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Staphylococcus aureus strains causing human pathologies produce several toxins, including a pore-forming protein family formed by the single-component alpha-hemolysin and the bicomponent leukocidins and gamma-hemolysins. The last comprise two protein elements, S and F, that co-operatively form the active toxin. alpha-Hemolysin is always expressed by S. aureus strains, whereas bicomponent leukotoxins are more specifically involved in a few diseases. X-ray crystallography of the alpha-hemolysin pore has shown it is a mushroom-shaped, hollow heptamer, almost entirely consisting of beta-structure. Monomeric F subunits have a very similar core structure, except for the transmembrane stem domain which has to refold during pore formation. Large deletions in this domain abolished activity, whereas shorter deletions sometimes improved it, possibly by removing some of the interactions stabilizing the folded structure. Even before stem extension is completed, the formation of an oligomeric pre-pore can trigger Ca(2+)-mediated activation of some white cells, initiating an inflammatory response. Within the bicomponent toxins, gamma-hemolysins define three proteins (HlgA, HlgB, HlgC) that can generate two toxins: HlgA+HlgB and HlgC+HlgB. Like alpha-hemolysin they form pores in planar bilayers with similar conductance, but opposite selectivity (cation instead of anion) for the presence of negative charges in the ion pathway. gamma-Hemolysin pores seem to be organized as alpha-hemolysin, but should contain an even number of each component, alternating in a 1:1 stoichiometry.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal leucocidins and gamma-hemolysins (leucotoxins) are bi-component toxins that form lytic transmembrane pores. Their cytotoxic activities require the synergistic association of a class S component and a class F component, produced as water-soluble monomers that form hetero-oligomeric membrane-associated complexes. Strains that produce the Panton-Valentine leucocidin are clinically associated with cutaneous lesions and community-acquired pneumonia. In a previous study, we determined the crystal structure of the F monomer from the Panton-Valentine leucocidin. To derive information on the second component of the leucotoxins, the x-ray structure of the S protein from the Panton-Valentine leucocidin was solved to 2.0 angstrom resolution using a tetragonal crystal form that contains eight molecules in the asymmetric unit. The structure demonstrates the different conformation of the domain involved in membrane contacts and illustrates sequence and tertiary structure variabilities of the pore-forming leucotoxins. Mutagenesis studies at a key surface residue (Thr-28) further support the important role played by these microheterogeneities for the assembly of the bipartite leucotoxins.  相似文献   

The localization of the gene(s) mediating methicillin (mecr) in Staphylococcus aureus was determined by transformation with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from a natural mecr strain (DU 4916) and transformation obtained with DNA from this strain. Streptomycin resistance genes (strr) and novobiocin resistance genes (novr) were used concurrently as representatives for chromosomal genes; penicillinase (PI254) and tetracycline plasmids were used as examples of medium- and small-size extrachromosomal genes, respectively. Superinfection of the lysogenic recipients with the competence-inducing phage phi11 or 83A enhanced transformation for all markers. Phenotypic expression of cadmium (cadr), tetracycline (tetr), or methicillin resistance (mecr) did not appear to require a host recombination system since a recA1 mutant could serve as the recipient provided it was superinfected with a competence-inducing phage. There was, furthermore, no requirement for preexisting plasmids for phenotypic expression. Ultraviolet irradiation of transforming DNA enhanced at low doses the transformation frequency for chromosomal genes strr and novr but not for mecr, cadr, or tetr. The gene(s) for mecr was transformed with chromosomal DNA after sodium dodecyl sulfate-sodium chloride extraction and after neutral sucrose gradient centrifugation of bulk DNA from wild-type strain DU 4916 and the transformats. No cavalently closed circular DNA or open circular DNA carrying the methicillin resistance gene(s) could be detected in the wild type or the transformants either by ethidium bromide-cesium chloride gradient centrifugation or by zonal rate centrifugation of cells directly lysed on top of the gradients. The mecr gene(s) is thus probably of chromosomal nature but possibly under recombinational control of phage genes, since transfer of mecr is independent of the recA1 gene(s) but can be accomplished in this strain after superinfection with a competence-inducing phage. Ultraviolet light inactivation of transforming DNA shows first-order kinetics for mecr transformability similar to that observed for both transfecting and plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

Sticholysins (Sts) I and II (StI/II) are pore-forming toxins (PFTs) produced by the Caribbean Sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus belonging to the actinoporin family, a unique class of eukaryotic PFTs exclusively found in sea anemones. The role of lipid phase co-existence in the mechanism of the action of membranolytic proteins and peptides is not clearly understood. As for actinoporins, it has been proposed that phase separation promotes pore forming activity. However little is known about the effect of sticholysins on the phase separation of lipids in membranes. To gain insight into the mechanism of action of sticholysins, we evaluated the effect of these proteins on lipid segregation using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). New evidence was obtained reflecting that these proteins reduce line tension in the membrane by promoting lipid mixing. In terms of the relevance for the mechanism of action of actinoporins, we hypothesize that expanding lipid disordered phases into lipid ordered phases decreases the lipid packing at the borders of the lipid raft, turning it into a more suitable environment for N-terminal insertion and pore formation.  相似文献   

PF10014 is a novel family of 2‐oxyglutarate‐Fe2+‐dependent dioxygenases that are involved in biosynthesis of antibiotics and regulation of biofilm formation, likely by catalyzing hydroxylation of free amino acids or other related ligands. The crystal structure of a PF10014 member from Methylibium petroleiphilum at 1.9 Å resolution shows strong structural similarity to cupin dioxygenases in overall fold and active site, despite very remote homology. However, one of the β‐strands of the cupin catalytic core is replaced by a loop that displays conformational isomerism that likely regulates the active site. Proteins 2014; 82:164–170. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Trypsin treatment of staphylococcal alpha-toxin cleaves the molecule into two roughly equally sized parts, which results in inactivation of the toxin. Tetragonal arrays of oligomers, closely resembling the native ones, can however be formed on lipid layers. From tilted views of negatively stained crystals a 3D structure to 23 A resolution has been determined by electron microscopy and image processing. On comparison with the 3D structure of the native alpha-toxin (Olofsson et al., J. Mol. Biol. 214, 299-306, 1990) the subdomains are more separated, confirming the differences found when comparing the projection maps (Olofsson et al., J. Struct. Biol. 106, 199-204, 1991). The tryptic cleavage takes place in a postulated hinge region. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the conformational change required for inducing the membrane permeabilizing property takes place in this region. Furthermore, we present a refined projection map at approximately 10 A resolution based on the analysis of a large number of crystals using unbending methods.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease P (RNaseP) catalyses the removal of the 5'-leader sequence from pre-tRNA to produce the mature 5' terminus. The prokaryotic RNaseP holoenzyme consists of a catalytic RNA component and a protein subunit (RNaseP protein), which plays an auxiliary but essential role in vivo by binding to the 5'-leader sequence and broadening the substrate specificity of the ribozyme.We determined the three-dimensional high-resolution structure of the RNaseP protein from Staphylococcus aureus (117 amino acid residues) by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in solution. The protein has an alphabeta-fold, similar to the ribonucleoprotein domain. We used small nucleic acid molecules as a model for the 5'-leader sequence to probe the propensity for generic single-stranded RNA binding on the protein surface. The NMR results reveal a contiguous interaction site, which is identical with the previously identified leader sequence binding site in RNaseP holoenzyme. The conserved arginine-rich motif does not bind single-stranded RNA. It is likely that this peptide segment binds selectively to double-stranded sections of P RNA, which are conformationally more rigid. Given the essentiality of RNaseP for the viability of the organism, knowledge of the S. aureus protein structure and insight into its interaction with RNA will help us to develop RNaseP and RNaseP protein as targets for novel antibiotics against this pathogen.  相似文献   

Proteins of the ASPP family bind to p53 and regulate p53-mediated apoptosis. Two family members, ASPP1 and ASPP2, have pro-apoptotic functions while iASPP shows anti-apoptotic responses. However, both the mechanism of enhancement/repression of apoptosis and the molecular basis for their different responses remain unknown. To address the role of the N-termini of pro-apoptotic ASPP proteins, we solved the solution structure of N-ASPP2 (1-83) by NMR spectroscopy. The structure of this domain reveals a beta-Grasp ubiquitin-like fold. Our findings suggest a possible role for the N-termini of ASPP proteins in binding to other proteins in the apoptotic response network and thus mediating their selective pro-apoptotic function.  相似文献   

Soluble diacylglycerol (DAG) kinases function as regulators of diacylglycerol metabolism in cell signaling and intermediary metabolism. We report the structure of a DAG kinase, DgkB from Staphylococcus aureus, both as the free enzyme and in complex with ADP. The molecule is a tight homodimer, and each monomer comprises two domains with the catalytic center located within the interdomain cleft. Two distinctive features of DkgB are a structural Mg2+ site and an associated Asp*water*Mg2+ network that extends toward the active site locale. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that these features play important roles in the catalytic mechanism. The key active site residues and the components of the Asp*water*Mg2+ network are conserved in the catalytic cores of the mammalian signaling DAG kinases, indicating that these enzymes use the same mechanism and have similar structures as DgkB.  相似文献   

In vitro selection has been used to isolate several RNA aptamers that bind specifically to biological cofactors. A well-characterized example in the ATP-binding RNA aptamer family, which contains a conserved 11-base loop opposite a bulged G and flanked by regions of double-stranded RNA. The nucleotides in the consensus sequence provide a binding pocket for ATP (or AMP), which binds with a Kd in the micromolar range. Here we present the three-dimensional solution structure of a 36-nucleotide ATP-binding RNA aptamer complexed with AMP, determined from NMR-derived distance and dihedral angle restraints. The conserved loop and bulged G form a novel compact, folded structure around the AMP. The backbone tracing of the loop nucleotides can be described by a Greek zeta (zeta). Consecutive loop nucleotides G, A, A form a U-turn at the bottom of the zeta, and interact with the AMP to form a structure similar to a GNRA tetraloop, with AMP standing in for the final A. Two asymmetric G. G base pairs close the stems flanking the internal loop. Mutated aptamers support the existence of the tertiary interactions within the consensus nucleotides and with the AMP found in the calculated structures.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of YecO from Haemophilus influenzae (HI0319), a protein annotated in the sequence databases as hypothetical, and that has not been assigned a function, has been determined at 2.2-A resolution. The structure reveals a fold typical of S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent (AdoMet) methyltransferase enzymes. Moreover, a processed cofactor, S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy), is bound to the enzyme, further confirming the biochemical function of HI0319 and its sequence family members. An active site arginine, shielded from bulk solvent, interacts with an anion, possibly a chloride ion, which in turn interacts with the sulfur atom of AdoHcy. The AdoHcy and nearby protein residues delineate a small solvent-excluded substrate binding cavity of 162 A(3) in volume. The environment surrounding the cavity indicates that the substrate molecule contains a hydrophobic moiety and an anionic group. Many of the residues that define the cavity are invariant in the HI0319 sequence family but are not conserved in other methyltransferases. Therefore, the substrate specificity of YecO enzymes is unique and differs from the substrate specificity of all other methyltransferases sequenced to date. Examination of the Enzyme Commission list of methyltransferases prompted a manual inspection of 10 possible substrates using computer graphics and suggested that the ortho-substituted benzoic acids fit best in the active site.  相似文献   

Choline kinase catalyzes the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of choline, the first committed step in the CDP-choline pathway for the biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine. The 2.0 A crystal structure of a choline kinase from C. elegans (CKA-2) reveals that the enzyme is a homodimeric protein with each monomer organized into a two-domain fold. The structure is remarkably similar to those of protein kinases and aminoglycoside phosphotransferases, despite no significant similarity in amino acid sequence. Comparisons to the structures of other kinases suggest that ATP binds to CKA-2 in a pocket formed by highly conserved and catalytically important residues. In addition, a choline binding site is proposed to be near the ATP binding pocket and formed by several structurally flexible loops.  相似文献   

Nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC) was identified in eukaryotes as the first cytosolic factor that contacts the nascent polypeptide chain emerging from the ribosome. NAC is highly conserved from yeast to humans. Mutations in NAC cause severe embryonically lethal phenotypes in mice, Drosophila, and Caenorhabditis elegans. NAC was suggested to protect the nascent chain from inappropriate early interactions with cytosolic factors. Eukaryotic NAC is a heterodimer with two subunits sharing substantial homology with each other. All sequenced archaebacterial genomes exhibit only one gene homologous to the NAC subunits. Here we present the first archaebacterial NAC homolog. It forms a homodimer, and as eukaryotic NAC it is associated with ribosomes and contacts the emerging nascent chain on the ribosome. We present the first crystal structure of a NAC protein revealing two structural features: (i) a novel unique protein fold that mediates dimerization of the complex, and (ii) a ubiquitin-associated domain that suggests a yet unidentified role for NAC in the cellular protein quality control system via the ubiquitination pathway. Based on the presented structure we propose a model for the eukaryotic heterodimeric NAC domain.  相似文献   

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