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Malaria continues to kill some two million people a year, half of whom are young children. We have no vaccine, the parasite has become resistant to the most effective drugs, and elimination of the mosquito vector through spraying with insecticide is being questioned. Yet research on malaria is — at last — being funded reasonably well. What has been achieved? Scientists gathered at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi from 13-15 February 2003 to discuss these issues. Because many antima-larial strategies work at the cell surface (see the abstract on Membranes as future therapeutic targets) it seems appropriate to give readers of Bioscience Reports: Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Cell Surface an opportunity to catch a glimpse of the current situation through the (unedited) abstracts of the invited speakers.  相似文献   

OECD/PISA研究中科学素养的涵义及其理论基础   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OECD/PISA是由经济合作及发展组织(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.以下简称OECD)策划的学生基础能力国际研究计划(Programme for International Student Assessment,以下简称PISA),是继TIMSS(第3次国际数学与科学测试项目)之后,全球范围进行的又一项大型学生学习质量比较研究项目。目的是评价15岁学生在完成义务教育之后,是否能够掌握未来生活所需的知识与技能。它是不同政府间的共同研究,是一项集体协作研究计划。  相似文献   

Despite the historical relationship between embryology and evolutionarybiology, during most of the 20th century developmental biologyand evolutionary biology have existed as two separate subdisciplinesof biology. Recently a reunion of these subdisciplines beganto take place. This reunion involves the formulation of evolutionaryexplanations of developmental phenomena and the applicationof developmental processes as mechanisms of evolutionary change.The symposium speakers have considered both aspects of the reunionas well as some of the theoretical and methodological issuesthat are emerging from it.  相似文献   

根据OECD/PISA研究报告,简要介绍了OECD/PISA研究中科学素养评价的范围。  相似文献   

Dr Nigel Barlow died on 4 June 2003 aged 53 in Christchurch, New Zealand. Nigel completed his PhD at the University of East Anglia in 1977 and emigrated to New Zealand in 1979 where he worked initially at Palmerston North and for the last 12 years for AgResearch at Lincoln. Nigel made an enormous contribution to New Zealand ecological science through the use of mathematically based models. In particular, he worked on insect pests such as grass grubs and vertebrate pests such as possums and rabbits, producing over 130 papers. Nigel’s models of bovine tuberculosis underpinned the current strategies and expenditure of over $50 million each year on the control of wildlife vectors on this disease. Nigel’s capabilities as a scientist were not only in the applied field but also reflected in his ability to win funds with his student John Kean from the prestigious Marsden Fund for basic research on the causes of rarity. He was Editor of the New Zealand Journal of Ecology from 1985 to 1990 and of the Journal of Applied Ecology. Nigel was awarded the New Zealand Ecological Society Award for his outstanding contribution to applied ecology in 1996 and posthumously in 2003 the Caughley Medal for lifetime contributions to wildlife management and ecology by the Australasian Wildlife Management Society. Nigel was a true polymath and enthusiast about all natural history. He had an interest in bird-winged butterflies and regularly vanished into the jungles of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea to study them. He was fascinated by crocodilians and anacondas, mountain climbing, landscape painting, and malt whisky. At work he was resistant to bureaucratic interference but happy to pass on his abilities and insights to his students and numerous colleagues.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Current advances in computational biology are derivedfrom two sets of ideas established in the work of Santiago Ramóny Cajal. One is the neuron doctrine, which holds that neuronsare the functional units of the nervous system, and has ledto detailed models of neuronal properties based on increasinginformation on the physical and chemical properties of neurons.The second is the idea of networks of neurons with specificpatterns of interconnections that has led to a variety of mathematicalmethods of analyzing such networks. Future work in computationalneurobiology promises to be a blend of these two modeling approaches.  相似文献   

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