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In continuing study of the origins of the octoploid tuber crop oca, Oxalis tuberosa Molina, we used phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences of the chloroplast-active (nuclear encoded) isozyme of glutamine synthetase (ncpGS) from cultivated oca, its allies in the "Oxalis tuberosa alliance," and other Andean Oxalis. Multiple ncpGS sequences found within individuals of both the cultigen and a yet unnamed wild tuber-bearing taxon of Bolivia were separated by molecular cloning, but some cloned sequences appeared to be artifacts of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) recombination and/or Taq error. Nonetheless, three classes of nonrecombinant sequences each joined a different part of the O. tuberosa alliance clade on the ncpGS gene tree. Octoploid oca shares two sequence classes with the Bolivian tuber-bearing taxon (of unknown ploidy level). Fixed heterozygosity of these two sequence classes in all ocas sampled suggests that they represent homeologous loci and that oca is allopolyploid. A third sequence class, found in eight of nine oca plants sampled, might represent a third homeologous locus, suggesting that oca may be autoallopolyploid, and is shared with another wild tuber-bearing species, tetraploid O. picchensis of southern Peru. Thus, ncpGS data identify these two taxa as the best candidates as progenitors of cultivated oca.  相似文献   

The 'Oxalis tuberosa alliance' is a group of Andean Oxalis species allied to the Andean tuber crop O. tuberosa Molina (Oxalidaceae), commonly known as 'oca'. As part of a larger project studying the origins of polyploidy and domestication of cultivated oca, flow cytometry was used to survey DNA ploidy levels among Bolivian and Peruvian accessions of alliance members. In addition, this study provided a first assessment of C-values in the alliance by estimating nuclear DNA contents of these accessions using chicken erythrocytes as internal standard. Ten Bolivian accessions of cultivated O. tuberosa were confirmed to be octoploid, with a mean nuclear DNA content of approx. 3.6 pg/2C. Two Peruvian wild Oxalis species, O. phaeotricha and O. picchensis, were inferred to be tetraploid (both with approx. 1.67 pg/2C), the latter being one of the putative progenitors of O. tuberosa identified by chloroplast-expressed glutamine synthetase data in prior work. The remaining accessions (from 78 populations provisionally identified as 35 species) were DNA diploid, with nuclear DNA contents varying from 0.79 to 1.34 pg/2C.  相似文献   

As part of a study aimed at elucidating the origins of the octoploid tuber crop "oca," Oxalis tuberosa, DNA sequences of the internal trancribed spacer of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA ITS) were determined for oca and several wild Oxalis species, mostly from Bolivia. Phylogenetic analysis of these data supports a group of these species as being close relatives of oca, in agreement with morphology and cytology, but at odds with traditional infrageneric taxonomy. Variation in ITS sequences within this group is quite low (0-7 substitutions in the entire ITS region), contrasting with the highly divergent (unalignable in some cases) sequences within the genus overall. Some groups of morphologically differentiated species were found to have identical sequences, notably a group that includes oca, wild populations of Oxalis that bear small tubers, and several other clearly distinct species. The presence of a second, minor sequence type in at least some oca accessions suggests a possible contribution from a second genome donor, also from within this same species group. ITS data lack sufficient variation to elucidate the origins of oca precisely, but have identified a pool of candidate species and so can be used as a tool to screen yet unsampled species for possible progenitors.  相似文献   

The most abundant soluble tuber protein from the Andean crop oca (Oxalis tuberosa Mol.), named ocatin, has been purified and characterized. Ocatin accounts for 40% to 60% of the total soluble oca tuber proteins, has an apparent molecular mass of 18 kD and an isoelectric point of 4.8. This protein appears to be found only in tubers and is accumulated only within the cells of the pith and peridermis layers (peel) of the tuber as it develops. Ocatin inhibits the growth of several phytopathogenic bacteria (Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Agrobacterium radiobacter, Serratia marcescens, and Pseudomonas aureofaciens) and fungi (Phytophthora cinnamomi, Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani, and Nectria hematococcus). Ocatin displays substantial amino acid sequence similarity with a widely distributed group of intracellular pathogenesis-related proteins with a hitherto unknown biological function. Our results showed that ocatin serves as a storage protein, has antimicrobial properties, and belongs to the Betv 1/PR-10/MLP protein family. Our findings suggest that an ancient scaffolding protein was recruited in the oca tuber to serve a storage function and that proteins from the Betv 1/PR-10/MLP family might play a role in natural resistance to pathogens.  相似文献   

The Andean tuber-bearing species, Oxalis tuberosa Mol., is a vegetatively propagated crop cultivated in the uplands of the Andes. Its genetic diversity was investigated in the present study using the inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) technique. Thirty-two accessions originating from South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru) and maintained in vitro were chosen to represent the ecogeographic diversity of its cultivation area. Twenty-two primers were tested and 9 were selected according to fingerprinting quality and reproducibility. Genetic diversity analysis was performed with 90 markers. Jaccard's genetic distance between accessions ranged from 0 to 0.49 with an average of 0.28 +/- 0.08 (mean +/- SD). Dendrogram (UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averaging)) and factorial correspondence analysis (FCA) showed that the genetic structure was influenced by the collection site. The two most distant clusters contained all of the Peruvian accessions, one from Bolivia, none from Argentina or Chile. Analysis by country revealed that Peru presented the greatest genetic distances from the other countries and possessed the highest intra-country genetic distance (0.30 +/- 0.08). This suggests that the Peruvian oca accessions form a distinct genetic group. The relatively low level of genetic diversity in the oca species may be related to its predominating reproduction strategy, i.e., vegetative propagation. The extent and structure of the genetic diversity of the species detailed here should help the establishment of conservation strategies.  相似文献   

A reconsideration of the domestication geography of tetraploid wheats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The domestication of tetraploid wheats started from their wild progenitor Triticum dicoccoides. In this paper, the geographical distribution of this progenitor is revised to include more sampling locations. The paper is based on a collection of wild and domesticated lines (226 accessions in total) analyzed by AFLP at 169 polymorphic loci. The collection includes the 69 wild lines considered by Mori et al. (2003) in their study on chloroplast DNA haplotypes of T. dicoccoides. The goal of the experiment was to reconsider which location thought to have generated the domesticated germplasm has the highest chance of being the actual site from which wild progenitors were sampled during domestication. Phylogenetic analysis of the nuclear AFLP databases indicates that two different genetic taxa of T. dicoccoides exist, the western one, colonizing Israel, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, and the central-eastern one, which has been frequently sampled in Turkey and rarely in Iran and Iraq. It is the central-eastern race that played the role of the progenitor of the domesticated germplasm. This is supported by the cumulative results of the AFLP data from the collections of Ozkan et al. (2002) and of Mori et al. (2003), which indicate that the Turkish Karacadag population, intermixed with some Iraq-Iran lines, has a tree topology consistent with that of the progenitor of domesticated genotypes. The Turkish Kartal population belongs genetically to the central-eastern T. dicoccoides race but at the nuclear DNA level is less related to the domesticated gene pool. A general agreement between published work on tetraploid wheat domestication emerges from these results. A disagreement is nevertheless evident at the local geographical scale; the chloroplast DNA data indicate the Kartal mountains while AFLP fingerprinting points to the Karacadag Range as the putative site of tetraploid wheat domestication.  相似文献   

O. tuberosa is an Andean crop that belongs to the worldwide distributed genusOxalis. On the basis of their chromosome numbers the following species (O. herrerae, O. lotoides, O. medicaginea, O. mollissima, O. oblongiformis, O. peduncularis, O. spiralis, O. subintegra, O. tabaconanensis, O. tuberosa, O. villosula) were placed in an alliance. To analyse five species belonging to theOxalis tuberosa alliance (O. oblongiformis, O. peduncularis, O. tabaconanensis, O. tuberosa andO. villosula) and a distant member of the genus (O. articulata), we examined 253 AFLP markers generated after amplification using four primer combinations. Within the alliance, two main clusters were observed, one containing the diploid species and the other group with the polyploid speciesO. tuberosa. All of the primer combinations assayed showed the same clustering pattern. Grouping of accessions of each species by data analysis corresponded largely with their previous taxonomic classifications. The concordance between the clustering of the individuals belonging to different species obtained in this work show the appropriateness of AFLP markers for this type of study. The results obtained are in good agreement with the cytogenetic hypothesis and showed a clustering behaviour, which is similar to the one previously obtained using ITS rDNA nucleotide sequence comparison.  相似文献   

There is a debate concerning mono- or poly-phyletic origins of the Near Eastern crops. In parallel, some authors claim that domestication was not possible within the natural range of the wild progenitors due to wild alleles flow into the nascent crops. Here we address both, the mono- or poly-phyletic origins and the domestications within or without the natural range of the progenitor, debates in order to understand the relationship between domesticated chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and its wild progenitor (C. reticulatum Ladizinsky) with special emphasis on its domestication centre in southeastern Turkey. A set of 103 chickpea cultivars and landraces from the major growing regions alongside wild accessions (C. reticulatum, C. echinospermum P.H Davis and C. bijugum K.H. Rech) sampled across the natural distribution range in eastern Turkey were genotyped with 194 SNPs markers. The genetic affinities between and within the studied taxa were assessed. The analysis suggests a mono-phyletic origin of the cultigen, with several wild accession as likely members of the wild stock of the cultigen. Clear separation between the wild and domesticated germplasm was apparent, with negligible level of admixture. A single C. reticulatum accession shows morphological and allelic signatures of admixture, a likely result of introgression. No evidence of geneflow from the wild into domesticated germplasm was found. The traditional farming systems of southeaster Turkey are characterized by occurrence of sympatric wild progenitor—domesticated forms of chickpea (and likewise cereals and other grain legumes). Therefore, both the authentic crop landraces and the wild populations native to the area are a unique genetic resource. Our results grant support to the notion of domestication within the natural distribution range of the wild progenitor, suggesting that the Neolithic domesticators were fully capable of selecting the desired phenotypes even when facing rare wild-domesticated introgression events.  相似文献   

H Hilton  B S Gaut 《Genetics》1998,150(2):863-872
The grass genus Zea contains the domesticate maize and several wild taxa indigenous to Central and South America. Here we study the genetic consequences of speciation and domestication in this group by sampling DNA sequences from four taxa-maize (Zea mays ssp. mays), its wild progenitor (Z. mays ssp. parviglumis), a more distant species within the genus (Z. luxurians), and a representative of the sister genus (Tripsacum dactyloides). We sampled a total of 26 sequences from the glb1 locus, which encodes a nonessential seed storage protein. Within the Zea taxa sampled, the progenitor to maize contains the most sequence diversity. Maize contains 60% of the level of genetic diversity of its progenitor, and Z. luxurians contains even less diversity (32% of the level of diversity of Z. mays ssp. parviglumis). Sequence variation within the glb1 locus is consistent with neutral evolution in all four taxa. The glb1 data were combined with adh1 data from a previous study to make inferences about the population genetic histories of these taxa. Comparisons of sequence data between the two morphologically similar wild Zea taxa indicate that the species diverged approximately 700, 000 years ago from a common ancestor of intermediate size to their present populations. Conversely, the domestication of maize was a recent event that could have been based on a very small number of founding individuals. Maize retained a substantial proportion of the genetic variation of its progenitor through this founder event, but diverged rapidly in morphology.  相似文献   

Although polyploidy is widespread, its significance to the generation of biodiversity remains unclear. Many polyploids have been derived recurrently. For a particular polyploid, gene‐flow between the products of independent origin is typical where they come into contact. Here, we use AFLP DNA‐fingerprinting and chloroplast DNA sequences to demonstrate parallel polyploid speciation within both of the ferns Asplenium cimmeriorum and A. gracillimum. Both of these taxa comprise at least two allopolyploids, recurrently derived from the same progenitor pair. Each of these allopolyploids remain genetically distinguishable even with extensive sympatry, and could therefore be considered distinct species. To our knowledge, parallel speciation on this scale amongst recurrent polyploids has not been previously reported. With their parallel origins, these ‘evolutionary replicates’ provide an unrivalled opportunity to investigate how the reproductive barriers and ecological differentiation necessary for speciation arise following polyploidy.  相似文献   

We characterized a zebrafish mutant that displays defects in melanin synthesis and in the differentiation of melanophores and iridophores of the skin and retinal pigment epithelium. Positional cloning and candidate gene sequencing link this mutation to a 410‐kb region on chromosome 6, containing the oculocutaneous albinism 2 (oca2) gene. Quantification of oca2 mutant melanophores shows a reduction in the number of differentiated melanophores compared with wildtype siblings. Consistent with the analysis of mouse Oca2‐deficient melanocytes, zebrafish mutant melanophores have immature melanosomes which are partially rescued following treatment with vacuolar‐type ATPase inhibitor/cytoplasmic pH modifier, bafilomycin A1. Melanophore‐specific gene expression is detected at the correct time and in anticipated locations. While oca2 zebrafish display unpigmented gaps on the head region of mutants 3 days post‐fertilization, melanoblast quantification indicates that oca2 mutants have the correct number of melanoblasts, suggesting a differentiation defect explains the reduced melanophore number. Unlike melanophores, which are reduced in number in oca2 mutants, differentiated iridophores are present at significantly higher numbers. These data suggest distinct mechanisms for oca2 in establishing differentiated chromatophore number in developing zebrafish.  相似文献   

AFLP data and the origins of domesticated crops.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) datasets have been used to construct neighbor-joining trees from which monophyletic origins for crops such as einkorn wheat, barley, and emmer wheat have been inferred. We simulated several different multiple domestication scenarios for an imaginary cereal crop and examined the resulting domesticated populations. The simulations showed that the population biology aspects of the domestication process can result in independently domesticated populations merging in such a way that a monophyletic origin is erroneously inferred when the resulting population is examined by AFLP genotyping a nd neighbor-joining analysis. The resultsbring into question the use of this method to infer the origins of real crops.  相似文献   

TheOxalis tuberosa alliance is a group of morphologically similarOxalis species allied to the Andean tuber crop oca,O. tuberosa. Originally described by cytologists as a dozen species sharing a base chromosome number rare inOxalis (x = 8), the alliance as defined here includes additional species for which cytological information is not yet available but which are supported as members on molecular and/or morphological grounds. The alliance includes members found in the Andean region from Venezuela to northern Argentina, with one species at high elevations in Central America. They occur from the high Andean steppes (páramo and puna) to the cloud forests of middle elevations and include both restricted endemics and variable widespread species complexes. Geographical and altitudinal distributions of members of the alliance and selectedOxalis species outside the alliance were compared with a combined phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequence data of ITS and ncpGS (chloroplast-expressed glutamine synthetase). Groups within the alliance (i.e., major clades on the molecular trees) occur across widespread, overlapping regions in the Andes, with only partial ecological separation. The hypothesis that theO. tuberosa alliance may have developed in the Andes of southern Peru and northwestern Bolivia and radiated southward and, especially, northward along the Andean axis is suggested by patterns of distributions of members of the alliance and outgroups. In spite of uncertain species delimitations, it is clear that the alliance includes many endemic species and ecotypes that have very restricted distributions. As relatives of the Andean tuber cropOxalis tuberosa, the genetic diversity represented by this geographical variability should be a high priority for conservation.  相似文献   

In the thousands of years of rice domestication in Asia, many useful genes have been lost from the gene pool. Wild rice is a key source of diversity for domesticated rice. Genome sequencing has suggested that the wild rice populations in northern Australia may include novel taxa, within the AA genome group of close (interfertile) wild relatives of domesticated rice that have evolved independently due to geographic separation and been isolated from the loss of diversity associated with gene flow from the large populations of domesticated rice in Asia. Australian wild rice was collected from 27 sites from Townsville to the northern tip of Cape York. Whole chloroplast genome sequences and 4,555 nuclear gene sequences (more than 8 Mbp) were used to explore genetic relationships between these populations and other wild and domesticated rices. Analysis of the chloroplast and nuclear data showed very clear evidence of distinctness from other AA genome Oryza species with significant divergence between Australian populations. Phylogenetic analysis suggested the Australian populations represent the earliest‐branching AA genome lineages and may be critical resources for global rice food security. Nuclear genome analysis demonstrated that the diverse O. meridionalis populations were sister to all other AA genome taxa while the Australian O. rufipogon‐like populations were associated with the clade that included domesticated rice. Populations of apparent hybrids between the taxa were also identified suggesting ongoing dynamic evolution of wild rice in Australia. These introgressions model events similar to those likely to have been involved in the domestication of rice.  相似文献   

Red rice is an interfertiie, weedy form of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) that competes aggressively with the cropin the southern US, reducing yields and contaminating harvests. No wild Oryza species occur In North America andthe weed has been proposed to have evolved through multiple mechanisms, including "de-domestication" of UScrop cultivars, accidental introduction of Asian weeds, and hybridization between US crops and Asian wild/weedyOryza strains. The phenotype of US red rice ranges from "crop mimics", which share some domestication traitswith the crop, to strains closely resembling Asian wild Oryza species. Assessments of genetic diversity haveindicated that many weed strains are closely related to Asian taxa (including indica and aus rice varieties, whichhave never been cultivated in the US, and the Asian crop progenitor O. rufipogon), whereas others show geneticsimilarity to the tropical japonica varieties cultivated in the southern US. Herein, we review what is known aboutthe evolutionary origins and genetic diversity of US red rice and describe an ongoing research project to furthercharacterize the evolutionary genomics of this aggressive weed.  相似文献   

Chimonanthus praecox (L.) Link is a widely cultivated endemic winter-flowering plant in China that has a long cultivation history. Genetic diversity and genetic structure were compared between wild and cultivated groups to reveal the geographic origin of the cultivated genotypes using chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequences and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Nine haplotypes were identified using three combined chloroplast fragments. Based on chloroplast data, the wild group showed greater genetic variation and genetic differentiation and a lower measure of gene flow compared to the cultivated group. The AFLP markers also supported this trend. More than 40% of the cpDNA haplotypes were shared between wild and cultivated groups, with shared haplotypes originating from multiple wild populations, suggesting multiple origins of cultivated plants. Moreover, principal coordinate analysis, UPGMA, and structure analysis of AFLP markers revealed that two wild populations clustered with most of the cultivated populations of Ch. praecox, suggesting that most of the cultivated populations mainly originated from these two populations. The combined cpDNA and AFLP results indicated that modern cultivated Ch. praecox experienced multiple events of origin involving two geographic origins, eastern China (Tianmu Mountain) and southwestern China (the border of Hunan–Guangxi–Sichuan–Guizhou).  相似文献   

Evolutionary Genomics of Weedy Rice in the USA   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Red rice Is an Interfertlle, weedy form of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) that competes aggressively with the crop In the southern US, reducing yields and contaminating harvests. No wild Oryza species occur In North America and the weed has been proposed to have evolved through multiple mechanisms, Including "de-domestication" of US crop cultlvars, accidental introduction of Asian weeds, and hybridization between US crops and Asian wild/weedy Oryza strains. The phenotype of US red rice ranges from "crop mimics", which share some domestication traits with the crop, to strains closely resembling Asian wild Oryza species. Assessments of genetic diversity have Indicated that many weed strains are closely related to Asian taxa (Including indica and aus rice varieties, which have never been cultivated In the US, and the Asian crop progenitor O. ruflpogon), whereas others show genetic similarity to the tropical Japonica varieties cultivated In the southern US. Herein, we review what Is known about the evolutionary origins and genetic diversity of US red rice and describe an ongoing research project to further characterize the evolutionary genomlcs of this aggressive weed.  相似文献   

Root fluorescence is a phenomenon in which roots of seedlings fluoresce when irradiated with ultraviolet (UV) light. Soybean (Glycine max) and rye grass (Elymus glaucus) are the only plant species that have been reported to exhibit this occurrence in germinating seedling roots. The trait has been useful as a marker in genetic, tissue culture and diversity studies, and has facilitated selection of plants for breeding purposes. However, the biological significance of this occurrence in plants and other organisms is unknown. Here we report that the Andean tuber crop species Oxalis tuberosa, known as oca in the highlands of South America, secretes a fluorescent compound as part of its root exudates. The main fluorescent compounds were characterized as harmine (7-methoxy-1-methyl-beta-carboline) and harmaline (3, 4-dihydroharmine). We also detected endogenous root fluorescence in other plant species, including Arabidopsis thaliana and Phytolacca americana, a possible indication that this phenomenon is widespread within the plant kingdom.  相似文献   

The history of some invasive species is so complex that their origins can be difficult to determine. One example of such invasive species is the California invasive known as “wild artichoke thistle” (Cynara cardunculus var. sylvestris), found in natural and disturbed ecosystems. Wild artichoke thistle is a Mediterranean native and the progenitor of two domesticated horticultural taxa, artichoke and cardoon. Different hypotheses regarding the origins of California plants have included introductions by 19th century Italian immigrants and the de-domestication (evolutionary reversion to wild-type morphology) of feral (escaped, free-living) cultivars. Using microsatellite markers, we compared the genetic constitutions of 12 artichoke thistle populations in California with possible progenitor populations: 17 Spanish and Italian wild populations and eight different artichoke and cardoon cultivars. Each California population was compared with its putative progenitors using STRUCTURE analysis. Our results suggest that California's artichoke thistle populations are polyphyletic. Surprisingly, two-thirds of California's populations closely matched populations from the Iberian Peninsula. Three populations matched domesticated artichoke. One population appears to have wild and cultivar hybrid ancestry. Alleles specific to Italian populations were found at low frequencies in some California plants, suggesting that Italian wild plants may have been in California, but have left a trivial genetic legacy. Given that the de-domesticated plants in this study appear to be as invasive as the wild taxon, we conclude with a discussion of the role that ferality and de-domestication may have in plant invasions.  相似文献   

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