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A novel ribosome-inactivating protein, designated Trichosanthrip, was purified from mature seeds of Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim by cation-exchange and gel-filtration chromatography. Trichosanthrip migrated as a single band in SDS–PAGE, with an apparent molecular mass of 13 kDa. The molecular mass of Trichosanthrip was 10,964.617 Da as determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Trichosanthrip showed N-glycosidase activity on 28 S rRNA and strongly inhibited cell-free protein synthesis, with an IC50 of 1.6 ng/ml. Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry showed that Trichosanthrip was a novel protein with similar sequence to other proteins present in members of the Cucurbitaceae.  相似文献   

cDNA and genomic clones encoding narbonin, a 2S globulin from the seed of narbon bean (Vicia narbonensis L.), were obtained using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. The full-length cDNA as well as genomic clones contain a single open reading frame (ORF) of 873 bp that encodes a protein with 291 amino acids comprising the mature narbonin polypeptide (M r ca. 33 100) and an initiation methionine. The deduced amino acid sequence lacks a transient N-terminal signal peptide. The genomic clones do not contain any intron. No homology was found to nucleic acid and protein sequences so far registered in sequence data libraries. The biosynthesis of narbonin during embryogenesis is developmentally-regulated and its pattern of synthesis closely resembles that of typical seed storage globulins. However, during seed germination narbonin was degraded very slowly, indicating that it may have other function than storage protein. Southern analysis suggests the existence of a small narbonin gene family. Narbonin genes were also found in four different species of the genus Vicia as well as in other legumes such as Canavalia ensiformis and Glycine max. In Escherichia coli a recombinant narbonin was produced which yielded crystals like those prepared from narbonin purified from seeds.  相似文献   

银杏种仁中抗菌蛋白的纯化及性质   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
银杏果仁提取上清液经硫酸铵沉淀、CM—52离子交换柱层析和Sephadex G-50凝胶过滤层析后分离纯化出一种抗菌蛋白。SDS—PAGE分析结果表明,此蛋白分子量为13000,对热稳定;氨基酸组分分析表明,该蛋白含18种不同氨基酸,尤富含丙氨酸(Ala)和精氨酸(His)等,缺乏半胱氨酸(Cys);纯化的蛋白对黄瓜镰刀孢菌(Fusarium oxysporum)、瓜类炭疽菌(Colletotrichum orbiculare)、小麦全蚀病菌(Gaeumannomyces graminis)等真菌有很强的抑制作用,而且对金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)、大肠杆菌(Escherichia Coli)等细菌也有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

An anti-fungal protein GAFP-1 (Gastrodia anti-fungal protein, also called gastrodianin) was purified from Gastrodia elata B1. f. flavida S. Chow (Orchidaceae), a parasitic plant on the fungus Armillaria mellea. It can inhibit the hyphal growth of some phytopathogenic fungi such as Valsa ambiens, Rhizoctonia solani, Gibberella zeae, Ganoderma lucidum and Botrytis cinerea in vitro. GAFP-1 is a monomer with a molecular mass of 10 kDa and a pI of 8.45. The optimum pH for its inhibitory activity is 5.0 ∼ 6.0. GAFP-1 is insensitive to high temperatures. It can preserve 75% inhibitory activity after 30 min at 60°C. Amino acid composition analysis revealed that GAFP-1 is rich in Asp (22.1%), Gly (10.0 %) and Leu (9.4 %), and does not contain any Pro. The amino acid sequence of the N-terminal was determined and found to share high homology with those of other lectins from orchids such as Listera ovata and Epipactis helleborine. GAFP-1 could not agglutinate trypsin-treated rabbit erythrocytes. It could bind to chitin, immobilized mannose and N-acetylglucosamine in 50mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.0) with 2 M ammonium sulfate. These data suggest that GAFP-1 could be a lectin-like protein with strong inhibitory activity against certain fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

Tubulin was purified from the brain of the catfishHeteropneustes fossilis by cycles of temperature-dependent assembly and disassembly. Fish tubulin assembles into microtubules in the absence of high molecular weight microtubule associated proteins. Its subunits comigrate with goat brain α andβ tubulin subunits and is composed of 4 major α andβ tubulins each as analyzed by isoelectric focusing and two dimensional gel electrophoresis. Peptide mapping showed it to be very similar to goat brain tubulin. Polymerization of catfish brain tubulin occurs optimally between 18–37°C and the critical protein concentrations of assembly at 18°C and 37°C are the same, as opposed to mammalian brain tubulins.  相似文献   

Several calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) are located in plant plasma membranes where they phosphorylate enzymes and transporters, like the H+-ATPase and water channels, thereby regulating their activities. In order to determine which kinases phosphorylate the H+-ATPase, a calcium-dependent kinase was purified from beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) plasma membranes by anion-exchange chromatography, centrifugation in glycerol gradients and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The kinetic parameters of this kinase were determined (V max: 3.5 μmol mg−1 min−1, K m for ATP: 67 μM, K m for syntide 2: 15 μM). The kinase showed an optimum pH of 6.8 and a marked dependence on low-micromolar Ca2+ concentrations (K d : 0.77 μM). During the purification procedure, a 63-kDa protein with an isoelectric point of 4.7 was enriched. However, this protein was shown not to be a kinase by mass spectrometry. Kinase activity gels showed that a 50-kDa protein could be responsible for most of the activity in purified kinase preparations. This protein was confirmed to be a CDPK by mass spectrometry, possibly the red beet ortholog of rice CDPK2 and Arabidopsis thaliana CPK9, both found associated with membranes. This kinase was able to phosphorylate purified H+-ATPase in a Ca2+-dependent manner.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

A polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP) was detected in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) seedlings. The protein was purified from germinating seeds and appeared to consist of at least three components with very close molecular weights (between 37 and 40 kDa) but each showing a unique N-terminal sequence. Primers specific for N-terminal and C-terminal nucleotide sequences of field bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) PGIP were used in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on soybean DNA, and only one amplification band was obtained. The amplified product was cloned and one of the PCR clones was sequenced. The nucleotide sequence comprises 942 bp with a single open reading frame which encodes a polypeptide of 313 amino-acid residues with a predicted molecular weight of 33984 Daltons and an isoelectric point of 8.21. Analysis of genome organization showed a single gene copy of PGIP with few related sequences, and wounding of soybean hypocotyls showed a strong induction of expression of the PGIP gene. The PGIP showed different activities toward three purified fungal endo-polygalacturonases (endo-PGs) (two endoPGs from Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and one endo-PG from Aspergillus niger). A possible involvement of soybean PGIP in plant defence against fungal pathogens is discussed.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase enzyme, one of the fastest known enzymes, remains largely unexplored in prokaryotes when compared to its mammalian counterparts despite its ubiquity. In this study, the enzyme has been purified from Bacillus subtilis SA3 using sequential Sephadex G-75 chromatography, DEAE cellulose chromatography, and sepharose-4B-L-tyrosinesulphanilamide affinity chromatography and characterized to provide additional insights into its properties. The apparent molecular mass of carbonic anhydrase obtained by SDS-PAGE was found to be approximately 37 kDa. Isoelectric focusing of the purified enzyme revealed an isoelectric point (pI) of around 6.1 when compared with marker. The presence of metal ions such as Zn2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Fe3+, Mg2+, and anion SO4 increased enzyme activity while strong inhibition was observed in the presence of Hg2+, Cl, HCO3, and metal chelator EDTA. The optimum pH and temperature for the enzyme were found to be 8.3 and 37°C, respectively. Enzyme kinetics with p-nitrophenyl acetate as substrate at pH 8.3 and 37°C determined the Vmax and Km values of the enzyme to be 714.28 μmol/mg protein/min and 9.09 mM, respectively. The Ki value for acetazolamide was 0.22 mM, compared to 0.099 mM for sulphanilamide. The results from N-terminal amino acid sequencing imply the purified protein is a putative beta-carbonic anhydrase with close similarities to CAs from plants, microorganisms.  相似文献   

Summary A high molecular weight endoxylanase (XylF2) from the solid state culture of Aspergillus fumigatus MKU1 was purified to homogeneity by a combination of tube gel electrophoresis and electroelution methods. The purity was demonstrated by SDS-PAGE and the molecular mass of the XylF2 was found to be 66 kDa. The optimal pH and temperature for activity were 5.0 and 90 °C, respectively. The apparent K m and V max values of XylF2 with oat spelt xylan as substrate were 1.6 mg/ml and 3.25 mmol/min/mg protein respectively. The enzyme showed high activity towards oat spelt xylan while negligible activity was observed on carboxymethylcellulose. The activity of XylF2 was strongly inhibited by Hg2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, SDS and N-bromosuccinimide and stimulated by l-cysteine and iodoacetamide. The hydrolysis of oat spelt xylan by XylF2 released only xylo-oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

A trypsin inhibitor from seeds of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) was purified to near homogeneity as judged by native-PAGE with about 11 % recovery using ammonium sulphate fractionation, ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and gel filtration through Sephadex G-100. The inhibitor had a molecular weight of 18 kD as determined by SDS-PAGE and Sephadex G-100. The inhibitor inhibited trypsin and chymotrypsin to the extent of 48 and 12 %, respectively. The inhibtion was of non-competitive type with dissociation constant for the enzyme inhibitor complex in the region of 0.07 mg·ml−1. The inhibtor was stable between pH 4 and 5. It completely lost its activity when heated at 125 °C for 1 h or at 100 °C for 2 h. The inhibitor also lost its activity on exposure to 2-mercaptoethanol. Based on these properties, it could be concluded that Vicia faba trypsin inhibitor belongs to Bowman-Birk type of inhibitors, as it has molecular weight lower than generally observed for Kunitz type inhibitors.  相似文献   

The sialidase secreted byClostridium chauvoei NC08596 was purified to apparent homogeneity by ion-exchange chromatography, gel filtration, hydrophobic interaction-chromatography, FPLC ion-exchange chromatography, and FPLC gel filtration. The enzyme was enriched about 10 200-fold, reaching a final specific activity of 24.4 U mg–1. It has a relatively high molecular mass of 300 kDa and consists of two subunits each of 150 kDa. The cations Mn2+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ and bovine serum albumin have a positive effect on the sialidase activity, while Hg2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+, chelating agents and salt decrease enzyme activity. The substrate specificity, kinetic data, and pH optimum of the enzyme are similar to those of other bacterial sialidases.Abbreviations FPLC fast protein liquid chromatography - NCTC National Collection of Type Cultures - ATCC American Type Culture Collection - MU-Neu5Ac 4-methylumbelliferyl--d-N-acetylneuraminic acid - buffer A 0.02m piperazine, 0.01m CaCl2, pH 5.5 - buffer B 0.02m piperazine, 0.01m CaCl2, 1.0m NaCl, pH 5.5 - buffer C 0.1m sodium acetate, 0.01m CaCl2, pH 5.5 - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - Neu5Ac N-acetylneuraminic acid - BSM bovine submandibular gland mucin - GD1a IV3Neu5Ac, II3Neu5Ac-GgOse4Cer - GM1 II3Neu5Ac-GgOse4Cer - MU-Neu4,5Ac2 4-methylumbelliferyl--d-N-acetyl-4-O-acetylneuraminic acid - TLC thin-layer chromatography - HPTLC high performance thin-layer chromatography - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - EGTA ethylene glycol bis(2-aminoethyl-ethen)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - BSA bovine serum albumin - Neu5Ac2en 2-deoxy-2,3-didehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid - IEF isoelectric focusing - IEP isoelectric point  相似文献   

Extracellular chitinase from Alcaligenes xylosoxydans was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity using affinity and gel filtration chromatography. The molecularmass of chitinase was estimated to be 45 kDa and44 kDa by SDS-PAGE and gel-filtration, respectively. The enzyme was optimally active at 50 °C (over 30 min) and pH 5. Activity staining after PAGE showed a single band. The Km for chitin was 3 g l–1. Cu2+ and Na+ at 5 mM inhibited chitinase activity to 25% while Ca2+, Mg2+ and Ba2+ had no effect at the same concentration. The purified enzyme degraded mycelia of Aspergillus niger.  相似文献   

A novel enzyme, the first metalloproteinase purified from a monocotyledonous plant, was extracted from the endosperm of sorghum seedlings and purified to homogeneity by ion exchange chromatography and size exclusion chromatography. SDS-PAGE analysis reveals a dimeric 17-kDa protein with two 8-kDa subunits linked by disulfide bond(s). The enzyme is 97% inhibited by 1 mM EDTA and is unaffected by inhibitors of aspartic, cysteine, and serine proteinases. Its pH optimum is 7.0 with hemoglobin as substrate.  相似文献   

We previously identified a strong haemagglutination activity in the freshwater unicellular green alga, Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Here, we sought to purify and characterize the haemagglutinin associated with this activity. Ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration on sephacryl S-200 and DEAE-Sepharose ion-exchange chromatography were used to purify the haemagglutinin, which was designated CPH (Chlorella pyrenoidosa haemagglutinin). The molecular weight of CPH was estimated as 58 kDa by SDS-PAGE and 60 kDa by gel filtration of the native protein, indicating that this haemagglutinin exists as a monomer. The haemagglutinin activity of CPH was inhibited by glycoproteins, especially yeast mannan, but not by monosaccharides or disaccharides, indicating that CPH is carbohydrate-specific. In addition to the composition of CPH shown to be rich in glycine and acidic amino acids, heamagglutinating activity of CPH was insensitive to variations in pH or the presence of divalent cations, and atomic force microscopy revealed that the protein is rod-shaped. These results indicate that the characteristics of CPH are consistent with its identification as a haemagglutinin, and suggest that CPH may be a viable candidate for applications in a variety of biomedical fields.  相似文献   

Ningyan Zhang  Berne I. Jones 《Planta》1996,199(4):565-572
Proteolytic enzymes hydrolyze cereal seed storage proteins into small peptides and amino acids, which are very important for seed germination and the malting process. A cysteine-class endopeptidase was purified from 4-d-germinated barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Morex). Four purification steps were used, carboxymethyl cellulose cation-exchange chromatography, chromatofocusing, size-exclusion chromatography, and electroelution from a polyacrylamide gel. The endopeptidase was most active at pH 4.5. It's isoelectric point (pI) was 4.4, as determined by isoelectric focusing, and it's SDS-PAGE molecular size was 31 kDa. The enzyme specifically hydrolyzed peptide bonds when the S2 site contained relatively large hydrophobic amino acids. The N-terminal amino acid sequence residues (1–9) of the 31-kDa endopeptidase had high homology to those of the EP-A and EP-B cysteine proteinases reported previously. The 31-kDa endopeptidase had a hydrolytic specificity similar to that of the Morex green malt 30-kDa endopeptidase we characterized previously, and also reacted with the antibody raised against the purified 30-kDa proteinase, but the two had different mobilities on non-denaturing PAGE. The hydrolytic specificities of both 30- and 31-kDa endopeptidases are such that both would very quickly cleave hordein (barley storage) proteins to small glutamine- and proline-rich peptides that could be quickly degraded to amino acids by barley exopeptidases.Abbreviations CMC carboxymethyl cellulose - E-64 transepoxysuccinyl-l-leucylamido-(4-guanidino)butane - EMI N-ethylmaleimide - IEF isoelectricfocusing - Phen 1,10-phenanthroline - PI isoelectric point - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride We thank the American Malting Barley Association for partially funding this work. Germinated barley seeds were kindly prepared by Eddie D. Goplin. Special thanks to Laurie Marinac for her excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis acquires iron and heme from the host environment using gingipains, lipoproteins, and outer-membrane receptors. Recently, we identified and characterized a heme receptor HmuR. The hmuR gene is localized in an operon together with a hmuY gene encoding a putative heme-binding protein. The aim of this study was to overexpress and perform a preliminary analysis of the recombinant HmuY protein. We constructed and examined several recombinant HmuY variants which were overexpressed and purified from Escherichia coli and insect cells. Recombinant HmuY protein was expressed in insect cells at levels similar to those in E. coli cells. This protein is predominantly present in a monomeric form but also dimerizes and several other oligomerization forms were found. Hemin and ATP binding to the purified HmuY showed that this protein may play a regulatory function in hemin utilization in P. gingivalis.  相似文献   

An extracellular serine alkaline protease of Bacillus clausii GMBAE 42 was produced in protein-rich medium in shake-flask cultures for 3 days at pH 10.5 and 37°C. Highest alkaline protease activity was observed in the late stationary phase of cell cultivation. The enzyme was purified 16-fold from culture filtrate by DEAE-cellulose chromatography followed by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation, with a yield of 58%. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed the molecular weight of the enzyme to be 26.50 kDa. The optimum temperature for enzyme activity was 60°C; however, it is shifted to 70°C after addition of 5 mM Ca2+ ions. The enzyme was stable between 30 and 40°C for 2 h at pH 10.5; only 14% activity loss was observed at 50°C. The optimal pH of the enzyme was 11.3. The enzyme was also stable in the pH 9.0–12.2 range for 24 h at 30°C; however, activity losses of 38% and 76% were observed at pH values of 12.7 and 13.0, respectively. The activation energy of Hammarsten casein hydrolysis by the purified enzyme was 10.59 kcal mol−1 (44.30 kJ mol−1). The enzyme was stable in the presence of the 1% (w/v) Tween-20, Tween-40,Tween-60, Tween-80, and 0.2% (w/v) SDS for 1 h at 30°C and pH 10.5. Only 10% activity loss was observed with 1% sodium perborate under the same conditions. The enzyme was not inhibited by iodoacetate, ethylacetimidate, phenylglyoxal, iodoacetimidate, n-ethylmaleimidate, n-bromosuccinimide, diethylpyrocarbonate or n-ethyl-5-phenyl-iso-xazolium-3′-sulfonate. Its complete inhibition by phenylmethanesulfonylfluoride and relatively high k cat value for N-Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-pNA hydrolysis indicates that the enzyme is a chymotrypsin-like serine protease. K m and k cat values were estimated at 0.655 μM N-Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-pNA and 4.21×103 min−1, respectively.  相似文献   

A second trypsin inhibitor (DMTI-II) was purified from the seed of Dimorphandra mollis (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) by ammonium sulfate precipitation (30–60%), gel filtration, and ion-exchange and affinity chromatography. A molecular weight of 23 kDa was estimated by gel filtration on a Superdex 75 column SDS-PAGE under reduced conditions showed that DMTI-II consisted of a single polypeptide chain, although isoelectric focusing revealed the presence of three isoforms. The dissociation constant of 1.7 × 10–9 M with bovine trypsin indicated a high affinity between the inhibitor and this enzyme. The inhibitory activity was stable over a wide pH range and in the presence of DTT. The N-terminal sequence of DMTI-II showed a high degree of homology with other Kunitz-type inhibitors.  相似文献   

B. Surek  A. Heilbronn  A. Austen  E. Latzko 《Planta》1985,165(4):507-512
Homogeneous phosphoribulokinase (PRK; ATP: d-ribulose-5-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase, EC was isolated from wheat leaves with a specific activity of 15 kat mg-1 protein. The purification included ammonium sulfate cuts, isoelectric precipitation, and hydrophobic and affinity chromatography on pentylagarose and Blue Sepharose CL 6B, respectively. Gel filtration of the purified enzyme yielded a 83000 Da protein. Subunits of about 42000 Da were estimated from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Wheat leaf PRK was stable for at least four weeks when stored at 4°C. Saturation curves for ribulose 5-phosphate (Ru5P) and ATP followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics (K m values: K m Ru5P=50–80 M; K m ATP=70 M). The saturation curve for MgCl2 was sigmoidal (half-maximal velocity <0.5 mM). The affinity for Ru5P, ATP and Mg2+ was not affected by pH changes comparable to pH shifts in the stroma. In contrast to chloroplast fructose-bisphosphatase (Zimmermann et al. 1976, Eur. J. Biochem. 70, 361–367) the affinity for ligands remained unchanged in the dithiothreitol-activated and in the non-activated state. The activity of PRK was increasingly sensitive to inhibition by 3-phosphoglyceric acid with decreasing pH below pH 8.0.Abbreviations DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid - PRK phosphoribulokinase - Ru5P ribulose-5-phosphate - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

A marine, gram positive, aerobic, spore forming, and non flagellated bacterium which degrades low melting point (LMP) — agarose was isolated from the west coast of India and identified as Bacillus megaterium based on its morphological, biochemical, and molecular characterization. This bacterium produced clear haloes or zone of clearance on agar containing plates which was a clear indication of its agarolytic property. The extracellular agarase thus obtained was purified 8.8 and 78 fold from the culture supernatant by ammonium sulfate precipitation and gel filtration, respectively. Molecular mass by gel filtration and SDS-PAGE gave values of 15 and 12 kDa, respectively. The optimum temperature and pH for maximum agarase activity were 40°C and 6.6. The activity of agarase was drastically reduced by addition of metal ions in the assay system. This agarase, gave a K m and V max value of 4 mg/mL and 2.75 μmol/min/mg. The isolation of protoplast from agarophyte like Gelidiella acerosa using indegenous agarase is reported for the first time.  相似文献   

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