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Campylobacter jejuni is the predominant cause of antecedent infection in Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) or Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS). C. jejuni probably triggers GBS or MFS through molecular mimicry between bacterial sialylated lipo-oligosaccharides (LOS) and gangliosides in peripheral nerve tissue. We investigated whether co-infections with multiple C. jejuni strains occur in GBS or MFS patients and we further characterized these strains. PFGE analysis of 83 C. jejuni isolates from single primary colonies from stool cultures of 13 patients with GBS or MFS revealed co-infection with two different strains in one patient (8%). We showed that only strain GB5.1 contained an LOS biosynthesis gene locus that is associated with neuropathy. The patient serum strongly reacted with the LOS of strain GB5.1 and not with the LOS of strain GB5.2. Mass spectrometry revealed that both strains expressed a non-sialylated outer core structure in their LOS. The patient serum contained anti-asialo-GM2 antibodies that cross-reacted with the LOS of strain GB5.1. This study demonstrates that co-infection with multiple C. jejuni strains occurs in GBS patients. Consequently, not all C. jejuni strains isolated from the faeces of a GBS patient are involved in the pathogenesis of GBS per se. Furthermore, this is the first report in which cross-reactivity of antibodies to asialo-GM2 and to the LOS of a C. jejuni strain from a GBS patient has been demonstrated. This finding suggests that molecular mimicry with non-sialylated structures may also be involved in the pathogenesis of GBS.  相似文献   

Recently there has been an increase in the number of cases reported of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) developed after Campylobacter jejuni infection. To investigate the role of a C.jejuni GroEL-type heat-shock protein (CjHsp60) in the infection and induction of GBS, we examined the antibody level against CjHsp60 in 27 human sera, including GBS and non-GBS patients, by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Sera from patients with C. jejuni infection, despite the development of GBS, had a higher titer of anti-CjHsp60 antibody than those of patients without the infection and healthy control subjects. The patients with C. jejuni infection followed by GBS had slightly higher levels of this antibody than did the patients with infection who did not develop GBS, but there was no statistical significance. In conclusion, CjHsp60 is found to be one of the major immunogenic antigens in actual C. jejuni infection, but no evidence that supports the direct relationship between this protein and C. jejuni-associated GBS was found in this study.  相似文献   

The Guillain-Barré syndrome is an acute inflammatory polineuropathy; it's frequency is established at the level of 1,3 cases/ 100 000 persons/ year. The main etiological factors concerned with the GBS occurrence are: Campylobacter jejuni, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barre virus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae. The authors present a case of the 15 years old boy with the clinical features of acute motor axonal polineuropathy and confirmed C. jejuni infection. Identification of C. jejuni isolate was based on colony morphology on CCDA plate (OXOID), characteristic motility, catalase, oxidase, hippurate hydrolysis and acetate hydrolysis. The identity of C. jejuni was also confirmed by a specific PCR. According to the authors' knowledge this is the first case of a patient with GBS with confirmed C. jejuni infection reported from Poland.  相似文献   



Campylobacter jejuni is a common cause of acute gastroenteritis and is associated with post-infectious neuropathies such as the Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and the Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS). We here present comparative genotyping of 49 C. jejuni strains from Bangladesh that were recovered from patients with enteritis or GBS. All strains were serotyped and analyzed by lipo-oligosaccharide (LOS) genotyping, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE).

Methodology/Principal Findings

C. jejuni HS:23 was a predominant serotype among GBS patients (50%), and no specific serotype was significantly associated with GBS compared to enteritis. PCR screening showed that 38/49 (78%) of strains could be assigned to LOS classes A, B, C, or E. The class A locus (4/7 vs 3/39; p<0.01) was significantly associated in the GBS-related strains as compared to enteritis strains. All GBS/oculomotor related strains contained the class B locus; which was also detected in 46% of control strains. Overlapping clonal groups were defined by MLST, AFLP and PFGE for strains from patients with gastroenteritis and GBS. MLST defined 22 sequence types (STs) and 7 clonal complexes including 7 STs not previously identified (ST-3742, ST-3741, ST-3743, ST-3748, ST-3968, ST-3969 and ST-3970). C. jejuni HS:23 strains from patients with GBS or enteritis were clonal and all strains belonged to ST-403 complex. Concordance between LOS class B and ST-403 complex was revealed. AFLP defined 25 different types at 90% similarity. The predominant AFLP type AF-20 coincided with the C. jejuni HS:23 and ST-403 complex.


LOS genotyping, MLST, AFLP and PFGE helped to identify the HS:23 strains from GBS or enteritis patients as clonal. Overall, genotypes exclusive for enteritis or for GBS-related strains were not obtained although LOS class A was significantly associated with GBS strains. Particularly, the presence of a clonal and putative neuropathogenic C. jejuni HS:23 serotype may contribute to the high prevalence of C. jejuni related GBS in Bangladesh.  相似文献   



Campylobacter jejuni is the predominant cause of antecedent infection in post-infectious neuropathies such as the Guillain-Barré (GBS) and Miller Fisher syndromes (MFS). GBS and MFS are probably induced by molecular mimicry between human gangliosides and bacterial lipo-oligosaccharides (LOS). This study describes a new C. jejuni-specific high-throughput AFLP (htAFLP) approach for detection and identification of DNA polymorphism, in general, and of putative GBS/MFS-markers, in particular.  相似文献   

The association between Campylobacter jejuni infection and Guillain-Barré syndrome was investigated serologically in a retrospective study of 56 patients admitted to this hospital over four years. Evidence of preceding C jejuni infection was found in 21 (38%) of these patients, indicating that C jejuni was the most common single identifiable pathogen precipitating the disease. Among those patients who had presented with preceding diarrhoea the serum antibody response was similar to that in uncomplicated C jejuni enteritis. Patients with serological evidence of preceding C jejuni infection manifested a significantly more severe form of the disease. In cerebrospinal fluid the predominant specific antibody class was IgG, and this was closely related to the serum titres of specific IgG. IgA and IgM specific antibodies were found only in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with recent C jejuni infection. These findings support the possibility that humoral immune factors are responsible for the neural damage and demyelination seen in Guillain-Barré syndrome.  相似文献   

To reveal the biological and pathological roles of anti-GM1 antibody in Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), we examined its effects on nerve growth factor (NGF) induced TrkA autophosphorylation (NGF-TrkA signaling) in PC12 cells, a sympathetic nerve cell line. The NGF-TrkA signaling is enhanced by exogenous GM1 ganglioside and this phenomenon is regarded as one of the functional aspects of GM1. The IgGs purified from patients' sera inhibited the NGF-TrkA signaling in GM1 pre-incubated PC12 cells. The degrees of inhibition by IgGs from patients paralleled their immunological reactivity to GM1. In addition, the IgGs also inhibited the neurite outgrowth of NGF-treated PC12 cells. Immunoglobulins in the rabbit sera, which were immunized by GM1, also caused a similar suppressive phenomenon. These results suggested that the anti-GM1 antibody could play roles in pathophysiology in anti-GM1 antibody positive GBS through interfering with the neurotrophic action of NGF and GM1 mediated signal modulation including NGF-TrkA signaling. It is suggested that the modulation of GM1 function is one important action of antibodies and could be one of the important mechanisms in GBS.  相似文献   

The enteropathogen Campylobacter jejuni has the ability to synthesize glycan structures that are similar to mammalian gangliosides within the core component of its lipooligosaccharide (LOS). Exposure to ganglioside mimics in some individuals results in the production of autoantibodies that deleteriously attack nerve surface gangliosides, precipitating the onset of Guillain-Barré and Fisher syndromes (GBS and FS). We have characterized the interaction of four monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), established by sensitization of mice with LOS isolated from GBS- and FS-associated C. jejuni strains, with chemoenzymatically synthesized gangliooligosaccharides. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) measurements demonstrate that three of the mAbs interact specifically with derivatives corresponding to their targeted gangliosides, with dissociation constants ranging from 10 to 20 microM. Antibody binding to the gangliooligosaccharides was probed by saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR spectroscopy. STD signals, resulting from antibody/oligosaccharide interaction, were observed for each of the four mAbs. In two cases, differential saturation transfer rates to oligosaccharide resonances enabled detailed epitope mapping. The binding of GD1a-S-Phe with GB1 is characterized by close association of the immunoglobulin with sites that are distributed over several residues of the oligosaccharide. This contrasts sharply with the profile observed for the binding of both GD3-S-Phe and GT1a-S-Phe with FS1. The close antigenic contacts in these ganglioside derivatives are confined to the N-acetylmannosaminyl portion of the terminal N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuAc) residue of the disialosyl moiety. Our characterization of FS1 provides insight, at an atomic level, into how a single antigenic determinant presented by the LOS of C. jejuni can give rise to antibodies with binding promiscuity to [alphaNeuAc-(2-8)-alphaNeuAc]-bound epitopes and demonstrates why sera from FS patients have antibodies that are often reactive with more than one disialylated ganglioside.  相似文献   

The high-resolution genotyping method of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was used to study the genetic relationships between Campylobacter jejuni strains infecting chickens (n = 54) and those causing gastroenteritis in humans (n = 53). In addition, C. jejuni strains associated with the development of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) (n = 14) and Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS) (n = 4), two related acute paralytic syndromes in human, were included. Strains were isolated between 1989 and 1998 in The Netherlands. The AFLP banding patterns were analyzed with correlation-based and band-based similarity coefficients and UPGMA (unweighted pair group method using average linkages) cluster analysis. All C. jejuni strains showed highly heterogeneous fingerprints, and no fingerprints exclusive for chicken strains or for human strains were obtained. All strains were separated in two distinct genetic groups. In group A the percentage of human strains was significantly higher and may be an indication that genotypes of this group are more frequently associated with human diseases. We conclude that C. jejuni from chickens cannot be distinguished from human strains and that GBS or MFS related strains do not belong to a distinct genetic group.  相似文献   



β-lactam resistance in Gram-negative bacteria is a significant clinical problem in the community, long-term care facilities, and hospitals. In these organisms, β-lactam resistance most commonly results from the production of β-lactamases. In Gram-negative bacilli, TEM-, SHV-, and CTX-M-type β-lactamases predominate. Therefore, new and accurate detection methods for these β-lactamase producing isolates are needed.  相似文献   

Isolated congenital heart block may be associated with Primary Sjogren's Syndrome. In this work we demonstrated that IgG present in the sera ofpatients with Primary Sjogren's Syndrome (PSS) could bind and activate muscarinic acetylcholine receptors of rat neonatal atria. These antibodies were able to inhibit in a irreversible manner the binding of 3H-QNB to muscarinic cholinergic receptors of purified rat atria membranes. Moreover, IgG from PSS individuals could modify biological effects mediated by muscarinic cholinoceptors activation, i.e. decrease contractility and cAMP and increase phosphoinositide turnover and cGMP. Atropine blocked all of these effects and carbachol mimicked them; confirming muscarinic cholinergic receptors-mediated PSS IgG action. Neither binding nor biological effect were obtained using adult instead of neonatal rat atria. IgG from sera of normal women were not effective in the studied system. The prevalence of cholinergic antibody was 100% in PSS and was independent of Ro/SS-A and La/SS-B antibodies. It could be concluded that antibody against muscarinic cholinergic receptors may be another serum factor to be considered in the pathophysiology of the development of congenital heart block.  相似文献   

Genomic deletions have long been known to play a causative role in microdeletion syndromes. Recent whole-genome genetic studies have shown that deletions can increase the risk for several psychiatric disorders, suggesting that genomic deletions play an important role in the genetic basis of complex traits. However, the association between genomic deletions and common, complex diseases has not yet been systematically investigated in gene mapping studies. Likelihood-based statistical methods for identifying disease-associated deletions have recently been developed for familial studies of parent-offspring trios. The purpose of this study is to develop statistical approaches for detecting genomic deletions associated with complex disease in case–control studies. Our methods are designed to be used with dense single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes to detect deletions in large-scale or whole-genome genetic studies. As more and more SNP genotype data for genome-wide association studies become available, development of sophisticated statistical approaches will be needed that use these data. Our proposed statistical methods are designed to be used in SNP-by-SNP analyses and in cluster analyses based on combined evidence from multiple SNPs. We found that these methods are useful for detecting disease-associated deletions and are robust in the presence of linkage disequilibrium using simulated SNP data sets. Furthermore, we applied the proposed statistical methods to SNP genotype data of chromosome 6p for 868 rheumatoid arthritis patients and 1,197 controls from the North American Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium. We detected disease-associated deletions within the region of human leukocyte antigen in which genomic deletions were previously discovered in rheumatoid arthritis patients.  相似文献   

Several studies showed signs of autonomic dysfunction in patients with primary Sj?gren's syndrome (pSS). Adrenomedullary function might be of importance for pSS pathogenesis by affecting salivary gland functions and modulating immune responses. The aim of the study was to evaluate the adrenomedullary hormonal system in patients with pSS. The glucagon test (1 mg i.v.) was performed in 18 pSS patients and 13 control subjects. During the test each patient had electrocardiographic and impedance cardiographic monitoring. Plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine were assayed by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection after batch alumina extraction. Baseline concentrations of epinephrine and norepinephrine were comparable between pSS and controls. Glucagon administration induced a significant increase in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, cardiac output (P < 0.01), and stroke volume; however, the changes were comparable between pSS and controls. Epinephrine levels increased (P < 0.01) in response to glucagon administration while norepinephrine concentration did not change. There was no significant difference in neurochemical responses to glucagon between pSS and controls. In conclusion, the present results suggest normal adrenomedullary function in pSS.  相似文献   



Anti-ganglioside antibodies with a pathogenic potential are present in C. jejuni-associated Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) patients and are probably induced by molecular mimicry. Immunization studies in rabbits and mice have demonstrated that these anti-ganglioside antibodies can be induced using purified lipo-oligosaccharides (LOS) from C. jejuni in a strong adjuvant.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To investigate whether natural colonization of chickens with a ganglioside-mimicking C. jejuni strain induces an anti-ganglioside response, and to investigate the diversity in anti-ganglioside response between and within genetically different chicken lines, we orally challenged chickens with different C. jejuni strains. Oral challenge of chickens with a C. jejuni strain from a GBS patient, containing a LOS that mimics ganglioside GM1, induced specific IgM and IgG anti-LOS and anti-GM1 antibodies. Inoculation of chickens with the Penner HS:3 serostrain, without a GM1-like structure, induced anti-LOS but no anti-ganglioside antibodies. We observed different patterns of anti-LOS/ganglioside response between and within the five strains of chickens.


Natural infection of chickens with C. jejuni induces anti-ganglioside antibodies. The production of antibodies is governed by both microbial and host factors.  相似文献   

Reye’s syndrome (Rs) is an acute illness in children manifested by encephalopathy and fatty degeneration of the liver. The syndrome may be secondary to injury of mitochondria following a toxic insult in a susceptible individual with a viral illness. Since the response to infection often involves a change in trace metals, we investigated the metal status of patients with Rs. Decreased levels of serum and liver selenium (Se) and copper (Cu) were demonstrated via PIXE analysis, in addition to an increase in serum iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn). In a subsequent study using a rat animal model of Rs, the hepatotoxin 4-pentenoic acid (4-PA) produced similar changes in serum and liver trace metals. Serum and liver Se levels were also significantly depleted in rats exposed to another toxin, valproic acid (VPA). Aspirin, known to complex metals, may also be associated with Rs. Rats chronically exposed to aspirin had decreased serum Se, Fe, and Zn compared to controls. Selenium was also decreased in liver, as was Cu. Atomic absorption spectrophotometric analysis of serum and liver Cu for mice exposed to aspirin and influenza A virus were also studied. In liver, Cu was significantly decreased in mice on Cu-deficient diets but, not in control mice exposed to virus, or aspirin and virus. For the Se-deficient animals, liver Cu was not different from controls, but there was an increase in tissue Cu for Se-sufficient mice exposed to virus and aspirin; Cu levels were decreased in sera of this latter group. Serum Cu was increased in Cu-sufficient mice exposed to virus and aspirin. The above data are of biologic and toxicologic interest because of metalloenzyme localization in the mitochondrial matrix, the cellular compartment showing the greatest degree of pathologic change in Rs. In particular, Se-dependent gluthathione peroxidase is a major deterent of peroxidative damage of lipid membranes. The accumulated evidence suggests that alteration of trace metals, e.g., decrease in Se, may promote peroxidation of mitochondrial membranes in patients with Rs.  相似文献   

Molecular detection systems used to analyse the gut contents of invertebrate predators have enhanced our understanding of trophic interactions, but do not distinguish between the methods of consumption. Many predators regularly scavenge, which could have profound implications for quantitative analyses of the dynamics of predation. We report the first quantified assessment of the potential error caused by scavenging in post-mortem measurements of predation in a slug-carabid system. An anti-slug monoclonal antibody was able to detect antigens from decayed slugs after surprisingly long periods, significantly longer on relatively sterile peat than on natural soil. On soil the half-life of antibody-detectable slug proteins was 8.2 days while on peat it was 11.5 days. When slugs that had decayed on soil for 100 h were fed to the carabid predator Pterostichus melanarius, slug proteins could still be identified after 6 h (but not 12 h) digestion. Fresh and decayed slug was eaten in equal quantities by the beetles suggesting no aversion to the latter. The results suggest that significant errors may be caused by scavenging leading to inaccurate interpretation of predation rates in the field.  相似文献   

Sixteen cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome occurred in the third week of a diarrhoea epidemic caused by water pollution in EL-Sult, Jordan. Of 30 000 people exposed to polluted water, 5000 developed diarrhoea, 74 typhoid, and 30 infectious hepatitis. Thirteen of the 16 patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome had been mildly affected by diarrhoea 8-24 days before the onset of peripheral neuropathy. Paralysis progressed rapidly, reaching a peak in one to five days, and recovery began three to seven days after the start of the most severe symptoms. All but four patients had recovered completely after one year. Rapid progress of paralysis and a delayed interval between maximum weakness and start of recovery were both associated with poor prognosis.  相似文献   

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