role in chronic stress; however, no study has experimentally tested the effects of acute glucocorticoid elevation on paternal behavior. We tested the prediction that acute corticosterone (CORT) increases would decrease paternal behavior in California mouse fathers and would lead to longer-term effects on reproductive success, as even short-term increases in CORT have been shown to produce lasting effects on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. First-time fathers were injected with 30 mg/kg CORT, 60 mg/kg CORT or vehicle, or left unmanipulated. Interactions between the male and its pup(s) were recorded 1.5–2 h after injection and scored for paternal and non-paternal behavior. Treatment groups were combined into control (unmanipulated + vehicle, n = 15) and CORT (30 mg/kg + 60 mg/kg, n = 16) for analysis based on resulting plasma CORT concentrations. CORT treatment did not alter paternal or non-paternal behaviors or any long-term measures (male body mass or temperature, pup growth rate, pup survival, interbirth interval, number or mass of pups born in the second litter). Fathers showed a significant rise in body mass at day 30 postpartum, followed by a decrease in body mass after the birth of the second litter; however, this pattern did not differ between the CORT and control groups. In summary, acute elevation of plasma CORT did not alter direct paternal behavior, body mass, or reproductive outcomes, suggesting that acute CORT elevation alone does not overtly disrupt paternal care in this biparental mammal.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments have documented the effects of hormones and endocrine-disrupting compounds on mammary development in mammals. However, few observations of mammary hyperplasia have been presented for wild rodents. We describe hyperplastic mammary glands in a wild-caught white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) from an area contaminated with heavy metals.  相似文献   

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