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Research on symbiotic communities (microbiomes) of multicellular organisms seems to be changing our understanding of how species of plants and animals have evolved over millions of years. The quintessence of these discoveries is the emergence of the hologenome theory of evolution, founded on the concept that a holobiont (a host along with all of its associated symbiotic microorganisms) acts a single unit of selection in the process of evolution. Although the hologenome theory has become very popular among certain scientific circles, its principles are still being debated. In this paper, we argue, firstly, that only a very small number of symbiotic microorganisms are sufficiently integrated into multicellular organisms to act in concert with them as units of selection, thus rendering claims that holobionts are units of selection invalid. Secondly, even though holobionts are not units of selection, they can still constitute genuine units from an evolutionary perspective, provided we accept certain constraints: mainly, they should be considered units of co-operation. Thirdly, we propose a reconciliation of the role of symbiotic microorganisms with the theory of speciation through the use of a developed framework. Mainly, we will argue that, in order to understand the role of microorganisms in the speciation of multicellular organisms, it is not necessary to consider holobionts units of selection; it is sufficient to consider them units of co-operation.  相似文献   

There is currently a great debate about whether the holobiont, i.e. a multicellular host and its residential microorganisms, constitutes a biological individual. We propose that resident microorganisms have a general and important role in the individuality of the host organism, not the holobiont. Drawing upon the Equilibrium Model of Immunity (Eberl in Nat Rev Immunol 16:524–532, 2016), we argue that microorganisms are scaffolds of immune capacities and processes that determine the constituency and persistence of the host organism. A scaffolding perspective accommodates the contingency and heterogeneity of resident microorganisms while accounting for their necessity and unifying contributions to host individuality. In our symbiotic view of life, holobionts may not be organisms or units of selection, but macroorganisms cannot persist nor function as individuals without their scaffolding microorganisms.  相似文献   

We present here the hologenome theory of evolution, which considers the holobiont (the animal or plant with all of its associated microorganisms) as a unit of selection in evolution. The hologenome is defined as the sum of the genetic information of the host and its microbiota. The theory is based on four generalizations: (1) All animals and plants establish symbiotic relationships with microorganisms. (2) Symbiotic microorganisms are transmitted between generations. (3) The association between host and symbionts affects the fitness of the holobiont within its environment. (4) Variation in the hologenome can be brought about by changes in either the host or the microbiota genomes; under environmental stress, the symbiotic microbial community can change rapidly. These points taken together suggest that the genetic wealth of diverse microbial symbionts can play an important role both in adaptation and in evolution of higher organisms. During periods of rapid changes in the environment, the diverse microbial symbiont community can aid the holobiont in surviving, multiplying and buying the time necessary for the host genome to evolve. The distinguishing feature of the hologenome theory is that it considers all of the diverse microbiota associated with the animal or the plant as part of the evolving holobiont. Thus, the hologenome theory fits within the framework of the 'superorganism' proposed by Wilson and Sober.  相似文献   

Microbial symbionts can be instrumental to the evolutionary success of their hosts. Here, we discuss medically significant tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae), a group comprised of over 30 species, and their use as a valuable model system to study the evolution of the holobiont (i.e., the host and associated microbes). We first describe the tsetse microbiota, which, despite its simplicity, harbors a diverse range of associations. The maternally transmitted microbes consistently include two Gammaproteobacteria, the obligate mutualists Wigglesworthia spp. and the commensal Sodalis glossinidius, along with the parasitic Alphaproteobacteria Wolbachia. These associations differ in their establishment times, making them unique and distinct from previously characterized symbioses, where multiple microbial partners have associated with their host for a significant portion of its evolution. We then expand into discussing the functional roles and intracommunity dynamics within this holobiont, which enhances our understanding of tsetse biology to encompass the vital functions and interactions of the microbial community. Potential disturbances influencing the tsetse microbiome, including salivary gland hypertrophy virus and trypanosome infections, are highlighted. While previous studies have described evolutionary consequences of host association for symbionts, the initial steps facilitating their incorporation into a holobiont and integration of partner biology have only begun to be explored. Research on the tsetse holobiont will contribute to the understanding of how microbial metabolic integration and interdependency initially may develop within hosts, elucidating mechanisms driving adaptations leading to cooperation and coresidence within the microbial community. Lastly, increased knowledge of the tsetse holobiont may also contribute to generating novel African trypanosomiasis disease control strategies.  相似文献   

The author presents the current notion of symbiosis as one of the main adaptation of an organism to changeable environment. Symbiosis is considered as a super organism genetic system within which there are different interactions (including mutualism and antagonism). Genetic integration of symbiotic partners can be realized as cross regulation of their genes, exchange of gene products (proteins, RNA), gene amplification and sometimes gene transfer between organisms. On the phenotypic level these processes result in signal interactions, integration of partner metabolic systems and development of symbiotic organs. Co-evolution is considered as an assemblage of micro- and macroevolution processes basing on pre-adaptations and proceeding under influence of different forms of natural selection (individual, frequency-depended and kin selection). Symbiosis can be compared with sexual process since both are the forms of organism integration characterized by different genetic mechanisms and evolutionary consequences. The genome evolution in symbiotic microorganisms can proceed by: 1) simplification of genome in obligate symbiosis (loss of genes that are necessary for independent existence, transfer of some genes to the host organism); 2) complication of genome in facultative symbiosis (increase in genome plasticity, structural and functional differentiation of genome into systems controlling free-living and symbiotic parts of life cycle). Most of symbiotic interactions are correlated to an increase in genetic plasticity of an organism that can lead to evolutionary saltations and origin of new forms of life.  相似文献   

Given one conception of biological individuality (evolutionary, physiological, etc.), can a holobiont – that is the host + its symbiotic (mutualistic, commensalist and parasitic) microbiome – be simultaneously a biological individual and an ecological community? Herein, we support this possibility by arguing that the notion of biological individuality is part‐dependent. In our account, the individuality of a biological ensemble should not only be determined by the conception of biological individuality in use, but also by the biological characteristics of the part of the ensemble under investigation. In the specific case of holobionts, evaluations of their individuality should be made either host‐relative or microbe‐relative. We support the claim that biological individuality is part‐dependent by drawing upon recent empirical evidence regarding the physiology of hosts and microbes, and the recent characterization of the ‘demibiont’. Our account shows that contemporary disagreements about the individuality of the holobiont derive from an incorrect understanding of the ontology of biological individuality. We show that collaboration between philosophers and biologists can be very fruitful in attempts to solve some contemporary biological debates.  相似文献   

The juxtaposition of highly productive coral reef ecosystems in oligotrophic waters has spurred substantial interest and progress in our understanding of macronutrient uptake, exchange, and recycling among coral holobiont partners (host coral, dinoflagellate endosymbiont, endolithic algae, fungi, viruses, bacterial communities). By contrast, the contribution of trace metals to the physiological performance of the coral holobiont and, in turn, the functional ecology of reef-building corals remains unclear. The coral holobiont's trace metal economy is a network of supply, demand, and exchanges upheld by cross-kingdom symbiotic partnerships. Each partner has unique trace metal requirements that are central to their biochemical functions and the metabolic stability of the holobiont. Organismal homeostasis and the exchanges among partners determine the ability of the coral holobiont to adjust to fluctuating trace metal supplies in heterogeneous reef environments. This review details the requirements for trace metals in core biological processes and describes how metal exchanges among holobiont partners are key to sustaining complex nutritional symbioses in oligotrophic environments. Specifically, we discuss how trace metals contribute to partner compatibility, ability to cope with stress, and thereby to organismal fitness and distribution. Beyond holobiont trace metal cycling, we outline how the dynamic nature of the availability of environmental trace metal supplies can be influenced by a variability of abiotic factors (e.g. temperature, light, pH, etc.). Climate change will have profound consequences on the availability of trace metals and further intensify the myriad stressors that influence coral survival. Lastly, we suggest future research directions necessary for understanding the impacts of trace metals on the coral holobiont symbioses spanning subcellular to organismal levels, which will inform nutrient cycling in coral ecosystems more broadly. Collectively, this cross-scale elucidation of the role of trace metals for the coral holobiont will allow us to improve forecasts of future coral reef function.  相似文献   

Chemosynthetic symbiosis is one of the successful systems for adapting to a wide range of habitats including extreme environments, and the metabolic capabilities of symbionts enable host organisms to expand their habitat ranges. However, our understanding of the adaptive strategies that enable symbiotic organisms to expand their habitats is still fragmentary. Here, we report that a single-ribotype endosymbiont population in an individual of the host vent mussel, Bathymodiolus septemdierum has heterogeneous genomes with regard to the composition of key metabolic gene clusters for hydrogen oxidation and nitrate reduction. The host individual harbours heterogeneous symbiont subpopulations that either possess or lack the gene clusters encoding hydrogenase or nitrate reductase. The proportions of the different symbiont subpopulations in a host appeared to vary with the environment or with the host''s development. Furthermore, the symbiont subpopulations were distributed in patches to form a mosaic pattern in the gill. Genomic heterogeneity in an endosymbiont population may enable differential utilization of diverse substrates and confer metabolic flexibility. Our findings open a new chapter in our understanding of how symbiotic organisms alter their metabolic capabilities and expand their range of habitats.  相似文献   

All animals and plants establish symbiotic relationships with microorganisms; often the combined genetic information of the diverse microbiota exceeds that of the host. How the genetic wealth of the microbiota affects all aspects of the holobiont's (host plus all of its associated microorganisms) fitness (adaptation, survival, development, growth and reproduction) and evolution is reviewed, using selected coral, insect, squid, plant, and human/mouse published experimental results. The data are discussed within the framework of the hologenome theory of evolution, which demonstrates that changes in environmental parameters, for example, diet, can cause rapid changes in the diverse microbiota, which not only can benefit the holobiont in the short term but also can be transmitted to offspring and lead to long lasting cooperations. As acquired characteristics (microbes) are heritable, consideration of the holobiont as a unit of selection in evolution leads to neo-Lamarckian principles within a Darwinian framework. The potential application of these principles can be seen in the growing fields of prebiotics and probiotics.  相似文献   

With the increasing appreciation for the crucial roles that microbial symbionts play in the development and fitness of plant and animal hosts, there has been a recent push to interpret evolution through the lens of the “hologenome”—the collective genomic content of a host and its microbiome. But how symbionts evolve and, particularly, whether they undergo natural selection to benefit hosts are complex issues that are associated with several misconceptions about evolutionary processes in host-associated microbial communities. Microorganisms can have intimate, ancient, and/or mutualistic associations with hosts without having undergone natural selection to benefit hosts. Likewise, observing host-specific microbial community composition or greater community similarity among more closely related hosts does not imply that symbionts have coevolved with hosts, let alone that they have evolved for the benefit of the host. Although selection at the level of the symbiotic community, or hologenome, occurs in some cases, it should not be accepted as the null hypothesis for explaining features of host–symbiont associations.The ubiquity and importance of microorganisms in the lives of plants and animals are ever more apparent, and increasingly investigated by biologists. Suddenly, we have the aspiration and tools to open up a new, complicated world, and we must confront the realization that almost everything about larger organisms has been shaped by their history of evolving from, then with, microorganisms [1]. This development represents a dramatic shift in perspective—arguably a revolution—in modern biology.Do we need to revamp basic tenets of evolutionary theory to understand how hosts evolve with associated microorganisms? Some scientists have suggested that we do [2], and the recently introduced terms “holobiont” and “hologenome” encapsulate what has been described as an “emerging postmodern synthesis” [3]. Holobiont was initially used to refer to a host and a single inherited symbiont [4] but was later extended to a host and its community of associated microorganisms, specifically for the case of corals [5]. The idea of the holobiont is that a host and its associated microorganisms must be considered as an integrated unit in order to understand many biological and ecological features.The later introduction of the term hologenome [2,6,7] sought to describe a holobiont by its genetic composition. The term has been used in different ways by different authors, but in most contexts a hologenome is considered a genetic unit that represents the combined genomes of a host and its associated microorganisms [8]. This non-controversial definition of hologenome is linked to the idea that this entity has a role in evolution. For example, Gordon et al. [1,9] state, "The genome of a holobiont, termed the hologenome, is the sum of the genomes of all constituents, all of which can evolve within that context." That last phrase is sufficiently general that it can be interpreted in any number of ways. Like physical conditions, associated organisms can be considered as part of the environment and thus can be sources of natural selection, affecting evolution in each lineage.But a more sweeping and problematic proposal is given by originators of the term, which is that "the holobiont with its hologenome should be considered as the unit of natural selection in evolution" [2,7] or by others, that “an organism’s genetics and fitness are inclusive of its microbiome” [3,4]. The implication is that differential success of holobionts influences evolution of participating organisms, such that their observed features cannot be fully understood without considering selection at the holobiont level. Another formulation of this concept is the proposal that the evolution of host–microbe systems is “most easily understood by equating a gene in the nuclear genome to a microbe in the microbiome” [8]. Under this view, interactions between host and microbial genotypes should be considered as genetic epistasis (interactions among alleles at different loci in a genome) rather than as interactions between the host’s genotype and its environment.While biologists would agree that microorganisms have important roles in host evolution, this statement is a far cry from the claim that they are fused with hosts to form the primary units of selection, or that hosts and microorganisms provide different portions of a unified genome. Broadly, the hologenome concept contends, first, that participating lineages within a holobiont affect each other’s evolution, and, second, that that the holobiont is a primary unit of selection. Our aim in this essay is to clarify what kinds of evidence are needed for each of these claims and to argue that neither should be assumed without evidence. We point out that some observations that superficially appear to support the concept of the hologenome have spawned confusion about real biological issues (Box 1).

Box 1. Misconceptions Related to the Hologenome Concept

Misconception #1: Similarities in microbiomes between related host species result from codiversification. Reality: Related species tend to be similar in most traits. Because microbiome composition is a trait that involves living organisms, it is tempting to assume that these similarities reflect a shared evolutionary history of host and symbionts. This has been shown to be the case for some symbioses (e.g., ancient maternally inherited endosymbionts in insects). But for many interactions (e.g., gut microbiota), related hosts may have similar effects on community assembly without any history of codiversification between the host and individual microbial species (Fig 1B).Open in a separate windowFig 1Alternative evolutionary processes can result in related host species harboring similar symbiont communities.Left panel: Individual symbiont lineages retain fidelity to evolving host lineages, through co-inheritance or other mechanisms, with some gain and loss of symbiont lineages over evolutionary time. Right panel: As host lineages evolve, they shift their selectivity of environmental microbes, which are not evolving in response and which may not even have been present during host diversification. In both cases, measures of community divergence will likely be smaller for more closely related hosts, but they reflect processes with very different implications for hologenome evolution. Image credit: Nancy Moran and Kim Hammond, University of Texas at Austin. Misconception #2: Parallel phylogenies of host and symbiont, or intimacy of host and symbiont associations, reflect coevolution. Reality: Coevolution is defined by a history of reciprocal selection between parties. While coevolution can generate parallel phylogenies or intimate associations, these can also result from many other mechanisms. Misconception #3: Highly intimate associations of host and symbionts, involving exchange of cellular metabolites and specific patterns of colonization, result from a history of selection favoring mutualistic traits. Reality: The adaptive basis of a specific trait is difficult to infer even when the trait involves a single lineage, and it is even more daunting when multiple lineages contribute. But complexity or intimacy of an interaction does not always imply a long history of coevolution nor does it imply that the nature of the interaction involves mutual benefit. Misconception #4: The essential roles that microbial species/communities play in host development are adaptations resulting from selection on the symbionts to contribute to holobiont function. Reality: Hosts may adapt to the reliable presence of symbionts in the same way that they adapt to abiotic components of the environment, and little or no selection on symbiont populations need be involved. Misconception #5: Because of the extreme importance of symbionts in essential functions of their hosts, the integrated holobiont represents the primary unit of selection. Reality: The strength of natural selection at different levels of biological organization is a central issue in evolutionary biology and the focus of much empirical and theoretical research. But insofar as there is a primary unit of selection common to diverse biological systems, it is unlikely to be at the level of the holobiont. In particular cases, evolutionary interests of host and symbionts can be sufficiently aligned such that the predominant effect of natural selection on genetic variation in each party is to increase the reproductive success of the holobiont. But in most host–symbiont relationships, contrasting modes of genetic transmission will decouple selection pressures.  相似文献   

Rhizopus microsporus often lives in association with bacterial and viral symbionts that alter its biology. This fungal model represents an example of the complex interactions established among diverse organisms in functional holobionts. We constructed a Genome-Scale Model (GSM) of the fungal-bacterial-viral holobiont (iHol). We employed a constraint-based method to calculate the metabolic fluxes to decipher the metabolic interactions of the symbionts with their host. Our computational analyses of iHol simulate the holobiont's growth and the production of the toxin rhizoxin. Analyses of the calculated fluxes between R. microsporus in symbiotic (iHol) versus asymbiotic conditions suggest that changes in the lipid and nucleotide metabolism of the host are necessary for the functionality of the holobiont. Glycerol plays a pivotal role in the fungal-bacterial metabolic interaction, as its production does not compromise fungal growth, and Mycetohabitans bacteria can efficiently consume it. Narnavirus RmNV-20S and RmNV-23S affected the nucleotide metabolism without impacting the fungal-bacterial symbiosis. Our analyses highlighted the metabolic stability of Mycetohabitans throughout its co-evolution with the fungal host. We also predicted changes in reactions of the bacterial metabolism required for the active production of rhizoxin. This iHol is the first GSM of a fungal holobiont.  相似文献   

Efficient nutrient cycling in the coral-algal symbiosis requires constant but limited nitrogen availability. Coral-associated diazotrophs, i.e., prokaryotes capable of fixing dinitrogen, may thus support productivity in a stable coral-algal symbiosis but could contribute to its breakdown when overstimulated. However, the effects of environmental conditions on diazotroph communities and their interaction with other members of the coral holobiont remain poorly understood. Here we assessed the effects of heat stress on diazotroph diversity and their contribution to holobiont nutrient cycling in the reef-building coral Stylophora pistillata from the central Red Sea. In a stable symbiotic state, we found that nitrogen fixation by coral-associated diazotrophs constitutes a source of nitrogen to the algal symbionts. Heat stress caused an increase in nitrogen fixation concomitant with a change in diazotroph communities. Yet, this additional fixed nitrogen was not assimilated by the coral tissue or the algal symbionts. We conclude that although diazotrophs may support coral holobiont functioning under low nitrogen availability, altered nutrient cycling during heat stress abates the dependence of the coral host and its algal symbionts on diazotroph-derived nitrogen. Consequently, the role of nitrogen fixation in the coral holobiont is strongly dependent on its nutritional status and varies dynamically with environmental conditions.Subject terms: Microbial ecology, Climate-change ecology  相似文献   

Secondary endosymbiosis—the merging of two eukaryotic cells into one photosynthetic cellular unit—led to the evolution of ecologically and medically very important organisms. We review the biology of these organisms, starting from the first proposal of secondary endosymbiosis up to recent phylogenetic models on the origin of secondarily evolved protists. In addition, we discuss the organelle character of the symbionts based on morphological features, gene transfers from the symbiont into the host and re-import of nucleus-encoded plastid proteins. Finally, we hypothesize that secondary endosymbiosis is more than enslaving a eukaryotic, phototrophic cell, but reflects a complex interplay between host and symbiont, leading to the inseparability of the two symbiotic partners generating a cellular entity.  相似文献   

Animals exist as biodiverse composite organisms that include microbial residents, eukaryotic cells, and organs that collectively form a human being. Through an interdependent relationship and an inherent ability to transmit and reciprocate stimuli in a bidirectional way, a human body or the holobiont secures growth, health, and reproduction. As such, the survival of a holobiont is dependent on the maintenance of biological order including metabolic homeostasis by tight regulation of the communication between its eukaryotic and prokaryotic residents. In this review an overview and perspective are provided on the bidirectional communication between microbes and their host in mutually nurturing biochemical, biological, and social interconnected relationships between the components of the holobiont. An emphasis is placed on exemplifying microbiome‐mediated effects on host functions—aiming to integrate microbiome functionality to host physiology, be it health or disease. Nutrition, immunology, and sexual dimorphism have been traversed extensively to reflect on health and mind states, social interactions, and urbanization defects/effects. Finally, examples of molecular mechanisms potentially orchestrating these complex transkingdom interactions are provided.  相似文献   

It is now widely accepted that microorganisms play many important roles in the lives of plants and animals. Every macroorganism has been shaped in some way by microorganisms. The recognition of the ubiquity and importance of microorganisms has led some to argue for a revolution in how we understand biological individuality and the primary units of natural selection. The term “holobiont” was introduced as a name for the biological unit made up by a host and all of its associated microorganisms, and much of this new debate about biological individuality has focused on whether holobionts are integrated individuals or communities. In this paper, I show how parts of the holobiont can span both characterizations. I argue that most holobionts share more affinities with communities than they do with organisms, and that, except for maybe in rare cases, holobionts do not meet the criteria for being organisms, evolutionary individuals, or units of selection.  相似文献   

The hologenome theory of evolution emphasizes the role of microorganisms in the evolution of animals and plants. The theory posits that the holobiont (host plus all of its symbiont microbiota) is a unit of selection in evolution. Genetic variation in the holobiont that can occur either in the host and/or in the microbial symbiont genomes (together termed hologenome) can then be transmitted to offspring. In addition to the known modes of variation, i.e. sexual recombination, chromosomal rearrangement and mutation, variation in the holobiont can occur also via two mechanisms that are specific to the hologenome theory: amplification of existing microorganisms and acquisition of novel strains from the environment. These mechanisms are Lamarckian in that (i) they are regulated by ‘use and disuse’ (of microbes) and (ii) the variations in the hologenome are transmitted to offspring, thus satisfying also the Lamarckian principle of ‘inheritance of acquired characteristics’. Accordingly, the hologenome theory incorporates Lamarckian aspects within a Darwinian framework, accentuating both cooperation and competition within the holobiont and with other holobionts.  相似文献   

Based on the knowledge on the structural and functional organization, ecological potential, and evolution of symbiotic complexes, we suggest to formulate the subject, aims, and methodology of symbiogenetics as a science studying the genetic control of interspecies interactions. It is based on the view on the superspecies system of variation and heredity (symbiogenome) controlling the development of novel properties lacking in the unitary organisms and radically extending their adaptive potentials. Investigation of symbiogenomes represents the first step toward genetic analysis of microbiomes and metagenomes, which are superspecies hereditary systems responsible for developing the multicomponent complexes of biocenotic type, such as rumen microflora, endophytic and rhizospheric communities, soil microbial consortia. The approaches of symbiogenetics can be used for developing biotechnologies of integration of plants or animals with beneficial microbes ensuring host nutrition and development as well as resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

Based on the knowledge on the structural and functional organization, ecological potential, and evolution of symbiotic complexes, we suggest to formulate the subject, aims, and methodology of symbiogenetics as a science studying the genetic control of interspecies interactions. It is based on the view on the superspecies system of variation and heredity (symbiogenome) controlling the development of novel properties lacking in the unitary organisms and radically extending their adaptive potentials. Investigation of symbiogenomes represents the first step toward genetic analysis of microbiomes and metagenomes, which are superspecies hereditary systems responsible for developing the multicomponent complexes of biocenotic type, such as rumen microflora, endophytic and rhizospheric communities, soil microbial consortia. The approaches of symbiogenetics can be used for developing biotechnologies of integration of plants or animals with beneficial microbes ensuring host nutrition and development as well as resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

Molecular analyses of symbiotic relationships are challenging our biological definitions of individuality and supplanting them with a new notion of normal part–whole relationships. This new notion is that of a ‘holobiont’, a consortium of organisms that becomes a functionally integrated ‘whole’. This holobiont includes the zoological organism (the ‘animal’) as well as its persistent microbial symbionts. This new individuality is seen on anatomical and physiological levels, where a diversity of symbionts form a new ‘organ system’ within the zoological organism and become integrated into its metabolism and development. Moreover, as in normal development, there are reciprocal interactions between the ‘host’ organism and its symbionts that alter gene expression in both sets of cells. The immune system, instead of being seen as functioning solely to keep microbes out of the body, is also found to develop, in part, in dialogue with symbionts. Moreover, the immune system is actively involved in the colonization of the zoological organism, functioning as a mechanism for integrating microbes into the animal-cell community. Symbionts have also been found to constitute a second mode of genetic inheritance, providing selectable genetic variation for natural selection. We develop, grow and evolve as multi-genomic consortia/teams/ecosystems.  相似文献   

The disruption of the coral–algae symbiosis (coral bleaching) due to rising sea surface temperatures has become an unprecedented global threat to coral reefs. Despite decades of research, our ability to manage mass bleaching events remains hampered by an incomplete mechanistic understanding of the processes involved. In this study, we induced a coral bleaching phenotype in the absence of heat and light stress by adding sugars. The sugar addition resulted in coral symbiotic breakdown accompanied by a fourfold increase of coral‐associated microbial nitrogen fixation. Concomitantly, increased N:P ratios by the coral host and algal symbionts suggest excess availability of nitrogen and a disruption of the nitrogen limitation within the coral holobiont. As nitrogen fixation is similarly stimulated in ocean warming scenarios, here we propose a refined coral bleaching model integrating the cascading effects of stimulated microbial nitrogen fixation. This model highlights the putative role of nitrogen‐fixing microbes in coral holobiont functioning and breakdown.  相似文献   

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