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A simple model was developed to estimate the contribution of nitrogen (N) mineralization to the N supply of crops. In this model the soil organic matter is divided into active and passive pools. Annual soil mineralization of N is derived from the active pool. The active pool comprises stabilized and labile soil organic N. The stabilized N is built up from accumulated inputs of fresh organic N during a crop rotation but the labile N is a fraction of total N added, which mineralizes faster than the stabilized N. The passive pool is considered to have no participation in the mineralization process. Mineralization rates of labile and stabilized soil organic N from different crop residues decomposing in soil were derived from the literature and were described by the first-order rate equation dN/dt =-K*N, where N is the mineralizable organic N from crop residues andK is a constant. The data were groupedK 1 by short-term (0–1 year) andK 2 by long-term (0–10 years) incubation. Because the range of variation inK 2 was smaller than inK 1 we felt justified in using an average value to derive N mineralization from the stabilized pool. The use of a constant rate ofK 1 was avoided so net N mineralization during the first year after addition is derived directly from the labile N in the crop residues. The model was applied to four Chilean agro-ecosystems, using daily averages of soil temperature and moisture. The N losses by leaching were also calculated. The N mineralization varied between 30 and 130 kg N ha–1 yr–1 depending on organic N inputs. Nitrogen losses by leaching in a poorly structured soil were estimated to be about 10% of total N mineralized. The model could explain the large differences in N- mineralization as measured by the potential N mineralization at the four sites studied. However, when grassland was present in the crop rotation, the model underestimated the results obtained from potential mineralization.  相似文献   

为明确稻麦轮作系统有机肥施用对作物产量和土壤性质的影响,本研究搜集已公开发表的文献数据,利用meta分析法定量分析了有机肥类型(普通有机肥、生物质炭、秸秆)、施用策略(单施有机肥、有机肥配施部分化肥、有机肥配施全量化肥)、施用年限(短期、中期、长期)对稻麦产量和土壤性质的影响及其对不同土壤条件(酸性、中性、碱性)的响应...  相似文献   

Time‐delayed collection field (TDCF) and bias‐amplified charge extraction (BACE) are applied to as‐prepared and annealed poly(3‐hexylthiophene):[6,6]‐phenyl C71 butyric acid methyl ester (P3HT:PCBM) blends coated from chloroform. Despite large differences in fill factor, short‐circuit current, and power conversion efficiency, both blends exhibit a negligible dependence of photogeneration on the electric field and strictly bimolecular recombination (BMR) with a weak dependence of the BMR coefficient on charge density. Drift‐diffusion simulations are performed using the measured coefficients and mobilities, taking into account bimolecular recombination and the possible effects of surface recombination. The excellent agreement between the simulation and the experimental data for an intensity range covering two orders of magnitude indicates that a field‐independent generation rate and a density‐independent recombination coefficient describe the current–voltage characteristics of the annealed P3HT:PCBM devices, while the performance of the as‐prepared blend is shown to be limited by space charge effects due to a low hole mobility. Finally, even though the bimolecular recombination coefficient is small, surface recombination is found to be a negligible loss mechanism in these solar cells.  相似文献   

The best performing low bandgap copolymers PTB series to date which is based on thieno[3,4‐b]thiophene‐alt‐benzodithiophene units blended with [6,6]‐phenyl‐C71‐butyric acid methyl ester (PC71BM), have been the focus of polymer‐based solar cells. Here, novel fluorinated polymers PTB7‐Fx (fluorine units coupled with submonomer thieno[3,4‐b]thiophene) with varied degree of fluorination are used as electron donor materials. The PTB7‐Fx:PC71BM bulk heterojunction (BHJ) films spin‐coated from the host solvent chlorobenzene without and with solvent additive 1,8‐diiodooctane (DIO) and the corresponding solar cell devices are systematically investigated to address the morphology‐efficiency relationship. Self‐assembled BHJ morphology is already observed for as‐spun blend films. After adding the solvent additive DIO, the pronounced ordered structures are suppressed and better intermixed films with much smaller domain sizes result. Full fluorination of the third C‐atom of thienothiophene gives rise to the highest power conversion efficiency. As the absorption properties, film morphology and crystallinity remain similar for different degrees of fluorination, the main influence of the photovoltaic performance is ascribed to the different lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of each polymer instead of the film morphology. Thus the device performance can be efficiently improved by tuning the energy level of the polymer without necessarily changing either the film nanomorphology or crystallinity dramatically.  相似文献   

许文强  陈曦  罗格平  张清  张豫芳  唐飞 《生态学报》2010,30(14):3707-3716
近半个世纪前,中国西北干旱区人类大规模的水土开发活动使得流域下部的荒漠覆被土地转变成了人工绿洲,强烈的人类耕作活动使得人工绿洲土壤有机碳库发生了显著变化。以干旱区典型的三工河流域下部的人工绿洲为例,基于CENTURY模型,研究人工绿洲开发前后及农业管理模式变化对表层土壤有机碳库(0-20cm)的影响。CENTURY模型模拟结果表明:(1)研究区荒漠灌木林地开垦为人工绿洲后,在最初的2a土壤总有机碳(TOC)快速增加,随后呈逐渐下降的趋势;(2)研究区人工绿洲在被开发后50a的连续耕作下,平均土壤TOC呈先增后减再增的"N"型变化趋势,但最终土壤TOC超过了原始自然状态下的TOC,而且2008年土壤TOC比原始荒漠状态增加7.74%,说明研究区表层土壤有机碳总体呈"碳汇"趋势。尤其在研究区实施了免耕、秸秆粉碎还田、科学测土配方施肥等保护性耕作措施后,土壤固碳效应明显,这完全不同于热带森林、中国北部温带半干旱草原及非洲Savanna半干旱稀树草原开垦为耕地后土壤有机碳大量损失的结论。  相似文献   

Biological control of pest insects can be improved by providing natural enemies with additional food resources such as floral nectar within the production field. However, herbivores may also benefit from this practice. The aim of this 3‐year field study was to investigate if dill and buckwheat, aimed as food resources for natural enemies, could increase the densities of the cabbage root fly, Delia radicum L. (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), a severe pest on crucifers. Differences in egg density, numbers of pupae and sex ratio were compared between cabbage plots with or without flowers. Habitat manipulation by intercropping flowering plants with cabbage did not increase the overall D. radicum egg density in our 3‐year study, and there were no significant differences in egg numbers between treatments in any year. No effect on the fecundity of D. radicum was observed, most likely because of the high mobility and feeding behaviour of the female flies, combined with high abundance and diversity of other food sources around the fields during this period. Despite equal egg numbers, fewer pupae were found in plots with flowers than without in one of three studied years. This finding suggests that natural enemies attacking larvae and pupae of D. radicum were either more abundant or efficient in cabbage plots with flowers.  相似文献   

Understanding the morphology of polymer‐based bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells is necessary to improve device efficiencies. Blends of a low‐bandgap silole‐containing conjugated polymer, poly[(4,4′‐bis(2‐ethylhexyl)dithieno[3,2‐b;2′,3′‐d]silole)‐2,6‐diyl‐alt‐(4,7‐bis(2‐thienyl)‐2,1,3‐benzothiadiazole)‐5,5′‐diyl] (PSBTBT) with [6,6]phenyl‐C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) were investigated under different processing conditions. The surface morphologies and vertical segregation of the “As‐Spun”, “Pre‐Annealed”, and “Post‐Annealed” films were studied by scanning force microscopy, contact angle measurements, X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy, near‐edge X‐ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry, and neutron reflectivity. The results showed that PSBTBT was enriched at the cathode interface in the “As‐Spun” films and thermal annealing increased the segregation of PSBTBT to the free surface, while thermal annealing after deposition of the cathode increased the PCBM concentration at the cathode interface. Grazing‐incidence X‐ray diffraction and small‐angle neutron scattering showed that the crystallization of PSBTBT and segregation of PCBM occurred during spin coating, and thermal annealing increased the ordering of PSBTBT and enhanced the segregation of the PCBM, forming domains ~10 nm in size, leading to an improvement in photovoltaic performance.  相似文献   

鹤山马占相思人工林的能量现存量及能量流动   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过测定广东鹤山一个马占相思(Aeaeia mangiun)人工林的辐射能环境,优势种的净光合速率、呼吸速率和生产力,群落的生物量及热值,定量地刻划了太阳辐射能被马占相思群群吸收、固定、转化、损耗、积累和分配的生物能量学过程。全年抵达林冠上层的总太阳辐射能力4351.4MJ.m^-2.s^-1,能量量为14.8MJ.m^-2.s^-1,折合光能利用效率为0.34%,群落的能量正面量为193.9MJ  相似文献   

Organic photovoltaics (OPV) represent a thin‐film PV technology that offers attractive prospects for low‐cost and aesthetically appealing (colored, flexible, uniform, semitransparent) solar cells that are printable on large surfaces. In bulk heterojunction (BHJ) OPV devices, organic electron donor and acceptor molecules are intimately mixed within the photoactive layer. Since 2005, the power conversion efficiency of said devices has increased substantially due to insights in the underlying physical processes, device optimization, and chemical engineering of a vast number of novel light‐harvesting organic materials, either small molecules or conjugated polymers. As Nature itself has developed porphyrin chromophores for solar light to energy conversion, it seems reasonable to pursue artificial systems based on the same types of molecules. Porphyrins and their analogues have already been successfully implemented in certain device types, notably in dye‐sensitized solar cells, but they have remained largely unexplored in BHJ organic solar cells. Very recent successes do show, however, the strong (latent) prospects of porphyrinoid semiconductors as light‐harvesting and charge transporting materials in such devices. Here, an overview on the state‐of‐the‐art of porphyrin‐based solution‐processed BHJ OPV is provided and insights are given into the pathways to follow and hurdles to overcome toward further improvements of porphyrinic materials and devices.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center is one of three Bioenergy Research Centers establish by the US Department of Energy and the only one based at an academic institution. The Center’s mission is to perform basic and applied science to enable economically and environmentally sustainable production of liquid fuels derived from biomass. The research is focused on converting plant biomass into soluble sugars and the sugars into fuels. A large group focused on sustainability informs and guides the applied research to ensure that new technology will provide the required environmental benefits.  相似文献   

The assemblage of carabid species trapped over a 3 yr period in eight separate but contiguous fields was analysed by Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), Seven of the fields were subject to arable crop rotations involving a mixture of autumn and early spring‐sown cereals (wheat or barley), late spring‐sown crops (potatoes, sugar and fodder beet and maize) and short‐term uncultivated grass leys, The eighth field was an established ‘permanent’ grass pasture of at least 50 yrs standing, Pooled samples collected in the first half of the growing season (April‐June) showed clear evidence of soil cultivation effects on community structure, Systematic exclusion of samples and re‐analysis distinguished the fauna of firstly, old pasture samples, samples from ley pastures of increasing age and finally samples from fields with different times of soil cultivation, In the latter analysis, the main effects of soil cultivation were related to differences in ground cover over the winter and a direct effect of spring soil cultivation on autumn breeding populations, The ordination of pooled catches for the second half of the growing season (July‐September) could not be related to known year, field or crop cultivation variables, The underlying species ordination suggested that later in the summer the effect of crop cover on soil microclimate may mask cultivation effects by influencing the post‐emergence dispersal of autumn‐breeding populations and the reproductive success of spring‐breeders, The combination of earlier soil cultivation effects, and probably microclimatic influences later in the season, resulted in the strong distinction of whole season carabid catches from individual fields, It is concluded that the uniqueness of individual field histories may provide a mechanism to promote the co‐existence of ecologically similar species within the farmed landscape and enhance the abundance and bio‐diversity of species in the face of routine soil cultivation.  相似文献   

The evolution of a new strain of western corn rootworm (WCR) beetle (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) that has adapted to crop rotation by flying from host cornfields to nearby soybean fields to lay eggs is presenting new challenges to farmers in the U.S.A. Corn Belt. Development of effective management tools for the WCR that display this new behavior require knowledge of atmospheric factors that influence their interfield movement. In this study, WCR movement into a soybean field is related to solar radiation, wind speed and direction, air temperature, and precipitation with consideration of biological factors that also influence flight. WCR flight activity and meteorological variables were measured above the canopy of a 1.64 ha soybean field in east-central Illinois between late July and early September, 1997. On 14 days, insect traps were sampled at 30-min intervals. Interfield movement of WCR occurred over a wide range of solar irradiances, air temperatures, and wind speeds. Darkness, air temperatures below 15 °C or above 31 °C, and wind speeds in excess of 2.0 m s- 1 prohibited aerial movement of WCR. Within these limits, atmospheric factors had only little influence on the biologically-driven temporal patterns of seasonal and daily WCR flight activity. Atmospheric conditions were conducive to WCR flight 62% of the time during the growing season when WCR were active. Weather conditions substantially reduced interfield WCR movement throughout about one-third of the days when female WCR beetles were abundant at the study site in 1997.  相似文献   

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