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C Welter  S Dooley  K D Zang    N Blin 《Nucleic acids research》1989,17(15):6077-6086
DNA bending has been suggested to play a role in the regulation of gene expression, initiation of DNA-replication, site specific recombination, and DNA packaging. In the human mitochondrial DNA we have found a DNA curvature structure within the 3'-region of ther URF2 sequence in front of the L-strand origin of replication. This structure interacts specifically with a protein factor isolated from mitochondria. Based on the localization of this DNA curvature structure and the known function of such structures the data suggest a model in which this DNA signal sequence and its specific protein binding is involved in the regulatory initiation event of L-strand replication.  相似文献   

1. The human adenoviruses types 2, 5 and 12 code for the production of a single strand specific DNA binding protein. The molecular weights of these proteins were 72,000 for types 2 and 5 and 60,000 for type 12. In all three cases proteolytic breakdown fragments of these binding proteins (48,000 MW) were also observed. 2. Analysis of the methionine containing tryptic peptides of these proteins indicate that the types 2 and 5 proteins are similar and clearly distinguishable from the type 12 protein. The peptide maps of these three viral proteins are clearly different from a similar protein found in mock infected cells. 3. Temperature sensitive mutants of type 5 (H5ts125) and type 12(H12tsA275) adenoviruses fail to produce these proteins at the nonpermissive temperature. H5ts125 infected cells grown at the permissive temperature produce a 72,000 MW protein that is thermolabile, for continued binding to DNA, when compared to type 5 wild type adenovirus 72,000 MW protein. An analysis of the phenotype of this adenovirus mutant indicates that it codes for a viral function at early times after infection that is required for viral DNA replication. 4. The in vitro translation of adenovirus specific m-RNA results in the synthesis of a small amount of a 72,000 MW protein that binds to single stranded DNA just like the authentic adenovirus DNA binding proteins produced in infected cells. 5. Adenovirus anti-Tumor antigen (T) anti-serum from hamsters carrying independently derived adenovirus tumors, have been tested for the presence of antibody to purified DNA binding proteins. One antiserum is positive for these antibodies while the other is negative. These results indicate that some, but not all, adenovirus tumors contain large enough levels of the DNA binding proteins to elicit an antibody response. 6. The type 5 adenovirus temperature sensitive mutant, H5ts125, that codes for a thermolabile DNA binding protein, was complemented or suppressed at the nonpermissive temperature, for the replication of adenovirus DNA, by SV40. SV40tsA temperature sensitive mutants, defective in SV40 DNA replication, do not suppress or complement H5ts125 at the nonpermissive temperature.  相似文献   

Primary structure of thousands of genes is being determined in many laboratories worldwide. While it is relatively easy to analyse the coding region(s) of genes, it is usually hard to understand what is located in non-coding regions. A non-coding region may contain very valuable information about the mode of functioning of a given gene, e. g. promoters, enhancers, silencers etc. The regulatory function of these sequences is determined by their interaction with certain sequence-specific proteins, i. e. the presence of a certain DNA sequence in a non-coding region of a gene may suggest that the gene is regulated by a specific protein factor. This minireview summarizes recent data on most known eukaryotic sequence-specific DNA-binding protein factors, including their origin, DNA consensus, and their role in expression of corresponding genes.  相似文献   

Sequence-specific binding of proteins to their DNA targets involves a complex spectrum of processes that often induce DNA conformational variation in the bound complex. The forces imposed by protein binding that cause the helical deformations are intimately interrelated and difficult to parse or rank in importance. To investigate the role of electrostatics in helical deformation, we quantified the relationship between protein cationic residue density (Cpc) and DNA phosphate crowding (Cpp). The correlation between Cpc and Cpp was then calculated for a subset of 58 high resolution protein–DNA crystal structures. Those structures containing strong Cpc/Cpp correlation (>±0.25) were likely to contain DNA helical curvature. Further, the correlation factor sign predicted the direction of helical curvature with positive (16 structures) and negative (seven structures) correlation containing concave (DNA curved toward protein) and convex (DNA curved away from protein) curvature, respectively. Protein–DNA complexes without significant Cpc/Cpp (36 structures) correlation (-0.25<0<0.25) tended to contain DNA without significant curvature. Interestingly, concave and convex complexes also include more arginine and lysine phosphate contacts, respectively, whereas linear complexes included essentially equivalent numbers of Lys/Arg phosphate contacts. Together, these findings suggest an important role for electrostatic interactions in protein–DNA complexes involving helical curvature.  相似文献   

Gao R  Claeboe CD  Eisenhauer BM  Hecht SM 《Biochemistry》2004,43(20):6167-6181
Methylphosphonate-bearing oligonucleotides are characterized by the replacement of one of the nonbridging oxygen atoms with a methyl group. While neutralizing the negative charge associated with the phosphodiester at the point of substitution, the methyl group also imparts chirality to the phosphorus atom. Herein we report the synthesis of a number of oligonucleotides containing isomerically pure S(p) and R(p) methylphosphonates at single positions for the purpose of investigating the hydrogen-bonding contacts necessary for human topoisomerase I function. It was possible to correlate these data to the recent X-ray crystal structure of a truncated form of the enzyme and demonstrate a severe decrease of cleavage efficiency when any of the nonbridging oxygen atoms upstream from the cleavage site was removed. Also observed was increased cleavage for oligonucleotides substituted with methylphosphonates downstream from the cleavage site. These effects were shown to be due primarily to alteration of the binding of the modified DNA substrates by human DNA topoisomerase I.  相似文献   

R S Feldberg  L Grossman 《Biochemistry》1976,15(11):2402-2408
A DNA-binding protein specific for ultraviolet irradiated DNA has been purified extensively from human placenta. The binding preparation is free of exonuclease, polymerase, endonuclease, and N-glycosidase activity. The binding activity is salt dependent and is specific for double-stranded irradiated DNA. DNA from which the pyrimidine dimers have been monomerized by the action of photolyase (photoreactivating enzyme) remains an effective substrate for the binding protein, suggesting that the protein recognizes photoproducts other than pyrimidine dimers. This is supported by the finding that DNA irradiated under conditions which introduce only pyrimidine dimers is not a substrate for the binding protein. Examination of three of the xeroderma pigmentosum complementation groups has revealed no deficiency in this binding activity.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase is the only enzyme known to negatively supercoil DNA. The enzyme is a heterotetramer of A(2)B(2) subunit composition. Alignment of the primary sequence of gyrase B (GyrB) from various species shows that they can be grouped into two classes. The GyrB of Gram-negative eubacteria has a stretch of about 165 amino acids in the C-terminal half, which is lacking in other GyrB subunits and type II topoisomerases. In Escherichia coli, no function has so far been attributed to this stretch. In this study, we have tried to assess the function of this region both in vivo and in vitro. A deletant (GyrBDelta160) lacking this region is non-functional in vivo. The holoenzyme reconstituted from gyrase A (GyrA) and GyrBDelta160 shows reduced but detectable supercoiling and quinolone-induced cleavage activity in vitro. GyrBDelta160 retains its ability to bind to GyrA and novobiocin. However, when reconstituted with GyrA, the deletant shows greatly impaired DNA binding. The intrinsic ATPase activity of the GyrBDelta160 is comparable to that of wild type GyrB, but this activity is not stimulated by DNA. These studies indicate that the additional stretch present in GyrB is essential for the DNA binding ability of E. coli gyrase.  相似文献   

Protein HMGB1 has long been known as one of the most abundant non-histone proteins in the nucleus of mammalian cells, and has regained interest recently for its function as an extracellular cytokine. As a DNA-binding protein, HMGB1 facilitates DNA-protein interactions by increasing the flexibility of the double helix, and binds specifically to distorted DNA structures. We have previously observed that HMGB1 binds with extremely high affinity to a novel DNA structure, hemicatenated DNA loops (hcDNA), in which double-stranded DNA fragments containing a tract of poly(CA).poly(TG) form a loop maintained at its base by a hemicatenane. Here, we show that the single HMGB1 domains A and B, the HMG-box domain of sex determination factor SRY, as well as the prokaryotic HMGB1-like protein HU, specifically interact with hcDNA (Kd approximately 0.5 nM). However, the affinity of full-length HMGB1 for hcDNA is three orders of magnitude higher (Kd<0.5 pM) and requires the simultaneous presence of both HMG-box domains A and B plus the acidic C-terminal tail on the molecule. Interestingly, the high affinity of the full-length protein for hcDNA does not decrease in the presence of magnesium. Experiments including a comparison of HMGB1 binding to hcDNA and to minicircles containing the CA/TG sequence, binding studies with HMGB1 mutated at intercalating amino acid residues (involved in recognition of distorted DNA structures), and exonuclease III footprinting, strongly suggest that the hemicatenane, not the DNA loop, is the main determinant of the affinity of HMGB1 for hcDNA. Experiments with supercoiled CA/TG-minicircles did not reveal any involvement of left-handed Z-DNA in HMGB1 binding. Our results point to a tight structural fit between HMGB1 and DNA hemicatenanes under physiological conditions, and suggest that one of the nuclear functions of HMGB1 could be linked to the possible presence of hemicatenanes in the cell.  相似文献   

Of the 353 patients followed in the pacemaker surveillance clinic between July 1976 and July 1977, 25 patients complained of episodes of dizziness and faintness. 20 of these had normal pacing function and pacemaker parameters at routine clinic testing. 18 patients had 'demand' units and 2 had fixed-rate pacemakers. The indication for permanent pacing was complete heart block in 16 patients and sinoatrial disease in 5 patients. At clinic follow-up, there was unequivocal evidence of vertebrobasilar insufficiency in 5 patients and postural hypotension in 4 patients. In 11 patients, the cause of presyncope was not evident at the clinic. All patients were monitored by 24-hour tape recording until an episode of pre-syncope occurred. In 8 patients, there was evidence of intermittent failure to pace associated with the episodes of presyncope. In 2 patients, an additional cause for presyncope was found at clinic examination. Ambulatory 24-hour tape monitoring of the electrocardiogram is an important adjunct to pacemaker follow-up especially when other methods such as transtelephone monitoring are not available in the United Kingdom. Routine electronic testing of pacemaker function does not always reveal intermittent abnormalities related to changes in threshold or unstable electrode positions.  相似文献   

Short DNA sequence motifs have been identified in viral and cellular enhancers which represent the binding sites for a variety of trans- acting factors. One such HeLa cell factor, EBP1, has been purified and shown to bind to sequences in the SV40 enhancer. The PRDII element in the human beta-interferon gene regulatory element (IRE) shows strong sequence similarity to the EBP1 binding site in the SV40 enhancer. We demonstrate here that EBP1 binds to its sites in the SV40 enhancer and IRE in a similar manner, making base specific contacts over one complete turn of the DNA double helix. Mutational analysis of the EBP1 sites in the IRE and SV40 enhancer has identified the DNA sequence requirements necessary for specific EBP1/DNA complex formation. In addition, 34 DNA sequences related to the EBP1 binding site were analysed for their ability to bind EBP1. Sequences constituting high affinity binding sites possess the sequence 5'-GG(N)6CC-3'. Single base pair changes in the region between the conserved Gs and Cs can generally be tolerated although it is clear that these intervening bases contribute to binding affinity. Mutations in the recognition site which could lead to gross structural changes in the DNA abolish EBP1 binding.  相似文献   

Many techniques in molecular biology require the use of pure nucleic acids in general and circular DNA (plasmid or mitochondrial) in particular. We have developed a method to separate these circular molecules from a mixture containing different species of nucleic acids using rolling circle amplification (RCA). RCA of plasmid or genomic DNA using random hexamers and bacteriophage Phi29 DNA polymerase has become increasingly popular for the amplification of template DNA in DNA sequencing protocols. Recently, we reported that the mutant single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) from Thermus thermophilus (TthSSB) HB8 eliminates nonspecific DNA products in RCA reactions. We developed this method for separating circular nucleic acids from a mixture having different species of nucleic acids. Use of the mutant TthSSB resulted in an enhancement of plasmid or mitochondrial DNA content in the amplified product by approximately 500×. The use of mutant TthSSB not only promoted the amplification of circular target DNA over the background but also could be used to enhance the amplification of circular targets over linear targets.  相似文献   

Biological macromolecules have evolved over billions of years to function inside cells, so it is not surprising that researchers studying the properties of such molecules, either in extracts or in purified form, take care to control factors that reflect the intracellular environment, such as pH, ionic strength and composition, redox potential and the concentrations of relevant metabolites and effector molecules. There is one universal aspect of the cellular interior, however, that is largely neglected--the fact that it is highly crowded with macromolecules. It is proposed that the addition of crowding agents should become as routine as controlling pH and ionic strength if we are to meet the objective of studying biological molecules under more physiologically relevant conditions.  相似文献   

Mammalian liver is a sex-steroid responsive tissue in that androgen and estrogen receptors are present and mediate differential hepatic hormonal effects. Further, we and others have found a sexual dimorphism in the hepatic cytosolic content of estrogen binding proteins. In addition to the estrogen receptor, the male has a high-capacity (12.0-15.0 pmol/mg protein) estrogen binding protein (MEB) which demonstrates a moderate affinity for estradiol (Kd = 31.0-43.2 nM) if estradiol metabolizing enzymes are first precipitated with protamine sulfate. This protein exhibits a unique specificity for steroidal estrogens: 2-methoxyestriol greater than estradiol greater than estriol = 2-methoxyestradiol greater than 2-hydroxyestradiol greater than estrone greater than 2-methoxyestrone greater than estriol 3-glucuronide greater than 2-hydroxyestrone = 3-methoxyestriol greater than androstanediol greater than dihydrotestosterone greater than testosterone. Other androgens such as androstenedione and methyltrienolone, nonsteroidal estrogens such as diethylstilbestrol, and the antiestrogens tamoxifen and 4-hydroxytamoxifen do not compete for [3H]estradiol ([3H]E2) binding. MEB is a relatively small-molecular-weight protein with a Sr of 20.4 A as determined by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. The kinetics of [3H]E2 association and dissociation at 4 degrees C are very rapid, with t1/2 values of less than 5 s. Sodium molybdate, generally used to stabilize steroid receptors, inhibits MEB-[3H]estradiol binding activity in cytosol in a time- and dose-dependent manner, an effect not observed with partially purified MEB. Magnesium chloride inhibits binding activity of the Sephadex G-100 MEB pool, an effect reversed by EDTA. Other divalent cations also inhibit binding: Mn2+ greater than Mg2+ greater than Ca2+. Furthermore, EDTA complexes of these cations slightly enhance binding relative to EDTA alone: Ca2+ EDTA greater than Mg2+ EDTA greater than Mn2+ EDTA. These results demonstrate that MEB is a unique sex-steroid binding protein, albeit of unknown function, which is distinct from hepatic steroid receptors.  相似文献   

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