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目的评价3种棘白菌素类药物(卡泊芬净、米卡芬净、阿尼多芬净)体外对氟康唑耐药念珠菌的药物敏感性。方法采用微量液体稀释法和琼脂稀释法测定最小抑制浓度(MIC)。结果微量液体稀释法:59株耐药白念珠菌3种药物MIC50均为0.06μg/mL,米卡芬净、阿尼多芬净的MIC范围均为0.015~0.125μg/mL,卡泊芬净为0.015~0.25μg/mL;8株耐药光滑念珠菌MIC值均为0.063μg/mL。琼脂稀释法:59株耐药白念珠菌和8株耐药光滑念珠菌3种药物MIC值均为0.063μg/mL。结论3种棘白菌素类药物可能具有治疗氟康唑耐药的念珠菌感染的临床价值。  相似文献   

目的研究氯喹与氟康唑体外联合应用对隐球菌生长作用的影响。方法参考M27-A方案,检测10μmol/L,100μmol/L与1 000μmol/L 3种浓度氯喹与氟康唑联合后对20株菌株的氟康唑对隐球菌最小抑菌浓度与最小杀菌浓度的变化。结果与10μmol/L氯喹组相比,100μmol/L以上浓度的氯喹组可以显著降低氟康唑对隐球菌的M IC与MFC。结论氯喹在体外可以提高氟康唑抗隐球菌的作用,与氟康唑具有协同抗隐球菌的作用。  相似文献   

One of the differences observed between the two varieties of Cryptococcus neoformansis the greater difficulty to achieve an adequate therapeutical response in patients affected by C. neoformans var. gattii, an observation that has been validated in vitro only rarely. The aim of this work was to study the susceptibility patterns of 35 Colombian clinical isolates of C. neoformans, 20 of which belonged to the var. neoformans and 15 to the var. gattii. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by broth microdilution, according to a modification of the methodology proposed by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS), using the breakpoints recently suggested by Nguyen et al. (Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1998; 42: 471-472). The antifungals tested were amphotericin B, fluconazole and itraconazole. Most of the isolates were susceptible to the three antimycotics tested regardless of the variety. Resistance to amphotericin B (MIC=2 microg/ml) was documented in two (10%) C. neoformans var. neoformans isolates; additionally, five (33%) C. neoformans var. gattii isolates felt in the category of fluconazole susceptible but dose dependent (MIC 16 microg/ml). In general, all C. neoformans var. gattii isolates proved susceptible only to the higher concentrations of the antifungals tested. For amphotericin B, seven (47%) isolates of this variety had MICs of 1 microg/ml, for fluconazole there were seven (47%) with MICs of 8 microg/ml and in the case of itraconazole, 10 isolates (66%) had MICs > 0.03 microg/ml. The data showed that although these isolates would be classified as susceptible, they actually require greater concentrations of the antifungals to be inhibited. This finding may well correlate both with the difficulty to attain therapeutic success in patients affected with C. neoformans var. gattii and with the need for more prolonged treatment courses in such cases.  相似文献   

Different phenotypic characteristics associated with virulence of the Cryptococcus neoformans species complex have shown an important role in their pathogenicity. In this study we have determined the role of phenotypically and genotypically factors of some virulence factors from clinical isolates in the two species of the complex; 35 C. neoformans and 19 Cryptococcus gattii. Growth at 37 degrees C, macroscopic and microscopic morphology, switching phenomenon, activity of 23 extracellular enzymes, variability of the colonies in agar with phloxin B; phospholipase B gene, and the mating type were determined by PCR; the molecular pattern was determined by URA5 RFLP. All isolates grew at 37 degrees C, the capsular size was greater in C. gattii (1.87 microm -/+1.47 microm) than in C. neoformans (0.83 microm -/+0.15 microm). Switching was observed mainly in isolates of C. gattii. All isolates expressed the enzyme urease, a lower activity of the proteases (Pz= 0.54), but a higher activity of the phospholipase (Pz=0.43) and phenoloxidase (Pz=0.003) was determined for C. gattii.  相似文献   

Antifungal susceptibility testing was performed on 197 yeast isolates from the BCCM/IHEM biomedical fungi and yeasts collection (Belgian Co-ordinated Collections of Micro-organisms / IPH-Mycology) to study the in vitro activity of voriconazole against fluconazole, itraconazole and amphotericin B. MICs of the four antifungal agents were determined by an adapted NCCLS M27-A microdilution reference method. MIC readings were visually and spectrophotometrically determined. Optical density data were used for calculation of the MIC endpoints. For amphotericin B, the MIC endpoint was defined as the minimal antifungal concentration that exerts 90% inhibition, compared to the control growth. The azoles endpoints were determined at 50% inhibition of growth. The MIC distribution of voriconazole susceptibilities showed that 193 isolates had a MIC < or = 2 microg/ml and 185 a MIC < or = 1 microg/ml. Cross-tabulation of voriconazole, fluconazole, and itraconazole MICs indicated that voriconazole MICs raised with fluconazole and itraconazole MICs. The in vitro data obtained in this study suggest that voriconazole may also be effective treating yeast infection in patients infected with fluconazole or itraconazole resistant isolates.  相似文献   

The development of resistance to azole antifungals used in the treatment of fungal infections can be a serious medical problem. Here, we investigate the molecular mechanisms associated with reduced susceptibility to fluconazole in clinical isolates of Candida dubliniensis , showing evidence of the trailing growth phenomenon. The changes in membrane sterol composition were studied in the presence of subinhibitory fluconazole concentrations. Despite lanosterol and eburicol accumulating as the most prevalent sterols after fluconazole treatment, these ergosterol precursors still support growth of Candida isolates. The overexpression of ABC transporters was demonstrated by immunoblotting employing specific antibodies against Cdr1p and Cdr2p. The presence of a full-length 170?kDa protein Cdr1p was detected in two isolates, while a truncated form of Cdr1p with the molecular mass of 85?kDa was observed in isolate 966/3(2). Notably, Cdr2p was detected in this isolate, and the expression of this transporter was modulated by subinhibitory concentrations of fluconazole. These results suggest that C.?dubliniensis can display the trailing growth phenomenon, and such isolates express similar molecular mechanisms like that of fluconazole-resistant isolates and can therefore be associated with recurrent infections.  相似文献   

In vitro susceptibility of Cryptococcus neoformans to steroids   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Continuing efforts to discover novel means of combating fluconazole resistance in Candida albicans have identified an indole derivative that sensitizes strains demonstrating resistance to fluconazole. This tetracycle (3, ML229) does not appear to act through established Hsp90 or calcineurin pathways to chemosensitize C. albicans, as determined in Saccharomyces cerevisiae models, and may be a useful probe to uncover alternative resistance pathways.  相似文献   

The interest on the in vitro susceptibility to itraconazole has recently increased due the availability of the intravenous formulation. In this study, comparative MICs of this antifungal with voriconazole were carried out in 62 clinical isolates of filamentous fungi and 100 yeasts isolates using the NCCLS microbroth methods described in M38-A and M27-A2 documents. A MIC90 of 0.125 micrograms per ml was observed for itraconazole and voriconazole against Aspergillus fumigatus. Higher susceptibility to itraconazole was found for the filamentous form of Sporotrhix schenckii (p = 0.001). Voriconazole was more effective against Scedosporium apiospermium while Scedosporium prolificans isolates were resistant to both azoles. Some isolates of Rhizopus stolonifer were susceptible to itraconazole and resistant to voriconazole, but without statistical significance. Susceptibility of nine species of Candida was similar for both triazoles used in this study. However, Candida glabrata was more susceptible to voriconazole. Some fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans isolates were susceptible to itraconazole and / or voriconazole. Cryptococcus neoformans was more susceptible to itraconazole than to voriconazole. Itraconazole and voriconazole showed very close in vitro activity against the tested fungal isolated, except against S. schenckii. In spite of this, there were some differences in susceptibility among isolates within the same fungal species.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of the geographic distribution of Cryptococcus neoformans varieties, in Colombian patients, and to determine the mating types of such varieties. A total of 370 clinical isolates were studied. C. neoformans var. neoformans was identified in 95.2% of them. C. neoformans var. gattii in 4.8%, 4.5% being serotype B and 0.3%, serotype C. Fifty-five of the 74 (74%) isolates studied were mating type "alpha", all of them C. neoformans var. neoformans. Serotype C had been previously reported only once in South American countries.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to fluconazole and amphotericin B in 84 clinical isolates of Candida was determined by a macrodilution method (NCCLS). Amphotericin B was very active (CMI < 1.25 microg/ml) against C. tropicalis and C. parapsilosis. Less than 5% of C. albicans and/or C. glabrata isolates presented low susceptibility to the drug (CMI 80 > 2.50 microg/ml). Fluconazole was less active against C. glabrata and C. krusei (CMI 80 > 100 microg/ml). The susceptibility profile for fluconazole indicated the importance to the treatment of identification to species level.  相似文献   

A protocol for intact DNA preparation from the basidiomycetous yeast Cryptococcus neoformans has been developed and applied to karyotyping C. neoformans isolates displaying different degrees of capsule formation. A total of 46 strains have been analyzed: 23 (50%) isolated from environmental samples (pigeon droppings), all of them belonging to C. neoformans var. neoformans; and 23 (50%) from clinical samples (human and veterinarian) including 10 isolates of C. neoformans var. neoformans and 13 isolates of C. neoformans var. gattii. Our results showed a global genome size ranging from 14.2 to 20.9 Mb for variety neoformans and from 7.9 to 16.8 Mb for variety gattii. The karyotype diversity was very high for variety neoformans (29 different patterns for the 33 analyzed strains) and lower for variety gattii (six different patterns for 13 strains). No grouping among variety neoformans strains from the same origin was found indicating very high genome diversity for this variety, irrespectively of the origin of the strains.  相似文献   

Candida inconspicua is an emerging pathogen in immunocompromised patients possessing inherently decreased susceptibility to fluconazole. We determined the MICs and killing activity of fluconazole and amphotericin B against C. inconspicua clinical isolates as well as reference strain C. inconspicua ATCC 16783 for comparison. MICs were determined using the standard broth microdilution method. Killing rates were determined using time-kill methodology at 0.5-16 x MIC fluconazole and amphotericin B concentrations. Fluconazole and amphotericin B MIC values varied between 16-128 mg/l and 0.5-1 mg/l, respectively. In time kill-assays fluconazole showed fungistatic effect at 1-16 x MIC concentrations against all tested strains after 24 h-incubation, but became fungicidal after 48 h at 4-16 x MIC concentrations. The time necessary to achieve fungicidal endpoint at 1 mg/l amphotericin B concentration ranged from 2 to 24 h. Our in vitro results confirm the data that fluconazole is ineffective against C. inconspicua at the fluconazole serum concentration attainable in humans. Amphotericin B due to its rapid killing activity seems to be a good alternative for the treatment of infections caused by C. inconspicua.  相似文献   

The increase in the number of infections caused by Candida species and the consequent use of antifungal agents favours an increase of resistant isolates. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antifungal susceptibility of Candida spp. isolates from patients with different systemic predisposing factors to candidosis. Seventy-nine Candida spp. isolates were assayed for in vitro susceptibility to amphotericin B, fluconazole, 5-flucytosine and itraconazole using the technique proposed by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Four C. albicans, one C. guilliermondii, four C. parapsilosis and two C. tropicalis isolates were resistant to amphotericin B. Only two isolate was resistant to itraconazole. All the isolates tested were susceptible to fluconazole and flucytosine. It could be concluded that the most efficient drugs against the Candida isolates studied were fluconazole and flucytosine and that all of the antifungal agents used in this study were effective against the Candida spp. isolates tested.  相似文献   

The incidence of candidiasis among immunocompromised patients and emergence of antimycotics resistant strains has increased significantly. The aims of this study were: to examine the in vitro activity of antimycotics and biocides against Candida clinical isolates; to detect cross-resistance of fungi to these preparations and to estimate whether disinfectants applied in hospital areas are active against clinical Candida isolates. In vitro susceptibility of 102 Candida isolates to eight antimycotics was examined by Etest and ATB Fungus. Sensitivity of these strains to four disinfectants and an antiseptic agent was tested according to EN 1275:2005. Amphotericin B, caspofungin and 5-fluorocytosine were the most effective antimycotics against all Candida isolates. Resistance to itraconazole and fluconazole was observed among C. krusei and C. glabrata. The MICs (Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations) for ketoconazole, voriconazole and posaconazole against Candida albicans ranged: 0.003 - >32 μg/ml and one strain was resistant to three agents tested. All analysed Candida strains were sensitive to biocides containing either chlorine, aldehyde, alcohol mixtures, glucoprotamin or chlorhexidine gluconate with isopropanol. Sensitivity to these agents was observed at concentrations lower than those concentrations recommended by manufacturers to achieve proper biocidal activity to those preparations. Our data suggest that these disinfectants can be effectively applied in clinical wards to prevent nosocomial Candida infections.  相似文献   

Cryptococcosis is caused by the three varieties of C. neoformans with physiological and virulence differences, some of which have been studied to determine biological aspects of this microorganism. The phenotypical aspects of environmental isolates from varieties grubii and gattii were evaluated to establish differences associated with their life cycle and virulence. To this end, 28 and 31 strains of C. neoformans serotypes A (var. grubii) and C (var. gattii) were studied. The microscopic and macroscopic morphology on Sabouraud agar and soils, growth rate at 37 degrees C, production of 22 extracellular enzymes, haploid fructification, mating type, killer toxin sensitivity patterns and virulence in BALB/c mice were evaluated. No differences were observed between the two varieties regarding microscopic and macroscopic morphology or growth at 37 degrees C (p > 0.05). However, a decrease in the cellular and capsular sizes of yeast in soil, as compared to Sabouraud, was observed (p < 0.05). Additionally, higher enzimatic activity of proteases, phospholipases, phenoloxidase and beta-glucosidase was observed in var. grubii isolates as compared to var. gattii (p < 0.05). In both varieties, structures related with haploid fruitification were observed and all isolates were mating type alpha. Killer toxin sensitivity patterns of the isolates of var. grubii were I and II; in contrast, in var. gattii, seven different patterns were found: I, V, IX-XIII. In the animal model we found that 12 of 22 (54.5%) isolates of var. grubii caused the death of the mice during the observation period, while none of the 14 var. gattii isolates caused it. The decrease in capsular and cellular sizes of the yeast in soil and the frequency of mating type alpha with structures related to haploid fructification suggest an important mechanism of production of infectious particles in nature. Additionally, greater enzimatic activity of var. grubii can be associated with the virulence in the animal model.  相似文献   

目的 探讨地塞米松在体外试验中是否影响念珠菌对抗真菌药物的敏感性,以了解糖皮质激素与抗真菌药物直接作用于念珠菌时是否存在相互作用。方法 用微量液体培养基稀释法分别测定26株白念珠菌与地塞米松(0.2mg/ml)共同孵育前、孵育24~48h及7d时氟康唑、伊曲康唑、两性霉素B的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)值,并作对照。结果 白念珠菌与地塞米松孵育24~48h后、孵育后第7d氟康唑和伊曲康唑的MIC值升高,分别与孵育前的MIC值存在统计学差异,但孵育24~48h后的MIC与孵育后第7d的MIC无统计学差异;白念珠菌与地塞米松共同孵育24~48h后两性霉素B的MIC值也较孵育前升高,但第7d的MIC值与孵育前无差异。结论 地塞米松可增加三种抗真菌药物对于白念珠菌的MIC,但三种抗真菌药物间存在差异,表明地塞米松对于氟康唑和伊曲康唑体外抗白念珠菌的活性有拮抗作用,但没有时间依赖性,地塞米松对于两性霉素B的影响较氟康唑和伊曲康唑小,且影响时间较短。  相似文献   

Nineteen Cryptococcus neoformans AD-hybrid isolates were investigated to assess whether hybrid genomic background could affect virulence in a mouse model. The level of heterozygosity of each strain was analyzed using primers specific for allele A and D of 15 polymorphic genes. Virulence was tested in a mouse model of systemic infection by measuring time of survival. In addition, the putative virulence attributes, melanin, phospholipase, and capsule production, as well as growth at 39°C and UV sensitivity were investigated. Eight strains showed to be heterozygous in up to 70% of loci, other eight strains were heterozygous in less than 60% of loci, while the remaining three strains were homozygous at all tested loci. Mice infected with hybrids with a high percentage of heterozygosis showed significantly (P?相似文献   

The pathogenicity of Cryptococcus neoformans is heterogeneous and is associated with the expression of virulence factors. This study aimed to correlate the pathogenicity of C. neoformans var. grubii in BALB/c mice with in vitro virulence factors, fluconazole minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and molecular profiles, before and after animal passage. Ten environmental isolates and one ATCC strain of C. neoformans var. grubii mating type α were evaluated. Most isolates (91%) killed 50% or more of the infected animals by day 24 postinfection and were recovered from the lungs and brains of surviving animals on days 7 and 14 postinfection. The burden of yeast in the lungs was more variable than that in the brain. The differences in the expression of virulence factors (growth at 37oC, presence and size of the capsule and production of melanin, urease, proteinase and phospholipase) by most isolates pre and postpassage in animals were not statistically significant. The fluconazole MICs in postpassaged lines differed by a one-dilution from the MIC of the corresponding prepassaged line for six isolates. Using molecular typing [polymerase chain reaction-fingerprinting with (GACA)4 and M13], eight isolates were identified as VNI and three as VNII. We concluded that different isolates with the same molecular and phenotypic profiles, including isolates that are markedly hypervirulent, span a wide range of virulence and there were no changes in virulence factors in the postpassaged lines when compared with the corresponding nonpassaged lines.  相似文献   

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