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滇鼠刺花的形态发生(鼠刺科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在扫描电镜下 ,观察了滇鼠刺 (IteayunnanensisFranch .)花的形态发生。花 3朵一束 ,排成总状花序。花器官为轮状结构 ,向心发生 ;花萼以 2 /5螺旋式相继发生 ,5个花瓣原基几乎同步地在花萼内侧与其互生的位置发生。雄蕊单轮对萼。当雄蕊发生后 ,花顶中心的分生组织开始凹陷 ,成为浅锅状 ;在其周围出现一个环状的分生组织 ,随之 ,2心皮原基产生 ,进而发育为马蹄形。初期的心皮相互分离 ,随着进一步发育 ,心皮内卷 ,彼此靠近、紧贴 ,逐渐于腹面合生 ,形成 2室的中轴胎座 ;花柱的腹维管束通过薄壁组织连通 ;花期柱头融合 ,因此该种为合生心皮。对鼠刺属 (Itea)及相关类群花发育性状和花结构进行了比较 ,支持把鼠刺属提升为鼠刺科 (Iteaceae)的观点。  相似文献   

在扫描电镜下,观察了滇鼠刺(Itea yunnanensis Franch.)花的形态发生.花3朵一束,排成总状花序.花器官为轮状结构,向心发生;花萼以2/5螺旋式相继发生,5个花瓣原基几乎同步地在花萼内侧与其互生的位置发生.雄蕊单轮对萼.当雄蕊发生后,花顶中心的分生组织开始凹陷,成为浅锅状;在其周围出现一个环状的分生组织,随之,2心皮原基产生,进而发育为马蹄形.初期的心皮相互分离,随着进一步发育,心皮内卷,彼此靠近、紧贴,逐渐于腹面合生,形成2室的中轴胎座;花柱的腹维管束通过薄壁组织连通;花期柱头融合,因此该种为合生心皮.对鼠刺属(Itea)及相关类群花发育性状和花结构进行了比较,支持把鼠刺属提升为鼠刺科(Iteaceae)的观点.  相似文献   

鼠刺科鼠刺属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘寿养 《广西植物》2001,21(1):35-36
Itea tenuinervia S. Y. Liu,sp.nov.Affinis I. riperiae Coll. et Hemsl. quaeplantisad 6 m altis,foliis obovato-oblongis,ellipticis vellanceolatis,racemo pendulo,pedicellis(3~ 5 mmlongis) etpetalis(4 mm longis) omnine brevioribusdiffert;etiam species I. tho…  相似文献   

Several ecological conditions and processes occurring naturally in plant populations may lead to spatial aggregation of sexes within populations of sexually polymorphic species. In addition, ecological disturbances such as forest management or fire could also affect the spatial distribution of sexes within populations. Spatial aggregation of sexes can have important consequences for the fitness of the individuals in sex-biased patches through increased pollen limitation and/or variation in the male fitness of hermaphrodites. Therefore, spatial aggregation of sexes could be relevant for the maintenance of the sexual polymorphism in plant species. Here, we used point pattern analysis to study the spatial distribution of female and hermaphrodite individuals within a single population of the gynodioecious understory shrub Daphne laureola, inhabiting a young pine reforestation and the adjacent natural undisturbed area. In the undisturbed area, we found that hermaphrodites were distributed randomly whereas females were spatially aggregated at short distances. Such aggregation could result from narrower ecological amplitude, cyto-nuclear determination of sex and limited dispersal and/or increased cloning in females. In the reforested area, females were slightly more abundant and the two sexes were randomly distributed among all plants. Recolonization processes after certain forest disturbances could thus favour the establishment of females and alter the spatial distribution of sexes in this understory species.  相似文献   

Itea is a genus of about 20 species of trees and shrubs that are today native to southeastern North America, eastern Asia, and eastern Africa. In this paper, I review the fossil record of Itea, which is based on four types of fossils: diporate, psilate pollen attributed to Itea or the dispersed pollen genus Iteapollis; carpofossils representing fruits and seeds attributed to Itea europaea; flowers preserved in amber and assigned to Adenanthemum iteoides; and leaf impressions attributed to Itea. The distributions of these fossils indicate that Itea was present in western North America from the early Eocene to Miocene, in eastern North America beginning no later than the early Miocene, and in western Eurasia from the late Eocene to Pliocene. Only one datapoint is known from eastern Asia; it is early Miocene in age. Based on the fossil record, it can be inferred that Itea crossed between continents over both the Bering Land Bridge and North American Land Bridge, and that it reached Africa from Europe via Anatolia. Thus, it is predicted that the sole extant North American species, I. virginica, may be most closely related to the sole extant African species, I. rhamnoides. The potential application of Itea fossils to calibrating phylogenetic trees generated from molecular sequence data is also discussed.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of progeny arrays was used to determine whether Ardisia escallonioides (Myrsinaceae). a self-compatible tropical understory shrub in south Florida, exhibits a mixed-mating system. Ten seedlings from seven to 16 maternal plants from four populations were analyzed using five polymorphic enzyme systems. Multilocus population out-crossing rates ranged from 0.39 to > 1, with three populations showing high levels of selfing. Both single and multilocus inbreeding coefficients (F) indicated excess homozygosity in seedlings but not adults for three of the four populations. Population outcrossing rate was not positively correlated with increased numbers of flowering plants. The importance of annual variation in population outcrossing rates is discussed with regard to the high temporal variability in seedling recruitment in this species.  相似文献   

Analyses of fine-scale and macrogeographic genetic structure in plant populations provide an initial indication of how gene flow, natural selection, and genetic drift may collectively influence the distribution of genetic variation. The objective of our study is to evaluate the spatial dispersion of alleles within and among subpopulations of a tropical shrub, Psychotria officinalis (Rubiaceae), in a lowland wet forest in Costa Rica. This insect-pollinated, self-incompatible understory plant is dispersed primarily by birds, some species of which drop the seeds immediately while others transport seeds away from the parent plant. Thus, pollination should promote gene flow while at least one type of seed dispersal agent might restrict gene flow. Sampling from five subpopulations in undisturbed wet forest at Estación Biologíca La Selva, Costa Rica, we used electrophoretically detected isozyme markers to examine the spatial scale of genetic structure. Our goals are: 1) describe genetic diversity of each of the five subpopulations of Psychotria officinalis sampled within a contiguous wet tropical forest; 2) evaluate fine-scale genetic structure of adults of P. officinalis within a single 2.25-ha mapped plot; and 3) estimate genetic structure of P. officinalis using data from five subpopulations located up to 2 km apart. Using estimates of coancestry, statistical analyses reveal significant positive genetic correlations between individuals on a scale of 5 m but no significant genetic relatedness beyond that interplant distance within the studied subpopulation. Multilocus estimates of genetic differentiation among subpopulations were low, but significant (Fst = 0.095). Significant Fst estimates were largely attributable to a single locus (Lap-2). Thus, multilocus estimates of Fst may be influenced by microgeographic selection. If true, then the observed levels of IBD may be overestimates.  相似文献   

I investigated the effects of display size and flowering phenology on fruit set in Aucuba japonica, an understory dioecious shrub pollinated by opportunistic insects. Natural variations in display size, flowering phenology, and fruit set were monitored in 1997. A hand-pollination experiment was also conducted to check whether pollen limitation was a factor in fruit set in the field. Increases in floral display size did not affect fruit set; the proportion of flowers that set fruit was almost constant irrespective of the total number of flowers per inflorescence, the total number of inflorescences per plant, and the total number of flowers per plant. The hand-pollination experiment showed that fruit set was not pollen limited despite the low mating probability that resulted from the combination of dioecism and the species' dependence on opportunistic pollinators. This was due, in part, to the fact that female flowers did not have a predetermined period of receptivity, but instead remained receptive until they received pollen. In contrast, flowering phenology did affect fruit set. Fruit set was most abundant when male and female flowering was most abundant. This suggests there was some degree of pollen limitation during the part of the flowering season when male flowers were scarce.  相似文献   

Chapman GB 《Tissue & cell》1999,31(4):421-427
In an attempt to provide some essential basic data, currently very sparse, on the ultrastructure of solitary bees, the histology, cytology and ultrastructure of thin and ultrathin sections of ovarioles of the adult carpenter beeXylocopa virginica virginica were studied with the light and transmission electron microscopes. The work revealed an apparently previously unreported occurrence of intracellular paired membrane configurations in follicle cells of an ovariole and confirmed the presence in follicle cells of somatic intercellular bridges previously reported in follicle cells in a variety of bees, but not in the carpenter bee. Microtubules and bacteroids were also seen in the follicle cells.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics in nitrogen and phosphorus content were examined for each component organ ofAucuba japonica, an evergreen understory shrub in the warmtemperate region of Japan. Evergreen foliage was the largest pool for each nutrient; nitrogen and phosphorus were accumulated and stored in autumn and then redistributed in the spring. For individual leaves, such seasonal accumulations and redistributions were repeated through two or three years and then at leaf fall, an additional amount was withdrawn. Rapid growth of new shoots and flowers during spring was supported by the massive redistribution of the nutrients from the old foliage. The redistribution accounted for 85% and 65% of the total nitrogen and phosphorus input to the new shoots, respectively. Such a high ratio of redistribution resulted in a conservative nutrient economy, and must be positively related to the photosynthetic production in the ligh-limited environment.  相似文献   

Marine ectotherms, including oysters are exposed to variable environmental conditions in coastal shallow waters and estuaries. In the light of global climate change, additional stressors like pollution might pose higher risk to populations. On the basis of the concept of oxygen- and capacity-limited thermal tolerance in aquatic ectotherms (40), we show that a persistent pollutant, cadmium, can have detrimental effects on oysters (Crassostrea virginica). During acute warming from 20 to 28 degrees C (4 degrees C/48 h) standard metabolic rate (SMR) rose in control and cadmium-exposed (50 microg Cd2+/l) animals, with a consistently higher SMR in Cd-exposed oysters. Additionally, Cd-exposed oysters showed a stronger temperature-dependent decrease in hemolymph oxygen partial pressures. This observation indicates that the effect of temperature on aerobic metabolism was exacerbated due to the additional Cd stress. The oxygen delivery systems could not provide enough oxygen to cover Cd-induced elevated metabolic demands at high temperatures. Interestingly, cardiac performance (measured as the heart rate and hemolymph supply to tissues) rose to a similar extent in control and Cd-exposed oysters with warming indicating that cardiac output was unable to compensate for elevated energy demand in Cd-exposed oysters. Together with the literature data on metal-induced reduction of ventilatory capacity, these findings suggest that synergistic effects of elevated temperatures and cadmium exposure led to oxygen limitation by impaired performance in oxygen supply through ventilation and circulation. Overall, cadmium exposure resulted in progressive hypoxemia in oysters at high temperatures, suggesting that the thermal tolerance window is narrowed in marine ectotherms inhabiting polluted areas compared with pristine environments.  相似文献   

Leaf demography and productivity ofAucuba japonica, an understory shrub in the warm-temperate region, were examined and dry matter economy was analyzed to evaluate the roles of the evergreen foliage. Turnover of leaves occurred during a short period in spring. The mean leaf life span was about 2.6 years. Annual NAR (net assimilation rate) of each sample shoot was calculated from the biomass and the total dead mass estimated from scars of leaves and floral parts. The average NAR was 1.34±0.22 g·g−1·yr−1. The ratio of dry matter produced by leaves during their whole life span to the initial investment was 3.45±0.37. The annual NAR calculated for individual plants was negatively related to the life span of their leaves. The seasonal change in SLW (specific leaf weight) showed that the reserve material in leaves was accumulated from autumn to early spring and was consumed for the growth of new organs in the following season. The dry matter withdrawn in spring from the overwintering foliage amounted to 40% of dry mass of the new organs developed.  相似文献   

The introduced shrub Tamarix ramosissima invades riparian zones, but loses competitiveness under flooding. Metabolic effects of flooding could be important for T. ramosissima, but have not been previously investigated. Photosynthesis rates, stomatal conductance, internal (intercellular) CO2, transpiration, and root alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity were compared in T. ramosissima across soil types and under drained and flooded conditions in a greenhouse. Photosynthesis at 1500 μmol quanta m−2 s−1 (A1500) in flooded plants ranged from 2.3 to 6.2 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 during the first week, but A1500 increased to 6.4–12.7 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 by the third week of flooding. Stomatal conductance (gs) at 1500 μmol quanta m−2 s−1 also decreased initially during flooding, where gs was 0.018 to 0.099 mol H2O m−2 s−1 during the first week, but gs increased to 0.113–0.248 mol H2O m−2 s−1 by the third week of flooding. However, photosynthesis in flooded plants was reduced by non-stomatal limitations, and subsequent increases indicate metabolic acclimation to flooding. Root ADH activities were higher in flooded plants compared to drained plants, indicating oxygen stress. Lower photosynthesis and greater oxygen stress could account for the susceptibility of T. ramosissima at the onset of flooding. Soil type had no effect on photosynthesis or on root ADH activity. In the field, stomatal conductance, leaf water potential, transpiration, and leaf δ13C were compared between T. ramosissima and other flooded species. T. ramosissima had lower stomatal conductance and water potential compared to Populus deltoides and Phragmites australis. Differences in physiological responses for T. ramosissima could become important for ecological concerns.  相似文献   

In North America, most Artemisia (Asteraceae) shrub species lack the ability to resprout after disturbances that remove aboveground biomass. We studied the response of one of the few resprouting Artemisia shrubs, Artemisia filifolia (sand sagebrush), to the effects of prescribed fires. We collected data on A. filifolia density and structural characteristics (height, canopy area, and canopy volume) in an A. filifolia shrubland in the southern Great Plains of North America. Our study sites included areas that had not been treated with prescribed fire, areas that had been treated with only one prescribed fire within the previous 5 years, and areas that had been treated with two prescribed fires within the previous 10 years. Our data were collected at time periods ranging from ½ to 5 years after the prescribed fires. Density of A. filifolia was not affected by one or two fires. Structural characteristics, although initially altered by prescribed fire, recovered to levels characteristic of unburned areas in 3–4 years after those fires. In contrast to most non-sprouting North American Artemisia shrub species, our research suggested that the resprouting A. filifolia is highly tolerant to the effects of fire.  相似文献   

The medicinal shrub Carapichea ipecacuanha (ipecac) is an amphitropic species with three disjunct areas of distribution. In the Brazilian Atlantic and Amazonian ranges, the species was associated mostly with the understory of seasonal semideciduous forests, whereas in the Central American–Colombian range, the species occurred in the understory of moist evergreen forests. We examined the phylogeographic structure of ipecac using chloroplast trnT‐trnL and nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences from 120 and 46 specimens, respectively. To complement existing data on root alkaloid profiles, we used high‐performance liquid chromatography to assess the levels of emetine and cephaeline in 33 specimens from the two Brazilian ranges. The three ranges shared neither nuclear nor chloroplast haplotypes. The phylogeographic structures showed an uneven distribution of genetic diversity, sharp breaks and high levels of genetic differentiation among ranges. Our results suggest that the extant populations are descendents of at least four distinct ancestral lineages. The Atlantic ipecacs showed higher levels of genetic diversity than ipecacs from the other two ranges; it is likely that they derive from two ancestral lineages, with long‐term persistence in that region. The Amazonian ipecacs were monomorphic with respect to the ITS and cpDNA sequences, which supports the view that there was a recent expansion from a single parental source after a strong genetic bottleneck. The existence of a fourth distinct lineage is apparent from the high levels of genetic and chemical differentiation that we identified in the Central American–Columbian ipecacs.  相似文献   

Since relatively few quantitative immunological studies had been conducted with invertebrates, this study was designed to learn more about the immune potential of the oyster, a molluscan representative. Experiments measured the primary and secondary clearance rates of T2 coliphage in the oyster. The fate of phage injected intracardially or intramuscularly was traced by measuring serum and tissue fluid plaque-forming unit levels at various times postinjection. Phage-neutralizing activity was also measured. Although circulating T2-neutralizing antibody was not induced in the oyster, secondary injections of T2 were cleared more rapidly than primary injections. The difference in clearance rates between primary and secondary groups was not as pronounced in the oyster as in the lemon shark, an animal capable of producing high levels of serum antibody to T2.  相似文献   

We explored the short-term adjustment in photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) in adult and young leaves of the understory neotropical shrub Psychotria limonensis Krause (Rubiaceae) in response to rapid changes in the light environment. Leaves were collected from 20 individual plants growing under sun and shade conditions on Gigante Peninsula, Barro Colorado Natural Monument (Republic of Panama), during the wet season of 1996. Leaves were distributed in four sequences of light treatments (AB leaves were expanded under sun and were transferred to shade, BA leaves experienced the opposite transfer, and the controls AA and BB leaves that were expanded and maintained under sun or shade conditions). Adult and young leaves did not differ in overall photochemical efficiency. Instead, differences were found among light environments, for which leaves transferred from shade to sun showed the lowest Fv/Fm ratios. There was no relationship between photochemical efficiency and leaf temperature. In P. limonensis, understory plants are susceptible of photoinhibition independently of the leaf ontogenetic stage. The approach utilized in this experiment allowed the rapid exploration of this capacity, and could be applied to poorly studied understory species.  相似文献   

Phytochemical traits are a key component of plant defense theory. Chemical ecology has been biased towards studying effects of individual metabolites even though effective plant defenses are comprised of diverse mixtures of metabolites. We tested the phytochemical landscape hypothesis, positing that trophic interactions are contingent upon their spatial location across a phytochemically diverse landscape. Specifically, intraspecific phytochemical changes associated with vertical strata in forests were hypothesised to affect herbivore communities of the neotropical shrub Piper kelleyi Tepe (Piperaceae). Using a field experiment, we found that phytochemical diversity increased with canopy height, and higher levels of phytochemical diversity located near the canopy were characterised by tradeoffs between photoactive and non‐photoactive biosynthetic pathways. For understory plants closer to the ground, phytochemical diversity increased as direct light transmittance decreased, and these plants were characterised by up to 37% reductions in herbivory. Our results suggest that intraspecific phytochemical diversity structures herbivore communities across the landscape, affecting total herbivory.  相似文献   

Aims Recent studies have shown that alpine meadows on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau act as significant CO2 sinks. On the plateau, alpine shrub meadow is one of typical grassland ecosystems. The major alpine shrub on the plateau is Potentilla fruticosa L. (Rosaceae), which is distributed widely from 3 200 to 4 000 m. Shrub species play an important role on carbon sequestration in grassland ecosystems. In addition, alpine shrubs are sensitive to climate change such as global warming. Considering global warming, the biomass and productivity of P. fruticosa will increase on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Thus, understanding the carbon dynamics in alpine shrub meadow and the role of shrubs around the upper distribution limit at present is essential to predict the change in carbon sequestration on the plateau. However, the role of shrubs on the carbon dynamics in alpine shrub meadow remains unclear. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the magnitude of CO2 exchange of P. fruticosa shrub patches around the upper distribution limit and to elucidate the role of P. fruticosa on ecosystem CO2 fluxes in an alpine meadow.Methods We used the static acrylic chamber technique to measure and estimate the net ecosystem productivity (NEP), ecosystem respiration (R e), and gross primary productivity (GPP) of P. fruticosa shrub patches at three elevations around the species' upper distribution limit. Ecosystem CO2 fluxes and environmental factors were measured from 17 to 20 July 2008 at 3 400, 3 600, and 3 800 m a.s.l. We examined the maximum GPP at infinite light (GPP max) and maximum R e (R emax) during the experimental time at each elevation in relation to aboveground biomass and environmental factors, including air and soil temperature, and soil water content.Important findings Patches of P. fruticosa around the species' upper distribution limit absorbed CO2, at least during the daytime. Maximum NEP at infinite light (NEP max) and GPP max of shrub patches in the alpine meadow varied among the three elevations, with the highest values at 3 400 m and the lowest at 3 800 m. GPP max was positively correlated with the green biomass of P. fruticosa more strongly than with total green biomass, suggesting that P. fruticosa is the major contributor to CO2 uptake in the alpine shrub meadow. Air temperature influenced the potential GPP at the shrub-patch scale. R emax was correlated with aboveground biomass and R emax normalized by aboveground biomass was influenced by soil water content. Potentilla fruticosa height (biomass) and frequency increased clearly as elevation decreased, which promotes the large-scale spatial variation of carbon uptake and the strength of the carbon sink at lower elevations.  相似文献   

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