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Conditions of limited proteolysis of the protease Lon from Escherichia coli that provided the formation of fragments approximately corresponding to the enzyme domains were found for studying the domain functioning. A method of isolation of the domains was developed, and their functional characteristics were compared. The isolated proteolytic domain (LonP fragment) of the enzyme was shown to exhibit both peptidase and proteolytic activities; however, it cleaved large protein substrates at a significantly lower rate than the full-size protease Lon. On the other hand, the LonAP fragment, containing both the ATPase and the proteolytic domains, retained almost all of the enzymatic properties of the full-size protein. Both LonP and LonAP predominantly form dimers unlike the native protease Lon functioning as a tetramer. These results suggest that the N-terminal domain of protease Lon plays a considerable role in the process of the enzyme oligomerization.  相似文献   

Secretins, a superfamily of multimeric outer membrane proteins, mediate the transport of large macromolecules across the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Limited proteolysis of secretin PulD from the Klebsiella oxytoca pullulanase secretion pathway showed that it consists of an N-terminal domain and a protease-resistant C-terminal domain that remains multimeric after proteolysis. The stable C-terminal domain starts just before the region in PulD that is highly conserved in the secretin superfamily and apparently lacks the region at the C-terminal end to which the secretin-specific pilot protein PulS binds. Electron microscopy showed that the stable fragment produced by proteolysis is composed of two stacked rings that encircle a central channel and that it lacks the peripheral radial spokes that are seen in the native complex. Moreover, the electron microscopic images suggest that the N-terminal domain folds back into the large cavity of the channel that is formed by the C-terminal domain of the native complex, thereby occluding the channel, consistent with previous electrophysiological studies showing that the channel is normally closed.  相似文献   

An isoform (rhesus UGT1A01) orthologus to the human UGT1A1 was cloned and sequenced from female rhesus monkey liver cDNA using primers designed from the human nucleotide sequences. Open reading frame analysis of the PCR-generated product encodes a 533-amino acid protein with a proposed 27-residue signal peptide. Nucleotide sequence comparison of rhesus UGT1A01 to other rhesus UGT1A isoforms detected a single-transition mutation at nucleotide 1520 (T-->C), resulting in a neutral F to S substitution at position 507. Rhesus UGT1A01 was greater than 99 and 95% identical to cynomolgus UGT1A01 and human UGT1A1, respectively. The rhesus UGT1A01 was expressed in HK-293 cells for functional analysis. Catalytic activity of UGT1A01 was determined with 7-hydroxy-4-(trifluoromethyl)-coumarin and more specific human UGT1A1 substrates (1-naphthol, beta-estradiol, 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol, and bilirubin). Expression of UGT1A01 protein was also detected by a Western blot utilizing a polyclonal antibody developed against the human UGT1A family.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase (AP) displays significant structural changes during metal-ion binding, supporting cooperative interactions between the subunits of the dimeric enzyme. Here, we present data on the dynamic properties of AP from E. coli, and characterize the structural changes that accompany variations in metal-ion content, combining limited proteolysis and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Limited proteolysis revealed an internal cleavage site at Arg-293, reflecting a position of conformational flexibility supporting subunit communication essential for catalysis. A specific shielding of a region distant from the metal-binding site has been demonstrated, implying transmission of conformational changes, induced by metal-ion binding to the adjacent subunit, across the subunit interface.  相似文献   

Dynamin is a 100-kDa GTPase with multiple domains. Some of these have known functions, namely, the N-terminal GTPase domain, the PH domain that binds phosphatidylinositol lipids, and the C-terminal proline-arginine-rich domain (PRD) that binds to several SH3 domain-containing dynamin partners. Others, for example, the "middle" located between the GTPase domain and the PH domain and a predicted alpha-helical domain located between the PH domain and PRD, have unknown functions. Dynamin exists as a homotetramer in solution and self-assembles into higher-order structures resembling rings and helical stacks of rings. Dynamin self-assembly stimulates its GTPase activity. We used limited proteolysis to dissect dynamin's domain structure and to gain insight into intradomain interactions that regulate dynamin self-assembly and stimulate GTPase activity. We found that the PH domain functions as a negative regulator of dynamin self-assembly and stimulates GTPase activity and that the alpha-helical domain, termed GED for GTPase effector domain, is required for stimulated GTPase activity.  相似文献   

Trp repressor of Escherichia coli K-12 is a dimeric protein (monomer size, 108 amino acids) that acquires high affinity for certain operator targets in double-stranded DNA upon interaction with L-tryptophan. High titer antiserum directed against E. coli Trp repressor protein, elicited in rabbits, was monospecific toward native or denatured Trp repressor. Using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to measure antigen-antibody reaction, we found that the binding of L-tryptophan to Trp repressor was associated with a marked decrease in antibody reactivity that presumably accompanied a conformational change in this protein to a state with strong affinity for trp operator-bearing DNA. We analyzed the pattern of cleavage of Trp repressor by chymotrypsin and trypsin and the effect of L-tryptophan on such hydrolytic cleavages. Chymotrypsin cleaved Trp repressor mainly between residues 71 and 72. In the presence of L-tryptophan this cleavage was slowed. The first-order rate constants for chymotryptic digestion of Trp repressor were 7.6 X 10(-2) and 4.6 X 10(-2) min-1 in the absence and presence of L-tryptophan, respectively. Tryptic digestion was more complex. Initial cleavage of Trp repressor occurred with approximately equal facility between residues 69-70 or 84-85. Subsequent tryptic hydrolyses led eventually to a major core fragment containing the first 54 amino acids of Trp repressor plus four other fragments from the carboxyl-terminal half of the protein. In the presence of L-tryptophan, cleavage by trypsin between residues 54-55 and 84-85 was retarded, even when a previous hydrolytic event elsewhere in the protein had occurred. Tryptophan had essentially no effect on the tryptic hydrolysis of peptide bond 97-98, but accelerated cleavage at peptide bond 69-70. The first-order rate constants for the first tryptic cleavage of Trp receptor were 1.55 X 10(-1) and 1.33 X 10(-1) min-1 in the absence and presence of ligand, respectively. Our results are compatible with a structural model wherein certain amino acid side chains and peptide bonds of Trp repressor (specifically, those of residues 69-85) lie on or near the surface of the protein. This region of Trp repressor has been predicted to contain the operator recognition site. The susceptibility to proteolytic attack of at least four peptide bonds in this area changes when the protein interacts with L-tryptophan.  相似文献   

Lon, also known as protease La, belongs to a class of ATP-dependent serine protease. It plays an essential role in degradation of abnormal proteins and of certain short-lived regulatory proteins, and is thought to possess a Ser-Lys catalytic dyad. To examine the structural organization of Lon, we performed an electron microscope analysis. The averaged images of Lon with end-on orientation revealed a six-membered, ring-shaped structure with a central cavity. The side-on view showed a two-layered structure with an equal distribution of mass across the equatorial plane of the complex. Since a Lon subunit possesses two large regions containing nucleotide binding and proteolytic domains, each layer of the Lon hexamer appears to consist of the side projections of one of the major domains arranged in a ring. Lon showed a strong tendency to form hexamers in the presence of Mg(2+), but dissociated into monomers and/or dimers in its absence. Moreover, Mg(2+)-dependent hexamer formation was independent of ATP. These results indicate that Lon has a hexameric ring-shaped structure with a central cavity, and that the establishment of this configuration requires Mg(2+), but not ATP.  相似文献   

The boundaries of the structural domains in peptide synthetases and the conformational changes related to catalysis were investigated by limited proteolysis of tyrocidine synthetase 1 (TY1). Four regions sensitive to proteolysis were detected (cleavage site at Arg13, Arg424, Arg509 and Arg602) that, in addition to an N-terminal extension, accurately delineate the domain boundaries of the adenylate-forming domain, the aminoacyl carrier domain, and the epimerisation domain. Limited proteolysis of an active N-terminal truncated deletion mutant, His6DeltaTY1, generated two stable and structurally independent subunits, corresponding to the subdomains of the adenylation domain. The structural integrity of the carrier domain was substantiated by its resistance to proteolytic degradation. Evidence is provided that the C-terminal "spacer" region with epimerising and/or condensing activity folds into an autonomous domain stable against degradation by limited proteoly sis. In the presence of substrates, reduced susceptibility to proteolysis was observed in the linker region connecting the subdomains of the adenylation domain, and corresponding to a peptide stretch of low electron density in the X-ray structure of the homologous firefly luciferase. Sequence analysis has shown that the respective linker contains conserved residues, whereas the linker regions connecting the structural domains are of low homology with a significant content of Pro, Ala, Glu and polar residues. A combination of kinetic and proteolytic studies using ATP analogues with substitutions in the phosphate chain, AMP-PcP, AMP-PNP and AMP-cPP, strongly suggests that the generation of a productive complex is associated with the ability of the beta, gamma-pyrophosphate moiety of ATP to adopt the proper active-site conformation. These data substantiate the observation that peptide synthetases undergo a series of conformational changes in the process of adenylate formation and product release.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the existence of altered ligand-stabilized conformational states of the NAD-specific malic enzyme (L-malate:NAD+ oxidoreductase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating), EC, of Escherichia coli in the presence of Mg2+ and Mn2+, as identified by their susceptibilities to proteolysis. The rate of tryptic digestion of the enzyme is significantly decreased in the Mg2+-form of the enzyme when the product, NADH, or the allosteric effectors, coenzyme A and aspartate, are present in the digestion mixture. In contrast, little difference in the rate of tryptic digestion is observed in the degree of protection of the enzyme by the two metal cofactors, either alone, or in the presence of the substrates, malate and NAD. The results are consistent with the previously proposed hypothesis of Milne and Cook (Biochemistry 18, (1979) 3604-3610) that Mg2+ and Mn2+ stabilize two distinct conformational states of the enzyme. The results are discussed in relation to the altered kinetic response of the enzyme to substrates and effectors in the presence of the two metal cofactors.  相似文献   

Lon is an ATP-dependent protease of Escherichia coli. The lon mutation has a pleiotropic phenotype: UV sensitivity, mucoidy, deficiency for lysogenization by bacteriophage lambda and P1, and lower efficiency in the degradation of abnormal proteins. All of these phenotypes are correlated with the loss of protease activity. Here we examine the effects of overproduction of one Lon substrate, SulA, and show that it protects two other substrates from degradation. To better understand this protection, we mutagenized the sulA gene and selected for mutants that have partially or totally lost their ability to saturate the Lon protease and thus can no longer protect another substrate. Some of the SulA mutants lost their ability to protect RcsA from degradation but could still protect the O thermosensitive mutant protein (Ots). All of the mutants retained their capacity to induce cell division inhibition. It was also found that deletion of the C-terminal end of SulA affected its activity but did not affect its susceptibility to Lon. We propose that Lon may have more than one specificity for peptide cleavage.  相似文献   

Patterson-Ward J  Huang J  Lee I 《Biochemistry》2007,46(47):13593-13605
Lon is an ATP dependent serine protease responsible for degrading denatured, oxidatively damaged and certain regulatory proteins in the cell. In this study we exploited the fluorescence properties of a dansylated peptide substrate (S4) and the intrinsic Trp residues in Lon to monitor peptide interacting with the enzyme. We generated two proteolytically inactive Lon mutants, S679A and S679W, where the active site serine is mutated to an Ala and Trp residue, respectively. Stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy was used to identify key enzyme intermediates generated along the reaction pathway prior to peptide hydrolysis. A two-step peptide binding event is detected in both mutants, where a conformational change occurs after a rapid equilibrium peptide binding step. The Kd for the initial peptide binding step determined by kinetic and equilibrium binding techniques is approximately 164 micromolar and 38 micromolar, respectively. The rate constants for the conformational change detected in the S679A and S679W Lon mutants are 0.74 +/- 0.10 s(-1) and 0.57 +/- 0.10 s(-1), respectively. These values are comparable to the lag rate constant determined for peptide hydrolysis (klag approximately 1 s(-1)) [Vineyard, D., et al. (2005) Biochemistry 45, 4602-4610]. Replacement of the active site Ser with Trp (S679W) allows for the detection of an ATP-dependent conformational change within the proteolytic site. The rate constant for this conformational change is 7.6 +/- 1.0 s(-1), and is essentially identical to the burst rate constant determined for ATP hydrolysis under comparable reaction conditions. Collectively, these kinetic data support a mechanism by which the binding of ATP to an allosteric site on Lon activates the proteolytic site. In this model, the energy derived from the binding of ATP minimally supports peptide cleavage by allowing peptide substrate access to the proteolytic site. However, the kinetics of peptide cleavage are enhanced by the hydrolysis of ATP.  相似文献   

Lon protease from Escherichia coli degraded lambda N protein in a reaction mixture consisting of the two homogeneous proteins, ATP, and MgCl2 in 50 mM Tris, Ph 8.0. Genetic and biochemical data had previously indicated that N protein is a substrate for Lon protease in vivo (Gottesman, S., Gottesman, M., Shaw, J. E., and Pearson, M. L. (1981) Cell 24, 225-233). Under conditions used for N protein degradation, several lambda and E. coli proteins, including native proteins, oxidatively modified proteins, and cloned fragments of native proteins, were not degraded by Lon protease. Degradation of N protein occurred with catalytic amounts of Lon protease and required the presence of ATP or an analog of ATP. This is the first demonstration of the selective degradation of a physiological substrate by Lon protease in vitro. The turnover number for N protein degradation was approximately 60 +/- 10 min-1 at pH 8.0 in 50 mM Tris/HCl, 25 mM MgCl2 and 4 mM ATP. By comparison the turnover number for oxidized insulin B chain was 20 min-1 under these conditions. Kinetic studies suggest that N protein (S0.5 = 13 +/- 5 microM) is intermediate between oxidized insulin B chain (S0.5 = 160 +/- 10 microM) and methylated casein (S0.5 = 2.5 +/- 1 microM) in affinity for Lon protease. N protein was extensively degraded by Lon protease with an average of approximately six bonds cleaved per molecule. In N protein, as well as in oxidized insulin B chain and glucagon, Lon protease preferentially cut at bonds at which the carboxy group was contributed by an amino acid with an aliphatic side chain (leucine or alanine). However, not all such bonds of the substrates were cleaved, indicating that sequence or conformational determinants beyond the cleavage site affect the ability of Lon protease to degrade a protein.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor chromoproteins undergo light-induced conformational changes that result in a modulation of protein interaction and enzymatic activity. Bacterial phytochromes such as Cph1 from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 are light-regulated histidine kinases in which the light signal is transferred from the N-terminal chromophore module to the C-terminal kinase module. In this study, purified recombinant Cph1 was subjected to limited proteolysis using trypsin and endoproteinase Glu-C (V8). Cleavage sites of chromopeptide fragments were determined by MALDI-TOF and micro-HPLC on-line with tandem mass spectrometry in an ion trap mass spectrometer. Trypsin produced three major chromopeptides, termed F1 (S56 to R520), F2 (T64 to R472), and F3 (L81 to R472). F1 was produced only in the far-red absorbing form Pfr within 15 min and remained stable up to >1 h; F2 and F3 were obtained in the red-light absorbing form Pr within ca. 5-10 min. When F1 was photoconverted to Pr in the presence of trypsin, this fragment degraded to F2 and F3 within 1-2 min. On size exclusion chromatography, F1 eluted as a dimer in the Pfr and as a monomer in the Pr form, whereas F2 and F3 behaved always as monomers, irrespective of the light conditions. These and other results are discussed in the context of light-dependent subunit interactions, in which amino acids 473-520 within the PHY domain are required for chromophore-module subunit interaction within the homodimer. V8 proteolysis yielded five major chromopeptides, F4 (T17 to N449), F5 (T17 to E335), F6 (T17 to E323), F7 (unknown sequence), and F8 (tentatively L121 to E323). F6 and F8 were formed in the Pr form, whereas F4, F5, and F7 were preferentially formed in the Pfr form. Three amino acids next to specific cleavage sites, R520, R472, and E323, were altered by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutants were analyzed by UV-vis spectroscopy, size exclusion chromatography, and autophosphorylation. Histidine kinase activity was low in R472A, R520P, and R520A; in all mutants, the ratio of phosphorylation intensity between Pr and Pfr was reduced. Thus, light regulation of autophosphorylation is negatively affected in all mutants. In R472P, E323P, and E323D, the phosphorylation intensity of the Pfr form exceeded that of the wild-type control. This result shows that the histidine kinase activity of Cph1 is actively inhibited by photoconversion into Pfr.  相似文献   

Serologically distinct group A streptococcal M proteins, the antiphagocytic determinants of the bacteria, have a highly repetitive sequence and exhibit a heptad periodicity characteristic of alpha-helical coiled-coil proteins. Based on the differences in the pattern of heptad periodicity, the coiled-coil region of the complete M molecule has been divided into three distinct domains: I, II, and III. Domains I and II together constitute the variable part of M protein, whereas domain III is conserved among serotypes. Pepsin treatment of the M5, M6, and M24 streptococci results in a preferential cleavage of their M molecules between the predicted domains II and III, releasing biologically active fragments of the respective M proteins. Thus, a pepsin cleavage site at the junction of their variable and conserved regions is conserved in the M5, M6, and M24 proteins. In contrast, in the case of the M49 streptococci, the primary site of pepsin cleavage was observed to be within the conserved region of the M49 molecule, rather than at the junction of its variable and conserved regions. Despite containing part of the conserved region, the PepM49 protein is significantly smaller than the pepsin fragments of the M5, M6, and M24 proteins, which contain only the variable regions. However, in addition to the major PepM49 species, the pepsin digest of the type-49 streptococci also contained a smaller fragment, PepM49/a, as a minor component. Its formation was extremely sensitive to thepH of pepsin digestion. PepM49/a, which retains both the propensity to attain an alpha-helical conformation and the opsonic antibody epitope of the M49 molecule, contains only domains I and II like the other PepM proteins. Thus, as in the M5, M6, and M24 proteins, a pepsin cleavage site at the junction of the variable and conserved regions is indeed present in the M49 molecule, but is much less accessible relative to the other serotypes. Thus, the pepsin cleavage sites in the M protein correlate quite well with the boundaries of structurally distinct domains reflected by the predictive analysis. These sites apparently represent the flexible/hinge regions of the molecule. PepM49/a is the least repetitive and the shortest of the M protein pepsin fragments isolated so far. These results suggest that the flexibility of the interdomain regions in M protein may be dependent on the molecular size of their variable domains. The placement of a more accessible hinge within the conserved part of the M49 molecule, rather than at the junction of the variable and conserved domains, suggests that a critical molecular size may be essential for the efficient functioning of the M molecule.  相似文献   

The SulA protein is a cell division inhibitor in Escherichia coli, and is specifically degraded by Lon protease. To study the recognition site of SulA for Lon, we prepared a mutant SulA protein lacking the C-terminal 8 amino acid residues (SA8). This deletion protein was accumulated and stabilized more than native SulA in lon(+) cells in vivo. Moreover, the deletion SulA fused to maltose binding protein was not degraded by Lon protease, and did not stimulate the ATPase or peptidase activity of Lon in vitro, probably due to the much reduced interaction with Lon. A BIAcore study showed that SA8 directly interacts with Lon. These results suggest that SA8 of SulA was recognized by Lon protease. The SA8 peptide, KIHSNLYH, specifically inhibited the degradation of native SulA by Lon protease in vitro, but not that of casein. A mutant SA8, KAHSNLYH, KIASNLYH, or KIHSNAYH, also inhibited the degradation of SulA, while such peptides as KIHSNLYA did not. These results show that SulA has the specified rows of C-terminal 8 residues recognized by Lon, leading to facilitated binding and subsequent cleavage by Lon protease both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

Limited proteolysis experiments can be successfully used to probe conformational features of proteins. In a number of studies it has been demonstrated that the sites of limited proteolysis along the polypeptide chain of a protein are characterized by enhanced backbone flexibility, implying that proteolytic probes can pinpoint the sites of local unfolding in a protein chain. Limited proteolysis was used to analyze the partly folded (molten globule) states of several proteins, such as apomyoglobin, alpha-lactalbumin, calcium-binding lysozymes, cytochrome c and human growth hormone. These proteins were induced to acquire the molten globule state under specific solvent conditions, such as low pH. In general, the protein conformational features deduced from limited proteolysis experiments nicely correlate with those deriving from other biophysical and spectroscopic techniques. Limited proteolysis is also most useful for isolating protein fragments that can fold autonomously and thus behave as protein domains. Moreover, the technique can be used to identify and prepare protein fragments that are able to associate into a native-like and often functional protein complex. Overall, our results underscore the utility of the limited proteolysis approach for unravelling molecular features of proteins and appear to prompt its systematic use as a simple first step in the elucidation of structure-dynamics-function relationships of a novel and rare protein, especially if available in minute amounts.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase is inactivated by subtilisin. Protection against inactivation is afforded by glutamine and ammonium ions. One large fragment (Mr = 35,000) is identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis and carries adenylylation site. Smaller quantities of two other fragments (Mr = 17,000 and 15,000, respectively) are als observed oo observed on the gel. tthe nicked protein remains dodecameric, as evidenced by electrophoresis and centrifugation. It has retained the binding properties toward ADP and Ci-bacron blue and undergoes conformation changes upon binding, as does the intact protein. It is recognized by the antiserum raised against the native enzyme. The nicked protein also remains an excellent substrate of E. coli adenylyltransferase.  相似文献   

Post-translational proteolysis-dependent regulation of critical cellular processes is a common feature in bacteria. The Escherichia coli Lon protease is involved in the control of the SOS response, acid tolerance and nutritional deprivation. Moreover, Lon plays a role in the regulation of toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems and thereby is linked to persister cell induction. Persister cells represent a small subpopulation that has reversibly switched to a dormant and non-dividing state without genomic alterations. Formation of persister cells permits viability upon nutritional depletion and severe environmental stresses. CspD is a replication inhibitor, which is induced in stationary phase or upon carbon starvation and increases the production of persister cells. It has remained unknown how CspD activity is counteracted when growth is resumed. Here we report that CspD is subject to proteolysis by the Lon protease both in vivo and in vitro. Turnover of CspD by Lon is strictly adjusted to the growth rate and growth phase of E. coli, reflecting the necessity to control CspD levels according to the physiological conditions.  相似文献   

SulA protein is known to be one of the physiological substrates of Lon protease, an ATP-dependent protease from Escherichia coli. In this study, we investigated the cleavage specificity of Lon protease toward SulA protein. The enzyme was shown to cleave approximately 27 peptide bonds in the presence of ATP. Among them, six peptide bonds were cleaved preferentially in the early stage of digestion, which represented an apparently unique cleavage sites with mainly Leu and Ser residues at the P1, and P1' positions, respectively, and one or two Gln residues in positions P2-P5. They were located in the central region and partly in the C-terminal region, both of which are known to be important for the function of SulA, such as inhibition of cell growth and interaction with Lon protease, respectively. The other cleavage sites did not represent such consensus sequences, though hydrophobic or noncharged residues appeared to be relatively preferred at the P1 sites. On the other hand, the cleavage in the absence of ATP was very much slower, especially in the central region, than in the presence of ATP. The central region was predicted to be rich in alpha helix and beta sheet structures, suggesting that the enzyme required ATP for disrupting such structures prior to cleavage. Taken together, SulA is thought to contain such unique cleavage sites in its functionally and structurally important regions whose preferential cleavage accelerates the ATP-dependent degradation of the protein by Lon protease.  相似文献   

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