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Analysis of bacterial diversity in soils along the banks of the Solimões and Negro rivers, state of Amazonas, Brazil, was by partial sequencing of the genes codifying the rDNA16S region. Diversity of operational taxonomic units (OTU) and of the divergent sequences obtained were applied in comparative analysis of microbiological diversity in the two environments, based on richness estimators and OTU diversity indices. The higher OTU diversity in the Solimões was based on the higher number of parameters that evoke this. The interaction between the nucleotide sequences of bacteria inhabiting the two riverine environments indicated that the two microrganism communities are similar in composition.  相似文献   

Mean biomass (153-1) and production (P) of fish in two small tributaries of the Paraná River (Paraná, Brazil) were 61 kg ha–1 and 48 kg ha–1 yr–1 in the Caracu River and 29 kg ha–1 and 26 kg ha–1 yr–1 in the Agua do Rancho River, respectively. Matrix correlation analysis revealed high positive correlations of both 153-2 and P to maximum depth and hiding places and, at a lower level of significance, to mean depth, pH and oxygen level. Lower 153-3 and P values were found in the Agua do Rancho River, whose valley has retained a more natural character, rich canopy and scarcity of macrophytes, but also lower conductivity and nitrogen and phosphate levels than those in the Caracu River.Address for correspondence  相似文献   

The sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene of 16 Oedipodidae species were amplified and sequenced. All sequences were aligned and analyzed and the phylogenetic relationships were inferred. The properties of 16S gene in Oedipodidae showed typical patterns of many insects such as a high A+T content and variable distance-dependent transition/transversion ratios. The 0.2 weight for sites of loops may be advisable for phylogeny reconstruction using the maximum parsimony method. The phylogenetic analysis results do not support the current subfamily classification systems of Oedipodidae. Bryodemellinae and Bryodeminae are closely related and should be merged as one subfamily. The status of Oedipodinae and Locustinae is also problematic.  相似文献   

In eleven sites on two small tributaries of the Paraná River (North-West Paraná State), 6.8 and 4.0 km in length, 1263 fish specimens of 28 taxons and 14 families were collected using electrofishing. Up to twelve years ago the catchments of the two rivers were covered by tropical jungle; this has now been replaced by pasture and arable fields. Mean diversity indices of Simpson and Shannon indices were close to 0.6, which would indicate that human impact affected fish populations although the river beds have retained their original shape, except cleared of riparian trees. Despite their close location (about 18 km), the two streams differed from each other in their fish faunal composition. The distinctive nature of the fish communities in the two streams was a result of: conductivity, pH, also hiding places, riparian vegetation, submerged macrophytes and depth and width of the rivers.  相似文献   

The Parabasala are a primitive group of protists divided into two classes: the trichomonads and the hypermastigids. Until recently, phylogeny and taxonomy of parabasalids were mainly based on the comparative analysis of morphological characters primarily linked to the development of their cytoskeleton. Recent use of molecular markers, such as small subunit (SSU) rRNA has led to now insights into the systematics of the Parabasala and other groups of prolists. An updated phylogeny based on SSU rRNA is provided and compared to that inferred from ultrastructural data. The SSU rRNA phylogeny contradicts the dogma equating simple characters with pumitive characters. Hypermastigids, possessing a hyperdeveloped cytoskeleton, exhibit the most basal emergence in the parabasalid lineage. Other observations emerge from the SSU rRNA analysis, such as the secondary loss of some cytoskeleton structures in all representatives of the Monocercomonadidae, the existence of secondarily free living taxa (reversibility of parasitism) and the evidence against the co-evolution of the endobiotic parabasalids and their animal hosts. According to phylogenies based on SSU rRNA, all the trichomonad families are not monophyletic groups, putting into question the validity of current taxonomic assignments. The precise branching order of some taxa remains unclear, but this issue can possibly be addressed by the molecular analysis of additional parabasalids. The goal of such additional analyses would be to propose, in a near future, a revision of the taxonomy of this group of protists that takes into account both molecular and morphological data.  相似文献   

Most living organisms exhibit circadian rhythms that are generated by endogenous circadian clocks, the master one being present in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). Output signals from the SCN are believed to transmit standard circadian time to peripheral tissue through sympathetic nervous system and humoral routes. Therefore, the authors examined the expression of clock genes following treatment with the β-adrenergic receptor agonist, isoprenaline, or the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone, in cultured human osteoblast SaM-1 cells. Cells were treated with 10(-6) M isoprenaline or 10(-7) M dexamethasone for 2?h and gene expressions were determined using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Treatment with isoprenaline or dexamethasone induced the circadian expression of clock genes human period 1 (hPer1), hPer2, hPer3, and human brain and muscle Arnt-like protein 1 (hBMAL1). Isoprenaline or dexamethasone treatment immediately increased hPer1 and hPer2 and caused circadian oscillation of hPer1 and hPer2 with three peaks within 48?h. hPer3 expression had one peak after isoprenaline or dexamethasone treatment. hBMAL expression had two peaks after isoprenaline or dexamethasone treatment, the temporal pattern being in antiphase to that of the other clock genes. Dexamethasone treatment delayed the oscillation of all clock genes for 2-6?h compared with isoprenaline treatment. The authors also examined the expression of osteoblast-related genes hα-1 type I collagen (hCol1a1), halkaline phosphatase (hALP), and hosteocalcin (hOC). Isoprenaline induced oscillation of hCol1a1, but not hALP and hOC. On the other hand, dexamethasone induced oscillation of hCol1a1 and hALP, but not hOC. Isoprenaline up-regulated hCol1a1 expression, but dexamethasone down-regulated hCol1a1 and hALP expression in the first phase.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenies inferred from the nuclear small subunit rRNA gene (nuSSU), nuclear large subunit rRNA gene D1/D2 region (nuLSU), and ITS-5.8S rRNA gene (ITS) indicated that five cultures of the lichenized hyphomycete Dictyocatenulata alba isolated from Japan form a monophyletic clade with high bootstrap support, and a close relationship to the Ostropomycetidae (Lecanoromycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota). Insertion sequences were found in the nuSSU of all isolates [e.g., nine insertions in the strain JCM 5358 (Japan Collection of Microorganisms)], some of which were group I introns. Five new insertion positions were found among the D. alba isolates. Using BLAST, none of the insertion sequences of D. alba were closely related to those of fungi or other organisms deposited in public DNA databases. Insertion positions were similar in some isolates, and two positions were common to all isolates. Although all phylogenetic analyses based on nuSSU, nuLSU, and ITS revealed the monophyly of D. alba, the isolates were divided into two (in the nuSSU tree) or three (in the nuLSU and ITS trees) groups. Based on the phylogenetic analyses and the intron–exon structures, the five isolates identified as D. alba belong to three cryptic species and therefore D. alba should be considered a species complex. The very slow-growing, tough agar colonies of the isolates, the occurrence of the species on both slightly lichenized and nonlichenized surfaces of trees, or pebbles (rarely on soil), suggest that the members of the D. alba complex may be lichenized. The photobiont was not clearly identified in this study.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences for the -casein precursor proteins have been determined from the genomic DNAs or hair roots of the Ruminantia. The coding regions, exons 2, 3, and 4, were amplified separately via the three kinds of PCRs and then directly sequenced. The primers were designed from the sequence of bovine -casein gene; they were applicable for the amplification of the -casein genes from the 13 species in the Ruminantia except exon 2 of the lesser mouse deer. These results permitted an easy phylogenetic analysis based on the sequences of an autosomal gene. A phylogenetic tree was constructed from the mature K-casein sequences and compared with the tree of the cytochrome b genes which were sequenced from the same individuals. The Cervidae (sika deer, Cervus nippon) were separated from the branch of the Bovidae on the tree of -casein genes with a relatively high confidence level of the bootstrap analysis, but included in the branch of the Bovidae on the tree of cytochrome b genes. The -casein tree indicated a monophyly of the subfamily Caprinae, although the internal branches were uncertain in the Caprinae. The tree based on the nucleotide sequences of cytochrome b genes clearly showed the relationships of the closely related species in the genus Capricornis consisting of serow (C. smatorensis), Japanese serow (C. crispus), and Formosan serow (C. swinhoei). These results would be explained by the difference of resolving power between the -casein and the cytochrome b sequences. Correspondence to: K. Chikuni  相似文献   

Phenotypic identification of non-pylori Helicobacter species has always been problematic and time-consuming in comparison with many other bacteria. We developed a rapid two-step identification assay based on PCR–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP) analysis of the 23S rRNA gene for differentiating between non-pylori Helicobacter species. A new genus-specific primer pair based on all available complete and partial 23S rRNA sequences of Helicobacter species was designed. In silico restriction analysis of variable regions of the 23S rRNA gene suggested SmaI and HindIII endonucleases would provide a good level of differentiation. Analysis of the obtained 23S rRNA RFLP patterns divided all Helicobacter study strains into three species groups (groups A–C) and 12 unique restriction patterns. Wolinella succinogenes also gave a unique pattern. Our proposed PCR–RFLP method was found to be as a valuable tool for routine identification of non-pylori Helicobacter species from human or animal samples.  相似文献   

During 1970s and 1980s, a large area of mountains in the Czech Republic was influenced by long-term industrial air pollution. Among the most degraded areas were the peaks of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts, where vast clearings resulted from emissions and subsequent forest destruction. This study is aimed at determining the degree of deforestation that is necessary to cause changes in structure and species diversity of small mammal communities that were observed previously. Communities of rodents and insectivores were monitored for a minimum of 3 years at two mountain ranges of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts (Czech Republic) by standard mouse snap-traps. The localities (Smrk and Kněhyně) differ by the degree of human disturbance. Clearings on Smrk Mt are very large (> 30 ha) with no remaining original forest growth as a result of intensive air pollution, unlike the same habitat type at Kněhyně Mt, where the clearings are minor (< 3 ha) and contain living solitary trees. Structure and diversity of small mammal communities in clearings were compared with those from original forests and other mountain habitats. Communities of small mammals at clearings in Smrk Mt (with dominatingMicrotus agrestis) are structurally very different from all other habitats, while structure of communities at Kněhyně clearings are very similar to those of original mountain forest (Complete linkage clustering based on Renkonen index). The community of the original mountain spruce forest at Kněhyně had the highest species diversity (according to Shannon-Weaver, Brillouin, and Simpson indices, Shannon evenness, and rarefaction), while species diversity at clearings of Smrk was the lowest. Shannon diversity of community at Kněhyně primeval forest is similar to that of Kněhyně clearings, while at Smrk Mt the forest diversity is higher than that of clearings. The species diversity of mountain forest and clearings at Kněhyně Mt was significantly higher than that in the same habitats at Smrk Mt. Our results obtained in disturbed habitats at Kněhyně and Smrk Mts suggest that the degree of deforestation may influence the presence and/or the degree of community changes. If the forest destruction is relatively small (clearings < 3 ha), the structure and diversity of small mammal communities do not differ from those of original forest.  相似文献   

The RPL10A gene encodes the RPL10 protein, required for joining 40S and 60S subunits into a functional 80S ribosome. This highly conserved gene, ubiquitous across all eukaryotic super-groups, is characterized by a variable number of spliceosomal introns, present in most organisms. These properties facilitate the recognition of orthologs among distant taxa and thus comparative studies of sequences as well as the distribution and properties of introns in taxonomically distant groups of eukaryotes. The present study examined the multiple ways in which RPL10A conservation vs. sequence changes in the gene over the course of evolution, including in exons, introns, and the encoded proteins, can be exploited for evolutionary analysis at different taxonomic levels. At least 25 different positions harboring introns within the RPL10A gene were determined in different taxa, including animals, plants, fungi, and alveolates. Generally, intron positions were found to be well conserved even across different kingdoms. However, certain introns seemed to be restricted to specific groups of organisms. Analyses of several properties of introns, including insertion site, phase, and length, along with exon and intron GC content and exon–intron boundaries, suggested biases within different groups of organisms. The use of a standard primer pair to analyze a portion of the intron-containing RPL10A gene in 12 genera of green algae within Chlorophyta is presented as a case study for evolutionary analyses of introns at intermediate and low taxonomic levels. Our study shows that phylogenetic reconstructions at different depths can be achieved using RPL10A nucleotide sequences from both exons and introns as well as the amino acid sequences of the encoded protein.  相似文献   

Unique historical factors and ecological conditions make Southwest China a natural distribution and variation center for trees of the genus Populus in China. However, little is currently known about the native poplars occurring in this region, and considerable doubt still exists regarding the classification and evolutionary relationships of poplar species. In this study, nuclear and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequences were utilized to determine the genetic relationships and phylogeny of Populus species in Southwest China. The results suggest that P. pseudoglauca belongs to the section of Tacamahaca. Further, P. schneideri may be a natural hybrid of P. kangdingensis and P. cathayana and, thus, it should likely not be regarded as a variety of P. kangdingensis, as in the existing classification system. In addition, cluster analyses showed that P. gonggaensis may be derived from a cross between species of section Leucoides and P. cathayana or P. schneideri of section Tacamahaca, although it is still doubtful whether P. gonggaensis can be regarded as a separate species, due to its narrow distribution range. The parents of the Luding poplar may be P. yunnanensis and P. lancifolia. P. butuoensis showed a close affinity to species of section Leucoides and had a close relationship with P. gonggaensis or P. lasiocarpa. However, further research is needed in order to appropriately classify these as species or varieties. The incongruence between phylogenetic trees based on nuclear- and chloroplast-DNA sequence data may be due to the different inheritance patterns between nuclear- and cpDNA genome.  相似文献   

We have studied the distribution and community composition of denitrifying bacteria in the stratified water column and at the sediment–water interface in lakes Plußsee and Schöhsee, and a near-shore site in the Baltic Sea in Germany. Although environmental changes induced by the stratification of the water column in marine environments are known to affect specific populations of denitrifying bacteria, little information is available for stratified freshwater lakes and brackish water. The aim of the present study was to fill this gap and to demonstrate specific distribution patterns of denitrifying bacteria in specific aquatic habitats using two functional markers for the nitrite reductase (nirK and nirS genes) as a proxy for the communities. The leading question to be answered was whether communities containing the genes nirK and nirS have similar, identical, or different distribution patterns, and occupy the same or different ecological niches. The genes nirK and nirS were analyzed by PCR amplification with specific primers followed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and by cloning and sequence analysis. Overall, nirS-denitrifiers were more diverse than nirK-denitrifiers. Denitrifying communities in sediments were clearly different from those in the water column in all aquatic systems, regardless of the gene analyzed. A differential distribution of denitrifying assemblages was observed for each particular site. In the Baltic Sea and Lake Plußsee, nirK-denitrifiers were more diverse throughout the water column, while nirS-denitrifiers were more diverse in the sediment. In Lake Schöhsee, nirS-denitrifiers showed high diversity across the whole water body. Habitat-specific clusters of nirS sequences were observed for the freshwater lakes, while nirK sequences from both freshwater lakes and the Baltic Sea were found in common phylogenetic clusters. These results demonstrated differences in the distribution of bacteria containing nirS and those containing nirK indicating that both types of denitrifiers apparently occupy different ecological niches.  相似文献   

We studied the taxonomy, distribution, and ecology of species within Praomys, a common rodent genus present in rainforests and montane forests in sub‐Saharan Africa. The taxonomy of the group is problematic, and for the sampled region of Kisangani (Democratic Republic of Congo) no prior genetic study has been published. We used a combination of molecular (cyt b sequencing) and craniometric techniques (canonical analyses of skull measurements) for the species identification of a total of 654 specimens. We confirm the presence of Praomys minor in the region, up to now only known from the type and paratype specimens. At least seven species are present in the Kisangani region, and two clades occur along both banks of the Congo River. The present‐day distribution of the genus seems to be influenced by large‐scale rainforest fragmentation related to drier periods in geological history. The Congo River could in this case constitute a modern barrier to gene flow when the climate enabled rainforest expansion. The tributaries of the Congo River play no role in limiting Praomys species distribution, apart from the Aruwimi River for Praomys jacksoni s.l. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 983–1002.  相似文献   

The rate of mRNA decay is an important step in the control of gene expression in prokaryotes, eukaryotes and cellular organelles. Factors that determine the rate of mRNA decay in chloroplasts are not well understood. Chloroplast mRNAs typically contain an inverted repeat sequence within the 3 untranslated region that can potentially fold into a stem-loop structure. These stem-loop structures have been suggested to stabilize the mRNA by preventing degradation by exonuclease activity, although such a function in vivo has not been clearly established. Secondary structures within the translation reading frame may also determine the inherent stability of an mRNA. To test the function of the inverted repeat structures in chloroplast mRNA stability mutants were constructed in the psaB gene that eliminated the 3 flanking sequences of psaB or extended the open reading frame into the 3 inverted repeat. The mutant psaB genes were introduced into the chloroplast genome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Mutants lacking the 3 stem-loop exhibited a 75% reduction in the level of psaB mRNA. The accumulation of photosystem I complexes was also decreased by a corresponding amount indicating that the mRNA level is limiting to PsaB protein synthesis. Pulse-chase labeling of the mRNA showed that the decay rate of the psaB mRNA was significantly increased demonstrating that the stem-loop structure is required for psaB mRNA stability. When the translation reading frame was extended into the 3 inverted repeat the mRNA level was reduced to only 2% of wild-type indicating that ribosome interaction with stem-loop structures destabilizes chloroplast mRNAs. The non-photosynthetic phenotype of the mutant with an extended reading frame allowed us to test whether infrequently used stop codons (UAG and UGA) can terminate translation in vivo. Both UAG and UGA are able to effectively terminate PsaB synthesis although UGA is never used in any of the Chlamydomonas chloroplast genes that have been sequenced.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) are activated by a diverse array of extracellular signals, ranging from light to polypeptide molecules. The receptors propagate these signals intracellularly using G protein secondary messenger pathways. A common feature in the architecture of these receptors is their seven transmembrane domains. The first crystal structure of a GPCR, bovine rhodopsin, has recently been solved at 2.8 Å. We compared the seven membrane-spanning helices (TMH) from the crystal structure of bovine rhodopsin with those from the low-resolution model of bovine rhodopsin based on the cryo-electron microscopy structure of frog rhodopsin developed by Dr Joyce Baldwin. The model developed by Baldwin used a consensus sequence approach to predict the rotational position of each helix with respect to the other six helices. Superposition of the entire helix bundle of the Baldwin model with the crystal structure gave a RMS difference (RMSD) of 3.2 Å for the 198 C f atoms which suggests a high level of similarity in the arrangement of the helices. Except for TMH IV (RMSD of 4.0 Å), the position of corresponding helices within the helix bundle overlapped well. The superposition of individual helices showed that the RMSD values over 3 Å in the global superposition were largely due to one or more of the following: (i) differences in the unraveling and kinks for these helices, (ii) translation of TMH perpendicular to the membrane and (iii) rotation of helices up to 31°, except for TMH IV in which an additional contribution to the RMSD came from the aforementioned observation. As other crystal structures of GPCRs become available, a comparison with the Baldwin consensus model may reveal larger differences than those observed here.  相似文献   

Basedonthe 16S mitochondrial partial gene sequences of 29 genera, containing 26 from Oedipodidae and one each from Tanaoceridae, Pyrgomorphidae and Tetrigidae (as outgroups), the homologus sequences were compared and phylogenetic analyses were performed. A phylogenetic tree was inferred by neighbor-joining (N J). The results of sequences compared show that: (i) in a total of 574 bp of Oedipodidae, the number of substituted nucleotides was 265 bp and the average percentages ofT, C, A and G were 38.3%, 11.4%, 31.8% and 18.5%, respectively, and the content of A+T (70.1%) was distinctly richer than that of C+G (29.9%); and (ii) the average nucleotide divergence of 16S rDNA sequences among genera of Oedipodidae were 9.0%, among families of Acridoidea were 17.0%, and between superfamilies (Tetrigoidea and Acridoidea) were 23.9%, respectively. The phylogenetic tree indicated: (i) the Oedipodidae was a monophyletic group, which suggested that the taxonomic status of this family was confirmed; (ii) the genus Heteropternis separated from the other Oedipodids first and had another unique sound-producing structure in morphology, which is the type-genus of subfamily Heteropterninae; and (iii) the relative intergeneric relationship within the same continent was closer than that of different continents, and between the Eurasian genera and the African genera, was closer than that between Eurasians and Americans.  相似文献   

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