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Darwin provided a great unifying theory for biology; its visual expression is the universal tree of life. The tree concept is challenged by the occurrence of horizontal gene transfer and—as summarized in this review—by the omission of viruses. Microbial ecologists have demonstrated that viruses are the most numerous biological entities on earth, outnumbering cells by a factor of 10. Viral genomics have revealed an unexpected size and distinctness of the viral DNA sequence space. Comparative genomics has shown elements of vertical evolution in some groups of viruses. Furthermore, structural biology has demonstrated links between viruses infecting the three domains of life pointing to a very ancient origin of viruses. However, presently viruses do not find a place on the universal tree of life, which is thus only a tree of cellular life. In view of the polythetic nature of current life definitions, viruses cannot be dismissed as non-living material. On earth we have therefore at least two large DNA sequence spaces, one represented by capsid-encoding viruses and another by ribosome-encoding cells. Despite their probable distinct evolutionary origin, both spheres were and are connected by intensive two-way gene transfers.  相似文献   

Virus capsids mediate the transfer of viral genetic information from one cell to another, thus the origin of the first viruses arguably coincides with the origin of the viral capsid. Capsid genes are evolutionarily ancient and their emergence potentially predated even the origin of first free-living cells. But does the origin of the capsid coincide with the origin of viruses, or is it possible that capsid-like functionalities emerged before the appearance of true viral entities? We set to investigate this question by using a computational simulator comprising primitive replicators and replication parasites within a compartment matrix. We observe that systems with no horizontal gene transfer between compartments collapse due to the rapidly emerging replication parasites. However, introduction of capsid-like genes that induce the movement of randomly selected genes from one compartment to another rescues life by providing the non-parasitic replicators a mean to escape their current compartments before the emergence of replication parasites. Capsid-forming genes can mediate the establishment of a stable meta-population where parasites cause only local tragedies but cannot overtake the whole community. The long-term survival of replicators is dependent on the frequency of horizontal transfer events, as systems with either too much or too little genetic exchange are doomed to succumb to replication-parasites. This study provides a possible scenario for explaining the origin of viral capsids before the emergence of genuine viruses: in the absence of other means of horizontal gene transfer between compartments, evolution of capsid-like functionalities may have been necessary for early life to prevail.  相似文献   

During the first half of the twentieth century, many scientists considered viruses the smallest living entities and primitive life forms somehow placed between the inert world and highly evolved cells. The development of molecular biology in the second half of the century showed that viruses are strict molecular parasites of cells, putting an end to previous virocentric debates that gave viruses a primeval role in the origin of life. Recent advances in comparative genomics and metagenomics have uncovered a vast viral diversity and have shown that viruses are active regulators of cell populations and that they can influence cell evolution by acting as vectors for gene transfer among cells. They have also fostered a revival of old virocentric ideas. These ideas are heterogeneous, extending from proposals that consider viruses functionally as living beings and/or as descendants of viral lineages that preceded cell evolution to other claims that consider viruses and/or some viral families a fourth domain of life. In this article, we revisit these virocentric ideas and analyze the place of viruses in biology in light of the long-standing dichotomic debate between metabolist and geneticist views which hold, respectively, that self-maintenance (metabolism) or self-replication and evolution are the primeval features of life. We argue that whereas the epistemological discussion about whether viruses are alive or not and whether some virus-like replicators precede the first cells is a matter of debate that can be understood within the metabolism-versus-genes dialectic; the claim that viruses form a fourth domain in the tree of life can be solidly refuted by proper molecular phylogenetic analyses and needs to be removed from this debate.  相似文献   

We previously examined competitive interactions among viruses by allowing the RNA phage phi6 to evolve at high and low multiplicities of infection (ratio of infecting viruses to bacterial cells). Derived high-multiplicity phages were competitively advantaged relative to their ancestors during coinfection, but their fixation caused population fitness to decline. These data conform to the evolution of lowered fitness in a population of defectors, as expected from the Prisoner's Dilemma of game theory. However, the generality of this result is unknown; the evolution of viruses at other multiplicities may alter the fitness payoffs associated with conflicting strategies of cooperation and defection. Here we examine the change in matrix variables by propagating the ancestor under strictly clonal conditions, allowing cooperation the chance to evolve. In competitions involving derived cooperators and their selfish counterparts, our data reveal a new outcome where the two strategies are predicted to coexist in a mixed polymorphism. Thus, we demonstrate that the payoff matrix is not a constant in phi6. Rather, clonal selection allows viruses the opportunity to escape the Prisoner's Dilemma. We discuss mechanisms that may afford selfish genotypes an advantage during intrahost competition and the relevance in our system for alternative ecological interactions among viruses.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, the common school of thought has split into two, so that the problem of the origin of life is tackled in the framework of either the 'replication first' paradigm or the 'metabolism first' scenario. The first paradigm suggests that the life started from the spontaneous emergence of the first, supposedly RNA-based 'replicators' and considers in much detail their further evolution in the so-called 'RNA world'. The alternative hypothesis of 'metabolism first' derives the life from increasingly complex autocatalytic chemical cycles. In this work, we emphasize the role of selection during the pre-biological stages of evolution and focus on the constraints that are imposed by physical, chemical, and biological laws. We try to demonstrate that the 'replication first' and 'metabolism first' hypotheses complement, rather than contradict, each other. We suggest that life on Earth has started from a 'metabolism-driven replication'; the suggested scenario might serve as a consensus scheme in the framework of which the molecular details of origin of life can be further elaborated. The key feature of the scenario is the participation of the UV irradiation both as driving and selecting forces during the earlier stages of evolution.  相似文献   

The paradox of the organism refers to the observation that organisms appear to function as coherent purposeful entities, despite the potential for within-organismal components like selfish genetic elements and cancer cells to erode them from within. While it is commonly accepted that organisms may pursue fitness maximisation and can be thought to hold particular agendas, there is a growing recognition that genes and cells do so as well. This can lead to evolutionary conflicts between an organism and the parts that reside within it. Here, we revisit the paradox of the organism. We first outline its conception and relationship to debates about adaptation in evolutionary biology. Second, we review the ways selfish elements may exploit organisms, and the extent to which this threatens organismal integrity. To this end, we introduce a novel classification scheme that distinguishes between selfish elements that seek to distort transmission versus those that seek to distort phenotypic traits. Our classification scheme also highlights how some selfish elements elude a multi-level selection decomposition using the Price equation. Third, we discuss how the organism can retain its status as the primary fitness-maximising agent in the face of selfish elements. The success of selfish elements is often constrained by their strategy and further limited by a combination of fitness alignment and enforcement mechanisms controlled by the organism. Finally, we argue for the need for quantitative measures of both internal conflicts and organismality.  相似文献   

Viral evolution and the emergence of SARS coronavirus   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The recent appearance of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) highlights the continual threat to human health posed by emerging viruses. However, the central processes in the evolution of emerging viruses are unclear, particularly the selection pressures faced by viruses in new host species. We outline some of the key evolutionary genetic aspects of viral emergence. We emphasize that, although the high mutation rates of RNA viruses provide them with great adaptability and explain why they are the main cause of emerging diseases, their limited genome size means that they are also subject to major evolutionary constraints. Understanding the mechanistic basis of these constraints, particularly the roles played by epistasis and pleiotropy, is likely to be central in explaining why some RNA viruses are more able than others to cross species boundaries. Viral genetic factors have also been implicated in the emergence of SARS-CoV, with the suggestion that this virus is a recombinant between mammalian and avian coronaviruses. We show, however, that the phylogenetic patterns cited as evidence for recombination are more probably caused by a variation in substitution rate among lineages and that recombination is unlikely to explain the appearance of SARS in humans.  相似文献   

细胞核的起源是真核细胞进化形成的关键。回顾了过去几十年国内外对细胞核起源问题的探索历程,通过多年的摸索找到了一个条切实可行的探索细胞核起源问题的途径。其要点:在一系列的进化环节中首先抓住原始性的细胞核这一重要环节,探明原始性细胞核的特性,解决了从原始核到典型细胞核的进化问题,原始性细胞核自身的起源问题也就有了基础,为探源始性细胞核的特性,需要在现存的原生生物中间寻找最原始的类群,然后对它们的细胞核进行尽可能深入地和多方面地研究,对所得结果作进化地分析,以期提出一个原始性细胞核的模型,依据这个模型也就可对典型的细胞核的进化形成和原始核自身的起源作出推论,而这个原始性细胞核的模型,依据这个模型也就可以对典型细胞核的进化形成和原始核自身的起源作出推论,这些推论是可以设法加以检验的,不仅可以检验这些推论的正确性,而且对原始核模型的建立是重要的,可以据之加以发展,修正,甚至否定,沿此途径已经否定了原始性细胞核的涡鞭毛虫核模型,进而提出了双滴虫核模型。  相似文献   

All life on earth can be naturally classified into cellular life forms and virus-like selfish elements, the latter being fully dependent on the former for their reproduction. Cells are reproducers that not only replicate their genome but also reproduce the cellular organization that depends on semipermeable, energy-transforming membranes and cannot be recovered from the genome alone, under the famous dictum of Rudolf Virchow, Omnis cellula e cellula. In contrast, simple selfish elements are replicators that can complete their life cycles within the host cell starting from genomic RNA or DNA alone. The origin of the cellular organization is the central and perhaps the hardest problem of evolutionary biology. I argue that the origin of cells can be understood only in conjunction with the origin and evolution of selfish genetic elements. A scenario of precellular evolution is presented that involves cohesion of the genomes of the emerging cellular life forms from primordial pools of small genetic elements that eventually segregated into hosts and parasites. I further present a model of the coevolution of primordial membranes and membrane proteins, discuss protocellular and non-cellular models of early evolution, and examine the habitats on the primordial earth that could have been conducive to precellular evolution and the origin of cells.  相似文献   

Summary It is proposed that the first entity capable of adaptive Darwinian evolution consisted of a liposome vesicle formed of (1) abiotically produced phospholipidlike molecules; (2) a very few informational macromolecules; and (3) some abiogenic, lipid-soluble, organic molecule serving as a symporter for phosphate and protons and as a means of high-energy-bond generation. The genetic material had functions that led to the production of phospholipidlike materials (leading to growth and division of the primitive cells) and of the carrier needed for energy transduction. It is suggested that the most primitive exploitable energy source was the donation of 2H++2e at the external face of the primitive cell. The electrons were transferred (by metal impurities) to internal sinks of organic material, thus creating, via a deficit, a protonmotive force that could drive both the active transport of phosphate and high-energy-bond formation.This model implies that proton translocation in a closed-membrane system preceded photochemical or electron transport mechanisms and that chemically transferable metabolic energy was needed at a much earlier stage in the development of life than has usually been assumed. It provides a plausible mechanism whereby cell division of the earliest protocells could have been a spontaneous process powered by the internal development of phospholipids. The stimulus for developing this evolutionary sequence was the realization that cellular life was essential if Darwinian survival of the fittest was to direct evolution toward adaptation to the external environment.  相似文献   

Unicellular eukaryotes and most prokaryotes possess distinct mechanisms of programmed cell death (PCD). How an “altruistic” trait, such as PCD, could evolve in unicellular organisms? To address this question, we developed a mathematical model of the virus-host co-evolution that involves interaction between immunity, PCD and cellular aggregation. Analysis of the parameter space of this model shows that under high virus load and imperfect immunity, joint evolution of cell aggregation and PCD is the optimal evolutionary strategy. Given the abundance of viruses in diverse habitats and the wide spread of PCD in most organisms, these findings imply that multiple instances of the emergence of multicellularity and its essential attribute, PCD, could have been driven, at least in part, by the virus-host arms race.  相似文献   

Restriction–modification (RM) systems are composed of genes that encode a restriction enzyme and a modification methylase. RM systems sometimes behave as discrete units of life, like viruses and transposons. RM complexes attack invading DNA that has not been properly modified and thus may serve as a tool of defense for bacterial cells. However, any threat to their maintenance, such as a challenge by a competing genetic element (an incompatible plasmid or an allelic homologous stretch of DNA, for example) can lead to cell death through restriction breakage in the genome. This post-segregational or post-disturbance cell killing may provide the RM complexes (and any DNA linked with them) with a competitive advantage. There is evidence that they have undergone extensive horizontal transfer between genomes, as inferred from their sequence homology, codon usage bias and GC content difference. They are often linked with mobile genetic elements such as plasmids, viruses, transposons and integrons. The comparison of closely related bacterial genomes also suggests that, at times, RM genes themselves behave as mobile elements and cause genome rearrangements. Indeed some bacterial genomes that survived post-disturbance attack by an RM gene complex in the laboratory have experienced genome rearrangements. The avoidance of some restriction sites by bacterial genomes may result from selection by past restriction attacks. Both bacteriophages and bacteria also appear to use homologous recombination to cope with the selfish behavior of RM systems. RM systems compete with each other in several ways. One is competition for recognition sequences in post-segregational killing. Another is super-infection exclusion, that is, the killing of the cell carrying an RM system when it is infected with another RM system of the same regulatory specificity but of a different sequence specificity. The capacity of RM systems to act as selfish, mobile genetic elements may underlie the structure and function of RM enzymes.  相似文献   

The vast majority of well-characterized eukaryotic viruses are those that cause acute or chronic infections in humans and domestic plants and animals. However, asymptomatic persistent viruses have been described in animals, and are thought to be sources for emerging acute viruses. Although not previously described in these terms, there are also many viruses of plants that maintain a persistent lifestyle. They have been largely ignored because they do not generally cause disease. The persistent viruses in plants belong to the family Partitiviridae or the genus Endornavirus. These groups also have members that infect fungi. Phylogenetic analysis of the partitivirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase genes suggests that these viruses have been transmitted between plants and fungi. Additional families of viruses traditionally thought to be fungal viruses are also found frequently in plants, and may represent a similar scenario of persistent lifestyles, and some acute or chronic viruses of crop plants may maintain a persistent lifestyle in wild plants. Persistent, chronic and acute lifestyles of plant viruses are contrasted from both a functional and evolutionary perspective, and the potential role of these lifestyles in host evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Since their discovery in the early 1980s, viruses that infect the third domain of life, the Archaea, have captivated our attention because of their virions' unusual morphologies and proteins, which lack homologues in extant databases. Moreover, the life cycles of these viruses have unusual features, as revealed by the recent discovery of a novel virus egress mechanism that involves the formation of specific pyramidal structures on the host cell surface. The available data elucidate the particular nature of the archaeal virosphere and shed light on questions concerning the origin and evolution of viruses and cells. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of archeoviruses, their interaction with hosts and plasmids and their role in the evolution of life.  相似文献   

Infections cause 13% of all cancers globally, and DNA tumour viruses account for almost 60% of these cancers. All viruses are obligate intracellular parasites and hijack host cell functions to replicate and complete their life cycles to produce progeny virions. While many aspects of viral manipulation of host cells have been studied, how DNA tumour viruses manipulate host cell metabolism and whether metabolic alterations in the virus life cycle contribute to carcinogenesis are not well understood. In this review, we compare the differences in central carbon and fatty acid metabolism in host cells following infection, oncogenic transformation, and virus-driven cancer of DNA tumour viruses including: Epstein–Barr virus, hepatitis B virus, human papillomavirus, Kaposi''s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and Merkel cell polyomavirus.  相似文献   

Ma W  Yu C  Zhang W 《Bio Systems》2007,90(1):28-39
The origin of life remains a highly speculative field, mainly due to the shortage of our knowledge on prebiotic chemistry and basic understanding on the essence of life. In this context, computer simulation is expected to play an important role. For instance, the scenario concerning the genesis of the widely accepted RNA World remains blurry, though we have gathered some circumstantial evidence and fragmented knowledge on several supposed stages, including formation of polynucleotides from a prebiotic nucleotide pool, emergence of RNA replicases (RNA molecules catalyzing their own replication), and evolution of RNA replicases. It is highly valuable to simulate the stages as a continuous process to evaluate the plausibility of the supposition and study the rules involved. Here we construct a computer simulation on the process using Monte Carlo method. It demonstrates that primordial RNA replicases may appear and spread in a nucleotide pool provided they could recognize their own sequence and their complements as catalytic targets, and then may evolve to more efficient RNA replicases. Apart from its indication on the genesis of the RNA World, the vivid simulation of emergence of the “first replicative molecules” and their subsequent evolution is impressive and may help to get insight into “how could self-replication and Darwinian evolution, two key features of life, emerge in a non-life background?” thus improve our understanding of “what is life” when studying origins of life.  相似文献   

Studies on the origin and evolution of plasmids may provide valuable insights on the promiscuous nature of DNA. The first examples of the selfish nature of nucleic acids are exemplified by primordial oligoribonucleotides which evolved into primitive replicons. The propagation of these molecules were likely patterned after the current viral RNA ribozymes, which have been recently shown to possess RNA synthesizing and template mediated polymerizing capabilities in the absence of proteins. The parasitic nature of nucleic acids is depicted by satellite nucleic acid molecules associated with viruses. The satellites of adenovirus and tobacco ringspot virus serve as established examples: they contain no open reading frames. Comparative analysis of the replication origins of virions and plasmids show them to be conserved, originating from the simplest autocatalytic replicon to highly complex and evolved plasmids, replicating by a rolling circle mechanism. The eventual association of proteins with nucleic acids provided added efficiency and protective advantages for molecular perpetuation. The promiscuous and selfish nature of plasmids is demonstrated by their ability to genetically engineer their host so that the host cell is best able to cope and survive in hostile environments. Survival of the host ensures survival of the plasmid. Sequestering of genes by plasmids occurs when the environmental conditions negatively affect the host. The sequestering mechanism is fundamental and forms the outreach mechanisms to generate and propagate macromolecules of increasing size when necessary for survival. The level of sophistication of plasmids increases with the addition of new genes such as those that allow the host to occupy a specific environment normally inhospitable to the host cell. The vast range of plasmid types which have obtained genes interchangeably reflect the levels of sophistication achieved by these macromolecules. The Ti plasmid in Agrobacterium tumefaciens and the pSym and accessory plasmids in Rhizobium illustrate the level of complexity attained by replicons.  相似文献   

Recent events of the viral catastrophe have shown the rapidity of spread of new disease through emergence of virulent strains. Proper control measures can be developed only through understanding the evolution of virulence in RNA viruses. To understand the evolution of this novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, it is imperative to delineate the evolution of RNA, its transformation into first life forms, the steady and continuous evolution and emergence through modification in their genome and nevertheless the natural selection. This review will throw light on these aspects to understand the possible origin of COVID-19 to control and eradicate this viral outbreak.  相似文献   

Recent events of the viral catastrophe have shown the rapidity of spread of new disease through emergence of virulent strains. Proper control measures can be developed only through understanding the evolution of virulence in RNA viruses. To understand the evolution of this novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, it is imperative to delineate the evolution of RNA, its transformation into first life forms, the steady and continuous evolution and emergence through modification in their genome and nevertheless the natural selection. This review will throw light on these aspects to understand the possible origin of COVID-19 to control and eradicate this viral outbreak.  相似文献   

The acquisition of endosymbiotic alphaproteobacteria that gave rise to mitochondria was one of the key events in the origin of eukaryotic cell. To reconstruct this process, it is important to analyze relationships that developed later between eukaryotes and other alphaproteobacteria. Wolbachia pipientis, a bacterium that inhabits cells of numerous terrestrial invertebrates and exerts diverse effects on its hosts, is used as a model. Although Wolbachia is similar to mitochondria in many important features (basic metabolism, small molecule membrane transport, envelope structure, etc.), their relationships with the nucleocytoplasm are different. Mitochondria import most of their required proteins from the nucleocytoplasm and are controlled by the nucleocytoplasmic regulatory systems. On the contrary, Wolbachia exports its proteins into the host’s cytoplasm, thus causing dramatic aberrations in the ontogeny and reproduction of the host. This difference may be due to the fact that most of the protomitochondrial genes had been transferred into the central (nuclear) genome at the early stages of the development of the endosymbiotic system, while Wolbachia genes were not transferred into the nucleus. This fits well with the previously suggested hypothesis that there was a period of rapid lateral gene transfer in the evolution of proto-eukaryotes; the acquisition of mitochondria took place during this period. Later, eukaryotes, and especially metazoans, developed powerful mechanisms for prevention of lateral gene transfer. Therefore, the genes of the newly acquired endosymbionts cannot be transferred into the central genome, and the endosymbionts retain the capacity for selfish evolution.  相似文献   

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