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The structure of the femoral muscle of the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae, was investigated by light and electron microscopy. The several hundred fibers of either the extensor or flexor muscle are 20 to 40 µ in diameter in transverse sections and are subdivided into closely packed myofibrils. In glutaraldehyde-fixed and epoxy resin-embedded material of stretched fibers, the A band is about 4.5 µ long, the thin filaments are about 2.3 µ in length, the H zone and I band vary with the amount of stretch, and the M band is absent. The transverse sections of the filaments reveal in the area of a single overlap of thick and thin filaments an array of 10 to 12 thin filaments encircling each thick filament; whereas, in the area of double overlap in which the thin filaments interdigitate from opposite ends of the A band, the thin filaments show a twofold increase in number. The thick filament is approximately 205 to 185 A in diameter along most of its length, but at about 0.2 µ from the end it tapers to a point. Furthermore, some well oriented, very thin transverse sections show these filaments to have electron-transparent cores. The diameter of the thin filament is about 70 A. Transverse sections exhibit the sarcolemma invaginating clearly at regular intervals into the lateral regions of the A band. Three distinct types of mitochondria are associated with the muscle: an oval, an elongate, and a type with three processes. It is evident, in this muscle, that the sliding filament hypothesis is valid, and that perhaps the function of the extra thin filaments is to increase the tensile strength of the fiber and to create additional reactive sites between the thick and thin filaments. These sites are probably required for the functioning of the long sarcomeres.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the tergo-coxal muscle of the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae, has been studied with the electron microscope. This muscle differs from some other types of insect flight muscles inasmuch as the ratio of thin to thick filaments is 4 instead of the characteristic 3. The cockroach flight muscle also differs from the cockroach femoral muscle in thin to thick filament ratios and diameters and in lengths of thick filaments. A comparison of these latter three parameters in a number of vertebrate and invertebrate muscles suggests in general that the diameters and lengths of the thick filaments and thin to thick filament ratios are related.  相似文献   

Basalar and tibial extensor muscle fibers of Achalarus lyciades were examined with light and electron microscopes. Basalar muscle fibers are 100–150 µ in diameter. T-system membranes and sarcoplasmic reticulum make triadic contacts midway between Z lines and the middle of each sarcomere. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is characterized by a transverse element situated among myofilaments halfway between Z lines in every sarcomere. The morphology of Z lines, hexagonal packing of thin and thick myofilaments, and thin/thick myofilament ratios are similar to those of fast-acting insect muscles. Tibial extensor muscle fibers are 50–100 µ in diameter. Except for a lack of the transverse element, the T system and sarcoplasmic reticulum are similar to those of basalar muscle. Wavy Z lines, lack of a hexagonal packing of myofilaments, and larger thin/thick myofilament ratios are similar to those of other postural muscles of insects. The morphology of basalar and tibial extensor muscle is compared to that of other insect muscle with known functions, and reference is made to the possible contribution of the transverse element of sarcoplasmic reticulum in basalar flight muscle to speed and synchrony in this muscle.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the cardiac muscle of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, has been studied with respect to the organization of its contractile material, and the structure of its organelles and the cell junctions. Longitudinal sections show long sarcomeres (5.37 µ at Lmax), wide A bands (2.7 µ), irregular Z lines, no M line, and no apparent H zone. Transverse sections through the S zone of the A band show that each thick filament is ca. 180 A in diameter, is circular in profile with a center of low density, and is surrounded by an orbit of 9–12 thin filaments, each 60 A in diameter. Thick filaments are confined to the A band: thin filaments originate at the Z band, extend through the I band, and pass into the A band between the thick filaments. The sarcolemmal surface area is increased significantly by intercellular clefts. Extending into the fiber from these clefts and from the sarcolemma, T tubules pass into the fiber at the A-I level. Each fibril is enveloped by a profuse membranous covering of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Sacculations of the SR occur at the A-I boundary where they make diadic contact with longitudinal branches of the T system. These branches also extend toward the Z, enlarge at the Z line, and pass into the next sarcomere. Infrequently noted were intercalated discs possessing terminal insertion and desmosome modifications, but lacking close junctions (fasciae occludentes). These structural details are compared with those of mammalian cardiac and invertebrate muscles.  相似文献   

The musculature of the telson of Limulus polyphemus L. consists of three dorsal muscles: the medial and lateral telson levators and the telson abductor, and one large ventral muscle; the telson depressor, which has three major divisions: the dorsal, medioventral, and lateroventral heads. The telson muscles are composed of one type of striated muscle fiber, which has irregularly shaped myofibrils. The sarcomeres are long, with discrete A and I and discontinuous Z bands. M lines are not present. H zones can be identified easily, only in thick (1.0 µm) longitudinal sections or thin cross sections. In lengthened fibers, the Z bands are irregular and the A bands appear very long due to misalignment of constituent thick filaments. As the sarcomeres shorten, the Z lines straighten somewhat and the thick filaments become more aligned within the A band, leading to apparent decrease in A band length. Further A band shortening, seen at sarcomere lengths below 7.4 µm may be a function of conformational changes of the thick filaments, possibly brought about by alterations in the ordering of their paramyosin cores.  相似文献   

The structure of the shell muscle of eleven species of patellidlimpet is described from light and transmission electron microscopestudies. Although the muscle has many structural characteristicstypical of molluscan smooth muscle, it also has a number ofunusual features. At the electron microscope level two myofibretypes are distinguishable. Type I cells, present in all species,contain conventional contractile apparatus in the form of thickand thin filaments. Thick filaments contain paramyosin and varyin diameter between 20—180 nm. An axial striation witha repeat of 14.2 nm is calculated from optically diffractedmicrographs of isolated thick filaments. Transverse sectionsof thick filaments reveal bands from which the transverse repeatof the paramyosin crystal lattice is calculated. Type II myofibres,which are present in five species, contain a novel arrangementof thin filaments with electron-dense regions at intervals of80–150 nm. The striated thin filaments are similar inappearance to the microfilament bundles and stress-fibres ofnon-muscle cells. They also have similarities to the leptomericorganelles of some vertebrate muscle tissues. Associated withthe muscle is an unusually large amount of collagen which hasa periodicity of 62 nm calculated from optical diffraction patternsof isolated collagen fibrils. (Received 3 July 1989; accepted 12 October 1989)  相似文献   

The fast-acting, synchronous "remotor" muscle of the lobster second antenna was examined by light and electron microscopy and was found to have a more profuse sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) than any other muscle known. Myofibrils are widely separated from one another and occupy only about one-fourth of the volume of the muscle; most of the remaining volume is taken up by the SR, which resembles the smooth-surfaced reticulum of steroid-secreting cells. Dense granules (0.03–0.1 µ in diameter) are scattered through the reticulum. T-tubules penetrate into the fibers and form dyads along the A bands of myofibrils; however, ferritin-labeling experiments show that the volume of the T-system is very small compared with that of the SR. Myofibrils are ~0.5 µ x 1.0 µ in cross section and consist of thick filaments, which appear tubular except at the M region, and thin filaments, which are situated midway between neighboring thick filaments. The ratio of thin to thick filaments is 3:1. The extreme development of the SR in this muscle is discussed in relation to the exceedingly short duration of the contraction-relaxation cycle.  相似文献   

Thick filaments in vascular smooth muscle   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Two sets of myofilaments were demonstrated after incubation of strips of rabbit portal-anterior mesenteric vein under moderate stretch in a physiological salt solution. Thick filaments had a mean diameter of 18 nm and reached a maximum length of 1.4 µm with a mean length of 0.61 µm. In transverse sections, 2.5–5 nm particles were resolved as subunits of the thick filaments. Thin filaments had an average diameter of 8.4 nm and generally conformed to the structure believed to represent actin filaments in smooth and striated muscles. In the areas of maximum concentration there were 160–328 thick filaments/µm2 and the lowest ratio of thin to thick filaments was 12:1. Thick filaments were present in approximately equal numbers in vascular smooth muscle relaxed by theophylline, in Ca++-free solution, or contracted by norepinephrine. The same preparatory procedures used with vascular smooth muscle also enabled us to visualize thick filaments in guinea pig and rabbit taenia coli and vas deferens.  相似文献   

Different insect muscles have been studied with the electronmicroscope and the distribution of the two kinds of myofilamentscompared. In muscles other than those of flight, each thickfilament is surrounded by 9–12 thin filaments, whereas,in the flight muscles, the contraction frequency of which ismuch higher, there are only 6 thin filaments surrounding eachthick one; nevertheless, in the flight muscles of some butterflies,the wing stroke frequency of which is particularly low, thereare 7–9 thin filaments. It seems then that there may bea relation between the ratio of the two kinds of myofilamentsand the frequency of muscular contraction. In the muscles which have more than 6 thin filaments surroundingeach thick one, the structure of the 7, line appears to be differentfrom that which was described in dipteran flight muscles. Apeculiar aspect of the M line is observed in lepidopteran flightmuscles.  相似文献   

1. The structure of the smooth muscle fibres in the longitudinal muscle coat of the body wall of Lumbricus terrestris has been investigated by phase contrast light microscopy and electron microscopy. 2. The muscle fibre is ribbon-shaped, and attached to each of its two surfaces is a set of myofibrils. These are also ribbon-shaped, and they lie with their surfaces perpendicular to the surfaces of the fibre, and their inner edges nearly meeting in the middle of the fibre. These fibrils are oriented at an angle to the fibre axis, and diminish greatly in width as they approach the edge of the fibre. The orientation of the set of fibrils belonging to one surface of the fibre is the mirror image of that of the set belonging to the other surface; thus, when both sets are in view in a fibre lying flat on one face, the fibre exhibits double oblique striation. A comparison of extended and contracted fibres indicates that as the fibre contracts, the angle made between fibre and fibril axes increases (e.g. from 5 to 30°) and so does the angle made between the two sets of fibrils (e.g. from 10 to 60°). 3. The myofibril, throughout its length, contains irregularly packed filaments, commonly 250 A in diameter, which are parallel to its long axis and remain straight in contracted muscles. Between them is material which probably consists of much finer filaments. Thus A and I bands are absent. 4. Bound to one face of each fibril, but not penetrating inside it, is a regularly spaced series of transverse stripes. They are of two kinds, alternating along the length of the fibril, and it is suggested that they are comparable to the Z and M lines of a cross-striated fibril. The spacing of these stripes is about 0.5 µ ("Z" to "Z") in extended muscles, and 0.25 µ in contracted muscles. A bridge extends from each stripe across to the stripeless surface of the next fibril.  相似文献   

Ordered arrays of thin filaments (65 A diameter) along with other apparently random arrangements of thin and thick filaments (100–200 A diameter) are observed in contracted guinea pig taenia coli rapidly fixed in glutaraldehyde. The thin-filament arrays vary from a few to more than 100 filaments in each array. The arrays are scattered among isolated thin and thick filaments. Some arrays are regular such as hexagonal; other arrays tend to be circular. However, few examples of rosettes with regular arrangements of thin filaments surrounding thick filaments are seen. Optical transforms of electron micrographs of thin-filament arrays give a nearest-neighbor spacing of the thin filaments in agreement with the "actin" filament spacing from x-ray diffraction experiments. Many thick filaments are closely associated with thin-filament arrays. Some thick filaments are hollow circles, although triangular shapes are also found. Thin-filament arrays and thick filaments extend into the cell for distances of at least a micron. Partially relaxed taenia coli shows thin-filament arrays but few thick filaments. The suggestion that thick filaments aggregate prior to contraction and disaggregate during relaxation is promoted by these observations. The results suggest that a sliding filament mechanism operates in smooth muscle as well as in striated muscle.  相似文献   

Segments of the lower small intestine of the toad Bufo marinus were excised and soaked for approximately 2 hr in Ringer's solution (pH 7.4 or 7.8) containing crystalline trypsin and then fixed for electron microscopy at approximately the same pH. Thin sections of the tunica muscularis of these specimens show smooth muscle cells ranging in appearance from severely damaged at one extreme to apparently unaffected at the other. Among these are cells at intermediate stages, including some which exhibit large and conspicuous populations of thick filaments closely resembling artificially prepared aggregates of smooth muscle myosin. The thick filaments have the form of tactoids ~ 250–300 A in diameter in their middle regions and are ~ 0.5–1.0 µ in length. In some preparations they also display an axial periodicity approximating 143 A. They are usually randomly oriented and segregated from the thin filaments, which tend to form closely packed, virtually crystalline bundles at the periphery of these cells. "Dense bodies" are absent from cells showing these changes. The simplest interpretation of these data is that smooth muscle myosin normally exists among the actin filaments in a relatively disaggregated state and that trypsin induces aggregation by altering the conformation of the myosin molecule. Alternatively, trypsin may act indirectly through an effect on some other smooth muscle protein which normally forms a stable complex with relatively disaggregated myosin.  相似文献   

Two types of Z disc structure have been reported in insect supercontracting muscle fibres: (i) a perforated Z disc where Z material forms a reticulum and (ii) a fragmented Z disc composed of separate, discrete Z bodies. The use of thick (I μm) sections in conjunction with high voltage electron microscopy can distinguish between these two types while conventional thin sections may lead to misinterpretation of structure. It is shown that in one insect, the crane-fly Tipula, the larval body-wall muscles, for which a fragmented Z disc has been proposed, do in fact have a perforated disc. In the wax moth Galleria, homologous muscle fibres have a similar type of Z disc, a finding which indicates the need for re-examination of other lepidopteran muscles claimed to have fragmented discs. A redefinition of supercontraction is proposed which includes reference to the perforated type of Z disc.  相似文献   

The development of the ventral intersegmental abdominal muscles of Rhodnius prolixus is triggered by feeding. The early muscle (1 day after feeding) contains essentially nonstriated fibrils. However, in cross-sections, areas indicating early I bands, Z lines, and A bands can be recognized. Interdigitating thick and thin myofilaments do not assemble into a precise lattice until sometime between 4 and 5 days after feeding. As development continues, the number of fibrils increases, the region corresponding to the Z line increases in density, and the fibrils contain more recognizable striations. The newly formed fibrils broaden as myofilaments are added peripherally. At all stages throughout development, the ratio of thin to thick myofilaments is always 6:1. The formation of fibrils in the abdominal muscles of Rhodnius is different from that in chick embryo skeletal muscle. The major differences are that at all stages in Rhodnius there are (1) a constant ratio of thin to thick myofilaments, and (2) detectable Z-line material. Other findings in Rhodnius suggest (1) that fusion of mononucleated cells with the multinucleated muscle cell occurs, (2) that microtubules develop in the tendon cell concomitantly with development of myofibrils in the associated muscle cell, and (3) that filaments 55A in diameter aggregate into microtubules.  相似文献   

Myocytes are long, fusiform cells found in the osculum and other contractile areas of many sponges. Myocytes in the oscular sphincter of Tedania ignis and the osculum and dermal membrane of Microciona prolifera were studied with light- and electron-microscopes to compare their structure to that of muscles. Salient points of similarity between myocytes and smooth muscles were their long, fusiform shape, their red color after staining with Mallory's triple stain, and the presence of filaments running longitudinally in the cytoplasm. Microciona myocytes have thick filaments of 150–250 Å diameter and thin filament of 50–70 Å diameter, and in transverse sections the thin filaments occasionally appear as a ring of dots around a thick filament. Longitudinal sections of Tedania myocytes show only one type of filament, which varies from 100 Å to 200–300 Å diameter in thick regions of the filament. Although transverse sections show light material around the dense filaments, a distinct pattern of thick and thin filaments is not seen in Tedania. Due to infrequent contacts between cells, the large extra-cellular space observed with the electron microscope (49% in Tedania, 57% in Microciona), and the absence of nerves, each myocyte probably acts as an independent contractile unit.  相似文献   

The organization of intersegmental muscle fibers associated with the dorsal abdominal sclerites of the cockroach is described. These fibers correspond closely, in the disposition and derivation of the membranes of the transverse tubular system and sarcoplasmic reticulum cisternae, with insect synchronous flight muscle fibers, but differ markedly from these in their fibrillar architecture and mitochondrial content. The mitochondria are small and generally aligned alongside the prominent I bands of the sarcomere, and, in the best-oriented profiles of the A bands, thick filaments are associated with orbitals of twelve thin filaments, a configuration that has also been observed in striated fibers of insect visceral muscle. These structural features of insect muscles are compared and discussed in terms of possible variations in the control of contraction and relaxation, and in the nature of their mechanical role.  相似文献   

The fine structure of fast and slow crustacean muscles   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Known phasic and tonic muscle fibers of the crab Cancer magister were studied by electron microscopy. Phasic fibers have sarcomeres about 4.5 µ long, small polygonal myofibrils, and a well-developed sarcoplasmic reticulum. The thick myofilaments, disposed in hexagonal array, are each surrounded by six thin filaments. The tonic fibers have a sarcomere length of about 12 µ, larger myofibrils, a poorly developed sarcoplasmic reticulum, and a disorderly array of myofilaments. Each thick myofilament is surrounded by 10–12 thin filaments. The same morphological type of slow muscle has been found in the crustaceans, Macrocyclops albidus, Cypridopsis vidua, and Balanus cariosus, in each case in an anatomical location consistent with tonic action. A search of the literature indicates that this type of muscle is found in all classes of arthropods and is confined to visceral and postural muscles or specializations of these.  相似文献   

Cross-bridge arrangements in Limulus muscle   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
X-ray diffraction patterns show Limulus muscle to have a structure in rigor similar to that of insect flight muscle, except that the thick filaments are staggered. Myosin filaments in relaxed muscle bear a highly ordered helical array of cross-bridges which, however, is very labile. The array undergoes a reversible transition between order and disorder in response to changes in ionic strength.  相似文献   

Cytoplasm has been isolated from single amoeba (Chaos carolinensis) in physiological solutions similar to rigor, contraction, and relaxation solutions designed to control the contractile state of vertebrate striated muscle. Contractions of the isolated cytoplasm are elicited by free calcium ion concentrations above ca. 7.0 x 10-7 M. Amoeba cytoplasmic contractility has been cycled repeatedly through stabilized (rigor), contracted, and relaxed states by manipulating the exogenous free calcium and ATP concentrations. The transition from stabilized state to relaxed state was characterized by a loss of viscoelasticity which was monitored as changes in the capacity of the cytoplasm to exhibit strain birefringence when stretched. When the stabilized cytoplasm was stretched, birefringent fibrils were observed. Thin sections of those fibrils showed thick (150–250 Å) and thin (70 Å) filaments aligned parallel to the long axis of fibrils visible with the light microscope. Negatively stained cytoplasm treated with relaxation solution showed dissociated thick and thin filaments morphologically identical with myosin aggregates and purified actin, respectively, from vertebrate striated muscle. In the presence of threshold buffered free calcium, ATP, and magnesium ions, controlled localized contractions caused membrane-less pseudopodia to extend into the solution from the cytoplasmic mass. These experiments shed new light on the contractile basis of cytoplasmic streaming and pseudopod extension, the chemical control of contractility in the amoeba cytoplasm, the site of application of the motive force for amoeboid movement, and the nature of the rheological transformations associated with the circulation of cytoplasm in intact amoeba.  相似文献   

The extrinsic eye muscles of the killifish (F. heteroclitus) were fixed in OSO4 (pH 7.6) and subsequently dehydrated, embedded, and sectioned for electron microscopy. The fine structures of neuromuscular junctions and of sarcoplasmic reticulum were then observed. The neuromuscular junction consists of the apposition of axolemma (60 to 70 Å) and sarcolemma (90 to 100 Å), with an intervening cleft space of 200 to 300 Å, forming a synaptolemma 400 to 500 Å thick. The terminal axons contain synaptic vesicles, mitochondria, and agranular reticulum. The subsynaptic sarcolemma lacks the infolding arrangement characteristic of neuromuscular junctions from other vertebrate skeletal muscle, making them more nearly like that of insect neuromuscular junctions. A comparison between the folded and non-folded subsynaptic membrane types is made and discussed in terms of comparative rates of acetylcholine diffusion from the synaptic cleft and resistances of the clefts and subsynaptic membranes. The sarcoplasmic reticulum consists of segmentally arranged, membrane-limited vesicles and tubular and cisternal elements which surround individual myofibrils in a sleeve-like arrangement. Triadic differentiation occurs at or near the A-I junction. Unit sleeves span the A and I bands alternately and consist of closed terminal cisternae interconnected across the A and I bands by tubular cisternae. The thickness of the sarcoplasmic membranes increases from 30 to 40 Å in intertriadic regions to 50 to 70 Å at the triads. The location of the triads is compared with previously described striated muscle from Ambystoma larval myotomes, cardiac and sartorius muscles of the albino rat, mouse limb muscle, chameleon lizard muscle, and insect muscle, with reference to their possible role in intracellular impulse conduction.  相似文献   

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