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The authors studied the course of the repair of changes induced in the rabbit tracheal epithelium by saline lavage of the airways. The tracheal epithelium was examined 2, 24, 48 and 72 hours after treatment. Saline lavage stimulated the goblet cells to instantaneous discharge of their secretion. 2 hours after treatment 98 +/- 3% of the goblet cells were completely exhausted and had degenerated. Repair of the changes began 24 hours after lavage and was associated with massive differentiation of new goblet cells resulting in hyperplasia of the mucus-secreting elements with formation of endoepithelial mucous glands. The most pronounced injury to the ciliated cells was apparent 2 hours after lavage, then the degree of alteration of these cells gradually decreased. Saline lavage markedly impaired the ciliary border. The mean number of kinocilia per micron2 fell to 1.5 +/- 0.3. In subsequent phases the number of kinocilia rose gradually to 7.5 +/- 0.5/micron2. This value was still significantly lower (P less than 0.005) compared with controls. The first signs of impairment of the self-cleaning ability of the epithelium were recorded 2 hours after lavage. The most pronounced disturbances of the mucus flow were observed after 24 hours. At the end of the experimental period small clumps of condensed mucus and rather numerous bacteria were still present in the area of the ciliary border.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of the mouse tracheal epithelium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The ultrastructure of mouse tracheal epithelium was examined. The three cell types, basal cells, ciliated cells and goblet cells, described for other mammalian trachea were found to be present although goblet cells occurred only rarely. A cell type, termed the nonciliated cell, not described in other mammalian trachea was frequently found in mouse tracheal epithelium. These cells contained abundant smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, free ribosomes, a large Golgi complex, and many mitochondria. There were many vesciles containing an electron dense material near the luminal surface of these cells; these cells were positive for PAS. These features suggested a secretory function for the cells. This, along with the scarcity of goblet cells, suggested that the nonciliated cells of mouse tracheal epithelium fulfill the function of the goblet cells found in other mammalian trachea.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the tracheal epithelium in rabbit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

To assess the effects of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) on airway ciliary activity, we measured ciliary beat frequency (CBF) by a photoelectric method in response to these peptides in cultured rabbit tracheal explants. When cumulatively added, both CRF and ACTH increased CBF in a dose-dependent fashion. Treatment of tissues with Ca2+-free medium or nifedipine abolished the effect of CRF but not of ACTH. The CRF- and ACTH-induced ciliostimulations were not affected by indomethacin or autonomic antagonists, but were attenuated by nordihydroguaiaretic acid and by their receptor antagonists, alpha-helical CRF (9-41) and ACTH (7-38). Intracellular cyclic AMP levels were significantly increased by CRF and ACTH. These results suggest that CRF and ACTH stimulate airway ciliary motility through the activation of adenylate cyclase and lipoxygenase by binding to their specific receptors, where the effect of CRF may be triggered by Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

The mucosa that lines the airways is covered with a fluid film forming a hypophase between mucus and cell surface. To study the function of this epithelium aims at describing the mechanisms by which fluid is normally produced. Another goal to be pursued consists in looking for the origin of pathological situations, such as cystic fibrosis, in which the functioning of epithelial cell is altered. The elucidation of transport mechanisms present in the apical and in the basolateral membrane results in a conceptual model that illustrates the asymmetrical functioning of epithelial cells. Recent discoveries enlarge our understanding of membrane transport processes; in particular, a concerted, reciprocal regulation of the activity of both membranes was shown to be exerted via the intracellular composition. The tracheal epithelium absorbs Na+ and secretes Cl-. These two transports are active and electrogenic; their sum corresponds approximately to the short-circuit current measured in vitro. Na+ absorption is sensitive to amiloride from the luminal side and also to ouabain added to the serosal compartment. The process is a primary active transport, analogous to that found in amphibian epithelia or in mammalian colon. Cl- secretion is abolished by furosemide (or bumetanide), by ouabain or by Na+ suppression in the serosal incubation solution. The mechanism is a secondary active transport: Cl- influx across the basolateral membrane is coupled to Na+ (probably through Na+, K+, Cl- symport); energy is dissipated by the Na+-K+-ATPase localised in the basolateral membrane. Thus, Na+ is recirculated across that membrane by the pump activity, which maintains a favorable gradient for influx via the symport. Cl- efflux takes place by diffusion through the luminal membrane. This model applies to other epithelia in which Na+-coupled Cl- secretion was shown to take place. It is confirmed by isotopic fluxes measurements and by electrophysiologic properties of the apical and the basolateral membrane. Various agents are known to influence ion transports. In particular Cl- secretion is stimulated by substances that increase the intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP. At the membrane level, the number of active Cl- channels in the apical membrane is primarily controlled, then the basolateral membrane K+ permeability. Yet, species differences are worth to note: the trachea of the cow is barely sensitive to agents that exert a marked action on dog trachea. The tracheal epithelium is used as an experimental model for studying cystic fibrosis, a disease in which the apical membrane is almost devoid of functional Cl- channels, so that Cl- permeability is quite low.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Atypical kinocilia in the tracheal epithelium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary Electron microscopic studies of adult rat and mouse tracheal epithelium maintained in organ culture for a period of up to 6 days were performed. In specimens cultured for 60 minutes no conspicuous micromorphological alterations could be observed. Following culture periods from 1–6 days the number of cilia in some of the ciliated cells was reduced while their structure and the other ultrastructural details of the epithelial cells were preserved. In specimens cultured for 5–6 days some additional alterations could be noticed: polymorphism of mitochondria, increased number of lysosomes, appearance of intracellular vacuoles, exhaustion of goblet cells and disappearance of granulated mast-cell like cells in the rat tracheal epithelium.I want to thank Miss J. Selbmann and Mrs. S. Kolassa for technical help and Mr. H. Wagner for preparing the micrographs; I am indebted to Dr. D. Kerjaschki and to Mr. H. Hörandner for performing preparations for scanning electron microscopy and to Mr. P. Scholze (Österreichische Studiengesellschaft für Atomenergie, Institut für Metallurgie, Abteilung Fremdkörperphysik) for preparing the scanning electron micrograph.This work was supported by the Fond zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung: Project 2099.This paper is dedicated to Prof. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday.The author wishes to express her appreciation to Prof. Stockinger for suggestion and advice.  相似文献   

Authors studied the ultrastructural features of the mucous cells present in the three segments of the rabbit oviduct in anoestrous. Results showed that only one kind of mucous cell was present in the isthmus while two different kinds of mucous cells were found in the ampulla and infundibulum. The ultrastructural features observed in the isthmic cells correlated well with the histochemical data already described in that segment. However such correlations could not be made between the ampulla and infundibulum. Authors suggest that the ampulla can be considered a transitional segment between isthmus and infundibulum.  相似文献   

Summary Blocks of human normal renal pelvis and ureter obtained at the time of surgery were fixed in glutaraldehyde and osmium with or without ruthenium red, for electron microscopic observations. The transitional epithelium is arranged in three cell layers: basal, intermediate and superficial. All epithelial cells show numerous microvilli and contain the characteristic vesicles of transitional epithelium, bundles of cytoplasmic filaments, microtubules and numerous free ribosomes. The epithelial extracellular compartment is notably large and appears as an intricate, tridimensional network of canaliculi and cisternae which are wider in the intermediate and superficial layers and in which microvilli and cytoplasmic folds of vicinal cells are often attached or interdigitated. At these sites there are desmosomes.The surface of all transitional epithelial cells is covered by a fibrillar mucous coat which is more developed at the plasmalemma of the free border of luminal cells in which microvilli are also seen. Ruthenium red stains selectively the plasmalemma and the mucous coat of the free surface of the epithelium, indicating the presence of an acid polysaccharide. With this technic (Luft, 1965), it is observed, radiating from the plasmalemma, branching filaments which measure 100 Å in diameter forming a zone of varying density which is about 400 m wide and which corresponds, at the light microscopic level, to the luminal border of the transitional epithelial cells in which a sialomucin has been identified. The slender filaments have a beaded appearance. At the free border, superficial cells are attached by functional complexes in which tight junctions seal the epithelial intercellular space, which is opened at the level of the basement membrane where only desmosomes are observed.The ultrastructure of human transitional epithelium of urinary tract resembles the duct cells of the salt gland of certain marine birds (Fawcett, 1962) and the amphibian epidermis (Farquhar and Palade, 1965) in which there are active processes of transport. The mucous surface coat, selectively stained by the ruthenium red, contains a sialomucin (Monis and Dorfman, 1965, 1967).The ultrastructure and histochemistry of the mucous fluffy coat of man transitional epithelium and the observations of Porter and Tamm (1955), on the ultrastructure of preparations of the Tamm and Horsfall mucoprotein (1952) are bases for suggesting that transitional epithelium of urinary tract of man is the site of biosynthesis of certain urinary mucoids. Present investigations are directed to obtain evidence to substantiate this hypothesis.General Abbreviations B basal cell - E exfoliating cell - I intermediate cell - L lumen - S superficial cell - SC surface coat - bm basement membrane - ci cell infolding - d desmosome (macula adhaerens) - f fibroblast - fi cytoplasmic filaments - is intercellular space - jc junctional complex - ly lysosome - lym lymphocyte - mt microtubules - m mitochondria - mv microvilli - n nucleus - r ribosomes - rv round vesicle - zo zonula occludens - za zonula adherens Dr. Monis wishes to thank Dr. E. De Robertis for the use of the electron microscope facilities of the Instituto de Anatomía General y Embriologia, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires. — Prof. E. Trabucco and Dr. R. J. Borzone (Cátedra de Clinica Genitourinaria de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires) generously supplied the specimens which were the bases of this study. — Thanks are due to Mrs. A. M. Novara and Mrs. Defilippi-Novoa for efficient technical help and to Miss Rosa Gentile for secretarial assistance. Photomicrography by Mr. M. A. Saenz.Dr. Zambrano is investigator (CNICT).  相似文献   

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