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The genus Calocedrus Kurz is characterized by flattened branches covered with decussate and dimorphic leaves. In this study, we describe fossil foliage of Calocedrus discovered in the Shangcun Formation (early Oligocene) of the Maoming Basin, South China. The fossils have wedge‐shaped branchlet segments and scale‐like strongly dimorphic leaves, similar to the fossil species Calocedrus lantenoisi (Laurent) Tao. There have been no detailed studies of the morphological features and cuticle structures of C. lantenoisi. Therefore, a newly emended diagnosis of the species C. lantenoisi is given based on a detailed study of leaf morphology and cuticular characters exhibited by the Maoming fossils. This is one of the earliest fossil records of Calocedrus in the world, providing additional evidence for the early biogeographic history of this genus and supporting the inference that eastern Asian Calocedrus is primitive among all the living species. The extant species of Calocedrus are mainly distributed in mountainous regions. On the basis of the “nearest living relative” analysis, we propose that the Maoming Basin was adjacent to a mountainous region during the early Oligocene.  相似文献   

?Premise of the study: We developed simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for Callitris columellaris sensu lato (s.l.) to elucidate population genetic structure and detect outlier loci by genome scan. ?Methods and Results: mRNA from an individual seedling was subjected to cDNA synthesis and then de novo pyrosequencing. Two hundred and nineteen primer pairs bordering sequence regions were designed from the obtained sequence data. In total, 52 showed polymorphism within 16 individuals representative of the species' entire range, with the number of alleles per locus and expected heterozygosity ranging from two to 10 and 0.06 to 0.84, respectively. ?Conclusions: The EST-SSR markers developed in this study will be useful for evaluating the range-wide genetic structure of C. columellaris s.l. and detecting outlier loci under selection, as well as providing useful markers to investigate the conservation genetics and reproductive ecology of the species.  相似文献   

Mortality due to fungal infections has increased substantially, becoming a worldwide problem in public health. As a contribution to the discovery of new antifungal agents, the properties of the heartwood essential oils of two trees growing in New Caledonia, Callitris neocaledonica and C. sulcata (Cupressaceae) were investigated. The essential oils extracted by hydrodistillation were characterized by GC-FID and GC/MS analyses. From C. neocaledonica oil, 31 constituents were identified, representing 97.0% of the total oil composition, which was mainly constituted by oxygenated sesquiterpenes (88%). Among them, guaiol (1; 30.2%), bulnesol (2; 12.5%), α-eudesmol (3; 10.5%), β-eudesmol (4; 10.5%), γ-eudesmol (10.2%), and elemol (4.9%) predominated. The chemical composition of C. sulcata oil, from which 39 constituents were identified (96.8% of the total oil composition), showed some similarities with that of C. neocaledonica oil. The major constituents were also oxygenated sesquiterpenes, accounting for 78.5% of the oil, amongst them, mainly compounds 1 (16.1%), 3 and 4 (9.7% each), as well as 2 (7.4%). The antifungal activity of the oils against clinical isolates of four dermatophytic fungi (Trichophyton mentagrophytes, T. rubrum, Microsporum canis, and M. gypseum) and six yeasts (Candida albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. glabrata, C. krusei, Cryptococcus neoformans, and Cryptococcus gattii) was tested by determining minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) using the microdilution method. The best antifungal activities of the C. neocaledonica and C. sulcata oils were obtained against C. krusei (MICs of 3.9 and 0.975?μg/ml, resp.). These MIC values were similar to those of the reference drugs itraconazole and fluconazole (1.0 and 0.5?mg/ml, resp.). The oils were also subjected to a screening for their possible DPPH(.) (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical-scavenging activity. C. neocaledonica essential oil was more active than C. sulcata oil (93.3 vs. 32.2% DPPH(.) scavenged at 250?μg/ml).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the dioecious or monoecious condition of Fitzroya cupressoides and Pilgerodendron uviferum. The study area lies west of the Nahuel Huapi National Park in northern Patagonia (Argentina), where these species form mixed stands. One hundred individuals of each species were studied over three successive years. The nature and position in the crown of their reproductive organs were recorded. Results showed that both species are dioecious. This feature has been confirmed on trees of these species growing in other sites within their natural distribution area in Argentina and Chile.  相似文献   

Two new sites with mammalian footprints in the early Oligocene of southeastern France are described here. They represent one of the best preserved and more numerous record of tracks and trackways in the world with more than 320 ichnites. Many of those are arranged in trackways and sometimes show pes-manus impressions, a quite rare feature in mammalian ichnology. The ichnotaxonomic study indicates the presence of perissodactyls tracks referred to as Rhinoceripeda voconcense (Demathieu et al., 1984 Demathieu, G., Ginsburg, L., Guérin, C. and Truc, G. 1984. Etude paléontologique, ichnologique et paléoécologique du gisement oligocène de Saignon (bassin d’Apt, Vaucluse). Bulletin du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 6: 153183.  [Google Scholar]), artiodactyls footprints referred to as Megapecoripeda velox (Demathieu et al., 1984 Demathieu, G., Ginsburg, L., Guérin, C. and Truc, G. 1984. Etude paléontologique, ichnologique et paléoécologique du gisement oligocène de Saignon (bassin d’Apt, Vaucluse). Bulletin du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 6: 153183.  [Google Scholar]) and a carnivore footprint referred to as Bestiopeda sp. Vialov (1966) Vialov, O. S. 1966. Sledy zhiznedeyatelnosti organizmow i ikh paleontologicheskoe znachenie. Naukova Dumka, : 219 (in Russian) [Google Scholar]. They can be attributed to early Rhinocerotids, Lophiomerycids and/or Entelodonts and Mustelid-like carnivore, respectively. This study also aims at homogenizing the ichnotaxonomy used for mammal tracks where several genera were erected without a full review of the literature. All this taken together reveals a rich mammalian ichnofauna at a time period when no other fossils of mammals are known in the area and represents a good opportunity to provide state-of-the-art concerning the worldwide known sites that yielded mammalian footprints.  相似文献   

A new genus and species Deutschenchelys micklichi gen. et sp. nov. is described from the Lower Oligocene of Germany (Frauenweiler site, near Rauenberg town, Baden-Württemberg) and placed, to some extent provisionally, due to the incompletely preserved specimen, into the family Moringuidae. The new genus is compared to a wide range of recent families of the order Anguilliformes and to other genera of the family Moringuidae. It is concluded that the recent genera of Moringuidae probably diverged earlier than the Oligocene.  相似文献   

This paper reports a previously unknown leaf-flora from the Upper Oligocene/Lower Miocene of the Ebro Basin, NE Spain, a period with a relatively poor vascular-plant fossil record in Southern Europe. The presence of Acrostichum sp. is also important. This fern is extremely significant from the point of view of palaeoecology and the depositional environment. The macroflora appears to yield sufficient morphological characteristics to be identified at genus level, and sometimes at species level, although cuticles are not preserved. This article presents the first data obtained from the new outcrop at La Val; the following families have been identified: Pteridaceae, Dennstaedtiaceae, Equisetaceae, Pinaceae, Lauraceae, Hamamelidaceae, Betulaceae, Myricaceae and Salicaceae. The fossil plant assemblage is correlated with the Cadibona floristic complex (Mai, Tertiäre Vegetationsgeschichte Europas. Methoden und Ergebnisse, Gustav Fischer, Jena, 691 pp., 1995) and suggests a subtropical-to-warm temperate climate, rainy and wet, with a short dry season. The age of the assemblage is Late Oligocene/Early Miocene.  相似文献   

Shallow marine gastropod assemblages from Chattian, Aquitanian and Burdigalian sections in the Indian Kutch Basin are described. They provide insight into the composition and biogeographic relations of the gastropod assemblages at this junction between the Western Tethys and Proto-Indo-Pacific Ocean. For the first time, an improved biostratigraphy allows a clear separation of the assemblages, especially for the hitherto undifferentiated Early Miocene faunas. Throughout the Oligocene, about one-third of the species are also frequently found in the Western Tethys, documenting a passable Tethyan Seaway for nearshore molluscs. A considerable provincialism is evident as well. The expected turnover during the Early Miocene, due to the closing of the Tethyan Seaway, is reflected in the Miocene assemblages. Surprisingly, however, the cut appears very early, i.e. already during the Aquitanian, when the West–East interrelation drops to zero despite the passage having been open during this interval. In contrast, the Burdigalian assemblages witness a minor re-appearance of Western Tethys taxa, suggesting the re-establishment of rather ineffective migration pathways prior to the final closure of the Tethyan Seaway. Cerithium bermotiense and Lyria (Indolyria) maniyaraensis are introduced as new species.  相似文献   

The evolution of taxodiaceous Cupressaceae has been discussed controversially, because phylogenetic analyses using non-molecular data show major differences to molecular analyses. To solve this problem, we used non-molecular data with a high probability of homology. With these type of data, we could show for the first time in taxodiaceous Cupressaceae that phylogenetic trees of molecular and non-molecular data share the same topology. Investigation of female cone development also contributes to better understanding of morphology and anatomy in taxodiaceous Cupressaceae. Additional developmental, fossil and cone configuration data support the topology constructed by using the molecular and non-molecular data.  相似文献   

The amber of Simojovel de Allende, Chiapas, Mexico, of Late Oligocene-Early Miocene age, has yielded a new flower representing the Meliaceae. The flower of Swietenia miocenica Casta?eda-Posadas & Cevallos-Ferriz sp. nov. is characterized by small size; free calyx composed of five glabrous lobes, ciliolated along the margin lobes; corolla composed of five free, contortedly inserted petals with ciliolated margins; cylindrical staminal tube ending in 10 acuminate or toothed accessories and 10 sessile anthers; and a discoid stigma divided in five lobular stigmatic glands. The morphology of S. miocenica is well represented among Meliaceae. Although the new species shares many characters with Swietenia microphylla, small differences in the length and width of petals and the length of staminal tube support its recognition as a new species. The presence of this genus demonstrates the establishment of tropical communities in southern Mexico by the early Miocene and highlights the influence of the northern hemisphere flora on the extant neotropical flora of the area.  相似文献   

The genus Burretiodendron Rehder is currently endemic to an area near the China–Vietnam border and the limestone mountains of Thailand and Myanmar. The fossil records of this genus were previously found only from the Miocene of Yunnan, Southwest China, and the Oligocene of Guangxi, South China. Here, we describe fossil fruits and associated leaves of Burretiodendron, which were discovered in the lower Oligocene Shangcun Formation of the Maoming Basin, Guangdong, South China. Morphological comparison with extant and fossil Burretiodendron taxa indicates that fruit fossils belong to the species Burretiodendron parvifructum J. Lebreton Anberrée & Z. K. Zhou. This is one of the earliest fossil records of the genus, providing additional evidence for the early biogeographic history of this genus and supporting the inference that the genus originated in South China. According to the habitat conditions of modern species, we speculate that there were limestone mountains around the Maoming Basin in the early Oligocene.  相似文献   

The cupressaceous genus Tetraclinis is recognized from the Oligocene and Miocene of western North America on the basis of co-occurring seed cones, seeds, and foliage branches. Morphological and anatomical comparisons with the two previously recognized European Tertiary species indicate that the North American specimens are morphologically inseparable from Tetraclinis salicornioides (Unger) Kvacek. The North American taxon is treated as a new variety, T. salicornioides (Unger) Kvacek var. praedecurrens (Knowlton) comb. et stat. nov., and is distinguished from the European representatives, T. salicornioides (Unger) Kvacek var. salicornioides, by slight anatomical differences in the leaf epidermis. Although cones and seeds of the fossil species are closely similar to those of extant Tetraclinis articulata, the foliage is more "spreading," composed of flattened segments with fused facial and lateral leaves that are apparently adaptive for a more mesic climate. The recognition of T. salicornioides in western North America along with the absence of Tetraclinis in the fossil and recent flora of eastern Asia provide evidence for communication of the species across the North Atlantic during the early or middle Tertiary.  相似文献   

Cynthiacetus peruvianus nov. sp. is a new basilosaurid species, from Late Eocene to Early Oligocene Otuma Formation of Peru. It is the first described archaeocete in South-America and is represented by a sub-complete skeleton. C. peruvianus differs from C. maxwelli (middle to Late Eocene of Egypt and United States) principally in having one cuspid less on both mesial and distal sides of p3 and p4. Cynthiacetus is among the largest basilosaurids. Its more characteristic features are located on its postcranial skeleton: large vertebrarterial foramina on cervical vertebrae and absence of ventral expansion of the transverse process on C3-C5. Besides, C. peruvianus presents the greatest number of thoracic vertebrae (20) and ribs observed in Cetacea and the first thoracics have an almost vertical neural spine. A preliminary parsimony analysis establishes the monophyly of the Basilosauridae on the basis of three unambiguous cranial synapomorphies. However, within the Basilosauridae, the most diagnostic characters are observed on the postcranial skeleton.  相似文献   

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