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除草剂阿特拉津对土壤脲酶活性的影响   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
研究了阿特拉津对4种典型施肥处理的土壤脲酶活力的影响。结果表明,处理初期,低浓度阿特拉津对土壤脲酶有一定刺激作用,高浓度处理在整个试验过程中对脲酶有明显抑制作用,阿特拉津对不同肥力土壤中脲酶的影响有明显差异,对照土壤和NPK肥土壤中脲酶活力较低,脲酶受抑制明显,抑制率分别高达30.35%和28.89%;NPK+秸秆和NPK+有机肥土壤的脲酶活力高,脲酶抑制率低,最高抑制率分别为21.35%和16.86%,不同肥力土壤在整个处理过程中,脲酶抑制率均为先逐渐增大到最大值,然后又逐渐降低;高肥力土壤脲酶抑制率最大值出现的时间比低肥力土壤迟,表明高肥力土壤对阿特拉津有较强的耐受能力。  相似文献   

农药对土壤脲酶活性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过模拟方法,研究了豆磺隆和呋喃丹对草甸棕壤和黑土6个土样脲酶活性的影响.结果表明,在供试浓度范围内,两种农药对土壤脲酶均有不同程度的激活作用,其中豆磺隆对草甸棕壤和黑土脲酶活性的最大增幅分别为46.95%和39.36%,呋喃丹分别为21.08%和12.70%.豆磺隆和呋喃丹浓度与土壤脲酶活性之间用二元一次方程拟和效果较好,分别有5个和3个土样的方程达到了显著或极显著相关水平,且二次项系数为负,总体上表现为先增加后降低的规律性变化.从两种农药对土壤脲酶的增幅和方程系数来看,豆磺隆对土壤脲酶活性的影响比呋喃丹明显.  相似文献   

Summary The concentration of nickel in some soils may be insufficient to meet the requirements of enzymes such as urease in soybeans and hydrogenase in Rhizobium. In an initial evaluation of nickel availability, several soils were examined for nickel content and microbial urease activity. Total and extractable nickel were determined by atomic emission spectrometry. Purified glucose and urea were added to soils to stimulate microbial growth and urease activity, the latter of which was monitored by the rate of decomposition of14C urea. Nickel also was added to some samples to determine if the indigenous supply was limiting. In one low-nickel soil (total Ni 13 ppm) urease activity increased 150% in response to additional nickel, while other soils (total Ni 22–3491 ppm) failed to respond to nickel. However, additional nickel did stimulate urease activity (up to 109%) in 3 out of 10 soils to which purified CaCO3 was added. Presumably the rise in pH associated with this treatment decreased nickel availability. Additions of Co, Mn, Fe, or Cu had no consistent effect on urease activity, thus indicating that the response to Ni was specific. Nickel fertilization increased leaf urease and nodule hydrogenase activity of soybeans grown in low-nickel soil, however, yield was not improved. These results may have practical implications in the nutrition of plants and micro-organisms that metabolize H2 and urea.  相似文献   

Summary A study of the effects of malathion and parathion applied at 10 and 50 g/g of soil on transformations of urea and (NH4)2SO4–N in a sandy loam showed that the insecticides retarded urea hydrolysis as well as nitrification of urea and (NH4)2SO4–N. At 50 parts/106 rate of the insecticides, inhibition of urea hydrolysis ranged from 44 to 61% after 0.5 week and from 7 to 21% after 3 weeks of application. The insecticides inhibited the conversion of NH4 + to NO2 without appreciably affecting the subsequent oxidation of NO2 to NO3 –N. This resulted in accumulation of higher amounts of NH4 +–N in soil samples treated with ammonium sulfate or urea N.The results suggest that transformations of urea and NH4 + fertilizers in soils may be influenced by the amount of organophosphorus insecticide present and this may affect plant nutrition and fertilizer use.  相似文献   

Two semi-arid tropical grasslands, one of an alfisol and the other on vertisol were sampled for earthworm populations during July 1985 to July 1987. The soil of the alfisol grassland was slightly acidic while that of the vertisol was slightly alkaline. The alfisol grassland has a lower range of soil moisture, soil temperature, electrical conductivity, organic carbon, available nitrogen and potassium, and a higher range of phosphorus compared to the vertisol. The alfisol grassland was inhabited byOctochaetona phillotti (Michaelsen) with rare occurrence ofBarogaster annandalei (Stephenson) whereas the vertisol grassland was inhabited only byB. annandalei. The total population ofO. phillotti ranged between 16 and 96/m2 while its juvenile population ranged between 3.2 and 25.6/m2, pre-adult population between 5.3 and 53.6/m2 and adult population between 0 and 28.8/m2. The total population ofB. annandalei ranged between 3.2 and 58.3/m2 and its juvenile population between 0 and 26.6/m2, pre-adult population 0 and 10.6/m2 and adult population between 0 and 22.4/m2. The earthworms migrated to deeper layers during winter and summer,O. phillotti reaching a maximum depth of 40 cm andB. annandalei reaching a depth of 45 cm, and seen in quiescent stage. Their seasonal population structure was significantly influenced by the seasonal patterns in rainfall, soil temperature, pH, electrical conductivity and phosphorus. These variables along with organic carbon, available nitrogen and potassium together accounted for 32–63% and 79–91% respectively, of the variation in seasonal population fluctuation of differentO. phillotti andB. annandalei age groups. The physical factors of the soil were collectively more effective in causing the seasonal variation in their population size than the chemical factors.Visiting scientist (under the Rockefeller Foundation Environmental Research Fellowship in International Agriculture) in Resource Management Programme of ICRISAT, Andhra Pradesh, India  相似文献   

The measurement and distribution of urease activity in a pasture system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Urease activities of soil, litter and plant components of a pasture sward were measured by two methods. The type, height and age of the pasture sward can influence urease activity of the underlying soil. Urease activity of the above-soil plant and litter components is less per unit area of sward (7% of total sward activity) than that of associated soil to 20 cm (93%), although urease activity of the non-soil component is about 9 fold greater per unit mass than that of an equal mass of soil. The implications of the presence of this highly active and accessible urease on transformation and loss of nitrogen on swards topdressed with urea is discussed.  相似文献   

Enzyme immobilization has attracted great interest in biotechnology processes. Herein we report the immobilization of urease from Canavalia ensiformis (jack bean) in sol–gel-derived silica nanocomposites. Urease activity, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), nitrogen and water adsorption isotherms were used to characterize the effect of storage at various relative humidities on enzyme activity immobilized in sol–gel-derived silica nanocomposites. In this study, the nanocomposites consist of tetraethoxysilane, as inorganic silicate precursor, in combination with glycerol or trehalose as organic additives. Entrapped urease was more stable for all the formulations aged with a relative humidity of 80%. However, significant differences (p < 0.05) in enzyme activity recovered at this relative humidity were observed between samples with different formulations, reflecting the effect of additives during the immobilization process. The applications of biocompatible sol–gel-derived matrices can be further extended and utilized in the development of biosensors with immobilized biomolecules that can be used for long time periods by taking into account different factors, among which the storage relative humidity has permitted to greatly improve the stability of the immobilized urease.  相似文献   

Summary 1,4-Naphthoquinone; 2-methyl-1,4-napthoquinone; 2,3-dichlorohydroquinone; 4,6-di-tert.butyl-o-benzoquinone; 4,6-di-tert.butylpyrocatechol and 4-tert.butylpyrocatechol at concentrations of 10 and 20 ppm inhibit mineralization of urea N by reducing urease activity and/or nitrification in soils. Coating of urea with these chemicals was more effective than direct application to the soil. There was no adverse effect of any of the chemicals either on germination or on the growth of wheat plants at concentrations of 20 and 50 ppm added to soil.  相似文献   

施用尿素引起红壤pH及铝活性的短期变化   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
酸性红壤在我国南方广泛分布,其酸性是限制大多数作物生长的一个主要环境胁迫因子,主要原因是低pH条件下土壤中Al的溶解所导致的毒性.对3种红壤施用不同浓度的尿素,其pH值在短期内都随着施入尿素浓度的增大而急剧上升,交换性Al随着施用尿素浓度的增大而急剧下降.交换性Al含量与土壤pH值变化呈显著负相关.动态试验表明,pH值上升的现象是短期的,pH值在达最大值后缓慢下降,下降幅度最大的阶段在第2~4周.短期内,施用尿素能显著降低酸性土壤对玉米的铝毒效应.  相似文献   

High throughput covalent urease immobilization was performed through the amide bond formation between the urease and the amino-functional MNPs. The enzyme’s performances, including shelf-life, reusability, enzymatic kinetics, and the enzyme relative activity in organic media was improved. At optimal conditions, the immobilization efficiency was calculated about 95.0% with keeping 94.7% of the urease initial specific activity. The optimal pH for maximum activity of the free and immobilized urease was calculated as 7.0 at 37.0 °C and 8.0 at 60.0 °C, respectively. The kinetics studies showed the Km of 26.0 mM and 8.0 mM and the Vmax of 5.31 μmol mg−1 min−1 and 3.93 μmol mg−1 min−1 for the free and immobilized urease, respectively. The ratio Kcat/Km as a measure of catalytic efficiency and enzyme specificity was calculated as 0.09 mg mL−1 min−1 and 0.22 mg mL−1 min−1 for the free and immobilized urease, respectively, indicating an improvement in the enzymatic kinetics. The shelf-life and operational studies of immobilized urease indicated that approximately 97.7% and 88.5% of its initial activity was retained after 40 days and 17 operational cycles, respectively. The immobilized urease was utilized to urea removal from water samples with an efficiency between 91.5–95.0%.  相似文献   

土壤温度和湿度对长白松林土壤呼吸速率的影响   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
2003年6月17日、8月日和10月10日,研究了长白山长白松林地内土壤呼吸速率和断根土壤呼吸速率日变化,并于2004年5~9月对其季节变化进行了测定.结果表明,土壤总呼吸速率和断根土壤呼吸速率的日变化均呈单峰型,峰值一般出现在12:00~14:00,8月份土壤呼吸速率的日变化幅度小于6月份和10月份.土壤总呼吸速率、断根土壤呼吸速率和根系呼吸速率具有明显的季节变化,6~8月份较高,5月份和9月份较低.2004年5~9月份,土壤总呼吸速率、断根土壤呼吸速率和根系呼吸速率的平均值分别为3.12、1.94和1.18 μmolCO2·m-2·s-1,根系呼吸对土壤总呼吸的贡献为26.5%~52.6%.土壤呼吸速率与土壤温度之间呈显著的指数相关,与土壤湿度之间呈线性相关.土壤总呼吸速率、断根土壤呼吸速率和根系呼吸速率的Q10值分别为2.44、2.55和2.27,断根土壤呼吸速率对温度的敏感程度大于土壤总呼吸速率和根系呼吸速率.土壤总呼吸速率对土壤湿度的敏感程度大于根系呼吸,断根土壤呼吸速率对土壤湿度的敏感程度最差.  相似文献   

土壤温度和水分对长白山不同森林类型土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:54,自引:11,他引:54  
在实验室条件下,将不同含水量的3种森林类型的土柱分别置于0、5、15、25和35℃条件下,进行土壤呼吸测定.结果表明,在0~35℃范围内。土壤呼吸速率与温度呈正相关.在一定含水量范围内(0.21~0.37kg·kg^-1),土壤呼吸随含水量的增加而升高,当含水量超出该范围,土壤呼吸速率则随含水量的变化而降低.土壤温度和水分对土壤呼吸作用存在明显的交互作用.不同森林类型土壤呼吸作用强弱存在显著差异,大小顺序为阔叶红松林>岳桦林>云冷杉暗针叶林.阔叶红松林土壤呼吸作用的最佳条件是土壤温度35℃、含水量0.37kg·kg^-1;云冷杉暗针叶林下的山地棕色针叶林土壤呼吸作用的最佳条件是25℃、0.21kg·kg^-1;岳桦林土壤呼吸作用的最佳条件是35℃、含水量0.37kg·kg^-1。但是.由于长白山阔叶红松林、云冷杉林和岳桦林处在不同的海拔带上,同期不同森林类型土壤温度各不相同,相差4~5℃,所以野外所测的同期山地棕色针叶林土呼吸速率应低于暗棕色森林土呼吸速率,山地生草森林土呼吸速率应高于山地棕色针叶林土的呼吸速率.  相似文献   

酸性硫酸盐土中硫形态转化过程的水分制约作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分别设土壤田间持水量的30%恒定(FH1)、土壤田间持水量的70%恒定(FH2),一直淹水(INU)、风干后放置(DRY,作为对照)、自然风干(NAD)5个处理进行酸性硫酸盐土室内模拟实验。实验结果显示,水分条件对酸性硫酸盐土中水溶性硫、交换性硫和黄铁矿硫的形态转化有显着的制约作用。淹水环境和过分干燥环境都不利于黄铁矿的氧化及水溶性硫和交换性硫的形成,潮湿但含水量不饱和环境有利于黄铁矿硫向水溶性硫和交换性硫的转换。模拟试验期内,水溶性硫含量的增加速度排列为:FH2>FH1>INU,交换性硫含量的增加速度排列为:FH1>FH2>INU,黄铁矿硫含量的下降速度排列为:FH2>FH1>INU,原状土自然风干(NAD)过程中,水溶性硫、交换性硫和黄铁矿硫之间发生了明显的转化。对不同处理中黄钾铁矾硫、有机硫和元素硫的动态变化也进行了分析。  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out at the Shenyang Experimental Station of Ecology (CAS) in order to study the effects of slow-release urea fertilizers high polymer-coated urea (SRU1), SRU1 mixed with dicyandiamide DCD (SRU2), and SRU1 mixed with calcium carbide CaC2 (SRU3) on urease activity, microbial biomass C and N, and nematode communities in an aquic brown soil during the maize growth period. The results demonstrated that the application of slow-release urea fertilizers inhibits soil urease activity and increases the soil NH4+-N content. Soil available N increment could promote its immobilization by microorganisms. Determination of soil microbial biomass N indicated that a combined application of coated urea and nitrification inhibitors increased the soil active N pool. The population of predators/omnivores indicated that treatment with SRU2 could provide enough soil NH4+-N to promote maize growth and increased the food resource for the soil fauna compared with the other treatments.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out at the Shenyang Experimental Station of Ecology (CAS) in order to study the effects of slow-release urea fertilizers high polymer-coated urea (SRU1), SRU1 mixed with dicyandiamide DCD (SRU2), and SRU1 mixed with calcium carbide CaC2 (SRU3) on urease activity, microbial biomass C and N, and nematode communities in an aquic brown soil during the maize growth period. The results demonstrated that the application of slow-release urea fertilizers inhibits soil urease activity and increases the soil NH4+-N content.Soil available N increment could promote its immobilization by microorganisms. Determination of soil microbial biomass N indicated that a combined application of coated urea and nitrification inhibitors increased the soil active N pool. The population of predators/omnivores indicated that treatment with SRU2 could provide enough soil NH4+-N to promote maize growth and increased the food resource for the soil fauna compared with the other treatments.  相似文献   

地膜覆盖对土壤水温和春小麦产量形成的影响   总被引:99,自引:5,他引:99  
Wang J  Li F  Song Q  Li S 《应用生态学报》2003,14(2):205-210
通过大田试验研究了地膜覆盖对土壤水温状况及春小麦产量形成的影响.结果表明,地膜覆盖对土壤的增温作用在春小麦生育期内呈“U”型变化,地膜覆盖可以通过防止蒸发和提升土壤深层水分至作物可利用层来增加土壤中有效水含量,利于作物利用.地膜覆盖的增温保墒作用利于作物前期生长和水分利用,在生育后期覆膜,作物根系发育受到抑制,作物蒸散量和水分利用效率下降,影响产量的形成.对照(CK)、播前灌水(W)、全程覆膜(M)、播前灌水 覆膜30d(WM30)、播前灌水 覆膜60d(WM60)及播前灌水十全程覆膜(WMw)6个处理的产量分别为2554、2424、2750、3138、3305、3123kg·hm^-2,最佳覆膜时间在40—60d.  相似文献   

环境因子对东海原甲藻生长及脲酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以我国东南沿海大规模赤潮原因种东海原甲藻为实验材料,研究了环境因子对其生长及脲酶活性的调控作用。结果表明,东海原甲藻的适宜生长温度为20—25℃,而25℃下脲酶活性最高。在光强2μmol m-2s-1条件下细胞密度显著下降(P0.05),但仍能维持较高的脲酶活性(9.405 fmol h-1个-1)。在盐度20—40范围内,东海原甲藻能够维持快速生长和较高的脲酶活性。氮源组成对东海原甲藻生长无显著影响,但对脲酶活性影响较大。具体而言,东海原甲藻脲酶活性与尿素浓度呈显著正相关关系,而无机氮源NH+4和NO-3对其脲酶活性具有显著的抑制作用,在氮缺乏条件下脲酶活性明显增强。东海原甲藻脲酶活性对环境温度、光照、盐度和营养的响应特征可能是在长期进化中形成的生态适应策略,使其在无机氮源不足时得以转而利用有机氮源,从而在资源竞争中占据有利地位。  相似文献   

温度、相对湿度和pH对蜜蜂球囊菌孢子萌发的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了温度、相对湿度和pH对蜜蜂球囊菌(Ascosphaeraapis)孢子萌发3个阶段(活化、膨大、产生萌发管)的影响.结果表明,孢子活化和膨大在15~40和(25~40)±0.5℃范围内受温度的影响不明显(P>0.05);萌发管仅发生在25~37±0.5℃,最适温度位于(31~35)±0.5℃.相对湿度越大,越有利于孢子萌发,而相对湿度低于80%对孢子萌发极为不利.孢子萌发的3个阶段在pH为5~7.8时几乎不受pH变化的影响,而在pH值较低影响很大.可见,A.apis是一种高度专一的蜜蜂幼虫病原体.  相似文献   

Aerobic grasslands may consume significant amounts of atmospheric methane (CH4). We aimed (i) to assess the spatial and temporal variability of net CH4 fluxes from grasslands on aerobic sandy soils, and (ii) to explain the variability in net CH4 fluxes by differences in soil moisture content and temperature. Net CH4 fluxes were measured with vented closed flux chambers at two sites with low N input on sandy soils in the Netherlands: (i) Wolfheze, a heather grassland, and (ii) Bovenbuurtse Weilanden, a grassland which is mown twice a year. Spatial variability of net CH4 fluxes was analysed using geostatistics. In incubation experiments, the effects of soil moisture content and temperature on CH4 uptake capacity were assessed. Temporal variability of net CH4 fluxes at Wolfheze was related to differences in soil temperature (r2 of 0.57) and soil moisture content (r2 of 0.73). Atmospheric CH4 uptake was highest at high soil temperatures and intermediate soil moisture contents. Spatial variability of net CH4 fluxes was high, both at Wolfheze and at Bovenbuurtse Weilanden. Incubation experiments showed that, at soil moisture contents lower than 5% (w/w), CH4 uptake was completely inhibited, probably due to physiological water stress of methanotrophs. At soil moisture contents higher than 50% (w/w), CH4 uptake was greatly reduced, probably due to the slow down of diffusive CH4 and O2 transport in the soil, which may have resulted in reduced CH4 oxidation and possibly some CH4 production. Optimum soil moisture contents for CH4 uptake were in the range of 20 – 35% (w/w), as prevailing in the field. The sensitivity of CH4 uptake to soil moisture content may result in short-term variability of net atmospheric CH4 uptake in response to precipitation and evapotranspiration, as well as in long-term variability due to changing precipitation patterns as a result of climate change.  相似文献   

降雨和土壤湿度对贵州旱田土壤N2O释放的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
以南方亚热带代表性旱田土壤-贵州玉米-油菜轮作田、大豆-冬小麦轮作田和休耕地为观测对象,研究土壤N2O释放通量季节变化与降雨和土壤湿度的关系,同时,采用DNDC模型定量探讨了未来降雨量变化对土壤N2O释放的潜在影响,结果表明,降雨与N2O释放峰间存在明显的驱动-响应关系,N2O释放通量与降雨量和土壤湿度间存在正相关性,模型检验结果表明,夏秋季土壤N2O释放通量与降雨量变化呈正相关,而降雨量的大幅度增加或下降将引起冬春季土壤N2O释放通量的微弱下降。  相似文献   

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